tv [untitled] May 18, 2012 5:00pm-5:30pm EDT
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today on our t.v. get ready for a showdown police politicians and protesters are all in chicago for the nato summit we'll tell you what's happening right now what demonstrators are demanding. and the national defense authorization act is tough house i'll be it without some of the more hotly debated at on next up the senate give you a few good reasons why you should care. plus what's the difference between republicans and democrats according to our guests not a whole lot will introduce you to apologize to them and a recent college grad using their super pac power to fight the two political machines. it's friday may eighteenth five pm in washington d.c. i'm adding martin you're watching our t.v.
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this weekend as the long awaited they go some in chicago and things are heating up thousands of activists from all across the country have flooded into the city for a massive protest against the twenty eight member states in addition to the ordinances created to limit protesters rights the city has already spent one million dollars on riot gear to anticipate the crackdown against protesters for more on the events on the ground here's artie's honest. the windy city of chicago turned sunny turned the hometown of the u.s. president plays host to this year's nato summit nato is a u.s. commanded military alliance responsible for wars and war crimes on a global basis already the most watched city in the u.s. . as thousands of protesters begin to descend on chicago the city is in security overkill mode you got a bunch of peaceful protesters here they spent millions and millions of dollars for
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this week alone and it's by absolutely absurd. police have reportedly preemptively raided the homes of protest organizers they battered down a door and made several arrests and we believe these are politically based arrests millions of dollars spent on new police gear trucks ready to function as rolling barricades business is to are taking no chances what looks like a foreclosed building is actually a hotel in the heart of chicago apply what was put up in order to avoid windows being smashed by demonstrators flooding into town office workers have been advised to dress like protesters in order to not be targeted mustaches. i'm glad meanwhile activists there to express their outrage at nato is aggressive policies are blocked off and kept as far away from world leaders as possible we're talking about a peaceful protest not only by people peaceful people but peaceful people dedicated to the cause of peace against a military block the mightiest in human history and they are being the force that
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needs to be protected while officials brace for riots know your rights trainings for demonstrators and their money you know your bank meetings and street action against the military block kick off nato is organization no longer has a mandate to occupy chicago denies and demands that nato disband they have no more purpose they're spending our taxpayer dollars on wars. and to bomb and destroy and murder civilians all over the world with ghana stand top of the leaders agenda protesters say it's time to put an end to the warfare at once the only reason we're still in afghanistan is for rare earth minerals and open the same reason the only reason we went into iraq was to secure oil fields for american oil companies these are purely economic words that are sold to the american public purely on propaganda it's garbage demonstrators want the money pumped into the summit and its security to be spent on real meaning there is no peace majority in the united states we
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oppose war we oppose the war in the world's preeminent war making organization. and we have a human agenda and a humane agenda that has no place for war with fences separating politicians from the people that human agenda is no more than a nuisance to be cordoned off. r.t. chicago illinois so there you saw it the windy city is being turned into a police state with militarized riot gear l. rad machines and drones overhead things could get very interesting this weekend with massive protests expected to increase by the day joining me with a preview of what's to come from the annual summit as kevin is a blogger with the center fired sorry firedoglake dot com kevin what do you think we can expect this weekend you think though they'll be as much of a police crackdown as an as has been hyped. well so far if the preemptive raid on activists is any indication we're going to see quite the police presence we're
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going to see a lot of police really bearing down upon activists even. arresting them as they're marching down the street and activists won't even really know why they were picked and i do think that we're going to be hearing stories like the preemptive raid at least until monday it is interesting there was preemptive raid before the occupy wall street action in new york as well and it makes one wonder if this is now a trend. should really be surprised though i mean chicago is already of the most watched city in the country and rahm emanuel you know he's the mayor of and here obama kind of instigated these federalized crackdowns against occupy wall street all right. i don't know if we should be surprised but i think we should be appalled outraged because it is illegal what they're doing right now there are still. four or five of the nine activists are still being held without charge in the police
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they're in police custody and these people there's no evidence of criminal activity that has been produced the police won't even make a public statement or the press can really not even confirm it and. so yes what do you think about these ordinances the wrong set in the place before you know preemptively all these weird parade ordinances and i think that those will take effect i mean have you heard anything about that going on. well as far as those ordinances go they seem to have been passed just to sort of. my opinion they seem to just help haps and sort of synergy with the secret service because really they're the authorities the federal agencies that are here in chicago right now are the ones that are going to be giving all the direction to the police department and from the top down and that's sort of where the instruction will come from when the police chief tells the different squads that are out on the streets what to do so
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there's you know there's a regime as to how to handle things and they've got a regime for how to handle the process and they've definitely got one or making sure that they're able to isolate prevent protesters from a disruption. kevin it does seem like those ordinances were kind of put in place to create a chilling effect and they anticipated massive protests that are happening what about the d.h.s.s. declaring that nato is going to be a special national security event and what do you think about this new federal restricted grounds act that says that you can't even i don't know if i got that right that says you can't even protest if secret service are in the area if they're protecting someone i mean do you think that we're going to see that being instigated or people being arrested for that. i think that what that does is just adds an extra layer of repression of possible repression because the protesters now have this possibility of being charged with a felony and in fact it's really highly likely there's already been at least one
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protester that got a felony charge for allegedly assaulting a police officer and i think that what this provision that can be used during national special security events is used in the presence of any secret service activity is just you know another thing that they can do i mean right now also on the south side of chicago there are police that are making what the analgesia the national lawyers guild are calling routine visits to homes these look like raids they appear to be raids but i guess they're not you know breaking down doors and they're not arresting people they're just coming to check on you and your searches and it's it's very very fascists and it does it is interesting when you hear cases like these open threats against nato protesters saying now a billy club to the athens school just like in sixty eight and it does seem like there's an agenda here what are protests was to do i mean you see cases of police dressing as black bloc provocateurs and sickening violence i mean what what what
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should protesters do to try to not have not be arrested or or just keep things peaceful i mean in the face of this repression. well i think that they're doing a pretty good job really because all of their protests that they have planned they're carrying out and they're keeping the targets they want to talk about texting wall street ending the war in afghanistan or disbanding nato whatever their or their agendas whatever they came to say here in chicago they actually are making it those protests are still about that they're not holding very many protests where they just focus on the amazing security that is here and the police state that has built up so i think that's to their credit because it's going to serve them well that they're actually be able to make some impact with the increased militarisation one one does wonder if we'll just see things get worse and worse with every meeting of the minds thanks for coming on kevin that was kevin christology blogger for decenter dot fire dog lake dot com no i can't say that time to check in with our
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web team and see what they're working on our teams web producer andrew blake is in the newsroom to tell us what he's got and what's going on on t.v. i ask my right. we've got some stories we've got some stories you member the year one thousand nine hundred eighty eight was a while ago vaguely ok ok last time ha all right well if you were like three point one million people when the globe dot com filed an i.p.o. you were trading shares on wall street do you remember the globe dot com i definitely wasn't competent enough to be trading shares ok fair enough however do you remember the globe dot com and don't tell me you do because i know you died definitely down ok well when they did their i.p.o. back in one thousand night it was the biggest i.p.o. in the history of the united states sound familiar nope well you know the facebook thing today i go to our t. dot com place usa say they read about the globe read about facebook read the ses
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i.p.o. read about the national defense authorization act in read about the summit in chicago has all sorts of great stories stay on the website so go see what i've been going crazy over then i definitely need to read that clearly did. those are two web producer and you're blake with a preview of what's trending today on our website thanks abbi typically when someone hears the words political action committee their eyes glaze over thanks to citizens united pacs can be used to funnel insane amounts of money into political campaigns leaving the little people sometimes voiceless but not anymore thanks to stephen colbert as packets more and more young people are forming their own packs nationwide but none are as interesting as liberty for all the super pac run by texas businessman john ramsey ramsey is a twenty year twenty one year old econ major just nine credits shy of graduating college he's seated with over eight hundred thousand dollars when heritance money and he's built liberty for all from scratch he's got to a level where it has substantial political pull liberals spoke on spring morning
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ron paul's libertarian philosophy beyond the single actions to institutionalize those ideas from a grassroots level earlier i was joined by the man himself john ramsey the founder of liberty for all super pac and preston bates executive director for liberty for all super pac and the day of age when the average college student blown their blows their inheritance their buying islands or traveling around the world i asked them why did they choose to invest in the political system instead take a listen. i was really motivated by the dire circumstances that we find our country at the moment now we're fifty and a half trillion and massive unemployment you know that's just not the american way of life i think people deserve a lot better you know and to get involved it's really an ongoing experience to be able to come up with my own super pac you know and be a pack of people you know a super pac that gives the little guy the table a lot of people in this country or that entire being bowled out by the
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establishment and you know to give a little got a seat at the table it's quite an ongoing experience and i'm looking forward to going forward the organization it is a disease say that because when people hear the words super pac i think their eyes kind of glaze over and it really does leave the little guy out and you're you guys are kind of giving the little guy voice and starting i want to talk about you know there's a there's numerous ron paul liberty super pacs across the country what makes liberty for all different yes ma'am so we're we're focused on the coming at liberty institution that when the lakshman. government is most invasive intrusive the defense is at the local level levels in the shack we feel like we can quickly create a niche where we have electing and are supporting freedom candidates that are all the way up from the president down to city commissioner and frankly school board so that niches that establish and that's the role we're hoping to play going forward
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and focus focusing on just federal elections you guys are really honing in on the grass roots kind of building an institution would you would you characterize the pac as more of a third party pac. no i don't think it's fair to say i'd say you know frankly the second party the democrats and republicans are almost so similar it's it's tough to tell them apart we think that american go in a free or a less for your direction and we hope to run freedom candidates in both parties and all parties americans like choice for cars and coffee and fast food and why only have two choices for her political parties we think we should invest in you know plurality strategy so we're going to do well you know ron paul is such a popular man for multiple reasons i mean he has such an amazingly consistent track record in congress and everything he says it's just it just seems so genuine and i think that has really helped his following what are the chances of continuing to
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garner similar candidates like this i mean what how do you guys see that panning out. so i'm going forward i'm in the wrong hole tell just so you know that the movement is not about him it's about his ideas you know his ideas again tremendous popularity especially with you know they say that the next generation will inherit a lot of the debt they're ever that this is the generation you know and people are there they're excited to see new ideas coming into the spectrum that excited to see you know someone talking about freedom which is a uniquely american idea it's something that americans value and they're really excited going forward you know they want to see change in this country they want to see change in the right way i mean we've got this president mention got two ways to go at this point we can go towards less freedom or towards more freedom and i think the way to go is towards more freedom obviously sure but i mean there aren't that many candidates you have to admit that emulate ron paul's full package i mean the nonintervention isn't curbing back all of this insane spending and the liberty
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platform the civil liberties liberty platform and even his son rand doesn't really go forward on i mean he's a civil liberties activist but he doesn't really narrow his father in the nonintervention ism and foreign policy arena i mean are there candidates out there right now small or big that are kind of telling this whole platform that you guys are supporting. i have yet you're right to cast doubt on the currents the current scene right now as it stands and so part of our identity is becoming an institution that not only you know is a super pac but our brand is going to evolve into a five alinsky three c. four we want to recruit these folks we want to prepare them we want to train and educate them we want to have their back and we want to hold them accountable but you know i think americans are tired of government being in their bedroom and their bank and i think there is that the ground is right for us to sow the seeds of freedom from top down everywhere in all fifty states not four corners we plan to be
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relentless in that pursuit so you guys are kind of taking the opposite approach instead of honing in on candidates that are already out there you're really kind of building the base for candidates to be pooled and really rise up talk a little bit about this race in kentucky which is nine hundred miles away from your hometown now you guys are in kentucky right now you said yes man ok i had a talk about thomas massey what made you what made you support him so thomas massie you know i get asked this question quite a bit you know why do you support tom. and you say you that that's not me that's a reflection of our supporters i mean being a pack of the people on a bottom up organization you know we have our supporters telling us about you know thomas massey you know he's a great candidate he's got consist of consistent record on he's a job creator you know before he went into politics you know greater in the private sector you got to do degrees from mit so he's an engineer you know it's he's a pretty some of the other people in the race you know they they're playing
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a political games whereas you know thomas massa he's on a professional politicians professional job maker you know just to have someone come that with a consistent record who's really serious about this debt problem as well you know us a lot of young people are really serious and concerned about the death row and thomas massey's about a return his own congressional pension and that's you know it's one thing to talk about. when you're actually taking steps and taking you know pledging to do things to pay down the debt that's very inspiring and that's how you get my macand. i know that you said it isn't it isn't you it's the pack but i mean you have to admit that it is most of your money funneling end to massive advertisers right now i mean i know you guys are talking about wanting to raise ten million dollars the first summer i mean do you think that this is a feasible goal and you have a lot of interest in the pac right now and who would be investing sure abby and you're right you know the kind of criteria we used to get involved in a race car is there a candidate who matches are consistent you know absolute values philosophy a and b.
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can we win so thomas massie check yes on both of those boxes and so it was a no brainer for us to get involved and so going forward yeah by the end of summer i'd like to have raised ten million dollars we're already on million toward that goal and we haven't really reached out we haven't really been running a fundraising operation john by this initial start up capital get us off the ground and be professionally run but when we start running a fund raising can campaign we start reaching out to people who value freedom i think in million dollars maybe conservatives for what this package is that is interest and i know ron paul every time he does a money bomb it seems like he just gets millions poured in and really is mostly coming from individual donors and really the grassroots level will definitely be following your guys work very interesting in the liberty movement is definitely on the rise that was john ramey founder of liberty for all super pac and preston bates
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executive director for the brain for all super pac thanks so much for coming on you guys. now let's continue our coverage of the national defense authorization act better known as the end game two days ago marked a huge victory for civil rights advocates a federal judge sided with a lawsuit filed by journalists and activists against the president ruling that the provisions of the controversial law were unconstitutional specifically the provision that allows the indefinite detention of u.s. citizens without due process so the indefinite detention clause not apply for americans anymore well not so fast and a vote this morning congress shot down the attempt to strike the provision from the n.b.a. game and a vote of one hundred eighty two to thirty eight congress voted against the amendment proposed representatives adam smith and just in a match that would have excluded american citizens from the n.b.a. so what does this mean now for u.s. citizens well this lawsuit gained traction or is the issue dead to discuss this earlier i joined i joined was joined by carl mayer attorney for the mayer law group
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he brought us the very latest take a look. yes thank you ms martin thank you for having me on i think that the reason things are happening fast those cases that were driving me agenda here that wednesday's ruling really extraordinary ruling by judge forrest. struck down the provisions of the n.d.a. particularly section ten twenty one otherwise known as the home battlefield act that we subject u.s. citizens to military detention and nothing that congress has done has changed that so the status quo stays in place meaning we won the injunction the plaintiffs won the government cannot detain us citizens or even a resident alien and so far we have prevailed because this litigation while congress is surrounding twiddle their thumbs no wonder only twenty twelve percent of the american people have confidence in the congress in poll after poll after poll because they're not standing up for the civil liberties of the people why do
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you think whatever congress voted against as i mean it seems like it's pretty widespread that this is extremely controversial in this judge and sided with you guys in the last what is the reasoning think congress is. putting a hold on you know that's an excellent question ms martin the government had an opportunity to present some witnesses in federal court in the trial that we had before judge forth and they declined they didn't put in one witness and i can't imagine why the congress is doing this other than they are scoring cheap political points they think with their constituents because they want to be seen as tough on terror when in fact what they're doing is undermining two hundred years of american civil liberties law and that's why we brought this lawsuit that's why we were victorious and let me bring home for you for journalists what the provisions of the n.d.a. that we defeated would have meant would be if mr martin had done the story that favorably commented on a chair or a muslim charity affiliated with al qaeda you could have been deemed to be giving
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substantial support to al qaeda and under the. they could have put you in military detention without the benefit of a lawyer or trial by your peers they could have sent a flag of a and in the middle of the night to take you from your home and spend your right to military detention and that would have applied to you or any other u.s. citizen resident aliens in this country even people in other states is probably the most if i'd ever credit assault on civil liberties since the mccarthy era karl you're right i mean it does kind of fly in the face of the bedrock of this country haiti is corpus i mean the reason why we distance ourselves from the british government and nationally it is astounding that this one in a place in the first place let's look talk of the specifically because it is really confusing to a lot of people now that this and the new n.d.a. just got passed in the congress it's awaiting a senate vote it still has these provisions. and are they just an definite
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i mean there's no there's no expiration. no there is no expiration but the provision that was in there in the prior one and it is in the current one was struck down as unconstitutional by judge force and this means that that provision is null and void and the government cannot lawfully detain american citizens or any other person without benefit of trial and this goes back to the supreme court decision during the civil war called ex parte milligan where the court ruled that didn't work time as long as you're not a combatant if you're a civilian you are entitled to a trial by jury of your peers that's just basic democracy one on one and this entire india process has been an assault on that and it's really it's a fortunate but i'm glad i'm so glad to be part of the two lead lawyers on the legal team that defeated i was honored to represent these places who are
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journalists and citizens who spoken out. i think this fundamentally could start to reignite the fight for civil liberties the successful fight for civil liberties in this country carl it is a great example of direct citizen action taking it upon themselves to really challenge the power why you know just just out of curiosity what is your personal pain about then putting this provision i mean it does seem totally fly in the face of american democracy the bedrock of liberty and you know it really creates that chilling effect where they're bringing the war on terror right here at home. well unfortunately unfortunately ms martin is it is an extreme part of it extreme point but it is part of a series of laws that have been passed since nine eleven that have expanded and expanded the power of the federal government and it diminished and diminished the
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civil liberties of americans for example the warrantless wiretapping act which was passed a while ago allows the government to. wiretap without warrants people's phone calls throughout the united states in the one nine hundred seventy s. even under richard nixon the government could not do that and what has happened is by statute you have the usa patriot act you have drones now flying over american cities you have police in american cities that look like they're in paramilitary uniforms i never thought i would see any of these things the united states of america. in order for us to continue to call ourselves the land of the free we need to stand up for these liberties like our ancestors did and. enormous credit goes to judge force are all i can say i mean glenn greenwald cites the concept of the invisible line that there's a chilling effect in the country that you know not to cross this line and when you
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do that's when you know the government after i mean do you think that with this whole ended indefinite detention provision is it really stifling dissent and do you think that people are becoming increasingly scared to dissent against the government because of this. well i think that is the intent of many of the statutes i think that has been occurring just for this focus like a laser on this in her opinion where she wrote that these plaintiffs have standing even though they have been put in detention because their actions have been chilled and their dissent has has been. chilled and their activities have been diminished that is why they have standing to challenge this because zach we what you said the net effect of this law is to to brush back like like a baseball pitch to brush back somewhat of a polite it's a brush back to civilians from exercising their right and fortunately judge for us
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fought back on this and that's why it's so important to have a constitutional scheme that the separation of powers karl i think what you said earlier is really important that this really goes across and it's not just terrorists it's not just a message parents i mean it's every american who could be affiliated with whatever the government deems to be terrorist activity i mean that is really the scariest part about this. and i just wanted to touch upon a lot of people that i talk to about the say well obama signed a signing statement and he promised that he would in an activist i mean what does that signing statement really mean it when subsequent ministrations can enforce this i mean isn't that just kind of like a promissory note saying like oh i got your back like don't worry about it it's not even though they would have the force of a promissory note is what is not worth the paper that is printed upon for example president obama says first of all that he was a really good too if you assign a state then issued a signing statement he said he would veto the n.b.a. and then he didn't veto. president obama said he was concerned
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about the provisions of the n.c.a.a. but he signed it anyway so the president has twisted himself up like a pretzel about the n.b.a. there's no coherence to his position. there's no coherence to what congress is doing because if they really wanted to protect american civil liberties they would they would pass an amendment that would dissolve this law fortunately it's been blocked for now. a permanent a preliminary injunction i expect to be blocked permanently by the courts but congress and the administration should right now we're calling on them to do this they should right now. vitiate those laws and get us back to a civil liberties regime in this but it is interesting karl you it really makes you wonder who is pulling the strings when the obama says one thing and does another and we'll definitely be following this case it is essential to follow and thank you for your work on it that was carl mayor komi to counsel with bruce our friend.
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