tv [untitled] May 14, 2012 8:30pm-9:00pm EDT
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have a great night. to what extent and i would call them paid mercenaries how much are they going to be in your defense to protect your administration and your successors none none of you saying the mercenaries like blackwater will not play a major role in this kind of tradition this is one of the issues over which we are in. but they will be here they will be knocked as far as the afghan government and no way. no way no way. there hasn't been anything yet on t.v. . it is to get the maximum political impact. the source material is what helps keep journalism honest we.
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we want to present. something else. mr president thank you for joining us and. the main question what do you think about into ethnic conflict in afghanistan in the future and about danger all division in the country what afghanistan is a very united country i've got a son as perhaps the most a country despite of the war looked off to two years of massive interference and wars and conflict within the country everybody is focused on afghanistan and the capital kabul every afghan wants to prove that it's a better picture of that afghan. so there is no danger of that yes we are
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a much to think society rather diverse society like many other societies and that's the beauty of afghanistan so colorful country of all those tribes and ethnic groups but that's our strength of us not our weakness that's exactly how of you have got us on a strong but you have problems between so. no no no no. no what's our work think different the factional conflicts sort of different issues that were the result of our. you know days of the soviet union and the our. resistance against the soviet union and then the interference from our neighbors and our lack of ability as. organizations to organize better and and bring this country to peace but there was
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never a conflict between the afghan people look. at all those people who are fighting one another in one way or the other the help in parchin want to resolution connected to the soviet union the mujahideen organizations backed by the west and pakistan and the arab world the. secular elements of afghanistan the clergy those who fought one of the during different wars are now all sitting side by side in the parliament in afghanistan. they all of us have the same neighboring neighboring seats there so that's not the problem afghanistan is a united country and a very united country and the opposition to my government accuses my government of not of not being patriotic enough to defend discounting and some of them are from the north some of them are from the south some of them are from the west within the government the same the same rhetoric goes towards the
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opposition as they're not being patriotic enough so no that's the least of our concerns and for the fortunately for the ask you the fact is the afghan army and police. consist on the basis of the northern alliance there are only ten percent of pushtuns soaring in your national army i know it for sure and the groups or so-called want to he didn't taliban together yet they consist most of. about eighty ninety percent they consist of bushnell national national. why didn't bush term want to serve in afghan national army. is a question well i don't know who gave you this figure that's not true. just just the day before yesterday. i was talking with the minister of defense
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and he'll be coming by the way the few minutes year because we have a meeting with the bridge in the prime minister and defense minister. you could ask him that question just a few minutes the vishu of it think it is intuition of afghanistan's army is largely balanced. i cannot say entirely balanced but largely balanced and improving. so ten percent for the pursues is not the right figure it's way above that says probably close to forty to forty three percent representation in the international are we. of ganesan and the police force and and the other forces. so that is not that figure who have agave use isn't true then which idea forces you said were large to pursue and that's also not true that the majority in forces are people from all over afghanistan. there were there were
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people from all the provinces of afghanistan and in the entire country of afghanistan professor rabbani the late professor bonney who led the jimmy article resolution was from by the shank himself. but he had people in here or in his organization from all over the country people are hunt one of the. one of the biggest merger id names in afghanistan was from kandahar was from professor obama's organization worked with professor bodies. from here at who is now a ministry. of energy with us and others from the rest of the country so know the mujahideen had representation from the whole country from our she years or so these or there is at the group's mr president you talk about the unity in your country and the unity of different kinds of people be that is it may i'm not an expert on the domestic affairs of afghanistan but i thought would surely. propose to you that the desecration of coupons the use of body parts of deceased for
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trophies as american soldiers are taken pictures of and put on the internet i mean it seem to me that if this diverse country that you have is united against an occupation that insults the traditions and show how use of this country and their power and honestly speaking sir your greatest ally is the united states and if the united states american troops in your country doing these really extraordinarily disgusting things you're enabling really corpses i mean i'm from the united states there's nothing in my country's culture that tells me that's right what happened to them here what i don't know what happened to them here. this is perhaps a question that americans should be asking themselves and they certainly should be should be asking themselves are terribly wrong in this in these. patterns of behavior. but it is a pattern it's
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a pattern over the years i was talking to someone at the airport now one month passes now that we're going to get some kind of incident like this again i'd like to stress this is your more most important ally in the world yes mark to come to that we had a lot of tension between us the nazis and afghanistan over the issues. our missions almost went to the sink to the bottom because of these issues because of civilian casualties because of support to private security firms because of these incidents of violations. because of similar other activities that the afghans. felt. wrong. because of were issues that brought our relationship under extreme stress and tension and we have been talking about this and i hope there will be an improvement in that we are allies we just signed a strategic partnership but that doesn't mean that. the wrong should continue and.
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the right should not retract no we would continue to criticize when there is a mistake because if you can also see that when they have a difference between us troops in uniform identifiable then we have blackwater to use a short term ok now for looking at the next ten years twelve years in this country to what extent when i would call them paid mercenaries how much are they going to be in your defense to protect your administration nine your successors none none you're saying the mercenaries like blackwater will not play a major role absolutely early on this kind of solution this is one of the issues over which we had immense tension they will be here they will be here they not as far as the afghan government is concerned no way no mercenary no way no way no way to the private security firms we have we have now had an agreement with the united states and that we work hard in any extremely tense environment where the
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us media. kept abusing me. about it for four four years we have. gotten rid of that arrangement in afghanistan and we received another arrangement for drones now over the next twelve jurors would draw isn't our business. it isn't your business when people in the border being it is it is an american business and the drones are used in pakistan i as an individual as an individual i'm a pacifist i were in no way in favor of the use of military equipment and afghan territory is not to use just based on our agreement the drones were used primarily from the pakistani territory itself for years now we don't know what the reach of it is so so the joint issue isn't an afghan issue it
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isn't an afghan issue with the united states it's a paxton issue with the united states and if there is any other country involved it it has never been done with our knowledge it has never been done by asking us that they were going to do a drone attack it has never been done based on a permission from afghanistan it's an issue that we are not involved in any manner whatsoever this president you would like to close. to a company but we all know that in afghanistan. we're at corruption level and police policy will secure the foreign people the government is the strategic place. what are you going to do. going to do with the situation with corruption in. police or terrorists yeah look
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the police in afghanistan is just forward of to many years of total destruction of these institutions under the circumstances it's doing very very well look at the i'm in such a face they make every day every day there is an afghan police man dying somewhere . either protecting an embassy or protesting the house or protecting a street or protecting the border. the policemen that died near the russian embassy a few days ago they were protecting it wasn't a private security firm that did that was the police so the afghan police is paying a heavy heavy price for the protection of afghanistan and for the protection of the diplomatic in the position here in afghanistan private security firms or or no answer to state protection. therefore we would not
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ever accept the presence of private security firms but we have. established a public security. division. branch within the within the ministry of interior the to look after projects that will look after diplomatic missions with to look off to different interests other than diplomatic commercial and other for the international community here in afghanistan by the afghan police force.
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there are no paid private security forces in your country right now they're all paid private security forces that are now in my country and they're falling on their function but their function being today their function being protection of the diplomatic missions in particular for security projects and nato convoys but that has been closed officially for us and it is in the process of being transformed and given to the afghan national police for which you have created a separate department. to fulfill the objectives that we have that story of these people will work. in a police army. now who work in. private security company. police is working perhaps you could accompany you know the people who work now in
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private security some will be taken as part of the police those who are reading this can go back to other other walks of life. this is being read and we have made an agreement with the united states on this and there is almost every security council meeting has a briefing about the progress in the city got there this is a very important. touchy issue for us. just because they. spend a lot of time in afghanistan about fourteen years beginning from the very beginning of april or aleutian and i know for sure that poor people like russians and don't like americans if we compare ten years of soviet presence and ten years of american that presence what period of time was more fruitful for afghanistan which was worth anyway the ten years of the soviet union and the ten years of the americans all right i'll give you
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a very frank opinion the before the arrival of the suv it union in afghanistan in the form of an invasion the soviet union walls one of four best partners historically they provided the best of of developmental projects to afghanistan they provided the largest number of educated people canister they provided a large scale assistance to afghanistan during the soviet. invasion of afghanistan. the people of afghanistan on the mouse laws against that invasion that's why there were nearly eight million refugees in iran and pakistan and the resistance against the soviet union was legitimate in the eyes of the afghan people that's why
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every afghan was there and fought our come back to this part again the american i live in afghanistan the refugees came back to afghanistan. millions of refugees came back to afghanistan all the jihadi leaders came back to afghanistan all the afghans who were just for. around the world came back to afghanistan the economic development of ghana's than was was much better during the spirit of the presence of the need to in the united states was illegitimate and accepted by the international community russia was part of that decision in the security council to send the forces so this is a entirely different question but when you speak of capacity building the american presence has brought us capacity building in economic and educational and social sectors to serve its presence in afghanistan at the time
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brought us capacity in military build up. they did very well with us when the soviet union left afghanistan afghanistan had more than four hundred fifty planes of all types helicopters fighter jets and a great capacity and thousands of times in armored vehicles so induct speak the soviet union was a formidably strong strong ally and it also trained towels and thousands of afghan is in different walks of life there americans have not been so good on providing the afghan army with the equipment that we need and we hope they will do that mr president. when the thing you give me the impression that you watch my cross talk program r t one of the then the number of programs on afghanistan and with a wide array of opinions and i've always asked my guests you know at the end of the day it's afghanistan and its neighborhood that has to sit down in create peaceful conditions what are the terms and conditions for you and him theoretically because
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you're i don't suppose you'll be president of afghanistan forever home but what if they got a german i can literally i mean we have there are there there are surgeons there armed or however you want to describe these people they are causing trouble for you ok you need to sit down and talk to them and that's throw in pakistan i mean what kind of relationship do you want to have with pakistan moving forward because it's i've always like to stress to my guess is that pakistan and afghanistan they are they aren't going anywhere then you need yes and you don't choose your neighbors they're just there what kind of relationship do you want to have just like russia as a neighbor if. you're going to show us the best of relations with them who this is a. this is a fundamentally. important question. afghanistan will have to live with the staplers long long after the united states in nato yes.
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it we are very aware of this we recognize it into depth of our hearts in this why we are trying our best with our neighbors look at our relations with iran in spite of all the odds kept at the best in spite of all the odds we've paid a heavy price to give poor relation the best with iran in spite of all the difficulties all the terrorist attacks in afghanistan all the sanctuaries all the problems in parks and all the the attackers that come from across the border into afghanistan we have kept a very strong dialogue with pakistan we have a life we have kept for a very strong effort of pakistan to to have struggle a ship and i visited pakistan more than all the other afghan leaders have visited afghanistan in the past sixty years parks and since the creation of parks that so so we are aware of this and we are constantly in a strong dedicated effort to do well with pakistan and with our other neighbors
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but at the same time this it gets the complicated relationship between the united states and islam about as well because you have your taliban they have their taliban the military in pakistan has one foreign policy agenda we have it civil authorities have a different agenda and different types of relationships with the united states and lo and behold your country is in the middle of it all story well in spite of all that we have done well with our neighbors we recognize the problems between the united states and pakistan those problems do have an impact on us. well we call it after back for a reason all the years they do have an impact on us and afghanistan is affected by it both ways. from the from approx thirty perspective and from an american perspective but we have issues we don't see old additions with pakistan from an american perspective we don't see the releases with iran from an american
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perspective we don't see the relations with russia which china from an american perspective afghanistan has been able in spite of all our needs if i can put it in short it's in spite of all our dependence on the united states and nato we have developed an independent foreign policy and independent form of relationship with our neighbors and that will be kept that will go on having said that yes it cannot be without an impact either from pakistani perspective of america towards us or from a perspective american perspective for spark stand and impact on us and the same goes to iran the simplest russia but we will try to keep it at best as we can. mr president.
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when i'm sure problem an organist from now or oman in a country if foreign money. and. what are you going to do with this. the people who are poor. and. i don't know see some perspective when when in two thousand and two the afghan. income per capita was immediate. hundred eighty dollars today it's nearly seven hundred dollars. because of the international system and because of the growth of the afghan economy. there were drawn of international force from twenty fourteen and we'll have an impact no doubt economically but the overall effect of that would all of these force from of
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ghana's to the would be good on the afghan people and the afghan economy we have to live by our means. we can't depend for the whole of our life on on on on others therefore. regardless of the impact we must go forward but the impact will not be great the bone conference made a commitment to afghanistan to continue to support of galveston shortfall in t.v. new in budgetary arrangements and will continue to assist of gallus and city constructions present doesn't like a create a slippery slope doesn't know if it does because it will be coming it's called a moral hazard and if you always say oh man we have a safety net our nato and our friends will have a smaller saves well no that's called moral hazard yes and that's one of the
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criticisms. that's one of the aspects that's one of the aspects. second we will have the chicago conference that will make a commitment to our security forces for the next ten years off to twenty fourteen in the form of four point one billion dollars ted is the growth of the afghan economy commensurate with the introduction of the forces and commensurate with the pace that things will have to twenty fourteen we have this year could acted more than two billion dollars off or even use by the way we will our income from or from our mental resources is increasing and by the time we are in twenty five twenty four of ghana's thought it would definitely be in the range of nearly five billion dollars of revenue collection a lot so afghanistan would do well and when peace comes and i hope so if peace
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comes to this region and we are connected all russia. pakistan and afghanistan and iran india afghanistan would be the center of all that activity you want that transfer do you want that to be your legacy absolutely absolutely absolutely with the greatest desire with the greatest desire that's what we're trying for but i'm asking you what you want your personal legacy to be what do you want my person because i thought you said you want this to be your legacy yes what is that you as a yes or ok. my my personally to see as an individual. i'd like to. leave office. where i have. guaranteed the right of the afghan people as the new dependent sovereign country democratic where the rights of the afghan people are protected by their own
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government and not violated by other governments. when afghanistan moves forward on the path of progress and education where afghanistan has the best offer relations and where most important of all in which i have achieved which i'm very happy about that afghanistan is the whole of all afghans. and that note thank you very much mr president for speaking to russian media so i think you're going to thank you for your great talk. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realized everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm tom harpur welcome to the big picture.
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more news today violence is once again flared up. these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. giant corporations to rule the day. there hasn't been anything yet on t.v. . it is to get the maximum political impact. before the source material is what helps keep journalism honest.
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