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tv   [untitled]    May 7, 2012 1:00pm-1:30pm EDT

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back to the kremlin bloody metaphors and becomes the first russian president to step in for a third term as he sent all the rated during a lavish ceremony. and in the wake of the celebrations in new measures to make the governments more transparent and interactive. francois hollande wins the french presidency as he promises growth instead of austerity while nicolas sarkozy falls under the weight of france's mounting debt. barring arrests a leading human rights activist just days before his interview with julian assange airs on our t.v. watch the controversial show here on tuesday.
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using common broadcasting to live from the heart of moscow and karen while a very lavish celebration has taken place at the kremlin where bloody mehta putin has become the first russian president to be sworn in for a third term is now set to stay on for an unprecedented six years as putin took of the oath he appealed for unity and reform to forge a stronger russia and what he called a new stage of national development thousands of guest later join the president at a private banquet here on the details of the inauguration from our very own alex had a chef ski who was in the midst of that it's. the whole process the whole ceremony took just less than an hour first we saw live on the huge blossom screens everywhere in the in the in the george st george hall the very beautiful shots of
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the motorcade traveling from the government building from the white house to the kremlin certainly something unprecedented a normal day for the way this integration has been televised in russia so far then put in arrived he went in walked. past a thousand guests. they're greeted with a large load of a shirt and certainly the people who were there they were really happy to see. being reinstated as a present for the third term now. then he calmly and collectedly where it went into the main hall where the whole integration was to take place took the oath a very short oath only thirty three words. as i fulfill the duties of the president of the russian federation i swear to protect and guarantee the rights and freedoms of us citizens to observe and protect the constitution of the russian federation to protect the sovereignty independence and territorial integrity of all state of its people faithfully as he was leaving in fact it was and george's hole he shook hands
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with most of the crowd who were standing up on the first line loud of ation again people very happy for him then we heard from the open windows of the of the old to reshow it's just meters away from the kremlin which is. clear symbol that the third presidential term of the recording has kicked off in russia the greatest of russia were there not only from russia in fact some former leaders of world countries were there like for me telling prime minister silvio berlusconi former german chancellor gerhard schroeder we're all there as well the last soviet leader mikhail gorbachev the widow of the first president of russia in the year and even the likes of football stars the former everton football player. who was there it's interesting that even the leader of the biggest biker back in the moscow the night wolves was there and he called the surgeon a very famous guy and he was the only one not wearing a tie and suit like most of the guests he was wearing black leather jacket like all
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bikers do so differently and mixed crowd but just twenty minutes after the inauguration finished. the hall where we stood and george hall was empty because all of those guests went to dinner some speculate that this is going to cost about a million dollars so it's a speculation maybe but i never had a chance to go there with my insiders from the dinner told me that there were black caviar on the menu fried scallops even. a couple chino made of cocoa milk was there along with expensive champagne wine and definitely was a big party to remember when i was going to the kremlin on my way there in the morning it struck me that this. it is completely deserted only the policemen who were there no traffic no anything just have been certainly unprecedented for integrations in russia but this is not something we should be surprised about i remember the scenes from the united states four years back when obama was inaugurated in washington and as many as sixty five thousand policemen service and
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military were ensuring the safety in moscow there were only twenty thousand so it's under three times less than that in the united states also remember in the united states there were helicopters and even fighter jets hovering about washington d.c. to provide security in fact the security measures during obama's obama's inauguration were so serious that took special service almost a year to prepare themselves for for the process of for the ceremony of integration the same basically security measures apply to all the g. eight and g. twenty summits across the world just points is the latest g. twenty summit in france more than ten thousand policemen were securing the particular point five thousand cameras installed and twenty million euros invested into the security at this during this event so the measures security measures moscow was certainly unprecedented but on the general scale nothing unusual at all now strange after his inauguration president putin signed into force some of his promised reforms and you decrees designed to make the government apparatus more
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effective transparent artie's peter oliver has more. these are generally to improve the services that the federal and local governments offer now we're going to see waiting times in government offices cut to a modicum of fifteen minutes per person for anybody having to wait in queues there we're also going to see the internet's being used to increase the transparency of the russian government now this is something that was started by dimity made to get if this is going to be continued by vladimir putin in his third term russian president now also saying that he will raise the education of russia's bureaucrats and will root out any bureaucrats that qualified to do the jobs that they are doing well those same pure crowds will also have to declare all of their incomes in an attempt to stamp out corruption in the country also we're going to see a system develop that will allow online feedback to be given to the police and
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security services so that anybody who has a particular grievance with law enforcement can voice their opinions in that forum in terms of the legal system in general what we are going to be seeing is it made more accessible both physically and online we're going to be seeing web cams in court rooms that will broadcast the court proceedings from their investigation has been launched into what happened during sunday's riots in moscow that saw many people several people injured in fact several of the police officers who were wounded in the clashes with protesters on sunday still remain in the hospital the authorities say that they were under orders not to react to provocations and that they only moved in the right place only moved in once they realized that bystanders were actually in the line of fire also seen one hundred twenty people to taint here
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in moscow on inauguration day so despite coming back into power there still has been a few shadows on a lot of your prudence day in the sun on his inauguration however as my colleague in isa now a looks we can see what he hopes to achieve in the next term. he's back for an unprecedented third term after a break as prime minister and many say russia will need to see putin two point zero any data who's been in power for five six seven years in a difficult position because people get used to him and taken for granted he has to then reinvent himself putin has made the promise ahead of the poll he proposed vast reforms from a major crackdown on corruption to diversifying the economy and raising living standards that are still resisting putting this next term will be the one that forms his legacy as a politician in russian history and i'm sure it will be a positive one. but the people to be convinced most are the opposition gathered in
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the largest numbers russia has seen for decades after claims a vast front in december's duma vote and clashed with riot police on the eve of think it's going to ration. needs to set out for reform and not a reform on paper but something real something that both the opposition and you know the regular people not just in moscow but all throughout russia can see that this is really putin to point out the most popular politician no doubt has a majority of support across russia and it's credited with extraordinary development in the country what putin leaves few people in different at home and abroad usually comes down to love or hate i don't think that everything that putin has done is defensible or by a by a very wide stretch but there are some people who argue and such transparent bad
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faith that it's and you know it's impossible not to notice that it's just it's a person it's a personality thing in the west he's seen as harsher than mcveigh defense especially on foreign policy which could prove to be a challenge on issues like the reset with the u.s. and pushes for intervention in the middle east. just but on the economic front analysts have already times do change at least three key issues wu entry privatization investment climate reform we see. putin changing his. emphasis and direction on particular issues in a way which corresponds with a political shift a shift that is most evident on the web russians have never been more active in politics more just logs twitter facebook or something putin will have to embrace if he wants to stay in touch you have to participate otherwise you'd be excluded and you'll have the other russia which talks its own language and the president will
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talk his language leaving the question now that he's back can prove to move forward this time he'll have six years to try to deliver on reforms and change which could make or break putin's presidency and he's now a r.t. moscow marcus papadopoulos of the editor of politics first magazine says russia's foreign policy won't change during his presidency. it's going to be a continuation of what the other main part of what vladimir putin started in two thousand when he took office he will be able would so he would help to build constructive meaningful workable relationships with governments across the european union but it will be done this time on a level footing and not compared to what happened in the one nine hundred ninety s. and russia was on its needs and russia will continue to rigorously to shew foreign policy objectives as any other country has the right to do the fact
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a lot of western governments and in particular western media is very critical of let me please and this is because of what he represents doesn't represent the russia of the nineteen nineties when it was a week subservient to the west reliance from the i.m.f. under-class amir peretz in russia is close but much of this lawsuit status so that is that that's the right is seen in the eyes of many. in western governments and also in western media. proper enough authorities have arrested the country's most prominent human rights activist and harsh critic of the state's ruling family now b. or a job was detained just days before his appearance on julian assange will show here on our t.v. and the program which airs on tuesday the whistleblower gets an insight from him and a fellow egyptians activist into the uprising and the arab states parties are about reports. well the of origins of said is that now bill rajab is being suspected of
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committing a number of crimes punishable by law and he's now being held on charges of inciting and taking part in a legal demonstrations and should be remembered now be all right jobs position has landed him in a number of made in the target even of the bahraini authorities before because he is a highly prominent activist there and also one of the most vocal outspoken critics of the country's ruling family and that's really what makes this next episode you enough time to show so significant because this is thought to be. the last interview before his latest arrest now is considered one of the heroes of the first protests that took place in bahrain last february he's now got over one hundred forty thousand followers on twitter because he's the head of the bahraini center for human rights and he's really the driving force behind the mass demonstrations that we're still seeing in the streets of bahrain despite a government ban on on public protests there since it became known that he was
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appearing on sanjay and that's that's what he elaborates on in this next episode when i said in my twitter account that i'm going to meet julian assange then i'm going to. t.v. program my house was surrounded by almost one hundred policemen and. machine guns and i did realize that i was not at home didn't do you just to ask you to tell me to come to depopulation prosecutor today at four o'clock where i am here so the very day that he was summoned by the public prosecutor's office in bahrain he actually chose instead to appear on ass and talk show and and appear on t.v. using the platform as an international platform even to criticize the regime in bahrain and it's for this reason that june as stanage things why he's been arrested basically by appearing on this show russia would indeed be risking a great deal but even so. he would be willing to pay any consequences that come of
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it because he says he would be fighting in the name of democracy this is what he had to say it's not the first. but this is the struggle this is the freedom disses democracy that we are fighting for as of course and we have to be a discourse and the course might be very expensive as we have been causing but we're willing to bid for the changes that we're fighting for now one of the other guests this week going to do now is another prominent activists in the in the arab spring his name is our abdel fattah he was a he was highly influential figure in the uprising in egypt last year in tahrir square that like right up to is the come a target of the earth or a tease of the fact that you know found his feet into the very people who are making lethal things happen in these countries and are willing to face the consequences as we've seen with now with his arrest this weekend well that really that's what makes this next episode really one that's not to be missed and you can
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see here marty is being so now at eleven thirty g.m.t. this tuesday. to speak to two leading revolutionaries one from bahrain where the revolution failed was really egypt where the revolution is now in turmoil what makes a revolution and where is the arab spring going to go. for more on the arrest of now bill rajab we are now going to cross live to author and journalist who's in london now mr townson so now bill rajab has been arrested in bahrain on charges of inciting protests through social networks but that's not the first time that he's faced such accusations how strong would you say the cases against him. well of course there is no case against in the case against the british and american and european governments that have backing bahrain i don't know i don't know how long julian assange has been under house arrest here in this country without charge but they obviously seem to think that they can now arrest
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interviewees very disturbing what's happened to the president of the bahrain center for human rights i understand the court case was postponed until may twenty second . you know many call not a key figure in opposition how do you think that this arrest will fact to be anti-government movement. well of course it's not just him more worryingly of course is. no longer strike i understand his daughter who is also been in custody her case not coming up till later in the week you know they're killing people fifty dead in a country that small equates to a lot of people this is an apartheid state being backed by the obama administration in the years two thousand and two thousand and ten as if seeing what was about to happen in bahrain the obama administration stepped up sales which include equipment used by the authorities in bahrain to suppress the protests it's only in the past
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forty eight hours they've been using that equipment against people in there and. on one of the islands on the trail. this is ongoing and they know journalists that are covering the trial and i don't know what's more disturbing the fact that these events have transpired or the fact that protests in egypt libya syria and other countries were widely televised across the world and despite starting around the same time bahrain only stepped into the media limelight quite recently why do you think that is. because the united states will not allow freedom to happen in the arab world when it conflicts with their interests they didn't really even support the egyptian revolution until afterwards joe biden of course backing mubarak what's worrying is that how much power the united states has over some of the regimes that have taken over from their previous back dictators i understand in the past few hours the culture ministry it's gaffer in cairo has been entertaining the bahraini bahraini minister what exactly is the americans playing at even britain which i've
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to say the prime minister here did suspend some sales of riot equipment what about institute your group and against protesters i understand britain again the sales of the sales are again increasing i presume major governments will be hoping desperately to hide this from the international media that's right i want to add that bahrain as important to washington as that host a strategic part of the u.s. navy do you think we should expect the u.s. to intervene if the status of the ruling family it's threatened by demonstrators. i think president obama will be under certain amounts of pressure because he's in the middle of an election campaign and he is exporting more cruft to their base there in bahrain so that would be somewhat difficult but of course the amount of olds being sent to the dictators of bahrain to suppress their people. it's pretty difficult south africa which may have a parallel because the majority of citizens in bahrain being abused by their rulers
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that took quite a long time in south africa's apartheid of course was also supported by the united states what obama is presiding over is a bit like reagan in central america we have president obama to the fore here desperately trying to retain dictators that have brutalizing their people now i want to draw attention to his latest job where he said about the bahraini regime has gotten accustomed to dealing with the village protests now with the protests and also new peaceful methods that are now necessary to create pressure how do you think those people could make themselves heard. yeah i understand that already i was arrested after tweeting about the your t.v. show i'm not sure how important this social media is in these revolutions i think it can sometimes be overstated but what's in no doubt is that majority of the bahrain population somehow still have the bravery and guts to come on the streets
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despite the fact that they are going to be mowed down by those american and british weapons and equipment and training and we must forget of course america's biggest ally saudi arabia right now they are abusing their people in the eastern part of the oil rich but saudi arabia it's a it's a very big fight as both social media will play its part television is certainly beginning to play its part i understand the bahraini foreign ministry has been lobbying to stop a documentary about human rights abuses in bahrain from winning the war an award here in london so the bahraini government trying to use social media television and the media more generally with their huge public relations companies because they have a lot of money a lot of clout in financial circles trying for an. auction at the moment all those companies need to be on watch because when the bahraini revolution happens there are going to forgive those who are helping the khalifa regime all right live from london that was journalist and author i. thank you for your time. socialist
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francois hollande has won the french presidential runoff making nicolas sarkozy the latest leader to be swept aside by the crippling debt crisis the president elect has promised to fight against the german led european austerity drive and has already spoken to chancellor angela merkel she is the first foreign leader will visit artists are silly reports from paris. first of all and in his acceptance speech yesterday did talk a lot about unity which is which has been much of the theme of his entire campaign he said he's the one who's going to bring about solidarity and unity criticizing cycles is divisive presidency but of course the unity he's talking about does hinge on his ability to bring about the promises that he had made particularly the practical promises of jobs and employment and this is a no easy feat given the the economic circumstances of france said again the first thing he wanted to do is to talk to german chancellor angela merkel to push for
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this growth or yet that approach and he has a lot of supporters on this approach however even the supporters are skeptical as to how much he can really do given the constraints i mean france is a part of the euro zone there are sixteen other nations who are using this currency there are a lot of rules to be followed and so they're looking at how much maneuver room he really has been to comes to international dealings there's going to be the nato summit and he had said that he wants to pull out french troops from afghanistan a year earlier than planned he will have to and he's expected to present this blood to president barack obama and the the rest of the nato alliance and also when it comes to issues like syria and iran observers are saying that we may expect a less aggressive press whatever this observation is based on the rhetoric so far so of course we have to see the actions that this new president will be taking now french people at the end of the day said that they voted for change but let's not forget that when nicolas sarkozy was voted in two thousand and seven they also voted for change so it's in france how long does have a lot of work to do ahead of him and prove that he does the sort of this presidency
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to call foreign journalist barry lendl says the new president elect francois hollande is only back full with huge challenges in both france and new. if you look at the scene from the bus the last night on your television and you saw the red flags and even the hammer and sickle people cheering in the place you know you would think it was that the french revolution all her again but that's not all it is about it's a much more modern kind of guy a much more of a social democrat he's talking about balancing the budget five years how he's going to deal with france's norma's economic problems is still a mystery to many the but what about this is for his family is concerned but as far as the conditions in france too i mean the economy here has been hollowed out last year is the. price that the workers place of work in france is among the highest in europe and it's gone up tremendously psychos he is only one live and heads of state
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who have been voted out of office over the last four years and surprised to see more of a jury that he had won and stayed so it's more a vote on the economic situation because he's really only partially responsible for whether or not alone is going to be doing it will take care of that crisis is another question all right some world news and pray for you the sour voters in greece protested against the country's major parties by electing fall right extremist group golden dawn into parliament the conservative party new democracy or receiving most parliamentary seats in sunday's election but it was not given enough votes to govern alone party leader antonis samaras has taken has three days rather to strike a coalition deal if a deal cannot be reached athens will be forced to hold another election and one month only. a nato airstrike has killed fourteen civilians and injured
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six others in afghanistan police say the strike happened in the country's northwestern backed us province nato also claimed three of its service members were killed in a separate incident earlier today one hundred forty two coalition members have died in afghanistan since the start of the year. u.s. secretary of state hillary clinton has urged india to buy less oil from iran it comes as america increases its pressure on teflon over its nuclear program which iran insists is solely for peaceful purposes india receives around nine percent of its oil from iran though officials say it's reduced its dependency in recent months delly could face u.s. sanctions if it doesn't make significant cuts to iranian fuel imports. syrians are voting today for a new parliament the election takes place amid a shaky cease fire between the opposition and the country's ruling regime president
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assad had tried to ease the crisis hinting at reform but the opposition remains unconvinced parties are furthur reports from damascus. well there is no election fever head by any stretch of the imagination and that being said there has been a steady stream of people here in damascus since the polls they pinned at seven am this morning and i think t.v. is already reporting that beta turnout has been high the population and syria around twenty four million forty million people are actually eligible to participate in these parliamentary elections damascus can often head fill a bit like a parallel universe in other cities that is seen fierce fighting and indeed very close to damascus and some of the suburbs is a very different story the opposition of point courted the vote altogether they've called it a shot. first disappeared troops have requested some sort of money touring money
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talking to in order to. scrutinize. the elections this is not. it is one of the mistakes of the position does not disappear which is one of the mistakes if you go it does not encourage your position against that backdrop really there is a sense that the actual impact of the serious change to serious political landscape won't be hugely affected by these votes but nonetheless they are going ahead and you are seeing very small steps now being taken towards this political reform. in a few moments i'll go to more talks to two officers who have been assessing putin's years and power but that's after a recap of our top stories with me. yes
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and the.


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