tv [untitled] May 5, 2012 4:00am-4:30am EDT
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mass protests against the military route is in egypt and in deadly clashes fueling fears violence will escalate further ahead of the landmark presidential election. campaigning ends in france ahead of sunday's presidential runoff but which many see as decisive for the troubled european union. we are seeing links between these terrorist groups in different parts of the world and so the response has also to be global. traces of international terrorism and doug it stands twin blasts as the russian republic was the victims of that time which killed thirteen people and injured dozens more.
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international news live from moscow this is our she was mean thanks for joining is less than three weeks before egypt's landmark presidential election on the country's plunging deeper into turmoil mass protests against the interim military rulers have turned deadly leaving at least one person reported dead and scores injured let's now get more from our correspondent in the region paul it's clear poor nice to see you so what triggered the clashes this time. well friday's violence a city have been triggered when protesters ignored warnings not to approach the defense ministry building they started throwing stones at security forces who responded with tear gas and water cannons and according to a number of eyewitnesses they were rounds of live ammunition that were fired what is particularly significant those are for the first time we witnessing hard line islamize at the forefront of these what have become weekly demonstrations with the
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ruling military and when we talk about islam as we're talking here about the powerful muslim brotherhood as well as the ultra conservative party the islam has joined the confrontations when two heavyweight islamised candidates who had been put forward for the presidential polls that are taking place later this month were disqualified but it is raising fears that these numbers will hijack these confrontations now the protesters resulted in according to the health ministry one person killed inside is a guy with some one hundred and say we are injured and we are two hundred people i wasted and we were on friday in a televised address we really were military warned that more people would be arrested if they were seemed to be involved in instigating violence we also assume a quote sort of violence in the port city of suez we anti military demonstrators stormed the building that houses the governor's office now all of this comes hot on the heels of deadly cashes in leave in the week on wednesday in front of the
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defense ministry building and here we see allegations go forward and backwards between the security forces and the protesters in terms of who started it according to the protesters they were attacked by thugs and plain clothed police and troops but according to activists as well as residents they say that the protesters began the violence by provoking the forces and that many of the protesters themselves were armed what is particularly significant is that we are witnessing cracks in the opposition to the ruling military whereas once they seem united more and more we're hearing of these splinter groups beginning to form this corner and has this surge in violence affecting the election campaign in egypt. so these surging violence is affecting the election campaign in what we're witnessing is that these fears street battles are raising fears of a new cycle of violence ahead of these presidential elections on the twenty third
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and twenty fourth of may we violence has also left the campaigning in turmoil already two weeks trying to run as well as several other candidates and candidates have an ounce of where they are temporarily suspending their campaigns in protest against the heavy handedness in which the ruling military has been dealing with protesters there is also anger increasing across the spend political spectrum against skeff the supreme council of the armed forces they accuse the generals of number one not wanting to sincerely hand over power and number two of steering a messy transition of using oppressive measures to cling to power and they also say that the generals are not sincere about really wanting to hand over all the power come the twenty fourth of may and that they're trying to maneuver a way that they can still maintain some kind of control over the reins of authority what we've been hearing from the generals exact coming twenty fourth of may if there is one hour flight when or from one of the thirteen candidates who is
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standing in these presidential elections then they will hand over power but as i say increasingly egyptians on the street don't believe the word of the ruling military. our correspondent in the region paula it's clear paula many thanks indeed . voices of islam is growing louder in cairo's tahrir square their message is also being heard on the streets of germany so that later in the program we take a look at a controversial campaign by one of the most radical muslim movements carried out in the european powerhouse. the u.n. peace plan for series working despite reports of ceasefire violations so says the office of international envoy kofi annan his spokesman defended an arms mission saying violence has reduced that despite the u.s. renewing its calls for another approach hinting at the plans to defeat that assaraf earth reports from damascus many syrians hope the upcoming parliamentary vote will also bring some stability to the conflict torn country. syria's gearing up for
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parliamentary elections next week and all across the capital damascus right now you can see these campaign posters that have been put up around the city now this comes as the u.n. observers are in the country touring around different areas tasked with verifying the implementation the u.n. envoy k finance peace plan now casey and spokes person has come out and said that peace plan despite reported violations from both sides is back on track now that statement came against the backdrop of pressure we've seen being increased by some of the international countries we've seen the u.s. secretary of state hillary clinton was in china this week urging the country to apply further sanctions on syria now really the message from the u.n. envoy spokes person with this this crisis that has now been going on for more than a year is not going to be solved in
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a day is not going to be solved overnight is going to take time and say now really what you're seeing is a focus on these observers on their task in hand and of situations such as the parliamentary elections what the outcome of these will be the parliamentary elections have come under a lot of criticism certainly from the opposition for taking place at the wrong time people feel that against the backdrop of a lack of security and of continuing violence that is simply not the right time to be holding these parliamentary elections but of course we've heard a lot of people calling for this push for democracy in the country to be implemented through the ballot box and not three bullets. russia's republic of dagestan is mourning the victims of tween terror attacks which claimed the lives of session people and injured more than one hundred to a powerful blast rocked a police checkpoint in the capital much within twenty minutes of each other out is
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maria financial reports it's a sad fact that the recent attacks on police and authorities and i'm merely the latest incident in a long running history of violence in russia's volatile caucasus region but thursday's tragedy has already become the most devastating in months two massive car blasts in the outskirts of the capital markets and woke up the entire city. we were at home watching t.v. then we heard an explosion little t.v. set down and broke. around twenty cars were destroyed and the scene was littered with human body politic some even thrown as far as nearby trees and rooftops. de vry was spread for hundreds of meters around. my brother and me ducked down this metal being still here my brother almost. but they were among the lucky ones as their tech claimed more than a dozen lives policeman rescuers local residents the first explosion took off here
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when officers from this police post stopped the car for documents check apparently the driver was a suicide bomber minutes later as many police cars and ambulances teams and emergency crews and fire brigades reach the area the second blast occurred it was much more powerful you can see the crater is huge one some reports say the second last had a force of one hundred kilos into intake roland and it claimed the most victims investigators have already identified the owners of both exploded cars. the double attack one mortar another as a tactic commonly used by international terrorist organizations such as an qaeda. in places like iraq and afghanistan is designed to kill as many people as possible the president of darkest and was away when the blasts happened in a bitter rivalry he was at a congress in moscow in
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a counterterrorism complains recent success. the caucasus region has been suffering attacks by islamist terrorists for years this recent one the deadliest militants strike is part of this and go in battle between russia's federal forces and militants and it's unlikely to be the last. hour to report on from in russia's biggest town and security expert dennis son that believes their tactics used in their tanks point to links with international terrorist groups which must be tackled godly. there are very obvious similarities in the tactics that we are seeing in the north caucasus these days and tactics used by. similar forces in iraq and afghanistan this is a particularly cool type of terrorist attack and it seems now to have reached the north caucasus and this is a sign of contacts that exist between these terrorist groups in different parts of
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the world works like a franchise organization. it has a template and it encourages groups. to copy it this is a global problem we are seeing links between these terrorist groups in different parts of the world and so the response has also to be global and i welcome very much cooperation. between russia and western countries and dealing with tackling these issues. still ahead for you here and i'll see you focusing their attention to the wrong place if. they have these laws in place to attack piracy and i think ten years from now it's going to seem laughable and sad that our government went after pirates critics made a case against the pirate crime down as another time to censor the web find.
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out even protest in the u.s. parents teachers and children to stage a rally of a devastating budget cuts later find out more about their rights to teach us how it is a lesson. the two french presidential candidates have made their last appeals to voters ahead of sunday's run off poll the debt crisis has been central to that campaign is what francois hollande promising to challenge the e.u. fiscal pact and agreement championed by his rival nicolas sarkozy. for. well one day to go before the french at the polls and make that decisive vote and even the city itself was prepared for it there that's president now it's down to two men incumbent nicolas sarkozy of the socialist challenger fonso along cording to the polls is still trailing behind the log but there is still the question mark as to pull the voters of but in the pen of the national front and such as france will by rule who are they going to choose up for the site they're proud of friends will essentially be choosing between
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a man along with claims that he will bring back the wall would be to the country also want to go head to head with german chancellor angela merkel to challenge a fiscal pact that he says is bad for us on the other hand you have a man of subtlety with claims that he is the only one who can prevent france from going down the path with greece italy spain and all the trouble to resolve nations have gone down but there is a group of french people who believe that they don't really have a choice when it comes to the program to do that and therefore the personality of these two men has become just as important as the proposals they put for it boils down to which man is more presidential could take on the better for the beginning of the campaign there has a big box of things yes of the people saying that they don't really see any of the candidates was up to that with a real solution that could bring france out of the wild card but it's nevertheless eighty percent of voters have said that they have already made up their minds be it for sarkozy or dogs for either of the two. and next hour we have no insight into
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the european debt crisis with michael stacey lifting the lid on the debt to secrets behind the financial headlines that's in the kinds of report. and ultraconservative muslim group is broaden its appeal to europeans and with the reach of the salafist movement one of the most radical branches of islam is permitted by the freedom of religion law there are growing concerns about the message being spread going off reports from that. afternoon prayer in central maryland. and once the worshiping ended the free distribution of qur'an its continued. three hundred thousand copies in over one hundred across most parts of germany. if the
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bible can be distributed why not the qur'an. there's nothing illegal about handing out the koran the campaign may be provocative since it kicked off during easter but it's not even the timing which could do so much attention but who is behind the distribution. that the southeast movement is one of the most radical wings of islam known for its truth interpretations of the koran and in association with jihad the holy war against nonbelievers and punishments that can include amputation and stoning not exactly the most constitutional penalties this man sums up the credo don't mention who gives men the right to create laws that right belongs to. organized by the local salafist community the campaign's long term goal is to put twenty five million copies of the koran into german forms but it's not clear which interpretation is being used. there are passages about violet's
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especially gets will be protected by the law is also about violet's it gets the other faithful. it says here this is only an approximate translation. one of germany's most influential service leaders has already been charged in cologne with inserting the public to commit illegal acts. i do believe these people are dangerous they don't just which is ok but they're trying to draw the us into a specific interpretation which promotes violence. the distribution of religious literature is protected where the constitution being part of the right to the freedom of opinion. as long as it doesn't promote violence or he tricked. it's not officially established if that's the case with all the grounds being given out by the zionists so for now the only legal option for the german authorities is to stand aside and watch you want this guy or girl in. there's
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always a wealth of stories news and comment can also be found on our website. and here's what's lined up online right now for you that belong to almost a hundred and fifty people were wounded in this explosion during a political rally in armenia find out what caused the terrible incident. and the young man in a wheelchair has been denied entry top club in russia zeros on his birthday despite a ranging they partake in advise discover the details. the u.k. high court has recently called for the country's internet providers to block access to a massive file sharing website claiming it was distributing corp rights material but
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the moves back fired with the pirate bay welcoming twelve million more u.k. visitors to its site last week journalist david seaman says governments across the globe need to focus on more serious internet crimes. fight against quote unquote piracy is global we have these powerful but dying entertainment corporations that are putting tremendous pressure on legislators and on law enforcement on our government to crack down on what they see as piracy but piracy is not the same thing is that when you distribute a piece of music or you know a comedy show or anything like that and other people see it it's not as if the original creator has lost anything in fact there is a lot of evidence that those artists who receive a lot of play over the so-called piracy networks. end up doing quite well because they reach millions of people who would not have even known about them otherwise they have these laws in place to attack piracy and i think ten years from now it's
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going to seem laughable and sad that our government went after pirates when there are legitimate digital crimes happening online there's identity theft there's credit card fraud there are very serious things happening this online harassment all these things are happening and i think that's what our law enforcement agencies should be focused on they demand of a secret society and innovate its sense of status and power but can members of these. resident theory hofner this is on the streets of new york to find out the opinions of people that. do you believe a secret elite is running the world this week let's talk about that there doesn't seem to be any compelling evidence the world has too many. disparate and independently acting things and functions in it for there to be sort of a single. ball of individuals instructing them where to go it just doesn't seem
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credible to me what about groups like the bills or bridge group or the bohemian club those kinds of things and i think a lot of that is just sort of overblown and just rhetorical but there are groups of people that are powerful men that get together once a year and no one knows what they're talking about but we know they get together what do you think they're talking about. i get together with my friends couples homes here nobody knows who are talking about either so i don't really care about what is the one thing that they're making decisions that influence your life. do exist. in a part of the world but not the whole world so it seems there is a lot of different groups with different goals so there's a little element of it but it's not as evil as people might think yes exactly i don't really have an opinion on it i mean if you know rich people are rich people are going to have their own little country club that's fine really bother me but money influences the world's right true but many of these people probably are
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employing us right. so it seems like most people don't even care whether or not there's a secret elite group of people ruling the world and if they do exist that's probably just the way they like it. the recent peace agreement between the u.s. and afghanistan has confirmed washington's commitment to the country even after his soldiers leave but according to his military contributor you get the road is now left wide open for the permanent presence of u.s. troops in the region. the strategic partnership agreement signed by the us president in afghanistan of the dead of the night is neither strategic nor it could be cool in any sense as any partnership between the united states and their gayness to this bizarre alliance between american democracy and. narco state could qualify for partnership from the washington viewpoint
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then it means that all other stakeholders in afghan and pakistani security and stability have a lot of homework to do to recalibrate their new air protarchus to the open ended and in fact permanent u.s. military presence in afghanistan. let's now take a look at some other international stories making headlines around the world this hour for claims nine eleven mastermind khalid shaikh mohammed and four other that accused of planning their transit is in the u.s. will be charged today at the grand ton of a day there are new rules for trials held at guantanamo including a ban on evidence obtained under torture of previous attempts to charge maha that was stopped three years ago when president barack obama tried to close the prison for two years of some of the victims of nine eleven or in the military complex to
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attend the arraignment. you were strong strike has killed at least nine suspected militants in northwest pakistan the region is thought to be a lifeline a ton of on course border insurgent activity pakistan has previously complained about that target say they violated sovereignty the rate of u.s. let's try it has increased since president obama took office in two thousand and eight. when a french court has sentenced and algerian born scientist of five years in prison for plotting terrorist attacks i believe that he sure was arrested in two thousand and nine after police intercepted. communications suggested he sure was willing to be part of an active terrorist unit officials became suspicious of your show in two thousand and eight when threatening messages from al qaeda were sent to president nicolas sarkozy. and there's just two days left before russia gets its new leader as dmitry medvedev hands over to vladimir putin as president the inauguration
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ceremony will take place in the magnificent halls of the kremlin from which will be broadcasting live for you our special coverage is coming your way up to seven thirty am gentiva on monday. i. know. so don't miss it on monday let's andre's house and parent seizures on children taking to the streets in protest over severe cuts to schooling they blame the government for failing standards that's after the education budget slashed by heart
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and recent years has made in a culture listened to their plight. parents who join forces can be a powerful voice for change. i have a thing i think i drink socially right actually i take it was ok this is the third year that this has been how to serve if the governor is caught you would go into a plane from ny from two thousand and three till today the will of experience of forty six percent much akin to eleven year old vanessa had to repeat her grade and was well behind and just reading ability she lives with her mother to remain in the port town in south in california. frustration over what she sees as the school's paintings led her to use the state's pioneering parent trigger law we were outraged disappointed and felt that we had to do something find a way to make
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a positive change her children below allow spare into the school with consistently poor results to file a petition to reform this court although rejected by the local authority to send this claims parents are taking it all the way to the courts that i don't want to get upset but it's frustrating because i want my daughter to get out of the kitchen of my son's three or four he's going to be going to never i mean if he starts in this school might as well keep all my home because he's not going to be learning there and we need to get the best for him and for both because i want to go to have opportunities and not to be become somebody in my adelanto doesn't stand alone when it comes to dating standards how imported by the state coffers are running on empty axe jerkier killer programs and even the number of teachers have been cut and the axe is in a step swing gania. the proposed twenty twelve budget would slash thirty five point two billion dollars from public school funding unless troops can be persuaded
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to have income and sales taxes. for an. now some schools here are moving to four day weeks canceling field trips and charging students to play sports while mothers like since you and do read are trying to take the law into their own hands and show their stories that their children deserve the right to a decent education i do not question archie reporting from california under the few minutes as the moscow teen comes up with ideas of what to go and what to see if you're raising a child in a foreign country that's not our roundup of our headlines.
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