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tv   [untitled]    May 8, 2012 11:00pm-11:30pm EDT

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oh i'm sorry washington d.c. and here's what's coming up tonight on the big picture when it comes to the auto bailout that romney wishes he had a time machine but since he can't fight h.g. wells' romney instead is choosing to live a look at romney's latest whopper and if it points to a larger strategy by republicans this year to win the white house also if you had a choice between helping students or helping tax dodging corporations which would you choose but republicans in the senate made their choice today and it shouldn't surprise any of us will give you the latest on the student loan debt fiasco on
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capitol hill and later children are being ripped from the arms of their parents at all alarming rate in america today so is this really what americans want when they call for greater and force one of our borders or something gone terribly wrong immigration force. you need to know this mitt romney is trying to rewrite history in an interview in cleveland on monday romney said this about his role in the comeback of the american auto industry take a look. my own view by the way was that the auto companies needed to go through bankruptcy before government help and frankly that's finally what the president did he finally took them through bankruptcy that was the right course i argued for from the very beginning it was the u.a.w. and the president that delayed the idea of bankruptcy i pushed the idea of a managed bankruptcy and finally when that was done and help was given the
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companies got back on their feet so i'll take a lot of credit for the fact that that this industry has come back that's right mitt romney is taking a lot of credit for the resurgence of the american auto industry it's ironic coming from the guy who was outspoken in his opposition to president obama's auto bailout even wrote a two thousand and eight of the new york times titled let detroit go bankrupt and romney wrote that if detroit got a bailout then you can kiss the on american automotive industry goodbye it won't go overnight but its demise of the virtually guaranteed reason why romney supported a bankruptcy with out a bailout is because he knew that workers mostly union workers would get screwed he writes in the op ed that a bankruptcy would force automakers to cut aid benefits and pensions as rami says quote that means new labor agreements to align pay and benefits to match those of workers or competitors like b.m.w. nissan and toyota further retiree benefits must be reduced the total burden per
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auto for domestic makers is not higher than that of foreign producers and quote. but president obama was unwilling to hit workers of the pay cut especially just as the nation was sinking into a deep economic recession so rather than just letting detroit go bankrupt with no government help like romney wanted the president stepped in to manage the bankruptcy with government assistance protect auto workers and now the auto industry is doing better romney was wrong to post auto bailout for the post beta bailout of auto industry's demise isn't happening as he had predicted and knowing he was wrong and he's trying to rewrite history to take credit for the very thing he opposed four years ago so doesn't this just prove the only way republicans can win is by line here offer his take on this is david selling conservative commentator pro-business advocate david good to see you again. thanks for having me back tom you know it's been such a long time like what they say and dear old deutschland shy didn't. going away
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and staying away brings me terrible pain all i'm sweet to hear david what does mitt romney hate about the truth oh come on i think that's a little lopsided depiction i would go on the like to go on the record of saying i am not a big fan of these bailouts for even the best of reasons i think they are largely lacking financial accountability and this money this taxpayer money that our elected officials are so fond of squandering could be probably better spent elsewhere so you agree with mitt romney the there should have been a managed bankruptcy i mean he would his ally was in that clip where he said i said there should be a managed bankruptcy followed by government assistance and he actually opposed the government assistance all along your with not his ally but with his original statement that there should have been a bankruptcy no government assistance. well there again like i said i don't think
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the bailout is a very good idea i don't think mitt romney is the first individual to engage in a little of revisionist history i mean if you were to juxtapose the credit he's taking to the blame our present commander in chief is putting on the past commander in chief i would say there disproportionate well romney romney has lied to his own people to his own people he's lied to them about abortion health reform climate change don't ask don't tell immigration and now the auto bailout this seems like a pretty pretty bizarre election strategy unless the strategy is the big lie strategy could it be that that's the republicans plan is to simply say whatever they think is going to get them elected and say it was such force and vigor that even when it's a lie you know a certain percentage of the population will believe it. but that's just that they don't come out and say what they need to say to get elected in other words they need to say we're going to crack down on some of these abuses the illegal aliens
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that are costing us so much money and so much problems a lot of our financial problems would go away quite literally overnight with the money that we waste supporting many illegal aliens whether it's educating them giving them medical care or putting them in prisons you could probably pay off all the students debt the loan debt. this has it has it has has i would say tragically thrown more people in jail and deported more people than anybody before i don't think that conservatives can knock obama on that issue if you're going to try and make it is absolutely i don't think he has actually helped the people on that you know but. that jail throwing individuals out is is perhaps a band-aid rather than a national policy quite the opposite i think. we we you know let's let's stipulate that we both even though we would probably have different versions of it we both agree that we need a comprehensive immigration policy the thing that concerns me is whether mitt
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romney things you can lie his way to the white house but david i we're out of time i appreciate your dropping by tonight for a short visit thank you so much thank you and by the way have me on for conversations with great minds any time you'd like ok thank you david ever grady. now shifting gears to student loans the student loan interest rate is set to double on july first and democrats in the senate today brought legislation to floor to prevent rates from going up and pay for it by closing a corporate tax loophole unfortunately republicans were hell bent on protecting that corporate tax loophole and despite the bill getting approval from a majority of senators fifty two to be exact it failed to overcome a unified republican filibuster instead republicans are pushing their own legislation that passed out of the house of representatives two weeks ago which pays for student loan relief by cutting funding from preventative health programs for working class people president obama has promised to veto the republican bill since it stops women and children from receiving cancer screenings and vaccinations
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they need to stay healthy so now congress is stuck on this issue as republicans are doing whatever they can to protect their corporate overlords no matter the damage they may cause to students mothers and children and i want to turn over to sam watson president of cool springs financial group sam welcome to the program thank you very much glad to be here does it rubble you that republicans in the senate choose protecting corporate tax loopholes that a rather than struggling students well i don't look at it that they're choosing one over another our view really is that we'd like to get some fiscal responsibility here and maybe put together a global. perspective rather than just you know choosing a versus b. well in it with regard to that then you're suggesting that student loans should
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that the interest rate should go up or are you saying that it's better to finance keeping the interest rate low by cutting you know pregnant mothers off medicare and and taking school lunches away from her kids. i actually have to tell you believe that interest rates themselves you know they're at historic lows and the business they that i'm in we're dealing with banks and lending all the time and there's very cheap money out there so my perspective is that the government could do better with providing lower interest rate loans and they should focus on that in fact i think they should expand that own into the housing but i will tell you this you know there's been i heard you know some people say that they feel like there should be a complete bail out student loans and just forgive all the debt. i'm totally against that so you're anti biblical you don't you don't agree with deuteronomy
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fifteen this is every seven years forgive all that. actually a serious question here that that that i read you know as kind of a side but side glance i suppose but why do you oppose our nation building its intellectual infrastructure the way that every other industrialized country does i mean even china gives free education to students to their gifted kids the kids the kids that can do well in school why do conservatives america want america to be the only fully developed country in the world that has that is that an intellectual infrastructure disadvantage why are we the only ones where students have to go a trillion dollars in debt to to go to school well ok that's a that's a that's a good question my view of it is this and it will definitely be different than yours where has all of this education got in these countries america is the greatest country in the world people come from everywhere to be here because they
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want to great here in a hospital recently where these. you noticed all the machines made by siemens in germany. you know i mean you know half the equipment in your hospital is either made in japan or three quarters probably more than six seven eighth's is either made in germany switzerland or japan what these countries are getting from their investment in intellectual infrastructure is some of the most powerful corporations in the world some of the most powerful interest in the world were you know when reagan came in office we were the world's leading export or a manufactured goods we are now the world's leading importer of manufactured goods we've gone from being the biggest first world nation to the biggest third world nation and in part it's because reagan blew up our intellectual infrastructure well you know you got to ask yourself the question if if that were true if these other countries were so are superior to us now why do all these people still fight
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their way to get into america i don't think they are and we are the greatest nation in the world we actually sam right now have net negative immigration people are leaving the united states but i get your i get your point sam watson thanks thanks a lot for being with us tonight thank you ever since reagan busted up california's free public college systems our nation has left students behind and now facing a trillion dollars in debt and sky high youth unemployment the next generation of doctors engineers and lawyers level a much harder time chasing the american dream than their parents did in my view it's time for a student debt jubilee and a new government investment that makes college available to every american who wants to go our future in my opinion depends on it. coming up five thousand american children are in foster care that day because their parents have been deported so how do we prevent another fifteen thousand american children from eating the same fate some answers after the birth.
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decline of american power continues. things are so bad. might actually be time for revolution. where it turns out that a drink of starbucks says it's surprising. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then. some other part of it and realize that everything you. are welcome is a big issue. here
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is what i. love and they alone are so they'll get the real headline with none of them are the problem with the mainstream media today is that they're completely disconnected from the viewers and what actually matters to those viewers and so that's why young people just don't watch t.v. anymore if they want news they go online and read it but we're trying to take those stories that people actually care about and transfer them back in t.v. .
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mr. now a quick update coming from the badger state wisconsin voters hit the polls today for a for the first battle in a historic recall election that state democrats will choose between one of four democratic candidates today to run against governor scott walker in the june fifth recall election it's also a republican spoiler pretending to be a democrat and its primary trying to mislead voters really conspired walker himself is facing a primary challenge as well though and tonight he's expected to easily win among the potential democratic challengers mayor of milwaukee mayor tom barrett is the favorite is actually polling ahead of scott walker and recent polls reason marquette poll for example showed barrett with a forty seven to forty six percent edge over walker this month but walker has raised twenty million dollars twenty one million dollars so far more than any other
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candidate for wisconsin governor in history and spent just as much on t.v. advertising it was constant as all the republican presidential candidates come by and however all that money is not translating into gains at the polls each month since january walker has seen his support go down to keep an eye on wisconsin over the next few months because of people power overcomes money power in this recall election and it could be a perfect model for progress is nationwide heading into this november's general election on tomorrow's show we'll have a full analysis of today's primary and the road ahead for democrats in the badger state governor scott walker and his war on working people out of the governor's mansion. in screwed news president obama has done more to fight illegal immigration than any president in history with
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a record number of deportations under his watch republicans in states like arizona and alabama have passed a radical anti immigration laws don't have much ground to say that the executive branch isn't doing enough to protect the borders unfortunately president obama's crackdown is taking a tragic toll on american children in just the first six months of two thousand and eleven forty six thousand parents of american children were deported again that's forty six thousand parents deported in just six months to put that in perspective between one thousand nine hundred eight and two thousand and seven one hundred thousand parents were deported so part of president obama is expected to reach that number in just one year and one of the consequences of so many parents being deported thousands of american children being raised in foster homes currently there are more than five thousand american children living in foster care because their parents have been deported if current rates continue fifteen thousand more children will suffer the same fate over the next five years it's in response to
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this indiscriminate deportation that a rally was held outside the ins building here in washington d.c. on monday calling and homeland security secretary janet napolitano to either end the rampant breakup of families or step down from her job as secretary so what are the chances of either happening joining me now is in a sole go at the edges maryland state delegate representing the eighteenth district and seth fried wessler senior research advocate at the applied research center and investigative reporter at color lines dot com ana so great to have you both with us ana you were at the ins meeting yesterday i was telling you louise and i drove by a cab and i said what's this we've got to learn that what. what was the reason well this was organized through a group this caucus of the marilyn that has been supporting immigrants for many many years i used to be the chair of the board of that nonprofit is the largest nonprofit and it has been serving as an oasis for lots of immigrant
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families to find some kind of support and so it knows firsthand what is happening to these families and that demonstration was to put a face on the the policies and the very broken policies and the breaking up of families i think when you see a father talking about his sick daughter and that all he wants to do is work to be able to help cure her or the mother whose son is about to be deported simply because he was caught with a tail light that was broken or little children there were many little children at that demonstration i felt that as a statement just later here in maryland working year after year on protecting families we treasure our families we give children the highest priority in our courts and in our programs our social support structures and yet in this case one
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ice man one ice agent can absolutely destroy break a family into pieces without any possibility of their ever being able to come and reunite. southwark sorts of crimes are these parents being deported for. well you know i just got back from a trip to to the border to the mexican city of nogales sonora and i met dozens and dozens and dozens of people who had been deported for things like driving without a license or because they had driven a car with a bus had like this immigration. recent system which has deported historic numbers of people four hundred thousand people in last year is functioning more or less like a dragnet it's really picking up everybody that it can and deporting them and when twenty two percent of those people are the parents of u.s.
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citizen children forty six thousand parents in just six months last year the collateral effects of that of that kind of level of deportation are going to continue to grow and one of the most disturbing that we found at the applied research center one of the most disturbing effects of that kind of mass deportation is that there are over five thousand children now who are stuck in the child welfare system around the country and their parents have been detained by ice or deported because of their immigration status so it's a bizarre and sunlight so it's very sudden thing for these families why my niece's husband was seized and deported and she just and they have children and she chose to just move to mexico to be with him it's. you know had originally they had that we never had these kind of policies you know these are individuals without papers and we know that italians without papers became the term of people that were here
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without the proper documentation however at that point in time we never funded a massive internal army that is dedicated to finding individuals and many times through profiling and finding one or two individuals that make their quota because remember there's a quote i don't know what is the solution to this oh my god immigration reform urgently need it we can't keep on postponing it i think that's was the urgency for my presence down at the at the demonstration we keep on hearing that ice has changed a little bit of the way that the. are implementing their policies that they're only going to go after the criminal in the rapist but we see that that's not true we see every day that individuals are being picked up by the side of the road for a minor infraction and now the web as our colleague mentioned it goes down into our
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own local law enforcement system we have our police being an extra arm of immigration law when really they should be protecting the public safety we have victims of domestic violence and there was one there at the rally yesterday talking about how she was deported because she went and filed a complaint against her partner who was actually beating her and her children we can't have that if this is an urgent matter we can't say well we're going to go slowly we're going to see how we can change it so there's an urgency and i think that's why we heard the appeal if you can't fix it secretary napolitano then step down because you're not doing the job that we we heard both the president and her say that they were promising to make the system a little bit better not completely fix it because the only ones who can fix it is congress so in the middle we have looked to your thoughts on that same question.
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yeah i mean if i may i think it's absolutely right that our immigration laws need updating need fixing everybody sort of agrees that they're broken but there's a way in which the obama administration has sort of ramped up its enforcement programs to secure communities and other programs that are sending hundreds of thousand people into deportation as a as part of a strategy to say look i'm i'm tough on immigrants now pass immigration reform well that hasn't worked and now we're left with just a massive force mitt we're left with massive numbers of parents being deported and separated from their children the obama administration does not have to deport forty six thousand parents of us of the same children and six months that's a choice it's making in and it's a choice that's really you know having terrible effects on families and children and one that could be ended you know i think it's a choice that they're making too for political purposes they're trying to push on and we have a conservative earlier on the show who is all it's all the old order of you know and i think he's trying to be fang that but it's
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a shame that these are you i agree these children were we are out of time but thank you so much and both of you for being here and keep up the great work if our immigration enforcement strategy is focused on taking babies away from their mothers and something has gone horribly horribly wrong we need to change the focus here's the bigger picture. if you were raised in a normal family or with at least one parent you have no idea how frightening it is to be a child and to be torn from your family and placed in foster care or an institution even with the very best foster parents it's still not mom and dad it's a terrible wounding this literally leaves scars for life on these children our system right now is brutalizing kids and parents and destroying families whose only crime is trying to get a better life for their kids meanwhile millionaire and billionaire fat cats who employ undocumented workers increase their profits by this practice because reagan stop the practice of prosecuting american business owners who are big donors to the
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republican party we don't have an illegal immigration problem in the united states we have an illegal employer problem and further illustrates how america has two separate justice systems one for the rich who pretty much get away with it with whatever they want and another for average people the poor and the disempowered it's time to stop tearing up families it's time to stop producing lifetimes of p.t.s.d. and children and put some fat cat republicans in jail. crazy allergic do drown down under and there's a drought going on in australia right now and it's not in the huge australian desert according to father tony karon of the archdiocese of melbourne australia is suffering through a man. because women in the country are being too picky choosing mates father
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karen's comments come after a new demographic study showed that of one point three million men in australia only eighty six thousand are considered marriage material but the man drought down under is nothing new in two thousand and eight the b.b.c. reported there were there are around one hundred thousand more women than men in australia and the gender imbalances are particularly bad in the nation's coastal cities imbalances are caused primarily by australian men in their twenty's and thirty's leaving the country to travel or find work or find less picky women rumor has it the prominent republicans newt gingrich herman cain and david vitter have assembled a delegation to go to australia and thoroughly investigate the too many women problem them selves. next as americans get heavier so does our national debt take a look at the staggering projections for obesity over the next few decades and what needs to be done to slim down our nation.
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a lot of american power continues. things in our country. might actually be time for a revolution. and it turns out the procureur drink at starbucks has a surprising. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then. some other part of it and realize that everything. is a big picture. of
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what you. look and they alone until they all get the real headline that none of them are the problem with the mainstream media today is that they're completely disconnected from the viewers and what actually matters to those viewers and so that's why young people don't watch t.v. anymore if they want news they go online and read it but we're trying to take those stories that people actually care about and transfer them back in t.v. .


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