tv [untitled] May 9, 2012 2:01am-2:31am EDT
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and russia of the russian federation and they also would be and they could buy them . in the big banner uses the soviet insignia right up some of us the way it was done forty five. zero variety of the unit. and over there with the or maybe disorderly the navy. the army navy and they all force them to. make sure the spetznaz as you also would appreciate. so what if what if they're going to present either the colors the flags to the with the defense minister first presumably and then to the president but normally that's the way it is so there is a commanding general do the right. and he's going to inspect all the troops and he's going to extend his greetings to all the troops in other words he will come virtually there when the occasion and you know spawns they will. greet him as well
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and russian foreign will sound so fine that well it's a wonderful thing and so on the spectrum it will certainly report to the president to the commander in chief. in truth for this and i've seen the doing the preparations for this parade it's massive it is extremely impressive here and i think so too are there in we have to remind our viewers this is happening all across russian cities and towns across the russian federation so this is it an event that everyone. can observe in some cases participate well much more you want to believe that the magnets are right it's not the same you know this isn't yesterday but the magnitude of this event is a more the same for all of the russian citizens and beyond it will talk about that later in the program that obviously that's what we're seeing here is we're seeing veterans. and unfortunately because of time their numbers are dwindling but as long as there's a veteran around i suppose we will have a parade to remember that's true the great struggle that store in nazi germany.
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or if it were actually very lucky because the bottom hour ago it was raining cats and dogs so the weather was being kind to us on this glorious of it. we made sure we put it into the. door and to use the seeding of the clouds ok doesn't matter. anyway if you go back to the original parade which was one fourth of july one forty five you really want. to move to. monaco that is where the particular parade is very iconic because they had the nazi regalia and signature insignia is thrown at the. legs about stalin and those are
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pictures that to everyone in this country are very well aware of. russia very much wolf. right of. course twenty seven million people died in the soviet union the defeat of nazi germany and something that western audiences and publics are not aware of the baby the cost this is the suffering of the people the peoples of the soviet union. yet the cost was enormous. and he's.
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congratulations on the sixty seventh standard very surreal. to victory in the great patriotic war oh. well we see here the that sense minister reviewing the troops there inspecting the troops there before he reports to the newly inaugurated president vladimir putin. they can see the enormous amount of pomp and circumstance here. they put a lot of effort into this parade so they don't think. the training it's a breakthrough so it's a very great effort and everybody has to contribute to the so many sources moving but. then of course the millions of russians that have been watching this year
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after year after year it is one of events that brings all of the people of this country together that's true that's true. you can find friends and stuff and more was lost somebody. i think such. as we're seeing here we're seeing the inspection of troops there were fourteen thousand of them so it's going to. take a little while the respect from all that is we just commented here a lot of effort goes into this it's
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a an event that millions and millions of russians know it's a collective memory of suffering. but victory also sixty seven years ago. yeah. and with that we should remind our viewers that russia has been upgrading its military in the one nine hundred ninety s. a day deteriorated to a great deal now with the unfortunately very competitive world everyone has to account for their security so there's been a major upgrade of the russian military primarily for defensive purposes russia doesn't have an aggressive foreign policy whatsoever it's most concerned with its borders and neighborhood but you still need a modern military to do that. yes you are right you do understand that during the second stage of this parade. i was going to do all right let's try to see what they
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have new yes ok we'll see what they have. to say to be good to each arm of the military movies are different but that's exactly how it is so. it's not only good it's the representative various military districts so you know the military academies and universities that weed person is mostly. is it prestigious now to be in the military. while it's because we in a lot of western countries it's voluntary. here so it's here it's a hybrid and so three way to be a member three for us to come to a commissioned officer it's one thing you can do so the conscript that's another story already coming. kind of equivalent to warrant officer working off site which would then seal which is also
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a professional thing. but i think it's going to be quite prestigious ukase the. new government is going to introduce quite a lot of incentives right. which means that the bible one of and a good they will not settle for the feel of that they do not have enough to sustain themselves the family fun things have. fallen disservice that they would be privileged to join universities and in no other the patient stuff like myself like the g.i. bill after the sept eleventh life and that's exactly what i'm going to honor. that's a great incentive for young people especially. that of course every single year and i hope we'll see more pictures of that there is a section of the audience that are devoted to veterans. of the parade. they
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must be on separate stand and. it sits on our left. foot what is this stuff. come from this is something from the second world war is this part of the russian military tradition or the. oh my i'm going to stump you on this one here and that's that and then i thought about a series it is very it's very specifically russian that all right it's russian of course but you know you also have the right which it will be as universal as russia stems from you know if. you go. nobody's going to phone they're going to come out those numbers you preorder mandery i feel that our system of the russian reaction might go go go to the troops so they must go every so our eighty four day parade defense minister sergey.
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only if you have the new i.c. citizens of russia that i gave you that on the dear veterans that whitish it sold that they you might better with the soldiers and soon as they use that shit in their surgeons and the heavy officers you put up with that. officer only the generals and admirals. congratulations on the day of the great victory only. that you will decide that you
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know one day of glory and triumph for our plant will go to this is a day of memory i thought i'd be drawn and so are you that you know i do that all the citizens of russia. sixty seven years ago. we defeated nate says even you feeling terrible when you cynical of course but i mean i cannot get in that video emerged of that got stronger and became out of an insolent then with face of the whole world really all of those barbarian splendid destroying entire nations and deciding the future of nations and continent it's. going to be that once again it's not just the uk we need to acknowledge and openly that aggressive in detention is of a gnat's is did not receive it collectively up through response and property of the
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human the up with the nations who were divided in suspicious of each other the ideological confrontation of preventing them from stopping the world war that suited period beginning and mankind had to pee in immense price on think on. it those noble and eventually. what happened was the other less in the. series to happen where you common determination to prevail over the evil in you in the troy. and the forces of tycho you learn your calling listen stew together if you agree we paid tribute to those countries it made an important contribution to the victory over this cruel enemy of them that we all should remember how the war started with you and analyze the reasons and the if you learn the lessons of this when you were caught you're there is still
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relevant today i'd like to suppress. that was drinking a full international law the most respected team with what i've got to solve are n.t. and free choice of every nation who flew in the us i think that we're one of people but i base it by gehring it sees. that. that the tragedy of this war will never happen again you do it in the but i wouldn't by the people or russia is consistently pursuing the policy of strengthening international security. and we have the many moral right enough who are sure they would fight showing insist on our position in the national and on because it was our country at eleven the world that i'm not the one that suffered the most the feeling on the nats is your agency and the particular union it offered here oig resister levy and went through them draws we determine the outcome of that i know are you putting in we
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defeated any enemy iraq liberations you were new to the nation so the whole world where they might be a year in which. the what this victory serves as any my sample for a younger generation i said they should remember us that day have been a sherry did this uniqueness arrange that. that you know. dear veterans. but actually you went on that through this war a number of marching together is you want to brotherhood when you hear. that you experienced drop tribulations and those suffering yet they seem unbearable no we knew about it and yet you did not encounter any union about it than you but you really achieved dissident serially feel the love in the that i did you. were inspired by the glorious traditions of the russian are only open
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the values that became evident when was hearing that the severest trials of the new york times you have demonstrated that one can prevail not only through the force of weapons but also through the faith and enery strangely enough the great periodic movement which is history now but you are carrying your dedication to defending their own homeland we'll never. but he forgot and. it will be a standard paper it is made out for your children grandchildren sure not that i've seen it but they're also looking ahead to victory bettering them out of them and they will march on red square today but i do not believe i can actually this will be a symbol off their great that respect at that to those who gave this day to us yes those in the pilots that are to those who remained on the battlefields and who will
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never be able to celebrate this sacred day together with us we will always remember what you have your this means we have on the future and what will you do all we need to make sure that our future is peaceful and secure for. glory to our victories people congratulations. on this day ya'll fellow great victory glory to russia. who the are. the
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. they didn't speak to the dead like he was. very interesting he actually did talk about the past but he also talked about the presence of the century of the international community is that united we can face the kind of barbarism that they did in the nineteenth thirty's or forty's so for you know this is a in
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a band commemorating the past but it does have a lot to do with the present as well and presumably the future. will grow some of these and come out of this parade. for many years of trying. to be who are these gentlemen right here is this a special but unit a brigade or is it just made for this parade. special combined arms regiment and that he will now. have to mark the distance space. informations their skin. ok and i see you safe.
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dispensable. all right have this kind of our control your space here. well the parade is actually started to see a lot of different military units that is fair game but what about all you will see some possibly some new hardware if there's any of the military here. it's pointed out in western media about how russia is spending money on the its military and sometimes it's a bit hysterical it's a small percentage of what the united states spends on its military every single year. russia gets twenty new airplanes it makes the music a. i say that would already. be in.
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any of them are. going to feel the drama of. the for a condition for. the first time to do that. he's a very young man and you know these. are the jets the cadets. military. school . days and procedure again this is a you just joined us this is the sixty seven put a verse three of the end of the cycle world war in europe or what in russia we call the great patriotic war. but it may prove to be opened up the parade now we see the person it's more. uniform set again i mean it's just purposely just for ceremony.
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purposes here well this is personal to the modern form because they don't any of like i'm sorry like the way they nineteenth century i mean frankly these other uniforms that were. used in the nine forty five of the parade. you can see those. special red breasts that they. did not use in a more. free said that earlier they were going to see different military districts because of the countries broken up in the military district so they could all be represented all the arms of the military schools universities you see a wide variety of institutions. and i would say that they can park in the parades as you can see it's now are. mainly the universities and the military universities and academies which are based in moscow bring them from the bus stop for example from others and they'd be doing it their preserve correct but they also have
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a combined arms formation that represents the army and to go forward. but we have to remind our viewers here this is a commemoration of the soviet victory of again in one hundred forty five so we have rebuilt the soviet union obviously the longer exists but we will have other republics former republics are we celebrating this or are they also it wasn't just russia russia is it was all the peoples of the soviet union so we could put it in georgia we will see it in ukraine to one degree or another sometimes politics gets in the way but for the veterans it's still a collective but most of it stops them from someone you can't agree more with. something. from the russian legal the foundational issues the success they say so especially those why russians the most important in them. and as we were saying earlier there's one thing the way in russia that doesn't have
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a memory. through a relative a grandfather or grandmother or for that all of this great event of tragic event twenty seven million people perished in the soviet nuclear by the nazis. you know it's. really. become akin to the people i know and i'm coming from a friend with whom you really can find. didn't have or somebody who lost a lot in the war nothing you say really sorry is money too many of them were just human kind of hope and you know even though this is a memory of something that happened sixty seven years ago it's very obvious to this day that it is still impacting russia's demographics not only did we have a very difficult time in the one nine hundred ninety s. with the collapse of the economy but before that we had a huge demographic change here and it's russia has never recovered from a good and it is recovering i should say but if the impact is so immense.
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unfortunately western audiences critically americans have the saving private ryan perception of the second world war well that most of the war most of the counties up and down the eastern suburbs not in the pacific and not in western europe and that should be remembered and i would say the average citizen in the west particularly in the united states are not aware. that's why it's a good idea to watch this parade on a. lot of time and venture through to add something just to learn what your. project news media used to. do you would have to push you to these people most of the people who lost their lives in one forty five more people were born after the revolution from something so they were the first numeration of the people who were brought up in the spirit. they had the phone so you. had occasion to most interview article and you were the first join the army from time and they were mostly they came from schools from universities. printed form you know. it's really
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be tragedy because that's the great you. know to some to name a time because they were mostly if you want to do want to give money they lost their minds and this is the biggest loss question of when someone is. going to close or if there's a controversy that still surrounding the war itself the role of stalin in the first six weeks of the war to what degree is he responsible for victory or i've always liked the figure of a days a week three of the people this was a people's victory over nazis and because. it's it's a they're the ones that gave their lives in the end a lot and there's criticism of the first the way the war was the pradhan the beginning until live lessons were learned and i gave the surrogate a little skeptical but it is a controversy still surrounding that but the outcome of there is no doubt it was a victory of the soviet people over nazi germany and it's our.
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