tv [untitled] May 16, 2012 9:30am-10:00am PDT
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we this all the care of our city government the housing authority who in spite of financial problems had. have found the resources to make these plays beautiful so beautiful and cozy. i'm sure that with the help of our director two i'm a manager share lewis. a social worker in and. out of this center will be the play's way senior citizens will be able to relax to find new friends to take part in different activities and enjoy their lives i'm sure that this center will change the quality of life of all residents on behalf of rosa parks tenants and on behalf of the senior citizens of the weston at the asian i want to thank
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everybody who was involved in the reconstruction of this place thank you very very much indeed thank you thank you thank you jane i want to take just a second to have jasmine come up and stand next to me you know sometimes when we're doing these things in a leadership role we get all the credit. and unfortunately we do absolutely nothing these are the folks who do the heavy lifting so i wanted to take a moment to have her stand next to me so i can and i can't you know i've already been inside and i can tell you that i think you're going to be pleased with what you're going to see but this is the young lady that did all that work and i just wanted to take a moment personally to just say thank you to her because without her and without our community of residence we would likely not be standing here because i don't know how to draw i haven't turned
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a wrench in thirty years i wouldn't even know what screwdriver to use anymore or where to plug in a wire but she so i just want to say thank you very very much i really appreciate it thank you now we've got a number of dignitaries here with us today of course and i chairman reverend amos brown our vice chairman miss marion sayas and then our commissioner dorothy smith our former commission on the old again my buddy bevan dufty from the department of hope who has been engaging me and helping me move myself along whenever i need to kick start or get a little down on myself he gets me moving we also have our hud folks here molina and justin thank you very much for your help because it always takes a village to put one of these things together it's not simply something that we do there's also other partners that we have here we have chief greg sure and his wonderful police force i see commander eileen poindexter captain mannix i saw back there in the back i really appreciate your help and your willingness to do this of course i'm just going to have all of our staff that had something to do with this
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to just kind of raise their hands or stand up i think i saw in her staff and modernization barbara smith and twyman who's one of the resident man area managers and others who have had a part in this process my friend back there who's trying to be on notice my favorite custodian back there viva just race he keeps the place under wraps for us so it really takes a qadri of folks but what i'm excited about when. ever we get a chance to do this and i tell the mayor all the time that i really don't like to talk and today i'm talking a lot which is really unusual is that these these are the things that make me get up every day and come to work we get something accomplished that is just absolutely great it's exceptional i won't do any dancing today i've done that before that i mean a lot of people want to see me dance and i'm not going to dance today but all things together we couldn't do it without all of you we couldn't do it without the folks
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who are helping us i want to mention one other group before i get out of the way we have a group from the arts folks who are supplying the art and we're going to try to convince them to come and do our classes here in the center so we can get our seniors moving and motivated to do work and at that point we will simply get on our way i think all things being equal i think the mayor's got a pretty tight schedule we're going to try to get this ribbon cut and then we're going to formally introduce all of our dignitaries here and give them a chance to do their activities ok my chairman apparent what you'd like a couple minutes and then we'll get to the rhythm chairman brown. mr mann to all of the public officials who are here
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public servants residents of this fine facility and residents of the west in addition initially i said that i would vote not to have remarks when second thought to spirit to where i could not leave a good conscious and not say something for this occasion has been held on to the banner of the name of a woman whom i knew and labored with we're told in hebrew language that you don't know something because of the way the name sounds.
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but every name care's meaning based on the happening behind that name to bear the name of rosa parks gives us the burden of making sure that this senior center this plays of residency bespeaks what rosa parks was about she was secretary of the montgomery alabama in a.c.p. she was there visor to the montgomery alabama in a.c.p. youth council she was a woman who was so tired that day that she refused to give up her seat to a man who felt that she didn't deserve
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a seat and he should have because he was white because rosa parks did give us thing we were to give housing for people from all around the world she was concerned about liberty and justice for all and all should mean all and as chair of this commission is my abiding commitment struggle and intention that we will work in this city so that people will receive equal opportunity to get fair access to housing live and commodious saying environment and my
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dear mr chief justice the other night a man was murdered right near this was filleted just this month there have been million murders right in this area no citizen should have to wake up. the sound of gun fire in a more in this city and in the west in addition it would take all of us the police department the mare's office the faith community committed base organization and watchful citizens so we that we will be done with this senseless violence five i am sick and tired of going to feeling rose every week in this western addition and having to preside over young men and young women who are dead before the deadline before the ages of twenty five so as you know
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chairperson as long as i'm in this seat i'm going to remind us we got to live out the meaning of the name of this sinner for that woman rosa paul my dear friend and mentor was a woman concerned about zero people and not just some people thank you chairman brown ladies and gentlemen i want to bring up a supervisor for this terrific and another person who has been alongside me and working collaboratively with the housing authority here in district five supervisor a locket yeah i also wanted to acknowledge the tragedy that occurred here in front of the plaza east apartments just this past weekend
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a fifty year old gentleman who was very active in the community people what went to him when they needed their cars fixed and he was just a well loved person in the community was murdered and so i agree with the comments of. reverend brown that we cannot tolerate this level of violence anymore and i hope that this center the rosa parks center will be used as a place perhaps where we can see different generations meet with kev seniors and use come together in this beautiful facility that has been completed here as you know lots of work has been put into the rehab of the center for a number of years we appreciate that the federal government provided the funds for this project and congratulations to the steam the team and staff for getting this project through to completion this project is a stimulus to the community because of it because it is the beginning of several years of improvements along the beach canon mall i encourage the seniors that use
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the center to also participate in the planning process for the buchanan mall to make sure we flex the needs of this community as rosa parks was someone that was known for her leadership role in civil rights so should this center named in her honor be filled with seniors and those living with disabilities who are leaders in this community we are working together with senior action network to have this site host a senior university session we want to help activate this space and make sure that it is full of resources information activities and most of all that it is full of seniors who are enjoying this space. hopefully in the near future the site will be packed with educational resources access to health services opportunities to learn how to organize and find ways to support the work of the resident associations and tenant councils i look forward to visiting the center and talking with people about
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how we can make the center and the adjacent mall full of life and positive activity i also want to encourage you to have partnerships with the other centers in the area like the l.a. hill had center so that you're able to support each other and participate in a variety of events i also want to encourage interested people to attend the hearing that we will have on may twenty first that we'll hear reports from the department of aging and adult services on how the city is prepared to address the silver surge which is the dramatic increase in the senior population projected over the next few years here in san francisco so this is a beautiful center and again i hope it's a place where we can bring intergenerational. activities and and a lot of positive energy to this community where we have been faced with a lot of tragedies and a lot of violence so i hope this is the mark of
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thank you. thank you you. thank . good morning today is wednesday may sixteenth two thousand and twelve this is a regular meeting of the building inspection commission i would like to remind everyone to please turn off all electronic devices first at a money agenda is roll call president mccarthy. here vice president maher
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here commissioner here commissioner early here to measure democrat president commissioner melgar here commissioner walker here we have a quorum and the next item is president's announcement good morning everybody thank you all for coming here today i'll keep my comments brief because we have a full calendar. howard z. of the plan review service received a letter of appreciation from a customer so well done howard on that deal friedman of the permit process and issues and issuance received a letter from appreciation from also another customer so well done their thanks to the d.b.i. staff brett howard bernadette pres and run dix who volunteered at the d.b.i. boot for sync with my office and a special thanks to commissioner maher for showing up there in answering lots and lots of questions that they had little thank you for that. i also want to. direct a day in saluting t.b.i.'s participation in the annual building safety month which
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will be observing throughout the month of me also congress actually asians to patti herrera and the records division and staff as well as to nikita forgive me if i can also run and the m i c i m i staff who launched on me the first along the way to three our reports online submitted process i also had the great privilege of kind of spending a few hours there in the department and i really kind of came away with a good understanding of how intense that work is and how specialized it is and the legal aspects that they have to address the cleaning up they do a lot of housekeeping while they're actually doing a simple. our reports are really appreciate at the time what goes in and so i want to thank you for that and i'd highly recommend if the commissioners if they ever want to shadow for a few hours it's really give you really good insight into that department d.b.i. is participating in the mayor's request for city departments to hard to hire high school students as in turns during the summer to the program called project pull so
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we look forward to that and hopefully the department can let us know how that's going for us and maybe have a future budding plan checkers and inspectors there so after that i have no more madam secretary so i turn it over to you thank you is there any public comment on the president's announcement. thing then item three general public comment b i see was a public comment on matters within the commission's jurisdiction that are not part of this agenda or any public there is not an item number for presentation by the department of human resources and the department of building inspection on the city's hiring process and status of vacant positions within d b i am eleven department of building inspection i'm proud to announce the staff of the upper management of the department of human
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resources has joined us in order to give you a presentation of what it takes to do recruitment and what they're doing to speed our process along so i will introduce them but we also have our mayors budget analyst who is also involved in the process. so. i first first want to introduce mickey callahan she is the director of the department of human resources ted yamasaki who's one of the deputy director. carey cuz who works in client services john kraus who's over the exams. and then mini school while he works at the end he works for the mayor's budget office so they have a powerpoint presentation we put copies on your desk and. good
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morning commissioners mr president thanks for the opportunity to be here i mean callahan the human resources director for the city and we're here to talk to you about the city's hiring process and in fact and in particular how that relates to the. need to hire we have. as pamela said we've asked to key members of our team here to make sure that you have all the information that you need to understand our process. just by way of introduction i want to let you know about our role under the charter the human resources director and the department of human resources therefore is responsible for. for the to ensuring is responsible for ensuring that all selections and appointments are done pursuant to civil service system and merit system rules and principles we have open in competitive hiring typically and we must do it on a merit basis in fact we are next week starting to be audited by the state to ensure that we are in fact complying with merit system principles so unlike the private sector we do not have the ability to say hey i heard joe is
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a great employee let's go hire joe we have to go through. a significant process to ensure that hiring stand based on merit the merit system merit principles and of course this goes back to the days when there was graft and patronage and this is the public sectors way of ensuring that that is not the case. we have. a partnership with d.b.i. in that. we have delegated some authority to selection processes to d.b.i. but we do provide the. human resources backbone for the organization some of the largest departments in the city have their own full human resources operations some of the smaller ones we take care of everything for them and d.b.s. kind of a little bit in between but we have a good partnership with them and trying to ensure that the department needs are met through that process we're going to cover three areas today kerry co who is the director of our clients are the team clients are is the team is. the team that
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provides direct services to d.b.i. and kerry is in charge of that he's going to talk to you about what is the overview of the hiring process we have john kraus who is assistant deputy director for recruitment and assessment services so he's our merit systems grew and he will talk to you more about that and we will also have an overview of the examination plan so how is it that exams are going forward what is the process what is the hiring schedule as well so with that i will turn it over to those who know more than i but i'll be will be here for questions thank you because morning commissioners kerry co for the department resources. thank you. thank you. commissioners this this light is meant to give you
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a rather brief overview of the actual hiring process from the beginnings of the thinking about it in the budget to the actual on boarding of an employee and as you can see it does start with the budget process so we it i'm just going to go very quickly through this and there will be chances to actually fill out some further information as we go along the budget process really is where our department places positions into the annual salary ordinance that is approved by the board of supervisors funding for each position is delineated in the out at annual salary ordinance and basically once it's in the annual salary or ins it gives the department position of authority and that's different from the authority to fail or the authority to hire so it gives them position for the next step is the requisitioning process and that's the process by which the department issues
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a requisition and basically says we're ready to fill a position at this point please everyone take a look at this make sure it's ok the mare's are members budget office and the controllers office look at it from a funding perspective the department of human resources ensures that the use of the classification is appropriate. and basically once the requisition is approved it is kind of an authority to fill or an authority to proceed with the selection process or the examination process the next phase is the examination phase and you'll hear much more about that from my colleague john kraus so i won't go into detail about that. after the examination process is completed which is what we have what we called we furl process and this is taking the result of an examination which is an elegy. oldest a list of names of people who have passed and scored on the examination we then
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take people from that list in rank order and actually do what we call a referral to a department and specific to specific positions within a department. the referral process is very strictly governed by civil service rules and basically it's really the process of matching the best eligibles to the position in a department. then really what happens at that point is the department steps in and does what we call a post referral selection process so there's already been an examination process people have met minimum qualifications they've gone through an examination they're on an eligible list in rank order this next phase of the post referral selection process is really meant to identify the best match of an employee to a particular position in a department and usually what happens is a depart.
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