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tv   [untitled]    May 17, 2012 8:00am-8:30am EDT

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giant corporations are today. make up or break up britain's prime minister issues a stark warning to the eurozone to take persian action or face collapse. syria releases names of alleged foreign terrorists in its custody as the rebellion to get loose to buy arms from abroad suffering a split at the top plus. israel the ignites the palestinian conflict by sending gaza as it pushes ahead with efforts to barricade itself from its increasingly frustrated with the name is. four pm in moscow i met très a good to have you with us here on r t our top story britain's prime minister says
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the eurozone must make up or break up david cameron told business leaders that the beleaguered single currency countries are at a crossroads that demands urgent action to avoid sparking a global depression our london correspondent laura smith will join us live for more on this later he vowed to keep british interests safe regardless of what happened in the euro zone that might be easier said than done though with british banks have been exposed to greece and the constraints of rules which compel members to help when required the pm thinks it's best if greece stays in the euro when the time is back about saying that he would break up saying the breakup would lead to a decade long global depression. independent advice from independent greece's tear caretaker government has been sworn in after repeated coalition talks fell apart another election is likely due next month is likely to decide whether greece stays or leaves the euro economists alberto ming gardy says previous leaders failed to
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deliver real reforms to their people. the european health already have tried to push a stereotype in greece and men like with a hammer but at the very same time he would was accomplished in greece in terms of the leader of women liberalizing the legal market capping the size of government cutting thing was very late to do induce two weeks i think at this point is highly probable that police will exit the euro in the next few weeks and it may cause a domino effect you know the mediterranean counties or two girls being eventually to leave to europe is suffering a very strong lack of leadership and a lack of vision the quality of do all those in european countries know that it's not very high and they really mismanaged the crisis daily a few just to see the euro for when do you who was which is a monetary in a stead they wanted i mean basically you had to be to georgia to wars to where it's
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utopian unification and now we have exactly where the flow at this point if you look need to save itself you have needs to evolve into some kind of a transfer you you know me moving money from the pockets of reach europeans germans basically to the pockets of poor european football is there no person in germany voters are not going to be allowed to. economic struggle as i did here chakraborty admits that greece cutting itself loose from the euro won't be easy in athens and may yet be in a for worse here's a preview of what you'll hear later this hour. people have been modeling what a greek exit from the euro zone would look like the best part of a year politically and economically politically even those who are in favor of anything so. they would accept that it would involve beyond being states people that it would mean the banks would help with big came from not be working it
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would mean that people be stopped from even countries especially with this forms of euros in their back. because they come to they need. capital come and to maintain a very high level move so it would feel like a country vote. the question really for the rest of the eurozone if the eurozone can say to the rest and to financial markets look greece is leaving but we want to greece is a special case you know behind hands with a bit of a basket case and its problems and not the rest of the eurozone that's what they really mean by new digs that if they can convince everyone that greece is leaving because of greece not because of the euro i don't think the markets would buy that . the syrian government has released names of alleged foreign terrorists it claims to have captured on its soil twenty said to be arabs who have confessed to working for al qaeda the list also includes french and british citizens and you are washington is denying being indirectly
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involved in smuggling arms to the syrian rebels media sources indicate the u.s. is coordinating insurgent support through proxy allies qatar and saudi arabia rebels admit getting more weapons but are now faced with a leadership crisis to turkey based syrian national council has been disavowed by the opposition in coordination committees in syria the head of the s.n.c. is reportedly stepping down anti-war activist brian becker from the answer coalition thinks foreign powers are targeting damascus for regime change. sony arabia qatar they have their own interests in terms of reorganizing the middle east principally of weakening syria weakening iran changing the relationship of forces in lebanon but behind qatar and saudi arabia and even turkey which has its own regional ambitions is the united states is the nato countries the former colonizers of syria and the region who are committed to overthrowing the assad government and who i believe have crossed the rubicon now in terms of preparing for the all out
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intervention including military intervention by nato forces and remember turkey will be the gateway for nato as a nato power for the efforts by the west as they did in libya to use ultimately military power to overthrow a government and independent government that they want to replace with a proxy regime in this important region assad government was hoping against hope that some sort of. mission such as the observer mission with kofi annan might be enough to keep the dogs at bay but i think it's quite clear that when the united states and its allies saudi arabia qatar are pumping in huge quantities hundreds of millions of dollars of weapons right into the middle of damascus and other areas their intention is not to have a negotiated settlement but an all out civil war or as a precursor as i said earlier to a nato intervention i think the united states is scripted it in a way that peace is impossible it says pieces demean but the united states and nato
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wanted to do because they're using have decided to use military force to overthrow this independent government. syria's president has rotted on the un backed peace plan for failing to stop civilian bloodshed more than a month into the ceasefire violence remains high in a rare television appearance president assad told russia's rossiya twenty four channel that his country is fighting foreign mercenaries masking themselves as the free syrian army. not on the phone the west always tries to find puppets for itself syria has never backed down to that on any issue they've always done that's a new trying the same with this conflict the new e.u. sanctions a felt more by ordinary people in the economy when they talk of boycotting syria they mean a boycott only by western nations kofi annan plan is not only aimed at stopping the violence it must also help people to return back to their homes where they were forced out by terrorists this plan has to stop the smuggling of weapons and the
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funding of terrorists it must put pressure and hold accountable other states openly claiming that they will support tension in syria if they only talk about violence coming from the government side and also would bow terrorists head over to our team dot com any time for more on today's top stories and see what else is online a click away moscow police dispersed yet and other opposition kept angering protesters find out where the activists could be headed next. and how it could spoil a priceless wonder of the world ancient babylon threatened by iraq and plans to extend a major pipeline all the details on our website. israel denying reports that its army has shelled parts of gaza wounding several civilians
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claims come from palestinian doctors who say they're treating the casualties the latest from our middle east correspondent paula sleep. here we're being told that anything between four and seven gazans have been hurt in this latest israeli artillery fire in northern and eastern gaza two people have been taken to hospital but we've been told that ambulances as well as emergency vehicles are still in the area now according to palestinian officials there was somewhere between six to eight israeli tanks and bulldozers that entered gaza and according to eyewitnesses the soldiers started firing indiscriminately on farmers who were working their land were also being told that the borders was started bulldozing those very same plots of land speaking to the israeli army vote they say that they had not heard of any injuries they say that the israeli army is nearly conducting routine operations inside gaza but certainly we do understand that the israeli army is still inside gaza while we speak now tensions in the area have been running high for several
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weeks now every few days one hears about rockets that are fired from gaza into southern israeli communities and every so often there is a flare up in rhetoric from the israeli signed in terms of warning the gazans that any israeli operation in the gaza strip might not be that far off in addition is all is building walls along its borders with its arab neighbors it's essentially barricading itself in according to what many critics say it's been building a wall along its southern border with the sinai and with egypt it's also recently began building a wall in the north along the israeli lebanese border and this is in addition to the wall it's building in the palestinian west bank. a lonely house on a hilltop tells the whole story of palestinian plots of land passed down through the generations now under threat i don't read a number i don't want. i want my gran and for his insistence almost paying the
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price is small property is on the wrong side of the wall tel aviv is building between israel and the palestinians and what was once on mars was part of a larger village he'll soon be cut off from it and alone on the other side from this time i fear for media. is retractors have already for eight months been building the prison over first to digging up the ground around his house the plan will see his home cut off by a five meter high electrified fence and a tunnel monitored by security cameras will connect him with a larger village after village experience for the around and go over this this this road and go for in the tunnel go go downstairs the tunnel and go the village the side she's got all this tunnel two hundred fifty meter. this tunnel which is very very big ball for this tunnel five million eight hundred thousand
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jekyl one hundred million dollars just to build this down for just only one family . for decades already israel has been building a wall that cuts through the west bank these raby states for security but palestinians complain it saves them from their land and communities the leadership of israel is going crazy and they have no real plan their have no really vision no real vision of where the long term is or because walls will not and will never ever provide security for this man is a good neighbor is actually provide security and we do not have good neighbors eventually the village of larger will also be completely closed in by the wall the only way in and out will be through this entrance that israelis will control here too the israelis are building another tunnel this one is so that omar's neighbors can reach a small family cemetery they'll be an electrified fence and the local joke is that not only are the israelis separating palestinians from their land they're separating the living from the dead but with each tilt of the soil almost families
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connection to the land is threatened to be even more polluted. what they can do just as i did term future in this. this is. this for you and this is for my father. my grandfather. the future it's. like a future times against him and with every new brick it goes up the family's isolation is cemented policy r.t. will larger village. turning back now to our top story britain's prime minister is warning that the eurozone must make up or break up david cameron tells business leaders are global recession is in the cards if europe doesn't get its act together for more on this we go live to london laura smith having by word or so the british pm in no doubt about the severity of the situation right now what's expecting to happen in the eurozone. that's right this is
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a stronger speech than he's rarely ever given before he used these words that the eurozone has to make up or break up essentially what he's saying is support greece or see the euro zone fail he's calling for years in states and institutions to step in and help greece to support those requests holomisa not just to be made in italy as well as i say these are stronger words than he's ever used before he explicitly said that germany must do more and he talked about the remorseless logic of the euro which is according to him a sort of a rigid system that looks in any. religion in terms of what a country like greece would normally do if it had that same currency it would be to see the value it but inside the realms of the euro that's just not a possible option for them so cameron is saying that stronger states must be help help the weaker ones and he also said that the logic of a monetary union urges more political cooperation and so that it takes an electorate responsibility from all the countries to help out that we can once that
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this sort of fiscal burden sharing that he's talking about and also a supportive monetary policy amongst all the countries in this. and what about britain's own interest some of the follow surely beyond cameron's control do you think the u.k. is still in the team players that what our laws are saying. well of course what people people are very quick to say that of course the u.k. is not a member of the euro zone so you know been a sense what business is cover and have particularly to criticize countries like germany and france when when the u.k.'s economy isn't necessarily involved but cameron's message today was that that he wants to see the euro zone succeed because it's in every country's financial interests to have strong economic neighbors but david cameron sees really his job is no all this to keep britain safe as he says he says it's in the u.k. interest to have these stable neighbors now he's looking at quite a difficult day today because he made this very strong speech this morning and then
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in the afternoon he's having to have a conference call with german chancellor angela merkel new french president francois hollande with him he's already had some differences on following says that the british treats the e.u. like a restaurant and of course prime minister mario monti so he's going to have some explaining to do during that meeting but david cameron's message really is that he doesn't want greece to drop out of the euro zone experts are now saying that if it does happen then it could cause ten years of global depression this sort of turmoil in the financial markets that won't be got over quickly also of course he wouldn't be able to get the very austerity that is at the moment failing in the euro is the same osteria see that he is pushing in britain and also trying to push to other european countries as well so it's a politically very difficult position for him to be in now if the effort sort of start greece's problems infecting other countries why doesn't it seem to be what's playing out. it doesn't seem to be playing out at all of what we're seeing in
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greece at the moment is a new prime minister who's of course the kate's caretaker prime minister up until a new election could be held on the seventeenth of june and there are huge fears that the greek people will ultimately lead to. government and if that happens it means that they won't have access to any more bailouts from euro zone countries we're seeing panic withdrawing from banks in greece i met someone yesterday who said he'd asked a greek bank manager what their what their best financial product was what their best selling financial product was and they said it was a safety deposit box essentially the choice people is to basically keep their money under their mattresses because they're worried what will happen to it and that's not just happening in greece we're hearing reports that it's happening in spain too and it could possibly spread to italy there's been the recent nationalization of one of spain's biggest banks banks here and reports that spanish people have also withdrawn a total of around a billion euros just in the past few days from those banks so the fear isn't that
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without the without greece the eurozone would collapse of fear is that greece's leaving would create a sort of house of cards effect whereby everything else would fall down after that and of course this is against a backdrop of huge political differences between the main players in this new french president francois loans is very anti austerity in fact he's going to it says he's going to increase spending in france doesn't see it like that of tools we've got a lot of political wrangling from these major players who according to what david cameron said today are the only ones who could potentially sort this out all right we'll have to see what happens ortiz laura smith live for us in london very much for that update. thousands of mexicans packing for home after finding less opportunity in the united states than they'd hoped discovering a fragile economy in a weaker job market many illegal immigrants are heading back south of the border reversing a decades long trend artie's many of the coaching of it has more from los angeles. hospitable to rain to trigger happy border guards crossing illegally from mexico
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into the united states is a pearl is journey which for many desperate for a new life was always thought to be worth the risk but times and more importantly condominiums have certainly changed if what i was so i was working at even two jobs i mean what do you up so that some day i mean it was easy but now it's sort of so that if you go you can leave it you're going to spend the money to find a good job ten years ago gustavo like many other mexicans came to california illegally to earn money provide for his family and enjoy a harsh standard of living than at home but now he has joined the rapidly swelling ranks of those thinking it's time to pack their bags and had back south because of the poverty that was in the united states even people before maybe even middle class mexicans now they're falling into the lower class and now even. so a lot of people are saying well i want to be poured here i might as well go back home and be or at least with my family in mexico whether wanted or not in the past
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mexico has provided the largest wave of immigration from a single country into the united states but now that figure just like america's economy has come to a grinding halt crippling unemployment and housing construction market lying idle and the sharp rise in depredations are all combining to put people off seeking the good life in america during the five year period from two thousand and five to twenty ten a total net of one point four million mexicans immigrated to the united states. down by more than half from the three million who had done so and the five year period of one thousand nine hundred ninety five to two thousand mexicans that come here to the u.s. and take john farmers and labor it is the widespread belief that mexicans do the jobs that americans we feasted so this trying to let me make the range raises the
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question just who will sell and for them ron gotcha's a teacher and a community organizer believes this sharp downward trend can lead to more drastic consequences if they leave the crisis in the united states and be far greater than it is now because you know mexican have to go to the grocery store they have to buy the buy take anybody else so that's a lot of buying power we're talking about billions of dollars of buying power that the american economy cannot afford to lose americans have complained for decades that they want lots immigration from mexico that if chores started going on done and prices started rising he may soon start complaining that the one i didn't which there are t.v. reporting from los angeles california. turned out as some other stories making headlines across the globe a group of suicide bomber attacked a government compound in western afghanistan killing at least seven and wounding twelve one of the militants blew himself up at the gate of the governor's complex in the farah province three others push their way inside
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a two hour gun battle with police broke out killing the other attackers six officers and one civilian elsewhere in the country taliban forces attacked a nato supply convoy overnight killing four. the u.s. ambassador to israel says plans for a possible military strike on iran are ready and available if the statement comes days before tehran is due to resume talks with world powers over its nuclear program the u.s. and its allies have been using sanctions to encourage iran to curb and syrian human arrangement which they say is being used to make an atomic weapon tehran insists is only developing a nuclear energy grid. the trial of former bosnian serb military commander ratko mulatto has been suspended indefinitely because of significant disclosure errors prosecutors failed to share all their evidence with the defense team which is demanding a six month delay wattage faces multiple charges from the one nine hundred ninety s. yugoslavia war including the srebrenica massacre of more than seven thousand muslim
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men and boys and this area which killed ten thousand civilians. north korea has detained three chinese fishing boats with twenty nine fishermen aboard and demanding payment for their release they were seized over a week ago by a korean gunboat in the yellow sea border area but there is no word yet from pyongyang china and north korea are major allies but the north is deeply reactive to what it sees as territorial infringements. kitty belbin joins us now with all that is so katie's been a bad day for the russian market so far has anything started looking better you know it rated film out we're now thing fell off when now but a two year low the russian markets are continuing to take a hit and the great crises the rumbles on investors all pulling that money out of my office including setting securities the russian companies that fail phoning them on the wrong material as you can see the mind think that is now below the fed's in
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hundred five months of the all important level that which is that they confound the see the stock of these rating something today in financials already on depression if we look at that bad banks don't do they relate think the. send it down there is a console with about seven continents and. they are. doing rather badly and that's despite some pretty encouraging figures are also losing their spot in the us despite net profit increasing by one hundred thirty percent. let's have a look at how the ruble is getting on and it's not going to want to. get the u.s. and the euro right there as investors head towards the u.s. dollar the safe haven current we've got the euro as well that is down twenty six to seventy nine for the traders favor pes let's continue and talk about your finale. now stocks are indeed declining it's no surprise at all that for a fourth day as the european central bank holds a lending to some great banks as the federal reserve also signaled they may
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amerikana american economy may need more stimulus as well so that's all factoring in we have got right now citibank. now he says that the chances of a greek exit is certainly high on it because another lehman brothers the number six now. it's a two thirds chance at least it greece will leave either this year or next and we could we could know the answer really quite soon the primary concern is about contagion that is the concern that greece will not be the only country that would exit in its footsteps would follow other vulnerable countries including say portugal ireland or of course italy or spain and in that case i think the financial system in europe but also elsewhere will be under very heavy strains in another much greater strains than it was the case in the aftermath of the limit. with the how all that uncertainty is affecting those oil prices through the prices for now as i say they are in the mix to what they do remain
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a low are much because of the dumond of being affected from the greek crisis also u.s. stockpiles in the u.s. are indeed increasing as well as school factored into those prices this is a six month a low that some of his phenomena i'll be back next hour so right thanks very much for that update katie see you in the next hour and more on money in a few minutes as we focus on how to stop the rot for greece and the single currently currency but first i'll be currently back with the headlines.
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