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tv   [untitled]    May 14, 2012 8:00pm-8:30pm EDT

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tonight on r t they're attacking your freedoms to prevent cyber attacks the pentagon and defense contractors are prying open the door to the internet and that's not all they're doing we'll tell you how and why importantly why this cyber crackdown is gaining steam. and if the two billion dollar blunder that once again proves nothing is too big to fail risky trading practices take j.p. morgan chase to a new low so is it time to seriously look at breaking up the big banks. and we all know the race for g.o.p. nomination in two thousand and twelve has been ugly candidates sling mud rhetoric and anything else they can get their hands on but now their supporters are duking it out for delegates literally so can romney and paul supporters unite for
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a battle against president obama in the fall. good evening it's monday may fourteenth eight pm in washington d.c. i'm christine and you're watching our t.v. . well let's begin with a look at something many people are calling the beginning of a beautiful friendship but we're simultaneously getting others to put their hazard lights on and talking about this new blossoming relationship between the u.s. government and private companies they've been working together to gain more access to want takes place on the world wide web here's a headline in wash in the washington post today it says the pentagon expands cyber security exchange so what's going on essentially as many as a thousand defense contractors might volunteer to share some previously classified information with the pentagon to try to crack down on cyber threats and according to the washington post this new relationship is being hailed as
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a milestone well to look further into this i was joined by tim carr senior directory that senior director of the strategy for free press and here's his take on the situation. i think increasing what we're seeing that threats to privacy now are increasingly not coming directly from government or corporations but them working together and when you're looking at a company like fries and or a team t. you're talking about of the leading internet in telecommunications provider in the united states the one thing you need to be clear about this sharing is whether they're sharing information between the first party which would be the government the second party which would be the company or they also including the third party which would be the consumers that use those companies and that's where we need to look very carefully at this new arrangement to make sure that in the sharing of information they're not sharing our personal information our private data in ways that would threaten our free speech rights our civil rights and things like that so you think that there's actually
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a reason to be concerned about for example you know the shoes that i search for on line being shared you know when it when it becomes clear that i'm not a cyber threat and you think that that information could then be passed on to for marketing purposes. well i mean in the in this instance their paranoia being passed on to address threats to national security but we don't know where those lines are drawn so in fact if you are buying a pair of shoes from a certain vendor who knows whether or not that information gets shared in the mix i mean there is there's an effort in congress right now it's just passed the house the cyber information sharing and protection act which passed a couple of weeks ago which would allow companies and government to work together and share information in this way in the question that we need to ask and that groups like free press and other civil rights groups are asking is like where do you draw the line at what point does our information something that would seem as banal is buying a pair of shoes become property of the government and certainly those involved with
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the program say you know this is needed because of hackers in countries like china you know already trying to get into some of these networks some belonging to defense contractors but some not how do you think the deal i mean should deal with this i mean certainly those threats are out there do they just need to make you know sort of the language a little less murky here i think there needs to be a great deal more transparency and how this information is shared when they let this legislation gets introduced in congress oftentimes it's drafted in back rooms without the consultation of the public there are a number of civil rights groups out there that would be very interested in learning the details here to make sure that our rights are not being transgressed upon so we just late april certainly a similar version not the same is being sort of worked worked on drafted in the senate one of the provisions in the house that's on the controversial is that businesses some businesses that choose to share their information with the
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government would be given legal immunity when they do so to to share that data talk about why this is concerning well that's why surprisingly you saw a lot of internet companies supporting insist there was a fee. civil legislation a couple of months back where they all came together and opposed it's people remember the soap and people this time it's a little bit different and the reason that a lot of them have been supportive of this is does indemnify them so when government comes knocking and they serve a subpoena on facebook or twitter. they have this they are free to share that information under the conditions of cispa so they like it in a way that they didn't like that earlier piece of legislation that we defeated so it's really up to a lot of the civil rights groups to make sure that that not just government but these companies as well are looking out for our interests first it's a real problem we don't even know whether some of the threat that's been mentioned the threat of hacking from china or from other groups is real we need to know the
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extent of that threat whether it is indeed as real as they say before they take too many of our liberties away in the form of legislation or as we've seen today with this trial of information sharing between government and corporations yeah i mean what's going to take time for things when you read through some of this legislation as you say it's confusing it's not transparent there's a lot of sort of a room for interpretation what's going to take for some of these things to be spelled out plain and simple as you mentioned so putting people to stop buying online piracy acts protect ip act it wasn't until some of the large web sites staged an internet blackout that people started to say hey wait a minute i'm concerned about this but also as you say a company like facebook are in support of system because they won't be. legally accountable i guess you could say we're not we're not seeing online blackouts
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happen so what's going to take for things to be a little more clear out there for the average american to understand well i think it's going to take an awakening not only of consumers and we've seen that to some extent people have really been able to take action to write their members of congress to send love. hers to clip called members of congress but we need not only an awakening amongst online freedom advocates people around the world to care about this stuff but we also need members of congress to wake as well and understand that we are a legitimate political constituency that there are people out there who care about issues like net neutrality we care about our rights to privacy and we care about our online freedoms to the extent that they need to represent us and make sure that there's a balance between what consumers want what internet users want and what government might need for national security or what corporations might need to further their business interests and we see as of now we don't quite have that balance yet and we need to continue to organize online freedom as gets people around the world so that
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our voices heard as certainly as tough sometimes we talk about this on the show all the time and one of the things i hear over and over again from people well you know i'm not doing anything wrong so i shouldn't care but there are in fact reasons that everyone should care about what's going on ten cars senior director of strategy for free press thanks so much thank you let's turn now to a follow up on a story we told you about last week about new evidence that our country's biggest banks are actually getting bigger a shocking announcement last week that j.p. morgan chase had made some risky bets and lost two billion dollars after that stocks plunged and investors now say this could just be the beginning with much much more money at risk here's a view morgan c.e.o. jamie dimon responding to questioning on meet the press interview aired over the weekend that we've had for the legal risk compliance and we're best people look at all that we know we were sloppy we know we were stupid we know it was bad judgment we don't know if any of that is true yet of course regulators should look at
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something like this as their job so you know we are told open kimono regulators and they will comes their own conclusions but we intend to fix it learn from it and be a better company was done. you know in some ways what happened with j.p. morgan chase is exactly what many have been warning about for months even years that without increased regulation with those without those who gamble money away being held accountable it will continue this is also a message that activists with occupy wall street have been screaming from the rooftops but in many cases no one wanted to hear earlier i was joined by jesse an activist with occupy wall street also a writer for the daily koz and i asked him about what's going on whether bigger banks actually are making bigger gambles with other people's money here's his take . absolutely this is what we've been saying from day one their business strategy hasn't changed at all it's really about the risk on this one a two billion dollar deals if you work for me and you lost two billion dollars guess what step in my office you're fired now these guys were able to cover this
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but what happens the next bit when i have a deduction on those ten billion or a trillion dollars i'll tell you right now they're going to go with their head in their hands of the taxpayers they all i'm too big to fill can you bill me out again and i shudder to think we'll have because i don't think this judge is going to accept that but certainly a lot of people just they are looking at this incident and they're saying you know what finally a clear cut recent example that's evidence for why these big banks need to be broken up into smaller entities what do you think will that happen. it absolutely should if anything i was very disappointed last year the year before when the brown kaufman amendment to the bill fell apart the brown coffman amendment was designed to break up the too big to fail banks the idea being that if there are so large that they could cast the entire world economy to utter chaos because of their misgivings then they shouldn't allow be allowed to exist at that size now robert reich the clinton secretary made a brilliant point saying that you know at this point they're too big to regulate we can't even institute regulations they've already committed millions upon millions
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a lobbyist dollars to overturning the dodd frank legislation which was watered down to begin with the idea that if we leave the banks to police themselves that if we just let them govern themselves that things will work out great for all of us it doesn't work we can't even get the n.y.p.d. to police themselves why should we think that the banks would do any different and certainly jamie dimon kind of for a really long time a poster child of what's been happening a you know a good example of you know self policing actually working we do remember as you mentioned when some of this legislation was in the works when the laws were passed that j.p. morgan chase sent you know a army of lobbyist here to washington to make sure they would have will room and clearly this has blown up in a lot of people's faces j.p. morgan in some cases being viewed as the loser they lost two billion dollars after all but jesse i want to get your take who are the real winners and losers and what happened here. i'm not quite sure if there are any winners because it's not like i
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want to see these guys lose money at the end of the day the health of the financial industry is tied in to the rest the economy but when people make stupid decisions they should suffer the consequences for it this is my problem too big to fail it says that an economic system where you have the freedom to succeed while some people aren't allowed to fail but you know working class families hey it's your fault you're lazy to me it states that we need these regulations to create an environment where crazy things can just happen out of the blue and what really makes me laugh is that on a certain level in the long term some of these regulations big sense not just for the consumers but also for the businessmen you know if this will risk that they lost two billion dollars on was such a great deal why did they lose money maybe not being able to make crazy bets like that would be better for their business in the long run and i think the fact that they can even accept that that any governance whatsoever is unpalatable is flat out insanity i mean taking investment advice from jamie dimon at this point is like taking dietary advice from
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a law i just don't need your advice and obviously not working for you i don't think it's going to work for me either and that was death an activist and writer for the daily lives. all right well the ron paul campaign announced today that he would no longer campaign in states that have not yet voted in the republican primary so he'll stop spending money on active campaigning but will continue to try to amass delegates and have a strong showing at the republican national convention in tampa tampa florida and august this strategy he's you sell far has been working and many ron paul supporters just are not ready to call mitt romney the presumptive nominee until at least it's official when i was made very clear over the weekend at the arizona republican party convention when mitt romney's son was booed off the stage by ron paul supporters. make sure that it says paid for. and that is really. appreciate your support thank you very much and that was josh romney mitt romney's the third eldest son and you know here on r.g.p.
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we've been saying this for a while that just because many people have called this race have put it to bed if not going time to forget about ron paul and to talk about all of this i'm joined here in studio by austin peterson director of production at freedom works also reason prized by this decision today oh yeah actually i was a little bit surprised but not totally surprised because i knew that they were spending a lot of time and money in the primary states primary states are different from caucus states primary states are where a majority of people come in they pull a lever and they go home caucus states or where people stay they stay all day and they fight for the delegates so it makes sense that he wouldn't be spending money in primary states because you have to spend a lot of money and most people who come in they are really committed in the caucus states where ron paul supporters are committed that's where he's focusing his strategy to take on delegates we see in some of the other candidates who have dropped out of the race kind of start their post run in a lot of debt so i he maybe just not wanting to spend money that he doesn't have want to be part of the statement that was made today by the ron paul campaign said
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this campaign fought hard and one electoral success that the talking heads and pundits never thought possible but that his campaign is also about more than just the two thousand and twelve election it's about a campaign for liberty which has taken a tremendous leap forward in the election and will continue to grow stronger until we quote finally when asked and what will it mean what will it look like to finally win and that's a good question i mean the mainstream media has a really hard time defining this movement because we haven't really seen a movement i mean is there such a thing as a newt gingrich movement is there a is there a rick santorum revolution no so how do you cover this sort of thing it's spontaneous it's grassroots this is a truly american revolution and we haven't seen anything like it before so there's no way to really sort of analyze exactly where this is going to go in the future we have certain ideas that we'd like to. advance auto being the sad ending the abolishing the i.r.s. bringing the troops home these are long term goals we understand and we could never have advanced them through the candidacy of just one person so we always knew that
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ron paul was never going to be the ultimate solution and there's going to be a long term battle against a big of a big government and like we talked about last time i had you on the show some of the states are having people who support ron paul who identify either as libertarians or or with some of these issues take over be the head of the state republican party in alaska and i what we've seen as so it is kind of trickling down to some smaller things earlier we showed a video of mitt romney's son getting booed off the stage i also want to play part of a local news report from oklahoma about what went down there over the weekend. here . in the video you watching is being recorded by a woman who thinks she was just hit in the back of the. republican. ron paul supporters claim he was hit in the head by a seventy year old mitt romney supporter. beyond his officers defuse the situation. also crazy stuff here i mean and very chaotic
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a little violent i'm wondering i mean do you think that some of this and it's certainly going on on both sides and we should mention that the wrong paul campaign has condemned this is that this is now what we want but do you think if we see this happen again and again that it's going to undermine ron paul's message i wouldn't say so but i mean ron paul's message is so much bigger than ron paul himself so there really isn't anything that can run undermine ron paul's message because ron paul the libertarian message is more powerful than all of us even together so i want to clarify first the booing josh romney wasn't just ron paul supporters that were booing him he was also being booed by romney delegates who were booing because he was in violation of rules he had gone out and asked for the votes for a delegate slate and he was not allowed to do that so you don't go and crawl into a lion's den and not expect to get mauled so this was not an act of you know rockets ron paul supporters and we had to spend two days listening to the mainstream media berate ron paul supporters for their behavior and yet what
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happened it was ron paul supporters we saw that were assaulted in some of these caucuses so you know a little bit of booing doesn't really seem to add up to actual physical salt totally and it seems that some of the people perpetrating the violence perpetrated the attacks another another older people even are just angry they want to see this wrapped up they've had enough of the primaries and they were surprised frankly as a real lot of people what we saw in nevada what we saw in maine which is that you know ron paul got the majority of the delegates they didn't expect that to happen so they're sort of having. impulsive reaction i guess you could say well now it's time for the ron paul delegates to play the bunker strategy let the romney people think that we're out of the game fine stay home don't go vote in the rest of these primaries you think it's over we'll see you in tampa yeah i have a feeling at least some of these next two state party conventions they're going to come out and make sure that doesn't happen again what about after tampa the last and i mean you know there's a little more than two months before the election after the r n c wraps up so what
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. do you ron paul supporters do i know you say this is a revolution that it's more about more than just about one election but for those two months i mean do they throw their support behind obama behind romney behind gary johnson the libertarian and i mean it's sort of foolish to just focus on the presidential election i work for freedom works and we're focusing on a certain race in texas right now ted cruz who's running for senate he's been endorsed by sarah palin and ron paul and this is where the nexus of the tea partiers come together in these sorts of races ron paul is can affect the senate races and the house races so let's say that mitt romney didn't win and barack obama was to take you know the presidency for another four years well if we're going to like freedom works in the wrong polars and that sarah pailin conservatives can all get together and we can take a majority in the senate and the house well then the ron paul is will be affecting platform changes towards our issues over the next four years and it doesn't have to be just about the presidential campaign it can be about a larger strategy a nationwide strategy and eventually a global strategy i think that's an important point that a lot of the issues that have been espoused by ron paul overlap with every single
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party i mean you see a lot of ron paul as you mentioned bring the troops home anti-war let's not spend our money or our resources or lives on these wars well a whole lot of liberals identify with that smaller government let the states decide things that's party you know sort of philosophy so it is really interesting how do you think that sort of moves forward do you do people sort of pick and choose which ron paul issue is sort of but i mean really i mean libertarianism used to be called classical liberalism it was the old ideas of last a fair and so the old ideas of liberty the american revolution was founded on this great compromise between liberals and conservatives and this compromise was that as long as you don't harm me is always you do nothing to harm anyone else you can do whatever you want so if you talk about things like gay marriage well what if we had a separation of marriage and state you know what if people could do what they wanted to do and they didn't require the state to enforce their beliefs so i think
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that america. can actually come together on a total libertarian message because one day people will be so tired of fighting over these fringe issues that they'll realize that all we need to do is go back to the founding principles of libertarianism and say you know what as long as you harm no one else you can do whatever you choose i get to have my traditions you get to have yours and we can all come together under the sort of unifying message i think the liberty the liberty message unites us it doesn't divide us just any of ron paul's messages or ideas that you think have sort of make the biggest splash in terms of the public discussion over this i think i think people actually know what the federal reserve is don't know what it does but i think for the first time in american history or since nine hundred thirteen the americans actually know that we have a federal reserve and from there it's time to teach people what it does and why it should be gone i totally agree with you certainly the fed has sort of become the mainstream topic as has the name john maynard keynes a very interesting peterson director of production at freedom works thanks so much thank you announcing the latest in the investigation into some law enforcement
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officials in minnesota they're accused of offering people mostly activists with occupy wall street movement their drugs and those officers apparently wanted to study the effects of drugs as part of the drug recognition evaluator program well this all came out in a documentary released last week let's take a look at one of the clips from that. he coming to downtown. will fix it when it's completed will use it to keep getting the serious young people who do close to dropping out thank you if. they give you food. or you know now if i know you'll be chosen for the interview about this well you know you were trying to craft not necessarily but yes this is the year that she wants to you do it a little gem this it and. it's really going to be able to look. like. one of them told me with a little something more for someone to do for. our wilsons as documentary was
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released one state trooper now put on paid leave the d.r. reprogram suspended and a full investigation underway one of the filmmakers who helped expose what's going on there is dan fight a journalist an occupy wall street activist and he joined us a little earlier today for more. well essentially we kind of think that one thing that may have happened was that an officer in a rural town called hutchinson was encouraged to step forward and talk to his police chief about being a state trooper handing out marijuana to the subject and as soon as that happened there is police chief talked to the you know the state level department of public safety they started having official investigation they had to announce it and that finally got the local media rolling on the whole thing and then our local daily the star tribune came and basically took credit for getting you know one of the troopers suspended because they had found out a trooper his name from one of the deal participants so all these things really started rolling the program's been suspended and it was really cool to see that
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people evolve with occupy and you know kind of related activists movements around town are really pushing things forward labor unions and others were occupying two intersections on nicollet mall late last week and when the cops are coming in with paddy wagon thing we're going to arrest you all everybody just started chanting d r and the minneapolis police backed off the man the mayor of minneapolis r.t. ryback didn't show up at the mayday parade this weekend with the usually does and so it seems like the mayor is really feeling the heat and kind of laying low out of this program and there's you know they're trying to spin what happened they're trying to blame it on a couple rogue officers and they're still not addressing the the ethical issues the medical safety issues all those other things they're just trying to you know take it on a couple people and hope everybody keeps moving on wow so little cost for some of those police to point their fingers at the occupy activists when that you know their department now has the stain of the c.r.a. program that but let me ask i mean some of the people are saying that the officers
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involved were from out of state what have you heard. yeah i mean you know the officers that were involved were rural officers the the state patrol officer i believe that was suspended was someone who is stationed out of state in the state patrol and that kind of thing so. this was a statewide program but also the minneapolis mayor and the police are trying to distance themselves as much from the program as possible but if you look at our video you can clearly see minneapolis police department cruisers leaving with one of the sort of country sheriff cruisers so the minneapolis police were involved but it was a statewide program and now they're just trying to hang it on a couple people well we should mention i mean this is a program that has been going on i think since the early ninety's and the point of it though is really to help officers really understand the effects of drugs to do so and to learn about it in a controlled setting we have a lot of people who watch our program that say you know what it's too bad this had to stop going on because some of these people they were getting free marijuana the
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police were learning their lessons and why is this a bad thing well i mean one thing to be certainly be concerned about one of the mothers of the deal has been said you know was this lady's something right like if they've already admitted that they're handing it out did they ever check the purity that doesn't seem to likely to people are you know in danger if they're being given contaminated drugs but again also if there's the ethical level you can encourage people to be taking any drugs used to be i mean i think you know the investigation that the state is having is like they're trying to keep it pretty well contained but i think that it's starting to really prop discussion about the war on drugs program in maryland was basically found to not really produce accurate results and we're starting to find other examples in the state where false positives in the. examination have been found to be false like they weren't validated so the actual accuracy of the program i think is actually moving more into question as well as obviously to the unethical practices and we should also mention i know that i had you on last week when the city is sort of the you tube airwaves it's not just sort
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of having these activists you know test subjects for the police there was also an exchange of information of these police were trying to get at some of them trying to say hey i'll give you more read if you tell me what's going on an occupy if you sell out your friends or you know. well lead us to the trouble i guess talk a little bit about of that that aspect and what these comments are alleged to have been trying to do here right well essentially the participants in the program said that they were questioned about active activities in the occupied with the leaders were that kind of thing and and since they were heavily intoxicated you know at least one of them said that he started talking about it so we see that that's you know essentially as a training program they're trying to practice how to start getting information out of people how to start rewarding them to do to to give information but also it's really prompted a lot of questions about other weird incidences that happened across the occupy movement nationwide starting last year where in new york people that had very extreme mental health issues were intentionally concentrated into probably parked
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by the police you know stories about you know st louis texas accent or a so the deore is only one aspect of more troubling kind of police management strategies that were tried through the whole you know arc of this movement and i think that at least this is helped sort of force everybody to readdress that stuff to look carefully at it to kind of report as everything and see what happened in their own areas and and likewise i'm hoping to encourage everyone you to can expose things like this if you record what the police are doing very carefully get your friends to you know tell everybody get these videos taken because the type of shady this that was portrayed in the in the in the video i think everybody can relate to that a lot of people have experienced shady things in the war on drugs but until you start documenting them it's hard to get traction that more and more people now have the power to document them without you know the video cameras we all have on our cellphones now appreciate you come on the show than fight journalist and occupy wall street activist thank you. all right well that's going to do it for the news
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person nice to stick around the big picture is coming up at the top of the hour yesterday was a mother's day here in the u.s. and for many that's a happy holiday but for the grieving mother of seventeen year old trayvon martin they're going to another reminder of the loss of her. family is facing after her son was shot and killed by community watch member swordswoman sabrina fulton has now released a public service announcement pleading for an end to the so-called stand your ground law and she's certainly not alone in her quest for york city mayor michael bloomberg has also come out against the law even starting the campaign known as second chance on shoot first and tonight host tom hartman will speak to the chief policy advisor for male mayor bloomberg about the campaign and what it means for the country. of her more on the stories that we cover to go to youtube dot com slash r g america or check out our website r t dot com slash usa and you can always follow me on twitter i'm at christine for zero for now.


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