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tv   [untitled]    May 8, 2012 7:00am-7:30am EDT

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new beginning blood of me putin outlines his new presidential policies while dimitri medvedev could soon be prime minister however protests do continue with clashes and arrests. standing up to germany's euro dominance and ending foreign no walls france's newly elected socialist leader is facing tough pressure to leave behind the sarkozy era. and it's a vote for stability for many in syria after people made their choice in the country's first multi-party elections in half a century. a
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very warm welcome to you from all of us here at r.t. moscow i'm sure a lot of my putin is already busy setting out his strategy for the next six years parliament is set to vote on dmitri medvedev scandal to see as the new prime minister to explain what the chances are all about here for russia let's now talk to. and find out more good to see you peter it's just a day since the former president has become the new president once again but he hasn't been wasting much time has he. no he hasn't indeed president putin has signed a series of strategic strategic olders now the most interesting of these the most important of the foreign policy and. on time missile defense shield in eastern europe now the president has ordered the foreign ministry here in russia.
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to demand from washington written confirmation that the missiles all new sites in eastern europe will not be targeted against russia though president putin also saying that the start treaty must be as he had to close it to home we've heard him talk about putting in place plans to tackle corruption by calling on bureaucrats to declare all of their incomes as well as looking to make the political system more transparent here in russia using technology in particular the internet but say that was a plan that was originally put into place by dmitri medvedev and it seems that his successor in blood to be a putin in the president's chair is going to continue with now as for dimitri made to get it in a few moments time it's expected that he will be confirmed as the next prime minister all over russia now to talk a little bit more about dimitri medvedev and what we can expect to hear over the
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next few moments and joined by political analyst. thanks very much for joining us so what's happening right now regarding meet the president the prime ministerial candidacy. well right now i mean very different going to address the speech where he will explain eastlands people present he is vision or rational economic policy and we've pretty much know what happened after was because the quote many aspire to and just for our. old social democratic opposition they both decided to vote against that kind of history all used to mean the video box mr medvedev has the support of united russia which has slightly more than fifty percent of the seats and he also has the support of a liberal democratic party or what even sitting on street so that's enough for him to be elected. certainly this is not unlike the result that mr putin was four years ago when he was an argument there. i mean i stand by that he was supported by the
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overwhelming majority in the deeds you and mentioned president you the president vladimir putin they're trying to you think the relationship between putin and made good will change or will it change it all now that they seems that they will see. the end of taking over as prime minister and putin as president well you know mr putin has made some very ambitious plans yesterday he plans to raise the salaries by fifty percent by the year two thousand and eighteen is the end of his term he plans to create by the time twenty five million you'll drop since the country if you plan to still have ninety percent of all their important medicine to be produced in russia domestic so these are very ambitious plans and a lot of them will have to be implemented by mr medvedev so i don't expect them to be arguing ideologically up but i think there will be a very tough job ahead of them to feel what mr borden sees as his vision for his
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new dramas president ok to meet you bob which thank you very much for joining us of course we'll keep you up to date on exactly what's happening in the russian parliament right now as you say as it stands at the moment the communists as they are russia saying that they won't vote for the kind of the see all of the meat you may get at the prime minister whether it seems that that wouldn't be enough to stop dead of becoming prime minister due to the fact he has the support of the liberal democrats of his own party united russia so we'll keep you up to date here on r.t. with everything that's going on there in the russian parliament all right or he's a pretty one of a live in central moscow thanks very much indeed. well as our peter all of i was saying along with our political analyst dimitri babich other state duma is to vote on dmitri medvedev scandal to see the country's a prime minister we can go to our live pictures here on r.t. as our president vladimir putin is expected to personally nominate maybe if you know just. a few moments here again these are live pictures you're watching here
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from the stadium or dimitri medvedev then will make a speech outlining the key points of his work as the head of the government to approve the candidacy though a simple majority of votes is required my view can rely on the support of the ruling united russia party and the liberal democrats already have vowed their approval these live pictures here you can follow them for their entire session simply at r t dot com. now as we were discussing here on our a lot of money has won a majority vote in the presidential election and that was in march but his return to power has not been without opposition activists also marched on his inauguration day with protests turning into overnight sit ins some groups did clash with police some arrests also being made artie's jake aggrieved is across the latest for us right now you can join us live on the program here on our t.j. about what has led now to these latest protests. sure well the crowd was called
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gated just behind the base elsewhere in the central moscow that's before riot police moved in essentially out of the sport a number of arrests were made as well now they call gates here just the prudy essential moscow now they're cool down by and they say no problem opposition activists and heat. supporters come out present she was turned out to be is that it occurred in the early hours of tuesday morning and certainly some of them have been there ever since then around four am people saw a small group trying to move elsewhere then they were met by police among them a lot of let's say no bound me a key part in organizing this and other protest do is it no nationalist sentiments and surrogate heads of the left right to america mation of the left think because he. so betaine number times by police both of these figures detained by police
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about four am this morning as with three others they join the ranks of about one hundred who were arrested monday and have said to be released and sent back they've made it ten minutes ago here today it was to go with it which. we have seen a massive a peaceful protest since the winter can you can you explain to us how exactly has the movement actually been changing. sure until very recently you could probably count rises very eastern states of mass demonstrations taking place in moscow and other places around russia now although. sunday events occur then things are slightly changed though it's been started up on the back of service parliamentary elections been double white ribbon movement and ever since then it's been gathering pace that changed somewhat in march when numbers started to piece around somewhat then we saw on sunday another demonstration taking place this in opposition to the
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inauguration of blood to be uprooted as president a day before that was set to take place and here we saw clashes between police and protesters a number of injuries incurred on both sides with police alleging that protesters are trying to pull off their riot gear in the process it really highlighted it was really when it comes to the opposite movement the small fringe elements could be somewhat more hardline they're calling for an overthrow of the country they want to change when it comes to the government and there are others who just want a rerun of the parliamentary elections all right. thank you. now as we are saying a new head of state was sworn in on monday or rather leverage kremlin ceremony we've got all the highlights online at r.t. dot com you can watch the president arriving taking an oath on the constitution and being welcomed by a grand thirty one gun salute the big ceremony followed then by a festive by britain. but with a party over a lot of has
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a country to rule for in-depth analysis on what's in store for him as he makes his comeback and russia's top job as head over to our top. ten past the hour here in moscow where there's a new leader in france where francois hollande snatched a victory from nicolas sarkozy on sunday but as he's getting ready to move into the police say the country is waiting for change and as artie's reports land will have to find some big chances very quickly. out with the old. in with the news that the air france were allowed to ask a victory in the french presidential elections the people here are saying that france is once again peaceful event here they had voted for change but the question is how soon are they going to see that change and what kind of threat are they really going to have and the world is asking precisely the same question belise is
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that people rejected sarkozy when then france would also cite france for many reasons one of them was his personal arrogance so we can hope that in foreign policy is going to move in the right direction that is less arrogant. be it arrogance or something else there was no hiding nicolas sarkozy's eagerness to lead the libyan intervention sending french warplanes in first he of course betrayed himself all along as deliberate of libya but he kept that extremely quiet . allegations kept coming out about his relationship with gadhafi the result tonight or it's clear they wanted to stop that kind of policy and that going about receive it in tonight it's the night of hope again you know the march thirty quid after cozy has created an awful images from this we don't want to physicians within
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the french society we don't want the bombing of arab countries that we are friends of the arabs the sometime you have it is not a lot is being branded france's new hope or gadg one task ahead of him to sort through the euro crisis and clean up an image which many think is no longer in line with what's traditionally french while foreign policy took a backseat during the campaign a lot it did throw out two moves one go head to head with germany's angela merkel on really go sharing the e.u. fiscal pact believe me he will experience in the coming. the power of the i mean the negotiation power of america because miracle will face an election in one year and will not be willing to compromise we said with a french president and to withdraw french troops from afghanistan a year earlier than planned it's a sign that i think you want to scale down foreign policy but i would guess that is
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going to be more considerate of what is happening in there in the rest of the world and more focus on economic issues within europe at the end of the day all the french really want our jobs and leadership to truly represent them both at home and abroad. yes or so you are telling us. it is good to have you with us here on r.t. today still ahead for you in this hour fueling debate hillary clinton visit india hoping to ramp up pressure on terror ran over its nuclear program find out whether the second biggest consumer of iranian crude is happy to make concessions. syrians have voted in the country's first multi-party elections in five decades the government paled the ballot as a major step towards reform however it was boycotted by the opposition which instead held protests but as r.t. sara for three ports many in the country are weary of the months old conflict and
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so they made their choice so as not to see the vote as a missed opportunity. it didn't get the stamp of approval from the opposition who had called for a boycott the people did turn out to vote in syria's parliament to elections the elections taking place against the backdrop of instability in the country and the credibility of the very it's being called into question with the opposition boycotting the vote so that their participation the real question is just how serious a change will this election bring to the political landscape in syria and that's what we've been finding out. because we have some disturbance and some of this is. we have to approve that we can move forward and we can overcome this obstacle here to vote for people who are like people who support shia people who say yes for syria no for tourism no for holding yes for peace yes for developing the country
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there were no international observers here something some felt should have been an option authorities say the people overseeing the voting would doing so objective way and the monitor at this poll told us there have been levi elations so far. everything has been going smoothly people are taking part in the motions without higher lesions more than seven thousand candidates have been vying for public support fourteen million people allowed to vote in syria and they've been trying to gain the support to win one of those two hundred fifty seats that are going to be available in the new parliament fourteen million people were eligible to vote but amongst those not participating will be the tens of thousands of political prisoners and the huge chunks of the population who are now refugees having fled their homes from the violence this is led to serious questions about the legitimacy of the ballots but as international opinion surrounds the political developments in syria one analyst stress that this is
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a very full syrians and by syrians to me this is. comes from the people. for the seas the. president goes to solicit to visit him a scene. of this for him probably. there were who can declare the president asserted this illegitimate illegitimate. lost his legitimacy who usually says it is to mislead the syrians. who are the rights that is a right that they've been exercising whether it's turning out to cast the ballot or attempting to demonstrate in the streets even among those they think there was something he said they felt the elections were unlikely to bring about any theories change but they said they believed that after fifteen months of unrest they had to at least try. syria. let's bring you back to our top story now here on
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r.t. and our straight to live pictures as the state duma is set to vote on dimitri medvedev scandal or see as the country's prime minister here you are looking straight into the duma here and live pictures right from the front of the session president vladimir putin is at the moment personally nominating via there for the host of dmitri medvedev and then we'll make a street shout leininger the key point of his work as the head of the government now to approve the kind of a c a simple majority of votes is required and can rely on the support of the ruling united russia party the liberal democrats already have their approval again these are live pictures from the state duma here in central moscow follow all of this at your own leisure live at our dot com. now maine human rights activists the remains of behind bars in the country on charges of inciting protests nabila rajab who's one of the leaders of the popular uprising
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and an outspoken critic of the state's role family was detained late saturday on his arrival from lebanon and the arrest occurred it just days before his appearance on julian assange show here on our team had posted on his twitter feed but he was going to be interviewed by the famous whistleblower. believes that's precisely what provoked his arrest on the show that we quizzed him along with an egyptian activist over the revolutions in the arab states london based author and journalist afshin rattansi believes not believe that job and his fellow activists have a mountain of challenges to face in the future. if there is no case against in the case against the british and american and european governments that are backing bahrain i don't know how long julian has been under house arrest here in this country without charge but they obviously seem to think that they can now arrest interviewees very disturbing what's happened to the president of the bahrain center
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for human rights is not just him more worryingly of course is. no longer strike i understand his daughter who is also being in custody case not coming up till later in the week you know they are killing people fifty dead in a country that small equates to a lot of people this is an apartheid state being backed by the obama administration in the years two thousand and nine two thousand and ten as if seeing what was about to happen in bahrain the obama administration stepped up sales which include equipment used by the authorities in bahrain to suppress the protests and to this is ongoing and they know journalists that have coverage. under the next episode of julian assange to show featuring not be able to do our job is on air and well just about ten minutes time here on r.t. for now a quick preview. a lot of people who have i mean i would be surprised or you should not be surprised. but then you population coming out didn't want to vote
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this is still happening it's not happening in any of the revolution what none of that evolution we had in the history in the past fifty years you would see fifty percent of the population of the industry didn't want to put this but you would see in bahrain unfortunately because of the debate is that many countries because of the debate a standard of many. candidates like. chandan is that they don't hire this but this is the reality. speak to two leading revolutionaries one from bahrain where the revolution was really where the revolution is now in turmoil what makes a revolution and where is the arab spring going to go. you know just a few minutes it'll be the joining us on our show here on our. india is attempting to avoid a showdown with the u.s. over its continued dealings with iran and the american secretary of state hillary
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clinton she is in new delhi right now for high level talks she has so far persuaded the authorities to sharply drop imports of iranian oil in an attempt to pressure the islamic state over its controversial nuclear program to discuss clinton's visit and all joined by our scholar the former indian ambassador to iraq live on r.t. a pleasure to have you with us today other u.s. and other western nations have been ramping up pressure on iran's nuclear program for a long time now as we all know just how important is it for washington to bring india into all of. well. i think that has been one of the main issues which was discussed during hillary clinton's visit here but if you'll notice that india is perhaps the third largest importer of iranian oil after the european union china and then india india imports about eleven
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percent. already be indian side has indicated that there will be a drop as far as indian imports of iranian oil are concerned this year perhaps in the year two thousand and twelve thirteen the drop is likely to be as much as about thirty two percent on the other hand india has also indicated that iran must. accept all its obligations which it has agreed to under the n.p.t. but nonetheless it's important to remember that india cannot simply do away with the relationship with iran for two very important reasons one if the international community wishes that india should play a role in afghanistan to dia to stabilize afghanistan then the only means of communication with afghanistan is through iran because pakistan will not let any
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indian goods or in the indian services pass through pakistan to afghanistan so if the relationship with iran is. put on the back burner then how does india play a role as far as the van alstyne is concerned and then secondly please do remember that there are almost six million indian people of indian origin living in the gulf region our trade with the gulf region is about one hundred billion dollars if there is a conflict there is problems as far as in that region is concerned then all this would be. an extremely difficult situation and if i may also remind your listeners or your viewers please do remember that it's a geographical oddity that most of the oil in the middle east comes from areas vision shiite dominated even in saudi arabia most of the oil comes from northeast saudi arabia where it is she. i don't need to. return links with
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the unions they have certain links with other shiites in the gulf region if that is a problem or if there is a conflict or a convulsion in that region there is a possibility that the shiites may create problems as far as saudi arabia as well mr carwell clearly it's it is very interesting i do apologize for interrupting but it's very interesting how you bring in such regional implications for what is posed by western media networks are such a sim pull relationship with washington telling delhi to drastically reduces iranian oil imports but if i may the u.s. and india are strategic allies surely washington has offered new delhi something in return for cutting back on iranian imports or is it just relying on the use of the threat of sanctions. well you see what they're saying is that alternative sources of oil available in fact they are indicating you can go to saudi arabia or
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you can go to iraq and you can go to the u.a.e. but as i just pointed out to you that these are areas very very vulnerable as far as local or. shiite sunni conflicts is concerned as your viewers were just listening in there is problems as far as bahrain is concerned that's where the headquarters of the fifth fleet the united states fleet is is located in bahrain so you see as far as the regional politics is concerned it's not simply a question of cutting down on oil it's a question of the whole region going up in flames and that's what we've been trying to tell the americans i think perhaps they should be able to understand the regional implications of completely isolating iran or its again as you say the regional implications have fall far reaching possible problems as we can say i'm running i'm running low on time here but i must ask you there is a case to argue here that with india's rapidly growing economy it can stand
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perfectly well on its own feet without having to be bullied around by the old guard would you agree. where you see the problem is that india would like to have a good relationship with the united states i think that is is a given it's not that india is keen to take any any kind of position which would jeopardize this relationship because it's a very important relationship not only in terms of strategic link ups but even if you look at it from the from the point of view of politics economics commercial activity so we don't want that our relationship with the united states should be jeopardizing any way but we will try to explain to them the kind of situation that india is in and hope that they would understand the situation. of the former indian ambassador to iraq i do wish we had more time for this we daryn but thank you so much for coming on r.t. today. i let's get some other global news for you in brief time for the r.t.
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world update now now the cia claims it awarded an al qaeda plots a bomb an airliner on the first anniversary of the killing of osama bin laden involved a bomb concealed in underwear that was to be detonated a border passenger jet a similar scheme was used in december two thousand and nine but failed when the explosives didn't go off properly i no information has been released about the status or identity of the would be bomber. the iranian to excuse me the israeli prime minister and opposition have reached an agreement following all night negotiations to avoid snap elections and our plan to form a unity government with benjamin netanyahu party on monday netanyahu brought the date for the polls forward to september the fourth accusing the opposition of blackmail and populism. the afghan president has said the recent nato killings of civilians could hinder a peace pact he just signed with barack obama last week the agreement covers the
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long term u.s. role in afghanistan after its planned withdrawal in two thousand and fourteen the move comes after an airstrike by coalition forces killed fourteen and injured six in the country's northwest dozens have died in just the past few days all amid nato airstrikes. mortar shells of landed on a crowded neighborhood of somalia's capital four members of a family died in one house two other people were killed nearby also a child died from shrapnel wounds it was not immediately clear who was behind the shelling but much of mogadishu has been relatively peaceful over the past year however what they call indiscriminate bombing attacks are still taking place. or actually here on our t.v. he's the man who pulls the rug out from under the feet of authorities worldwide and has them quaking with this latest wiki leaks julian or songe he'll be back or revealing more see. which interest of i would with his exclusive interview
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