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tv   [untitled]    May 16, 2012 9:00pm-9:30pm EDT

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gold coast's. r.s.s. feeds with the palm of your. question on the dot com. a long time are going to washington d.c. and here is what's coming up tonight on the big picture mitt romney has a really easy campaign strategy leading up to the november election why why analyze some or is there a way to stop all the lies are all romney lie and self right into the white house also should millionaires and billionaires be able to buy u.s. senators and will americans create a sensible drug policy those questions and more and it's long liberal rumble oh and on tuesday a trade deal between the u.s. and colombia went into effect and according to estimates the deal is going to kill more american jobs and increase the deficit why does our government keep signing
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trade deals that harm the economy and throw away american jobs. you need to know this we're starting to see two different elections strategies emerge with less than six months to go until the general election on one side you have president obama whose team recently released an ad criticizing mitt romney's history at bain capital devouring companies laying off workers and using that sort of vulture capitalism to make enormous profits on the other side you have mitt romney who's election strategy is simple just lie said over and over again on this show already and will likely keep saying it throughout the next six months romney is trying to lie his way to the white house he'll do it with claims like this. they said they'd measure progress for instance my whether they were able to create jobs
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. well they haven't been able to create jobs in fact that's a lie president obama has created four million private sector jobs while in office shown here for twenty six straight months of private sector job creation romney has lied about taxes claiming president obama has raised the corporate tax rate even though he hasn't romney's lied about obamacare calling it a federal takeover of everyone's health care that's not true even political that a pants on fire lie romney's live that president obama has made the recession worse when in reality is this chart shows the president has recouped every single private sector job wiped out the first few months of his administration by the bush great recession ronnie's lied about president obama's foreign policy claiming the president has made a habit of appeasing our enemies osama bin ladin would tell you that's a lie as well as all the other top al qaeda commanders that have been captured or killed under president obama's watch romney's lied same president obama's energy policies are leading the high gas prices despite the fact that domestic drilling
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for oil has gone up each year under president obama and the number of oil rigs operating around the nation is reached record highs romney lied about medicare saying this. three and a half years later he has failed to enact or even propose a serious plan to solve the intel of a crisis instead he has taken a series of steps that end medicare as we know it. he is the only president to ever cut five hundred billion dollars from medicare and the president is in trying to end medicare as we know it paul ryan and the republicans are with their budget that passed nearly unanimously among republicans out of the house of representatives a budget that mitt romney mitt romney by the way called marvelous ronnie's lied about president obama's secret plans to curb gun rights even though the president is only expanded gun rights during his first term in office but if all these lies were enough there on he gave a major economic speech in iowa last night and spirit even more lives. america
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cannot present obama to rescue the economy to tame the deficit and help create jobs instead he bailed out the public sector gave billions of your dollars to companies of his friends and added almost as much debt to this country as all the prior presidents combined lie lie and lie the president didn't bail out the public sector in fact the public sector has been shedding jobs more than half a million government workers have lost their jobs thanks to republican budget cuts since president obama took office and that whole business of adding almost as much debt as all the other presidents combined it's a lie too and president obama took office the national debt was overtrain ten trillion dollars today after emergency measures to stimulate the economy after the bush great recession the debt is over fifteen trillion in the president is only responsible for half of what all the other presidents combined added apis a lot different than all reagan however did add more debt than all other presidents
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before him combined and reagan bush bush one clinton and george w. bush all added a higher percentage to the debt and president obama has that was a lie too but as you were saying well. as president obama and old school liberals like him up short more and more of our economy into government and government gets bigger and bigger and the private sector which is efficient gets smaller. everything we do becomes more expensive that's another lie government hasn't gotten bigger and bigger under president obama in fact is this chart shows government spending revenue and debts have all decreased since president obama took office mitt romney is a bit you a liar and he's clearly decided that this is going to be his strategy all the way through november and unfortunately with millionaires and billionaires like karl rove and the koch brothers pledging to spend hundreds of millions of dollars to help him get elected it may just work.
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it's wednesday are you ready to rumble joining me for tonight's lone liberal robillard dustin stockman stockton excuse me chief strategist with tea party dot net and marc harrold libertarian commentator and attorney and author of observations of white noise an acid test for the first amendment thank you both for joining me tonight great to have back marc and see dust welcome thank you you heard my rant open the show mitt romney lied yesterday again about the economy in fact republicans used to complain about his lies it was rick santorum who used the word on national television liars to describe mitt romney is the strategy of team romney might work i'm just curious it seems funny that you would be upset that obama is that you should be more upset that he's not expanding the size of government right because that is where the solutions are well actually in my opinion yeah but that's not the point the point is that romney lied about it and that's my question is do you think that somebody look can lie their way into the white house in this day and
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age i think they can give it enough cash i think the koch brothers are going to give enough cash i think it's easy to look at statistics in different ways and call them lies based on percentages for example of one of the quotes i hear a lot coming from the left is that top one percent though doesn't pay their fair share but if you look at the percentage of total revenues brought in. in my opinion it would look like that would be a lie so it's easy to manipulate these statistics when they're coming out so so you use statistics so that they're effective for you and mitt romney uses statistics that are effective for him so mark figures don't lie the liars can figure absolutely you know there's lies and i'll say darn lies and then there's statistics and i think you know i think this is one of those situations where we're going to see a lot of statistics there's quick sound bites there's quick commercials charts and graphs people are more visual than ever we're going to see a lot of statistics because can be effective is a strategy to lie i'm not going to say. that i don't know for sure i haven't been only strategy meetings i don't think that that's his core strategy is to go out
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there and a lot the second question is can lives be effective anything can be effective if people believe it so if the law becomes a reality that political attacks as perception can the lies be affective sure they can and this is going to be it's going to be tough one we're in fact moving along to the money part of this which is the part that really alarming and this is why mitt romney might win even if for him from my point of view a strategy is to while away the white house multimillionaire karl rove and his crossroads g.p.s. pac have just launched a twenty five million dollar ad buy in ten battleground states it's starting tomorrow thursday and and then on behalf of mitt romney the koch brothers super pacs and these guys are handling hundreds of millions perhaps billions of dollars in invisible money back them of the opinion the least twenty million dollars of the money that karl rove has passed out has come directly from oxman you know because he's the the republicans have been so good to the iranians over the last thirty
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years so thanks to citizens united you have millionaires billionaires the robes the cokes the romney. anybody else who wants to kick in we know of foreign companies that have already you know jumped into our elections we saw this prayer played out in nebraska last night were tea party favorite deb fisher was you know every all the predictions were she's going to come in a distant third and then one guy joe ricketts comes in and dumps two hundred thousand bucks of it into a t.v. ad buy for and boom she pops out wins so should millionaires and billionaires be able to buy and own u.s. senators. i don't think that and i don't think that's what's going on here we've argued about this before i don't money's money but spending one and i understand what's made her a senate candidate well that's not what happened there a speech out there and people they bought into it for whatever reason you know money is money but spending money or not spending money that's expressive speech well in the in the emirates kluger got out or was outspent as opponent richard
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murdoch three to one so money money can't buy it but i think there's common ground here which is i think there does need to be transparency i think it gets into a really difficult place when you start saying well this is the line of how much money you can get and certain so if you're a government regulating how money is spent in political campaigns for big government making it transparent yes i'm not against that regulation or if i'm afraid to say i'm not for big government in any way but you know the situation here is you know as i said that's why you know boycotts work economic boycotts because they can be expressive but they do work it's not identify one economic point we've had several economic boycotts with private companies where they put them out of business because they have seen one of your having spent money then why i can't think of one of the top of my head i mean they have worked in small ways they've worked in large ways but what i'm saying is when you get into this i don't want the government to regulate this i don't think that's the answer but this is just more speech more people need to get out there i don't think one person bought that election i don't think that's what happened there one person put money in the water for peterson did what if we could demonstrate that. i actually i think you know
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peter de fazio house race is the great illustration here's a guy who's been a congressman for a couple of decades he's well liked and appreciated in his district there's a right wing crackpot who lives on a compound out the middle of nowhere who claims that he has invented the housing insulation made out of radioactive waste from nuclear power plants that will keep all of us warm and exposure to low levels of radiation is good for us homeschooled his kids because he believes that all public education is a crime and should be done away with nobody ever took our robinson seriously i lived in. he was this crackpot a couple of wall street billionaires because peter de fazio called for attacks on you know to end the tax break for hedge fund managers these two wall street billionaires come in and fund our robinson to the point where he came within a couple of points of beating peter de fazio last year and he's running against him this year he's going to have even more money so when you start drawing lines you get into really dangerous territory you think you think that guy's a crackpot and he probably is it sounds like how you described it in here at your
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house with your way i hear what you're saying there but where do we draw the line we have a constitution on the line by saying no more money in politics or very very limited mccain feingold which was bipartisan and it was supported by both parties because republicans don't like the fact that they have to spend a half a day down you're dialing for dollars begging for money either mccain feingold said twenty two hundred dollars is the limit the tillman act passed in one thousand and seven by teddy roosevelt another good republican said if a corporation gives money to a politician it's a felony people go to prison. let's go back to this it worked and you can't you can't regulate people's ability to participate in the process with with the tools and resources that we have available just going to an oligarchy well but no what you have to do is fight it i a have built two giant political organizations with an average contribution of less than fifty dollars raise millions of dollars but i have to do i go out of citizens united no i did that after citizens you know get it i can go out and i can people
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i'm going to because i have grassroots and i have a real message it does help more rubble coming up after the break. wealthy british style.
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markets why not. come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with mikes concert for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune in to kaiser report on r g.
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well the fact is that i'd flown liberal randall joining me tonight dustin stockman stockton chief strategist with the tea party dot net and libertarian commentator marc harrold let's get back to it house speaker that was john boehner and his band of hostage takers have announced another ice-t. is taking some time toward the end of this year and now the secretary of the treasury says tim geithner says not to worry we've got enough money to last until twenty thirteen but i don't say that you can tell after the election yet till after the election of course i mean you know. but boehner says now we're going to have a discussion about this in october whether you like it or not and so today they had a meeting in the white house and the president said you guys you know we can't have this partisan kind of nonsense and and of course painter and mitch mcconnell said. like that so. who will the republicans be holding hostage in order to prevent
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the expiration of the bush tax cuts for the very rich. probably public sector unions bloated government agencies other the pelota government program you know why is it that the democrats are trying to cut the pentagon the republicans are pushing to increase if they want to put a message missile defense shield in the east coast that the pentagon doesn't want and this is in the house the party guys in the house are saying oh yeah let's throw more money at the pentagon go get it sixty percent of the budget is eaten up by entitlements sixty percent so you know it's not enough sixty percent of that money was paid in by us for entitlement sure those entitlements are not money that's what do you know that segregate it was put into the general fund and spent on all kinds of things does know is not true it's the money that's going in the money that's going out are actually fairly well tracked and you know medicare is paying for itself although it is driving by the budget the say in the way i thought it was that poison pill and with medicare part d.
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and so security is two point six trillion dollars or. in iou i mean right they move they move social security or are you going to tell me that when george w. bush was born with millions of dollars in a trust fund that was in federal treasuries it was in t. bills that he was born with nothing but ious i'm saying that if that money had been segregated and invested wisely i think it's i think it's a shame in this country are we should they are you are going to get a crash seeing you as an eight who paid in their whole lives to live on eight hundred dollars a month or so you wanted in the stock market so in two thousand and eight everything buddy everybody got wiped out if in two thousand and eight if you want to pick that point to go through then far and if you want to take it back to now after we've recovered in the back of twelve thirteen thousand or whatever to get there you're missing the point that social security is not and market we have thirty seconds to bring you into social security is not a retirement program it's an it's insurance against disability and poverty well
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it's supposed to be who's being held hostage here the american people this is a run out the clock shell game and they never get it done you should have to have a budget should we have a constitutional amendment for a balanced budget probably not we have a constitutional amendment that you have to have a budget this is a failure of governance what you do to nudge it when you have every new resolution you know government you keep going up but it's finally a budget pain in the government the american people are owed a budget there should be a black eye and i think that's not true in both parties it's a failure of both parties the american people are owed a budget they pay the money and they deserve a budget i don't entirely disagree the american people are speaking to the american people are overwhelmingly in favor of the federal government recognizing the authority of individual states have passed medical marijuana laws three quarters of all americans two thirds of all republicans say that the federal government should keep its nose out of states that have said marijuana is legal for medical purposes in our state is the time we had a commonsense drug policy and legalize pot it seems like a reasonably good medicine according to a lot of good science that's coming out and not a bad recreational drug i know that's supposed to be
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a rose rumble from the west coast you're going. no discredit me with the medical marijuana states rights oh yeah i mean it's a big time for federalism right now you've got states suing the president you got the president suing certain states over you know s b ten seventy in the immigration thing and so you have a situation here where yeah this is federalism at its best or its worst but absolutely we need a common sense drug policy not just medical marijuana this is to become and talk about endless wars this war on drugs means the end talking about all drugs but not as medical marijuana laws so much so let alone and so many lives it's insane so here's the here's i guess the bigger question that you know you guys are both on the right republicans and i'm guessing that well we know i mean you have medical marijuana two thirds of republicans agree with you why doesn't congress. house representatives run by the republicans because it is going to us not the most important issue because because they they can't even make an error ignoring it they
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they are supporting the war on drugs nixon's war on they can't even settle themselves on the most basic responsibilities of government for passing a budget and there's there's no room to debate for this i'm going to throw the republicans out too so i think we need to throw a lot of republicans out be working to the people like orrin hatch take lugar and i will also be working to defeat a lot of democrats i believe that there is a competence problem in government and this is why we're not having all these discussions because we can't get past the most simple and basic things that we should be able to require of government i don't claim to have all the answers but i expect when i send people to washington that they should have these intelligent conversations is that he hasn't so let's say the legislation and i don't see anything on the left you know what bothers me how many primaries have there been where are the bad democrats getting defeated by the democrat party what is that happening well it's actually there have been some some good progressive challenges of blue dog democrats are they winning victories yeah there's been
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a few then and i hope that i get involved but. it seems to me like the biggest problem that we have right now is that both republicans and democrats have been corrupted by money mark you know i mean it's possible i mean leave that money should be i don't think you can keep all the money out of politics and i have my beliefs about money and the way that it can it can propel speech but is there too much money can it can it be a harm you know any speech can be a harm there's a lot of harmful so you know that i was saying that money is. my dream of money is money and. that it's property unto itself so are words it was a piece of paper so as a newspaper it's own property it's what it can express and i think that's where we this speech now but you can write with and i don't exactly i ban your hand you can't speak no but i'm not saying ban but is that this is speech yes talking to my pocket use it in that you don't spend it using. that's. why i want to start talking back to get it right i will say they're going to need to be transparency though without money i think we can spend as much money is all we want everyone is going
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to track where we can agree on transparency all we need to talk about the other side is citizens united sometimes it's about transparency we don't get as much to them which are a couple ignored by congress because i don't already see that we're best to filibuster the attempt that was put forward by the democrats it was passed by the democrats those represent i don't disagree with you there and that was the part that had much more support it was it was almost unanimous vote ok a new report out of the columbia law school texas put an innocent man to death certainly in one thousand nine hundred dollars well ok according to the scientists who looked at the evidence now it looks like there might be a second one who was put to death in texas given that over one hundred i think there are over two or three hundred now the the that project that the famous lawyer some years ago you know that you know they found all you know all these people on death row that who actually weren't guilty so you know it's reasonable we've killed a lot of in light of this and with the troy davis execution still fresh in our minds is the time to stop state sanctioned murder and join the rest of the civilized world i mean we're right there with iran and saudi arabia and and my and
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mark in executing people my only problem with execution is that we don't do it cheap enough i wish we didn't have to spend so much money executing criminals who create who commit heinous acts i think he would feel very different if you've ever been arrested unjustly i can't say that in the rest of unjustly but. i'm against the death penalty i think the finale of it is one of the problems in one of the reasons it is so expensive and it's very expensive it takes a very long time for an execution to run its course because the due process is that obviously you need it but this is a situation here you know the innocence project barry scheck these are important programs that have come along and the science you know this is one of those areas that science can help us to know you know the worst thing in the world would be to be in prison for something you didn't do but obviously even worse than that would be to do executed for something you do. do you know the finale of if you vote for your family absolutely minute of course that means most likely whoever did it is rock and free why in fact it identified in this the sky the bill clements put to
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death in texas they've identified who actually carlos luna was the innocent guy look at karla's you agree this was even a little bit of before even the columbia report they have to admit that a lot of the evidence wasn't was no longer available because there was a terrible record keeping and everything right a terrible investigation it was shoddy but they found a guy hiding underneath a car with a lot of money a block away and had five eyewitnesses seeing him at the scene so i mean it's hard to go back decades later and say well that jury didn't have i have enough confidence in the jury that it's a really simple question do you believe that every person has been executed in the united states actually committed the crime that they were executed for i can't say for sure one way or the other you can say for sure that how can you support the death i can support the death penalty because. heinous acts deserve the death penalty and is and is and i don't i mean you've been in jail i've been in jail
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isn't it worse penalty to sit in jail for the rest of your life than to just get the lights go out i think it is a worse penalty i think it's harder for the victims i think the victims have that finale that he talked about and when when somebody is put to death and the victims of this this person's engine i mean he's he's fundamentally suffering sure if you feel if the victim is all about closure then they could just walk away from it if they're all about revenge they can go out another day where you sit around on oh there are psychological benefits of knowing that that person is no longer on that or you know i am doubtful that any of george w. bush the president who oversaw the meltdown of the american economy is coming out with a new book this summer ironically on strategies for boosting economic growth you know when you going to read the book or read it yes really absolutely what could george w. bush teacher i think actually kind of i think george w. bush did a pretty spectacular job managing the economy after nine eleven. i think we saw a boom i think we did and i think i think that he lessen the impact i think that
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there were a lot of things that he had no control over the crash the economy marc are you alluding to this you a fan of bubble economy so you get a are you going to read the book i'm going to read the book i might pick it up and read it i tell you won't be the first thing i read this summer but you know my read i think you know i think the president's on the economy are like quarterbacks they get way too much credit when it's good and too much blame when it's bad just like gas prices anything else there's a lot of things that we throw out there is a litmus test for presidential performance and sometimes they have very little to do with actually a very rational perspective with which i agree thank you but that's that thank you thank you. crazy alert clowning around for a cause a group of civic activist turned clowns plans to protest at this weekend's nato summit in chicago calling themselves the clown block the clowns plan to appear in full quantity fire on the streets of chicago armed with whipped cream pies for
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their opponents including the officers. group says its main goal is to provide hell lera t. in the face of a humorless police state and provide a fool's critique of organized militarized repression of the people their voices and their best interests clowns are providing training this week for clown activist wannabes even have their own twitter page tweeting things like what's worse than getting hit with. getting pepper sprayed with getting sprayed with pepper spray they say laughter is the best medicine so maybe a pie in the faces really what america needs to wake up and get back on track. after the break the organization common cause filed a lawsuit on tuesday against the united states senate arguing the current filibuster rules are flat out unconstitutional it's a law suit change how the senate operates and bring democracy back to its decision making process.
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