tv [untitled] May 12, 2012 3:00am-3:30am EDT
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greek chaos threatens the euro as stocks are forming a new government failed to reach agreement after last weekend's election with international bailout a sturdy conditions proving to they get hurdle for the country's political parties . ongoing demonstrations in support of a mass hunger strike by palestinian prisoners pits us in the forefront with a brutal response from the israeli military. and bloated student loans become a ticking time bomb for the u.s. economy with more american college graduates and again unemployed and in debt for a wife. eleven am in the russian capital you're watching r t i'm marina joshie greece
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starts and other day without government after wrangling politicians continue to fail to agree a coalition after last sunday's elections the leader of the second largest party has refused to join any administration which pledges to stick to the country's bailout agreement with the e.u. and i.m.f. if a last ditch attempt to form a national unity government fails new elections will follow greece are deeply divided over harsh budget cuts which came as the price of international cash injections the e.u. has already warned that money will continue to flow only if athens sticks to agree to stare the measures the german finance minister has said the eurozone will deal with the greek exit from the single currency should it happen margaret bogan reef partner with crisis management firm a.c.m. partner says the blog is now trying to save face this turmoil is unavoidable. what you're basically trying to tell the world the markets generally is that look doesn't. read through these are staring the measures or continue to fill them that
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you know that. i stared measures that we quit in place for the second bailout then we are we're going comfortable allowing greece to pay all i think what's really interesting about the three collections and i do think that there will be a second round of elections is that there really reflecting the conflict of nature of greece so greece both wants to benefit from the membership of the euro and also doesn't want to pay the price for not playing by the your own rules and finally if you look at the as all in john i think it's really interesting that recent also believing it though from europe so i think honestly in the past few weeks and months germany to you know look at both the political and economic situation in greece and really helped create a plan that would allow the euro to say goodbye to the european union which is a fantastic an idealistic idea and so while i think brussels that definitely approaching us from an economic point of view that defaulting riess will ripple
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across the euro zone and the global economy i think of also attempting just hope that it glee to save this mass anger has for a long been mounting in other e.u. countries over the chaos stemming from greece's financial woes but it's now reaching new levels of fury was german private investors claiming they have been forced into a fraudulent scheme after being advised to buy greek sovereign bonds investment turn out to be unsafe after the latest move to save the country from default or does it work this cannot reports from germany. imagine most of your retirement savings gone with the stroke of a pen and this man certainly knows how it feels peter moritz invested his savings into greek silver in bonds after being guaranteed his money was protected by the government but soon the retired banker realized he was and played in his own game they are looking for people like me. re dyer's not
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a little bit grey say in short of the hospital maybe here then here you have no risk peter is among hundreds of german investors who were advised to invest money into greek bonds to secure some cash for retirement but greece's recent debt swap which cut the country's financial burden by more than one hundred billion euros swallowed their money despite guarantees in other words private german investors are being forced to pay greek bills now they're getting ready to sue the banks for what they claim was fraudulent advice and the governments of both greece and germany for not fulfilling their obligations if. there is an agreement between greece and germany that this money is secure from political risks it's really unclear why private investors should be responsible for political gains brussels is aiming to reduce greece's debt from one hundred sixty to one hundred twenty percent of g.d.p. by twenty twenty and the long term plan is supposed to attract over ninety five
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percent of private investors like peter moritz who bought greek bonds. these investments are usually money for retirement family support or medical treatment in many cases these people are very dependent on it. in greece constant austerity measures and hard hearted banking policies are already pushing some ordinary citizens to go to the most extreme forms of protest in turn to keep greece from completely going under brussels is also willing to shock through its actions which are. in the pockets if you abuse outside the greek state putting money into severing bonds is supposed to be one of the safest ways of an investment but apparently not when it comes to greece since the bond holders thought we invested using what was supposed to be sound advice but as it turned out for me they would have been nor better off than if they had just rolled the dice. you bought is going to. germany. france is also worrying to champions of a stare at me as
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a new we elected president francois alon plans to negotiate a fiscal padron by german chancellor angela merkel that's up for debate in today's kaiser report the full program is coming up later today. for those a new president will the euro krauts let him do anything in france doesn't matter who the president is they are simply being taken care of by the bureaucrats in brussels who in turn are being taken care of by the technocrats in some other country who are jerks being taken care of by the kleptocrats in washington on wall street in the city of london they're all being taken care of by the fabulous banking cartel and they're doing such a bang up job on it. sounds
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as if supporters of former dictator moammar gadhafi are still being held in libyan prisons with many of them tortured according to a un report many jails are secret and under the control of armed rebels who refuse to comply with the country's new government lawrence freeman from the executive intelligence review magazine says that there is no sign maybe it is getting closer to democracy. this is a major disaster which was caused by the west and the asian regime change policy under the guise of humanitarian intervention the responsibility to protect and i think the country is in terrible shape and some people tell me in africa that the country may be on the verge of splitting up and was so it's created massive instability of course all over the site here in northern africa you have a tribal society you don't have a nationalistic clear direction misuse of
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a country so once you overthrew gadhafi who was no good no question about it but you did it in the way that the west did including the killing of. then you are setting up various tribal groups to vie for control and right now those tribal groups or from their own competing with one another including attacks on the national transitional government itself. the u.s. is partly resuming weapons sales to bahrain despite human rights concerns washington previously froze arms deliveries to its key gulf ally following a bloody crackdown on anti-government protests demanding more democracy which began last year now some experts believe the uproar among human rights activist over the latest decision is justified. one of the frustrations of the people here in bahrain is this is one of the most organized most consistently nonviolent. pro-democracy strode in fact in terms of portion of the population and i and really it was the
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largest of all the arab spring pro-democracy protests in the country and yet the united states stood by while the bomb barring the regime and support of the saudis and other u.s. allies really crushes ridging not just through not just of persecuting the protesters but even sitting journalists to jail for daring to cover their protests and doctors and nurses to jail for daring to. heal to try to help to help the wounded and certainly you know we've seen the same so what was saddam hussein a lot america africa southeast asia and dictators we support like you know generally and mubarak and i think for the problem of course of course you know it was too late for us to stop what happened. in tunisia egypt and yemen but thanks to bahrain's relatively small size in the intervention by saudi troops that pro-democracy story will unfortunately what with screws crushed. and just last
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weekend bahraini authorities arrested the country's leading human rights activist and foremost critic of the ruling family on charges of inciting protests through social networks the builder job was detained just days before featuring on join us on our show here r t o in the program the us a lower gets and sides from her job into the uprisings in arab states so go to a special section on our website to watch that interview. as speak to two leading revolutionaries one from bahrain where the revolution was really where the revolution is now in turmoil what makes a revolution and where is the arab spring going to go. amass hunger strike by palestinian prisoners over their detention without charge and treatment by israel's increasing unrest across the west bank fifteen hundred detainees have been refusing food for almost
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a month as their supporters clash with israeli forces almost daily outside you see is apps the forefront of the protest being met with a brutal response from soldiers artists policy or reports. the scenes are all too familiar children throwing stones soldiers brandishing rifles major confusion very often it's very difficult for the army to determine who throws stones but a message has to be sent to the local population but that won't be tolerated and the message is delivered brutally these children were playing in a side street in east jerusalem when undercover israeli soldiers attacked them and forced them into their vehicle. he caught me by the neck and started choking me he dragged me to the car and threw me inside i told him i was hurting me but they said it's not their problem. i report issued by defense for children international found that in most cases children are arrested in the middle of the night they were
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blindfolded their hands are tied and they taken in a military vehicle to an interrogation center by the time a child arrives here at off a prison he will have been detained for up to eight days in the end because of pressure almost all plead guilty but it's far from clear they really are well a sickening and he told me the best way to get out is to confess they said they had four soldiers testimonies and it's testimony as one month in prison so i confessed i eventually said i did it to war but the truth says it to him is that he was at his grandparents' house for the festival of ied they'd been clashes between army and palestinian youths and the soldiers had started going from house to house rounding up youngsters. so they wanted to take anyone they didn't care who i told them i wasn't throwing stones but they kept hitting me and saying we know it was you aside from the arrests and illegal detentions in the last decade israeli forces have killed almost one and a half thousand palestinian children but the i.d.f.
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justifies its actions by saying many of them are used by adults as pawns one incident that's been publicized a lot was when a fourteen year old palestinian boy was courted a checkpoint with a suicide belt attached to him since june one thousand nine hundred sixty seven more than three quarters of a million palestinian men women and children have been through the israeli military courts a statistic that underscores the perpetual palestinian search for justice policy r.t. katon a village. well still i had an r t a spat over a fad a medical term used for years now is now considered too offensive by some but who is to decide what's politically correct or incorrect. but though she would not address the facts because they actually did this of the. better the. wobbly safety dodging death and india's
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roads we find out why the law makes helmets compulsory for a man of motorcycles not for women. graduate from high school go to college get a job is the conventional path for us students towards the so-called american dream or rather it was for what the struggling economy and the rising cost of education the search for stability has become a row of the dice arches marina portnoy explains. it's the heaviest investment a young american can make now becoming a trillion dollar ticking time bomb for the nation i have twenty thousand dollars or forty thousand dollars and one hundred fifty thousand and that the u.s. student loan bubble has inflated larger than car or credit card debt in this ballooning crisis graduates now have financial deficits that rival home mortgages. night in new york many have taken to the streets protesting against the on the
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fordable cost of higher education we're already seeing a large increase in the number of student loan defaults across the country and that's coming at a rate that is similar to the rate when the when the mortgages mortgage loans started to default as well and like i said this has a cumulative effect and it's a downward spiral according to reports more than fifty percent of recent college graduates are unemployed or working wage jobs that don't even require a degree now unlike other with that student that cannot be dismissed for bankruptcy this means loans that u.s. students and account for higher education follows them for decades or possibly the rest of their lives mike freedman has a ph d. in biology and works as a part time teacher because he can't find a full time position it's the option of getting an education and being in a state of financial or economic insecurity for the rest of your life according to the federal reserve bank of new york americans sixty years or older still over
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thirty eight billion dollars in student debt and ten percent of that group is past due on payments senior citizens can even have their social security checks taken away the money reportedly redirected to banks waiting to collect. as the investment of a degree morphs from security to risk more americans are reportedly turning to online colleges to save money while others are soon. for a refund dozens of lawyers have filed class action lawsuits against their own law schools accusing the colleges of fraud and inflating employment figures. it was an american dream when qualification equated to security but now the once cherished degree. appears to be no more than a gamble marina porter r.t. new york. farmer our website provides plenty of coverage on all our stories and
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there's so much more in store on line including naziism in the kindergarten lessons of patriotic upbringing and lobbying clude praising the role of assets troops in the second world war or the details go to our team. plus earth's three d. check out more stunning alter dimensional pictures taken with the help of a cutting edge of the russian satellite. and getting out on a motorbike can be a life or death decision for someone india's roads where safety laws mean man must wear helmets but there's no requirement covering the women exposing them to particular danger or to spray shrader explains. to outsiders it's complete chaos i think it's quite scary they need to do something
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about it to stop following the rules i think it's quite stupid really it's chaotic it's some believe it. nor the of the rules and regulations but it does it please but to indians it's every day life you're so used. to. treat people writing in. so it just grows our mind we're just riveted that. it's quite funny. the streets of new delhi are the deadliest in india some estimate that at least five people die every day in collisions but while men are required to wear helmets when riding two wheelers which dominate the roads in delhi the city's high court hasn't been able to make mandatory helmet wearing a rule for women the issue has been particularly divisive in india's large sikh population think men are required by religion to wear a turban and since you can't wear a helmet on top of
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a turban all sikhs were exempt from the safety measure but since sikh women don't usually wear turbans i made it hard for law enforcement to identify a sikh woman from a non sikh woman so in the name of fairness to all women or accept from the world say oh. but indian women's issues over the helmets extends beyond just the sikh community women of all backgrounds in delhi opt not to wear a helmet but this isn't about religious duty this is about plain old vanity on the me and i don't like wearing a helmet because when i go for a parrot is it spoils my makeup and my hair. experts say indian women routinely don't make safety a priority for men. to neglecting them so it's it's women are programmed to neglect themselves so if there is a. if there is in the health crisis it with the man and the woman of the house
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then the man is taken to a doctor the woman is not. for now all the havoc over the home it will be put on hold and women will continue to commute hard hat free regardless of the risks preassure either r t new delhi india russian businessman victor boot remains and a new york jail after an appeal by his lawyer over his transfer to a maximum security prison and a colorado contravening the recommendation of his trial judge and he was sentenced to twenty five years in arms dealing charges after being extradited from thailand military compares his situation with avatar as taliban killers and concludes we may be seeing some double talk coming from washington this secret strategic release program the only detention facility of the background in essence this program represents it weird combination of military and political bizarre where the
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detained insurgents has been trained to buy time and security for tactical reasons in different. provinces to give an opportunity for the white house to portray the situation and steadily improving this discrepancy in u.s. foreign policy might explain this obvious paradox that on the one side the notorious killers of the us forces have been treated and released the violation of any law american or international laws in afghanistan on the other side somebody like that has been incarcerated for more than twenty five years into their maximum security prison their only fault they just don't have any bargaining paul war to be considered for their white house. now take a look at some other stories from around the world remains found near the crash site of a russian super super jet in indonesia have flown back to jakarta foreign to the
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cation meanwhile the plane's manufacturer says there is no evidence of technical problems with the aircraft prior to the crash into an indonesian mountain airliner crashed during a demonstration by four potential buyers on wednesday with all forty five people aboard feared dead search teams battling through highly difficult remote mountainous terrain have found at least twelve bodies so far near the wreckage. two people are missing but as many as ten thousand maybe now homeless after a blaze tore through waters sediment in the philippines fire crews had to call on the coast guard to help by spraying water from manila bay on to the flames so a concrete wall surrounding the makeshift buildings had to be knocked down so people could escape it follows another fire in the south of the country two days ago in which seventeen died in a department store blaze. hundreds of protesters have clashed with police guarding
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a tax collection office in italy throwing red paint and anger at officers demonstrators were angered one tax agency and we'll tell you refused to close in sympathy with the suicide of a person who'd just been served with important papers by we were in a zation director said it's unacceptable to blame the tax office for the deaths of those suffering economically. visiting is a ballooning problem in the west but so too it appears is a very description with some claiming the word obese is offensive arouse raging over whether use of a medical term is fine or fall foul of political correctness our resident went on the streets of new york to chew the fat with the people and the big apple. the u.k.'s national institute for health and clinical excellence has issued a guidance suggesting that the word obese might be too upsetting and derogatory to
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use is this a case of political correctness gone mad this week let's talk about that last forty films is that when you were still heavy and someone called you obese with that offend you. been called worse you know what's worse calling someone obese or calling someone fat. the same thing over there for. so should we not address the facts because it actually you can dress it like that's just a race of toying with the facts just better things we don't but it's bad for people it caught at least the heart trouble and a diary. coverage august this week who is in charge of deciding when a word is leg and when and where it is the proper term will i mean you don't really want the government to be in charge of that that's for sure you know of anything yeah i mean the government shouldn't be in the in the in the game of policing what you say certainly of what you think you know what if someone called you whitey if
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somebody called me why do you have say the property accurate but what you would you be offended no so why do people take offense to some words and not other words. probably because they care about what other people think it's an insecurity so we should just stop caring about what other people think and then the whole p.c. thing all the way it's not like you should stop caring what other people think you should start caring more about what you think they get so matters in the context that it's used like if you look at somebody and say damn they're obese that's a that in that context i think it's derogatory i think this say the word obese or say obesity in general and when you talk about a condition is it would not be derogatory just a statement of of a problem in a society maybe if we ever get this word to people would feel oh ok maybe oh it will be good for a while regular people so there's no problem and was he one think about to what to take exactly like what are we afraid to college drug user or
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a drug user exactly you know this is so big so why where was this kid from the pros defied the problem the night escape for a bit whether or not you think the word obese is derogatory the bottom line is it's also a medical condition and simply avoiding the word is not going to make the issue go away. ok that brings us up today here in our to remember that for more there is our website r t dot com i recap our top stories follow shortly stay with us.
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