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tv   [untitled]    May 10, 2012 11:31pm-12:01am EDT

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luke who was sentenced to twenty five years behind bars for conspiring to kill americans maintains his innocence expressing disappointment with the u.s. justice system. time now for part two of top of the big picture with thom hartmann stay with us. back to the big picture i'm tom arbonne coming up in this half hour corporations want you to think that america is a lawsuit happy country where everyone wants to hit the judicial jackpot is this really the case for our corporations loyally but surely it is throwing the american civil justices also may twenty eleven april two thousand and twelve are the twelve warmest months ever recorded showing that global warming is kicking into high gear what can we do to make sure the government is taking the necessary steps to slow
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down climate change and one of these terrorists is not like the others i'm to do away with america's airport security theater before it gets any more absurd explain how we got here in tonight's to take. in the best the rest the news there's an interesting article on the right wing daily caller website today about americans who suffer from bashful bladder syndrome basically the article alleges that u.s. employers could be hit with as much as four billion dollars in extra costs to accommodate for americans who stuff or suffer from carrier rhesus or the inability to pee while others are present approximately seventeen million americans suffer from very resistant so says the right wing website according to american so with disabilities act or
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a da employers are required to provide reasonable accommodations for employees with disabilities although the act doesn't specifically mention perry your reasons and no one with the disorder has ever sued their employer over this issue or probably even thought about it concern. the daily caller are warning that the act could allow for these americans suffering from bashful bladder syndrome to start suing their employers right now forcing companies to build private restrooms to accommodate shaiman this is all a farce brought to us by someone who looked for the most outrageous disorder to speculate that it could be used to bring down employers with frivolous lawsuits americans of perrier reeses are the latest right wing boogie men but above all this is a common narrative coming from the right and from corporate america that narrative is that corporations are the poor innocent victims of americans who like to sue too much and therefore tort reform is desperately needed. is that really the case or of corporations with the help of politicians made it increasingly difficult for
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americans to find justice after they've been warned in horrible ways as a movie out tackling this very issue called hot coffee take a look. and eighty one year old woman has been awarded two point nine million dollars after she sued mcdonald's. it was unlike the employees of the coffee do it on or who would make this frivolous lawsuit people who believe the justice or the media in corporate america did a masterful job this is leave became a jolt. this is use a number of devices to keep the public out of the courts. in my line of work you got to keep repeating things over and over and over again for the truth to sink in . began to catapult the propaganda i was married so severely that they didn't think that would let me joining me now is the director of hot coffee susan salad offices and welcome. great to have you here constitutional rights
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in the movie you talk about how americans are actually losing constitutional rights as a consequence of all this hysteria that these corporations are using to try to drive up their profits and drive down our ability to. recover damages that we. have. all the time and i say what's the second to the constitution and they had no idea it was the first. break they travel right jury and we are over our constitutional rights to every single thing you know those people who are so conservative and who believe in the constitution the tea partiers there actually there was. a site that just came up this week from a tea party tea party nation that stead that the seventh amendment is just as important as the other amendments and i thought oh maybe this movie is actually. making some headway wow that's great i mean for years and years and years we have
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been hearing this from corporations that oh the america wants to you know everybody just wants to hit the jackpot you know there's there's all these people out there who are just looking for an opportunity to stick it to a corporation and. a i don't know very many people who fit in the jackpots and be well actually i guess that's is enough i mean is it is there really a jackpot culture out there and have have we all run amok so that's a myth and the myth has been perpetuated by large corporations who have an incentive to convince the public that we have too many frivolous lawsuits greedy trial lawyers jackpot justice because they recognize that people were starting to hold wrongdoers that make products that harm us that pollute our streams and our airways that they were starting to hold them accountable in the court system the tobacco industry actually started this because maybe in
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a product they kill people and if you hold them accountable exactly and if you hold them accountable through our court system then they will be losing money potentially losing their businesses so they figured out well the first thing that has to happen is that we have to convince the public that the system is broken because if the people if people believe that the system is broken they're willing to literally either sign away their their constitutional rights to contracts every day people are doing that through mandatory arbitration clauses that in every single contract that we sign or anything we buy online they're doing it by voting for candidates or for legislation like constitutional amendments on the ballot for caps on damages all of these different ways are ways that we as americans are giving up our rights to access the court system and when we don't have access to the court system we cannot hold wrongdoers accountable so they get to make more money and they figured it out and put millions of dollars into a public relations campaign over the last twenty five to. thirty years to get the message out over and over again in dad's commercials and they never put it in their
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own names they was put in these the names of these front groups the one thing though the is is kind of a jackpot is is the lawyers who are successful in a large class action suit so they make a lot of money john edwards was one of them for example i'm not opposed to that in fact actually those lawyers tend to be big donors to the democratic party and my understanding is that there are a lot of republicans who are pushing tort reform just to put those lawyers out of business because like along with unions they've been one of the major donors to the democratic party not only on the policy not as we have just about a half of them not only are they trying to stop the lawsuits from that as one of the the the i call them exhibits in the film because i was a lawyer for twenty five years and so i made the film the way i would try a case and therefore exhibit and the third one is what we call judicial elections which is how our judges are now being elected and so they have to run for office and not only so the largest democratic contributors in the different states are
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being targeted. sometimes falsely charged with criminal actions because they want to prevent them from being able to fund these these candidates who are who are not pro corporate enough and so one of the stories is is one that that john grisham actually fictionalized in the book the appeal level we tell the true story of it is not a coffee or the movie coffee says and so about thank you thank you so much and good luck with those cases or watch it speak to the corporations aren't just trying to protect themselves from lawsuits or also trying to protect themselves from environmental regulations that curb global warning warming which brings us to our next story it's been a really high ear around the nation message to try climate change deniers now's the time to plug your ears and turn the volume down the national oceanic and atmospheric administration no one is out with a new report showing that the last twelve months from may twenty. eleven to april twenty. third the warmest twelve months ever recorded with an average temperature
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two point eight degrees above the one hundred year average and already in just the first four months of two thousand and twelve the average temperature has been five point four degrees above the long term average also the hottest period since record keeping began back in eighteen hundred five unfortunately we have lawmakers who are paid by oil interests to ignore this sort of data so what can we do to make sure our government is taking the necessary steps to curb climate change and make sure the next generation has a habitable planet to live on so one might have the answer as alec lures founder of the i matter movement alec welcome thanks for having me great to have you with us tell us about the i'm adamant yeah so how did this thing get started so i've been a climate change activists for my entire teenage life starting when i was twelve after i saw al gore's film an inconvenient truth and. i just i've been giving presentations and speeches all over the world and spoken to close to half
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a million people now and i started this organization called i matter kids versus global warming to give a voice to members of my generation are most affected by the consequences of climate change and will have to grow up and deal with the decisions that we make now and our big project last year was that i matter march where youth from over two hundred communities in over forty five countries marched in the streets to raise their voices against climate change. and the big big deal right now the reason i'm here this week is i'm the lead plaintiff in a federal lawsuit against the u.s. government for failing to protect the atmosphere as a public trust for future generations and we're basically holding them accountable to their responsibility to value the air and the water as commons that need to be preserved for for for my generation what's what's the. the legal basis of your assertion that they go to one has an obligation to protect the air water now the
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case is based in atmospheric trust litigation which was developed by professor mary wood at the university of oregon and it's it's grounded in the public trust doctrine and commons law which are super old laws that are actually fundamental to the constitution and the approach basically says that that our governments actually have the legal responsibility to consider the atmosphere as a public trust and the doctrine has been used on behalf of like specific areas of of land and water but it's never actually been been used on behalf of the atmosphere as a whole so this is a huge case and the big the big news this month is the national association of manufacturers which is one of the top industry lobbying groups and these five other huge fossil fuel lobbying organizations intervened in the case to fight us basically saying that they have the right to pollute as much as they want. and we're saying that that's not only
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a moral travesty that it's actually illegal under this public trust doctrine so the hearing for that they actually they filed a motion to dismiss our case and the hearing for that is tomorrow morning so that hearing here in d.c. here in d.c. circuit court that's remarkable and just very briefly doesn't this all come down to money getting money out of politics it does i mean that's that's really the core of climate change unlike a lot of the issues we're facing is that you know we value money and power and as a society and especially our leaders value short term interest like profits and power more than. the plan the nature nature and the survival of my entire generation and if we want to solve climate change that's what needs to change we need to learn to live in a way that really respects that you know major and its future generations are the most important thing and where we live as if our future matters so you started when you were twelve you built a sort is a she or now i'm seventeen now. it's amazing thanks so much for being with us thank
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you alex great to have you get involved check out i matter march dot org to pressure our lawmakers to take action against climate change and preserve our planet for the next generation. coming up without the help of foreign nations the t.s.a. foiled the plans of another terrorist mastermind earlier this week plans that included enjoying a family vacation isn't it about time we stopped the ridiculous security theater our airports are richer in america being the home of the brave. admission free critique should free store charges free arrangement three. three stooges free. food free bonus clothing videos for your media projects
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a free video dog our teeth on top.
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is thursday a lead scared geek a fire. so what's making the little guy so happy that he wants to dance his pants off according to researchers at mcmaster university in canada very early music training can benefit children before they even learn to walk or talk the researchers found that one year old babies who participated in interactive music classes with their parents smiled more communicated better and showed earlier and more sophisticated brain reactions to music laurel traynor director of the mcmaster institute for music in the mind and a lead researcher on the study said that while many past thirty's musical training
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focused on older children our results suggest that the infant brain might be particularly plastic with regard to musical exposure and quote in the study groups of babies and their parents spent six months participating in one of two different types of weekly music instruction one class involved interactive music making and learning a set of lullabies nursery rhymes and songs that actions associated with them and in this class parents and infants work together to learn to play percussive instruments take turns and sing songs in the other musical as infants and parents played at various toys stations while recordings from the popular baby einstein series are playing in the background prior to the start of both classes all the babies have shown similar communication and social development and never participated in baby music classes before babies who were in the inner active music class or their parents showed an earlier sensitivity to the structure of music and preferred to listen to music that stayed in key they also showed larger and earlier
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brain responses to musical tones than the babies in the non interactive music class but the differences didn't stop their babies the music in the interactive music class also showed better early communication skills and were more sociable than those in the non-interactive class so while there are many ways for parents to connect with their babies it looks like plain and. interacting with music is a good way to turn the little cuties into little geniuses. crazy alert. remember that scene from harry potter well apparently there's a magical flying car in poland two or is there twenty four year olds big new philo woke up earlier this week to find his ford escort perch pirlo sleek on
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a willow tree in his front yard the search soon learned that residents of. poland had brought in a mobile crane overnight and in the car into the tree the villagers were fed up with philo's reckless driving in total disregard for the law speaking about the prank one villager said perhaps he'll think twice about his terrorizing. hair raising drive or who knows where his next car might end up so parents of the world next time your child excuse me next time your child car driving child misbehaves don't just take away the keys take their car go park it in a tree. earlier
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this week our intelligence agencies stopped a potential terrorist attack and i'm not talking about the underwear bomber who is actually working for the cia and the saudi government talking about a real terrorist here but we stopped without the help of the saudis or an undercover cia agent we did it with a good old fashioned t.s.a. detective work can you spot the terrorist here who we thwarted i'll give you a weapon of choice was an underwear bomb but it could have been a diaper bomb or she is meat eighteen month old riata the latest threat to our nation's security the very thing that representative louie gohmert was talking about when he warned us all about terror babies luckily rianna is nefarious plot was foiled by the t.s.a. on tuesday before we lost a jet blue flight of the fort lauderdale airport at eighteen months old reanna has been called a lot of things cute adorable and now suspected terrorist it happened tuesday night at the airport in fort lauderdale brianna and her parents had just boarded
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a jet blue flight they were heading home to new jersey they say that's when a jet blue employee told them they had to get off the plane agents from the transportation security agency the t.s.a. needed to speak to them. you see the t.s.a. had done its job they protected america by putting eighteen month old reanna on the no fly list before she could do any damage brianna's parents who are american citizens from new jersey just like their daughter were told they were free to fly but they had to leave their terrorist rianna behind so it's one point for america zero points for the terrorists and it's just the latest bomb paul plot foiled by the t.s.a. a few weeks ago the t.s.a. stop to this potential terrorist seven year old dina frank who suffers from cerebral palsy unlike rianna dina doesn't look like she's from middle eastern descent so this was an especially good catch by the t.s.a. it was stopped from boarding the plane and forced to miss your flight because the t.s.a.
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had to make sure she didn't have plastic explosives stashed in or crutches the hearing. if you don't want to hear. her scream or. thanks to. the young boy might also have had a bomb wired to his wheelchair thankfully the t.s.a. did its job of making america safe by feeling him up before he was capable of taking down an american airliner too so we should all take a moment right now and thank the t.s.a. for groping one child after another so that we can all sleep better at night knowing that our skies are safe from terror babies course all the americans who are afraid of terror babies blowing up planes and all those folks look pretty damn so you must look like security theater and when you're taking an eighteen month old child off airplanes and groping disabled kids to check for bombs. but it's not just security theater it's security theater of the absurd and those of us who are living
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each day in fear of terrorists rather taken aback by just how crazy and frankly fearful the united states has become how did we become a nation of frightened cowards well bush and cheney made us this way the former national security advisor in the clinton administration sandy berger told me the bill clinton had told george w. bush when they handed off the presidency to him in january two thousand and one that osama bin laden was planning to attack america and the bush should do something about it al gore delivered the same message to dick cheney as did sandy berger condi rice bush appointed cheney to head up a task force to look into it in february two thousand and one but that task force never met until september of two thousand instead cheney spent all his time working with oil industry executives carving up the oil fields in iraq which we hadn't
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invaded yet then on august sixth of two thousand and one summer of two thousand and one the cia became so alarmed that of the attack on america by al qaeda was so imminent that they sent a special cia agent to crawford texas to personally brief george w. bush about it here's congolese or rice describing the title of that briefing. the august six p. t. be warned against possible attacks in this country and i ask you whether you recall the title of the p.d.p. i believe the title was bin laden determined to attack inside the united states so what did bush do after he learned the new york and washington d.c. were almost certainly going to be attacked in the next few months and that he and cheney had totally dropped the ball and doing nothing about it to prevent it. he decided to extend his presidential vacation in texas out to be the longest one in the history of the u.s.
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presidency and then after almost a month of no attacks bush had to go someplace but he was still afraid to come here to washington d.c. so instead he flew to florida where his brother jeb bush put the entire state on a high security lockdown and george w. bush sat in florida waiting for the attack it came while he was in an elementary school classroom reading my pet goat to a group of kids and then he sat there for seven long minutes scared out of his mind after hearing that the world trade center had gone down and another plane was heading across pennsylvania for d.c. . he then hopped in air force one and hopscotch from florida to louisiana and then from louisiana to the brassica afraid to sit down very long anywhere just picking up fuel and moving along. cheney meanwhile was hiding in an underground bunker below the white house and these two fearful and incompetent men have left us this
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horrible legacy after flying around the country on air force one after nine eleven and being afraid to return back to washington d.c. george w. bush took his own fears and spilled them out of the rest of the nation and cheney and rumsfeld warned of the constant threat of terrorism and spoke about mushroom clouds over america's cities and growing dictators stocking up on weapons of mass destruction a scared us of the two unnecessary wars abroad and convinced us our safety at home depended on giving up our civil liberties. and thus came the patriot act or the national defense or reauthorization act it says the president can arrest and hold you forever without charges just because he decided to. we responded to bush's fear mongering by declaring you and me terrorist suspects if we want to board a plane forcing us to be x. rayed have our nude bodies put on display or groped by t.s.a.
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agents this is national is stereo and even today more than three years after abortion is fear machine left the white house and long after european countries started letting people keep their shoes on we're still behaving like we're scared to death we're pulling our children off planes were branding them as would be bombers eighteen month old brianna is not a terrorist and neither is seven year old dina frank are just kids and we're all supposed to be citizens living in the land of the free and the home of the brave. it's time we started acting like. we are not afraid. as the big picture for today for more information on the stories we covered visit our website to tom hartman dot com free speech or. also check out our two youtube channels there are links to thom hartmann dot com stars shows also available for free video podcast on i tunes and you can visit. to download the audio podcast of our daily three to six
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radio show or to hang on our live chat room it's open twenty four so and we have a free tom hartman i phone or i pad app over at the app store if you send us feedback on twitter at tom underscore her on facebook at tom underscore hartman our blogs message boards and telephone comment lines at tom hartman dot com. don't forget we don't need to be afraid right when did we become a nation a nation of terrified people it's just not the american way we are not afraid we are a democracy and democracy begins with you get out there and get active tag your city . wealthy british style.
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markets finance scandal find out what's really happening to the global economy for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tuning in to cause a report on our. line. would be soo much brighter if you knew about someone from funds to impressions. whose phones don't totty don't come.
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a russian businessman an arms dealer is sentenced to twenty five years behind bars in the u.s. . as bush prepares to be sent to supermax security prison against the recommendation of his trial judge. the un security council can dams deadly terrorist attacks near a military intelligence complex in the syrian capital damascus which killed fifty five syria calls for measures against foreign powers supporting terrorism. and two days after the deadly so boy super jet crash the rescue team are battling to reach the scene in a remote mountainous region in dreadful weather conditions but are just meters from the disaster zone.


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