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tv   [untitled]    May 14, 2012 6:30am-7:00am EDT

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two thirty pm in moscow these here are headlines afghanistan season east by you can violence with the latest bombing killing at least nine in the north of the country yes police in comes as foreign nations increasingly consider pulling out of the conflict earlier than. a cousin of britain's queen elizabeth gets half a million dollars in financial support from a fugitive russian oligarch there are now questions over how boris berezovsky is used and what he expects more. serious violence threatens to spill into neighboring lebanon with deadly clashes between religious groups and supporting and opposing
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president assad meanwhile damascus claims it's being targeted by a terrorist alliance of al qaeda and for in fact as fears grow its freemason are driving serious divisions some. difficulties in establishing the truth in troubled arab nations what we focus on next we get insight from media monitor sharif nashashibi stay with us. today i'm talking to shari nashashibi he's the chairman and co-founder of an organization called arab media watch it's an independent nonprofit stolk which works towards the independent and objective coverage of arab issues in the media sharif nashashibi thank you very much for talking to us today now let's start by talking about the arab spring in general how much diversity have you seen in media reporting of what's going on. well i think for the for me the major issue has been
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the difficulties which the media faced in reporting the arab spring. in all the countries where there have been protests and regime change the. very strict kind of attempts to stifle media coverage to stop journalist getting in. to stop them doing their work once they're in. i think that's been that's been the kind of overriding factor the commonality between all these countries is that it's been very difficult for the media to cover and that has meant a reliance on citizen journalism on opposition movements and things like that the problem with all that is that it's difficult to verify all these things so a lot of a lot of what's going on is based on hearsay. sources whose. you know news and opinions you connoisseur to verify. and this is a real problem and it's ironic because the the governments that are. experiencing these protests constantly complain that the media are relying on opposition
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movements to get their news but that's because the government stopping the media from going in and doing the job themselves but that does presumably mean that it has been very diverse in terms of who is reporting and what that reporting has it presented a range of the point yes it has i mean just like in any conflict there you know you are witnessing a propaganda war between the various opposition movements and the governments fighting. both doing their utmost governments have really stepped up i mean the media freedom record has always been very bad in that region but it is really going up a notch during these arab spring. but also the opposition movements have been very adept at using social media. to get the point across. certainly there has been misinformation on all sides and again this is not something. new and conflict but the social media has played an incredibly important role because the
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mainstream media has been unable to do the job properly because of all the restrictions and the physical dangers that they face so this is really kind of star kind of facebook and twitter wars that you know if you look at the populations of these countries a lot of them are very young they are quite good at using these social media outlets and the much more difficult for the government to control so in a way the government's attempts at stifling the media is actually shooting themselves in the foot because they are they are giving opposition movements the ability to use other means which are more difficult for the government to control and yet there have been a lot of underreported issues haven't there as these conflicts have progressed racism in libya the feeding of the syrian armed opposition by by foreign governments the entire revolution in bahrain really yeah the problem is is that media due to budget constraints and other factors that really they are a kind of one story machine so you'll have you'll have
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a flashpoint somewhere in the media will focus on the flashpoint and everything else kind of falls off the radar and then when that incidents over they'll move on to something else so this is necessarily any conspiracy the media's. enabling but it's you know they're just unable to cover more than one big story at a time. so yes you know but her name has been has been overlooked until now the grand prix has been happening and then once that was being worked out something else was was not being moved so this is a problem and because there is so much happening in the arab world right now i mean the spring is just so has affected so many countries it's impossible for the media to give all these incidents the coverage they deserve and they do all deserve the same amount of coverage and we seem to get a picture in the western media of the uprising as the opposition always being right and the government always being wrong but isn't the situation actually much more complex than that. well i mean i am not
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a spokesman for the government or the opposition i think if you look at various countries i think opposition movements have gotten things wrong i mean the you know there have been credible ickes oceans of misleading. and propaganda but likewise the governments have done exactly the same thing i think if you look at the on balance it is the governments that are wrong because these springs these revolutions wouldn't have happened. you know people have gotten fed up with the fact that they cannot express themselves freely they cannot live in democratic systems they don't have the basic human rights and this is been going on for so many decades of people who just simply had enough to the point that governments proposing reforms was too little too late. violent ways in which the governments put down these protests meant that you know any talk reform was was pointless but does this revolution by its very definition a not gain this is an impetus all of its into the even if the governments need
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countries are offering credible reforms that this sort of this revolution continues nonetheless yeah but this happens when when governments are either do not react in a new way to the revolutions they don't listen to them or you know what we see in these countries is governments trying to propose enough reforms to try and placate the revolutions without actually meaning that those regimes will give up power and people now see through this and they're like these are just cosmetic steps i think this is a problem if the if the demands of these revolutions were met early on in the sufficient way it wouldn't mean the kind of momentum and there's been a lot of talk about democracy but recently you wrote about an electoral law which has been introduced in. egypt and libya a law which says that anyone who's been involved with the old regimes in those countries can't run for election now is that democracy no it's not a. i mean i was very vocally against this because i think what these electoral laws
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are doing in a way just the same as what those regimes that was barring candidates from running and that that is inherently antidemocratic. you should give people the choice. you should be able to gauge the level of support that the officials from the former regime has had if they don't have any support then let them fail electorally rather than make them political martyrs and if they do have significant support then it is unwise and dangerous to alienate sections of the populations that that support those candidates so you know democracy is not a case of you know. you know only allowing people to be elected who you want to be elected you have to listen to the will of the people and i think it is you know it is you know this is a whole mark of the performer jeems to say well these people are not allowed to run you have to vote for the for the people that we that we let you vote for so i don't
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think i think this is very dangerous. and since i wrote that article i see libya has passed another law that parties based on religion are not allowed to run which i find very strange because libya is almost unanimously sunni muslim so i i find this is a very odd thing to parties to run on the religious basis people should have the choice if they want to vote for parties or that then fine the danger again here is that you're going to make political martyrs out of these movements that feel that they should. have parties represented by religion and they're going to be driven on the ground and this could create the kind of instability. and extremism that wouldn't occur if there if people are allowed to express themselves the only way for these transitions to go smoothly is if you have as much of the population as possible the feel that they are in franchised if you disenfranchise them even a small section of population it can be really dangerous if you look at iraq i mean . the wholesale exclusion of a section of the population led to catastrophic what happened in iraq lessons of
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not being alone and you talk about the will of the people and let's talk specifically about syria for a moment there's sort of movements in some international news networks where experts are claiming that syria the syrian people do want an international intervention have you seen any proof of that. well there's different forms of international intervention i think there is there is a consensus that you know they don't want foreign troops in syria where you have disagreements now is whether whether the opposition should be armed or not or whether there should be safe passages in corridors and syria. that's where the debate is i don't think i don't think anyone wants foreign troops on the ground it's mainly about arming the opposition and i think the the problem i see i understand the concerns of people have with arming the opposition because there isn't that kind of accountability you know you don't know what those weapons will
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be used who will use them against who you who they'll use and you don't really know who these people are right particularly in syria no but the problem i feel with with not arming them is at the moment you have a government army that is not on the any arms embargo it is allowed to bring as much weapons as it wants and into the country and we've seen shipments of weapons coming in and you have an opposition that is you know if they are armed they are very lightly armed so what i fear is that those who are against arming the opposition kind of almost fueling the imbalance because the government can only if it wants to can only get stronger militarily and the opposition will only have a finite amount of weapons to fight with isn't the solution not then an international blanket international arms embargo for both sides i would think this would be a better option it's a less dangerous than the militarized further militarization of the revolution but unfortunately given the viewpoints of various parties and security council i don't think that will ever happen russia and china will not agree to an arms embargo on
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syria not just because they're allies but they are suppliers of arms to the syrian government so that what happened. this is my worry is that the disagreements on the security council you know they are emboldening the government to act in the way that it's acting and this is i think will only. fuel increasing desperation among the opposition movements and serum now you are seeing a car bombs and things that you want to seeing before all right what's the future particularly for reporting in north africa and the middle east particularly with. power as a result of these uprisings it has improved i don't think the rise of islamic parties in those countries necessarily has a bearing on the levels of press freedom it's early to tell because you know a lot of these countries because they're never been press freedoms and this is a process that's going to take some time to build institutions to try to train journalists properly you know to to allow just journalism to function in the way
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that it should and it never has in those countries so it's difficult. where things will stand but i think i think it's it's headed in the right direction whether the little stir there was a different matter but i think the important thing now is that people are acutely aware of their rights and how long they've been denied them and i think it will be much more difficult now that the genie is out of the bottle to put it i can't. thank you very much. to what extent and i would call them paid mercenaries how much are they going to be in your defense to protect your administration and your successors none none you say the mercenaries like blackwater will not play a major role in this kind of tradition this is one of the issues over which we are in. they will be here they will be. gone as far as the afghan government is concerned no way no mercenary no way
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way no. good luck. to building a new. mission to teach me. this is why you should care only. the official.
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video. feeds the palm of your. latest bombing killing at least nine in the north of the country. gets a million dollars in financial support from the fugitive russian. question how. deadly clashes between religious groups supporting and. just being targeted by a terrorist alliance. are driving.
6:46 am
the latest sports news stay with us here on r.t. . hello there good to have you company and here's what is coming up not my fault russia courage pick up the car blames russian football cheese for his decision to quit after the euro. last all change after guiding spartak moscow to champions league football valarie coppin makes way for former the n c a both you know emery. and it's hard right to take your scarsdale lose possible surely final quiet single point to really. make africa has blamed the russian football union for his decision to stand down as russia coach he will quit after managing the side through this summer's european championships but says they are a few were named on the deal they could have seen him stay in charge until twenty fourteen. i'm very disappointed about the worried when
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i heard of lupo's was signed up for hughes due to blues to. conduct was article that most boards is to say yes or no no i respected that but the first version wants to want to do it till after the tournament and again they can do that by experience go to the north go to prove themselves of all levels. despite spartak moscow claiming the runners up spot in the russian premier league fairly carping will step down as their manager as planned former valencia boss emery taking charge with immediate effect his appointment confirmed just after spartak beat locking motif to new york's secure champions league football next season during his four years at valencia emery guided the spanish team to third in the league or three times in a row he was also a former teammate of carping at real sociedad carpet more takeover as general directed spartak and will oversee transfers where he ended his time as manager on
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a high spot at beating. on the last day of the season to claim second place behind sammy and champions league football next season check defender suki nodding in spot x. first midway through the first half doubled their lead five minutes before the break aiden mcgeady with a cross for both golds. to finish second spot i caught unaided tears scarse to lose it twice former champions through being in the army men played into their hands as they squandered a one goal lead to lose three one in cause and because you could put the visitors in front right before the interval but it was all routine after the restarts substitute nelson valdes grabbing the equaliser after less than two minutes on the pitch and got danny's got it in ease was first to the rebound to give the home side the lead eight minutes before time. and then turned provider minutes later to set up a grown man. who'd been denying to sky champions league football next season. elsewhere
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angy also heading into the europa league despite a two new home defeat at the hands of champions and eight first alexander who could of followed in his cross right after the break and then who could offer assistance in sabol to steve's late goal as the sun petersburg side completed their title defense on a high. while a last gasp goal for inform him of h.k. four placed in a. a one one draw ban the home side's top scorer in the seen it through all right opening after ten minutes of play and they clung on to that late but similar age salvaged the draw deep into injury time the ball's in the midfielder was first denied by the woodwork but he kept his car to find the back of the net so this is how the top of the table finished any were already the champions before the final day and for the second year running and they joined in the champions league by sparta while europa league places gates. and the sittings angy as well as russian cup winners through been blocked motif and could band complete top eight day while
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in the bottom half of the table rostov will join volga in the relegation playoffs after a late to one defeat to tom tom took the lead through and point because you're off but within five minutes of sorry but with five minutes to go rostov did level to get a change with a great header here and they went all out to find a winner but conceded a penalty deep into injury time and alexi get a kick handed it to one victory to ready relegated tom would join them in the first division if they lose their playoff double header against. of all girls of the other team in the relegation playoffs they lost their last game four one to am car relegated spot on our cheap finish bottom but ended their spell in the top flight with a three three draw with present a dark crease of yet of three one one the terror. now over an england match the city are champions for the first time in forty four years on a thrilling final day they scored to stop each time goals to beat q.p.r.
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three two enough to snatch the title from rivals manchester united on goal difference city were trailing two one with ninety minutes to go the story months when he's gone despite q.p.r. having joey barton sent off early in the second half but in the dying second strike some. gave city an amazing victory grabbing the title from under the nose of manchester united beaten sunderland one nil pass to finish third with a three two win it west brom tottenham big full and so you know to for. for bolton were relegated after drawing two to one join wolves blackburn in the championship next season but the day belonged to city. does not this is the final like this. is a. very broad for my players because i think that they want. reward for these they want to do with the. game asked ball now and heartbreak for tesco moscow they missed out on
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a seventh euro league title after losing by single point two in p.r. costs in the final and eight stamboul the army men had led much of the game last year to see just three points in making it twenty five thirteen in the middle of the second quarter and his side almost twenty point play in the lim p.r. cost pool their way back their luck to scar missed a golden chance to clinch the game when saskia failed to score twice from the free throw line in the dying seconds at that point the army men were singing on to a one point lead and then were hit by a sucker punch from n.p.r. course georges insists he's racing down the other end to sing the winning basket the great climbing a stunning sixty two sixty one victory. while afterwards to discuss stuff forward on that occur olenka said his team only had themselves to blame for the defeat while n.p.r. cos place held their never say die attitude they spoke with r.t. from cos arrest. it's disappointing the loss. played great game in the process
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will force a lot of toward homers why there was not a very large snow. to start saving ourselves for fourth quarter but there's no fourth quarter you know we do have momentum or way that's why we lost a good. thing or just generally. i don't think we have a problem with difference today we were no problem with often seem to work in the first hour for everything was falling on our hands you know what a great difference comes out of the no friends. or second how we just couldn't score the points those are missing the young guys saying that it's good for them that they don't know we're broken psychologically i did you manage that oh no no no coach came in here toes we had thirty time those in the first second he just said if ya want to give up just play get him a had a great season is this then ok now you say no cause you're going to cry today we're going to keep more for you you know what i saw you know we've been doing the whole year standing amongst each other and being a unit a couple if i am and we did it's
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a night. time formula one pastor maldonado clinched his maiden victory at the spanish crown pray although the winfrey's williams team was tanisha fire and their carriage after the race nine people were hurt in the accident near the track one needing treatment for the race itself so all the not i start on pole but he was overtaken on the first out by fernando alonso who started in second but the williams driver would still back into the late after the second pace stop while for my seven time champion michael schumacher crashed out yet again after running into the back of bruno senna's car about mulder not i hit top form at the barcelona track to be the lungs of i just over three seconds behind me where i can and should third for those williams first victory since two thousand and four more than our dives might we. be happy because they did the science in the first lap. fernando they'd are better. they me but i were.
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doing that based on the word story and i think. my first brought my first big three in my view. well done to him now in tennis roger federer came back from a set down to beat thomas burdick in the madrid open final after novak djokovic rafael nadal had been knocked out on the blue clay federer was the clear favorite to lift the trophy although burdick wasn't going to roll over having beaten the swiss two times already this year and the world number six broke his opponent in the second game before taking the first set six three however federer then broke twice in the second to level the match and finally six five in the third he converted his fourth match point to claim his third madrid title and record equalling twentieth masters crown he also leapfrog an adult in the world rankings to number two. and american three in a williams the women's champion she thrash world number one victoria as a rank in straight sets the team plays never met before on clay but the better
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russian is totally outplayed williams racing to a six one six three featuring. has won the place championship golds richest event the american picking up one point six million dollars after a two shot victory over scotland's martin lead gave himself a three shot cushion after rolling in this birdie on the sixty eight in the next hole was cooling collected when he came to the eighteenth and sunday regulation path of victory this win moving him up to six in the world rankings missed the chance to for you mcelroy as number one after finishing in sixth place it's. a sort of sport for now or later. world. series technology innovation all the latest developments from
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wealthy british style assignments and it's not time to time guys.


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