tv [untitled] May 10, 2012 7:00pm-7:30pm EDT
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tonight on r t just when you thought long security lines and t.s.a. pat downs go way too far the latest failed bomb plot has given f.b.i. officials to ask for more surveillance power in cyberspace. and if you're annoyed with how long it takes to get our roads repaired don't blame the construction company as all this bipartisan victory is leading us infrastructure down a road to nowhere so what will it take to bridge the gap between our political parties. that really. you've got. to have the white pork industry. anticholinergic anti-gun. you name it they always seem to have more money than. the good guy i want to make
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a decent living. so farmers these pigs are their lives and source of income that's in the state of michigan there are a hazard that needs to be disposed of well take you to the town of marion where farmers are being forced to slaughter their swine. it's thursday may tenth i'm liz wahl in washington d.c. and you're watching our t.v. . while more surveillance please that's what the f.b.i. is asking for yesterday the f.b.i. director urged congress to give the agency extensive surveillance powers the justification the latest terrorism plot here's f.b.i. director robert mueller pleading before congress yesterday meanwhile al qaeda affiliates especially al qaida in the arabian peninsula represent the top counter terrorism threat to the nation. a.q. a.p.
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has attempted several attacks on the united states including disabled christmas day airline bombing in two thousand and nine and the attempted bombing of u.s. bound cargo planes in two thousand and ten and of course we are currently we in the bureau are currently exploiting an i.e.d. improvised explosive device seized overseas which is similar to the devices used by a.q. a.p. in the past now he says this is a good reason to expand their ability to snoop on people online they want to be able to wiretap the internet and are asking companies like google and facebook to alter their code to enable them to do so and they hope to do this by amending a law that allows the wiretapping of phones and expand that power to the internet internet sites that people often use to communicate on these days so is this infringing on your online privacy or a necessary tool to ensure public safety here to discuss this as bare brown founder of project hi barry thanks for joining us today so what do you make of the f.b.i.
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asking for more surveillance powers you had me what do you think the we don't think is the most or. when you're providing a great deal. today i think you have to look at that agency i was going to so. and then decide from there. what problems are going to arise from given that. we can go back to its founder. seventy one when it was barely discovered. going to help against civil rights activists in which they. understand the setting misuse of power and was only shut down in that name because the government now more recently we have any number of and. providing wholesale communications customer stand at say and then afterwards getting immunity. because there's too many examples. to question why it shouldn't happen now what the f.b.i.
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have going to argue that we live in different times today and different times call for different measures i guess here is what f.b.i. director robert mueller also said kind of as a justification to expanding this power access to information that enables mabel's us to identify persons both within the united states but also without the united states that would hurt us but also our intelligence agencies operate overseas people in this information under the supervision of the funds of course so that we can put together the information we need to prevent the time that it's been essential. now he is calling this a sunshine kind of referred to the latest foiled al qaeda bomb plot. that was being used this is being used as justification as a fear mongering or is it truly necessary to obtain the intelligence to prevent these kinds of attacks. as you said these are different targets that they're
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arguing about that it doesn't. is that he instituted that much with a great deal of resources and access to what the intelligence contracting is free. i'm trusting that options not just i wish to survive surveil population here or abroad but also by which to open others of the nation by which to. most propaganda using names that are really on traceable you know there's a recent incident in which usa today general schneider. one of the simple contractors called the only industry and a couple of other calling in acquiring and asking tough questions they were the target of the smear campaign by which websites to get out of their name in their message or post with the added insult for this president and the thing is probably nothing will come of that just like a year ago when they speak there is a whole team. conspiracy against wiki leaks anonymous look when groups that was
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exposed and thankfully got a lot of media attention because anonymous don't want to hack it then it was love. story but it sort of faded away and in the end no one really was punished there's no reason there's no negative feedback to those. agencies themselves or to recall companies to prevent them using a powerchair never has been. so it sounds like what you're worried about and granting these expanded powers while most likely lead to the abuse of power. those of us who have been involved with the. canaries in the coal mine. and some. people even thought i was planning to set up the second this group brought. the best chamber of commerce. there's been a number of incidents. armies of summerize that have gone down.
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hopefully casing it to the press altogether there needs to be a shift in attention. and it's with the powers that of others are still very little known among the public and the lack of oversight. now buried what they wanted there was amanda law that gives them the authority to wiretap phones and this has been happening for years but now more and more people communicate on the internet through e-mail through skype their instant messaging things like that so there's a kind of makes sense that they would want to expand their you know do what they were doing on the phones then and now use the internet be able to do the same thing on the internet the law enforcement components of a nation always was suspicious always and reason in this country as a constitution is to prevented the sort of abuses. if you century but you know there's knowing that the times are different again that that argument applies such a great read to what capabilities are now available to company instead and again it
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just needs to be given. now barrett i also want to switch over to another law this abyss isn't the only law in the works right now am that the government expanding government cyber powers congress is set to amend the n.d.a. the national defense authorization act as you can recall that sparked a lot of controversy because people can say it the language in it is so broad so vague that essentially what it can allow is bringing guantanamo bay right here is why. home turf but now they want to amend it to change to expand cyber powers in this bill as well and i want to pull up that amendment being added to the national defense authorization act by congress if the authority is described as. subsection a includes the authority to carry out a clandestine operation and cyberspace that's a part of a military operates that operation pursuant to the authorization for use of
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military force. goes on there bear a first of all what is what is a clandestine operation anyway as well the ones on the where of. the best example going to steam venus and some of the things that were posed by the several companies that do this kind of work all the government. private entities and. that is that they have no will have no ethics they think they're planning to do. some of these groups and done things. i think is a good indicator. of what's going to happen what's going to be very possible widespread first of all as a mentality. these things are all right to do the same thing as you can really incubated in this private sector that has no you don't let oversight in the private public so now what it sounds like there in the
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language there amending this this law is giving giving the government broad powers to conduct military operations on my and if they see fit is that essentially what it does. well they have those big buildings anyway that's for voting systems which actually build those that large cache of e-mails last year which turned out. to take out any target. using. backdoor insults that are already there but also from obama's this you know this is revealed again it's one that it says in which we don't have the press is really capable significances ok world we're talking about here and so it's technologies building that. you know really have a small idea of what they're capable of doing what this means. but what we've seen so far is to extrapolate and be very very worried about what they're going to do.
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it is that it is best all right barrett another hot button issue when it comes to our online freedom thank you very much for joining us today that was baron brown founder of project. doesn't seem like congress can agree on much these days but when it comes to politically neutral issues like maintaining infrastructure and transportation still lawmakers seem that locked this week congress took up a transportation bill but no one seems to be holding their breath that it will go anywhere meanwhile america's infrastructure is crumbling plenty of roads and bridges in desperate need of repair take a look at these projects the lady to bipartisan victory the hudson river title the project was canceled in october of two thousand and ten governor chris christie blames the federal government and the beverly hills subway extension the project was approved by the metro board there but delayed due to political deadlock. and
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a big problem around here bridge is twelve point three percent of washington d.c.'s bridges are structurally deficient ninety six point nine percent of maryland's bridges are structurally deficient and over ninety percent of virginia's bridge bridges also have the same problem across the nation the at national average is eleven percent so why can't congress build a bridge and get over it for more on this issue we're joined by jay leon he is a political science professor at howard university we first discussed the reasons why this nonpartisan issue has no consensus. well i think there are a number of reasons one of course is this ideological debate that we find ourselves locked in you have libertarians and you have conservatives who have taken this we're not going to support any deficit spending approach to this to solving
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problems that they want to the least amount of government is possible then of course you have individual such as a senate minority leader mitch mcconnell who says under my primary objective is to see to it that president obama is a one term president. so you have this they are doing everything in their power to see to it that president obama doesn't win reelection even if it means not operating in the best interest of the american people so it sounds well marat leg you think that will what's driving congress today is politics their decisions are politically motivated their their decisions are nothing but politically motivated frank luntz the republican pollster along with other individuals after the twenty two when it what twenty ten election and they were crying in their beer about you know what to do with two thousand and eight about what to do they made the decision
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that they were going to be as obstructionist as absolutely possible so no matter what the obama administration presents no matter how much sense it makes they are going to do everything in their power to to obstruct it and unfortunately president obama and his administration are using the bully pulpit that they need in order to champion the issues and bring these problems to the forefront and let the american people design now past presidents have presided over a very ambitious projects projects like the transcontinental railroad the marshall plan interstate highway as these are projects that have transformed america as we know ed what is it about this congress this specific congress that can't seem to pass things like infrastructure bells. well when you look at the for example the transcontinental railroad when you look at the marshall plan those those those had
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very strong very strict or very obvious national security interests and more importantly they had business interests the transcontinental railroad signed into law in one thousand eight hundred sixty two by president lincoln a year into the civil war about twelve years after the end of the industrial revolution so and what it did it connected opposite ends of the united states as well as took us out of the wagon train process of transporting goods into a much more efficient railroad so you had business interests who were lobbying for the for the passage of the legislation the marshall plan after world war two the united states realized with all that was going on in europe that the european economy needed to be bolstered if it wasn't you were going to wind up with job shortages food shortages you're going to wind up with a environment that would be ripe for the spread of communism and opening up these
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markets was of primary interest and lowering tariffs was of primary interest to u.s. industry so you had again u.s. industry that was interested in championing this legislation now in two thousand and twelve businesses are making record profits with less labor so they're not nearly as interested in championing these infrastructure programs as other industries have been in the pets they are saying that ben says these days are not defining it and their interest to push for legislation to get things like transportation and infrastructure bills passed. not as nearly as they were again with the transcontinental railroad with the marshall plan with the interstate highway system all of these types of projects fuel industry industry saw the upside they saw a profit now that you have the american industry with more cash on hand than ever
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before in recorded history there are not nearly as as as motivated to lobby for the types of legislation and programs that we actually need in this time for government to invest in to bring because we have eight point two percent unemployment but interestingly enough you have record industry profit so industry isn't looking for the labor because they're making land they're making more with less so they're not as interested in the labor unemployment issue as they wouldn't have been in years past ok so you're saying that it's not really in the business as interest but isn't it in the interest of our country of citizens that live here to have roads that are safe and have bridges that are safe to travel on yes it is much is definitely in the interest of the american people to have those things fixed unfortunately people on the conservative side are looking more in
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terms of their races interests instead of their economic interests and what actually works out with the best interests of the country so they would prefer to see a president obama crash and burn then crash and burn falling off a bit of a decrepit bridge that that's that seems to be where their interest really a lot higher and well ultimately how could this affect our country our competitiveness with other countries you know china for example is investing heavily and their infrastructure and we're seeing all of the you know their transportation rapidly improving i was going to affect our you know where we stand in comparison to these countries that are investing and infrastructure well. it's going to have a dramatic impact going forward but with american industry exporting
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jobs with american will now with the advent of the multinational corporation and and with fewer and fewer products being manufactured in the united states. american industry has less interest in those things because cars are being assembled in mexico washing machines are being assembled in mexico televisions are being assembled in mexico software is being developed in india so the need for the american labor force is not nearly what it was fifty years ago. were saying what the effects of that are well more thank you very much for coming on the show that was a well known i've only on a political science professor at howard university. well imagine being forced to open fire on your own animals some farmers in michigan say they had no choice but to do just that they say the pig carnage in the state was at the demand of the michigan department of natural resources it's all due to
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a law that went into effect on april first the laws aimed at getting rid of pigs in michigan d.n.r. is now calling an invasive species the government agency says the pigs can become dangerous carry diseases and cause problems for the environment but farmers are saying this doesn't describe the pigs they've been raising for years so to find out what's really going on i ventured out to western michigan my investigation took me here to a quaint rural town called marion and i also have it visited other farms in the towns nearby and talk to folks that say their whole way of life is shaken by the new law and it doesn't make very much sense to them to talk more about this story and why the state wants to exterminate these pigs we were joined earlier by mike adams he is the founder of natural news dot com also known as the health ranger take a listen. well you're to be commended by the way for going there and for covering this story this is a very important story and it is an outrage it's
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a war on america's farmers these livestock these pigs that the state called called feral pigs are not feral pigs feral pigs are ones in the wild that have been out in the wild outside the fences but they forced these farmers to shoot their own pigs inside the fences that were under control and that were not a problem by the same logic the state of michigan could say there's a wild dog problem and then demand all pet owners in the state shoot their own dogs it is a complete outrage it's illogical and i believe it's unconstitutional and illegal as well but i'm glad that you're covering this story and it's understanding that you made interesting that you make that distinction feral because these pigs once they're living and side of the fence they're no longer a feral and this law applies to feral pigs you go to the website and as it's a lot to exterminate feral pigs and that the definition doesn't seem to add up there and i did many times try to contact the michigan it department and natural
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resources and i never got a response but their web site states many reasons it says these these pigs carry diseases they attack humans they can cause damage to the environment but none of these characteristics seem to describe the pigs that i saw on the farm in fact i ventured and fried the fence and snapped this photo this little piggy is named friendly because he likes to be around people like he kind of comes up to you if you're a little bit but he won't attack you none of the pigs dead so that argument doesn't make sense and the michigan d.n.r. pardons are open to the d.n.r. has been caught in multiple lies about this and our investigation with caught them lying many times and the head of the michigan d.n.r. rodney stokes needs to resign immediately he is in danger in the livelihoods of farmers and farm families he is in fact put. in the states economic abundance at risk by that he's taking away the rights of these people these you know these farms
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are engaged this is what america was built on fundamental farming having much stock where does this end that's the real question here if they can criminalize hogs that farmers are raising they can criminalize cows chickens other kinds of livestock and then arrest farmers as felons if they don't destroy that livestock as well so you've got to get back to a point where you respect the fundamental rights of farmers and food producers in your state otherwise you end up with nothing but corporate run hog factories that really abuse those pigs and treat them inhumanely in the first place now in terms of the pigs carrying disease is another argument that the department of natural resources making people that bought the meat from these farmers bought them because they're fed organically here's what one of the farmers had to say about this they like the taste of them when they are grass fed and when they can roman and eat off the land a little bit they like that the taste of that hog better so
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a lot of our customers were naturalists that. that would come you know that reason . now i know you're the health ranger and advocate g.m.o. free and hormone free and that's what these pigs are but the government wants them gone what's up with that well this could be very much the action of the monopolist the traditional pork producers association i think there's a tie in here i don't have proof of it yet but that seems to be part of it because their lobbyists want to have about belief that industry and the way they do that is to eliminate competition it's just like any other corporation they want to eliminate competition and in this case the competition was the backyard pigs that were being raised in better conditions with better diets and that honestly produce better meat and it's interesting because as you mentioned on the health ranger i don't personally consume pork i don't consume beef that's just my decision but i support the right of others who wish to consume those meats to be able to access
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them in the healthiest way possible and that's what these farmers were providing so by attacking these farmers the michigan d.n.r. the state government has not only violated the rights of those farmers they have also denied the people of michigan a source of healthy food that i believe can help prevent disease and reduce their exposure to the pesticides hormones and antibiotics that are in other ports and talking to the farmers there that is a suspicion that they had i mean the deaths of occasions that the government provided it really didn't make any sense to them so this is what they were thinking that that the corporation the pig corporation the pork corporation that is in the lobby is are behind it now while these kinds of pigs are outlawed here is what is allowed to happen on industrialized farms and the country take a lot. a
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very strong contrast there too that the pigs are allowed to roam free and elise lives somewhat of a happy life before they're sent to be but shared this doesn't i mean where there's kind of a disconnect there i mean what we just saw is perfectly legal because industrialized farms yet these other farmers can be charged as a felony for harboring those other kinds of pigs you know you're breaking my heart with that video but i'm glad you showed it because people do need to see the reality of what goes on so what you're pointing out there is a great contradiction by the state of michigan that says hey it's ok to have pork if it has been abused if it has been injected with hormones if it has been fed g m o's and g.m.o. themselves are what's called a self replicating genetic pollution for the state so just feeding pigs g.m.o. food which is common in the industry is in fact promoting
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a type of contamination of the natural environment but one of the people you interviewed the farmer mark baker his pigs were fed on a natural diet they were free range pigs they lead the healthiest happiest life that they could experience before being slaughtered for meat and that that is a gym a way to raise farm animals for meat and that's was under attack by the state of michigan that is was under attack but there are some farmers that fought back we saw there for some it's too late they already shot all the animals that they had but mark vaguer is one of them he's taking this battle to court but if the pork lobby is involved do these small farmers small town farmers stand a chance. well i think it comes down to getting back to the essentials of what what does it mean to be an american and one of the liberties that are supposed to be guaranteed us these actions by the michigan d.n.r. raiding these farms at gunpoint which they deny but again we've caught them in that lie reading
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a farm at gunpoint in order to destroy the livestock you know i'm i'm in texas right now and i can tell you if that happened in texas the texas culture the farming culture longstanding history they would not put up with that i can't believe that there aren't michigan farmers marching. on the capitol there and demanding the resignation of rodney stokes from the michigan d.n.r. demanding immediate investigations from the michigan governor snyder this is something that is a crime against the people of the state of michigan it's got to stop or where does it end again they could come after our dogs our cats our horses our chickens our pet birds they could demand we slaughter all of our animals because remember this d.n.r. action was not a law they simply invented it out of thin air they made it up it's an order that they made up and then and forced at gunpoint that it has merit that's right mike thank you a lot of and unanswered questions in this case and hopefully there is some our
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investigation as to what is really going on there mike thanks for coming on the show that was mike adams health ranger and founder of natural news dot com. well that's going to do it for now for more on the stories we covered you can head on over to our you tube channel it's youtube dot com slash artsy america you can also follow our website that's r t dot com slash usa and follow me on twitter at liz wall capital account is up next with lauren let's start back here in seven at eight that has. just put a picture of me when i was like no new years old and don't you know look through. the confession i am a total get a princess hi-lo drive because he's like the and pretty sure. he was kind of yesterday. i'm very proud of the over the edge and she was.
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