tv [untitled] May 7, 2012 4:00pm-4:30pm EDT
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well the debate is intensifying over a planned missile defense shield in eastern europe the u.s. and nato are pushing the idea well russia says not so fast so will we see another arms race and is the missile defense shield even viable. and it was created after nine eleven to keep the flying public safe but now the t.s.a. seems more concerned with searching ninety year old grandmothers and getting a little too fresh for some during airport pat downs when u.s. lawmaker says the transportation security administration is out of control and he wants them taken down will explore. with the goal. now maybe three months later to be another one really six months
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later that we have another one if you can disband the occupy wall street movement why not discredit them is u.s. law enforcement actively trying to tarnish the public image of the movement r.t. question is more. it is monday may seventh four pm in washington d.c. i'm christine you're watching r t well let's begin with a developing story about the u.s. missile defense shield based in europe and put in place to help protect european allies as well as the u.s. now for months president obama has said this is necessary to counter threats coming from iran but leaders in russia are opposed to the shield and especially its placement which many russian leaders say is actually aimed at russia's missiles and just last week russia's top military official threatened preemptive military action
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on the missile defense facilities and this whole thing has certainly caused a rift in u.s. . russia relations i want to talk now about all of this with bruce gagne on the corner for global network against weapons and nuclear power in space there bruce i know that this is one of the obama administration's major national security projects how do you see this program. well i think it's number one of a back to general dynamics corporation that helped obama got elected get elected they gave him collectively the crown family too in two thousand and eight with the majority stockholders and general dynamics to give obama five hundred thousand dollars and also raise money for him within the military industrial complex and so the to go out right after the election is aviation week and space technology magazine reported that obama received more campaign donations from the military industrial complex then the right wing war hawks john mccain did so i believe this
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can't just be about you know favors for friends if it's going to cause as much of a rest as it has with other countries namely russia oh that's right that's right but i think the payback is a key element in it but. because the aegis destroyers that are being outfitted with missile defense systems are made by general dynamics i just wanted to get that point then but beyond that absolutely the united states is now surrounding russia with these missile defense systems and expanding nato and i believe that the reason is because russia has the world's largest supplier of oil and sickness excuse me of natural gas and significant supplies of oil and by now we should know that the pentagon's primary job in the world today is to serve as a resource extraction service for corporate globalization at the same time the obama administration announcing a pivot of u.s. foreign military policy into the asia pacific region is also surrounding china with
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the same missile defense system so clearly restarting a new arms race that again will benefit these weapons corp yeah i think it's interesting you bring up china this missile shield. you know has said to to be put in place. to help contain china we also saw that the u.s. will be adding several hundred maybe even thousand troops in right off the coast of australia so what is in it is interesting what we're seeing there but i want to say i mean it's not just the leaders in russia who have a problem with this plan with this missile defense shield i have a letter here written by the national academy of sciences this calls into question many parts of the system now the people who wrote this these are top people here in the u.s. whose job it is to advise the government on science and technology and they say they have doubts about whether this missile defense shield will even work properly talk about that that's where. we're from the national academy they're saying that
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there's been considerable worry is sort of will cost overruns and considerable technology problems with her missile defense program and in the end it's less than optimal way to defend the continental united states clearly though i think one. puts too much emphasis on the problems with the program we forget that it's part of a larger strategy to control and contain both russia and china and that is i think the most important point to be looked at here that indeed there are problems with but almost every big technology program comes along has problems if you give enough time and you give them enough money and they're going to work some of those things out they've already used the missile defense system on an aegis destroyer to knock aside while you're out of space showing that it could be used as naptime satellite weapons so there are considerable capabilities of these systems and again you get
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a lot of money very good getting a lot of money about nine billion a year going into the missile defense agency and it's time i think they can really make this thing buyable technology just sticking momentarily with the geo political aspect of this of course just today vladimir putin inaugurated in russia sworn in for his third term as president and of course much of the negotiating up to this point under president obama was done with president dmitry medvedev we know putin has already said he won't be attending the nato summit at the end of this month in part to protest the missile shield which will be formally deployed then talk a little bit about how serious this is for international relations and in particular for those between the u.s. and russia. absolutely i think the you know the hard line is growing between the u.s. and. russia in fact i see in mainstream media across our country here in the us that
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russia is increasingly being demonized as is china and i think there is that there's a reason for that and i think it's in order to make. russia and china the enemies in the coming period it will benefit the military industrial complex but i think the greatest issue here is the competition over declining resources on the world with the climate change it's happening which by the way is our real problem we should be investing in that rather than a whole new arms race on all sides we should be dealing with climate change but as we see the arctic melt increasingly they're now saying that they're going to be very well corporations are going to be able to do drilling for oil and natural gas in the arctic region which puts the u.s. and huge conflict with russia particularly so i think that this nato expansion in this missile defense system is going into poland romania turkey and soon other
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countries throughout. the russia's neighborhood is all about trying to control russia and russia has access to resources russia's control resources and the same goes for china the reason why we're still running china is because it's the only way the united states can really compete with china's growing economy is control their access to resources it is certainly an interesting point you raise that how important of a role resources around the world and their increasingly limited supply plays in some of the decisions major countries make for a stagnant coordinator for the global network against weapons and nuclear power in space joining us from brunswick maine. also ahead on r t the t.s.a. is a frisky finger is apparently wrong but one g.o.p. lawmaker of the wrong way is now calling for an end to the entire system so could there be a stripped down of t.s.a. is it sketchy practiced back in
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a moment. to the capital account i'm lauren lyster. what drives the world the fear mongering used by politicians who makes decisions to break through it's already been made can you cross no one. is your view of the global reach to where we had a state controlled capital score. when nobody dares to ask we do our tea question more. well in
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this election year there's already been a whole lot of talk about the role of government how big or small it should be and what it should or shouldn't regulate now one agency the transportation security administration was among the topics of discussion at at least one of those republican debates that seem to be never ending and now republican senator republican rand paul from kentucky is making it a major issue trying to call attention to it he issued a statement just last week saying the american people should not be suggested to harassment groping and other public humiliation simply to board an airplane as you may have heard i have some personal experience with this and i vowed to lead the charge to fight back now you may remember senator rand paul missed an event here in d.c. after a trip to the airport a few months ago passing through a full body scanner his knees somehow raised a red flag and t.s.a. agents asked him to submit a hands on search center paul refused and it up missing his flight. so i want to
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talk about all of this with charlie mcgrath founder of why don't wake news dot com hey there charlie what's your take on why do you think this is an issue that senator rand paul is choosing to focus on now well i think he's following obviously in the footsteps of his father watching the usurpation of liberty in this country and it terrifies him just as much as it does his father and just as much as it does myself you know i went through the airport and i refused to go through the naked body scanners so if i if i'm cattle car into one of the lines that has a naked body scanner i'll take the invasive pat down mainly in a civil protest in order to slow the process up but it's extremely invasive extremely invasive meet they make sure that they you understand that they're there to dominate intimidate and control so you know i'm glad to see rampaul is stepping up in his efforts to shut this canard down this canard that we have safety through the transportation safety agency and as you as you did mention already his father
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presidential candidate ron paul has actually been talking about putting to an end to the t.s.a. for years now he goes as far as to say this increased number of t.s.a. agents and pat downs is just another sign that the police state in this country is growing out of control ron paul's views this particular view that rand paul has put forth do you really think that a majority of americans feel this way as well. well i know i don't know i can't speak for the majority americans unfortunately my personal thought is they don't because there's you know subjugated to the nonstop propaganda from the mainstream media and as well as the washington it's not it's not a week goes by it seems like we don't hear of some contrived terror attack that was squirted i think to the efforts of the f.b.i. or the joint terrorism task force or the t.s.a. and when we look into these we don't even look very deep into it when we just look barely under the surface we see in most cases you know for example the cleveland
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five the cleveland bombers that were announced on may day may first it's warded attack these this was an f.b.i. set up from start to finish so you know i think most americans think that washington d.c. is there to protect them and most americans do not remember the lessons of history of people like benjamin franklin saying when you want to give up your liberty for safety you're going to get and deserve neither and i think that's where we're at right now christine but i think a lot of americans don't even look that far many of them haven't heard about the cleveland cleveland which we actually will be talking about a little later in the show what they see is the fact that there has not been a successful terrorist attack on board an airplane since nine eleven really and so you know there needs to be some sort of you know what method that make sure that guns and bombs and other weapons don't get on board planes i guess i'm wondering i
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mean this is obviously an issue that you care about what do you think are some good alternative solutions i think the private sector always provides the best solution now the argument going to be that we had private sector security or screeners on nine eleven but the fact is i mean you know we've had a hundred years of the aviation in this country and we've had one terror attack and there's a lot of people to question did the united states know about this before it happened but look what we did. we instead of. ratcheting up maybe regulation on the private sector for security we've turned into this monster this security this a curate industrial complex it's completely out of control in this country spending billions and billions of dollars every single year that we don't have that we could have borrow from a country such as china in fact in washington d.c. today we have nearly four thousand t.s.a. officials in d.c. not protecting anybody except for their own jobs making over one hundred thousand dollars a year so i think the answer is simple we do need security but we don't need this
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monstrous government apparatus controlling our very lives and they don't even look for the people that are allegedly the enemy they're patting down little old ladies or patting down people in rand paul's case you know some kind of knee implement and if set off the detector so they beheld him up they're not doing this to keep america safe they're doing this to keep themselves in a job you know and from what i understand it no longer is a test in airports that some of these things are happening there are now random bag checks and sweeps on buses and trains and from what i understand t.s.a. continues today to enhance its relationship you know with city and county police departments what is your concern for you know as we see this expansion take place before our eyes i mean what is your major concern about this. my major concerns already come and when we are in a stars you police state a politician herself alluded to the idea that you know windows the screeners came on line that people can travel another way if they don't want to fly and go through
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the security procedure where you can't do that now now if you go by plane you're going to be strip searched or patted down if we're going to go by bus in texas they just had these viper teams come out and do random searches there in arkansas we had or excuse me no no we had amtrak subject to search and in virginia they're searching cars on a bridge so there is no safe place that you can go or travel safe way to travel that you're not going to have the government in your business so that is my main concern it isn't what's coming it's what's absolutely right here in a given they're going to justify it by a couple different ways they're going to say either if you have nothing to fear then you'll just submit to the basic random searches but the fact is that is stealing your liberty you have everything to fear when a government bureaucrat is standing before you telling you to show me your papers time certainly have changed in the last decade or so in the way we travel and what frankly most people have just gotten used to telling mcgrath a founder of why do we make news dot com in bozeman montana and you and you may
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remember hearing last week about a group that's come to be known as the cleveland five five men self described an archivist had a plan to bomb a bridge in ohio or so said an f.b.i. informant apparently got to know them that certain events put on by the occupy wall street movement in cleveland but many of the facts in their case the government is speaking about aren't necessarily adding up so are to correspondent marina port nial looked a little deeper into this story and found there are quite a few layers behind the headlines. what began last september returned with a vengeance on the first of may tens of thousands of americans across the country expressing collective outrage over wealth inequality a little russian and three by evening federal agents have busted up an anarchist plotting cleveland five people are under arrest the occupy movement made headlines for a very different reason this group here of so-called anarchists are in custody accused
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of wanting to blow up a bridge in ohio the self-proclaimed anarchists wanted to stop money flowing to the one percent and said the federal government a message they have even ties to occupy cleveland as well the f.b.i. says the five ohio suspects were intent on using violence to express their ideological views that allowed some occupy critics to incriminate the entire movement is occupy wall street based on the allegations that we have or that bridge should it be considered a domestic terrorist organization the f.b.i. not only for you know the alleged terrorist plot it also used a government paid informant to help orchestrate it that man identified as shaquille as e's collaborated with the suspects loaned cash made introductions and then an undercover f.b.i. agent sold these folks according to the prosecution c. four explosives orchestrated ok it's all or just i was involved in this for
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a long time i was trained to entrap another game very well f.b.i. informant turned whistleblower craig spent six years working for the agency he says as long as the u.s. remains a threat to washington and wall street cases like the cleveland five will become more commonly. but that's the goal. now maybe three months later to be another one maybe six months later to be another one where now the occupy movements really take it and no one to be around them so much because there may be some type of a terrorist plan or plot. before the cleveland five came the new birth for a terrifying plot the f.b.i. claims to have boarded f.b.i. operatives provided the fake c four and actually showed them a fake stinger missile the four muslim suspects were arrested and charged with attempting to carry out terrorist attacks no direction by a foreign entity or
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a real terrorist group instead direction came from an f.b.i. informant who monitored induced and facilitated the fabricated plot reportedly paid one hundred thousand dollars for his services in america's post nine eleven decade scores of u.s. muslim citizens have been arrested and convicted through sting operations involving f.b.i. informants. today as the ninety nine percent becomes a bigger challenge for washington some say angry activists could replace scary muslims as the so-called new face of homegrown terror i think that occupy wall street is dealing with big enough issues and there are enough people who are committed enough to the movement that it probably will have political prisoners maybe sooner than later occupy cleveland issued a statement saying that while the five men arrested were associated with the movement they were in no way representing or acting on behalf of the group and f.b.i. spokesperson also said the incident was not an occupy movement wants facts which so
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far have not stopped many from branding occupy with an unfavorable state very important i.r.t. new york. i want to look a little deeper into the entrapment aspect of this kicks many facets of the government not to mention wall street of course are ready for the occupy wall street movement to go away and it's not just these so-called dirty hippie disruptors of the piece being targeted since nine eleven hundreds of muslims have been targeted as well with similar tactics like using so-called informants oftentimes inside mosques to try to forge relationships and get information when jackson is the president and co-founder of project salaam dot org and is here to talk more about this and when it seems to me there is a fine line between thwarting an attack and facilitating an attack in some of these cases yes i think that is one of the issues in this case from the press reports that i've read about the cleveland cuse one of the interesting things is that supposedly the fence we're talking about. smoke bombs but then for somehow it
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turned into real bombs and i have to wonder how much time how much the informant might have had to do with that issue you know what happens in these cases which is happen to the muslims is the informants will often spend hundreds of hours teaching people and then of course the prosecution can just pick out you know short clips because who's going to listen to the hundreds of hours of you know talking just regular talking and we did hear it in the report that we just showed we heard from a former f.b.i. informant who said you know what this is standard practice are you surprised by this. well you know i'm not surprised i mean clearly the government has been targeting muslims they use these tactics and now because of the occupy movement because a lot of you know some people don't like what the occupy movement wants to do that i'm not surprised at all that the f.b.i.
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has begun to infiltrate the occupy movement and you know have their informants possibly create these plots it's interesting because oftentimes these you know so-called informants or other criminals spared long prison sentences and deportation for their help or they're paid a whole lot of money by the government i know in this cleveland case of a thirty nine year old informant to kill of these was paid nearly six thousand dollars he had prior convictions for cocaine possession for robbery four convictions for writing bad checks i guess it's just hard to swallow and some of these cases i mean is this really a trustworthy source you know i believe that if you know it's a lot easier for the f.b.i. to convict people when the f.b.i. is the one who creates the plot for example in new york for case the f.b.i. not only. did you know they were to want to. determine where the supposed that attack was supposed to take they're the ones that they're the
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ones who. provided the you know drove the the defendants around they're the ones who who work on all these kinds of things and that is really what created the plot in the newburgh four case you know i believe that if there had been no informant there would have been no plot well the aunts one of the men said they couldn't even organize a barbecue let alone a terror plot but we do have to say you know in this cleveland case one of the accused did by eight bricks of c four and mentioned that he wanted to blow up a bank i mean is this not a good lead good evidence to go on. well you know you have to look at you know what went on before all of this and is it that he said to the informant this is what i want to you or does the informant work with them for weeks or months say well you know you need to do more or urge him on or egging him on you know some of the tapes
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when you listen to them and you realize that oftentimes it's the informant who eggs people on to say oh come on you know do this you know do that because the informant often has quite an incentive to make sure that this case happens because they are you they're facing criminal charges themselves facing possible deportation or they're going to get paid a lot of money if they're successful and so they have a tremendous amount of incentive such as in the newburgh four case the informant offered one of the defendants a quarter of million dollars to do the plot now is that fair is that right should he have done that you know it doesn't seem quite quite fair to me and i know that these types of cases are made and when the arrests happen whichever agency is involved when i work in local news in california we were always getting called you know by the immigrations and customs enforcement about some major drug bust in this
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case the f.b.i. they always seem to make the case to the american people that now because of this investigation because of this undercover operation the american people are safer are they. well i don't believe when you create when you create these kinds of situations that you're making the country safer i mean just to go back to newburgh for example the idea was that the informant would go in and find quote so-called terror plots however when you form and went into nuclear these four men who were involved for plot they didn't even know each other before the playa happened so how can it be that the informant is looking for terror cells so-called terrorist cells when in fact in the new four case there was no cell for many many months until finally the main informant was able to recruit other people i think i don't know at the very least it begs the question you know exactly what kind of
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cordon nation facilitation is going on and would this have happened if not for these would be informants when jackson co-founder and president of project salaam appreciate your insight thank you well the capital account is up next on our team let's check in with lauren lyster to see what's on the agenda today. big weekend for the eurozone debt crisis french and greek elections took place all headlines the big one seemed to be more focused on france the christine i got to tell you a lot of turmoil in greece a lot that could change the equation both for the greek economy for the policy president of the western led organizations and reforms led by the e.u. and i.m.f. so a lot to attention to we speak to matina status of the wall street journal who's in athens certainly some big elections over the weekend that could definitely change the way things work in europe and eventually over here lauren appreciate it and for
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