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tv   [untitled]    May 9, 2012 10:00am-10:30am EDT

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straight to our breaking news for you this hour here on a brand new russian a passenger plane and the super super jet one hundred has now gone missing at sea it was during a flight over indonesia with fifty people on board. it is good to have you with us here on our to today on rory sushi straight to our breaking news story here authorities in jakarta such ing for a russian passenger plane after all communications with the aircraft were lost made flight let's not get the latest marty to appreciate are standing by for us now in new delhi priya it has been several hours now since contact with the plane was last
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any news that we know of as of what's happened. we still don't know exactly what happened already the indonesian authorities are still searching for that russian's to go i superjet one hundred the plane we now are learning are learning has fifty passengers on it it disappeared off the radar as during a demonstrated light in jakarta today it's already gotten dark over there it's raining and the visibility is not great there is fog so the helicopters are no longer looking for the plane the search has now been restricted to ground crew as the search is happening about thirty two miles outside of jakarta in a very rough mountainous area is what is the way that it's being described so they're obviously many challenges there the helicopters will start searching again for the plane at dawn on the plane went missing twenty minutes into the demonstration and members of the crew asked for permission to descend but now no one on the plane can be reached and the aircraft is not responding to health i
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believe we have a picture from someone who was supposed to be on the plane and it shows us. the path of the main plant is a mere amount and. it began a second slide by but it suddenly changed course and headed south of. the plane began to descend and drops out of contact we did get a chance to talk to the press secretary of the united aircraft corporation which is the company that actually owns the russian sukhoi superjet let's take a little listen to what she had to say about what's going on. i'm on your computer printer. project one hundred one was conducted in second demonstration flight in indonesia the first flight went without a hitch the flights were carried out from the same airport in jakarta before the second fled the plane underwent required maintenance and was technically include order according to information from indonesian authorities communication with the plane was lost twenty minutes into the flight at two thirty five pm local time
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right now the search is on for the plane in the crisis group has been formed and. we're also learning more information about the people on the plane there are eight russians on the plane and thirty six citizens from other countries the pilot of that plane is a fifty seven year old russian pilot he's a very experienced team. of blue at least forty five different types of aircraft during his career there are also some people from a lot of major airline companies there were on the plane. that jets performance the russian aircraft landed in jakarta today was on its fourth stop during an asian shore this was the second demonstration flight that took place in jakarta today the plane had previously been in pockets than me and more and kazakhstan was set to head off to laos and vietnam next. on a side of this brown you saw a horse superjet one hundred was on a bit of a sales pitch journey up and down the region as we're discussing here it's night
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time now that the weather is bad and we are we getting any responses from officials in jakarta as the possible causes for this disappearance. so the indio indonesian aviation authorities are not ruling out the possibility that this could be a hijacking or that the plane crashed into a nearby mountain as i mentioned it's a very rough mountainous region that they were flying in if the plane did crash authorities say that an emergency beacon should have gone off and as of right now and there's been no indication that that emergency beacon actually did go off which is why they're not ruling out the possibility of a hijacking at this point we also got a chance to talk to a veteran pilot and here's what he had to say about swine in that area there get those aircraft i used to fly in jakarta it has a very difficult terrain there's a month in six thousand one hundred fifty eight feet high it's very difficult we
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study this because we're professionals the pilot must have seen the mountain because the plane is very modern it's equipped with all the latest in the quick meant the most likely cause is a human factor or error of some kind but the investigation will establish the exact cause. so obviously authorities are still looking into exactly what could have happened on this search is expected to continue all night and into early tomorrow morning as well as we were just hearing from the pilot just a moment ago this is the latest brand new superjet one hundred cutting edge technology a brand new fly by wire system can you tell us that when it when looking back over the years of sue hoyt any problems with them in the past. no problems in the past for those superjet one hundred is the first passenger plane that's been built in russia since the end of the soviet union it's actually a joint venture there are between man and he kind of any kind of writing parts for that airplane including eight in italy germany switzerland u.k. the u.s.
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france the first model was unveiled in two thousand and seven the test flight was the next year in two thousand and eight and the first pos and your flight was actually just last year in two thousand and eleven and there haven't been any problems with the plane so far but only a dozen have actually been built there already been many orders for this plane one hundred seventy between orders taking place in russia and around the world indonesia actually just did a three hundred eighty million dollars deal this past august to purchase the jets which is part of the reason the russian russian sukhoi superjet one hundred i was doing these demonstrations today all right and he's appreciative there in new delhi thank you. know the super jet one hundred is the first civil aircraft designed and manufactured entirely in russia since the collapse of the soviet union it's a joint project of the russian aviation john sukhoi superjet international on several dozen other companies as well as the plane was meant to offer
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a whole new dimension of technology and comfort eclipsing its outdated soviet rivals it features a fully electronic fly by wire system as opposed to the manual flight controls and is equipped with a built in failure detection system aside from its cutting edge technology the super jet has cost efficient to run due to its lighter weight reduced fuel consumption and lower maintenance costs for the plane it belongs to the regional class but is designed to effectively operate on a number of mainline routes. a russian blogger that have a sort of gay dalio who was initially supposed to be on board the missing super jet reports online from jakarta is also providing us with the latest pictures from the region we spoke with him just a bit earlier on the phone here on r.t. . the authorities are searching for the plane helicopters just returned but says there's no trace of it rescuers are looking at the maps trying to determine where it could be i have been aboard this plane i flew here on board it
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there were two flights the first one was fine it lasted thirty minutes then we came back the plane was checked over and it was fine the second flight should have also lasted for thirty minutes i could have been on it again but i stayed back because i wanted to film it from the ground this was a demonstration flight for an indonesian aircraft company that wanted to buy twelve such planes we have already been on this plane in kazakhstan pakistan my ma the next stops would have been laos and vietnam or let's get some more insight on this and are joined from croatia by a pilot baron that we thank you very much for coming on our team today at the super jet as i'm sure you know is a very high tech plane and this is the first major incident involving this model is it unusual for a new plane to encounter difficulties like this. well it all depends on nobody in verse to geisha discovered if it's if it was discovered to be a technical problem with the aircraft then yes you could say that the new. birth
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problems and something went wrong. from the information that we have got right now it looks like it might be human error but again it is surely after the event to know what really happened or certainly is too early after the event particularly as it's now a night time in the region the helicopter research and rescue operations have been grounded for now russia's federal air transport agency says this plane belongs to the so-called experimental aviation department not meant for civilian flight so what could this opinion be based on looks like a civilian line or. any other aircraft or why no one sits or actually flies is going to look like a civilian airliner it. says it was on a promotion two were all over the region now it's later still being registered as an experiment where have you to get it is not yet fully enter service although the actual or test flight program which i believe lasted from two thousand and seven to
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two thousand and ten has largely been completed arms or this was more of a sales pitch two or a local a company that we're hearing reports of bad weather in the mountains of indonesia where the super disappeared how important it is this fact even for four high tech planes you'd imagine that this has got all the necessary bells and whistles to stare clear of potential danger. well there is some buzz in the aviation community that i've been calling it following to go online and the crew apparently requesting this center being instructed to descend by the air shaft controlled six thousand feet while all the mountains in that region are about six thousand two hundred feet meeting that they want to below the mountain but again they should have seen the semi and any more the aircraft will have a context in which warning systems has g.p.s. meaning that with a high degree of precision they will detect the moment and then it will alert
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defilements now we don't know what happened but again. any kind of a collision with terrain should have been avoided because the plane would have sworn to me why indeed as you know in a sudden as we've been reporting here on our t.v. that had this plane the sukhoi superjet one hundred one hundred was ultimately all on a demonstration of a sales pitch up and down the up and down the region where it was last seen when it comes to actually the sales of this potentially cutting edge across the impact could this incident have on the future of the sukhoi superjet one hundred anything . well again the problem is twofold you know while the sukhoi a super job one hundred is an excellent point and truly is just the latest in aviation technology and has got a very soul a design and there is basically no realistic reason for it not to sell but again it's a matter of perception because people might perceive it as being connected to an accident so now it's too horrible and certainly have to be very straightforward and
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work very hard to get or what do investigators to discover what happened and to put the true selves as soon as possible so that it sort of sails are not affected by distance and i certainly at this moment in the sudden is a lot of a speculation going on with this story right now but a pilot a marine method thank you very much for coming on auto such short notice thank you for having me. meantime aviation security expert chris yates believes the disappearance of the plane could be linked to the hostile nature of the region's terrain i think we can possibly rule out the suggested hijacking scenario no indication as to why something like that would have. even if all of the transport. so i could be turned off. towards the aircraft you would still see for example a primary radar blip on the screen syndicating where the aircraft might be generally within the region that doesn't appear to be the case so i think we can
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rule out that hijacking scenario and instead i think we have to look out a possible technical malfunction. operator error pilot error. we know that this is a. airports in terms of all of the navigation. and such like. but it's also interesting to rate around it and it's not a difficult task force by any means to operate out of but if it was descending back into the airport to the end of this demonstration flight. descended load the altitude given traffic control then it might well have gone into one of the mountains nearby and here in r.t. we'll keep you posted on the developments in indonesia where the search continues for a brand new russian a passenger plane the sukhoi superjet one hundred which went missing during
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a demonstration flight with fifty people on board. live from moscow this is r t it's a day to remember for millions in russia and surrounding nations whose forefathers vanquished the nazi war machine and now sixty seven years ago the festivities being held all across the country military parades of rolled through several cities of course and the biggest one taking place right here in moscow that's where peter all of our reports from. oh this year's big parade has come to a close on red square in the center of moscow celebrating the sixty seventh anniversary of the role played by the soviet union and the victory over nazi germany during the second world war now the parade was started off by the newly elected president vladimir putin he paid homage to all of those who helped to win that victory all of those years ago this year fourteen thousand troops marched
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across red square to the iconic center of the russian capital and they were followed by some pretty serious military hardware armored vehicles high tech tanks and followed up by again by strategic missiles the parade was closed out with a flyby from military helicopters bearing the flag of the russian federation as well as the banners of the defense ministry and the army the navy and the air force around fourteen hundred veterans were in attendance to to witness this year's parade many of them had actually taken part in the thursday parade to commemorate the victory in world war two back in one nine hundred forty five some of those coming straight back from the front to march across red square that day now the celebrations here in russia and in moscow continue throughout the day here in the capital they come to a conclusion with a fantastic spectacular fireworks display at ten pm local time just making
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sure that this day is a celebration as well as a commemoration of the sacrifice paid for the freedoms we have today. he's part of all of our reporting there on our sides the soviet troops thousands of british soldiers sacrificed their lives during the war they went to see braving subzero temperatures in the arctic to deliver food to the red army all in all four million tons of supplies were sent to the eastern front but as our teams of about it reports epic effort has remained largely on a recognized until now. the worst journey in the world was how winston churchill described it the ten days through hell the arctic convoys were a vital lifeline of supplies to the soviet union with britain's eastern allies in the grip of a nazi onslaught that just nineteen john c. is was a goner on board one ship braving fierce seas bitter cold and
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a treacherous route infested by german u. boats never experienced in the can you just imagine wives come in that. there's a block of flats just past the wife say just picked us up picked us up just market . just. perry mind we were fourteen thousand pretty heavy clark at all and you know we've been lifted out because you could hear the screws turn in at the wall. billard in the water this is the very ship john says his job was to man the n.t.a. craft guns against the heavy enemy fire from above but the onslaught came from the sea to the huge icy waves with the warmth even a ship this size just over eight hundred ships were dispatched in total in the convoys but one in eight never made it back britain lost three thousand men in what
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was known as the most hostile theater of world war two the waters so cold that fall in meant almost certain death yet those behind the mission never on and the men it sent john received medals for other campaign c. fourteen but he's still missing the one that matters most but our phil discussed why the while been training i mean there's only a few of us left now. maybe more well interactive. not frightened now and i mean come on but i know. someone we deserve as you say got relenting burma pacific defense medal i've got the order came pies other campaigns are been in a pair of them only fired. one of an english. medal for their ration cards but that could soon change prime minister david cameron's finally ordered the medals review after years of campaigning from veterans they
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haven't been on it so far because of bureaucratic red tape limiting war heroes to one medal per campaign medal rules also mean a stint on the convoys wasn't long enough to meet the six month minimum and impossible targets given the extreme conditions of the arctic is this gusting and to my mind the fact that it it's taken so long is really heartbreaking because over the years we've been campaigning for this medal many many of these veterans have and have now passed away and the absolute tragedy if this if we did get to a situation where the medal really removes the barriers and the up to conway veterans are allowed that medal and there are none of them alive to receive them of the sixty six and a half thousand men who sailed on the arctic convoys just two hundred remain like john they've just been offered another medal by russian government for ever in debt to this service on top of the two it's already awarded to john will find out in
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september if he is to finally receive what he really wants but for other aging war heroes like him it could be too little too late either bennett r.t. london. or live from moscow this is our tyramine of our breaking news for you a search operation continues in indonesia for a russian passenger plane after all communications with the aircraft were lost mid flight the sukhoi superjet one hundred was on a demonstration flight near jakarta it was shut you all to carry out two flights today the first one going off as planned however during the second flight the plane disappeared from radar a search operation is being complicated by nightfall and bad weather conditions have several versions of what happened none of them official as of yet it's the first such incident involving the brand new russian plane which made its first flight in two thousand and seven do stay with us here on our to you for the latest on this developing story.
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twenty minutes past the hour here in moscow in syria a roadside bomb has hit a military truck injuring six soldiers the vehicle was part of a convoy carrying the head of the united nations observer mission it's not yet at this point clear who was behind the blast the attack comes a day after the un envoy to syria warned his peace plan is the last chance for the country to avoid civil war kofi annan also accused damascus of failing to halt violence despite it being nearly a month since the nationwide truce was imposed with details now on syria's latest responses artie's a guy in a church a camp. where heard the syrian ambassador to the united nations say that a number of regional arab powers are sponsoring terror in syria to undermine kofi annan plan he said the syrian government remains committed to the plan but it faces a surge of terrorist attacks including suicide bombing the messages show that
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d.v.d. and said it has the confessions of dozens of individuals involved in terrorist activities upon the order of thirty countries here's what he said these terrorists did not come into syria. by using parachutes. they came into syria through the syrian borders with the neighboring countries so it's not a secret anymore who is behind these groups the. who are giving orders and try to work through these terrorist. leave. he also accused turkey of harboring armed groups which are infiltrating syria committing crimes and returning back to turkey because syrian ambassador said what also undermines kofi annan his plan is the inflow of arms into syria now both the syrian ambassador to the u.n. and even the u.s. ambassador to the u.n.
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noted that there has been a decrease of violence in syria but the international envoy kofi annan said there is still a profound concern that syria is descending into full on civil war up to one hundred international observers are already working there the only said the number will reach three hundred by the end of the month so there's going to be more eyes on the ground as of now he said and i'm going to i'm going to quote here there has been a worrying episodes of violence by the government but we have also seen attacks against government forces troops and installations it's very interesting how the u.s. ambassador susan rice responded to the claims made by the syrian ambassador she brushed off the question about terrorists and then she went on talking about those who took up arms to fight for their rights a very dubious question arises here is that in a campaign to justify violence on one side while. the other being exclusively the syrian government susan rice confirmed it in a way with her latest statement by putting all responsibility in the hands of the
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syrian government and never not once mentioning the armed groups in the opposition with this regard and that despite the fact that the u.s. has accepted kofi annan plan which addresses all sides of the conflict not just the syrian government. artie's gun education reporting they're now jailed ukrainian opposition leader yulia tymoshenko has been moved from prison to hospital for treatment the former prime minister had been on a hunger strike for nineteen days claiming abuse in an earlier attempt to move all four of us are hoping this will defuse a growing a diplomatic crisis threatening to overshadow the euro two thousand and twelve football championship. he has details now from kiev. now we have it officially confirmed that ukraine's former prime minister yulia timoshenko has been delivered to a hospital in her reported spinal hemorrhage will be treated it is interesting that it will be treated slowly by a german doctor now has insisted that no ukrainian doctor has access to her
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treatment it's unclear whether she is just mistrustful or she is afraid of her life something her daughter has been reporting now this be lots of control over see preceding this transportation of. the hospital now for several weeks she had been claiming that she will not be treated in ukraine and asked permission to be relocated abroad for her spinal damage to be treated there but the authorities have been adamant that she would not leave the soil before that there was an attempt to transfer you to one of the hospitals. on april the twenty fifth in fact she back then claimed that prison guards physically abused her during the transportation and recently photos of her bruises were made public on the internet causing a lot of fuss here in ukraine and internationally and now there has been a very harsh reaction following the a legit. physical abuse by the prison guards domestically with thousands of supporters of you that protesting in the prison building and in the near the court
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building and also very harsh reactions coming internationally now several leaders of european states said that they would boycott the you were twenty two well football championship in ukraine and poland because of the way had allegedly been treated by prison guards in the list of the officials including the german chancellor angela merkel the government of the netherlands the president of the czech republic and the german president as well as several other top officials in europe now ukraine even had to cancel the european states summit in the crimea in this city or because of so many officials from europe deciding to boy call this summit and certainly the fact that she will be treated in a hospital. by a german doctor is definitely a move forward we are certainly waiting for any more developments in this rather turbulent on the roller coaster story. to our breaking news story here on r t for you now authorities in jakarta are searching for a russian passenger plane after all communications with the aircraft were lost mid
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flight but not the very latest from our previous room standing by for us and priya any news now on what is actually happened to the plane i understand it is nighttime in the region where it disappeared. that's right laurie there still is no news on exactly what happened to duck plane the indonesian authorities are still searching for the russian sukhoi superjet one hundred the plane had fifty passengers on it and disappeared off their radars during a demonstration flight in jakarta today as you mentioned it's already gotten dark over there it's raining at the visibility is bad there is fog so the helicopters are actually no longer looking for the plane the search has now been restricted to ground crews that search is taking place thirty two miles outside of jakarta and a very rough mountainous region so obviously there are several challenges that these investigators are having to deal with the plane went missing actually twenty minutes into the demonstration members of the crew asked for permission to descend
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but now no one on the plane can be reached and the aircraft is not responding to hale's we are learning more about who is on that plane eight russians on the plane two italians one french citizen and one american most of the passengers on that plane were indonesian there were people from many major airline companies that were actually there to task for the jets performance the pilot is a fifty seven year old russian pilot very experienced has of flown forty five different types of aircraft this was the second demonstration flight that took place what those aircraft in jakarta to the plane had previously been in pockets done me and mar and kazakhstan and was that to head to laos and vietnam next we also have a picture of the plane's flight path it seems that the plane there reports saying that the plane could have circled the mountain once and then began potentially
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a second flyby but it changed course and could have had it south when it began to descend and that's when it dropped out of contact and no one has heard from that plane since that so it will prevail over to this point details a hard to come by but any any information for from authorities in jakarta about the possible causes for this disappearance. no information yet rory on what actually happened there is a lot of talk that it could have perhaps crashed into a nearby mountain and most of the pilots that we've been talking to any experts who have flown in this region have said that it's a very difficult reach and so it could have potentially a bit human error but obviously we have to wait for the official word from the authorities as the investigation continues to develop heart and apriori with us and we will continue to check in with you as this story develops so you will there in new delhi on the stand that you'll set to go to jakarta so we hope to get more information from you as soon as possible preassure to live in new delhi thank you.


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