tv [untitled] May 17, 2012 2:00am-2:30am EDT
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it was officials coming clean about washington aiding the syrian roundels as on the name sources say what then is are flowing in to battle the assad regime. a euro dilemma greece's new election could see the country take a leave of the currency union which would send shock waves across the region. and the family walled in and lived in isolation israel's security barriers are separating people who refuse to leave lambs pounce down through generations. one screaming online twenty four hours a day seven days
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a week this is r t washington is helping to coordinate arms to the syrian opposition through arab gulf allies qatar and saudi arabia the confirmation was given by an unnamed american officials however they say the u.s. is not directly supplying weapons to the rebel forces there's recently been an influx of arms from abroad to fight the regime in syria anti-war activist brian becker says the u.s. and nato still want to sought out. saudi arabia qatar they have their own interests in terms of reorganizing the middle east principally of weakening syria weakening iran changing the relationship of forces in lebanon but behind qatar and saudi arabia and even turkey which has its own regional ambitions is the united states is the nato countries the former colonizers of syria in the region who are committed to overthrowing the assad government and who i believe have crossed the rubicon now in terms of preparing for the all out intervention including military intervention
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by nato forces and remember turkey will be the gateway for nato as a nato power for the efforts by the west as they did in libya to use ultimately military power to overthrow a government independent government that they want to replace with a proxy regime in this important region assad government was hoping against hope that some sort of a. mission such as the observer mission with kofi anon might be enough to keep the dogs at bay but i think it's quite clear that when the united states and its allies saudi arabia qatar are pumping in huge quantities hundreds of millions of dollars of weapons right into the middle of damascus and other areas their intention is not to have a negotiated settlement but an all out civil war or as a precursor as i said earlier to a nato intervention i think the united states is scripted it in a way that peace is impossible it says pieces demean but the united states and nato wanted to do because they're using have decided to use military force to overthrow
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this independent government. more than a month into the cease fire and serious still suffering provide and that is casting serious doubt only u.n. backed peace plan president assad insists his country is fighting foreign mercenaries and al-qaeda linked militants who are masking themselves as the free syrian army his comments came in an interview to russia's that i see a twenty four channel his first in nearly six months. because they have all the first of all it's not an army and it's not free they get arms and money from abroad from different countries that is why they are not free they are a bunch of criminals that have violated laws for years and have been convicted on a number of charges they also consist of religious extremists with ties to al qaeda i don't just mean the organization itself but their extreme and terrorist approach they also have foreign mercenaries. in yemen though the u.s. is siding with the government with its troops providing targeting data to fight al
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qaida what some already dubbed an escalation of america's clandestine war in the country government forces use heavy artillery and warplanes to pound al qaeda positions in the south of the country killing at least twenty nine or tents al qaeda linked fighters have taken over several towns in the past year forcing out troops and establishing their own role anti-war activist susan lindauer believes american help will do more harm than good hurting u.s. interests in the region. the united states has played right into the hands of al qaida it's been a long term ambition of al qaeda to manipulate the united states into putting sanctions on yemen so that they can alienate the very impoverished yemeni people from the central government yemeni of course is and is a scrabble poor country desperately poor they're running out of water they have no food they have limited hospitals limited educational opportunities and al
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qaida yemen's sits right next door to saudi arabia for ever since the bombing of the u.s.s. cole al qaeda has made it clear that it wants to establish a base inside yemen to attack the saudi oil fields right next door and anything that they can do to alienate the yemeni people from the central authority and the west the united states because this this is a this is a this is a great victory for them it's a very bad decision by the united states. coming up on r t a life apart. one palestinian family by the israeli barrier separating them from their community and luckily who. and for the first time in decades mexican immigrants no longer wish to go to the united states maybe something many americans have wanted for a long time but soon they might start regretting it we'll tell you why.
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these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. trying to look for each and throughout the day. all right six minutes past the hour and the euro is on shaky ground as greece assembles a caretaker government to last until next month's reelection fears of our friends quitting the single currency have been exacerbated by frantic cash withdrawals from the country's banks but he you have you it's are still hoping to safeguard the euro by keeping the greeks in as peter all over reports from berlin. the attention of those who are looking to find a solution to the ongoing debt crisis in the euro zone is focused only on athens fresh elections being called for the seventeenth of june now this is following the
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failure of the political parties that so you form a coalition government following early elections this month now those fresh elections are essentially elections that greece a country which is suffering severe financial problems can ill afford to be hosting . and of course the people who will be taking part in those elections will essentially be the same people who have failed to form a coalition government following the last round of ballots some of those people of course as well and some of those political parties want to see an end to austerity measures which were laid down as part of a joint e.u. i.m.f. bailout greece was set to receive in june is it risky basically the message is no will stare at the no money now in recent times we've seen around a billion dollars taken out of greek banks by investors who have become worried should greece leave the single currency leave the eurozone all of the in five be
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kicked out of the eurozone would have to refer back to the drachma that their savings would be essentially stripped of some value the president of the european central bank mario draghi has said that the e.c.b. will not keep greece in the euro zone it any cost in fact that the it's not a matter for the e.c.b. to move the goalposts as they were to allow greece to remain within the single currency here in germany we've heard from chancellor angela merkel who is said alongside french counterpart newly sworn in french president francois hollande has said that they want to see greece remain within the u. . and said that they're willing to try and help greece along through its financial troubles however they said that they will also respect the the results of a ballot should greece decide to elect people who want to pull him out of the
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eurozone. finance ministers in the we'll be meeting on the thirty first of may to talk more about the ongoing debt crisis throughout europe throughout the eurozone and the future of the single currency what happens if greece pulls out well it's it's unprecedented there would have to be a huge change in treaties across europe so all i hear in germany as well as across europe focused firmly on athens to find out what's going to happen next as this story unfolds. money has been flowing out of greece for more than two and a half years now ever since its financial troubles head economist alberto ming guard says athens quits the euro zone it will see cash draining from smaller economies into the hands bigger once. there probably osteria he is dead osteria he is a very confusing warts by you stare at me you can mean two very different things which is one casts to public spending and the other is higher taxation the governor the
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president of the e.c.b. my you that i as for can of out two different kind of i was terry the good one and a bad one the better one is the one may by raising taxes to good one isn't one made by catholic public expenditure the problem is the inflation and the bad kind of austerity he's also the easy one to be consumed politically speaking but the problem is dave particularly in these days everything is about expectations and the way in week the country looks in front of the markets internationally now what may happen is to it you go uglies exit in the you know where to go following suit and money basically being believe in a way out of the italian and spanish banks to german banks and into austrian banks very savers believe their savings will be safer and this can bring to an inordinate
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reaction starting with this fact a capital crime to all in this country of course if you have defacto capital controls basically you are saying goodbye not just to the europe but to the entire dream of a unified common market orderly or disorderly and a chorus of analysts have been predicting a great default later we asked chakraborty at the economics later writer for the guardian newspaper what he sees as next for athens. people have been modeling what a greek exit from the euro zone would look like for the best part of a year politically and economically politically even those who are in favor of greece leaving so. they would accept that it would involve the army being street people it would mean the banks would also be the a.t.m. would not be working it would mean that people stopped from leave the country especially with this the bureau's in their back pocket because the country would
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then need to stop all capital from the country and to maintain a very high level move so it would feel affected like a country move more to. the question are all in the saudis really for the rest of the euro zone if the euro zone can say to the rest of the financial markets look greece is leaving but we all know greece is a special case you know behind our hands will say it's a bit of a basket case and actually its problems are not the rest of the euro zone that's what they really mean by an orderly exit if they can convince everyone that greece is leaving because of greece not because of the euro i don't think the markets would buy that. you can watch the full interview with chuck on our board of the economics leader writer for the guardian newspaper in just about twenty minutes right here on r.t. . israel's work to wall it wall itself is back on
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track after briefly pausing for protest marchers on the palestinian but day which is held on the anniversary of israel's founding the country is building walls on most of its borders saying it needs to protect itself from attacks but the barrier its construction within palestinian territories are seeing families separated policy or reports. a lonely house on a hilltop tells the whole story of palestinian plots of land passed down through the generations now under threat i don't read a number i don't have money i want my ground and for his insistence almost paying the price is small property is on the wrong side of the wall tel aviv is building between israel and the palestinians and what was once or more was part of a larger village he'll soon be cut off from it and alone on the other side from this i fear for me the. israeli tractors have already for eight months been building the prison or refers to digging up the ground around
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his house the plan will see his home cut off by a five meter high electrified fence and a tunnel monitored by security cameras will connect him with a larger village after. the experience for. this this this road and go for in the. gold that was there let alone go the village side she is this done two hundred fifty meter. this tunnel which is very very big ball for this five million on hundred thousand one hundred million dollars just to build this done for just only one for nearly. four decades already israel's been building a wall that cuts through the west bank these raby states for security but palestinians complain it saves them from their land and communities the leadership of israel is going crazy and they have no real plan there have no really vision no
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real vision of a very long term answer because walls will not and will never ever provide security for this one is a good neighbor is actually provide security and we do not have good neighbors eventually the village of larger will also be completely closed in by the wall the only way in and out will be through this entrance that the israelis will control here too the israelis are building another two. i know this one is so that omar's neighbors can reach a small family cemetery they'll be an electrified fence and the local joke is that not only are the israelis separating palestinians from their land they're separating the living from the dead but with each tilt of the soil most families connection to the land is threatened to be even more polluted. what they can do just as i did term future in. this and. this for you and this for my father or. my grandfather. don't live in the
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future it's. a black a future times against him and with every new brick it goes up the families isolation is cemented policy r.t. the larger village. archie dot com never runs out of stories for you to explore here's a quick taste of what's there now. the u.s. could consider transferring convicted arms dealer factor boot to his native russia which has been vying for the return of the man dubbed by some of the lord of war. and the feminist blast at the cannes film festival a french group demands filmmakers explaining the lack of female talent own show all the details are at our t.v. dot com. margaret mother did not like we were going to become. he was afraid. and she was
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very good. she filled. our lives frankenstein's monster. we don't have the problem. every time and effort is made. by the powers the new orleans european sorry to negotiate an end to the violent attacks against israel which i have no fear of war call the. song goes you have no. calling the leader of the state of israel one of the main terrorists in the world. we are supposed to be seriously examining history but you mention a few words about jewish culture labyrinth and people get so upset
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this is i'm sorry to say it's a form of emotional blackmail. download the official location until i phone the i pod touch from the i.q. exam still. life on the go. video on demand i'll tease mine bold colors and r.s.s. feeds now in the palm of your. question on the t. dot com. thanks for joining r t it's eighteen minutes past the hour and we take you around the world for some other international headlines. gunmen have raided
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a historic town on the libya algeria border known as the pearl of the desert seven people died and dozens were injured in ga domicile which is a you know asco world heritage site locals clashed with the attackers over control of a checkpoint on a desert route often used for smuggling libya's interim rulers have struggled to impose their will on the country's tribal groups most of whom fought for gadhafi in last year's uprising. a student demonstration in chile has turned violent after hundreds of people poured onto the streets of santiago demanding free education and sweeping schools torrents protesters threw rocks at riot police who responded with water cannons fires were also started in parts of the city mass protests have been staged repeatedly since last year but so far at little's been achieved. the trial of former bosnian serb general of article is continuing on the hague he is charged with eleven counts of genocide and crimes against humanity during the nine
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hundred ninety s. yugoslav war among them these sort of. mass occur when eight thousand muslim boys and more slaughtered law which is also alleged to have commanded the siege of sarajevo during which more than ten thousand civilians died if convicted he faces life imprisonment. the american dream has been shattered for thousands of mexicans who have become disillusioned with life in the u.s. faced with a fragile economy and weakened job market immigrants no longer want to work there reversing a decades old trend of course no one has the story. three inhospitable terrain to trigger happy border guards crossing illegally from mexico into the united states is a pearl is journey which for many desperate for a new life was always thought to be worth the risk but times and more importantly condominiums have certainly changed before i was so i was working even two jobs on
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the. same day i mean it was easy but now it's sort of so that if you go you can leave but you're going to spend the money to find a good job ten years ago gustavo like many other mexicans came to california illegally to earn money provide for his family and enjoy a harsh standard of living that at home but now he has joined the rapidly swelling ranks of those thinking it's time to pack their bags and had back south because of the poverty that was in the united states even people before maybe even middle class mexicans now they're falling into the lower class and now even. so a lot of people are saying i want to report here i might as well go back home to be or at least with my family thanks again whether wanted or not in the past mexico has provided the largest wave of immigration from a single country into the united states but now that's bigger just like america's economy has come to
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a grinding halt crippling unemployment and housing construction market lying idle and the sharp rise in deprecation charcoal combining to put people off seeking the good life in america during the five year period from two thousand and five to twenty ten a total net of one point four million mexicans immigrated to the united states down by more than half from the three million who had done so and the five year period often nine hundred ninety five to two thousand mexicans that come here to the u.s. and take farmers and labor that is why it's great for the mexicans do the jobs that . americans we feasted so this translate anyway raises the question just well still and. ron gotcha said teacher and a community organizer believes this sharp downward trend can lead to more drastic consequences if they leave the crisis in the united states and be far greater than
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it is now because you know mexican have to go to the grocery store they have to buy them it might take anybody else so that's a lot of buying power talking about billions of dollars of buying power that the american economy cannot afford to lose americans have complained for decades that they want a last immigration from mexico but if chores started going on done and prices started rising they may soon started complaining that they one more might you know which no r.t. reporting from los angeles california. time to get the latest business update with demetrius so the russian markets kicked off just twenty minutes ago how are they doing well they did kick off with a little bit of an upswing they've lost much of this deal are pretty flat to positive right now if we take a look at the figures themselves the odds u.s. is up just a point two percent the my six point three percent now this is after shop drops even yesterday around two percent for the arts yes on monday it was sort of
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a three and a half percent for both markets so really there's a long way to go to recover and you know we're just bouncing back slightly from two year lows actually on the russian market in japan and hong kong and seoul looking much more positive japanese g.d.p. came out to a one percent growth in the first quarter compared to the fourth quarter previous year and your lies that gives us four point one percent which is much better than expected and this has been helped by an influx of investment to recover from the disaster last year so this is why investors are having a bit of a bit of a. of course a. a very bad season a very bearish market that we've been seeing the past two weeks. now u.s. markets take a look at them of course very important for the global trend jones and nasdaq finished negatively on the previous day this is of course on concerns of what will happen to greece or will it come out of the euro zone and in the currency markets
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because of the g.d.p. and this is a relief for the euro is actually gaining against the dollar which has been much of a save haven. a lot of investors were cashing out moving into the greenback way while the russian ruble started the session on thursday with a slight gain of around to go back to both the euro and the dollar and on the commodities market we are seeing a bit of a recovery in light sweet of seventy three cents and brant is slightly down this is of course on concerns about global demand but with this g.d.p. they are again a breath of fresh air. but still well prices remain the close to six month lows and now that's after of course also surprise increase in the u.s. inventories and the citibank strategist kleiman says the supply base is changing
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which might cause well to lose twenty five percent of its value over the next five years. well is only stayed over one hundred dollars for an annual average basis once ever it was last year so i think it's a little rash for the number of countries including russia and a good chunk of the middle east that have gotten addicted to hundred dollar plus oil but we think over the next five years oil is heading down south of a hundred dollars towards about eighty five dollars simply because if you look at the amount of supply coming from shale oil coming from deepwater which is a mature technology that has gone international shell oil will go international right now it's just in north america phenomena but you look down the road those volumes are coming in it's significant any significant changes the outlook. climb in the bag so yeah indeed we did see and then there's your positive opening of the russian markets but who knows what will happen next well to get thing we have here to tell us thank you to me. more on money in
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