tv [untitled] May 10, 2012 8:01am-8:31am EDT
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with us here on our to today. life in moscow two massive bomb blasts have ripped through the syrian capital this jury in rush hour at least fifty people are being killed nearly two hundred have been wanted by the government and the opposition have all been quick to blame each other for the attacks let's now get the latest from our to sara for through standing by for us live in damascus. sara this is the latest blow to the ongoing u.n. observer mission in the country one of them one of the what's the take on what's transpired today. well they condemned the site saying he's responsible for. the actions that they're taking stop killing the syrian people and the message is really find another way see condemnation from the u.n. it's a mission. to mask they went straight to the scene of these two explosions. and they really shook the entire city everyone here and we've been speaking to people
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today just beamed down at the floor of the devastation it's caused is just. at the moment the cleanup operations underway and with the people dead because they were a lot of civilian homes that were also destroyed a lot of civilian lives have been lost this is the largest explosions that have happened in recent times because you see in this space recently these types of attacks in damascus this is the capital as long as the view for a long while is having remained relatively safe from the ongoing conflict throughout the rest of the country but we've seen these at these types of attacks really cranking up in recent times and the huge amount of damage is being done more than annoying to a thousand people are said to have been killed in syria since last march how were the civilians coping with the company look at today's double twin blasts i mean that's made. the carnage going on in the capital. really really
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a sense that there's just this huge number of people in the country course in the crossfire it's very very hard when you're in the country because you did tell us from the different sides like freedom fights that protects is this sort of times they really sit well assessing not in a situation like this where you see a huge loss of life to this cause a huge loss of people's homes people's families. and i mean it's really something when i say today that this blast shook this city and everyone felt that they felt it literally but you know people are feeling this and a very very very little sense there as well their lives being completely changed by the violence in the cockpit really serves to highlight just how important this u.n. observer mission is there are concerns that these types of the type of calls yesterday you saw at the u.n. getting past a checkpoint and an explosion happening very very close to that and so there's real concerns that this type of violence and these type of attacks again to undermine
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that u.n. mission and we have seen an increase in recent times i mean it's no secret anymore that there are foreign nationals operating in the country that there are armed gangs operating in the country and of these terrorist acts are being carried out the worst parts of the worst always at these things is the fact that you've had from the beginning of the conflict very strong rhetoric from both sides playing the blame game and that's really sort of confused not because the situation here is much more calm complex than that and people are really feeling very very much like they're caught in the middle of speaking to the people down at the bomb sites and you know there's really a sense was the u.n. observer mission said to try and bring peace that this could be just the beginning of this type of progress the next you know this is really a major dilemma for the syrians the actions of the regime over the past year and a half have left the country you know the situation that's why they put him through this sort of interference to these sort of acts to be carried out and say really. i
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mean does he sense amongst the people and if he did that if something isn't done you can see it's getting worse and as he said this year to seven if you really view it as the best that this country has right now getting stability back in what the units have enough the. people the different sides the different factions to give the syrian people a chance to get the beneath the in this country right to life in damascus thank you . as always hear it out we love it when you get involved the stories we cover we are curious about what you think regarding the ongoing violence in syria if you had to our web site you can participate in our latest poll let's bring up the numbers for this hour see how you're voting today we are asking you who wins most of syria slides into a full scale civil war. if you believe it's the u.s. and israel who get rid of iran's closest ally almost a quarter think radical islamists who will take over the country fourteen percent people win the most because they will eventually get
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a democratic government in the minority claim. to want to get involved. and the situation in syria is high on the agenda for russia and china here is why beijing and moscow must work together on the issue you would. benefit from stability in the middle east. indonesian rescuers claim there's no hope for survivors after a russian airliner smashed into a mountain face the teams are now trying to tackle challenging terrain to reach the wreckage of the sukhoi superjet one hundred which went down on one. the authorities have said that there is no sign of any survivors but it's been extremely confusing the search operation because it's taking place thirty miles outside of jakarta in a very mountainous treacherous region. of the passenger is that many of the
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indonesians on that airplane have been informed of the fate of the plane that the plane actually crashed into a mountain where there was a dormant volcano and so obviously there's a lot of a. crisis center that's been set up in the airport where the russian jet one hundred took off obviously yesterday everyone was wondering what happened to this airplane when it disappeared off the radar as twenty minutes after it took off there was talk that perhaps even been hijacked because the emergency beacon that should have gone out if the airplane had crashed into a mountain and didn't go off the plane is equipped with the latest technology it's very high hat so many people thought. it was to have some sort of emergency landing somewhere is just was part of. around asia that was meant to promote it i made it just it just done several tests in kazakhstan pockets done in
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myanmar and was. on this was the first commercial airplane built in russia after the soviet union in two thousand and seven there have been around one hundred seventy orders placed for this airplane around the world this was a multibillion dollar project that had many countries involved time will tell. business impact this will have on the selling of this airplane and many people many pilots that we've spoken to have said that perhaps this was human error obviously the visibility was not that great yesterday there was fog and there was raining actually heading to the airport right now we flew. and she speaks to a russian flogger who was supposed to be on the airplane yesterday and did not start on the hike taken several flights on the russians to place your bird shot in the other locations during this air show on he's been easy logger and he's been
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tweeting pictures from the crash site and also other information regarding the russian sukhoi superjet one hundred so i'll continue to bring you the latest information. and of course you can get the latest updates on the plane crash in indonesia on our website dot com here's what else is there for you this strange i suspected nuclear site. wrong is up to you want our website. also at all to call most some celebrate the past all those protests the future hundreds of opposition activists are gathered in central moscow to show their discontent over the some of the movements leading to. the sixty seven year anniversary of nazi germany's downfall the spectacular victory parade dedicated to the event. a
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lot of improvement has snubbed the g eight summit due to take place in the u.s. state of maryland next friday russia's president says he's just too busy appointing his new cabinet dmitri medvedev who's now prime minister will be sent to america to cover for him with details. of. well this being a very busy week for vladimir putin on monday he was sworn in as president on tuesday how to deal with the election of a new prime minister in the paula meant until wednesday he was poss of the annual victory day parade here in moscow so the president called barack obama and explained that he couldn't get attend the g eight next week he had to remain in moscow to finalize key cabinet appointments while the two leaders will instead meet next month in mexico the g twenty meeting to each image get of the prime minister who will be attending the g.
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eight representing russia instead now the white house issued a statement saying that they understood the position of president putin in welcoming the prime minister made yet of to camp david so the issue of key cabinet appointments being listed as the reason for putin's nonattendance at the g eight however it has left some wondering if they could be another motive for i'm not going but to me a putin has never really been the biggest fan of the g. eight in fact he's said that he finds it somewhat outdated much prefer in the g. twenty which includes more of the mooching economies in the world countries like brazil china india russia does an awful lot of trade with. old who is the president has said that he is committed to continuing to restart of relations with between russia and the united states through his began under the presidency of dmitri medvedev during his campaigning for the presidency flooded me
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a putin was very critical of some aspects of u.s. foreign policy and particularly the united states's stance on syria washington's treatment of tehran and the uranium nuclear program as well as the american antti missile defense shield that's proposed to eastern europe. staying with missiles here on russia tries to nail down a legal guarantee. from the u.s. on his defense system ahead of next week's nato summit. and when foreclosures that turn fatal find out why a growing number of u.s. homeowners are making deadly decisions when faced with a picture. this is r.t. russia's anti terror committee says it is for oil the major plot targeting the upcoming winter olympics in sochi russian security forces seized an entire arsenal of weapons in the country and arrested three militant leaders now joins us
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with all the details or hello to you tom what we know about this foiled terrorist plot at this point. a joint operation by our cars in russian special forces found caches of weapons in our cars here including guns ammunition explosives and even portable anti aircraft missiles russia's national antiterrorism committee has told the interfax news agency that they believe those weapons were destined for a terrorist attack on the winter olympics in sochi in two thousand and fourteen more than that. the infamous islamist militant leader is behind the plan they say. has been connected to numerous gun and bomb attacks in russia's north caucasus in past years but he's so far managed to evade security services they've also said that dr marsh has been in contact with georgian special services
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but they haven't said whether that is related to this particular find. there might be some of the say this is there's no surprise really the doc who is allegedly involved here you've given us some background on the guy here any more details that you know if you can you can shed shed some light on regarding this tomorrow. regarding this actual case they've they've kept rather tight lipped the. security services so far they haven't said very much about how they think that plan might actually have worked or why they think that sort she was the target but it was a large cache of weapons in more than one stockpile and there's some certainly some very familiar weaponry in there some of the portable anti-aircraft missiles very powerful weapons indeed. has been linked they say to this plan and to many other plans so this make it credence to their view that this was a plan for a major attack. in central moscow thank you. our
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political parties in greece struggle to come up with a power sharing coalition deal sending the crisis head country only further into turmoil general elections on sunday failed to produce an outright winner with leading party so far failing to form a government without an agreement fresh elections would have to be held now on thursday athens is due to receive a five point two billion euros in bel out funds but several euro zone countries were reluctant to forward this money because of the political instability as part of the bailout terms athens must pass a fourteen point five billion euros worth of austerity measures in june but financial chaos has led to public mistrust of pro austerity parties experts now warned of the cuts implemented so far have already driven the greek people all the way to the brink. abandoning the bailout would that mean there's not necessarily
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mean that greece would have to quit the euro zone. this is the thread that is being used by the parties sent by the europeans the left party which is very good movement is betting on the. domino effect would be so large that for the rest of europe the fire. greece word to be exacted that ultimately the europeans would have to negotiate a solution that is more viable and more socially. for greeks unemployment over twenty percent and you know really a desperation growing and this recipe has not worked for greece so the alternative is to try something different or story is not the solution is is part of the of the problem. you're watching our team the u.s. has tested
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a rocket in hawaii attended to the nato's future of missile defense shield in europe and the alliance is holding a summit in chicago later in may that's expected to give the green light for interceptor missiles in poland but as r.t. is alexy out a chef he reports washington's reluctance to cooperate could force moscow to take action scared distrustful and even hostile these are only some of the labels more school has received in the west for expressing concerns over washington's controversial european anti-missile shield plans the u.s. wants to build you support for this missile defense system the russians on the other hand are very mistrustful of the u.s. global agenda and want to use this issue to just lock the us you know clients. though we should respond. some mythical threat. to make russia's position clear the defense ministry organized a special conference in moscow visualizing its warriors in
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a graphic clip experts say that by the year twenty twenty when the final phase of the shield will be ready nato bases in europe will be able to shoot down russian intercontinental missiles this moscow says violates the principles of nuclear containment and would dramatically shift the balance of global power. that would have no objections to the will of the u.s. to strengthen security in europe but it cannot be done at the expense of our security security cannot be divided and that's one of the principles of the start treaty signed between moscow and washington the u.s. delegation again played down talks of a possible threat to russia now did you first. hear. me just if you were here in. the street. but words do not match actions according to moscow with
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washington unwilling to rubber stamp of those promises in a legal document until it does russia defense ministry says it will continue to grow military potential on its borders ready to act against america's a.m.d. ambitions even preemptively sujoy them is that. taking into account the destabilizing nature of the missile defense system and in particular creating an illusion of an on punishable strike the decision about a preemptive use of force will be made in a period of heightened tension the deployment of new offensive arms in southern and northwestern russia including its canned missiles in the callinan grab region provides for the destruction of the european missile defense infrastructure. this scenario is clearly seen as a last resort however moscow is standing strong in its position sending the ball firmly into washington's court. conference happened just two weeks before the nato summit in chicago where the alliance is expected to officially launch the first
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phase of the euro am and while nobody has any doubts that the points made here will not change the summit's agenda they may eventually urge washington to provide legal guarantees that this system will never be used against russia something moscow has been demanding for the past several years let's see russia. reporting from moscow. and the russian foreign minister sergei lavrov says he cannot rule out foreign involvement in today's devastating bomb blasts in damascus he had at that outside interference is unacceptable in syria his statement comes during his official two day visit to china to talk up common interests on cooperation i mean jang is sweet sin from peking university says it makes sense for both sides to continue working together towards to put. every major global power really benefits from this little stability of countries but entire world stands to benefit from a peaceful resolution to the crises in syria and what's happening right now between
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israel and riyadh so both countries benefit from each other i would say if you would say it's more than what was said but it's certainly china because you could argue that russia the russian economy is self-sufficient where china very much is its economic growth it's very much dependent on global stability and global economic growth you could argue that after the fall of the berlin wall the united states started to retain just. proportionate and really under reasonable and ultimately unsustainable amount of wealth and power and now what we're seeing basically is that we don't see where russia china and the brics countries rising in influence and i think that's the way it ought to be for too long we've been you to pull the world and that has created a lot of issues and we're going towards a world which i think is all to me more reasonable and more sustainable. we'll get the business news with daniel shortly but for now and more than two point five
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million houses in the united states have been repossessed by banks since the economic crisis struck struck the country but the impact isn't only financial many forced out of their homes or taking drastic measures some even choosing to take their own lives when faced with fiction medina cancian of every points. dozens of police and swat teams sworn in on the small central california town not what you'd expect for what was supposed to be a routine foreclosure but at this point we believe the suspect is barricaded inside of the apartment complex we don't know anything about him we don't know what the motive is behind this shooting all we know is that we have two people dead apparently forty five year all jim richard ferrero had his motives he was losing his condominium because of her fifteen thousand dollars home act with the loan he could no longer afford to pay the condo was sold to the auction for a knock down price and ferrero was handed an eviction notice it proved to be the
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last straw for the former security guard who barricaded himself inside his home and refused to walk out alive and worryingly such an extreme act hasn't been an isolated incident in this area and public safety as a whole has been affected by the economy just like everybody else side there isn't anybody in the community that hasn't been affected by this economy last year the town's foreclosure rate was the third highest in the country with one in after a nine thousand properties reposed by the banks the entire region is ravaged by unemployment and budget cuts and it's a story being repeated nation wide with a quickly bloody consequences in phoenix a man opened fire on police when he refused to leave his house in ohio an old married couple killed themselves when the faced with a vacation while in florida and then was gunned down by police after he said his recently for close tom house on fire these doubts by foreclosure killings have been going on quietly around the country average since the financial crisis threaten to
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pull the rock from those only surviving on credit i think people get desperate and they don't see. the light at the end of the tunnel that you know it's ok if i lose my home and i move somewhere that i can afford and i can rent and i just think we really get attached. and are very reluctant to give it up and i think it brings on. desperation when you win with no sign of any recovery in california's economy and stubborn unemployment it means the body count looks set to only grow in the months ahead x. prayed for it caused a huge surge in home foreclosures this year while the threat of a shadow inventory of soon to be foreclosed homes continues to hound housing markets there is a question how many more depressed people forced from their own homes and with
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nowhere else to go are pushed to the very edge determined to do anything it takes to stand by their property to live better and my question archie reporting from california. all right a time for our early britons update those daniel good to see you certainly it's been a while or you've had a long public holiday here in russia but i understand there were probably the euro could now be affecting people's rights to holidays what started all of this right because look church was born portugal suspending the corpus christi and all saints days holidays the government says the euro crisis is so bad people can't afford to take a break but traders say even this won't help more than fall for investors think at least one state will quit the single currency this year according to a new poll out today let's check those e.u. markets because they're recovering but all those struggling straits portugal greece spain remain heavily down for the year to date good bye big is down eighteen percent since january was one of its top banks gets nationalized and all attempts
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to form a coalition increase of failed so far the eurozone risky fund says it will transfer four billion euros to greece on thursday as part of its rescue package that's one billion less than planned currencies in the your is shedding as expected against the dollar near three month lows now the single currency the ruble is retreating to the main currencies as well which has gone into the black in the last hour but it remains flat for the day oil a major factor for the things that check those here in russia the markets all trading. fire off for a mix start to the trading session on the news driving the markets high is the central bank decision to keep the refinancing rate on change let's have a look at some individual share movers on the minus six financials on the rosebush p.t.b. and sperm bank again in bush's biggest lender posted a fourteen percent increase in net for the first four months of the year by russian accounting standards are also british b.p. is down its first quarter and that was down year on year and drop today were more
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for more. headlines now dozens are killed hundreds injured in the syrian capital by a pair of bomb blasts with damascus on the rebels all but blaming each other for the attacks won't rule out the bombings by foreign forces in order to destabilize syria undermine the u.n. observer mission. only a few hundred metres separate rescue teams from the crash site of a russian airliner in indonesia so authorities say it's unlikely any survivors will be found the plane smashed into the side of a mountain on a wednesday with forty five people on. just too busy blood to meet putin says he can join the g eight next week hosted by the u.s. demanding.
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