tv [untitled] May 6, 2012 2:01pm-2:31pm EDT
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oh and thanks for joining our tea this sunday with me karen tower now very exciting sunday than mikel last cozy looks to have become the first french president since world war two to have lost a real action bid reports coming from france are putting his opponent socialist francois hollande as the winner of the country's head to head presidential vote we can now cross to our correspondent tess are silly in paris for more of this reaction tessa it looks like mr o'mara is on his way to victory doesn't it. well actually he has already won just seconds ago we're looking at the first sound seems to do for a sense for france all alone and forty eight percent for nicolas sarkozy you can
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hear the crowd behind me like i'm trying to think of the live i didn't have the headquarters of the socialist party and they are ecstatic to be here this say that they have voted for change they have had enough of nicolas sarkozy a stark contrast to the mood abir cab of it because of course the very musing over there and here is certainly celebrating now the question is how much shades are they really going to see if they voted for this model hoping that their problems when it comes out of the way made all the economic crisis that they've been facing will be sold so that is the question how much change can they really bring about this model throughout the campaign has been to change is it now it has been a very very tough like campaign and we saw a record number a large number of french people coming out to vote this time only nineteen point nine percent abstention rate and that dire showed how much in the french people wanted this so again you can hear the crowd behind me just want to give you a sense of what they're feeling. right now i think they don't make the end of
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anything right now but celebrating and then we'll have for so long for his part had said that right after he was he's been very he's we've tried now he wants to speak to german chancellor angela merkel the spokes person it said that that can happen tonight see some movement over the happening there but again just to repeat to you the results here fifty two percent to four possible along the socialist challenger had it because he was forty eight percent and he is the first president since world war two has not won the election victory and a lot is the first president in seventy eight yes socialist president is seventy two years to get back to power since i know i know it's hard to hear and i can see we're looking at live pictures everybody very excited has there been any word of the people who aren't excited about alonso victory. well certainly if he has some go see some cycles eke out of there certainly not to very happy about this will they have been kept to the very end have been trying to fight hard for this it tried to keep a cautious offer to visit even that palace to pay had come out and said that he was
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god for that for the way but certainly it does not look out of way right now all right tess arsole r r t correspondent live there looking like a very exotic celebration thank you for that update we've just heard fifty two percent. has become president now somebody who isn't that excited as economists patrick young he's a director all that investment firm who says how there's no real difference between the candidates and that neither although we know francoise hollande has won neither of these people can offer a solution to france's financial woes. the economic policies that are being put forward by all of the candidates in the french presidential election even in the first round were all based upon the most juvenile understanding of economics that we've ever seen i mean it's a sort of thing that bloggers love and you all see at the bottom end of the comment pages amongst all of the other teenage people who love to use those sorts of things
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on the internet but is it realistic of course it isn't and actually i think while we're all whole all can he turn wrong and the whole ship of what has been the know the pigmy achievements of the boys and war for the elites i know of course the hound and ultimately what's going to happen with these european relationships where of course everybody's trying to make it as if it's going to be some sort of huge controversy but let's remember only a couple of years ago mrs merkel and mr sarkozy couldn't stand the sight of each other and therefore you have two politicians neither of whom realistically have got a chance of putting france on the right economic truck. well let's now get more reaction from these results from france joining me now is alex korbel spokesman for the contra points dot org and news website mr corbell so it seems that in the first round nicolas sarkozy a received a forty eight point two one percent that is the lowest number of votes
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a sitting president has received in the history of france what were the failures that led to such a poor result. well i think from the beginning because he was seen as a meddling too much research rich people and so it was a stay of that was like a big weakness for him during his he's reelection campaign but also he's like. the bottom line of these monday it was disastrous he didn't make the economic reforms improvised and the few that he actually made. where really. really lukewarm and and the treaty so successful so the two thousand and seven sentiment in front that change was actually possible with a totally disappeared in two thousand and twelve and i think it's fair to say that francois hollande results in the first round were one of the left's best ever are people simply are desperate for some alternative to these drastic cuts in economic
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stagnation. well actually i think that french voters. a choice between the man they're no longer wanted. and a man they don't really want or not so well known these are going to i mean he provides a lot of thing you promised more. subsidiaries jobs he promised the new public job seen in education nearly sixty so thin. a raise in the minimum wage. to crazy in the in the pension in the pension age i mean the retirement age and then the soul from ace's as no i mean the figure is he's not like twenty billion additional expenses he plans to finance twenty billion i try expenses by raising taxes so you will see
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a lot of close to rich in the future and believe me believe me in the coming weeks or in the coming months. the the bond markets will be more watchful than the french voters that there are two names i want to throw at you angela merkel and david cameron they have openly voiced their support for sacco z. but now that all out has won what's going to happen to their relationships between these countries. between poland on cameron i don't really know but between. i think that he you know well known he's willing to negotiate a new treaty when it comes to fiscal did disappear believe me he will experience in the coming months the power of the good i mean the negotiation power of just america because just a milk miracle will face an election in in one year and will not be willing to compromise we said was a french president and the sort of bridge relationship between france and germany
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are really not a relationship between equals so i think that. again as from from aced a lot of things but you would not be able to to actually deliver them all when it comes to fiscal discipline because now we know that sarkozy's foreign policy was rather aggressive i mean he returned france to nato increased its military presence in afghanistan and took a major role in nato's air campaign in libya how do you foresee all odds policy different. generally when you look at the history of france there is no real difference between. the center left and system to right when it comes to foreign policy so you should expect. the continuation of the current trend. and you've been in them in the meeting and even mentioned that in the middle east and the same. is the same for push for more
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european integration all right alex cornbelt spokesman for the cultural points dot org news website thank you. thank you very much. opposition activists have clashed with police in central moscow after defying orders to move to the officially agreed location for their rally the anti-government protest dubbed the march of millions was timed for the eve of putin's presidential inauguration artie's a year going to school all that has the details. the police have managed to restore order on bolotnaya square most of the protesters have now left the area but i must say at some points it was pretty ugly a rally itself originally was pretty peaceful until one of the radical leaders of the opposition i said you will die so if called on the crowd to move away from the authorized area and gathered at another spot not agreed with the authorities the police tried blocking the crowd due to safety reasons but i guess some of the
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radical activists tried breaking through the very key to leading to scuffles on clashes with the authorities some activists were seen throwing pieces of concrete molotov cocktails even and small going aides at the police and this led to injuries on both sides according to the latest figures that we're getting twenty seven people have been injured including twenty policeman at one point the situation here in moscow really began looking like last year's riots in london and many people we spoke with here say they're fed up with this huge you got to deal with the people who carry out such actions are extremists people who want to change things though not by way of revolution not by violence but through really forms those are the kind of people we need like you to get a solution we need to these protests out of control there's nothing good in this we need to try and find peaceful solutions to all problems. will not die you know
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everyone sick and tired of that so we want peace this is useless. several journalists were injured here as well and in a separate incident a man fell out of the window of the building as he was taking photographs of the protest march the building is not far away here from square it's fair to say that police were not getting ready for any aggressive behavior from the protesters since most of the previous rallies did go on peacefully so there were no water cannons no teeth tear gas. used to either but due to the aggressive behavior two hundred fifty people were arrested including three opposition leaders including sort of you guys often blogger aleksey in the one the who is now calling in his twitter account for people to go to more unsanctioned protests rallies. parties political analyst peter lavelle believes that the organizers of the march needed to provoke the authorities to keep the whole protest alive there have been protests here since the start of
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the russian federation this is nothing new but the same people that these numbers are not growing they're getting smaller gentleman they're getting smaller someone needs a provocation to keep this movement alive because gentlemen logically speaking this is the last thing but i'm here who didn't want the world to see the day before you know one of the interesting things is of the protest movement energized the base for the presidential election now we're going to see again energized because people get a look at this and say oh this is not what we bought into with mr putin because this was the one nine hundred ninety s. this is the one nine hundred ninety s. people don't want to go back there putin will comment on it tomorrow and elsewhere and moscow supporters of the government apple medical establishment been marking the anniversary of the popular front movement created by floods in that uproots in the last year our correspondent was there. within supporters of course are those who are comprising the popular frauds which is liberating it's one hears that
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a verse three today. organization was formed on the innocent let's listen in order to bring together all those who were not participating in any political parties were not members of any political parties but still wanted at one point maybe to make a sort of a political statement those people were all gathered under the umbrella of the popular front and a lot of the work here today flags there saying victory and woods and together because people here are primarily those who support the government and everything that is happening in the country right now at the moment and just as vladimir putin prepares to take office a russian fugitive is offering big money for his arrest exiled russian tycoon morris. is offering almost seventeen million u.s. dollars to anyone who detains putin at the inauguration of course is not the first time he's offered a such a bounty but despite the economic crisis the sum has increased ten fold from his
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previous offer for more on the story let's join journalist don de bar so don some russian media reports citing leaked information that suggest that it's all ski is throwing his considerable fortune behind the russian opposition in a sort of hidden campaign to discredit top figures of power does that sound believable to you. yeah so let me preface everything that i say here with a disclaimer that it's based on information and belief and the reason i say that is this to be a result is apparently extremely with tejas he sued russian state television forbes magazine and the guardian among others in u.k. courts where he is in exile and apparently u.k. courts don't consider his status as a public figure sufficient to give the benefit of the doubt to those who are making the claim so. i believe that that that he is behind this i can't say that i have
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a large base of facts to base it on however you have the following context first is the political context you know he's a minor kist and among other things but that's that's where his political leanings have been voiced and the trend in russia from both the duma and presidential election although it showed some erosion in united russia's position that all went to the left to the communist party and to fair russia or whatever the social democratic party there and much of that was at the expense of the far right so he's actually out of touch with the sentiments of russian voters in the last two elections and cycling the international context is that i have strong suspicion is that the united states intelligence services are behind this and it's odd that this is happening at the same time that the incident with the so-called chinese dissident has occurred with him scaping from house arrest to the u.s.
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embassy and the whole drama that went on around that and i believe that this is some sort of political payback for russia and china taking a position on syria at the united nations where they vetoed u.s. military action which still leaves the united states extremely frustrated over the events in syria so why would i scale i'm sorry to interrupt but sources who suggest but is also is in cahoots with some mysterious western partners on this venture any inkling as to who those partners might be well again i said i think there's a very strong possibility that he's acting as an agent for u.s. intelligence and the fact that he's been you know working in the u.k. and has had the support of the british courts in shutting down british press russian press and american press and their criticisms of him tells me that he has some very powerful allies and very. i levels in the west now it is off ski is baiting prosecutors to seek his extradition on this matter and why is it that he'd
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want to do something like that well he thinks he'll get a day in court where he'll be able to do discovery and show whatever embarrassing things you knows about the russian government he was very close to putin a long time ago and it was during the period of privatization that he was very close to the previous government to yeltsin and so who knows i mean he suddenly went from being you know one of a nation of socialist people standing in relation to the means of production that way is suddenly owning a huge chunk of the music production so maybe he thinks he's going to be able to undermine the legitimacy of the current russian government by going to war but the other side of it is what really interests me because that would be illegal in any other part of the world to basically say i will pay you to kidnap the head of state which is what you say all right down of our i'm sorry that's all the time we have an antiwar activists and journalists thank you thank you. now police in
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bahrain have detained the head of the country's center for human rights without explanation now bill roache all known for his firm opposition to the ruling regime was arrested just days before an interview with the world's top whistleblower julian assad's is due to air on r.t. the civil rights leader was already facing charges of participating in protests against the government and was returning to power for a sunday court hearing the uprising has been going on for about fourteen months now with a predominantly shiite population protesting against the sunni or willing dynasty. and you to have a chance to see julian aslan as exclusive interview with nabil over a job on tuesday here on r.t. . as speak to two leading revolutionaries one from bahrain where the revolution failed was that egypt where the revolution is
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now in turmoil what makes a revolution and where is the arab spring going to go. the syrian government has granted an amnesty to two hundred sixty five rebels ahead of monday's multi-party parliamentary vote the first such election in decades meanwhile a series of blasts in the capital damascus and the northern city of aleppo killed at least three civilians on saturday and sara further reports people are placing increasing hall ball in the un observer mission monitoring the frequently breach ceasefire. in the heart of damascus thousands come out at the funerals of people killed during clashes in the capital once again drew into focus the very precarious situation the country now finds itself before the bodies of the that they carried through the streets of damascus a few rolls the people who were killed under the station they here's the story
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you've got the military the security watching and this is at the same time as the u.n. observers are supposed to be care overseeing the peace plan and you know early in the day we've joined the u.n. observers on one of the daily to is to flash point areas if services been traveling to some of the areas where the this is by things being right and you can see on the ground smooth slow steps are being taken in the observers are really going to be wanting over the coming period be fielding all night observers are also based full time in some cities like homs and it led many have felt that their presence there has bought some calm we have little time between stops to speak to the people who live here those we did talk to tell us that the last few days have been quiet but they don't know how long that will last in a situation is much calmer there's not much happening you know while i'm about people running. people shooting and i ran away i don't know exactly what was
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happening we're here at the checkpoints on the device because the u.n. has just done a tour through the area it's been a very very fast trip they've literally driven through stopping at some of the military checkpoints around speak to some of the people but no more than five ten minutes at a time to give the barely enough time to speak to some of the people in the area and get a feel for exactly what's been happening here because the observers presence here does seem to have made some small in rights situation in the country is far from. stable tension in the capital of damascus is palpable explosions here a regular occurrence now and security everywhere is tight firefighters rushed to the scene after a demonstration servers themselves have admitted a resolution won't happen overnight and it will have to come in large parts from the syrian people themselves but with parliamentary elections next week and with
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the observer mission under close scrutiny scenes like this won't do anything to raise hopes that this mission will be a success but they will say show the very real and urgent need for it to be say surface r.t. damascus. this week delmore terrible just twenty minutes apart on thursday and the republic of dagestan killed thirteen people and wounded more than one hundred two vans packed with explosives detonated in the outskirts of the capital. talk to the relatives of those who gave their own lives to save others. national mourning dagestan under muslim tradition three days after the funerals family and friends come to the symmetry twice a day to pray and to paris packed to their loved ones. to massive car bombs hit the capital much collateral thursday claiming more than a dozen lives this freshly dug grave is the final resting place of twenty nine year
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old police officer. back of his name is hendry can hear. me says he feels lost without his brother who'd acted as the head of the family since their dad passed away years ago. when the first blast happened i tried to call him but it vague that he called me back saying he was around to go into the sea help he said all was fine with him but the scene is a mess and he has to stay out to help i could hear cries of sobbing through his phone he said i'm going to call you in five to ten minutes ok. but he never called back the next time she would see his brother would be in a morgue. a piece of metal that had been placed around the ball into his chair and came out through his day. the symmetries keeper says at least this family had a body many others received only body parts in plastic bags it's
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a sad fact that the recent attacks on the police and authorities in dagestan a merely the latest incident in a long running history of violence in russia's volatile caucasus region but thursday's tragedy has already become the most devastating in months the first explosion took off here when officers from this police post stopped the car for documents checked apparently the driver was a suicide bomber minutes later as many police cars and ambulances teams and emergency crews and fire brigades reach the area the second last the current it was much more powerful you can see the crater. it's huge one some reports say the second loss had a force of one hundred kilos into intake will and i don't claim to the most victims the double attack one born after another is a tactic commonly used by international terrorist organizations such as in qaeda in places like iraq and afghanistan is designed to kill as many people as possible if
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they're right jihadi networks around the region is hosting dreaming is even funding some of the activities of you know terrorist in russia in the instant lives were snuffed out families left devastated. women again under the rules of islam don't go to cemeteries they grieve at home in the modern along with the wife say he never liked cameras and they have to console themselves with a few pictures they have. left in the morning and then came back she forgot something i told him this is a bad luck all will be fine mom tried to calm me but. i don't know how long i'm going to live but i'll live for the. police behind two little girls. i'll tell them to be good girls is their father is watching us and
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will tell them to be proud of him because he was a brave man he ran to help and died he was the best father in the world i'll tell than. an arty in russia's dagestan. well that's what we have for you this hour just to remind you that on monday we're bringing you special coverage of what's in accordance inauguration from seven thirty g.m.t. in the morning from the stunning splendor of the kremlin hall. thing
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little. thanks for joining our sunday with parents. protesters throw smoke grenades on fire works in clashes with privately some. anti-government rally with a number of opposition leaders arrested after apparently and sided crowds to defy police orders to move. the socialist francois hollande pounds while in france as a presidential election beating. with fifty one percent of the vote to become the country's first socialist president in seventeen years. and a leading human rights activist from bahrain.
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