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tv   [untitled]    May 15, 2012 10:30pm-11:00pm EDT

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there hasn't been anything good on t.v. . it is to get the maximum political impact. before source material is what helps keep journalism honest we. we want to present. something else.
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the sky. the light will come down. so must you choirs will be singing. well tonight we have a glimmer of hope because there is one person on capitol hill who is actually fighting the big food lobbies binge resulted in this media purge. i heard the good news french fries and pizza are going to be there dribble somewhere says a slice of pizza qualifies as a vegetable which essentially classifies pizza a vegetable. now those reports are referencing
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a move made by congress last fall so if i want to keep letting plain cheese pizza be classified as a vegetable because apparently millions of dollars in lobbying cash makes a one eighth of a cup of tomato paste it will in nutritional value to a half a cup of broccoli exactly right back to the time of the debate representative jared polis polis had this to say about the people that equivalency pizza alone particularly pizza with no vegetables on it just tomato paste it's common sense is not a vessel what's next or twinkies going to be considered a vegetable. actually i bet that with enough cash even twinkies could fit into the dairy category right i mean if anything i'm sure is the creamy filling here really contributes to healthy balance that obviously. obviously i think if that means that even pizza is a vegetable even though technically let's not forget that tomato is
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a fruit but let's not get into semantics oh my goodness also let's not forget about the meat right i think of these pork rinds right here should do the trick good ok having your enjoying that this is what your kids should be eating and of course there's always the great fruit that you get in fruit snacks. i think you're going to drink after that one do not forget you're supposed to drink eight glasses of water a day and since we're pushing nutritional balance here i guess that the soda should just take care of that so obviously the takeaway here is that while all of these tasty treats are very tasty and a logical human being knows that eating a board doesn't actually help you meet your daily requirement of protein that a slice of pizza is not a nutritional either the same thing as eating a real vegetable but then you have to ask how this could possibly happen how could
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congress make such a more reineke and corrupt call especially at a time when childhood obesity is skyrocketing last week i spoke with michelle five in the author of the book appetite for profit and she had this to say about congress bally down to the big food lobby. this is going on really since the one nine hundred seventy s. when we had actual consumer protection was in place back in the general motors when we realized that we had to regulate. and cook ration is really a problem on their hands and so ever since i think tanks in the lab we have had a. letter that has made government scared to fear. now in fact since obama took office the big food lobbyist spent one hundred seventy five million dollars to fight regulation that's more than double their spending for the three years prior to obama taking the help but
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representative jared polis isn't just throwing in the napkin food lobbies victory he's actually going to head first into the food fight headfirst into the food by by bending back a spoon and slinging the slice act or the school lunch improvements for children's education act into the mix now the slice act what accomplish three main thinks it would allow the u.s.d.a. to accurately count one eighth of a cup of tomato paste as one eighth of a cup instead of a half of a cup but also allow the u.s.d.a. to implement science based sodium reduction targets and it would allow the u.s.d.a. to set a whole grain requirement now i don't know five percent of the polls as legislation will be able to prevail over the millions of dollars that i'm sure corporations are already funneling and to fighting it but i would hope that this bill actually encourages those on capitol hill to like a long hard look in the mirror and ask themselves if it's worth selling out american children for a couple million to get reelected ask themselves if it's worth it to sell their soul to the food lobby and up until now unfortunately i think zach lee what they've
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done with gusto but i think the fact that somebody is finally standing up for common sense for the health of the kids that's a true glimmer of hope. well we have to take one more break but coming up next turns out the tabloids were right rich people and celebrities are just like you and the mind and the work of our told time or that it at a happy hour chaperons at a prom resorted to lysol to clean up some dirty dancing and is giving a negative review online consider defamation will one church actually think so stating. it's easy to.
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get off sometimes you see a story and it seems so for lengthly you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realize that everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm tom harvey welcome to the big picture.
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should military contractors that engage in torture abroad be immune from prosecution should they receive the same protections of the government and therefore have their wartime activities be beyond the review of the courts well that's up to corporate defendants ca c i n l three i've been arguing that a federal appeals court has decided that lawsuits against them can actually be revived and will not be dismissed on those grounds at least not yet now both cases iraqi detainees claim that they were tortured by the company's interrogators both the abu ghraib and other u.s. run prisons in iraq so as we see
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a greater reliance on military contractors what kind of precedent could these cases set joining me to discuss this derrick crowe political director at brave new foundation gary thanks for joining us tonight and first can you just tell us i know there's two separate cases here one has four plaintiffs one has seventy two but they sound pretty gruesome in terms of what exactly it is that these people ledge or done to that. well the plaintiffs in these cases in these cases allege that syria and el thirty two contractors under contract with the government deprived them of basic human necessities they beat them and ran electric current through their bodies they subjected them to sexual abuse really ation and they put them through some really sadistic mock executions and what that shows you you know an ethical company would have said no thank you we're not going to treat people that way but what you get when you inject the profit motive into war like this is that some sociopathic corporation will always take a dive into the sewer for a dollar sell out how big of a deal is that going to be and obviously it's still
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a long way right they just provide the case that saturday can go through but let's say that they were actually held live on these corporations here i'll have that be a milestone. it would be a milestone but i mean it's important to keep in mind that what happened here was that the court said that these folks don't have a right not to be tried that's what these corporations were saying they were saying not that what they did was legal moral or ethical or or that they could defend themselves in court what they were saying was because they're working for the government they were immune from prosecution now the court said you know if you want to mount a defense that's fine but we're not going to remove everything that your alleged to have done all the statistic acts just because you happen to be feeding at the government trough versus the trough of the open market i mean that's what really what we're talking about here mean these companies are saying that simply because they're chasing war profiteer dollars at taxpayer expense verses pursuing it in the open market that they shouldn't be even brought to court much less have to much of
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the fence let's talk about the government's role in this too right and on one hand it would be quite an irony if you had private contractors held accountable and yet nobody who was making those orders within the government has ever been held accountable and you know the fact that they would then just push this off and have the sensually someone do proxy torture for them you know that the government would have to necessarily take responsibility for. i mean it is really an incredible idea right that the government could just hire these contractors with a wink and a nod and say it's illegal for us to torture wink and then just that these guys go all the way like dick cheney would like them to but i mean let's just point out again that the chase for profit among these war profiteers just leads right into the bottom of the moral cesspool there again their defense isn't that what they did was legal moral or ethical just that they shouldn't be prosecuted because they were doing something under contract from the government and that really does raise the issues if you can't hold those contractors accountable at that level who is going to hold those people accountable in the government that are breaking laws i mean
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it's plain that we have to avail ourselves of the ballot box when we can but when those systems are working and profit motive is injected into war like this it makes it enormously difficult for us to make sure that people representing us abroad as the american citizens would like to and essentially just not torture people i mean that's a basic thing which being able to expect that market. you know what about if we take it further too and just ask if overall we often see the law having a hard time keeping up with new methods new means of warfare new things that are going on whether be an increasing reliance on contractors in iraq or afghanistan or even you know the use of drone strikes abroad it seems like there's a huge gray legal not to mention ethical and moral area that's being you know exploited there it is really disgusting moral black hole when when the government decides it's going to war whether it's an actual war or what they're calling the war on terror the government seems to try to carve out this hole where they say in
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their proxies can do whatever they want but this is the most concerning thing to us that our project is brave new foundation or cross project profit motive drives again some sociopathy corporations are always going to take a dive into the sewer for a dollar and if the government basically asserting that they can violate laws just because we're war then we've got a serious problem that even when the government tries to impose some law and order on a situation like that these companies are playing the ethics game up to the hill i mean l three one of the companies named in these lawsuits has already had to pay forty four million dollars to settle claims of contractor misconduct and they take those fines into consideration and when and balance that against what kind of money can they make by breaking that forty four million dollar law right there so these companies like to portray themselves as patriots and out there you know it's like you martin says they never forget who they're working for they're working for their pocketbooks and to the extent they can get away with unethical conduct they will and to the extent that they can just speed a fine and still make huge profits they will and it just points out that we've got
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to get at a very basic level legal level level the war profiteering profit motive out of making more yeah well they definitely you know work to fill their pocketbooks that have the same time is coming out of our pocketbooks we just did a story the other week thanks to i believe it was goldman sachs a did a report for the investors to look at which companies actually get had. that the majority of the revenue more than fifty percent of their revenue coming from tax dollars and al three was on their own locking it or northrop all these guys were some of them at ninety thinks ninety seven per cent and really if you want to talk about feeding off of the government i just want to ask you one last question to you before we go which is that obviously right now we're going to see the nato summit in chicago next week there are still a lot of things to be finalized when it comes to the strategic part agreement that we're going to see in afghanistan for the next ten years and so how do you think we're going to see the contractor presence there evolve once the troops actually leave in twenty four teams will disappear a thing is if we're not careful we get in
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a situation like iraq where we say we're drawing down official forces what we're actually doing is pumping up a private contractor presence and that makes these sorts of legal cases all that much more important because if what's going to happen is we're going to move officers and troops out and replace them with companies like ca c i n l three it becomes absolutely critical that we safeguards legal safeguards in place that restrain the profit motive being able to be put into policy decisions like this i don't fully what we'll see is the president bowing to a huge percentage of americans who want troops out of afghanistan i think it's upwards of sixty percent we did a comparison of the work cost project that shows that more people want troops out of afghanistan and the united states then know that it takes the sun and the earth a year to revolve around each other that's incredible that that is down to the fact of what you don't believe the troops should be out of afghanistan you're on the level of people who think we can actually put a man on who we have got to get those troops out of there and we've got to get the
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profit motive out well it's definitely about time right that public opinion shifted that way derek thanks so much for joining us tonight thank you. our guys it's time for tonight's tool time award and tonight the honor goes to find news its very own bill o'reilly say last night he invited democratic party strategists on his show to talk about income inequality in america and we routinely discuss this issue america is becoming increasingly unequal those lucky enough to find jobs of earn less over the past three decades all top executives have paid themselves more and more so what exactly does bill o'reilly think about the rise of this class of super elites well take a look. what we have we go and we have tea together it's just gone by how much money you make and that is what every second all over the world ok here
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bill but except it is kind of like that because what is happening is that people who live in the world of sort of upper echelon live such radically different lives from the rest of the country with all the. time. call poor of pres bill o'reilly regurgitating one of bob's and his favorite false narratives america's greater the victims of prejudice and republican leads are just like every other joe sixpack out there now this is news to me probably the rest of the country to see last month o'reilly signed a new multi-year multi-million dollar contract with fox news and the times reported that while the terms weren't disclosed o'reilly was believed to be earning about ten million dollars a year before signing this new contract ten million dollars a year that means that he earns over twenty seven thousand dollars per day or more than roughly ninety percent of the country know what ninety percent of the country makes in an entire year now here earns more also than the top point one percent of
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income earners who make a measly two million dollars annually but because he might not drink lots easier to she likes a liberal east coast intellectual he wants you to think that he's just like everyone else well it gets worse right a riley also suggests that he earns such an obscenely lucrative salary because he just works so much damn harder than everyone else take a look. at it picking up non-zero you gonna be saying you were going to stagnating just going like this and you have the very upper class just getting the bulk of all of the benefits of this country i'm not boiling melon ok i'm not really anything i work for. yes bill you work for and everyone else who makes less than you somehow just lazy or write well god forbid your viewers ever watch this show because if they did they would know that americans don't tend to earn money based on how hard they work the vast majority of americans work long hours just to barely make ends meet and they work longer days than people in other developed countries yet they're
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earning less between march of two thousand and eleven in two thousand and twelve the average private sector wages adjusted to inflation fell by point six percent that comes after years of steady decline wages over the past three decades the bottom forty percent of this country saw their income stagnate or shrink and what's more tragic is there's no light at the end of the tunnel for most of these people social mobility is lower in america than in most other western countries but i digress now in some ways bill o'reilly does get paid for his hard work right he works hard to be a propaganda mouthpiece for his fortune five hundred sponsors wall street bankers pharmaceutical companies chemical corporations assures companies and junk food pedlers bursting at the seams of cash they all line is pockets and a lot o'reilly is just like that whether or not he hangs out with corporate executives on friday nights well that is just irrelevant he takes their money to push ideological snake oil misinformation that the richest americans are the hardest working and therefore the most deserving so for continuing to spew that and
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for refusing to recognize that he's among the country's super elite bill o'reilly has worked very hard to earn one honor and that's tonight's tool time award. our guys it's time for happy hour and joining me this evening lauren lyster host of the capital account here on r.t. and lucy steigerwald associate editor for reason magazine and reason dot com hello ladies island and thank you for joining me thank you. let's just start with you know we all were kids. into middle school dances in high school dances and that's when everyone starts grinding start learning how to dance in ways that are normal you're not allowed to get up close that close to other little kids but just take a listen to what the prof chaperons what these moms did to this girl take what's. pretty sperling is
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a senior at manitou high school she says when teenagers ignored the chaperons instructions about dancing appropriately those parents called the girls whores and sluts is telling and trash now and that you know it was difficult this police report indicates one of the moms told the security guard the dance moves were filthy and something you'd see on m.t.v. . oh my god do you really think that moms like this well didn't they spray him with lysol they sprayed them with place i'm happy i just my legs on that one for a second did they come to the dance shop running with their life requests i feel like the mom got a little drunk before they went to the dance and well i guess you aren't you know jealous of their buying on her. really i just want to know if the lysol was like they were trying to sterilize the situation like what was the you know i guess the i was like a symbolic kind of your dirty let me clue you have thing going that's
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a lot of forethought and i don't want to these are some interesting peculiar moms i met there are the ones that create those fake facebook accounts and then go and harass girls will be saying there should be further investigation elise report alleges that the woman said the students were dancing quote like they were having sex with their clothes on well that's what went down probably a little bit. before they shot school dance i think. what they were in for with the growing someone. they missed they missed out on this high school prom one no one ok what's the what is the link i was. george lucas he is taking revenge on his rich neighbors and i have to admit there's nothing i like this story so he has a big piece of property in moraine which is in northern california and so for the last twenty five years or so he's been trying to build this state the movie studio and. it's something that was supposed to bring thousands of jobs to it over the thinkers in front of me. right now but of course the rich neighbors all live around
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here didn't want to cramping their space they didn't want it increasing the foot traffic and so finally after fighting them for years and years he's decided to do a little something different he said we hope we will be able to find a developer who would be interested in low income housing and since it is scarce in marin if everyone feels that housing is less impact on the land then we're hoping the people who need it the most will benefit i'm sorry but this is amazing he couldn't build what he wanted so he says fine i'm selling the land i'm putting in a low income housing dept i don't use all of you i'm sorry rep there was a really funny this is pretty genius if you can't get around the homeowners associations which are like you know this is have a wallet but they're to tell terry and it's a joke then you go and everyone you know understand what i like when would you would you employ this kind of. horrible and condescending to use poor people as.
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they are even if they are getting the not the short side of the stick marine is beautiful if they get low income housing there is a win win for george lucas and the people that you know the question of why not lower government is it always uses money to help create low income housing rather than building more massive movie studios if we don't have enough of them because he's. not saying he hasn't your motive i don't know is charitable you know i haven't checked lately but i'm sure but your donate it's a challenge for you. oh right is so last week we saw this big fundraiser for president obama ad george clooney house where i think it was forty thousand dollars a plate they raised some record amount of money and a lot of people had a lot of fun here is who is this thirty forget who it was. there were about fifteen tables and the they had a like a a raffle and if you. were lucky enough to win a ticket you got to come to the to the event and the winners which was
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a couple from from florida sat at our table so it was pretty cool and and the president kind of moved from table to table like i said we're fifteen tables you move from one table to the next and so everybody in the in the room got a chance to talk with them. so what the obama campaign is doing now is they've begun asking donors at small fundraisers maybe the clingy one wouldn't even qualified to turn over their cell phones before they enter this is really you pay thirty five grand for dinner you want the opportunity to catch a little video of obama saying something so i'm going to grant king i'm going to fire all of this is absurd maybe this is in response to those fake tweets during the clooney fundraiser from a comedian in l.a. who would like to live tweeting it but he wasn't there and want to crack down on not to i don't know but i think i'd be pretty upset if i'm saying go on i dare you to just or someone who's not there can still tweet but they know it's not coming
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from the fundraiser or if it's publicly known that are going to you're not really there at the same time right yeah they just don't want to be caught uncomfortable situation but really i'd be really upset of self aggrandizing like. things that go on like in here like we can't even you know we can't even reveal them it's just like. you know it's not it's not that big a deal whenever it's happening and they're. doing their i hope they're not doing anything different than you thought you normally considering you're a politician you know so if you're trying to get them to give you their vote why can't you say it to all of us it's a fair point i think this is absurd that was my yeah sorry guys we got to wrap it up but thank you for joining me this evening thank you and that's it for tonight's show thanks for tuning in and make sure you come back tomorrow republican strategist soren dayton is going to be joining us for happy hour and in the meantime don't forget to become a fan of the loner show on facebook and follow us on twitter and if you missed any is tonight share any other nights you can always catch everything at youtube dot
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com slash the longer show you can find the interviews as well as the show in its entirety they're coming up next and.
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