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tv   [untitled]    May 20, 2012 5:30am-6:00am EDT

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it's now one o'clock one thirty here in moscow actually useful watching our two with me to have on with day let's take a look at the headlines. world leaders arrive in chicago for the nato summit of the city you welcome in there with thousand strong protests and reports of a heavy handed police reaction. and the g. eight nations are throw their weight behind greece as staying in the euro zone the speculation mounts that this is simply damage control and that a very different fate is being mapped out for athens. plus of the u.s. resumes arms sales to bahrain and despite concerns the weapons could strengthen the
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regime's crackdown on growing demonstrations fueled by the ruling families plans of the unity with saudi arabia. coming up next our special report american spring on the history of occupy wall street and the movement struggle against corruption greed and social inequality stay tuned. up up up up up. up up playing a lot of mileage ahead of the to let me go to do that on a low light touch below the tilt five hundred seventy one that. looks like just such a thing was.
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here it was like cut it was going to go like one it was so green and you strapped people. like blades. and his nose was bleeding when the cops along with all the folks that yeah it's it's unfortunate you know it's it's always a system brutal isis yeah. and the press were spread exactly. they don't like to make the connections that we're now descending into a police state yeah yeah yeah now they'll never know it's really like the neo liberals like they want less government except the bigger police yet right if it were using women's bodies yeah if they want to be more intrusive on everything
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except you know. social services surely you know the stuff that actually makes differences in people's lives are a. subtle. six six six six six six six six six six six. oh here. i. use it. is it all over. love love love love again let's just say.
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i get. symptoms to be. sure. this is such. a laugh at least. i. was. i. know it like. you know and.
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you know what. the purpose of today's march against police brutality and basically the n.y.p.d. is using the onus of protecting us from terrorists to create a police state. they are here to protect the public so just one of the many absurd ironies of this march against police brutality with the police themselves are being brutalized i believe by the forces that are putting them in conflict with their with their fellow citizens and fellow working people.
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even. yeah yeahs want to help me get let me just check his consciousness make sure that he seems. to think. it's just because they can. put a little bit of. good. to talk. to someone close to there in three weeks because they know what's going on. because.
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it's on a plane tickets. i think the agenda needs to be a little more clear for us to be able to actually. get things accomplished but i think part of it. please. i just think you were going to was a little it. was great to look. so .
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you're going to get to see the all this occupied. it's the newest media platform for. the now you know. i don't think any president in years so. i'm going to. six companies corporations own the entire mass media in this country we have to create our own media platforms and barack obama is going to be one of those people can see what. connect with the website connect with the community and get activated with occupy wall street it's pretty exciting. to get our big may day action coming up so general strike. excited about that. but the site just was so there's a lot of work to do. we have really nothing to lose i guess.
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for this i always use thing i was born in the wrong time. morning breeze. six cesar something. to lock you realize that this is exactly the time that i'm supposed to live it. exactly are going to be. sad and interactions i want to be having. i no way i want. we're not there yet either. i think it's important to recognize that we're not. in the place that we want to be yet you know and that's why we get up and that's why we work that's why we struggle and that's why we face all the things that we face.
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because of the absolute. building our capacity and doing the spring training to get all pumped up and psyched to do some like tactics to such a system something that's a push up how we're going to march on wall street to see the you know that we're coming for the baby and. this is training which is training to get ready to get ready for everything we can do. to start going back to.
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sleep. so you can. learn you. into a sitting position. with it plus there. are . several unfilled really bloody people they aren't really close together
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around each other so let's see how close together we can get without hurting each other. like it's like a spring training in sports tell you do it's build discipline worked as a team built cohesion and it's also more to win by people in every week to see with us i'm hopefully will get really tight and really solid military guy and some discipline are actually coming up and get something else but the knowledge gets in the calculator he. still does that. and. let's close this period to get our.
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top players. closer. look at those we got those.
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right now we are at the fort greene occupied town square an occupied town square is a roving pop up occupation that shows up in a different park each weekend and the idea is to set up in the park it's open people can come in those food there's music there's games there's information about occupy about a general strike on may first and it just it's an outreach opportunity for the community to come and see us instead of them having to come to us we come to that that's it. see takes it. take a look. at the patrol city. they tell you cover.
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this is the wheel of immorality it proposes various outcomes all misfortunate all in for. in it. for people to discover the future of these aki cards which. you know they reveal the unfortunate circumstances that we all live in right now. some something some terrible facts about monsanto the company prison industrial complex. climate change which is already happening and. when you land on one of these which you know happens arbitrarily as a stopper we'll whenever i want to because i'm the controller of this wheel
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misfortune. you get one of these cards. and you need to learn about the terrible situation. that is here almost like you know so i can take a picture was it like as a picture one of you on what you do and go on to be the pictures i'm tweeting and you don't read it for yourself and. tweet about what's going on i take pictures of people who are or were different foods tweeted out to everybody maybe people come out when they see it let him know they were here. that's mostly my family use six week and sue used twitter as a means to do both outreach to the larger community in reach within the movement between occupations between people within the occupation and it also as a means of getting new resources and question things that we need whether it be food or clothing or support for people or cameras or money or whatever it may be
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put out of calls on the internet and people are very generous. however you understand it for something a political play for other people's i want a job. for people like me it's a whole bunch of things including just the opportunity to get together with other people and not be on my cell phone. and just talk like we're talking now which has become in our modern life a kind of rare thing. spread the word. because if there's something good in here. let people know and join us that can be just hang out with us for five
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minutes to see a post of mine post it and say you know what does occupy people in similar bed it is a bunch of losers but i have a very good job. people have jobs here that's all nonsense so they don't have jobs they're losers i think something which also it is encouraging the courage. the courage of these people to sleep on the street in the cold. to get to read this book. was one of the better for all of. us. again. i think right now be back. with him to.
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make a game started a same time and date of birth. and i was behind the. rest . of his phone so. so the trick the body is over is you going a little bit here and that's your name and with three steps back right just. step back after midnight and it was just sitting inside of a sleeping bag it was freezing out here you stop last night and is so cold you couldn't even like his legs were literally shot then they arrested him as you know passing just one hand i guess. that's a fairly i mean he's being arrested for being in the area. he's being arrested for being here i mean in a situation you're a human might want to be more and it's literally about freezing temperature right now this is just
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a sign of them running scared that's all it is. we really know we're succeeding doing what we're supposed. to try to free to just try and keep moralize if you like you keep. seeing all the crap that's gone on here in america and they're just trying to stop this but they know they can't stop you know smugglers is the part that's why they're fighting us he has hard as they can get him a living within the limits that we can do so. i thought that was my first radio he's going to be joining us to he's a longtime. brooklyn community organizer and we coach teach this class together twice a week but today we're going to be meeting off site at a church to talk about. what we're going to plant when to plant some actions the students want to do a walkout. in solidarity with the workers for may first so that's pretty exciting.
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so you know other actions how we get other students activated stuff to give me to say these are great student leaders these are strong young people they've been through a lot they're embattled because the city's closing their school down and they're not happy about it. but the. change is. it's not just going to happen because people oh you know what let's change the. date of the hands day. so it's not people for people that are struggling people that have others will pull our over there. to the bad shape that they did in new york city we had the students of the public
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this occasion to form a view about the injustice of it. who says that. the private privatizations of our school systems budget cuts. this mission. this is. the pleasure because i needed this policing of us schools and. we feel that if these issues are sitting in is a failure and we demanded saints we believe that trying to change the system is set up to please him for this isn't enough i'm sure you solicited this just to says this killing the table. because i'll first eisel be a mass today will only first at school camp to fully off. their
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need to put a good ass machine on. nose. to me every single day. so today we evolved that is it just a credible historic moment for high school students in new york city just really really realize that they need to organize themselves so this is the beginning of the organization the soon organization you know for a justice you know. for proper education. that. you know.
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i wanted. to do with.
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people who are getting to know what was going on but the. detention. we celebrate in america with our struggle. even. to see who will. struggle there is no problems. tonight there will not know why. these you need to. look i didn't want to know what. i think you can do with the piano not me with kelly. i'm not going with sally who wasn't looking with time and we didn't see his status as a teaching tool we did see. the scene in the cellar with the steve who knew the room anything because i see that people
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have said that. the one behind. this leg is still made for you and me. i. was really a law. a. law. was can i ask you as a great roddy and i were two of the founding members of occupy wall street back in september last year. wow what impact do you think occupy wall she has had on
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the spheres that you that you exist in and work in well you know. occupy was your most significant things or has happened in this nation less forty his. and in this in this infancy are you what is required. of occupy wall street is to begin to and as everyone has been saying this we have to begin to identify those the goals and objectives as you have been doing and pushing it to the forefront so the people understand the purpose and meaning of the bandstand it is the ninety nine percent and the fruits that have been the practice came face to. to find jobs to find decent housing in the standings but just as importantly how do we connect those things how do we move it because you know people are very concerned because it affects them but how do we connect
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all of those people and let them see the direct relationship with the pics to at.
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