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tv   [untitled]    May 9, 2012 11:30pm-12:00am EDT

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mr. well go back to the big picture on tom hartman coming up in this half hour all across america states want to hand over control of prisons and correctional facilities to very profitable corporations if they're not stopping there our governments at all levels trying to turn everything from public education to highway maintenance into a profit source for mitt romney type fat cats also the u.s. government is claiming victory after its oil the plot to bomb an american airliner
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this is the six us all the proof we need to scale back to rationality elaborate security theater at america's airports and could a poor economically disadvantaged nation be beating the united states when it comes to health care well yes it could be explained ideally take. its crew news earlier this year the florida state senate struck down a bill that would have privatized two dozen prisons and corrections facilities in that state since the decision in florida other states like arizona and louisiana have considered legislation that would give corporations like the corrections corporation of america the power to run their prisons but prisons aren't the only thing being converted to profit centers in america privatization occurs the efforts are occurring in all levels of government and in all industries from education to
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transportation to telecommunications last week the reason foundation released its annual privatization report which details the latest on ways millionaires and billionaires could make even more money off our comments joining me now to discuss the report is leonard deal right director of government reform with the reason foundation leonard welcome thank you tom thanks for joining us first of all what's what's the top of your hip parade of of ways. part of the commons that should be privatized and handed over to mitt romney his buddies well tom i would probably frame that a little differently but in terms of where we're seeing privatization activity it's really cutting across the spectrum at all levels of government and really into many service areas and the reason is pretty simple. and states and local governments in particular are dealing with still dealing with the lingering effects of the economic downturn we have budget deficits that are rampant at all levels of government and so they are trying to save money and so that's why we're seeing. a variety of different types of activities and you talk about you know for profit in there is certainly that element where there are some services and which for profit
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companies. highway or a prison that was that was taken you know built with first of all taken by eminent domain you know the property has considerable value the president owes the highway and just give it or sell it to a private corporation take the money over the short term and then lose out over the long term and that's not actually we're going to the store is one of the things that we're seeing and there are certainly in various places there are moves to try to turn assets to the private sector and generate some upfront revenue from you know the developer what an asset we did with parking meters in chicago was asked on this on a well i would we could have another conversation about that one but you also see this going on in in a variety of areas you see it in in highways you see it in airports that's another area in which we're going to start seeing more activity and and really what we're talking about though is is leveraging assets to do where is you other thing where is it because of the missile time but put it really the reason why we the people
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the reason why you know our founders created a government was because there are some things that shouldn't be the domain of private industry they should be the things that we do collectively and i would agree with you on that there is certainly i know that you are grooving on things like our court system for example or our army or maybe not i don't know as much of the army has been private privatized already actually have been costing us a fortune but. where where is this big internet and the commons well i think it's very simple i'm sure you know what schools for example be our public schools are going to privatizers schools you know to well it depends on how you frame that i mean certainly one thing that we're seeing right now is the. a lot of growth in the charter school movement and all of those are basically just privately operated public schools that you know try to create the socks off the cream of the crop of kids and then that i don't the words you read are that although i would say if you go to our report what you'll see there are references to a lot of different types of data out there that are showing how charter schools are are either equal equaling the public sector outperforming them and so kerry is the
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one that choice either in good studies done by educational groups point out the charges or even very many of them you underperforming public schools particularly when you have to the private sector you take a risk and that doesn't mean that you're going to succeed every time what you need are good strong contracts in the charter there's a charter the core question which is more important democracy or capitalism. i think well i would actually argue that they're both very important which is most important i don't know that that quest what i'm not quite sure what the relevance of that question to what you're doing is you're taking pieces that have been democratically run pieces of pieces of the commons whether it's our schools or our highways things that we all own together and we all ran through our elected representatives and putting them into the hands of private c.e.o.'s and corporations that we don't have any say over we've lost democracy in the regard of that and turn it into capitalism so which is more important i'm ocracy your capital i would disagree with that i don't think there's a problem with putting the private sector to work in the public entrance i don't
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have a problem letting a company it have make a profit if they're saving government in meaning us taxpayers' money but how is that how is that a sector is being used today but you know that i mean we were the private prisons were seen over and over and over again the private prisons are actually costing states more than if the state have been running the prison they just did the study in arizona and the republicans made them stop doing the study because they released the results of these private prisons are screwing us you know they they're trying to pay their c.e.o.'s millions of bucks they've got to pay their stockholders money there is plenty of data to support the notion that the private sector is saving money and corrections is it a guarantee it's never a guarantee in privatisation that you're going to save money what that takes is is accountable leadership that does a good job of putting performance into contracts and then making sure that they manage the private sector and making sure that need to be living ensure that our elected representatives are managing our commons and that our job as citizens i would argue their job as i please that is that our elected officials are doing
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a bad job of managing the commons in a lot of well i think so i think that they're being there because they're being corrupted but that takes us to the supreme court that's almost a rant but anyhow leonard we're going to go every reason foundation nice to me thanks for dropping by thank you it now looks like the in the best the rest of the news now looks like the underwear bomber terror plot that was foiled earlier this week was filled with odd twists and turns news reports suggest that the. would be bomber was actually an informant working for the saudi government and the cia who had infiltrated al qaeda in yemen and then volunteered to carry out the attack once that informant was given the bombing turned it over to his handlers who then turned it over to the f.b.i. this is just the latest in a string of terror plans that were set up or planned by either the cia f.b.i. agents or friendly foreign operatives meanwhile the underwear bomb that was seized by the way is a much more sophisticated device in the one used in the failed two thousand and nine bombings reportedly it's a nonmetallic device that would have been undetectible even during intrusive pat down and by the chertoff part of x. ray scanners so surprise our security theater in airports complete with those
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chertoff x. ray porno scanners and the t.s.a. gropes doesn't keep a safe next step have t.s.a. agents slap on latex gloves and bust out the k.-y. jelly joining me now for more on exactly what happened is what is happening here what it means for our so-called war on terror it's michael brain vice president the truman national security project michael welcome thank you tom thanks for joining us. first of all what happened with this. bombing plot this underwear bombing plot well it's important to stand at this point we don't know everything right and one of the one of the facets of the intelligence game is that we may never know everything and the release of information may be a leak that's true and it may also be information that's released in an attempt to misguide people on the other side we've seen a number of cases here where the f.b.i. basically. encouraged people to participate in criminal activity and gave them the means to do that do so and the rest of them when they did it is this that same sort
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of sting operation or is this good intelligence it's hard to say at this point but this looks like a real intelligence coup has been typically extraordinarily difficult to infiltrate we've seen that from the get go as it's franchised so as it's moved from the original group about you know twenty to one hundred men who all knew each other and came up to the egyptian prison system together and branched out into different groups including. the group in question here al qaeda in the arabian peninsula a q a p that group has been forced to do some strange recruiting and part of that has been an emphasis which is burning them twice now on recruiting people from the street to carry out suicide attacks because the core group isn't interested in dying for the cause somewheres these days right there just like all others and they all believe you know they're special so that's interesting yeah and so it went learning also. it's an interesting globalized world demented millenniums to be sure but the point here is it appears that this was the first at least publicly known successful penetration of an al qaeda cell by an agent now that may or may not be
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true but if it is true it's a huge intelligence coup for the for the cia and for for the saudi intelligence services on the other hand this new the new under underwear bomb the f.b.i. is looking at a quantico right now i guess someplace near here. would not have been detected by the factory porno scanners and it would have been shipped detected by just a good old fashioned grope unless it was like really you know got a quadruple grope you know what we're going to i think that's what we're trying to figure out right now actually is is exactly how detectable this thing was doesn't doesn't this alternately illustrate the point that the brits figured out very early on when the ira was bombing them that you can't stop everything that that rather than getting hysterical rather than losing your senses rather than losing your liberties you do everything you can to stop it you use good old fashioned intelligence and police work but you don't you don't walk down a city you don't you know you don't go crazy and that we've gone crazy i mean. i've
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had i've been in prison dinners with the president the vice president four times in the last year every single time all i did was walk through a magnetometer to get on an airplane i got to get x. rayed you know i got to have somebody grab me i mean. i don't even think the government thinks this is rational or what the truman project we stand with benjamin flag and bradman franklin perspective on this issue is pretty clear those who are willing to sacrifice their liberty in the pursuit of security deserve neither and you'll have another quote i'm going to use overzealous is crucial is crucial here that said security at airports and everywhere else is a constant battle between those on the defensive those in the office of in the real problem is the attackers the terrorists in this case they've always got the next move they've always got the initiative they always know what their plot is before you do and so at some point we've got to figure out one you know what are the limits of our ability to prevent these attacks and thankfully so far we haven't reached those limits all that much yet put second i think you bring up
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a really crucial point and that point is is the resilience that's necessary as a nation and this is something that the israelis and the british do have a lot to teach us about and that we are selves i think have demonstrated pretty strongly after nine eleven in many ways you've got to be able to take a punch and get back up yeah i think it. fact i think our response after nine eleven the immediate response was hysteria you know running around with their hands in the air and bull horns and we're going to get you and let's go bomb somebody else to go bob somebody else and it would just it seems like we we've been on this national p.t.s.d. run for we were for eight years anyway what i saw after nine eleven i think a little different which was a moment of coming together as a nation a moment of opportunity and hope towards but unfortunately that moment was squandered in some ways and i served in iraq in two thousand and three and two thousand and four so you just after writing a paper in two thousand and two about how invading iraq was a massive strategic error and about against al qaeda so that's that's an object lesson civil military relations were like oh we're out of town i'd love to your book or time i'd love to hear more about that story next hour next time thank you for coming but thank you i think the biggest takeaway from this story is that our
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airport security theater really can't keep us safe from people hell bent on taking down an airliner so we've been infected with the bush cheney fear and ben franklin was right as michael pointed out when franklin said those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety it's time to end the security theater and get rational again. coming up cuba is kicking america's but how is the sworn enemy of the united states one of the poorest countries in the world making us look bad and what can we do about it i'll tell you when i was daily take. a look. it's part of american power continues.
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things in our country. might actually be time for a revolution. and it turns out that a programmer drink at starbucks reza surprising him. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else here sees some other part of it and realized everything is ok. i'm sorry welcome to the big picture. here would you like to. look into the loan itself you know get the real headlines with none of them are the problem with the mainstream media today is that they're
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completely disconnected from the viewers and what actually matters to those viewers and so that's why young people just don't watch t.v. anymore if they want news they go online and read it but we're trying to take those stories that people actually care about and transfer them back in t.v. oh. oh . the capital account i'm learning mr. crazy a large global gas seen according to
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a new study by british scientists dinosaurs may have passed enough gas also known as methane to warm the planet significantly and contribute to their own extinction scientists found the sauropods for example a group of plant eating dinosaurs like the well known as soras produce more than five hundred twenty million tons of methane every year it will consume co researcher in the study said that quote the microbes living in sauropod dinosaurs may have produced enough about thing to have an important effect in the mesozoic era quiet which began two hundred fifty million years ago and wilkinson said that the smelly sauropods may produce more methane then all of today's modern sources of the gas natural and human combined so for those of you out there who think dinosaurs exist only five thousand years ago and actually lived alongside humans and it's just a matter of time before we uncover those ancient gas masks right. our
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first comment of an eye comes from rigel one who posted our tom arbonne dot com message boards he was pretty happy about the results of the french election and said promises a life that a socialist president as a conservative you may wonder why this makes me happy to put it plainly we get to watch so this should be fun president elect a lot believes that he can solve france's severe economic problems by massive tax increases increase government spending and disregard for debt other than the immorality of borrowing money with no intention of paying it back this is a true remember us opportunity for us we can sit back and watch socialist policies action and see what happens good luck frenchie this may get very very ugly well i would say you're right he does want to raise taxes on people. he does want to stimulate the economy but see when you say he has no intention of ever paying that back that's jibberish that's nonsense. we what we came out of world war two with
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his massive debt one hundred twenty seven percent of g.d.p. and who got us out of it truman and rose and exuding and eisenhower by borrowing money and spending it like crazy on a national highway system and they stimulated our economy they did the same thing that a whole lot is saying he's going to do so i think it's going to work i think is going to work well for the french and these hits that you know people who who want to make the government work and don't intend to pay back the wrong. are final comment of the night comes from dennis who tweeted about a recent segment we did a genetically modified foods he tweeted at tom our in the united states currently produces about sixty eight percent of g.m.o. crops in the world should be generous should g.m. foods be banned my simple response yes we don't know yet what kind of damage john i genetically modified foods do to us we should. learned more and if not lacking that we should at least be labeling them that's it for my take your
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accident your take my take tonight if you like your comments and questions here on the segment the big picture listen up we want to know your to send us your comments by visiting the thom hartmann facebook page via twitter at tom underscore her or in the chat room on the message boards or through the blog at thom hartmann dot com you can also leave a message on our rant line by three six fifty three zero six agree disagree sound off it's all welcome but remember that your comments may be used on the air. just. by the good the bad in the very very subzero sora silly ugly the good former senator john danforth back in two thousand and ten danforth a republican told the new york times it is senator dick lugar were seriously challenged by anyone of the republican party in the party had gone quote so far overboard that we are beyond redemption well a day after senator lugar's primary defeat dan for again dan for that attack the
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republican party he told think progress that the republican party is trying to create quote something that's ideologically pure and intolerant of anybody who does not agree with them and quote the republicans are really trying to do is create a one party rule system in america that i'm mr dan for pointing out how destructive . the bad congressman allen west in his latest government conspiracy theory west said this week in the federal food stamp program is actually a way for the american government to enslave american citizens speaking about the program west told the crowd that's not how you empower the american people will tell you when slave the american people that's how you drive port economic dependence instead of economic freedom. you know the real way to win slay the american people is to take away their rights and their access to social service programs and those are two of the things that a representative wes. those republican colleagues are actually trying to do and the very very ugly the tea party in a recent monthly newsletter
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a virginia tea party group said that an armed revolution yes they use that phrase will be necessary in america if president obama is reelected in november the newsletter read quote we shall not have any course armed revolution should we fail with the power of the vote in november and last week a tea party activists the party express rally screamed we have to kill the choir bear ladies and gentlemen in response to missouri democratic senator claire mccaskill as missouri democratic party spokesman spokesperson caitlin gassy pointed out this is the kind of inflammatory language that could lead to violence or something worse i would add it is barely theory.
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for those who think the united states has the best darn health care system in the world i have a little mission for you go to florida get on the very southern tip of the state and look to the south about ninety miles off the coast there if you could you'd see cuba and trust me look at a cuba well brawn cause your eyes to burn out of your sockets won't turn you into a pillar of salt and won't get dragged in front of the house un-american activities committee instead you'll actually learn a lot about what a compassionate and effective health care system is supposed to look like even though cuba is one of the poorer nations in the world with an economy that ranks eighty ninth and a g.d.p. of just fifty seven billion dollars compared to the us g.d.p. of fourteen a half trillion dollars. still performs just as well in life expectancy and infant mortality as the united states. so how is that how is a poor economically disadvantaged nation machin in some cases beating the mighty
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united states it's because since the revolution in one nine hundred fifty nine cuba has made health care its number one priority giving every citizen free access to basic health care all paid for by the government and it's worked cuba has five hundred thirty five thousand health care workers and its biggest export to the rest of the world is doctors and when looking at disease epidemics like aids for example cuba is doing much better than the united states at treating its citizens the counter argument here is that cuba is a small nation while the united states is a big nation so it's much easier to give health care to smaller populations than larger ones so rather than comparing cuba to the united states let's compare cuba to new york city which has roughly the same population in the last three decades seventy eight thousand seven hundred sixty three new yorkers have died of aids in that same time though only two thousand three hundred sixty four cubans have died of aids so what the heck is going on here. well the new york times has figured out
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in a recent article in this issue the times writes other elements have contributed to cuba's success it has freedom of the universal basic healthcare it has stunningly high rates of hiv testing it saturates its population with free condoms concentrating on high risk groups like prostitutes it gives its teenagers graphic sex safe sex education it rigorously traces the sexual contacts of each person who test positive each cuban citizen has a doctor they can see for free if they miss a routine check up and that doctor is supposed to track to their patient and find out why compare that to the united states where you are lucky to get an appointment with a doctor within a few months and even if you do at the pay an arm and a leg for the visit also pregnant women in cuba get twelve free prenatal checkups and are tested for hiv at least twice before giving birth and children are given comprehensive sex education somewhere rick santorum had just exploded a new york times goes on to compare how the united states deals with our aids
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epidemic writing by contrast the response in the united states which records fifty thousand new infections every year seems feeble millions of poor people never see a doctor testing is voluntary and many patients don't return for their results sex education is so politicized that many schools teach nothing about protected sex condoms are expensive and distribution of free ones is haphazard looking at just how we had minister health care it's hard to figure which nations of the development and which one isn't the usa or cuba i think it all comes down to this we as a nation really have no clue about what really matters when it comes to protecting our population president george w. bush was running around warning of a bio parent terror you know the baby biological and how we had to take out saddam before he dumped germs in new york city. and yet we don't even have a health care infrastructure in america to deal with
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a legitimate bioterror attack side from terrorism we don't have a national healthcare system that can deal with a far more common than normal disease epidemic like sars or bird flu cuba does but we don't so while we continue to throw trillions of do our so-called war on terror and inflate our monstrous military budget and are all but having to have bed over the airport we're still ignoring the biggest threat to the well being of this nation and that's our in adequate health care system cubans get doctors we get chertoff porno x. ray scanners so who is safer cuba has been embargoed by the united states for more than fifty years now and while certain aspects of cuban society of leap through into the american way of life like their cigars the most important cuban contribution to the world its health care system is still shunned here in the states it is time to stop the insanity and make basic health care a human right for all americans not just because it's the morally right thing to do but because our national security depends on it. that's the big picture for tonight
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me peter he gave me pieces feel. the team.
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sucks. up.


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