tv [untitled] May 15, 2012 5:00pm-5:30pm EDT
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iranians u.s. lawmakers former senior officials demanded listing secretary clinton for democracy and freedom in iran d. list. and that leave might not be too far from reality the obama administration is looking to take in this iranian opposition group off its list of terrorist organizations all this despite the any case questionable histories so who is really behind these ads and what will it mean for iran and the u.s. . for you. and strong ideology or strong belief with a particular candidate have decided that they want to get involved in the process as well. or get good intentions the road to the white house is paved with super pac
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money the donations are pouring and by the millions making twenty twelve the most expensive election in u.s. history and this red white and blue country green is the only color that really counts and will tell you who the high rollers are. and while politicians roll in the dough millions of others are suffocating under student debt the occupy movement is getting ready to take over graduation ceremonies across the country we'll tell you how. it's tuesday may fifteenth five pm here in washington d.c. i'm liz wahl and you're watching our team. while a group considered to be a terrorist is now moving on up and off america's terrorist list the iranian opposition group. known as and was named
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a terrorist group fifteen years ago for its role in assassinating u.s. citizens but i make a has apparently found some friends in washington former government officials have been advocating to get the group d. listed from the terrorist list there's been a p.r. push elso to delist here's a look at one of the ads. it's a rons democratic opposition working for a nuclear free iran founded on human rights unjustly listed a terrorist group is the victim of. their rocky allies europe has delisted him. and in two thousand and ten a us court order to review iranians u.s. lawmakers and former senior officials demanded listing secretary clinton for democracy and freedom in iran do you list any k. . now this move could further strain u.s. iran or relations so what's behind all of this. the policy director for the national iranian american council joins us now welcome jamal so first want to talk
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about this group who is the enemy k. . well i'll tell you what the state department in organizations like rand have said they're a cult they're a terrorist organization they were formally based in iran and helped topple the shah through the use of the use of violence and terrorism they had a falling out with the clerical regime in iran and sought refuge under saddam and actually fought under saddam hussein against iran in the iran iraq war since then once the u.s. went in you know toppled saddam they've been in a camp camp ashraf and have been fighting to basically get taken off the terrorist list they're committed to toppling the government any wrongs that they can install their own leadership and sort of live out the dream that they had in one thousand nine hundred ruling over iran so now they are no longer terrorists in the eyes of
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the united states art that's what the push is so who exactly is behind this push to delist the group well here's the funny thing they're not necessarily considered to have given up their terrorist activities u.s. officials have actually gone off the record and said that it was behind some of the assassinations of iranian scientists and professors that have occurred in recent years so if they make a was behind you know putting these bombs on cars and delivering bombs you have motorcycles it sounds like terrorism and there's an acknowledgement that that's the case. but they you know u.s. officials have also said they're working with mossad they're working with israel to engage in this campaign and so among hardliners here in the u.s. there's a view of they're the enemy of our enemy so they're our friends they're working with the israelis there's even evidence that they may have been working with us joint special operations forces to be trained in nevada a few years ago so there's a lot of question marks about you know how are they how are they being trained and
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who is funding their activities and it does point to some you know actors that you would necessarily suspect. any idea who those actors are well as i mentioned you know the link to mossad the link to you know when the u.s. went into iraq in two thousand and three donald rumsfeld actually intervened because they were considered you know enemy combatants and he actually intervene because there was a view that they might be useful at a future date to use against iran to actually use terrorism against iraq you also have domestically or here in the u.s. you have members of congress who are accepting campaign donations from supporters of the. you have very prominent u.s. former officials like rudy giuliani for instance who have spoken out in favor of them and have received really exorbitant fees for their support so you have this huge money network that is funding these activities and at the end of the day it really is hardliners you know whether it's in the u.s.
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or possibly even israel possibly even some of the gulf states that are supporting these guys as a cudgel against iran now you are saying that this group was has been supporting financially u.s. officials but if they're a terrorist group how are they able to something doesn't add up here and doesn't seem that officials are supposed to be taking money are even communicating or working with a group that's considered to be terrorists well that's sort of the whole point of having a terrorist list so that these organizations for instance you don't have al qaeda running around the u.s. paying for fun. raisers officials the fact is you know there's been a blind eye turned towards them and now finally that this activity is becoming a little bit more front and center there have been subpoenas issued for some of these officials who are endorsing that there haven't been any subpoenas issued for members of congress for instance who have hosted the emmy kaye on congressional grounds have hosted celebrations for the group in committee rooms on the house side
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that hasn't yet happened and really it's a matter of they have a very extensive web of financing not just in the u.s. but in europe they use some front charities both in europe in europe in the u.s. to funnel this money through and what they claim is look we are just concerned iranian exiles who want to support this group the fact is iranians don't support the group and they're operating some very shady sort of networks here in order to finance their activities jamal how was tehran viewing this move how could this affect the u.s. relationship with iran a relationship that is already shaky well i think given that you have negotiations that are ongoing with iran right now that this is actually potentially dangerous it's a dangerous signal to iran that the u.s. may be willing to use a terrorist group against iran sort of poisons the well for these negotiations that are supposed to be occurring in good faith and it really says to iran you know how
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can the united states and its allies credibly urge iran to not support terrorist groups when it appears that we may be opening the door to openly supporting terrorist groups against iran and iran sees this as another example of the u.s. possibly or ultimately pushing for regime change is that the case and why i think that the supporters of the in the make itself actually that's that's that's the. stated goal which is really unfortunate because this is not a democratic organization they function as a colt they don't have democratic values as far as the administration's view i think what this really is is a deal that they're making with the m.e. k. in order to facilitate the safe transfer of any k. members out of this camp in iraq to a different location because the iraqis don't want to be there and has actually
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threatened to commit mass suicide if they don't get their way so the u.s. is looking at this as this potential you know you know mass atrocity committed by whether it's they make a war if the iraqis go in there and they've said ok look we'll make a deal i mean if you leave this camp voluntarily we'll take you off the terrorist list now if you want to take another look at the administration's stance on this and why they potentially would want to delist this group apparently i mean i'm seeing reports that this group has agreed to renounce terrorism and kind of change its ways and if that's the case if a group is changing its ideology and now agreeing to help the u.s. you know foreign policy can sometimes evolve in does it make sense for the u.s. then to change their approach in foreign policy if this group has agreed to renounce terrorism. you know if they have credibly renounce terrorism and absolutely there should be a way for this group to get off the list they should not they should not be there indefinitely it should not be
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a political tool that being said they have made this claim several times they've made this claim least two or three times in the past decade and then there's always some incident that happens that exposes the fact that you know they're still using violence to advance their goals so if there can be a credible assurance if i make a for instance if they actually issue something to their members that says we're no longer going to use violence to advance our goals that would be a good first step their number of steps they can take to actually make this a credible offer instead of what it really is which is just p.r. very interesting jamal thanks for coming on the show pleasure as always that was jamal of the policy director for the national iranian american council. well as voters today cast their ballots in two g.o.p. presidential primaries and a time of unlimited campaign spending from millionaires and billionaires we ask does every voice count nowadays and what's expected to be the most expensive campaign in history as backed by super funded super pacs are now hitting the
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airwaves and of course many of them are negative attack ads here's a look at one of the most recent ones targeting republican presidential candidate mitt romney if we lost they made money if we survive they made money. simple as that he promised us the same things you promised the united states. we'll give you the same thing you gave us. you'll take it on priorities usa action is responsible for trying to separate things. so with so much money being pumped into campaigns by just a handful of donors and with deep pocketed donors funding the message that gets out to the public who really decides who will be the next commander in chief correspondent christine frees outtakes a look at the faces that fund presidential campaigns today. moment emo problems not for these candidates whose campaigns and issues were kept alive well past their
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expiration date by excessive amounts of money oftentimes funneled in by one person to a large extent gingrich's candidacy as possible thanks to billionaire casino mogul sheldon adelson a new ad is hit the airwaves promoting the presidential candidacy of john huntsman it doesn't come though from the huntsman campaign but rather a super pac when you step me up to sheldon adelson and hans van you know i'm really the underdog billionaire and it's not just the red billionaires there are blue super donors as well like george soros are mover and shaker today hedge fund kingpin your soros a billionaire investor pledging cure million dollars to two democratic groups and jeffrey katzenberg who gave two million dollars to the pro obama super pac priorities usa people who have lots of financial resources. and strong ideologies or strong belief in a particular candidate have decided that they want to get involved in the process this way bob your sack says the money may not be able to buy the votes but often
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can control the message a reality that seems unfair to those who can't afford to give some americans can give several million dollars to a candidate they like and a lot of americans can maybe afford one hundred dollars do you think that's a problem or do you think that's just how it is that's a major problem why is that a major problem why because they have more say never had the money pulled the strings quite often the ones pulling the strings are anything but representative of the american people still their choices often determine who makes it onto the ballot the range of choices is narrowed significantly because certain kinds of interests have a lot of influence here and that comes at least in part in no small part from the money they're able to bring into the political process. john kerry has not been honest about what happened in vietnam he is lying about his record and though john kerry is lying about his first purple heart remember this ad it was funded in part
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by home builder bob perry to discredit democratic nominee john kerry this year he's given three million dollars to restore our future super pac supporting mitt romney mitt romney turned around dozens of american companies and helped create thousands of jobs so how much can most americans contribute to help their candidates into office i don't know how much i would do you to be so that you could become a victim. because that would be you know on a budget would you give one hundred dollars. maybe would you give a thousand dollars i think there could be some things change that would make a little bit more fair for people like me to feel like they get more of a vote tis the season for the full impact to be felt with ads paid for by super pacs not just hitting the airwaves but dominating them and if you live in a swing state like ohio or florida or virginia get ready the millions of dollars
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are aimed at you in hopes the message mind meld will translate into votes in washington christine for r.t. well it's time now to check in with our web team to see what they're working on r.t. producer web producer andrew blake is in the newsroom to tell us what he's got cooking and what it what you are going on there if i tell you what we're working on it will you promise to go read them later i absolutely well ok as long as i have your word first things first earlier this year a nineteen year old college student in pasadena california was shot and killed by two police officers real tragic story but only recently did the results of the coroner's investigation come out today we wrote about how in that investigation was determined that after the cops shot this boy seven times they then handcuffed him and let him die on the streets. warner's report is outstandingly disgusting so you have to go to our to dot com so she will say read all about this story because now
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the parents of the c.s. boy are filing a lawsuit in california also remember the whole story of trayvon davis all kind of similar accounts george zimmerman the man the confessed killer of trayvon davis in that case george zimmerman maybe now be facing federal hate crime charges the f.b.i. is considering doing that with him that could mean the death penalty in florida also henry kissinger former secretary of state he had a little mishap over the weekend with the t.s.a. who are to dot com slash usa or follow us on twitter at r.t. underscore america you can read about all that and more to plenty of reading material there are going to check it out right after the newscast saying from this thanks for that update that was our producer andrea blake with a preview of what's trending today on our web site. still ahead on our t.v. there gate crashing graduation ceremonies across the country occupy wall street is taking its pro towns to college campuses to bring attention to the out of control
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cost of higher education and mounting debt that story next. it's line of american power continues. things that are. might actually be time revolution. and it turns out that a particular drug or starbucks or the surprising really you. just bring gerard is right right i mean it's like a derivative of actual pepper it's a food product essentially. this is much stronger than anything you buy. dolls. stronger than any one of the.
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very. welcome to the lone of so you'll get the real headlines with none of them are the problem with the mainstream media today is that they're completely disconnected from the viewers and are what actually matters to those viewers and so that's why young people just don't watch t.v. anymore if they want news they go online and read it but we're trying to take those stories that people actually care about and transfer them back to t.v. . well this is supposed to be a joyful time for college grads finals are almost over and their new life awaits them but a lot of graduating students are drowning in amount of debt and face a bleak job prospects of students are taking action to voice their frustration take a look at this ball and chain you can buy it online grads are encouraged to wear
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the items to accessorize their cap and gown at their graduation ceremony it's meant to represent how their shackled to their debt it's part of the occupy graduation movement here in the u.s. and are to correspond marina poor in iowa takes a look at how student debt has topped the one trillion mark and how that's taking a toll on america's youth. it's the heaviest investment a young american can make now becoming a trillion dollar ticking time bomb for the nation i have twenty thousand dollars forty thousand dollars and one hundred fifty thousand and that the u.s. student loan bubble has inflated larger than car or credit card debt in this ballooning crisis graduates now have financial deficits that rival home mortgages. night in new york many have taken to the streets protesting against the on the fordable cost of higher education we're already seeing a a large increase in the number of student loan defaults across the country and
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that's coming at a rate that is similar to the rate when the when the mortgages mortgage loans started to default as well and like i said this has a cumulative effect and it's a downward spiral according to reports more than fifty percent of recent college graduates are unemployed or working wage jobs that don't even require a degree now unlike either of that student that cannot be dismissed for bankruptcy this means loans that u.s. students and account for higher education policy them for decades or possibly the rest of their lives i don't think i'm ever going to be able to deny as long as i live here and so you're creating a literally. class and then people it's basically mike friedman has a ph d. in biology and works as a part time teacher because he can't find a full time position it's the option of getting an education and then being in a state of financial or economic insecurity for the rest of your life according to
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the federal reserve bank of new york americans sixty years or older still over thirty eight billion dollars in student debt and ten percent of that group is past due on payments senior citizens can even have their social security checks taken away the money reportedly redirected to banks weaving to collect. as the investment of a degree morphs from security to risk more americans are reportedly turning to online colleges to save money while others or suing for a refund dozens of lawyers have filed class action lawsuits against their own law schools accusing the colleges of fraud and inflating employment figures. it was an american dream when qualification equated to security but now the once cherished degree. appears to be no more than a gamble marina port r.t.
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new york. joining me now to talk more about the emotional and financial toll student that takes on americans is mccarthy the director of community outreach for default the student loan documentary welcome kyle so tell us about your findings and making your documentary just how serious the student debt problem has become in the u.s. . well first of all thank you for having me on today and you know we're constantly seeing so many crazy stories and it never ceases to amaze me what will see and won't default really it really looks at the stories of people that have taken out private student loans and those are the stories are those are the student loans that have less consumer protections then the federal student loans so those are what we're really see more today than we were several years ago so you know selling may there really investing in these private student loans today and
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that's what they've been dumping millions millions of dollars of lobbying money into to chip away and to to rip away the consumer rights for so we're seeing people that can't get married and that have had their credit destroyed in their wives were ripped upside down. because the credit is destroyed in the can't get jobs once their credit is destroyed because they're sixty percent of employers are now checking credit reports that's i mean that's an example i mean we're seeing people that have have to pay more to full times what they took out so i mean it's just it's just it's just endless footwork we're seeing today is and it's just unfair it's something has to be done about it and you know that's one reason why i got involved with the occupy graduation movement and and that's what's really kind of spreading right now and we're setting like what i heard earlier when
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you were talking about earlier is where we're spreading this to the campuses and we're we're allowing the campuses to take the shackles the balls and chains to the campuses and to where they're dead on their caps and gowns to show that you know we're drowning that in this people are drowning in this it can't get out now while i do want to show a clip i believe we have a clip of your documentary. i'm unemployed and disabled from the thing with my mother i have no income if you weren't for my mother right now sallie mae would be calling me in a cardboard box on a street cisco and i still think if that were the case i may would still want her. so a very sad story there are many americans many more americans in the same shoes as him yeah i mean we're really going to see more of that with i mean
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with this generation today that to speak forced to take out so much debt and with the inflated price. of the kyle how do we get to this point that the magnitude of the problem the student debt problem is unprecedented you know i think one one major reason is the removal of bankruptcy protection so there's really whether or not someone wants to file for bankruptcy or not that's one key defense mechanism that a consumer has because once that's removed. there are that's really not capitalism anymore so that that's something that no one can fall back on so that i mean that a whiles price is just explode and so when not only that we've got a lender said to sell in may which owns the collection companies as well and they're dumping millions of dollars into lobbying and they're buying our legislators so and
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they also own the question companies and can tack on an extra twenty five percent on top of your loan and collect on the back end as well so people or having their lives destroyed because of they wanted to better their lives and it is just not fair and that is one reason why we're seeing such an uproar over the last two years and now will we have this occupy as you mentioned before occupy student debt in the works out what effect you hope this will have. or i mean we're already seeing the effect we're seeing we're seeing that it's actually pay attention and saying oh my goodness sake you know we have to we have to at least acknowledge that generation y. the millennial are in serious trouble you know we're seeing representative hansen clarke has really come out and said you know here's a bill the forget h.r. forty one seventy here's something we have to do is to put forth and you know raise
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it people have to come together and at least reese the issue of student debt forgiveness. you know unfortunately we haven't really seen. the republicans do much about this except. tell. our generation to pull yourselves up from your bootstraps when you know there are new boots traps left in you know that's really unfortunate because you know when our parents were age school was so cheap and so much cheaper if if they paid anything at all and now it is you cannot work up a part time job or full time job and pay for school you have to pay for it over your entire life time is that is so sad is if you do earn you will to pay for it it's good luck getting a really good job and like you said earlier fifty percent of people coming out of
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school have a job if they have one at all. thank you very much for coming on the show that was calm mccarthy director of community outreach for the documentary of the fault the student loan documentary. the alona show is coming up in just a half an hour and let's check in with a lot to see what's on today's agenda alone what do you have work going on there. well we just found out last night thanks to a wall street journal report that the obama administration might be moving ahead with delisting at the m.k. as a foreign terrorist organization so we're going to talk about some of the impact that that might have some of the hypocrisy involved when it comes to what you consider a terrorist organization and what you don't and we're also going to talk about this americans elect experiment that seems to have failed they were trying to put a bipartisan team on a ticket to be president and vice president but when it came down to the last night for their online voting convention turns out that none of the candidates even got
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enough votes to be chosen right alina thank you that's coming up in just a half hour of that's going to do it now for the news from on the stories we covered you can check out our youtube channel it's youtube dot com slash r t america you can also check out our website that's r t dot com slash usa and you can also follow me on twitter atlas wall the a lot of show is up in just half an hour will be right back here at seven. yards is the state run english speaking russian channel it's kind of like. russia today has an extremely confrontational stance when it comes to us.
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