tv [untitled] May 9, 2012 3:01am-3:31am EDT
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the newly elected president vladimir putin he paid tribute to everyone that it helped in the victory over nazi germany all those years ago now fourteen thousand troops marched across historic red square just behind me and they were followed by some serious military hardware we saw. we saw vehicles as well as some high tech tanks followed up with how it says. some strategic ballistic missiles the parade itself was closed out by a. military helicopter bearing the flag of the russian federation as well as the all of the armed forces the army the navy and the air force as well as the defense ministry fourteen hundred around fourteen hundred veterans who were in attendance to see this great some of those veterans had been present at the first parade taking part in the first parade to commemorate the victory over nazi germany back in one thousand nine hundred forty five some very emotional scenes from some of
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those veterans looking on remembering what was sacrificed in order to achieve that victory over. the third reich all those years ago now the celebrations continue here in moscow and across russia for the rest of the day night will culminate in a spectacular fireworks display around ten pm. local time something that if you can tune in to see it is well worth watching always a fantastic event both a celebration and a commemoration of the sacrifice that was made in order to achieve victory over nazi germany. right that was peter all over there from red square commenting on spectacular parade to commemorate the sixty seventh anniversary of russia and here on r t we now take a look at other news that we follow for you here today the u.n. and boy to syria has warned his peace plan as
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a last chance for the country to avoid several war kofi annan also accused umask failing to hold violence despite it being nearly a month since the nationwide truce was imposed i just got to shake out has a details of syria's response. we're purred the syrian ambassador to the united nations say that a number of regional powers are sponsoring terror in syria to undermine kofi annan . he said the syrian government remains committed to the plan but it faces a surge of terrorist attacks including suicide bombings the ambassador shows a d.v.d. and said it has the confessions of dozens of individuals involved in terrorist activities upon the order of thirty countries there is what he said these terrorists did not come into syria. by using. they came into syria through the syrian borders with the neighboring countries so it's not a secret anymore who is behind these groups the. who are giving orders
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and try to work through these terrorist. leave. he also accused turkey of harboring armed groups which are infiltrating syria committing crimes and returning back to turkey because syrian ambassador said what also undermines kofi and his plan is the inflow of arms into syria now both the syrian ambassador to the u.n. and even the u.s. ambassador to the u.n. noted that there has been a decrease of violence in syria but the international envoy kofi annan said there is still a profound concern that syria is descending into full on civil war up to one hundred international observers are already working there the only said the number will reach three hundred by the end of the month so there's going to be more eyes on the ground as of now he said and i'm going to i'm going to quote here there has been a worrying episodes of violence by the government but we have also seen attacks against
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government forces troops and installations it's very interesting how the u.s. ambassador susan rice responded to the claims made by the syrian ambassador she brushed off the question about terrorists and then she went on talking about those who took up arms stepped down to fight for their rights a very dubious question arises here is that an attempt to justify violence on one side while. the other being exclusively the syrian government susan rice confirmed it in a way with her latest statement by putting all responsibility in the hands of the syrian government and never not once mentioning the armed groups in the opposition with this regard and that despite the fact that the u.s. has accepted kofi annan plan which addresses all sides of the conflict not just the syrian government. reporting there meanwhile washington has declared stepping up non-lethal aid to the syrian opposition dr yunus from columbia university says the divided rebel groups fighting for power even among their own ranks could be one of
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the major obstacles in the way off that u.n. backed peace initiative. the best would be to follow the. plan to the end give it a chance this is the best plan we can have we have seen what military intervention and the rebellion does to states a lot of syrians understand that what the start of the as a genuine popular revolt has evolved and something that there could be on control anymore and even the opposition is divided different groups are fighting different different wars we have different leaders we don't have one single command so if a shot of us said ses to its troops stop they can stop because there is a state system dead but who is going to say to these rebel groups to stop if one group stops maybe two others won't stop and some groups are even fighting between themselves for control or because they belong to different factions so it's unfair to say that it's only a violence committed by the by the government violence from both sides. formally
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the unravels have stormed the office of entering prime minister in tripoli killing two security officers armed militia men surrounded the building demanding payment for the role they played and last year's uprising against colonel gadhafi have a new massacre who's the editor of the pan-african newswire believes the security problems the libyan government's currently facing could lead to foreign intervention. the t.c. well bulls were promised compensation for their participation in the revolt against move last year about a month ago payments to many of them were suspended. because they claimed that there were a lot of irregularities in regard to who actually were entitled to these payments and what the payments were actually for there's a lot of problems that exist within the national transitional council they were put in power essentially by the pentagon and they took that had not been for the air
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power the naval blockade the intelligence sharing on the part of the united states government and the various or european governments there's no way that the m.t.c. could have defeated the libyan army last year so these are the dilemmas that the government is facing right now so it actually is creating a situation where there will be a rationale for possible u.s. or nato direct military intervention on the ground in order to poorly stabilize the situation inside the country. that was the editor of the pan-african news wire and a human as a q we're talking about the situation in libya. ukraine's jailed former prime minister yulia timoshenko has been moved from prison to a local hospital the opposition leader had been on hunger strike for nineteen days claiming she was abused by guards jury an earlier attempt to move her concern over her treatment has caused diplomatic tension within the e.u.
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on tuesday ukraine postponed a regional european summit after germany italy and ten other e.u. states pulled out in protest there were also threats from several european members to boycott the euro two thousand and twelve football championship in june russia also sees tomasz and its case asked politically motivated premier was jailed last autumn after being found guilty of an abuse of office she also now faces and a new trial for alleged tax evasion. as lot of important settles and roll back at the top of russian politics groups of opposition activists have continued their isolate of walks and sit ins across the center of moscow doesn't have been detained when they refused to follow police orders to disperse this includes prominent opposition blogger exceed a volley known for his nationalistic rhetoric and protesters have now decided to join the planned communist rally in the center of moscow and are now gathering for a march the action began a day had to put in your ration which was held on monday thousands of people arrived for
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a rally which soon descended into clashes. started throwing stones and trying to provoke the police presence and he's now in political analysts retrieve babbage try to understand who is driving the protest. who is the russian opposition well of course it depends who you ask but also if you take a look for yourself what you'll see most often are a lot of different colors organizations and parties well to help us kind of decipher who's who in this i think we can call it modern russian opposition is to me through bob h. he's a political analyst for voice of russia radio thanks for being with us i want to start with alexis in the widely and surrogate so just because they're the most well known at the moment they're constantly getting arrested and being released just briefly tell us who they are and why they've become the prominent leaders of our name is not a typical leftist populist like well does he use the morning to corruption and nationalist. but let's focus on the flanks for a bit looking at this video this is this is sunday's protest which for the first
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time turned really ugly you see these there's so and the left front it's called what what are the main focus of that party it's a flag we saw a lot of on sunday you see the red flags with the red star so this is an image abroad people might think it's you know a communist party because they read russia a communist so what they write because it would also friesen to decode. he's. left for on the reason why all of the communist party of russian federation human being chronically ill participate in all these actions given constantly arrestor that's his style that's like is that they're on ikea's where is their traditional. russian i guess what does that mean in terms of there are several groups which do not i why themselves with a laugh or with the communist party job you gone off sunday i was there and there were clearly some people who were trying to provoke violence
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a lot of these so-called anarchists you can see here basically were running into the riot police and also were wearing a lot of these masks. let's talk a little bit more about the nationalist side that we see sometimes i believe we don't have pictures here yet. but it's white there it is what's this is right it means someone you know all of the groups all the nationalist groups that are strongly opposed to the current government just want to pull white. bread. but who also but would not like to be associated with communists or leftists what does it mean that. when we see tens of thousands of people on the streets of moscow as opposed to small groups like we see here which we saw after the inauguration sit ins trying to happen why don't we see the thousands of the masses do we see so many different flags if they are so anti putin can't they just get under that banner all these groups have a mutually exclusive view they're not simply i think in his degree not simply contradictory that's just excluding the nationalistic use but you know being
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a liberal the liberal secular would you know be the nationalist the leftist accused which you know the soviet social system is a liberal secular splintering of reviving the soviet imperialist so they can't agree on anything the only thing that they can agree on is that they don't like john and they want the current russian state to collapse that's about it to me through bob rich political analyst from words of russia radio thank you very much for trying to help us understand what's happening with the opposition in russia because certainly people in the country have never been more involved in politics. and for more of what we do here on our team can always go to our web site which is r t dot com where you can find how politics is casting a shadow over the london olympics well some countries are using the van to question britain's foreign policy and accuse it of double standards with fears it could broiling the year's biggest sporting event. and he is the man who gets governments around the world sweating as to whether he's the latest leaks will expose their
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secrets and now julian assange on the test his own show to do it and well today find out the truth behind the arab spring and watch the show on air and online. and speak to two leading revolutionaries barraine where the revolution was that egypt where the revolution is now into what makes a revolution and where. they're going to go. israel's politicians have avoided the need for early elections after the ruling coalition announced it struck a surprise deal with the opposition party but the country's military leadership still isn't seeing eye to eye with lawmakers accusing them of being hysterical over the perceived threat from iran are just looks at the growing rift. usually it's all secret service that's eavesdropping on others this time it was the other
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way around in what was supposed to be a closed form in the form of security chief was caught saying this maybe i'm saying very difficult things i don't believe in the prime minister and not in the defense minister i've seen them from up close they are not people that i trust to lead the state of israel into an event of this magnitude the strongest criticism so far from someone in the know putting the growing rift between israel's political and military might of whether or not a techie ran out into the open. it's not. and maybe not polite but i'd prefer that in a sense of the sense of those who speak the truth. to our fourth story. where. i think what we're seeing first was that this government doesn't really engage with with the country as a whole that hasn't been a public discussion as to whether israel should launch a strike against iran and there's also
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a feeling that within the government itself it's only barak committed the of themselves who are making these decisions has been no white at the base among the smaller security cabinet or even the white a cop in the israeli politicians are near hysterical when it comes to iran and they've more than hinted that a military strike is under consideration were determined to prevent iran from developing nuclear weapons we leave all options on the table and containment is definitely not an option decision. yet. even. if you. use it. for the first time ever the head of the israeli army while still in office has broken bank and thrown doubt on whether iran is in fact planning to go nuclear . iran is going step by step to the police where it will be able to decide whether
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to manufacture a nuclear bomb it hasn't yet decided whether to go the extra mile but will israel go the extra mile and decide to bomb iran until. the military or the security establishment the stalk the government it's almost all of the leaders of all the military and security establishments were replaced recently the question is what will the presence establishment say and will be on subi supported by the government or make the divide between the two sides even deeper the temperature is rising ahead of nuclear talks slated to happen later this month in baghdad but also on this point there's disagreement with in tel aviv in a circle some high ranking israeli officials say pressure against iran is bearing fruit one is also official line is that it won't be can't buy negotiations policy r.t. tel aviv. and i will take
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a look at some other stories from around the world clashes have erupted in a bit as well in jail between armed inmates and troops the prisoners opened fire on guards who responded with tear gas the riot follow the government's decision to close the prison over recent escaped and complaints of overcrowding at least eight people were injured including the relatives of some of the inmates who gathered outside. the would be suicide attacker in a four old airliner bomb plot was reportedly a double agent all along a cia operative is said to have infiltrated al qaeda in yemen and exposed a plan a bomb concealed in underwear was meant blow a u.s. airliner from the skies in the first anniversary of a solemn bin laden's death a similar scheme was used in december two thousand and nine but failed when the explosives didn't detonate properly. the out of the left wing is three's a party said he can form a new greek government. once
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a coalition based on tearing up the terms of the international bailout deal he will meet the two mainstream prosperi parties later today and if they fail to come to agreement greece will be forced to hold another vote the developments follow sunday's election results which gave no single party enough votes to govern alone. tens of millions of pounds of u.k. aid money has been spent and forcibly sterilizing indian women many have died being mistreated causing outrage from those who suspect britain simply wants to curb the country's population for all teary or motives are just british we are has the details of this controversial program. they vonte the twenty five year old mother of three is living in one of india's poorest states just a few months ago she went for an operation to be sterilized unable to afford or access other forms of birth control the baby thought the operation would help her family but it went terribly wrong. given that i gained
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consciousness around twelve or one in the night i was made to lie down on a bench i was bleeding heavily on that day i came home without being given any medicine. as mandated by the indian government and its attempt to curb india's growing population around a million women from the region are sterilized every year she says around eighty women were operated on at this school in just three hours in january after mr liz ation camp took place at the school the police raided the offices of a local ngo and allegedly found video that proves that mistreatment of these women a new report also shows that many of the ngos the indian government uses to run sterilization camps are actually being funded with aid money from the u.k. . britain has donated millions of pounds to india since two thousand and five to fund sterilizations a newly released documents shows that the u.k.
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is interested in reducing india's population to cut down greenhouse gases and combat global warming. smooths of this. moves of the. hogback viewer who should control or do is to guard my moods your own greenhouse emissions through excessive use of energy you. the poor and to the reason for those gases this is to be unacceptable. because all those woman who are having more than it's a reality that angers women's rights advocates who are determined to stop improper sterilization days. doctors are under pressure to fill quotas and get bonuses for reaching them but many women are rounded up without proper knowledge of what is going on and are operated on in horrific conditions some have even died from excessive bleeding after the operation they do believe. in dignity also
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live so that it begins as a skeptic to something societies that do look at a lot like that even for four days out of four days they're supposed to be sick and . nobody calls for no follow up is done while the campaign is far from over one message here is clear that britain should stay out of it they view will never forget what happened to her that day. and i still suffer from pain and discomfort now there's flooding in a lump has formed i'm unable to do any work for the government its job is done another woman who won't add to india's burgeoning population but for the dehumanizing experience has left her feeling more of a number than a citizen preassure either r t bihar india. and here's a reminder of our top story here on r t russia has been remembering the heroes who helped defeat nazi germany in world war two a spectacular parade to celebrate the sixty seventh anniversary of the victory just
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ok back here with r.t. here is a look at the top stories russia remembers victory day and the heroic deeds of millions put an end to the bloodiest war of the twentieth century celebrations at a massive military parade marks sixty seven years since the end of world war two. the u.n. envoy to syria war and civilians are in danger accusing damascus of failing to curb violence despite it being nearly a month since the nationwide truce was imposed by the regime says it's facing terrorist threats from armed groups. and israel's military aren't buying the politicians threats from iran with some high ranking generals casting doubts tehran is building a nuclear weapon country's former top spy said he has no trust leadership the prime minister and the defense minister. up next julian assange stocks about fighting against.
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