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tv   [untitled]    May 19, 2012 10:00pm-10:30pm EDT

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big j's mazie wraps up with the leaders public voices speaking of plans to keep greece in the harness of the euro while behind closed doors suggest a different agenda for greece's financial strife. also on to major projects in chicago turned to violence as police news about all the demonstrators marching against militarism and want to see ahead of the alliance summit that starts on sunday. jan its financial hub frankfurt has brought us down still a thousands of police and love the city and a better diet and about. here's how russia others around the world this is with me thanks for joining us as they
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draw a gathering of the world's political leaders over a wide range of issues was covered by the euro crisis dominated that tranda russia's prime minister underlined his view that keeping greece in the eurozone is a top priority and that simulating stimulating growth is white. greece should remain in the eurasian at least that's what those countries would like it but it's not enough that these countries want it to and the greek people the citizens of the must want it as well that maybe. it was recently into the greek parliament and everything depends now on how effectively the new greek government will work and whether it will be able to fulfill the responsibilities which was taken up. to do it in. the wild haired leaders express that greece has stay afloat some say the talk behind closed doors suggested a different agenda for agrees with secrets thoughts that it might eventually have to leave the eurozone. camp david with all. some of the most pressing issues like
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iran nuclear program and syria were certainly taj president obama spoke about that earlier this morning that basically the g eight countries are pretty much united on most of those issues but this the euro crisis really did overshadow the summit some might even criticize it took away from some other issues perhaps of course that million dollar question will greece leave the euro zone now although in the communique we're going to hear about this united effort that's going to continue to try to make sure that doesn't happen there's not a lot of guessing going on behind closed doors we heard very frank conversations and also perhaps a lot more fear from these leaders that we see of course publicly this monster of we have to keep greece in the euro zone that behind closed doors it could be a much different story but again coming out of this camp david summit will once again hearing from leaders that they're going to do all they can to try to make sure that they don't exit the euro zone of course experts say that that's almost
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impossible at this point the russian economy is ok at present the old. one hundred dollars a barrel so therefore russia feels the strong position so president putin couldn't really contribute. to a solution you could say right you have to. germany perhaps. to other members of the european union and so on but. most of the discussions would be economic. interests of the european union and also president obama because obama has realized that if there's a you do fall out in europe he will affect his chances in america it will affect the u.s. economy skipping the g. eight summit has been really a big piece of focus for the media mostly most of the politicians here seem to not be very offended by it they know coming to the g. twenty really a lot of the experts that we've been through a look at it quite logically it was pretty predictable that the euro crisis was.
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going to overtake this summit that's something that's not of grave concern to russia yes of course russia wants to help they want to be part of discussions but it's not something that russia sees that was as one of its most pressing issues that it should have to come out and deal with at a summit like this as a struggling eurozone dominates change the global elite plans for a better currency that the euro and the euro according to international consultant and author interest how much. are sort of the mark of these so to speak because in a way if greece pulls out of the euro it would be a blessing in the way that a crisis affecting the euro would have gone away would disappear but at the same time as a precedent it would be terrible use of greece were to resolve its problems by reverting back to its sovereign currency which i think they should then other countries will be tempted to do the same if you look at the very big picture what we are seeing is the gradual and perhaps controlled demise of the us dollar
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hyperinflation which will eventually have to face up with end of the euro through a fracture or a splitting up of the europe i think we have to look at what the global power elites embedded inside america inside europe and the u.k. have as far as a weak placement global currency is concerned but i think that in the next couple of years that's where we're growing and they're just biding their time to do it at the time they will be best for the bankers and definitely it will be best for the peoples of all these countries the next asian that sold tens of thousands of protesters in the middle east are calling me are being implants it comes after saudi arabia has had it all still for an alliance with bahrain paving the way point integration and independent political analyst explains why having the bahraini government is so keen on the plan. bahrain's government is enthusiastic for the very reason that the bahraini people are an enthusiastic because it's going to legitimize and systematize the saudi involvement in crushing the bahraini
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revolution drowning the bahraini revolution in in blood seventy percent of the population are sheer and increasingly actually systematically excluded from any positions of influence power effectively disenfranchised always have been in this regime and you know we have to ask why what's in it for saudi arabia and i answer that is crucial to remember saudi arabia doesn't have an independent foreign policy never has done its foreign policy like those of the other gulf states is formulated in washington and london so we really have to ask why the colonial powers britain france and of course now the us why are they pursuing this course and i think we have to understand this in terms of the preparations which have been underway for several years now for an aerial strike against iran which is still on the on the table the crushing of the bahraini resistance is crucial to the war plans against iran because it was the biggest deterrent to an attack on iran is of course the
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fear amongst the west the leats in israel that actually the sheer population in other countries will rise up. and start to resist that attack on iran so actually what's the crushing of the bahraini revolution is all to do with trying to preemptively destroy any potential resistance to the coming attack on iran some twenty thousand people rallied in germany's banking capital frankfurt the country's anti banking movement blocky by went into its day standing in a battle line early morning on saturday thousands of police officers in bullet proof that entrenched themselves around the city on if it was more a shrink. these protesters have taken to the streets of frankfurt to voice their displeasure at what they see as unfair all sturdy measures that are being imposed on the eurozone at the moment now right now are amongst these people as they march towards the headquarters of the european central bank that has really
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been a center for protest against the current crisis in the austerity measures that have been imposed across europe but today on saturday is the largest of the demonstrations as you can see this group behind me around fifteen thousand people we were hearing from the organizers on friday were expected to turn up they could actually be quite a few more here it's quite difficult to see from where i am but it certainly stretches back quite a long way now they're angry that it's the not the people who caused the debt crisis in europe that are having to foot the bill for it they blame the bankers they blame the. the people who risked the money in countries like greece in countries like spain that got people in got the countries in such trouble saying it's them should face the the brunt of it not people who are going to suffer at the hand of austerity measures it's worth noting that this is been a very peaceful protest movement but despite that on friday around four hundred
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people would to tamed by very heavily equipped police offices that have been essentially blocking off the whole of central front first the movement itself has called themselves lucky pipe instead of occupy is they attempted to block people from reaching the banking sectors or the banking services of europe's largest banking center in frankfurt this is the the real hope of not just german banking but of european banking in general and as i say they had quarters of the european central bank located here and. they protests also describe some of the police tactics you saw about what she says car while. here is this. move. not allowed any merit anymore to enter. yeah this is something that this completely new in this country that not only remembers bullies can be
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seen around the demonstrators but also that that individual people are picked out names are listed before the manifestation starts they are not allowed anymore to end the decision and this is going down business sort of your version of democratic rights what happened is that they controlled the brocaded distrait and then they controlled everybody and to individual people they said. we want to see your passport so then they control. their database and said no you are not allowed to enter just square because we suppose you will do something illegal. police are accused of having a home to talk to us using boss homes against protesters in chicago at least one thousand demonstrators have flooded this issue center head of the upcoming nato summit and the mood of the streets is turning them all turns on his insta citric who was in the middle demolished. action really definitely got out of control earlier today we were as you said in the middle of the protests there were several
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marches taking place throughout the day we were at one where about eight hundred people were marching and later on in the day over a thousand were estimating from one thousand to possibly two thousand people were marching through downtown chicago it was peaceful at first but then crowds started becoming a little bit on ruly people were jumping over police barricades the police eventually ended up taking out but tons of people did get hurt i personally saw one girl her face bleeding trying to get out of the crowd some of the police officers were swinging their bicycles out the protesters who were trying to jump through these police barricades definitely gotten violence this is still ongoing right now the protesters from about one thousand people are trying to get closer to the convention center where the nato summit will be taking place the police are trying to stand in their way so we're going to have to wait and see how events unravel throughout the night it is quite likely that some more violence could take place
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protesters are definitely very angry they are protesting basically anything to do with nato a lot of the activists here are part of the occupy wall street movement they're outraged with the income inequality that where we've been seeing in the united states people are saying they don't want the nato summit to be taking place here they don't think the leaders should be focusing on afghanistan which is the top of their gender but rather focusing on withdrawing old troops from there and instead of bailing out a corporation these protocols for ations protesters are saying that the ninety nine percent as they call themselves the people of the united states should be treated better by politicians but of course these messages are really falling for now on deaf ears because the protesters are being kept very far away from where the delegates will be gathering in the next two days. and you can always fall on the seas twenty feet up to date with the latest developments and. and right now she's heading back to the heart of the crime down will keep
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a close eye on police movements and. wealthy british soil. but on the right for. the. market why not. find out what's really happening to the global economy with mike stronger for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines join in two counties a report on our.
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common grief is uniting israelis and palestinians who've lost loved ones to the long lasting conflict between them it's you know a gathering of suffering parents who want to increase understanding and bring peace closer but the goal is to reach his policy of reports was that headed to the mice town miscue was a very hot day for me i remember grabbing my son trembling all over and running to the bomb shelter. two mothers two testimonies each different but in the end the same. my son died in the line of duty death isn't a words it has a form and the form isn't pretty i've seen plenty of it so it takes a lot of courage to stay deaf in the face and then embrace one's enemy and yet for
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nearly twenty years this is what these israelis and palestinians who have lost family members have been doing they meet on a regular basis talk with one another and show that we conciliation is possible it's meaningful for me that the palestinians hear about my brother brother the soldier the army and they can listen they can empathize with my story and understand the pain that i went through and yet it's brother was serving as a soldier when he was killed on the third day of the first lebanon war he was just nineteen people were put in a situation of a conflict and everybody served his side and who they think. this is their duty to they're here through their nation through their belief. ahmed's two uncles were killed by israelis one was shot dead while trying to enter israel the other was force fed while on a hunger strike in prison and his lungs collapsed. from the time i was born i was part of this conflict for me and is really was a soldier or
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a settler or an agent of the security services. and he had both heard and i have found their way to the parent circle where half the members of palestinian half are israeli but the parents circle is a minority voice the number of israelis and palestinians participating in dialogue has hit a low it as many complain they see no point in the conciliation attempts while the peace process is at a stalemate because the legitimacy. of dialogue and coordination between the palestinians. is eroding. because the legitimacy of negotiations is not a road and if there are governments which are ready to pay the price they will find very big support in their people so there is no. in the numbers but there is an erosion in the in the belief that something like this can happen in this is something that can easily be fixed but the hope lives on in these families
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who believe that through their pain and through their example change can come policy r.t. tell of of her let her have a look at some other news stories from around the world as a side bomber has the least thirteen people and wounded six at a police checkpoint in eastern afghanistan on saturday a man approached the checkpoint on a motorcycle and detonated an explosive belt two children or three police officers were among those who died in that hike violence in afghanistan has increased ahead of the nato summit that's currently underway in chicago. a school in southern italy has been rocked by an explosion killing at least one teenage girl and injuring up to a dozen the bomb went off outside the building's entrance when pupils were arriving to morning classes so no one has claimed responsibility for the time officials believe this it is an article behind it. the blind chinese dissident chen
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guangcheng who was recently allowed to leave the country has landed in new york the human rights activist became a key figure in any and most long u.s. chinese diplomatic tussle last month he escaped house arrest and took refuge in the u.s. embassy during hillary clinton's official visit to china several days after he left america's diplomatic mission he and his family have been given us visas. the first commercial cargo flights that was expected to deliver supplies to the international space station has been aborted just seconds before blastoff the california based space x. company blamed technical problems with their dragon rockets engine and has a larger share jule the launch for may the twenty second the u.s. government has given the farm a contract to keep the ice as stocked with food and equipment. so the science courses in the u.s. teach people to protect themselves by punching kicking and even killing but should these tactics really be taught to everyone or has resident new yorker hit the
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streets of the big apple to gauge opinion. former u.s. navy seal tim larkin teaches people how to kill and maim in the name of self-defense how much is too much when it comes to protecting yourself this week let's talk about that do you think it would be ok to kill someone if your life is being threatened. absolutely has your life ever been threatened. now by a person of a what are the chances that your life will be threatened that you would need to know how to kill. one in ten to the twenty eight you're familiar with to market do you support his philosophy i completely support his philosophy he does he's not anything about trying to kill people he wants to help people be able to protect themselves but he does teach moves that are lethal yes the police teach moves that are lethal as well right but those people are in
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a job that's defending the public exactly you know what when you're in the military sometimes those guys come out and they're a little bit you know world still do you want them sharing their knowledge with common citizens walking around. you know no would come in citizens just people that maybe. are in the job situations where they're in dangerous positions in the world if you think you'd be able to kill someone if someone was threatening your life. it's tough to say until you there right yes but you probably happy you knew those moves then. well you know maybe but then if you hurt someone or kill someone no mother in what situation you can live you have to live with the forest of your life and that's the option each person has to make whether or not you think self-defense can go too far the bottom line is the world can be a crazy place whether you choose to prepare yourself for violence or not.
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try to imagine having your own garden where you can grow fruit and vege without ever picking up a spade or even leaving your desk while that's a reality from oscar bites the canary mostly turns the crops on have the fruits of their labor delivered to their doorstep. the story. this is farmville played by tens of millions in the game you have to plant water and harvest increasingly exotic but ultimately two dimensional and lean edible crops but now anyone can play the game for real the russian entrepreneur has bought a greenhouse and designed a website to farm real plots of land from the comfort of their homes and offices. or. if you buy one of the plots you can choose what to grow on it then you can
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decide when to water it and how to fertilize it and real farmers will do the work for you you can control the lights and how often the ground is plowed we will keep statistics on how well you are doing and you can try to improve the eels or you can just leave it all to us and just get the harvest delivered when it's done then you'll shop a cynic of says that his project isn't just about playing for fun but about the living people healthier forget make food and it better be after all a six queer meet the plot will set you back two hundred dollars a month we want city dwellers to have a connection with the countryside in the future we want every city dweller have their own garden early adopter beat that says he's addicted to watching his plan to grow through the web cam but i think being able to watch the plot at all times isn't just something of a past time but creates trust between me and the people looking after the farm i know they will do their job properly and not use any pesticides for example all
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good but truly it's all this not just some sort of post-modern perversion i decided to prove that city dwellers are scared to get their hands dirty by volunteering for an hour in the greenhouse. getting other people to be a gardening for you that's ridiculous actually this is quite exhausting much rather just click some buttons on the internet. eager and have artsy muska. and gentil nineteenth century spirit isn't there moscow where the annual viennese born as envoy is tong will say stuff to don how glad rags and ventured out in style to bring us all the showers details. vienna is in moscow it's a night at that splendid mean ya's we're holding something out of the b.n. a ball now the city has been transformed into a magical spectacular you know. with the feedback and all my hand right.
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now live on you know. but this is going to bring into this wonderful magical world of the logs debutantes and of cause music. the bowl is an annual highlight event in the cultural and social life of rush him fifteen hundred guests a businessman celebrities media people from russia germany austria visited every year traditionally the ball is opened by debutantes one hundred twenty pairs of girls in white dresses n.t. hours and young men in black top heights becoming one of the chosen young ladies is a tough caustic but once in a do get the chance to be cinderella for a night when the orchestra struck the first notes and the rows of debbie jones begin to twirl in perfect step that was delirious and excitement in the crowd they desert all of us in their perfect harmony on the dons feel.
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part of the spectacular performance came from the ballerinas to the most powerful voice from an opera singer. champagne and overdose going around one was trying desperately not to thread on the trains of possum dresses but you couldn't help but it maya how elegant and lovely everybody looked. during the evening. i guess we entertained by different histories and russia's very own for the money god has struck paying everything from mossad to strauss. i couldn't help but wonder if all the ladies had visions of cinderella at the ball and what would happen if the clock struck twelve. fairy tales aside this was the real deal and as the domes will fill through the evening with guests dancing to both modern and traditional rhythms greeted by atmosphere of grandia i feel every
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inch the graunt a dame but a vienna ball isn't complete until you take your first step on the dance floor my prison handle the night it's time to do the walk. now we have all what we have we have a point but i love that other song pretty and a lot so we don't think i'll notify their friends by pop wife and i love about a lot in suburbia and i thought ok not there yet. and usually done now a quick recap of the top stories in just a couple of minutes and right after that mike's guys that stays a habit with their latest report on what they call a financial war stay with us. here
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the reindeer isn't everything for the herders and when it suffers people do their best to help. but the distances are. and the roads are tough and unpredictable.
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will the roman needy and trying. to hold it hold it. hold it hold it hold it. hold it hold the world on the plateau. the speech. she gave. her her. wish. to bomb islam good. luck
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just see them on the enemy come eat get her. come out of my mind i'm a little. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so for langley you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else and you hear or see some other part of it and realize everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm tom harpur welcome to the big picture. download the official delegation to go on the phone line pod touch from the choose our. life on the go. video on demand. in line comes and says feeds now in the palm.


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