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tv   [untitled]    May 11, 2012 4:00am-4:30am EDT

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the plans are to council condemns deadly terrorist attacks in europe military intelligence complex in the syrian capital damascus which killed fifty five in syria calls for measures against foreign powers supporting terrorists. and russian businessmen an arms dealer sentenced to twenty five years behind bars in the west bank supposedly targeted as make their book prepares to be sent to supermax security prison against the recommendation office trial judge. and the rescuers have found twelve bodies while battling dreadful weather conditions and treacherous terrain to reach the scene of the savoy super jet crash in indonesia.
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from moscow i'm marina joshie the un security council has unanimously and strongly condemn terrorist blast that killed at least fifty five people and one that almost four hundred in the syrian capital damascus on thursday twenty explosions near a government intelligence complex are the worst terror attacks in syria since the start of the of the uprising last year are just very important brings us the latest from un headquarters in new york. all fifteen members of the security council have recognized that terrorist networks are working in side of syria it was only just on tuesday when the syrian envoy to the united nations had accused a number of regional air powers of sponsoring terrorism to undermine the ceasefire and in syria the syrian ambassador. held up a d.v.d.
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claiming that on that d.v.d. was confessions of dozens of individuals that were involved in terrorist activities upon the order of what he said were goals steeds joint special envoy kofi annan did address also the media just this week saying that right now has syria can be descending into a full scale civil war if the ceasefire does not hold parties our firm is in syria and has been speaking to all those that have been living through the uprisings and through the ongoing violence and she brings us their story. this sound of gunfire heavy artillery rings out. with the u.n. observers in in there's been some pretty heavy going. through at the. nobles to go to the scene as from the type of control that the central area. and the fierce fighting is continuing. here both sides with violating the peace plan
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we fully the u.n. observers into it on the way pulsing through homes and hama of the areas mon it is that based. that is seen some of the most destructive fighting as we passed through homes we have a brief an emotional conversation with the residents of to. safety. what the people who feel about the fighting that happens. that is he tries hard not to show as perfectly encapsulate the level of devastation that has been wreaked on people's lives here throughout the course of the conflict is on to it live on a stretch of road this named for being extremely dangerous it's a journey that would have been near impossible without the u.n. presence and with the volatile situation criminal gangs thought to operate in this
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area we find it live under siege like conditions a quiet and intimidated city i don't know since a year and a half ago no one knows what's happening we go to sleep and wake up with fear some say the government and other states armed groups we don't know who's doing that last we get a chance to meet it lives governor and ask him about the situation here. even if there is a little unrest in some areas or in a few spots it's due to people who are breaking the. checkpoint after checkpoint then we enter into an area outside of government control and it's a unique chance to see the u.n. monitors in action almost a month into the peace plan and u.n. monitors are making small steps on the ground but it's going to be a slow process throughout the course of the conflict it's been hard to come to some of the areas where the fiercest fighting is happening and get a gauge of exactly what the situation is on the ground the u.n.
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observers traveling to some of these areas have given them access but what we see is a frightened population and the city symbol is the olive branch the symbol of peace is right now a city at civil war sara furth r.t. . coming up later this hour here in our locked in deadlock greek political parties are still struggling to form a government as fears amount the country is closer to being that you're old than ever with chaotic consequences. plus there were out of new laws and rules for the olympic games in london are leading to accusations of a police state stay tuned to find out why the hardline regulations are drumming up discontent. russian businessman victor borge has slammed the american justice system after being convicted of armstrong in the u.s. he compared it to a medieval style inquisition in an exclusive interview was the first one is given
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to an english language channel since his extradition from thailand where he is now preparing to be sends to a super maximum security prison to serve his twenty five year term against the recommendations of the judge in his trial dubbed the alcatraz of the rockies the supermax jail houses some of america's most dangerous criminals russians lawyer has filed a motion asking for the decision to be stalled but is still in a new york prison where he spoke exclusively to our team responded this is neutral cannot tells us more. this was victor boots first interview to an english language t.v. news outlet not only since his sentencing but also since his extradition and speaking in one in six languages he's fluent in english he seemed quite candid generally we know that victor boot is quite positive considering the circumstances with personally seen him winking at his wife inside the courtroom today too he was quite calm and really shared his personal take on his case and kind of crowned it.
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further you know. through the. trial. where you know your mom accepted. if you. think the marker is actually showing them the completion of american justice and really can be sure to reach an american great comic relief and nonfunctional dictatorship of course his case has been like a hollywood blockbuster picture buddhas a russian air cargo businessman in his forty's he's been dubbed the merchant of death in the united states the u.s. has spent years and tens of millions of dollars in an operation to hunt this man down of course we know that u.s. agents posing as far as members met with viktor boot and then of arrested him in thailand in two thousand and eight two years later regardless of the fact that thai courts found him not guilty twice in what was called arm twisting by the united states victor boot was extradited into u.s.
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territory to face charges of international arms trafficking victim himself has always maintained his innocence and believes his case to be political theaetetus also asked him if he has a message for the president of the united states as well as a u.s. official in general who are behind the operation in luring and victor boot. message where you. keep using these products. drug enforcement. and i'm very we're going to grant a crime this will not only not help america really solve the problem of the drug war and you were convicted of going to the real problem solve a real problem they just invent things a crime for a group no danger for him go to somebody who don't hide for a walk to the car and it was a good trick the inference that people in federal court are full the real problem now that to boot is appealing his twenty five year sentence behind bars and says he
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continues to keep on fighting until he gets a chance to return back home to russia we know that he has filed an official request for the russian state duma to file a complaint against the united states and thailand victor boot himself says because he knows he's innocent he's hoping that he will not end up serving the entire twenty five years that he's been sentenced to but whether or not that's going to be the case we're going to have to wait and see. the state you're going to reporting there well you can catch the interview victor vote has given us this sunday here on r.t. . days after the deadly so holy super jet crash in indonesia the first rescue team are
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expected to shortly reach the side of the wreckage in remote mountains no survivors have been found yet but as the reports some relatives are still holding out a desperate hope. chaos at jakarta's domestic airport where hundreds gathered after russian superjet sukhoi one hundred went missing from radars on wednesday early thursday their worst fears were realized as air force helicopters found the remains of the plane on a mountainside thirty miles outside indonesia's capital city. ever since the plane disappeared off the radar members of the media and family members of those who were on the plane have been gathering here at the crisis center hoping for any word as to what could have happened to their loved ones and what caused the plane to go down. did their god mad has been at the airport since he found out that his wife was on board the missing plane she has been a flight attendant for twenty years and didn't think it was necessary to tell her
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husband about the quick thirty minute demo. she didn't tell me she was going on the plane no idea. the super jet was performing that demonstration for airline executives and potential buyers as part of an asian toy or a plane billed as state of the art with cutting edge technology the multibillion dollar project involved investors from around the world and tuesday's flight was expected to show the super rich in all its glory no one including blogger sergei doli who has been following the super jet during the tour could have predicted this outcome we can believe this is. one of the best for this in russia so we can believe anything to. do with. the political from the believe most aviation experts believe that the treacherous terrain and poor visibility probably contributed to the plane going down on wednesday details that offer devastated relatives little comfort i'm wishing for
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a miracle to happen to you good news about watching the news means good news i still have hope to find my want to get what you. preassure either our teach a car to indonesia or find a timeline of the zia on our website r t dot com and we have plenty more on the story online. including these points told us of the crew and others who were on board just before takeoff with disaster to follow less than an hour afterwards but on to r.t. dot com to. more or less clos also online criminal charges have been filed against members of the russian security forces reportedly being pregnant woman during an opposition rally in moscow so discover the details of.
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wealthy british style it's time to rise. the. markets why not.
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find out what's really happening to the global economy in cars report on our. grace may see new elections if political parties fail to form a government following sunday's inconclusive poll talks on forming a coalition will continue on friday political turmoil is already threatening the country's bailout agreement with the e.u. and the international monetary fund euro zone governments have held back part of the schedule financing it with release receiving one billion euros less than planned the country is said to run out of cash in june economic analyst michael
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ross thinks the eurozone needs to split to limit the damage of the crisis. what we see is a program crisis it's very sad to see these things developing but it was more planned within the euro because different countries like greece and germany are not fitting into one currency and it is the end of the day you will have this what we have now. violence on the street it is not possible to realize everybody knows this the whole problem that we have in the eurozone cannot be solved by rescue packages cannot. cannot be solved anywhere it can only be solved by a break up of the euro or that means that germany pulls out and the worst of the countries in the in the new rules on will devalue their money then there again competitive against the world then they can breath. greek political deadlock and
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the storm it's causing in the eurozone is up for debate and. the full program is coming up later this hour. is anybody seriously suggesting that greece outside the eurozone would do but look at the moment you see. the value of the drachma before. the euro arguing my view on a number of occasions the problems the problem how to maintain place if you have an unruly teenager who's really lazy and doesn't do anything and is is draining your bank account what do you do you kick him out of the house and generally get his act together so that's the same kind of approach that could be taken to greece and i think they without this this safety net that the eurozone provides they might actually get around to realizing oh my goodness we have an issue here and we can't just elect him as we can't just screw around we have to actually get our act together and do something productive.
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and crosstalk for you later in the day as london prepares for the olympics bureaucrats and lawmakers have been busy to enacting a range of rules and regulations draconian measures are already excluding some people from the country while a number of residents have been banned from the games simply because they've objected to the construction of living facilities near their homes are just lower smith explains. philippic torch is lit and on its journey to london accompanying it fear uncertainty and code red level security impinging on the lives of people from london to las vegas that's where tim larkin lives he's supposed to be in the u.k. training martial arts enthusiastic but as he was boarding his flight he discovered the home office had excluded him from the country on the grounds that his self-defense course might incite vigilanteism being that i have a fifteen year history of coming to the u.k.
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training thousands of people from the u.k. and also european clients coming into london and had no incidents whatsoever in and the rhetoric that's being used is absolutely inconsistent with what i teach it's a level of paranoia that increases the closer the olympics gets but london a simon mall won't get anywhere near the games he protested the building of basketball courts on a green space near the olympics and was slapped with a control order that forbids him from going near the olympics or any other celebration taking place this summer he faces five years in prison if he disobeys these that legislation is being used to prevent. lawful and understandable protest to aspects of the games which are on the necrotic or on popular. furthermore these are just this legislation won't prevent people from
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disrupting the games the wall it will do is it will give the ability of the thirty's to to punish people more severely i think it's insane i think that it shows the prevailing state of consciousness in governments and on the world which is one of the ultimately we're in control luckily for simon he doesn't. live near the stadium but would betide anyone who does this building's less than a kilometer from the live pick park the plan is to station a battery of high velocity missiles on the roof of this block of flats the two months over the olympics a proposal that's already triggered an explosive reaction resident brian whelan learned of the plans from a leaflet pushed through his door late one night some people are worried about the effect the property values some people think it may be building a target for terrorists some people think that it's discipline as it is not secure
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enough so people don't want to be turned into some sort of military base. they really affect the quality of life. by my big argument just. nobody consulted a yemeni never spoke to us the two thousand and twelve games have spawned a level of security that's unprecedented seen by many as overwhelming and repressive the question many british people are asking is if it's like this already what's it going to be like when the lympics circus finally rolls into town laura smith london. while taking a look at other news now from around the world clashes have continued in the media for a second day running as medical students battled riot police in the nation's capital apos protesters threw rocks and firecrackers or officers who fired tear gas and rubber bullets one of the country's largest unions called for three days of demonstration tampere rejecting a salary increase offered by the government students joined doctors and workers at
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public hospitals who are protesting an increase in working hours and combat. two of the front runners for idiots top job have gone had had in the country's first presidential debate former foreign minister under hosni mubarak and. fatah a moderate islamist challenge each other religions role in democracy and televised debates last. for hours with supporters of both candidates watching closely in outdoor cafes around cairo well the two are among thirteen candidates running in the election due to begin on may the twenty third. nineteen people have been killed across afghanistan as a series of violent attacks by taliban militants continues an armed group wearing afghan police uniforms killed five of the country's east while apparently trying to attack a local government office all the insurgents died in a firefight with troops to other roadside bombs killed several civilians including
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five children and a police officer in the south. claims that iraq had weapons of mass destruction led to the us invasion in two thousand and three later today on our special report covered the war on iraq shows how bogus assertions were used to start a full scale conflict with catastrophic consequences here's a preview. the people of the states and their friends and allies will not live at the mercy of an outlaw regime that threatens the peace with weapons of mass murder his regime as an active program to acquire and develop nuclear weapons and let there be no doubt about we know for a fact there are weapons there. this were just being carried out into the direction of dr david kay respected scientist and former u.n. inspector was leading the weapons search in iraq we are determined to take this apart we have a tremendous a group of dedicated american men and women involved in this with the best assets
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of the intelligence community can provide. data cheney is not going to be done with this for quite some time david kay wants more time and he says it could take another six to nine months to make a definitive finding ministration is asking congress for hundreds of millions more six hundred million dollars to fund a continuing search have not yet found shiny pointy things that i would call a weapon before we can draw from conclusions we need to let the iraq survey group complete its work. we were all wrong probably in my judgment. and that. sometimes the true patriot takes the unpopular course but helps the country of words and makes and even if they come this way at least they try to patriotism is the last refuge of scoundrels and i think these are scoundrels they have no argument now they have no defense for what they did the country is in
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a turbo international security situation but i think it's perilous so they're attacking the patriotism of the. crossing to marina cossar at our business desk while you know marina something's telling me that you're not going to be the bearer of good news this hour and i write. things that seem to be going from bad so wars but i have to say at this hour we are seeing slight changes towards the positive side and i'm talking about markets of course were scenes during losses especially for the russian markets but things are changing less so with the europe for us as you can see both the footsie of attacks on those in their own half a percent each their minimizing and their losses ever so slightly and we have a number of factors affecting investors that first we have downbeat results from china then there is also a sign going played in a loss for one of the biggest banks in the us i'll have more in that bit later then
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there is also reports that spain will request three hundred billion dollars to save its banks to help fund its a bad bank and talking about spain the government there is set to discuss ways to clean up its banking system in general and one of the ways proposed is to force banks to set aside extra money to cover the cost of loans going bad then the figure would be around thirty nine billion dollars but some analysts doubt the country can afford to inject that amount of capital required and will eventually have to get outside the help. now if we take a look at mara russian markets as we can see where there is still deep in the red but nowhere near there almost three percent who are seeing the last hours that the arts yes the solution over two and a half percent end of my sex has minimized early losses for the law that's now just over one percent of the by the mainly besides the fact is that i said there were five pm markets here we have lower crude prices which is of course a sunshield to an economy let's take
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a look at the major movers on the my sex of course because of the lower energy prices we see gas flowing as news in there when it comes to the. sea as it has minimized earlier losses what significantly was approaching seven percent in the red and now we have almost two and a half percent over there and then of course financials on all good about well today either we have a severe buying down over one and a half percent that now moving on to exchange rates the euro is a flat against the dollar this hour and when it comes to the ruble it's still retreating against both major currencies and i mentioned that prices are going south and in fact they're headed for their second weekly drop in that some of the rising u.s. stockpiles and also on thursday we're heard from opec the group of major oil exporting countries that they're producing almost ten percent more crude that is necessary and this is of course reflected on the prices that are there heading south also and the asian markets there are now closed that started off as a mixed performance and then in their ad with the hang sign lose in the over one
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percent there and basically what we had in china was a report that inflation has slowed down in april has the crease and that's after a surprise gain in march also we know that industrial output rose nine point three percent retail sales went up fourteen point one percent and wholesale prices decreased as well you know when it comes to japan we had our earnings reports that were boosting best of confidence on the strong performance on wall street that you're seeing right now and i'll get to that in a second but that there really help investors now when. comes to wall street and soon the closing picture from thursday a mixed performance there in fact most of the us who chips managed to escape their longest losing streak in over nine months and then as i did slip back into negative territory and that's because i was the drop in cisco systems that stay with the us as i mentioned earlier the biggest fine there j.p. morgan chase has revealed some significant losses trading losses and the bank says
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that due to complex investments made by its traders they saw a trade in loss amounts and some two billion dollars and needless to say the shares there fell six percent after this announcement. and that's what i have for you this hour in a very very margin did a mixed picture there well. let's see what's happening next and we're looking forward to your update next hour in the meantime though well take a look at the hotspots of the russian capital and a has on offer moscow is coming your way after they have lined stay with us.
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wealthy british style. markets why not. find out what's really happening to the global economy in these kinds of reports.


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