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tv   [untitled]    May 18, 2012 12:00am-12:30am EDT

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the possible financial tsunami from the eurozone demands the attention of the world's top decision makers as g eight leaders gather in the u.s. . the u.s. congress takes a hard line on iran saying it must be prevented from even being capable of building a clear weapons causing speculation that war is edging closer. and the syrian regime says all kind of militants are behind attacks in the country asked about releases the names of foreign terrorists six planes are in custody. very warm welcome to you this is our tea with me karen tara she's starting this
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friday off with the survival of europe's single currency and the shock waves from its possible break up will inevitably dominate a meeting of the world's top eight political heavyweights j. leaders are gathering in the u.s. where they'll also discuss the situation in syria and pulling out troops from afghanistan president obama will also be balancing the small matter of his election campaign and he said now where reports there are several challenges for this year's g. eight summit one is facing its host obama whose hands tied with an election coming up in november a lot of focus for him on trying to stay in the white house so he's going to have to balance domestic and international considerations at this camp david summit something that's never easy but even more so when you have voters to please and global leaders to reassure it's always a difficult thing to do even more difficult during the hour. action he has in one
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sense to reassure american allies that america has remained strong and committed to the g eight and it has an important role to play at the same time he has to be sensitive to what his constituents in america are thinking about domestic concerns the economy unemployment housing all of the things that remain an issue already in the world but more ready to compromise on global issues through the election given it was by accident in that hot mike sit down with dmitri medvedev but with that incident aside many experts say that it's very unlikely we'll see progress on by lateral issues with russia per se on missile defense or iran's nuclear program in the election year now another challenge facing the group as a whole is the question many are asking does the g. eight format still work it's true that most countries of the world see the g eight as outdated most countries in the world don't recognize. the singular leadership of
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the united states and its western european allies so in terms of what might come out of the g eight i think that again substantive policy decisions are unlikely rather this is going to be a much more much more geared towards padding obama's image as the host of this summit and showing the world that obama is this sort of a uniting uniting force rather than the divisive force that he has seemed to be for the for his first term now in terms of uniting one of the main goals and focus of this summit will be the euro crisis the goal there to try to get the new french president on board with all of the massive austerity cuts that we're seeing throughout europe this is something that european leaders will certainly be looking for obama to try to unite all of them on how to move forward with that but again a lot of critics think the g. eight is an outdated format and then you have all the speculate. as to why
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president putin didn't come perhaps it's because he doesn't understand how important the g twenty is especially when it comes to the financial turmoil that we're seeing across the world lot of course will be held in mexico into reporting from washington and he's now way. they are was are getting worse with rating giant moody's slashing the scores of sixteen spanish banks while greece of the worst may well decide to quit the euro. government next month the british prime minister has urged the seventeen nation euro zone to remain united but the director of the group says member nations are too different to function as one the european leaders aren't really doing what's necessary to generate economic growth within the eurozone and within the european union there is a major problem with the euro with that needs it disorderly dismantling that that's what is required of the problem within the european union and the eurozone is
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a problem of growth and despair and imbalances caused by germany and we can't have a common see you in with many different disparate economies which need different levels of support different interest rates different fiscal policies but germany and the european central bank forcing on countries like greece and spain and italy and portugal as well as other countries such as ours and austerity cutbacks coupled with tax wise which of her economic growth never condom is already on competitive as a result of being in the euro and they just are now in a major economic depression that's what's happening in those economies with massive levels of unemployment and really no no future something radical needs to happen otherwise there will be more of the same and the same is a declining economy with ever increasing numbers of unemployment. but escalating money troubles aren't getting in the way of you a bureaucrat splines later in the program we examine how much cash is going down
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the drain. we compare how much it costs to stick a civil servant behind in the desk comparing it to a chief executive at microsoft. and change for the worse a look at the crime and chaos on leased by egypt's revolution for peaceful democratic change. the u.s. house of representatives is taking a hard line on iran dissatisfied with president obama's assurances that washington will not tolerate iran obtaining a nuclear weapon the house says teheran must be stopped before it achieves even nuclear capability democrat dennis kusin itch housewares concern this will only complicate the diplomatic solution and push washington closer to war with iran and the us ambassador to israel warned plans for a possible military strike already just days ahead of a key international meeting about iran's atomic ambitions jamal policy director
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from the national iranian american council says washington is ready to strike. well we have to remember that this is one week out from when the next round of negotiations are going to occur between the u.s. iran and the other u.n. permanent five security council members but it puts pressure on the administration to not be able to make the deals necessary in order to achieve the real goal and the goal that the president has stated which is to prevent a nuclear armed iran so this really is congress sending a message that the united states is should take a very hawkish approach to this and the meaning of capability has for a long time and controversial and has been sort of code for no enrichment that having nuclear weapons capability is something that could be applied to any country that has a civilian nuclear program by the congress passing a resolution that says we can't contain a nuclear weapons capable iran it sends a signal that. we may already be at
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a point where war would be necessary in order to serve that goal. foreign mercenaries and all coddling to militants are fighting in the ranks of rebel say inside syria according to government officials damascus has even released the names of all legit a foreign terrorist it claims to have captured twenty are said to be arabs who have confessed to working for al qaeda the list also includes french and british citizens meanwhile washington denies recent reports it's coordinating arms for the syrian opposition through arab gulf states qatar and saudi arabia the rebels say they've recently seen an influx of weapons from abroad the opposition remains split and anti-war activist jim brown says the syrian national council chief stepping down is more proof of that. clearly you have an opposition that is and there isn't a single opposition bloc and there are those voices that are clearly calling for
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for intervention and there are those who are clearly against it and i think these those two tendencies in particular are afflicted in the splits in the opposition be united states has its own very special interest anyway and it would to some extent it would rely on its local allies but on the other hand would never concede complete control to them so they would be working in parallel with the united states would prefer a regime change as a preferred outcome they would like to eliminate its part of the opposition to iran. and i don't think that they consider the possibility of a favorable outcome if the syrian government remains in power and whatever they say whatever they talk about peace i think for them that's the that is the bottom line and that is their objective. still to come this hour is staring down the barrel.
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anger in america as the number of police brutality victims appears to rise by the day find out more in just a few minutes. is . the official. your i phone on called touch from the. video. and. now in the palm of your.
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on the dot com. all right eleven minutes past the hour and revolutions don't just bring freedom and human rights you can just ask the egyptians since last year's uprising the country has faced a crisis kelce and a crime wave a burglary and arm robbery artie's it in a go sky has the story from cairo. it's not just protests the disruptive peace on the streets of cairo just ask taxi driver. it was calm before the revolution one hundred percent where in a total mess now i used to drive anywhere wherever they were. never refused to go now i park my car in the garage at six pm on my home with a special security system on it so it would be harder to steal. robberies car thefts all have become part of
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a daily life in large cities like cairo and alexandria since after the revolution many people say the police at times simply choose to turn away when a crime is being committed. all hell broke loose after the uprising i know some who escaped from prison there are still stealing in the us guys who steal cars for them and then they use those cars to deliver cocaine and hash to drug addicts for the. people see this was something unheard of before the arab spring and the mayhem that followed the uprising of january two thousand and eleven many believe thousands of convicts escaped from unguarded prisons a crime wave has followed with egyptian media reporting more than twenty five hundred murders and some two thousand abductions since their revolution yet the police are accused of doing little. the police a lot of respect a lot of. the tools that they work with like the weapons.
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of the different people for that this from. has been treating my. for the last thirty years i would say for a long time maybe for six years. this police is not looking to us we are the police and in my opinion the minister charged with enforcing the law has a very different view saying the situation is under control i want to settle our godly shop you told the members of the people's council look at the results he managed to achieve in record time i'm sure that no one has done as much here to get a total collapse of everything as debility was nonexistent i don't have it all numbers regarding organized crime groups robberies and fests they were committing and they cheat me me. that in the meantime until calm returns to egypt hebrew him
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and others will continue to close up shop early in his room before sunset fearful not only for their property and possessions but for their safety and lives in cairo in a ghost go r.t. the new french president's first decision in office was to cut his own pay and the pay of his cabinet by thirty percent although the opposition says with fourteen extra ministers now in office the cost to taxpayers is actually increasing but stomping out for bureaucrats is nothing new to the e.u. artists are selling reports. good income great working hours generous benefits career growth and essentially a job for life it's no surprise that the tens of thousands of applicants across the european union vie for permanent posts in the e.u. institutions our time is one of them i applied because maybe i get the chance to get my stuff but its job more secure can transfer to another position of their two
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years walking the halls of these buildings are thousands of men and women who run this massive e.u. the schoonover the managing the union for five hundred million citizens no doubt requires manpower but so many people are quiet felt were talks players money is concerned it costs between seven thousand and fourteen and a half thousand euros to simply go through the process of hiring one permanent staff is an awful lot it's probably the same amount that a company would pay all recruiting a chief executive say a more herself but of course ridiculous by no means to fund the bill why is it that these stories keep on emerging i think in all honesty. e.u. officials who really matter they don't seem to care i mean they might say certain things but at the end of the day they are asking for more money year after year after year this time the e.u. commission is asking for a budget increase of six point eight percent for two thousand and thirteen taking
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the total amount to one hundred thirty eight billion heroes stream back about twenty three million of which will go to the european personnel selection office or eps so in charge of selecting potential permanent staff selected candidates are then placed on a reserve list for about a year commission various e.u. institutions can choose if you keep people reserve list this list is only valid for a certain time off to which these people probably find jobs so where's the value added in that the cost of hiring people could be much higher we also need to select people on the broader. geographical bases so we need to make sure that people from all all you can threes we presented the raise in addition the of course for that she adds that in an exercise comparing the cost of each new heart and twenty nine international bodies including the world bank and the united nations episodes average cost per person is still lower but in this context.
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where millions of jobless e.u. citizens are hanging by a thread critics say that no amount of justification is going to make this situation appear like taxpayers' money well spent yes or sylvia r.t. brussels. there are plenty more stories for you to explore an r.t. dot com here's a quick taste. in tear gas meets a peaceful protest crowd in bahrain's capital manama but the mainstream media keeps quiet about the ongoing suppression of demonstrations. and deep impact nasa warns almost five thousand asteroids pose a danger to the earth but most of these space rocks remain under the radar all the details are at our tea dot com.
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my married mother did not like we're going to become. he was afraid. and she was very cool. she filled. our lives frankenstein's monster. we don't have the problem but every. effort is made on the palestinian or on the european side to negotiate an end to the violent attacks against israel which i have no fear of war call the. song goes you have no.
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calling the leader of the state of israel one of the main terrorists in the world. we are supposed to be seriously examining history but you mention a few words about jewish culture labyrinth and people get so upset this is i'm sorry to say it's a form of emotional blackmail. what . all right it's nineteen minutes past the hour and we take you for more developments from around the world. thirty four people have been killed after
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a bus overturned and crashed into a river in central naam it smashed through the rails of a bridge and plunged over the side of the bus was traveling from the central highlands to holcim minh city in the south twenty other people were also badly injured. violence has engulfed a jail in honduras where armed inmates took control of the building and battles among themselves at least one person was killed and eleven injured prisoners opened fire on each other in the city of san pedro sula some women were also held hostage in a jail notorious for bloodshed an armed to clash it's their turn person and died there in march during an all rising condren a prisons are infamous for overcrowding and rioting. the world of music has been paying tribute to disco queen donna summer who has died at the age of sixty three after a short battle with cancer summer's career had its peak in the one nine hundred seventy s.
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and early eighty's with singles like i feel love and bad girls as well as hot stuff she had attempted to keep the extent of her illness from her fans. there on the streets to protect and serve but a rise and fatal police shootings across the united states is leading some americans to wonder where the real danger lies might be the question of our reports from california. stick taters in the small californian court road gas but a video off a man lying on the ground screaming they're killing me while being severely beaten by police at first when thirty seven year old schizophrenia sufferer calley follows appeared on corporative the officers gave him a terrifying warning. and i. heard. later in the video you can hear thomas repeated the apologizing to the police and even crying for his father's house old. girl. they continued their assault
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with tests anteaters she lost consciousness and died in hospital five days later it sparked a series of protests across california and demanding justice for victims of police brutality yes this was no isolated case while these officers in a neighboring californian city i'm standing trial for the down the county thomas here in downtown l.a. people who came out onto the streets to remember the first anniversary afraid another is found will be shooting the killing of dale garrett with blood increasingly on the hands of police officers across the country many people here say police are using excessive force far more than necessary dale garrido was shot by an officer twice in the back the police chief insisted the decision to open far fell within the rules but many here find it hard to understand how shooting a man from behind constitutes self defense since nineteen eighty three only one
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california cop has been convicted with killing on duty after oscar grant was shot dead a new year's day two thousand and nine the auckland officer told his trial that he meant to draw in for his teaser not his gun to a sentenced to the minimum two years he was free months. but for. police shootings are on the rise across the state the latest just two months ago in the death of unarmed nineteen year old kendrick mcdade shot seven times during the watch turned out to be the false report of property community groups aid still on the pretty scheme under the people's control the laws and the justice system that applies to normal folks working people there's a whole different set of laws and justice that applies to the police when there's there's rarely any or any form of justice that's brought to the police that i mean they make their own laws or they're above the law really cases of police using
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excessive force happened primarily in poor mainly black neighborhoods but cali thomis killing in a wealthy middle class town shows the bonder east of police violence are shifting and californians want turn a blind eye anymore why do the question why archie reporting from los angeles california then in a few minutes a visit to the crown land on r t as we explore the cultural areas around russia's main tourist and historic spot here's a preview. as cards fly in front of the criminals that is very hard to costumes it's clear to everyone loves to morgantown side taking the beating the surroundings and cherish the warm sunny weather when it comes to walking the streets you don't get much better than this. and don't worry if you don't know your bolshoi from your bolsheviks tourist spots aside moscow's entertainment scene is packed with a wide range of activities from places to guard.
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her well you can enjoy all the sights of moscow with mara managers and a couple of minutes right here on r t. so to majors here with the business news and the markets make him at. nosedive it continues deeper and deeper what's going on well what's happening is that the ratings agencies like moody's they're continuing to cut ratings of banks and even countries and that creates a very agitated in a negative kind of way on the market really in the secular to what's going on in asia now after moody's cut the ratings of sixteen spanish banks that spurred a sell off all across the board over there and also in asia as you can see more than two percent decline for both indices and fitch reduced the rating of greece to triple c. from b. minus and that basically increases the risks of the country the country's
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bankruptcy and the exit from the euro zone secular was going in the united states and the market there was also negative with the dow jones declining more than one percent the nasdaq declining more than two percent even facebook's i.p.o. it's basically going to start trading in the next session but we already have an initial public offering price of thirty eight dollars per share that means the company has raked in sixteen billion dollars given that it's been on the market for just eight years that is very good and it's valuing the company of one hundred and four billion dollars the biggest internet i.p.o. of all time and also was take a look at what's going on in the currencies market and the continuation of the same trend continues pretty much throughout the whole week the euro is weakening versus the dollar and the russian ruble continues to weaken versus the. major currencies
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both the dollar and the euro. a look at the russian the russian market makes me want to facepalm seriously just take a look at this four and a half percent to my six three and a half percent we're at twenty eight month lows take a. so there was going on over the past a month take a look at this graphic go very here the decline has been of twelve percent over the past month and if you just take two months and then that will be twenty percent what's going on is that basically investors are afraid that greece would come out of the euro zone oil prices have been declining around ten eleven per cent over the past month so that's pretty much in line with with the coin that we're seeing on the russian market meanwhile we are seeing a bit of a bounce back on the commodities markets right now so well as you can see that bit
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just around fifteen cents up for brant crude so that's not really going to help the russian markets which are going to open in one of the half hours and given the negative dynamics we've seen in the u.s. overnight asia right now we're probably in for yet another session of losses while we look forward to what you have to say about that to me chain a few minutes. rather and a few minutes he can join us on a trip around the russian capital and the last episode of moscow that's after the headline still to come.
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you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so for lengthly you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else and you hear or see some other part of it and realized everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm tom harvey welcome to the big picture.


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