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tv   [untitled]    May 15, 2012 11:00am-11:30am EDT

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as friends welcomes its newly inaugurated president francois laundered straight to business for the socialist leader headed to berlin for a key you're a crisis talks with german chancellor angela merkel. class of great cost between police and protesters during randi's by kind of sting and mocking not the day that some of the displacement of thousands of people in the state of israel was established in one nine hundred forty eight. still of her house arrest julian assange brings the latest edition of his talk show this time raising the subject of torture and illegal rendition. of us americans managed to regain some strength with a mix finish to the trading day but remained it twelve months so i mean about science when it's time to have the official think it's played.
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seven pm in moscow i match reza good to have you with us here on r t our top story francoise hollande as officially been installed as france's new president sworn in for a five year term at the elysee palace and a modest ceremony in central paris just hours after his inauguration on the lawn is now headed to berlin where. he'll have a welcome dinner with german chancellor angela merkel and hold a crucial meeting to discuss the eurozone crisis socialist leader i want is an avid campaigner for measures to stimulate growth and wants a compromise over germany's focus on austerity the two leaders of the euro zone's biggest economies face immense pressure to iron out their differences but he's peter over reports from berlin. what francois alone do in the french presidential election. of the biggest ally of nicolas sarkozy when it came to her she will stay
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with you as the only way to tackle europe's debt crisis has not been a great recent period for the german chancellor seeing some of the proposed their own christian democratic party suffered major losses in an election in the state of north rhine-westphalia a state viewed by many as a bellwether for gauging the opinion of german national politics as well so with macos each day it all eyes are now looking to see if they knew a range range meant can be sorted out between the leaders of europe's two largest economies run along deciding he and some of the straight stuff that he is sworn in as french president is being welcomed here by angle of merkel and what's being called very much a getting to know you exercise as opposed to a decision making wall however it is expected to be looking to you gauge. opinions on things such as fiscal discipline and the promotion of the economy and
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of juleps no for his part campaigned on a plage that he would try and remake go she ate the euro zone's fiscal pact which binds many states to austerity measures though this is something though that germany says is not on the table fiscal pact is closed it will not be reopened or renegotiated it's going to be watching it closely expect will see some form of agreement some form of compromise reached but ups with a parallel treaty being created or an onyx to the wooding of the original document that could see could favor growth a long sight cutting the deficit now what is going to be interesting though is even if they can come to some form of compromise this could just be papering over the cracks we have to pull the political leaders here who have very polarized who have polarized political views all along and believes the. i have to spend money to
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create growth and to drag european countries out of the financial my that they find themselves in whatever. remains committed to will stare and belt tightening saying that it's the only way that europe is going to be able to get itself out of recession and back on its feet. we're reporting extensively on the shaky economic situation in the eurozone over on our website r.t. dot com there you'll find this greek markets braced for a rough ride as analysts predict a continuing downward trend for tuesday also online. sweeping up the opposition iraqi forces attains a speck to the anti-government activists find out what might happen to them next. their initiative alleged terror suspects and torture in the notorious gone time
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obey prison are the focus for julian assange in the latest edition of his controversial talk show his guess one of whom had been a guantanamo detainee share their point of view on the u.s. war on terror or he's laura smith has the details on the program that airs later this hour. speaks to people who have had first hand experience of the effects of the war on terror one of them is who is used to be a corporate lawyer but now campaigns for detainees of the war on terror through an organization called cage prisoners this second interview here is a man called begg he himself spent some years in guantanamo bay before being released without charge during his detention actually signed a confession which said that he had been prepared to fight alongside al qaida he provided assistance to al qaida members knowing that they could commit terrorist attacks against the u.s. during the program he talks about how he came to sign that confession let's hear
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him. walk me to the point where i would sign something like this was being tied up with. my legs with a hood placed over my head being punched and kicked listening to the sound of a woman screaming next all i'm told is led to believe it's my wife my children's pictures being waved in front of me being asked by these interrogators when do you think you're going to see them again what you think happened the night that we took you from the. back during the show goes into great detail about the horrors of his detention in guantanamo bay when he got home to britain he sued the british government for complicity in his ordeal and he reached an out of court financial settlement with the government since then though he and i. have been actively trying to end this practice of detention without trial seen correctly during the program talks about what drives him to carry on with his fight scene guantanamo.
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charge in the u.k. extradition and all of these things common and you will actually being abused for very specific purposes and all of them. used to be involved something was working against these these policies in prisons is this an important voice. almost in this empowering voice that's just a little bit self the program and you can see the whole thing which is big for the first time on day methods. turning back to our top story now french president francois hollande and his meeting with german chancellor angela merkel for more perspective on this was going to be thrashed out at the meeting i'm joined by richard were a member of the european parliament for the u.k.'s conservative party joining us live from brussels so important issues on the eurozone crisis discussed at what is being billed as a getting to know you kind of meeting but merkel's policies are a sturdy driven and alanda is keen on measures that would stimulate growth do you think they can find a compromise well they're absolutely going to have to. use absolutely true that
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alone did promise with french people that he would continue to expenditure but the same time follow a policy which was reducing the national budget deficit. actually less you're going to print money or unless you're going to raise taxes significantly that's just not going to happen so i suspect the amount of reality will kick in the markets will alone what do you do in the meantime who's going to have to listen very closely to see which is the closest because between the have to determine how to resolve the crisis in the eurozone and even though they got off to a little bit of a rocky start nicolas sarkozy and merkel eventually fused to what the popular press called more cozy in terms of their policies do you think there's a chance that we could see a merkel and if you might say so emerging here. i think it's far too early to judge on the one side the one culture is the fiscal discipline area and culture
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which says look if you've got a budget deficit if you or another was maxed out on your overture off the thirty two things you can do one is to stop spending and two is two and a little bit more but on the other hand we have a loam say oh no there is another way that we actually can continue government expenditure we can continue with the size of government that we have and yet somehow we cannot live with the debt or it will gradually reduce itself i think there's a clash of culture happening here and i think it's not just about alone and merkel important that is if you listen or look at what's happening in greece the greek people are saying i don't care what you say we don't want austerity we like the way it was now that if that mood becomes infectious right through your is extremely dangerous germany and france are the biggest economies of the euro zone
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and the burden of expectation is on them to steer the e.u. out of this crisis but with france showing no growth in the first quarter of two thousand and twelve and germany's economy growing stronger than expected in the same period how long do you think paris and berlin can remain natural partners. so what we're going to have to because there is no other choice but all the while that we are having this conversation in europe the elephant in the room actually is the global economy the global economy is forging ahead with strong growth in india strong growth in china southeast asia south america while all the while but the europeans are contemplating their naval about a problem in greece actually you're missing the point your economy is not competitive in the global marketplace and you the euro zone and indeed the whole rest of the european union today need to focus your far on creating a globally competitive economy and what frightens me boast here is that the greek
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people are saying we're not interested in doing that what are some of the things that you think will make the european economy more competitive globally. well we have a single market which is one of our great success stories that accounts for thirty percent of global g.d.p. today gross domestic product and yet it's not working well enough we've got twenty three million people unemployed we've got up to forty percent of the under twenty five's out of work in some countries and as you rightly say growth throughout the european economy is stagnant so clearly urgent action is needed to get the single market working properly that means deregulation because it is over regulated give you an example would be the working time directive which limits the amount of working time that people can do we want less regulation we want to move the single market into the service economy we want to move it into the digital economy. actually our industry it's all small businesses they're being stifled because of the lack of capital now that's where the state and in particular the european union
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could bring its focus its far all those issues to help small businesses to grow which will create a globally competitive economy all right thank you for your time european parliament member representing the conservative party party richard ashworth joining us from brussels thank you. political leaders in greece trying to train talks trying to secure a workable government after failed elections nine days ago the country seems split between the left as opposition and supporters of more bailouts which could mean further painful austerity for more on that aspect of this economic situation enjoyed by analysts next week as live from athens to research generally generally against the e.u. i.m.f. which would impose harsh austerity measures on the country what are the chances the parties on the left will win power. at the moment it seems from very initial polls that the policies of the lift will do well however a month is a long time in greece politics and we also have to understand something else that
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there is a bit of cognitive dissonance see it in the sense that if you ask most greeks about the bailout dash they're very happy to take it if you ask them whether they would rather be of the year with eighty percent will say yes if you ask them about the austerity of course they say no i think that they may be some ways that the memorandum can be renegotiated to take away the worst of the us there eat some of the supply side with loans and full greece today able to stay within the european union in that way but of course the political leaders have to come clean with the population and greece is said to run out of money as early as next month and the country lacks a unified government to negotiate the next aid package with that kind of burden when you think of the chances that it could be kicked out of the eurozone. i think that they are already contingency plans beginning in the eurozone for a great case and of course this isn't it is aisy is some might have you know because they would be tremendous contagion to the other periphery countries so that
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really shake up the eurozone completely and also the cost of greece exiting the euro and being bankrupt is more than about three hundred billion because it's not just what the government i was it's also what the greek banks and what the greek central bank goes the say be there are no easy options here i think europe will give us enough time to get our act together should we wish to. know that this threat to expelled recently arose on a how much is that a message to the country's leaders aimed at forcing greece to accept a balance. i think it would be a very posh message you have to understand that in europe at the moment there is a bit of a dichotomy they don't want to give in to greece completely because then they will have everybody else lining up as well but on the other hand they don't want to send the message that we will help members of the eurozone loose and that the eurozone could dissolve and shrink out of a night we already see today after the announcement of the repeat very good actions
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that yields and borrowing costs for the whole for free have gone through the roof and so some evidence sustainable levels so they're up to rick's list there are economic analysts nick screen has thank you very much for joining us live from athens you're welcome. clashes have broken out between protesters and israeli police as palestinians mark nakba or catastrophe day they're commemorating the hundreds of thousands of displaced after the creation of the state of israel in one thousand nine hundred eighty eight archy's poss leader has latest from tel aviv. protesters have been throwing stones at israeli security forces to have been desponding with cannons and tear gas forty hearing reports of molotov cocktails being thrown and tires being burned meanwhile in gaza thousands of protesters have participated in a rally just not fall from the united nations building there and that is to commemorate the day in the city itself protesters marched on the scene of the
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format of the p.l.o. yes arafat's to the palestinian authority government building but on the whole things ought really to be quiet certainly compared to last year when twelve people were killed when they try to storm the israeli lebanese and syrian borders but the police remain on a state of high alert because certainly the day is young and there is a fear that these commemorations could descend into violence as the day progresses let's pause we came to the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu sent to the palestinian president mahmoud abbas and in that recall israel's commitment to peace and restarting negotiations that was in response to later that a bus said netanyahu last month and then again we heard the same words being expressed at the weekly cabinet meeting on sunday by netanyahu saying that he hopes that the advancement of dialogue will see the resumption of diplomatic talks between both sides but no one here is holding their breath and certainly the word
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coming out of the palestinian camp is that netanyahu government remains as right wing as ever just last year the government approved a change in the budget that gave the finance minister the discretion to reduce funding to those organizations that organize the naacp commemoration of this and it's the same government that's the world where this year around many criticizing this as a violation of freedom of speech and also second exclaimed by the israeli government to simonds the suffering of palestinians now i met up with a woman who perhaps more than most. stands for wife in the uk by day means so much to the palestinians but is also able to empathize with israelis for seven decades hid her secret only now has this muslim mother of seven and grandmother of twenty nine revealed to her family the full truth about her past i need that i didn't want my children to be afraid for me and be part of my grief we're here all the time in
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a war between jew and arab so why tell them about another war that other war was in one nine hundred forty two parents were among the millions of jews rounded up across europe and sent to auschwitz death camp by the nazis layla's mother was eight months pregnant with her at the time all our pleasure richey again i was born in auschwitz i was a jew i spent three years in auschwitz and i survived only because a christian doctor in the camp and my two brothers under the floor in his house my mother and father worked for him and at night they would crawl in with us and give us dry bread soaked in hot water with salt so when they are medicine make a. list or feels fear when she hears a loud knocking at the door and i think they're coming to kill me i remember the bones the bodies legs hands the people i sparred wire fence i remember terrible beatings in the camp i cry a lot when i cry my heart is. after she was freed from the camp
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immigrated to israel when she was sixteen she met her husband a local arab man. i was working in a neighbour's house and she brought me something to drink. they decided to get married it did not matter to me that she was jewish. but had matter to his family her father didn't speak to her for a year and most of her israeli jewish cousins have disowned the young couple moved here to. an arab village in northern israel where local versity is. she says so that her children would not have to serve in the israeli army until now they knew their mother had been through it but they didn't know subpoena holocaust survivor. i did not return to the jewish people i don't hate jews definitely not really any converted from my children i feel completely accepted here if i hear someone say they hate jews i answer them and say you receive right from this country why hate
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the people who give them to you. now after seventy years his secret has finally come out when to collect a pension money and the clark made the connection and the feds that's why we were shocked we didn't know what to say but it was so difficult to hear that we opened our mouths and nothing came out of i think god she survived. his jewish name is leah the shock but she hasn't really essence all those years ago when she arrived in israel as a refugee just months before the state of israel was declared him a nine hundred forty eight a date israeli celebrate that one that palestinians mourn is the nakba or catastrophe the displacement of hundreds of thousands of their ancestors and i'm not happy or sad on this day i understand how israelis feel and i understand how arabs and i feel both a lot of people have died for nothing the jewish mother and the muslim mother feel
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the same painting and it's that pain that palestinians around the world remember today policia r.t. . israel turning now to some other stories making headlines across the globe syria's announced the results of its ultimate reelection state media release the names of the two hundred fifteen winning candidates but didn't mention which party they represent or how many votes they got president assad's national unity blockhouse claimed victory this comes as fresh clashes leave thirty dead just a month after a cease fire came into force a car. belonging to u.n. monitors was also damaged during the blast but no one was injured. yemeni military officials say they've stepped up a new u.s. backed offensive against al qaeda insurgents in the country south clashes continue till early tuesday killing at least four soldiers and thirteen militants officials also say that in the separate incidents raids have mistakenly killed eight civilians and wounded twenty in the southern town of jaar political turmoil in
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yemen has led to a growing islamist insurgency in the south of the country. you naval forces conducted their first raid on pirate bases in somalia helicopters and warships were used in the overnight attack of though officials say there were no injuries somali pirates are thought to be holding around seventeen the seas ships and three hundred crewmen demanding huge ransoms for the release the anti-piracy forces have been reluctant to attack the mainland pirate bases in the past fearing for the safety of the captured. former editor of the news of the world has been charged with attempts to conceal evidence over britain's phone hacking scandal rebecca brooks faces three counts of conspiracy to pervert the course of justice and could face life behind bars if found guilty her husband and four others have also been charged charges of the first in the eighteen months in korean relate to concealing documents and computers from police. he joins us now with all the latest
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business news and how is the political turmoil in greece affecting investors across the pond well right now this that me a sense of can take a look at the think is and see how that performing and the second the hour right now is the makes the film it's really the dow jones i'm it's in a not negative dad the not stand back is these they are out of course out of the sand now on the domestic scene that is good news because high until the sense that improves the highest rating since the recession but i can say about the problem of days is the concern. investors are now digesting the news that new elections will be held in grayson as after attempt to form a coalition government by old let's have a look at the european figures the see how they're reacting to that news now as i say there will be a new vote and there have to be held as early as next month with polls showing that could boost the ante bear out series of party to the top spot so that's
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a concern as you can see investors don't seem too optimistic about is till now we've also had some good news for the region though because germany g.d.p. exists did expand but this didn't excite the battle in this is what he had said have innocence am. i don't know what statistics you see of minus five percent blastoff percent people a. lot of attention this was actually come to think of it is just one month or some more some statistical data. is a big of the bigger picture is much more organists or today we will have somebody spike in the international markets alone the russian market's own response from the recent. but. it is the start of some or some decent rally long term of course not so we still have to see some more margin more bloodletting to. talking about the bigger picture we've got the attorney in banking has seen a vote of no confidence and that solved the moody's cut the credit ratings on twenty six lenders and that included the countries may just like uni credit ten of
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them were downgraded to the so-called junk status some still the right by as much as not just the agency said the banks were increasingly vulnerable to these recession and the effects of the government austerity measures all of them were also put on a negative credit watch and that means that further downgrades are a possibility so let's get on to the euro dollars see how about reacting to the performance as we can see it is indeed declining that's not a surprise a toll with one twenty. i see as i say the minister is looking likely that greece will exit the eurozone in the common currency is reacting to that news we've got the russian ruble finished up the trading session today it was a mixed performance it managed to lose against the us dollar and again against the year i get in those rising late i came movements the closing figures for the russian market is it was a mixed day indeed we've got the artist around eight basis points down though the
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my sector on the whole for percent in positive territory there managed to really kind of gangs of events in the last hour of. let's move on and have a quick snapshot of the movers and shakers of the day we had seven tenths of a cent gasper was well they're really feeling the heat from the year of exports fell by twelve percent in the first four months of twenty twelve loophole two point eight percent in the positive territory i'm moving on to the oil prices they are indeed at this hour gaining i actually read just about the lowest level in five months now you're seeing on the school we've also got reports that showing us crude stockpiles rose to the highest level in twenty one years about could mean we could see a drop in prices as i was saying earlier the saudi arabia all minister wants to see the brant oil price one hundred dollars a barrel that is how the market is that this i'll be back in about fifteen minutes
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keeping. very much for that update kitty and all be back with a recap of the headlines in just a few more stay with us you're an artist. well
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the first serious technology innovations all the moves developments from around
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russia we've got the few jerks covered. you know sometimes you see a story and it's. seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else and you hear or see some other part of it and realize everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm tom harvey welcome to the big picture.


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