tv [untitled] May 19, 2012 1:00am-1:30am EDT
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mission street. dot com. deep in europe prices in greece is possible exit from the single currency weigh heavily on the g eight summit in the us seem largely as a key test of the group's ability to deliver. and in europe was charity policies under fire with thousands of protesters expected to rally in the german financial center in frankfurt for four day. blasts israelis and palestinians we lost their loved ones come together in a pursuit of peace and a sign a reconciliation that's becoming increasingly rare between the two sides. it's nine o'clock here in moscow you're watching r.t.m.
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to bomb would say let's take a look at our first story from nuclear security to the year uncertainty leaders of the world's top industrialized nations have plenty to chew on as a whole crunch talks at the u.s. presidential retreat near washington but it's dead striking reserve that's expected to dominate the g eight summit with athens are teetering on the edge of exiting the euro a move that could drag the global economy is a nice and now it has been following events. by a lot of people it's seen as sort of a last chance for the jihad as a form it to prove itself it's been under heavy criticism in recent years over its a fact of this with that said a lot of the world's most pressing issues are at center stage including the situation in syria and across the mideast and the euro crisis that's an issue that has been heavily focused on of course host president obama has already met with the new french president francois hollande there he's trying to get other european leaders to sort of convince the socialist president about these heavy austerity
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measures that a lot of the leaders are pushing in terms of trying to deal with the euro crisis and it's being said that if obama can get the european leaders on that on the same page this summit will be in some way a sort of a success another issue that's going to be discussed is the european embargo on iranian oil the u.s. sees it as something that's threatening oil prices sending them up or at least could imagine seen as a threat to obama's reelection president obama in a way he has his hands tied to with that election coming up he has to be able to continue to try to please voters and also find a balance between domestic and foreign policy and reassure these global leaders but it's going to be very difficult especially on the situation with iran when you're running for election you can't seem weak on defense of the same time the white house understands that if this european embargo goes ahead it's going to send oil prices up in the u.s. and that is certainly going to affect the way voters look at their president and
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whether or not to real like him so this is something that's really weighing down the fact that it's an election year and how is that going to play on the policies that are or are not made at this camp david summit reporting from washington and you say no way. and while the to settle into the g eight meeting in maryland police some protesters in chicago gear up for the upcoming nato summit. argo. and demands that nato disband we look at why occupy activists are lashing out at the alliance and how authorities are preparing to respond in just a few minutes on r.t. . the protest mood is also brewing in europe but they at the time is that capitalism and austerity policies in germany thousands are expected to rally in the country's financial capital frankfurt marking the climax of a four day campaign called a block of pain. is in the city germany seems to be the only economy that's doing
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anything good anything that has anything in the black in their balance sheets when it comes to their economies however there is on rest here in frankfurt now that's because the city is the largest financial hub in europe and it's also the home to the european central bank now on friday we saw protests taking place around a thousand people were out on the streets demonstrating in some four hundred were detained this is after people tore down traffic signs tried to erect barricades to try to put up banners around the city there is a very strong police presence on the streets of frankfurt at the minute this is due to it being a holiday weekend so it's expected the protesters not just from germany though as well expecting to see protesters from across the continent coming here and saturday is going to see one of the largest demonstrations against the current financial systems that are in place across the country it's called block u.p.i. this is whereby the protesters are trying to stop the european central bank from
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stop people from being able to to get there to do business there and to get a stranglehold on the bank they want to see more socialist economic policy implemented across europe they're also going to be joined by the leftist group attack the protest movement here in frankfurt isn't anything new since october last year there was an occupy camp established next to the european central bank headquarters that was cleaned out on wednesday this last week and they've been to. they will be allowed to return on sunday after this weekend's protest although there solidarity between those railing on german streets and the greek people unhappy about social cuts ties between the leadership of the two countries have only weakened athens accuses german chancellor angela merkel of interfering into greek affairs after she reportedly suggested the debt stricken nation should hold a referendum on its membership of the euro but the german government strongly denies making such claims find out more about the raging drought by logging onto
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our web site at r.t. dot com. demonstrations have taken center stage in the gulf where tens of thousands rallied in iran and the rain against the light is integration plans with saudi arabia in bahrain crowds chanted that their country was not for sale what iran said at the proposed deal was a plot aimed at wiping the entire state of the map you as independent researcher. who are ridge says the so-called unity is just as saudi power grab. the bahraini people and the iranian people have an affinity that dates back not just historically and whatever happens to bond rainbows who got society or even in the ninety's when bahrain was demonstrated to get more reformulate democracy and human why is there no willing to stand by and how saudi arabia occupies them and saudi arabia has been doing this in fact in two thousand and nine the center for human
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rights protested the very fact that the political elites in bahrain were allowing the nationalized the nation of from saudi arabia yemen and other places to marginalize the residence by a brain this shiite residents and lead and basically. die knew them to turn that they used in their protest so it's of course iran is concerned when neighborhood that has so many links with the country it's being occupied it's being pushed down and is being absorbed in eliminated in reality. you know with our t. s. still ahead in the program lethal lessons we all feel cuz it's self-defense classes are turning all unary people into killing machines. also you know they're a shell of vegetables farming from home has become possible in moscow look at how it works that coming your way in a few minutes. well
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united in grief israelis and palestinians who lost a loved ones to the region's long lost in conflict are coming together for common cause the unique gatherings these people share their experiences in a bid to increase understanding and bring about peace a goal that still seems very far from reach artie's policia has a story i was the head of that the my son must cute was a very hard day for me the i remember grabbing my son trembling all over and running to the bomb shelter. to mothers to testimonies each different but in the end the same. my son died in the line of duty death isn't a word it has a form and the form isn't pretty i've seen plenty of it but it takes a lot of courage to stay deaf in the face and then embrace one's enemy and yet when only twenty years this is what these israelis and palestinians who have lost family members have been doing all they meet on
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a regular basis to talk with one another and show that reconsideration is possible it's meaningful for me that the palestinians hear about my brother brother the soldier the army and they can list they can empathize with my story and understand the pain that i went through and yet it's brother was serving as a soldier when he was killed on the third day of the first lebanon wall he was just nineteen people were put in a situation of a conflict and everybody served his side of the. this is their duty to do. this to their nation to. believe. two uncles were killed by israelis one was shot dead while trying to enter israel the other was force fed while on a hunger strike in prison and his lungs collapsed. from the time i was born i was part of this conflict for me and is really was a soldier or a settler were an agent of the security services. and he had both heard and i have
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found their way to the parents circle where half the members of palestinian half israeli but the parents circle is a minority voice the number of israelis and palestinians participating in dialogue has hit a low as many complain they see no point in the conciliation attempts while the peace process is at a stalemate as the legitimacy. of dialogue and coordination between the palestinians. is eroding. because the legitimacy of negotiations is eroding if the our governments which are ready to pay the price they will find him very big support in their people so there is no. indeed numbers but there is an erosion in the in the belief that something like this can happen in this is something that can easily be fixed but the hope lives on in these families who believe that through their pain and through their example change can come
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policy r t tel aviv. remember there's always a wealth of other stories on our website at our t. dot com here's what's online right now the facebook status that destroyed a marriage lead in india new words in divorce court we've got the details at our t. dot com. plus a shocking video allegedly showing a man being sold at auction for the purpose of tear up to find out more on our website. now returning to the u.s. where thousands of protesters took to she called the streets ahead of the nato summit due to kick off day on sunday more than a dozen demonstrators calling for an end to the blocks a costly was where arrested with
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a much bigger showdown expected over the weekend. shooting now has more. the windy city of chicago turned sunny turned paranoid the hometown of the u.s. president please host to this year's nato summit nato is a u.s. commanded military alliance responsible for wars and war crimes on a global basis already the most watched city in the u.s. . as thousands of protesters begin to descend on chicago the city is in security overkill mode you've got a bunch of peaceful protesters here who spent millions and millions of dollars for this week alone i mean to serve. police or. portably preemptively raided the homes of protest organizers they battered down a door and made several arrests and we believe these are politically based arrests millions of dollars spent on new police gear trucks ready to function as rolling
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barricades businesses too are taking no chances what looks like a foreclosed building is actually a hotel in the heart of chicago plywood was put up in order to avoid windows being smashed by demonstrators flooding into town office workers have been advised to dress like protesters in order to not be targeted sascha. are likely meanwhile activists there to express their outrage at nato is aggressive policies are blocked off and kept as far away from world leaders as possible we're talking about a peaceful protest not only by peaceful people but peaceful people dedicated to the cause of peace against a military bloc the mightiest in human history and they are being portrayed as the force that needs to be protected while officials brace for riots know your rights trainings for demonstrators in their mind you know your brain meetings and street action against the military block kick off nato is organization no longer has a mandate to occupy chicago denies and demands that nato disband they have no more
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purpose there spending our taxpayer dollars on wars and to bomb and destroy and murder civilians all over the world with ghana stand top of the leaders agenda protesters say it's time to put an end to the warfare at once the only reason we're still in afghanistan is for rare earth minerals and open the same reason the only reason we went into iraq was secure oil fields for american oil companies these are purely economic words that are sold to the american public purely on propaganda it's garbage demonstrators want the money pumped into the summit and its security to be spent on real needs there is no peace majority in the united states we oppose war we oppose the war in world. preeminent warmaking organization nato and we have a human agenda and a humane agenda that has no place for war but fences separating politicians from the people that human agenda is no more than a nuisance to be cordoned off as they are t.
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chicago illinois. later today the rage rock in the u.s. is examined as we take a look at the timeline all the occupy movement in a special report. that we have to begin to identify. just. as a group are people in similar. it is a bunch of losers but i have a very good job. people have jobs here that's all nonsense already jobs are losers .
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now personal defense courses can help you protect yourself in a violent situation what techniques of the teach you how to punch take any even killed but do these practices take texas too far our resident is on the streets of new york to find out. former u.s. navy seal tim larkin teaches people how to kill and maim in the name of self-defense how much is too much when it comes to protecting yourself this week let's talk about that do you think it would be ok to kill someone if your life was being threatened. absolutely has your life ever been threatened. by a person of it what are the chances that your life will be threatened that you
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would need to know how to kill. one in ten to the twenty eight year. miliard to market do you support his philosophy i completely support his philosophy he does he's not anything about trying to kill people he wants to help people be able to protect themselves but he does teach moves that are lethal yes the police teach moves that are lethal as well great but those people are in a job that defending the public exactly you know what when you're in the military sometimes those guys come out and they're a little bit you know world still do you want them sharing their knowledge with common citizens walking around. no no would come in citizens just people that maybe . are in the job situations where they're in dangerous positions in the world if you think you'd be able to kill someone if someone was threatening your life. it's tough to say and tell you they're right yes but you probably happy you knew those
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moves then. well you know maybe but then if you hurt someone or kill someone no mother in what situation you can live you have to live with the forest of your life and that's the option each person has to make whether or not you think self-defense can go too far the bottom line is the world can be a crazy place whether you choose to prepare yourself for violence or not. the ancient iraqi city of babylon once painted as a prestigious picture in the nation's south now the country's oil industry has cost a shadow over the city extending a pipeline through the logical site iraq expert mike rogers believes the nations of the to have put a price tag on five long history. for the nonce nine percent of us. the heritage of the cradle of civilization and the history of iraq is more important but those
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who serve the elites and the global oil companies to them world heritage and antiquities mean nothing to them and the end of the most important thing is the mighty dollar part of the problem of the moment is the people are debating about the. legislation there's been delayed for the last six months but the worst of all companies have basically riding roughshod over this legislation because they're signing contracts with the kurdish region in the last the oversea doing no oil contracts with the oil pipeline providers in the south too and none of the legislation is actually in place so it seems to me that the oil companies are fully aware that the legislation that will be in place to benefit them no matter what happens to the iraqi people the legislation is always going to benefit the oil companies and all the oil companies are worse than all companies the all workers that there are and the security services the protecting the all workers all westerners at the moment there's very few iraqi oil workers actually benefiting
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from this directly as i say most of the infrastructure that gets builds will benefit the actual corporations the transport in the infrastructure and as in the plan that's going through the the what should be a world heritage site. taking a look at the news from around the world at this hour on a three week standoff at a venezuelan prison and a friday when all of the inmates and let the jail for other prisons officers spend several days or trying to persuade more than sixteen hundred prisoners some of them armed to leave their jails they could be shut down venezuelan officials have announced plans to close the jail following to escape attempts and complaints of overcrowding. thousands of empty regime activists have taken to the streets in the north or in syrian city of aleppo where human rights groups say people have been injured by tear gas and live education violence also. to news in the town of restaurant where such forces attempted to break up defense lines set up by the opposition meanwhile the un chief says al-qaeda militants are way behind the deadly
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suicide car bomb that killed fifty five people in syria last week when tuna now puts the death toll from the crisis at ten thousand. california space x. the company's said to make history sending a capsule carrying supplies to the international space station it will mark the first time a private company has launched into space the unmanned dragon cargo is said to live from cape canaveral in florida the u.s. government has given space x. and another company contract to keep the stocked with food and equipment. stuck in traffic jams breathing in called fumes you wouldn't blame moskovitz for dreaming of the farm life however there's now a solution that means that people in the russian capital can go through it and that's without leaving the city lights behind. met got it now has the story.
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this is farmville played by tens of millions in the game you have to plant water and harvest increasingly exotic but ultimately two dimensional lean edible crops but now anyone can play the game for real the russian entrepreneur has bought a greenhouse and designed a website to farm real plots of land from the comfort of their homes and offices. or. if you buy one of the plots you can choose what to grow on it then you can decide when to water it and how to fertilize it and real farmers will do the work for you you can control the lights and how often the ground is plowed we will keep statistics on how well you are doing and you can try to improve the yard or you can just leave it all to us and just get the harvest delivered when it's done. then you will sharpen it of says that his project isn't just about playing for fun but about the living people healthier forgot make food and it better be after all
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a six meter plot will set you back two hundred dollars a month we want city dwellers to have a connection with the countryside in the future we want every city dweller have their own garden earlier dr peter says he's addicted to watching his plan to grow through the web cam. thing being able to watch the plot at all times isn't just something of a past time but creates trust between me and the people looking after the farm i know they will do their job properly and not use any pesticides for example all good but truly it's all this not just some sort of post-modern perversion i decided to prove that city dwellers are scared to get their hands dirty by volunteering for an hour in the greenhouse. getting other people to be a god that's ridiculous. actually this is quite exhausting and much rather just click some buttons on the internet you can regard nerve r.t.
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wealthy british silence on. the tires on. the. markets why not. come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with max concert for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune in to kaiser report on our. news today violence is once again flared up. these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. giant corporations are on the day.
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in his secret laboratory tim curry was able to build the world's most sophisticated robot which fortunately doesn't give a darn about anything tim's mission to teach the creation why it should care about humans and world this is why you should care only. hold it hold it hold it hold it hold. her mother. that good speech. she gave. her. i wish
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