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tv   [untitled]    May 10, 2012 1:31am-2:01am EDT

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the. technology. no welcome to squad like the party i'm going on today my guest in the studio. the their world chess championship just about to start in moscow credible last fulfill that and. some may call chess the most unspoiled this point on it but the stakes are still high and thousands are expected here in moscow to come and see the chanting chess has always been a very special in russia and the u.s.s.r. it was as symbolic as the bolshoi just put many of the world's best grandmasters
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russians and one of them here today. how does it feel to be one of the. persons in the world how does the art of chess look from the end so we're asking fourteen world champions and one of the most talented chess players of all time. back in the eighty's and ninety's was a true prodigy on just players his breakthrough was of be age of sixteen when he won a gold medal at the chess olympiad in manila that game is seen as the springboard into his successful career among. the best chess players of all times including the celebrated new filed with meaning under their guidance won the world champion title in two thousand and securing a landslide victory. meet. latimer
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welcome to the show thank you very much for being with us well first of all this i think isn't one of the eternal questions not only of chess but journalists about talking to people. chest and spoil sport in chess well i've been a sports journalist for a long time i've asked this question and three answers but it is to interesting to see your answer. cheers. is a sport right but sport isn't about being the best sport it is about winning is chess is best winning while i think in this in this sense i don't see a very big difference between chairs and other sports like tennis or for boring minutes it's about winning call being the best whatever you call it but i think it goes to girls are you nervous to sing so go and do not always know look pretty much like take football yeah one of the most popular sports in the world well the.
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team that is better sometimes loses i mean one goal one mistake and they are the same goes for chess but i mean all in all i mean it's about well of course because the main goal for the for a chess player for any tennis player to be number one to be winning and ideally every game you play you know which is of course not possible to realize but still you're aiming for it so in this not sure of the different of the so big but i personally are actually going to be really can see the chairs of the sport i mean for me it's something but it is strange you know we used to have this formal reach i think it's. spread to. a logical next and i do agree with the choices one sort art one sort science and one sort sport so i think you know it's it's kind of troops because sport from you sport is something physical it's a physical competition chair's is not a physical competition although of course. physical aspect sometimes strangely
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enough is quite important i have talked for example to my needs which used to as we were said to be the chance champion among women and she said that the i think is something about women's lives. why women don't play makes you said no it's about physical condition just because when you play and that it took was so much strength so much physical health that a woman can't stand it only men could hear that yeah that's true actually you can simply everybody can make an experiment on the his own is just ok just the right tool solve even even quite simple mathematical tasks for five dollars an hour or i can assure you that you will be completely finished you know more than than maybe make in five hours of fitness it's a fairly potent good starting physically therefore for instance all just. make in what they're trying to keep keep them so fits all now but it ignores more course nobody beings non-body of course i mean everybody is making sport and everybody is
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trying to be very fit so that's also true i mean if actually. about this. sort of woman chess it's also actually a bold simplest artistic because i would say the statistic really it's like for every ten boys which start to study chess as it is one girl will be all sorts of less and finally ok it's a magical you know it's about numbers so that's why we actually to be her for a few let's say one who has a very famous hungered i'm very famous judit polgar sure who actually is a top chess player top shoe she's fighting equally was a man she used to be good it was part of. the menu of all champions and she used to be a kid best i think like number seven in the vault in the men that i'm looking on here so it's possible it's not impossible but but but of course it's easier for men because of many reasons also if you don't reach a conclusion not just one game but imagine for
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a month you know where i went on like so many actually it's very tiring it's it's. as much energy consuming as any other sport so in this sense i think it's pretty physical but still i i would. coming back to your first question i would not fully can see the church as a sport. although it's can see that as a sport and most of the country is but i said to me at least i'm just talking about my personal perception to me it's an art it's a way of life it's something very important for me but it's a very big artistic and scientific part of it so but finally of course i think if i would be enjoying artistic part of it but losing every game i'm not sure i would stay for too long playing chess is it true that chess is much more predictable that it's much easier to win playing by the rules then to win in real life. or well i would just say no i mean just different you know in the sun that chess
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just has a very strict rules and so basically the element of chance is pretty small it's a really small i mean compared to all it's games like cards or even for career i mean of course chess is a if you're better chess users much bigger chance you're going to win so for one side everything depends on you in a way from other point of view if you're because in your porn and then it's really bad luck i mean if you are very good in chess does it give you a privilege in real life situations now. i think that is there is a sort of connection i mean not as strong as people might think because you know there is a world where you can you know real rules in life you know not but i mean in general you know for people things that if you are great just play it means you're absolute genius that you have some kind of incredible brain which nobody can the can compete with it's not it's not completely true that in atlanta i mean of course . actually to be a good use definitely definitely requires some intelligence to put it mildly and
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maybe chess players i.q. is in general would be tires an average but i mean what i want to say is that if you play chess better than your neighbor. it doesn't mean that you're more clever than your neighbor another it's not that simple but definitely it requires certain to listen and also what i want to say that it develops and teligent and this is a very important the reason why i'm asking this question is that in one of the interviews you said i quote i have played chess since i was five and it shapes my thinking i am always very logical sometimes even to logical and quote in which situations in life be who are gigo is not helpful. well you know we just well yeah so not only but you know we just players of it just have it it's become in the aftermath that afflicts you not to start sinking even when it's simply not needed you can just do things on autopilot you know just on your reflections but you anywhere you think it over and sometimes it's not useful but i still ok it was half
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a joke because still i believe that it's it's quite useful in general it's very good to get. to think you know i think it's so really hopeful and so i'm actually very hope is that they study helpful to think but life a life is not alone this is not logical at all and i mean it see every person is the logic i mean so says so does it really mean i mean nothing magical logics in life that i'm sure of that it becomes everyone i mean i least i think that i can predict sort of thing certain situation i had the general feeling that they can do it pretty well i would say but the but also drawbacks here i mean i'm but i think that it's politico for at least what i want to say that i would definitely try to teach my my daughter is now with just three years old but maybe in one or two years i will start teaching churches because i think it's very useful to develop your
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mental abilities for future yourself or will she go to school or while of course i will stop myself because it's not on the it's not only just for her it's also for me it's a pleasure for me about at some point it depends you know i think that you're sure the necessarily become a chessplayer i mean i'm not even sure that i would like my daughter to become a professional just player only if she would be exceptionally talented may some people say it's impossible to teach your own children i mean you send them to well of course at some point yes i will go first cool if she will be really talented enough if i would see that she has a bright future in chess but anyway even if she wouldn't become a professional chess player i would be i would love. ship plays share some she shares and because chess is a more though. i think of right thinking and i would like. to get to know how to think in the way of lattimer kramnik that fourteen world chess champion spotlight will be back to political grade so stay with us we'll
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continue this interview in less than a minute. sigrid laboratory curbeam was able to build a new most sophisticated robot which on fortunately doesn't give a darn about anything tim's mission to teach creation why it should care about
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humans in the world this is why you should care watch only on the r g dot com. welcome back to spotlight an amalgam of in just a reminder that my guest on the show today is latimer kramnik the fourteenth world chess champion. in russia chess always been very important in in the russian nineteenth century in soviet russian soviet union also why why was it so important in the country and why. why was it so dominant i mean the russian school in the twentieth century well the. few reasons first of all of course that is a part of actually accident in it because in first of all lenin hugh used to lecture us this is quite the well known fact and i sing that's why after the revolution
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nineteen seventeen become quite popular and there was a video important member of the soviet government under lin time his name was clearly and then he was under stalin fire and it was a big fan of cheers he became a president of the chess federation and he spent a lot of force to develop this game you know so i think this is a first part of it and the second part before that at some point after a few years quite a few years like twenty years of developing chess i should also mention the church just as a cheap game you know i mean maybe that was also important because after the revolution soviet state was not included to be reached you know i mean the and and maybe it was a good way to entertain people you know. by saying cheap you mean it doesn't require lots of expensive work you know and you know i mean the germans you know your son if you're very good you can even play chess blindfolded want to want to be professionals also you don't even need a chess board so you don't need to clear for it to get any money to develop it ok of course you knew at the end of books that that's all that if you're stuff to try
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to become a professional just boy or this is interesting what you said about lenin because it immediately immediately occurred to me that in the in the posts of the times one of the one of the big fans of sponsors of chess was mr gadhafi said no no no it's a there's they seemed to like yeah no that's not on that i can also tell that for example i can deal with it not belong here he was a front of chess on the even over quite a few games of humor which he played on the show to call a nazi and also not know not the most democratic figure in the year but get out of the market about about other figures i can tell you that my block of he was a very big fan of chess and his loser insurance is actually in a yeah it is one of the one of the. both probably books written about chess is a true speaking about the bark of an about allusion is that all great grand masters are a little bit crazy no i don't think so i mean i mean it's a legend after the strike first novel of twine you know for the solution difference of not i would say that such such characters like allusion might exist and from
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time to time you have such a spoiler but it's not it's not likely that everyone is like this of course not so but unfortunately it also has great books also made us and of course fishery have been already well there always start talking about this very day coward's let's take a look at the russian chess tradition in a report by spotlight neither. one of the oldest chess playing nations russia has alone an honorable list of the greatest chessplayers ever the fourth world champion alexander lost in the one almost every tournament he played throughout the one nine hundred twenty s. and contributed greatly to chess theory even though he fled the us assign one nine hundred twenty one he was considered the founder of the soviet chess school after world war two the role of soviet dominance in chess began with me while between the group in the chess world for fifteen years between the equator became one of the
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pioneers in developing computer chess throughout the post-war history of the u.s.s.r. it was just once that the country's chess predominance was challenged it was by twenty nine year old american bobby fischer who managed to break his soviet chess monopoly win in the so-called match of the same shereen one nine hundred seventy two however the us is trying was short last thing another twenty years of the us is sussed she has dominance followed in the one nine hundred eighty s. the main chess intrigue was who of the soviets was to get the next title of or kasparov chess was the u.s.s.r. surprising joy you could find a chess set in almost any household if you want. to make something popular put it on t.v. so we have sports news works very often come with us and it wasn't just announcing the winner of the match news presenters to buy large magnetic words they showed the moves made by the players and explained that these days the boards have become
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electronic and chess has almost completely disappeared from both the russian households and sport news it now takes a huge event like a world champion playing against a computer to make chess hit the headlines once again russian mastery of the sport came to an end in two thousand and seven when graham nick was beaten by an indian chess grandmaster wish one of their own and with most russians still believe in the supremest sea of the country's chess school and think it's just a matter of time before russia guess the world champion title back. now today in modern days russia there's this russian chess school does it still exist is it is a still financial in the world i think now this was internet and is this free information and all these floats here and what i did you cannot stop but i think the national chair school early not exist and then you know i would say yeah because and that time no internet very few. were very futuristic and there's
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a really high level today in us very few just publication so of course russian support them in it and because because first of all it was a very prestigious to become a spoiler which was not the case in the worst i would say and this is a very important point to believe and also because because the kind of call sort of call off the tennis of information of which which was not go in abroad since you are you know we're well we heard the soviet regime and actually board this work last actually even the best turn of the deal have a chance to get brought and the soviet leadership also was investing money like it was diverting into ballet you know into chairs into space. explorations there were all the fields that not all the countries want to do this to integrate i have to admit i'm not a very big fan of the soviet the discipline of the time but the have to be created for me and all other chess players also because of course it created the very famous overture school. i would say that mikko but we knew because of all chen very
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famous well champion of filth of soviet union he was the phone data in the way of this church school and we still have a very powerful church school here but of course now the borders are open actually that is not soviet union the new more and in let's say in the team competitions now this is our main opponents of the russian art of the country it's out of mania ukraine azerbaijan and so on so is becoming much more difficult to the minute now this your wife is french and you live there you live in europe. most of the time. couldn't you say where in the world today chess is mostly popular also not in india though and here no no no it's growing severely grow in india in china it's going enormously actually the. woman on is now each a nice girl and she's incredibly talented she's just so i think sixteen or seventeen and she is all to do all champion in all categories saw. india world
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countries and mendoza budge on ukraine is still very powerful and in europe actually is getting better and better because there is a. that is not a bridge in the home of the all the false starts the nor who his name is among those calls and he is number one on the waiting list now in the men's chairs he's just twenty years old and he's probably a future will just champion i'm pretty sure about that and you know actually it's because i'm in there is a very very big american star for that reason now and he's already in top there and his name is he got on the come out of his japanese are legion but but here he is playing under medical flag. so it's actually becoming much more multicultural and this is what i like because also the problem why chess was not popular in the worst because all the major chess tournaments let's say twenty years ago were played around the russians it was basically russians playing against russians and of course people there like to see some new faces and now now for example in top down
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in top them by a by a rating you can see as our city russians and all other people of different nationalities there is one indian one that original one bold and one there are many in the one ukraine so basically one american so basically all over the world chinese are common become stronger stronger so now we are going to be really everywhere another quote from yourself when you begin to understand the game of chess in this full depth you find that certain rules become blurred and quote this it mean that chess is not actually only about calculating but the poor about about intuition or something well you see chess actually it's funny enough funnily enough chess is too complicated to be only about calculating i would say that you know that's why even few years ago we were still able to compete on equal terms of his computers with the most powerful computer the only thing out of these now are already years slowly slowly as they start to take over and so those are the ones
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that it is about calculating well it's pretty much about calculation but not only about it because still there is no computer or even your norm incredibly the most powerful computer in the world cannot play a perfect game of chess because it's just far too complex to calculate it i would tell you that mathematically. very very general amount of possibilities all all possible moves on the chess board is the number was twenty zero so i feel a number of the show actually doesn't exist in the reality so that's why it's just far too complex to talk a little complicated to calculate it out even for a computer not even mention in a human being so so for a human cheers that is a lot of general intuition sort of stuff. your feeling for the game i'm in the us it's a it's also it's a kind of for me that all best just players a they start to make the first move and they'll do you know what will happen if until the end of the game it's not if you seem to ition is so important then i would think that it should be easy to feel for a human if you play with
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a computer to play to play the quick chess with them to place them to play a liar a long match world of the solution is more intuition more reaction for you or for it for a human being in years but the but for a computer and i used to play it too big much as it was the most powerful machines of the time it was in two thousand and two and two thousand and six and i can tell you that in two thousand and two the my opponent computer was going to call it in the earth something like five million and in two thousand and six it was already cost to ten million more second so i would say that even when the creature so you know it's quite difficult. out i mean i would say the computer of the doesn't really have an intuition but he doesn't you know it is he has such a powerful calculation tool that he now it's becoming all that idea it's a little bit difficult to fight with you said one third mathematics one third sports and one third are right in chess so another quote for me the greatest threat
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is he simply comes to you in this suit and situation does that mean that that this sort of inspiration like an actor who goes out and stage and suddenly here it comes in a definitely so so this is about as soon as i'm in in fact on the highest highest level actually well that everybody is very powerful very strong very professional works a lot so it's pretty much about your inspiration your more so it's very very delicate matter you know once you lose a little bit of this inspiration you cannot then you more perform at your very best so this is this part is very important and also actually cheers again also because it's so complex. it is you can play in many different ways actually every top player has a slightly different style which is he is nor whole which is exactly the way he plays chess and no one else and this is actually a very vivid interest and i think it's pretty much connected to his your character we see a human being and that is what percentage in the bowl cheers for instance if you
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take this very famous period of much as between us part of and proud of who was fighting for the world cup on for many years. totally different type of chess absolutely different very different as human beings but but stills or model less on equal level you're sold and this is this is what this was and they did the ball chose it you can you can the nearly put yourself into it and. visa moves you make you can express your individuality. was there ever a situation when you place a very and you were fascinated by the way your opponent plays and it was it was more fun for you to see how he plays than to win or winning over winning is number one i mean or no no no both of them both both things are important but actually i like very much to play was a greatest possible players actually i only compete in the best ornaments i mean because because this is not only about the result after all i'm
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a chess veteran already i'm there for twenty years on the top of chess i'm in top ten so it's also i like to enjoy the game and of course when you play a great opponent it's much more interesting because i really enjoy it because some moves i so i see it's all deep so great that i which i didn't really predict then but here he went on a little bit deeper than me and i see and i look at least me and so as the last is maybe maybe maybe more fun than the reality you know where you're i mean i mean in a way you know we are two we are two players of course we are pawns but we are i also consider that we are like musicians like a do it of musicians who are creating the piece of art in the way and savoy just his own the different that somebody has to be in somebody has to lose but this part of it is also very important for me at least you're a lucky man i envy you thank you thank you very much for being with us and just a reminder that my guest today was of lattimer spamming the fourteenth world chess jam and that's it for now from our spotlight we'll do that and then play on our team and take your eyes.
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reports say there are no survivors from the crash of a flagship next generation russian airliner with recovery efforts big by difficult mountain terrain in indonesia. russia's president vladimir putin abruptly pulls out of the g eight summit in the u.s. next week just days after settling back into the country seat of power. and greece is left hanging as politicians failed to form a coalition governments with a far left here giving a resounding no to e.u. bailouts. and i am in the russian capital you're watching r.t. i'm worried a jasher welcome to the program now it's been reported there are no survivors from the crash of russia.


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