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tv   [untitled]    May 14, 2012 8:00am-8:30am EDT

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afghanistan's president tells r t security in the country is under control despite incessant violence and plans of key nato members to pull out early from the cost of war. syrian under arrest sparks three days of deadly clashes in neighboring lebanon while syria itself terror groups try to drive the opposition's point home with a series of suicide bombings. the latest installment of julian assange does show almost here this time and focus is on the innocent casualties of u.s. was there are included a man who managed to get out at one time obey. four
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pm in moscow i met très a good to have you with us here on r t our top story the latest outbreak of violence in afghanistan has claimed the lives of nine people as an explosion shook a market in the north of the country the attack came ahead of the next transition phase that will see control of three quarters of the country pass from nato hands into those of afghan security forces this is the alliance support for the war has hit a new low as artie's tests are so he explains. afghanistan to avert two thousand and one and nato led international military offensive in response to the september eleventh attacks in the u.s. largely backed by international partners more than a decade ago. now after tens of thousands of casualties and hundreds of billions of dollars later this will not be quick nor easy. one thing that's not keeping pace is support over seventy percent of the population more troops are
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the figure is rising in the u.s. sixty three percent last week want to see an end to the war and this is what it's come down to nations breaking ranks with nato by deciding to pull out troops earlier than planned france the fourth largest contributor of troops to the war saw a rise in ante natal rhetoric in its presidential campaign season with most french in favor of early withdrawal will really get the place of france in the integrated military command. expected from afghanistan and australia is the latest nation to make a surprise announcement raising the question of whether more will follow suit a potential sticking point at nato summit in chicago no not at all concerned should we stay or should we go that is a question several members of the alliance for france australia have been mulling over ten years into the war the. but for some of them the answer is already a foregone conclusion as it has become increasingly difficult to justify staying on
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board what some have already dubbed the sinking ship. this security in afghanistan is worse now than it was ten years ago when when the invasion began not to mention justifying the cost of war to skeptical europeans who are already in over their heads with debt the afghan war after ten years is having a disastrous effect on all the countries connected to it but the clearest way to bring not to an end and the clearest way to stop the war spilling over the borders into other countries is to end the occupation know the advice that should be given to all the major powers that. work in afghanistan is to get out as some appear to be rushing for the exit nation when the us may find themselves wondering who's going to be the last man standing as the water rises does or cilia r.t. . despite ongoing violence in afghanistan its president says he has the country's
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security well under control how many cars i gave an interview to our teens peter well you can see it in forward fifteen thirty g.m.t. here's a preview. of alston plea in a strong delegated effort to do well with pakistan and with our other neighbors but at the same time the it gets complicated relationship between the united states and islam about as world we call it after back for a reason is they do have an impact and afghanistan is affected by it both ways. from the from approx thirty perspective and from an american perspective but we have issues we don't see older nations with pakistan from an american perspective we don't see or deletions with iran from an american perspective we don't see the relations with russia and with china from an american perspective afghanistan has been able in spite of all our needs if
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i can put it in short words. in spite of all of dependence on the united states the need to we have developed an independent foreign policy. at least five people have been killed over three days of success a sectarian violence in lebanon clashes a link to the unrest in neighboring syria pitting president assad's supporters against his opponents for in this week alive artie's paullus leader. joins us from jerusalem so paula can you explain more about what's going on in the country in lebanon. well deadly clashes have broken out in the city of tripoli in northern lebanon and so far at least five people have been killed including one soldier and some seventeen people have been injured now the clashes broke out between those who support the syrian presidency of bashar assad and those who are opposed to it it comes in the light of observers in this region
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expressing concern for quite some time now that the violence and instability in syria will spill over into the rest of the region lebannon is a close neighbor and it shares political and sectarian ties as well as rivalries with syria now out of concern that the violence would spread further into lebanon the lebanese army has deployed three more units the violence started on saturday when an islamist by the name of shadowy malawi was a wristed he was accused of having links with terrorist organizations but his wrist did cause islamize to go to the streets of the city of tripoli they close the entrances to the north and the south they also staged a sit in and they held up the syrian a flag of independence for some time now damascus has been warning that arms as well as fighters are being smuggled into lebanon and being used to assist the
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rebels in syria fight and take on the syrian regime of bashar assad just on thursday we saw the deadliest string of suicide bombings with some fifty five people killed in this syria and what we're hearing from the syrian regime is that it is being targeted by a terrorist alliance of al qaeda and other elements that are backed by regional powers but as my colleague sara firth reports there's also a growing sense that a third player is involved let's take a look. it was a little known terror the al nusra front they claimed responsibility for last week's massive bombing. the blast carried out in a busy residential area designed to cause maximum damage damascus which the so long had been through and then sheltered from the conflict throughout the rest of the country has in recent months found itself the target of an increased bombing campaign this latest explosion considered the largest one and you can just see the
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devastation that it's caused. at the scene angry crowds at the quite them terrorist acts shouting blame at saudi arabia and qatar it's plain that many analysts. think these countries actions are undermining the peace process if you. stopped supporting. supporting. everything will be finished within. but if they want to continue supporting them they want to. treading amongst the rubble as people show the ruins. and what is one of damascus is poorest neighborhoods is a real sense of a revolution. was there is not rising began as a peaceful pro-democracy movement that has splintered into
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a confusing mix in various groups political a nonpolitical. and the continued instability here left the country wide open to attacks like this taking place. it's a problem. that. provided . for everyone in the world to interfere in this. i there by providing arms of providing funds oh providing fighters and soldiers. as people are left to bury that day and with the hospitals full syrian people are once again that's trying to rebuild their homes. and the fake his his once again to the peace which is looking more. at the day a wall is now in place around the blast site stuck in mind that terror has only as
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you know that the area to peace here. in arab countries were revolution did happen there was no questions about how much they're actually following a democratic path egypt tunisia libya recently barred anyone involved in their toppled regimes from taking part in current elections as we hear in about fifteen minutes arab media monitor sharif nashashibi says the moves opened the way for further conflict. with these electoral laws are doing in a way just the same as what those regimes that was barring candidates from running and that is inherently onto democrats and. you should give people the choice. you should be able to gauge the level of support that the officials from the full reasons. if they don't have any support then let them fail or lecture them rather than make them political motives and this could create the kind of instability. and extremism i. an
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exposé on the reality of life inside guantanamo bay tuesday we're bringing you the fifth installment of giuliana songes new show featuring a former inmate from the controversial prison we go out now to our tease laura smith live. more on the interview and what it reveals on the workings of the war on terror so this sounds like another hard hitting interview what can you tell us about the guests and the show itself. yes certainly seems to be what looking ahead to it is the fifth episode of the world tomorrow and during it doing a summer speak to people who have had first hand experience of the effects of the war on terror one of them is correct who is used to be a corporate lawyer but now campaigns for detainees of the war on terror through an organization called k. to prisoners and that organization was set up by the second interview here's a man called begg he himself spent three years in guantanamo bay without charge
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before before being released without charge during his detention actually signed a confession which said that he had been prepared to fight alongside al qaida he provided assistance to al qaida members knowing that they could commit terrorist attacks against the u.s. during the program he talks about how he came to sign that confession that's him. what brought me to the point where i would sign something like this was being tied up with. my legs with a hood placed over my head being punched and kicked listening to the sound of a woman screaming next all i'm told is led to believe is my wife my children's pictures being waved in front of me and being asked by these interrogators when do you think you're going to see them again what you think happened the night that we took you from the. back during the show goes into great detail about the horrors of
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his detention in guantanamo bay and all the prison camps. experience the immense sense of injustice that he felt during his detention he was ultimately released without charge in two thousand and five by president bush despite objections from the cia the f.b.i. and the pentagon at the time he then when he got home to britain he sued the british government for complicity in his ordeal and he reached an out of court financial settlement with the government since then though he set up this organization cage prisoners and he and i. have been actively trying to end this practice of detention without trial advocating on behalf of individual prisoners to either get them out of camps like guantanamo or to get them at least process their regular media commentators as well as impressed you during the program talks about what drives him to carry on with his fight. seeing guantanamo seeing him to charge in the u.k. the extradition act you know all of these things common any time you will actually
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the laws being abused and for very specific purposes and all of them kind of convince me that i used to be involved something was working against these these policies in prisons is this an important voice for muslims assume power. and they also talk about the future so both have visions about what's happened in the middle east and what the u.s. is achieved in its war on terror they say that they don't think that al qaida was ever as powerful or as all the nature of the organization that it's been made out to be by western powers but they say terror is very much still thriving today that's. the united states didn't just bin laden didn't just go off trip they went to nations and they killed tens of thousands of people in the process so bin laden may have come and gone it's irrelevant because those symptoms that bin laden was addressing are still there. that's just
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a little bit of the program you can see the whole thing which is being broadcast for the first time on our t.v. tomorrow choose day at eleven thirty g.m.t. don't miss it all right thanks very much artie is laura smith live for us in london . well stay with us here on r t still ahead this hour another scandal for the british royal family friends who's the queen cousin faces questions over why he got more than half a million dollars from the london based oligarch boris perez office plus. a team of international astronauts are ready to head toward the stars on a russian rocket while their families face an anxious countdown to lift off we'll tell you more. but first after a disheartening failure yesterday the greek president has called for a new round of coalition talks in athens later today but the forecast looks bleak with the second largest anti austerity faction refusing to even attend the meeting its leader alexis to paris says the program parties are perpetuating
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a crime that he wants no part in but the crisis in greece is being viewed very differently in the rest of europe with more and more speculating on its exit from the eurozone the e.u. is also said to be considering cutting belo payments to greece as punishment for its bad behavior greek journalist to lecture a plan to get us a tear is as a default is guaranteed on the country's massive loans and debts. i think the only way to solve the problem is to have a radical change in policy is austerity cannot continue if you know it is a choice between austerity and democracy the people have rejected the terms of the bailout agreements they have rejected the terms of the loan agreements or they want a radically different policy how worse can it get we're in the fifth year of a recession we have unemployment over twenty one twenty two percent there's no her exit. exit strategy and people are in despair and this is what happened
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in the last election this was was expressed this social devastation took a political front the question is not whether or when greece is going to exit but how i think that was default and an exit from the euro zone are now practically inevitable. don't forget to check out our website for more news videos and photos here's what's click away for you right now. and spies in the sky find out how u.s. drones are reporting surveillance images of american citizens and can store and analyze them for up to ninety days plus the concern in the u.k. is the secret services war in the police that some of its officers men attended terror training camps all this and more at r.t. dot com.
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it's the story of a british royal and a fugitive russian billionaire and a whole lot of money an even bigger scandal prince michael of kent who is the queen's cousin is under fire for accepting more than half a million dollars from london based tycoon boris berezovsky as artie's ivory better reports questions are now being raised as to what a wanted man into russia or as to what a man wanted in russia for fraud expected in return. the two men are said to be very close but were these payments just a friendly exchange or was there something more to it both sides have been very keen to play down any shady implication here stressing that everything was above board has come out and said that there was nothing underhanded called it just a matter between friends and prince michael of kent who's the queen's first cousin their fathers were brothers his spokes person has said that everything was conducted properly and all the appropriate tax was paid on these payments they were
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fifty six payments made in total over the years between two two thousand and two and two thousand and eight to one of prince michael's offshore companies amounting to a massive three hundred twenty thousand pounds so over half a million dollars and serious questions still remain over these cash payments such as what was the money use for and why was it needed neither the questions answered so far by either party lawyer however has said that his client client neither saw nor obtained any benefit from this friendship however it's certainly worth noting here that there is all ski at the time of these of the first payments was and still is. on the run from the russian government he used to be one of the country's richest men he was highly influential but in two thousand and fled to the u.k. after an investigation was launched into his ass it's so awesome seeking as political asylum here he was actually convicted in russia in absentia in two thousand and
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seven for embezzlement he's been living here ever since. and obviously was in his interest that he should be allowed to stay in the u.k. despite numerous extradition requests from russia now he said there was nothing in it for him but the fact that substantial cash payments were made to a member of the royal family here certainly begs the question why were these payments made. turning now to some other stories making headlines across the globe yes eastern yemen was blown up by suspected islam as militants no one is so far claimed responsibility but authorities are pointing the finger at al-qaeda which is carried out to previous attacks on the pipeline the latest explosion may have been to retaliate for sunday's fighting between the yemeni government forces and insurgents in which at least thirty militants were killed. and in the has discovered the tale of a russian sukhoi superjet why they were expecting to find the plane's flight recorders bad weather conditions any tough terrain are hampering the teams efforts
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russian forensics experts have also started the identification process of the victims the aircraft crashed wednesday during a demonstration flight all ordered by the board have been confirmed dead. a team of international astronauts are making their final preparations before setting off on their next trip for the stars aboard a russian soyuz rocket the u.s. has relied on the space craft since nasa shuttle fleet was retired last year or met up with the men who spent years training for the trip of a lifetime. it's a well rehearsed routine for people working at the baikonur cosmodrome top level security precisely worked out procedures and imposing looking rocket prepared for takeoff for two crewmembers who will head towards the ice s. on tuesday this will not be their first trip towards the stars but their family members who are left behind on terra firma still cannot help but get butterflies
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every time their loved ones so take off for american blastoff number two but his relatives are no less anxious reassured by the looks of that rocket behind a. man or a watch they appear to be. reassuring that there are some pros though in the war taking care of myself commander is a man with a lot of experience under his belt eight spacewalks and five missions go a long way towards taking an i says trip in your stride. problems. good the rookie two years a run to the fairing but i'm really grateful to everyone who did in excellent job. so what's involved in becoming so calm and collected before space mission training of course but also a whole lot of patience generally cosmonauts have to bide their time for years before getting the chance of a date with the stars. always nine years that i've been waiting it's been training
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and learning it's all you think about tests and learning like eternal students. perhaps that's why those who do this regarded as a truly stellar experience. first starting from kazakhstan training in russia different sized crew for a different mission a long time on space station so the whole thing is is a completely different experience of course of course being in space and seeing the earth from up there and working in a way also in baikonur it even goes go our team. katie pilbeam joins us now from the business to. news and it's been a pretty gloomy day on the markets today tell us more absolutely gloomy and david talking about a perfect stillness apparently on its way to us next year that could take the us back into the recession and break up the your eyes i know last of all the me
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verdict of a columnist nero rubin a he's otherwise known as the do you know what's causing all this financial covenants well we've got the debt in u.s. and europe slowdown in china as well as military conflict in iran as well and all the warning signs of all of this is the political instability and europe right now now we've got steam jacobsen he's an economist saxo bank he's going to explain it for us i think what has happened since the first quarter is really that the political situation is getting out of control and that's in truly important for both the market and the outlook you just talked about because that really in my opinion free individual pieces to to a crisis there is the economic situation which is just getting from bad to worse than there is to flip the situation which is moved into a freefall in my opinion and then you have to stock market and the valuation off the stock market to some extent is only natural that when you have no head when the
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economic situation then clearly you will need to see valuations come down you can only keep the stock market elevated for so long when the underlying fundamentals as weak as they are right now. ok that brings us into the european market is that check out if it's in the draft and see how they're performing in the afternoon session as you can see there we've got losses for both london and germany are right there there's so many sentiments going on greece continues to be the main protagonist in all of this in the greek saga the sovereign debt crisis will they default i'm going to mark as well let me just mention this one she took on will hates in local elections as well the german chancellor was affecting the jacks right there ok moving on to the euro dollar about who it's no surprise is calling at this hour going to perform a one twenty eight fifty eight right now for the traders favorite pair and the ruble you can see it right there for those travelers out there for its traders who got it a mixed performance against
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a basket of currencies let's talk about spoiled and briefly because that is taking a real hit the prices are indeed dropping a lot of that is international pressures we've also got me involved coming into play shortly as well as that saudi arabia minister has said that he wants to see prices drop but the european sovereign debt crisis is taking its toll now it's no surprise if we get into the russian markets but they are indeed dropping this hour so let's have a look at the assets and them i said it's been a pretty lax last as a stop when they in the red there got the r.c.s. two point two percent down as very much the same for the my sex i'm getting on to the stock shall we will see how they're performing at this hour what seven concert there they were doing rather well earlier although they seem to have lost their fight there because m r s k as well they are one of the main were treated has been confirmed rumors that they're going to do a merger with another operator f s a's that's an interesting one we've had a look at the commodities as you can see you've got tough point seven percent down
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at this hour despite that first quarter net profit rising by twenty two percent ok that's the market's now rather gloomy day lots of red colors there on your screen probably about. all right thanks very much for that report katie see you in the next hour still to come here on r t finding facts and made chaos in the arab world more on that after a recap of our top stories the headlines next stay with us. margaret
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mother did not like were going to become. he was afraid. and she was very good. she felt. i was frankenstein's monster. we don't have the problem. every time and effort is made. by the palestinian or in the european side to negotiate and to the violent attacks against israel which i have no fear of war all the. song goes you have no you're calling the leader of the state of israel one of the main terrorists in the world. we're supposed to be seriously examining history when you mention
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a few words about jewish cover labyrinth and people get so upset this is i'm sorry to say it's a form of emotional blackmail. wealthy british style i'm really sick last night i was trying. to predict.


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