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tv   [untitled]    May 10, 2012 2:01am-2:30am EDT

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the boy's superjet in indonesia recovery operations are under way by the difficult mountainous terrain will mean the number of hours before teams reach the side of the wreckage will artie's priya shrader arriving to part of the past hour and we can get the latest from her now hello to you so what's the very latest that you can tell us. that's right marina well as you mentioned indonesian air force authorities were able to finally locate the russian sukhoi superjet one hundred that went missing from radar signals yesterday here in jakarta the plane was actually found on mt sala which is actually a dormant volcano and as you pointed out it's very rocky terrain out there where the plane went missing it went missing twenty minutes into a demonstration and there are no there is there are no survivors at this point is why there is no sign of any survivors there have been conflicting reports of how many people were actually on the plane at one point we heard that there was forty
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eight but now someone that was actually supposed to be on that airplane and that great of the people that were said to have been on that plane actually didn't order that plane so now we're hearing that the number is actually forty five. eight russian citizens on the plane many indonesian passengers on that plane many people from major airlines around the world on this plane was part of an asian tour and had been to caught the don is not and me on mar indonesia had actually done a three hundred eighty million dollars deal for these russian superjet one hundred stack in august so this was considered sort of a trust and demonstration to show the indonesians what this plane was all about as of right now there are a lot of people mourning here in indonesia a lot of the family members of the passengers were spent the night in the airport waiting to hear any word of what had happened and their search crews are still trying to get to this location which many people are saying could take as much as
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three hours to get there on foot because of where it's located and. well as you just mentioned earlier the super to add was a sales road show. before and. testing stages approved to be relatively. general before this happened. nothing like this is average happened before with the one hundred on the first model of this plane was unveiled in two thousand and sat in on the first hostages in two thousand and eight and the first commercial cost of this airplane or a commercial flight of this airplane was just last year there are only been about a dozen of these planes that have been built but about one hundred seventy orders have been put into place around the world on the plane is asked to make it to cost around thirty five million dollars i mean as i pointed out earlier the indonesians had three hundred eighty million dollars deal for this plane so there has been
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nothing like this that's happened before so it's a little bit unclear at this point there were some weather conditions yesterday that could have factored into what happened here but obviously we have to wait for the investigation to conclude to find out exactly what caused the plane to go down in the mountains. for keeping us posted on what's happening there praise who are reporting from jakarta and of course we'll be crossing back to you for more on this . now tell the stories here in r.t.e. lie report has unexpectedly pulled out from the g eight summit in the us state of maryland it starts next week instead he's sending prime minister dmitry medvedev let's get the details now from our correspondent peter all over. here this all seems to be quite a drop abrupt so what's caused the decision. well president putin contacted barack obama by phone explaining that he had to stay in moscow to make important cabinet
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appointments no the two have agreed that they will meet next month at the g twenty which will be held in mexico that means that next week at the g. eight prime minister dmitri medvedev will be representing russia and a statement from the white house they said that they fully understood the decision made by president putin and would welcome dmitri medvedev to come david to be a putin adjourning his campaign was quite critical of u.s. foreign policy in particular concerning the proposed u.s. on to missile defense shield in europe in eastern europe now in fact one of the first orders that was signed by by president putin concerned the a.m.d. shield demanding that washington provide legal guarantees that the system would not be targeted against russia. so why does this leave her than the delicate issue of missile defense. well next week we expect the
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expecting that the missile defense shield will be given its first real green light nato holding a. summit in chicago in ten days time and they're expected to give the ok to activate into septimus isles in poland no. washington has time and time again said that they wouldn't that this system wouldn't be used to target russia or that it was a good use. to target states like iran should they develop missiles with that type of capability however the white house still refuses to provide any form of legal guarantee something is being demanded from moscow. now this is an issue that has been very sensitive and as my colleague alexy out to shift the reporters rumbled on for several years now. scared distrustful and even hostile these are only some of the labels moscow has received in the west for expressing concerns over
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washington's controversial european anti-missile shield plans that u.s. wants to build european support for this missile defense system the russians on the other hand are very mistrustful of the u.s. global agenda and want to use this issue to disrupt the u.s. you know why and if you can. we show that it's. an isometric of up. to make russia's position clear the defense ministry organized a special conference in moscow visualizing its worries in a graphic clip experts say that by the year twenty twenty when the final phase of the shield will be ready nato bases in europe will be able to shoot down russian intercontinental missiles this moscow says violates the principles of nuclear containment and would dramatically shift the balance of global power. it would have no objections to the will of the u.s. to strengthen security in europe but it cannot be done at the expense of our security security cannot be divided and that's one of the principles of the start
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treaty signed between moscow and washington the u.s. delegation again played down talks of a possible threat to russia now due respect. to. each area. would be interested if you would be very. happy with the stream. but the. words do not match actions according to moscow with washington unwilling to rubber stamp those promises in a legal document until it does russia defense ministry says it will continue to grow military potential on its border ready to act against america's a.m.d. ambitions even preemptively situ of them used to be as usual taking into account the destabilizing nature of the missile defense system and in particular creating an illusion punishable strike the decision about a preemptive use of force will be made in
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a period of heightened tension the deployment of new offensive in the southern on northwestern russia including its come to missiles in the callinan grab region provided to the destruction of the european missile defense infrastructure. this scenario is clearly seen as a last resort however moscow is standing strong in its position sending the ball firmly into washington's court moskos conference happened just two weeks before the nato summit in chicago where the alliance is expected to officially launch the first phase of the euro m d and while nobody has any doubts that the points made here will not change the summits agenda they may eventually urge washington to provide legal guarantees that this system will never be used against russia something moscow has been demanding for the past several years let's see russia see reporting from moscow. also have for this hour here on our team as bombings in syria are reminding the united nations' peace plan the u.n.
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envoy warns the blasts are putting the entire observers mission in jeopardy. and the financial crisis and budget cuts in the u.s. force people to leave their homes and liesel solutions find out more in just a few minutes. now all attempts to form a coalition have so far failed in greece's far left leader rejected proposals by the probate parties and this comes after sunday's parliamentary. elections in which no party managed to secure an overall majority was out of the deal greece will be forced to hold a new election in june german chancellor angela merkel said any new greek government must stick to the plan on exchange for the bailout economics aspirants warned her demands are unrealistic. this is not good is speaking as if. they implement they should have the fiscal adjustment program but these are agreed between a good government and the european union. is
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a matter of will that if greece wanted to implement it then you would be able to do it. this is a very profound better greece cannot implement this plan because this plan cannot be implemented by anyone it flies in the face of economic reality. if greece doesn't try to implement it as it has been doing over the last year and a half or so all that will happen is that the day is going to get worse that the session is going to deepen and this often only is going to enter more into its kind . so what mrs merkel is asking the greeks to do is mission impossible later the winner of the nobel prize for economics joseph arrow tells r t how austerity is not the way forward for greece or the entire eurozone. or about the tendency which is partly through the united states but much more true in some
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parts of europe of too much austerity when we have. a condition of deep deficient demand massive unemployment i think the idea that you want to stimulate the economy. through government spending or some other good way he. is pretty clear he was interesting greece had had not been the euro it probably would have been able to borrow the money. that was going to lead to drachmas because. nobody but the demand i think they made a mistake by not the forty year earlier. said that they have because of sells a little bit of trouble. overspread it was no. course they ran up with a deficit that was. during times of prosperity that was. not sustainable. i was
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a full interview was no bella konami surprise when article joseph arrow in just over twenty minutes time here on our team. two strong explosions have shaken damascus the syrian capital has recently been struck by several blasts mainly targeted at military installations on wednesday a roadside bomb exploded near a monetarist convoy in the city of the rock casting doubt on the future of the observer mission in the country the explosion left several soldiers injured the u.n. envoy to syria warn his peace plan is the last chance to avoid a civil war brian becker from anti war coalition says i don't rebel stop receiving weapons from abroad violence will continue. you have to look at the bombing and see who is the material beneficiary from the continued. violence and i would have to say it's not the syrian government but those who are for mental and civil war in syria that would be parts of the armed opposition and that armed opposition is
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getting arms from turkey from other arab regimes in particular saudi arabia and the gulf states and of course the backing of the nato powers they're not seeking reconciliation they're now seeking a brokered peace every effort by the syrian government to enforce a cease fire or to make. actions is met with armed opposition groups who are having weapons funneled to them from the outside we know this not only from the syrian ambassador but even from kofi and u.n. delegation which is acknowledging the flow of arms from outside into syria who would do that and why well the only ones who would do it would be those who don't want to settlement don't want to negotiated peace want in fact a civil war leading to the eventual overthrow of this current independent government in syria. or you want to live from moscow you can go deeper into our stories that we cover for you here in our network upon our website our to cons cell online to find out how ukraine's jailed ex premier is no longer on hunger strike has been moved from prison to hospital after ending her nineteen day protest after
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claims of abuse from prison guards. and sounds of troops impressive military hardware and alec copters honor at its veterans celebrating sixty seven years of victory over the nazis in world war two with a spectacular parade on red square and sound we can watch the action i've already moved to town. used. to. be official. from the.
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video on demand. an. apology i want. question. calm. now violence in syria iran nuclear program will dominate talks as russia's foreign minister of business china the two countries generally see eye to eye when it comes to global matters johnson chan from thinking adversity says it makes sense for both sides to work so closely together every major global power really benefits from this little stability both countries but entire world stands to benefit from a peaceful resolution to the crises in syria and what's happening right now between israel and riyadh so both countries benefit from each other i would say if you were to say who benefits more from what was said but it's certainly china because you
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could argue that russia the russian economy is self-sufficient whereas china very much is it its economic growth it's very much dependent on global stability and global economic growth you could argue that after the fall of the berlin wall the united states start to attain just. proportionate and really a new reasonable and ultimately unsustainable amount of global wealth and an hour and now what we're seeing basically is a rebalancing where russia china and the brics countries are still rising in influence and i think that's the way it ought to be for too long we've been you are going to pull the world and that has great a lot of issues and we're slowly moving towards a world which i think is all to me more reasonable and more sustainable. well opposition rallies are continuing into their fourth day in moscow with around one hundred people spending the night in one of the parks in the city center being unsanctioned most of the protests have been dispersed while several hundred people have been detained opposition leaders. have been sentenced to fifteen days
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imprisonment for resisting police mass walks and sit ins across moscow started on monday that day but even putting it was sworn in as the new president on sunday the white ribbon movement called for a million man march which turned ugly when some protesters started throwing stones and trying to provoke police. now let's take a look at some other stories from around the world football fans clash with police in the spanish capital overnight thousands poured into the streets celebrating athletico madrid victory in the rope of the final violence erupted when a small group of fans started throwing bottles and stones at police were trying to push the crowd back several people were arrested after the confrontation. believing rivalries have fired tear gas at an anti-government demonstrators in la paz clashes broke out when thousands of workers protested over pay and work conditions laborers were joined by union members united in their opposition to the
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president was a very different scene in the city of culture where people gathered to show their support and solidarity with the government. obama has become the first american president to back same sex marriage he said gay couples should be able to wed legally thus ending months of dodging direct answer about his position of all so mention it's important to him that all american troops are able to commit to marriage remark follows a vote on a constitutional amendment in north carolina that makes it the twenty eight states to prohibit same sex marriage. and more than two point five million homes in the united states have been repossessed by banks since the financial crisis struck the country anger over the crippled economy is deepening as people struggle to find work pay their bills and keep hold of their houses and that's forcing increasing numbers to turn to legal ways out or just has a story. dozens of police and swat teams sworn in on the small central california town not what you'd expect for what was supposed to be
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a routine foreclosure but at this point we believe the suspect is barricaded inside of the apartment complex we don't know anything about him we don't know what the motive is behind this shooting all we know is that we have two people dead apparently forty five year all jim richard for agrarian had his motives he was losing his condominium because of her fifteen thousand dollar home and with the loan he could no longer afford to pay the condo was salted option for a knock down price and ferrero was handed and objection notice it proved to be the last straw for the former security guard who barricaded himself inside his home and refused to walk out alive and worryingly such an extreme act it hasn't been an isolated incident in this area public safety as a whole has been affected by the economy just like everybody else live there isn't anybody in the community that hasn't been affected by this economy last year the town's foreclosure rate was the third highest in the country with a one in after
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a nineteen properties reposed by the banks the entire region is ravished by unemployment and budget cuts and it's a story being repeated nash and wide with a quickly bloody consequences in phoenix a man opened fire on police when he refused to leave his house in ohio an old married couple killed themselves when the faced with a vexation while in florida and then was gunned down by police after he said his recently for close time house on fire these doubts by foreclosure killings have been going on quietly around the country average since the financial crisis threaten to pull the rock from those only surviving on credit i think people get desperate and they don't see. the light at the end of the tunnel that you know it's ok if i lose my home and i. somewhere that i can afford and i can rant i just think we really get attached. and are very reluctant to
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give it up and i think it burdens on. desperation when you. was no sign of any recovery in california's economy and stubborn unemployment it means the body count looks set to only grow in the months ahead x. prayed for because to huge church in home foreclosures this year while the threat of a shadowy invent trio soon to be foreclosed homes continues to hound housing markets there is a question how many more depressed people forced from their own homes and with nowhere else to go are pushed to the very edge determined to do anything it takes to stand by their property till the bitter end of course the archie reporting from california. and straight to the world of business natasha got the latest of course russian markets to show prince so any hopes for now being session there well a bit of hope still remains at the marshall markets actually opened higher but to
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the r.t.s. slipped into red in the first five minutes of trade and let's see the numbers there they are trading mixed the at the moment the r.t.s. has already managed to lose around three quarters of a percent so the biggest movers on the mind sides including the tb and the girls technical they are both gaining around one percent each and the oil in them an important indicator for the russian market is only well we're on thursday morning and it's the sixth straight session of losses for the oil markets it's been the longest losing streak this year so far and of course it's worrying where you know everybody is worried about the health of the european economy and it is a warning when both greece and france end up voting against the leaders and who support austerity and less logical. the currency markets of the year at the moment is getting ever so slightly against the dollar but as a general trend the u.s.
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actually trading at a three month a low as everybody's piling into the u.s. dollar the russian ruble is losing value to the major currencies both the dollar and the euro and now let's take a look at the asian markets they are losing value as well this is a thursday morning again on concerns about sandy helped the european economy and in sympathy with wall street that ended up shedding value overnight at the moment tokyo is trading let's bring back let's bring back those asian figures and you'll see to kill is c. . will actually moderate losses of the momentum but it dropped briefly dropped below the psychologically important level of nine thousand points as tech stocks and exploiters are under pressure and in hong kong the hang seng is losing almost one percent on a disappointing chinese trade data it came out earlier in the day and it showed
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that exports of girls less than five percent in april compared to the same period a year ago and that's disappointing results and. in the united states overnight as i already mentioned european worries brought both the dow jones industrial average down the mast that's old war and fact is the dow ended up of boosting its own longest losing streak since the last august and to put all of that into context that's happening because of the worries not only about. greece which is seeing failed attempts to form a coalition government and there are now concerns that it might actually drop out of the euro zone in the near future on wednesday the eurozone rescue fund said it will transfer four point two billion euro to greece on thursday as for the. rescue package and that's one of billion euro less than planned the european financial
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stability facility explain this decision by saying the remaining one billion is not needed right now and it will be dispersed depending on the financial needs of greece that obviously adds to the instability and staying with the euro zone speed has decided to partly nationalize it's forced a largest lender. to clean up its financial sector the deal will give the state a forty five percent of direct stake in the struggling bank which is more than thirty billion euro over exposure to troubled loans the government is expected to lend or to give bunky up to ten billion euro in additional aid but some analysts say that will certainly not be enough. and that's all the latest from the business desk this hour money and i'll be back in about fifteen minutes. thanks very much indeed as always looking forward to more updates from the world of business and coming out here on our team problems threaten to swallow europe we ask an american economic pundit if there is a way out but that's coming your way after they have lines.
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you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so for like sleep you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else and you hear or see some other part of it and realize that
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everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm sorry welcome to the big picture . of. the east. to the limits to just suit to. the bank . if the book was the be.
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technology innovation all the developments from around russia we've. covered.
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here is a look at our top stories reports say there are no survivors from the crash of a russian savoy super jet airliner and it ended into recovery operations are being hampered by difficult mountainous terrain and a number of hours before teams reach the site of the wreckage. russia's president vladimir putin informs us counterpart is pulling out of the g eight summit in the state of maryland next week it comes just days after a pause in the return to the top job instead he'll be sending prime minister dmitry mediator. and greece is left hanging as politicians failed to form a coalition government with a far left leader giving a resoundingly no to a new bailout for the german chancellor demands of austerity is up health.


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