tv [untitled] May 11, 2012 11:30pm-12:00am EDT
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it's friday that means it's time for the big picture rumble joining me tonight are caroline may reporter with the daily caller sam sacks provide progressive commentator and brian darling contributor to the daily mail and director of government studies at the heritage foundation thank you all for joining me tonight let's get started president obama came out this week in support of marriage equality first president the history of the united states fox news's shepard smith said now he's in the twenty first century so are republicans going to enter the twenty first century with the president. i think it's questionable if that's true the idea that being for gay marriage is being in the twenty first century there are eight thousand or eight thousand years worth of history that say marriage is between a man and a woman actually of that eight thousand years i think about seven thousand eight hundred of it was marriages a man and one woman two women three women for women in the car. he had
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a couple of concubines i mean you know it's all there but was there a tradition of same sex marriage i don't believe so i think there is a new thing there it may be a new thing but no i think that if you go back and you look throughout throughout history you'll find even one of our presidents had his his male lover in the white house it just didn't it wasn't called that well i find it fascinating that the spin from the left that this is heroic and it's going to help president obama win this is political suicide thirty one states have voted on marriage between one man and one woman and it's passed every single time in north carolina this week they voted sixty one thirty nine percent for traditional marriage that's the same state that carried one of the same states it carried president obama to the presidency and if you look at the polling from the fourth i don't believe if he is in the united states the polling gradation our message a nation will look at the polling today the polling today from a purely political perspective says that it's getting closer yet every time voters
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go to the ballot box they vote for traditional. i think brian is partially right politically this might not have been the best move i mean you remember when the economy started getting a little bit better between the year republicans immediately started talking about contraceptives that's what their go to is to go to a more what they call the moral issue to to rally some of their base to distract from the economic issues and that's what they'll do with same sex marriage but i think what you know this politically is not the right way to do this is a moral victory i mean that's like saying well what would have been the political dynamics of civil rights that should matter this is a step forward it didn't every white out the democrats in the south for a jesuit like to say we wouldn't take it back because of the political you know consequences of it i do think it's interesting though the idea of fundraising for the obama is you know one in six of obama's bundlers are ok and he's you know they had these big plans of having a billion dollar campaign back to you know beginning this year it hasn't panned out and they need they need that money and i think that looking at the clooney event last night he was able to raise millions of dollars and he has more support from
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the hollywood community because he was actually able to come out and say i'm for gay marriage but at the same time what what act what actual proactive moves is he going to be taking to bring that to affect the saudis are you actually the kind you don't want that list on it right he's saying it's up to the states no he's ended don't ask don't tell in the military but in terms of reading that we're getting marriage in terms of his marriage statement well there's the reaching out for chuck todd call that gave money says that wall street has chosen their person and that's mitt romney so i mean you know it's maybe they were holding their money on the sidelines because speaking of mitt romney this is the washington post has come out really trashed him pretty thoroughly for being a bully when he was in high school and you know here's what he had to say about this when he was asked tell me that radio show. somewhere speaking at a listed in the story they talk about a prank that could have gone on in high school with with a friend with a guy named john lauber who they say that you and
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a couple of his friends who this guy was a thought to be homosexual cut his hair pin him down and cut his hair do you remember any of this you know like to fight or whatever that incident. you know he's laughing through this typically people are laughing like this either when they're lying or when they're nervous. which was it and does this show you know could it be that he's bullied his way to the top of the republican party is the romney that a bully all his life and that's essentially what santorum and gingrich both accused obama did he bully is way to the top when he bullied little girls and elementary school i mean there's a history of him being using a lot of drugs in high school too and do we need to use him of having some moral as if he was ready to argue for it as a good way to be true i mean you're looking back what fifty years from when he was in high school and judging him from one incident where well that's what i'm saying is i don't i don't think smoking dope disquiet in fact or my qualify you more to be
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president but i think if this is true and it looks like it's true there's lots of people coming out saying it's true and at first romney apologize now he says he can't remember what happened i mean i think this is pretty troubling although it did happen fifty years ago it's been hard to caroline i think it's bizarre that it came out that this fellow who he supposedly believed might have been gay you know right after they present things that suspect begin with kind of that everyone was bullied in some way or think they were bullied in some way in high school right yeah although although the and who is right now with the highest suicide rate the united states and this been true for fifty years is gay teenagers and it's because they because they're bull riders i understand you know this is so when they go to so i go and then i'm all in favor of people taking a can of path get in get in there but if this is the worst i can line here's a contemporary this is a right wing news john hawkins and this is in today's new york times. he's quoted as saying that this is recently like in the last six months he came out and said this this is a conservative speaking of mitt romney called him
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a pampered prissy fake spiteful son of a governor being served the g.o.p. nomination on a silver platter because he's has the right establishment be ions benefited from an enormous media double standard and has more money than everybody else so like bozo you really are. you know. the president obama's bullied congress some in his we can't wait for last view of doing what he wants notwithstanding what congress wants the job of the president it's called the bully pulpit to do we really should believe congress more a good person is going to have actually be good for romney because he's seen as this you know ken doll with nothing wrong with him you know get a little little tussle in there and you may well be right on that caroline and with regard to mitt romney i've said this before i'll say it again in my opinion the only way he can win the presidency is by a line is way up here for example some facts in october two thousand and there are one hundred twenty nine million americans with full time jobs now there's one hundred thirty three million americans with full time jobs three it's four million more there's about a half
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a million look there were lost in red states where governors laid off public workers but four million new private sector jobs three and a half million net net in fact the we've got the bikini graph this is the actual here's the actual graphic you know this is from the department of whatever it is that keeps track of this stuff and there are four hundred and there are five hundred forty thousand more people in the job market right now than there were in october two thousand and nine now with those stats in mind that we've added three and a half million jobs there are there are more than a half million more people in the job market than there were this is what mitt romney had to say yesterday. they said they'd better progress for instance by whether they were able to create jobs. well they haven't been able to create jobs in fact and so is that the strategy lie all the way it's not a lie the bureau of labor statistics obama's barrel labor and labor statistics has done the numbers and the economy is shedding jobs are less people in the workforce
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now than they were when president obama was sworn in office there are one hundred thirty three the now in order to deal with your own labor statistics there are less people in the world or over labor statistics that one hundred twenty nine million had had full time jobs in the president's critics four million jobs i mean romney saying the president has a created jobs he's created four million jobs and you know i think conservatives are kind of tongue in cheek when they talk about this because they know that the first nine months of eight months that president obama inherited this terrible recession in which we're losing jobs and you can't just suddenly turn it around economics doesn't work that way. i think there's still work to do anybody would say that there's still obviously work to do and you need more stimulus unfortunately you can't get congress to go along with that either i think there's a fallacy in all of this president's can't create jobs they can create an environment that's conducive to creating jobs by stroke you know you know entrepreneur you actually are only franklin roosevelt created jobs you put people in the roosevelt created government job you know that's a job yeah but it's also it's also sucking money from the productive class that's
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sucking money from those productive you know from those who are actually creating what you are doing raising the top you know you can tell you can grow but many many people on that wagon as you want but there are still going to only be a few people coming into yours are teachers a member of the productive class well i mean you're getting me caught up in the garbage of it but yeah and as you know there are three i work at for profit colleges they are. you know i know that really in terms of bringing more money creating jobs growth creating a larger economy creating a larger pie. you're going to have your time at visit china is that that or people like mitt romney millionaires create jobs not that people spending money creating demand in the marketplace creates jobs which is a little bit out of pursuits the. fortune five hundred companies that are creating jobs that just so happens they're creating more jobs overseas than they're creating in america and there are. a guy created jobs i mean mark zuckerberg this is a bill johnson rate ultimate welfare queen you know if you didn't have the copyright
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laws the trademark laws that we have an insta as broad over the years why is it a liberal democrat you would have had many many competitors for bill gates but why it was liberal democrats now are supporting the export import bank which is classic crony capitalism i don't have any idea. but it is bad news for the long term unemployed tomorrow two hundred thirty tomorrow two hundred thirty thousand americans are going to lose their long their unemployment benefits this is because when the president obama wanted to renew the unemployment benefits back in february he wanted to take it to ninety nine weeks we will gnats coming out of the scene and it's only the republicans said fifty what was it two weeks three weeks something like that you know hundred fifty nine weeks and so the compromise was seventy three weeks and four hundred thousand americans are going to be knocked off the unemployment rolls so what's what are conservatives offering to these americans who are losing their unemployment benefits who in my opinion are job creators because they have money in their pocket to spend they are well they have money that the government's given them to spend right and that's how i mean shops so. anyway i
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think that think that putting people on unemployment for a long time is it takes away a person's self-esteem takes away a person's you know drive to go get a just kick out of the curb get have get a job you know i think there's there's about one job opening for every four people looking for jobs i think in our economy and i think this i mean this comes down to a fundamental question we talked about it on your on your show today tom it's. capitalism creates winners and losers i mean that's the system i think everybody will agree that that is the way capitalism works and the question is what do we do with the losers of the economic system are we going to condemn them to death condemn them to poverty and say you're on your own on the streets or are we going to give them a basic social safety net so that they can at least raise kids in a comfortable home and their kids can go on because there's a difference and difference between a social safety net and endless welfare benefits and look at the food stamp program i am insurance these are people who are working and lost their job right so why limit it at ninety nine weeks just make it like time was most european countries do
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which is a terrible as it developed countries around the world why those countries are going to go belly up this is why they are they having a lot of well thank you and i did recently what are you going to do with the money you actually are and that's at least money that they're spending in stimulating the economy and all of that is that it's money that's been taken out of the private sector and given and it's just it's not growing anything nothing's growing it is just it is it is likely if moody's did a report on this and they looked at types of stimulus in it whether it's infrastructure spending food stamps unemployment insurance all more stimulative than the. corporate welfare that is corporate welfare and food stamps is corporate welfare for many grocery stores and many businesses that are benefiting from it but if you look at the bottom line we don't need to have these massive welfare states because the more we have it people become dependent the welfare state and they never will need to go out and get a job like we are we are now the soviet union i don't think so more coming up after the break.
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darling contributor to the daily mail and director of government studies at the heritage foundation ok back to in case we needed more proof that the banks can't be trusted for instance in just. six weeks j.p. morgan chase law's two maybe as much as three billion with a b dollars and to make it even more poignant it wasn't even their money that they lost it was their depositors money so if you have a checking account with j.p. morgan chase. doesn't this prove that wall street can't be trusted that we need to regulate these banks and turn it back to the boreen business that it used to be i think what it shows is that the regulation actually has these banks and not then that's not efficient i don't think that the banks in period elated they don't need to be regulated in some manner but it's obviously not working what's going on now i mean this. my understanding of it is this sort of took all of these trades off of the trading floor and the executive office where's all the money where it's all of the information on the trading floor so you have sort of blind deals being made in
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the executive office when you have disasters like that j.p. morgan has historically been a pretty well operation is that this was done by the whale we got this guy in london who was doing one trillion dollar trades and we're in markets and shows that you actually have banks have become casinos which you know that's a pretty obvious statement and the regulations aren't working because you have in congress you know the top regulator in congress the chairman of the financial services committee spencer baucus comes into his position and says a lot of people think that my job is to regulate the banks well i think our job in washington is to serve the banks i mean that's like that's like a parent saying my job isn't to parent my job is to serve my children giving them scissors and telling the go run around the house i mean that's really what banks are doing is causing incredible damage to the economy and nobody's doing anything about this is running around the house pretty well i think the big problem is a bailout policies of the bush and obama administration both president bush and obama bailed out these banks now they're even bigger and too big to fail i mean they're bigger than they ever have been so we need to make sure when companies make
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these sorts of decisions banks that they are allowed to fail then they need to pay the price of the free market price for making bad decisions and we should not put our tax dollars in to bail out the bad decision that it was all just in the one one ronald reagan in eighty two stopped a force in the sherman antitrust act and all of a sudden we had this explosion of mergers and acquisitions and these m n a artists like michael milken and all of a sudden the banks started getting really really really big that was a bad idea you know i don't think the government should. regulate the banks and make them smaller i think we should allow them to be subject to free market forces and not use the taxpayers to bail them out when they make bad decisions so j.p. morgan makes a bad decision they don't fail i'm out we should let them get too big to fail so that when they do fail they take down our entire economy and we need to make them fear the fact that if they make bad decisions they're not going to get bailed out by president obama girl i think there is an argument he made that the too big to fail model is dead this is a disaster and that i don't i thought about this and i hesitate to ever say it is
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the idea of breaking up and turning these large banks into smaller entities might be a reasonable solution but then again i'm no you know financial whether i agree with you might get you in trouble. but but you know from nine hundred thirty five from seventeen eighty nine when we became republican till one hundred thirty five the united states never went more than fifteen years without a banking panic never went more than fifteen years without a major crash and a nation wide banking panic from one hundred thirty five until. gramley bliley in ninety nine until we blew up glass steagall we never had a banking panic not one and now we're having them like every other year just like we used to back before we regulated the banks so you think there is something to be said for the regulation causing the banks to look for ways around regulation and having in the process damaged happened like what happened here are well let's let's go to our court for a question here last question mitt romney received
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a high profile endorsement this week from a dictator and no i'm not talking about awkward who the republican party's been so good to over the last thirty years giving him arms that demon tiriel taking on his main enemy i'm talking about the fictional fictional dictator played by syesha baron cohen take a look. i support and i give my force aboard the want to make sure not only here has the makings of a good day. here is incredibly well but pays not to. says i mean it's not the much of a leave to go from farming to firing squads and from putting pets on the top of a car out of the building permit them to pollute the car lot of them so that the of them so as we know both gingrich and santorum of endorsed romney in return for having their campaign debts paid off so does this indorsement mean that romney's going to foot the bill for the cost of the movie the dictator. now. hopeful in the community of the movie will do i think mitt romney is doing
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a hostile takeover the film laying off half the actors cutting the movie in half and then turning it for profit ok. but you kind of stunned me but i am really excited to see the movie because i think sacha baron cohen is very very funny. let me just raise this question of republicans in iran. in the minute we have left here . reagan gave weapons to iran cheney sold oil stuff to iran in defiance of the law when he was running halliburton and then when he was vice president bush was president they took out a rans biggest enemy saddam hussein against whom they fought a ten year war and lost a million people. could it be that iraq when you shot is funny in the back and the republicans love them so much that george bush called them part of the axis of evil but george that was nobody in the biggest favor that has ever been done for entering and i mean we took out their biggest enemy. you know throw in the token dictator to somebody somebody has given to ten million dollar contributions to karl
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rove we don't know who it is i think it's accurate data and republicans love and so much that john mccain was singing bomb bomb bomb bomb bomb iran during his life well you got it you got to play ok you got to protect it ok carol it may sam's explained early thank you all for joining us thank you. we now have more details on the department of justice is lawsuit against maricopa county sheriff's department run by the infamous sheriff joe arpaio included in a lawsuit is a laundry list detailing rampant violent and degrading mistreatment of latinos first there are allegations that are piles of office assaulted pregnant latino women with this example this is from the justice department and m.c.s. so america maricopa county sheriff's office officer stopped a latino woman
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a citizen of the united states and five months pregnant at the time as she pulled into her driveway after she accident her car the officer then insisted that she sit on the hood of the car when she refused the officer grabbed her arms pulled them behind her back and slammed her stomach first into the vehicle three times in drag her to the patrol car and shoved her into the back seat the woman who was later given a ticket for failure to provide identification. then there are allegations that our pios office stalked latino women with this case highlighted to m.c.s. so officers followed a latino woman a citizen of the united states for a quarter of a mile to her home the officers did not turn on their emergency lights when the woman attempted to enter her own home the officers used force to take her to the ground need her in the back and handcuffed her that woman was given a ticket for disorderly conduct which was later dropped there are allegations that are pios office even forced latino women to sleep in their own menstrual blood
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female latina l e p prisoners have been denied basic sanitary items in some instances female latina l.t.p. prisoners have been forced to remain with sheets or pants soiled for menstruation because of m c s o's failure to ensure the detention officers provide language assistance in just such circumstances plus there are allegations that are pios office engaged in widespread racial profiling unlawful detention constantly and routinely used racial slurs and ignored rape claims against latino women and children this is some of the most horrific and racist behavior by an american sheriff that we can imagine is like something right out of the old south when southern sheriff's offices the local klan shared space and personnel and guess what it fits right in with the republican party's embrace of hatred and bigotry toward his fans all designed to drive skeered bigoted white men to the polls.
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joe arpaio is a demagogue in the republican party they portray him as a dirty harry like figure who's taking on one of america's toughest challenges the influx of undocumented immigrants from mexico you just have to ignore for a moment the more mexicans are now leaving the united states than entering our nation or the fact that you can track most of these so-called illegal immigration problem back to ronald reagan stopping the enforcement of criminal sanctions against employers who hire non-citizens who are not here legally once reagan's policy took hold businesses big and small started hiring that new source of cheap exploitable labor and the trickle of immigrants to this country became a flood but somehow republicans forgot that because it's reagan's policies and that's why we had this illegal pull employer problem rather than illegal immigration in immigrant problem that's in two thousand and eight mitt romney named arpaio the chairman of the zeroes in a campaign team and our pio gave a while when review of romney saying this in two thousand and eight why is
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america's sheriff joe arpaio another tough guy when it comes to illegals throwing his weight behind mitt romney for president let's ask a sheriff why not he's a great guy who did a great job in massachusetts especially against the illegal immigration problem great businessman good guy family man intelligent but also you need all right and this year all the republican candidates did the requisite ring kissing asking humbly for a par pios endorsement before he finally endorsed the man who put to death the most people rick perry and check out this arpaio love fest at the c.n.n. republican debate in arizona back in february. sheriff joe arpaio who is with us tonight from counties in the audience he told me told me this week here in mesa these are his words it's quote political garbage if you will to not arrest illegals already in this country you have talked governor but self deportation if businesses do their job asking for the right documents the people will leave but what about
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arresting should there be aggressive seek them out find them and arrest them as chair for pile advocates i think you see a model here in arizona the right course for america is to drop these lawsuits against arizona and other states that are trying to do the job barack obama isn't doing. and i will drop those lawsuits lawsuits on day one i think what we need to do is to give law enforcement the opportunity to do what they are doing here in arizona what what sheriff arpaio was doing here before the before reign and to some some issues with the federal government which is to allow folks to to enforce the law here in this country so the question is now that the world knows that our pios officers stalked and assaulted latino women ignore rape allegations against young latina girls and forced latino women to sleep in their own menstrual blood or any one of the republican party can arpaio and his violent and criminal tactics or will they
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continue to stand by their man and thus continue with richard nixon's southern strategy as the party of hatred and bigotry state. that's it for the big picture tonight don't forget democracy begins with you when you show up when you start when you participate get out there get active tag your it see the next week. there hasn't been anything yet on t.v. . it is to get the maximum political impact.
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