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tv   [untitled]    May 20, 2012 4:00pm-4:30pm EDT

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later leaders gather in chicago for threshold further afghanistan strategy while thousands protest against the wars the alliance is waging on their doorstep. russia grabs the world ice hockey crown as the national team precious six to possibly lead the way through this year's world championship without a single defeat. the group of eight industrialized nations expressed hope greece can stay put in the euro zone next but it's played a very different picture of what's happening behind the scenes. and the u.s. opens its all sort of weapons to bahrain's king as a mass uprising in the state threatens to unseat the probe west and want to keep top stories this hour.
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with a look back at the past seven days top stories and the latest developments the weekly on r.t. nato summit in chicago has been greeted by crowds of activists pouring into the city's streets to protest against the annoyance is costly and deadly was something they saw clashes with police and further arrests with the protest is vowing that numbers will swell. is in the demonstrations at the moment in chicago what's going on where you are right now is the protest still growing and stars you. can see behind me.
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it sure is the nurses. and the people walking the streets now. here in chicago where leaders. are getting gathering they are chanting stop the wars there's. the united states that nato is obviously dollars on the going to get it's not they think it would be much better you are now everything has been quite peaceful considering the numbers of people that are walking here right now he spoke thousands of police everywhere yesterday and we did witness quiet while it was closer to the police raid using. thirty three right now you can. sense there's definitely pride here on the ground we're going to have to wait and see how about some problem right now they're trying to get as close as possible to the convention center were quite sure that the police. will try to keep them as far.
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as does your thank you very much and live in chicago a correspondent on the stars to try to kind of move from her as the day goes on that in the united states where kevin zeese son antiwar campaign who's taking part in the chicago protests says it's time for nato to disband and stop being america's major military tool. well nato seems to be the group that is the dirty work of the us empire when they can't get the un to go along you saw in libya you see in afghanistan it's another military arm of the united states and the and the us empire is client state so because we want to see nato and the fact veterans for peace which is a u.s. veterans group try to deliver a letter u.s.a. to nato nato officials refuse to even accept it and they're calling for the disbandment of nato nato was a relic of the past is no longer needed it's causing more division than unity among nations because i first moved beyond military solutions we were away from an empire
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. and the we'll be bringing you more coverage of that nato gathering and how it's echoing on the streets of chicago throughout the course of the summit. seeking sip from it to. use to be leaving a legacy of atrocities. makes it easier. to stay or not to stay that is the question facing greece's political instability catapult it towards an exit from the euro zone however the leaders of some of the world's most powerful economies who gathered for talks in the u.s. publicly declaring it should stay put that behind the smiles and handshakes and of the soul concern and a desire to see greece go and he said now he has more. camp david was invaded by the europeans over the weekend or at least it seemed that way with almost all of the g eight talk touching the euro zone zone there were new faces of
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focus was on a not so new an ever growing crisis and the million dollar question of could greece be corrupt loose and leave the euro zone practically every financial analyst things that greece would leave it has to be an orderly withdrawal from the euro anything else would be disaster the official mantra from a new door to fear we must do everything so the greeks are able to stay in the euro zone. to remain in your room and that was once again the united stance is this camp david summit wrapped up but plan b. is already in place officials in brussels have a back up just in case and germany has been hinting a referendum on a euro exit could be greece if that's bad to believe the smiles and handshakes are just damage control i think this is just trying to predict what a pretty face on it is hoped in is so when the markets open monday they can have
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some good news to report but the media are more concerned with who was not a camp david then what was president putin says he's busy with his cabinet this weekend others think he's steamed over the street protests lots of speculation as to why putin kept this g. eight but very little based on logic president putin couldn't really contribute anything to a solution he could say right you have to solve your debt problem germany perhaps should in fact extend more knowns to other weak members of the european union and so on but basically he'd be a bystander not the case for obama who in an election year can't afford to but euro zone fallout worsened the u.s. economy russia sees this summit as a stop on the way to dunes g. twenty where putin and obama. sitting down for talk with the g. twenty it focuses on a wider range of issues much more pressing to countries like russia and china who seem to have greater expectations from the broader format especially when it comes
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to financial turmoil and making sure all global issues make the cut reporting from the g. eight at camp david and he said now a party. sincere or not the ones deafening chorus calling for greece to study is no i'm in a challenge but marcus could have a professor of political economics at the burnet institute of technology says that now even a greek exit won't be enough to save the euro. unconditional. euro savers as they are now prisoners of their own misjudgments their errors of judgment turn out to be fatal because the crisis about the euro is on far more than just a currency it's about the future integration of europe and we have come to a point where we can no longer solve the euro crisis by simply urging or pushing all requesting greece to opt out and to leave the eurozone because the problems are far beyond that we could have said some two years ago when the crisis was
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a very beginning so the discussion is no longer about greece the discussion is no longer about whether germany is profiting or benefiting less or more from the from the eurozone the question is how we can get the problem solved as quickly as possible without damaging the european integration process. this is the weekly live here in r.t. still to come this hour blame game in syria series of deadly blast ripped through the conflict torn country raising concerns the foreign powers are playing an increasing part in it. but still to come the first the island kingdom of bahrain is now off america's weapons export black list with gun sales about to resume now despite an often bloody government crackdown on a popular uprising against the ruling monarchy and art is going to can suggest that in keeping with washington's selective approach to just who deserves freedom.
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that was the emmett bahrain's persistent crackdown on protesters journalists and human rights activists washington welcomes bahrain's crown prince and his brother to the united states. and pledges to resume arms supplies to a key ally in the gulf. the u.s. had suspended weapons sales to bahrain in the light of massive human rights violations by these sorties there but now the state department has issued a statement saying that american weapons will soon be heading to bahrain again. we've made this decision i want to emphasize on national security grounds we've made this decision mindful of the fact that there remain a number of serious unresolved human rights issues in bahrain which we expect the government of bahrain to address bahrain host the u.s. fifth fleet it's around forty ships two aircraft carriers sixteen thousand personnel and major force in the gulf region clyde prestowitz a top economist in the reagan and clinton administrations argues the us has traded
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principles for military bases we've sided with the ruling sunni. regime because of the base of this of the fifth fleet. in the gulf. and so yeah i mean i think we compromised in the same statement announcing the resumption of arms supplies to bahrain washington calls for the country's opposition to show restraint. we concerned by what has now become almost daily street violence and we are in this context bahrain's political opposition to call for an end to the violence against police that's a stark difference from the u.s. approach towards other countries in the region engulfed in anti-government protests where the u.s. has tacitly or openly encouraged violence against government forces and libya the united states was openly attacking and supporting it was open openly supporting the
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libyan rebels and their attacks against the state even though this was. an art and the situation that now was the doing proper board and then syria similarly there has been no and there were only four or restrain from violence by the opposition forces there so it's a little bit are you there's only in bahrain it's a highly asymmetrical not a situation it's not a case in which. and once there's enormous violence brought by the protesters against the police forces it's clearly by the bahraini state against the civilians the general perception is that the u.s. doesn't want to rock the boat in bahrain because of its fifth fleet there so it's a case of eyes wide shot at human rights violations it might seem like a normal trade off in the wall of politics but critics say it makes a mockery of america claiming the high moral ground in other countries in the arab walled where political unrest wages company check out reporting from washington
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r.t. . a series of blasts took place in syria over the poss weakening of the sixty four people and causing widespread damage there were carried out by suicide bombers targeting security and military facilities is in the midst militants from al qaida have been blamed for the attacks and asenath us reports there's a growing suspicion in syria that parties all fueling the conflict. it was a little known terror group the al nusra front they claimed responsibility for last week's massive bombing in syria the blast carried out in a busy residential area designed to cause maximum damage damascus which the so long had been through and they sheltered from the conflict throughout the rest of the country as in recent months found out the target of an increased bombing campaign this latest explosion considered the largest one and you can just see the devastation that is caused. at the scene angry crowds at
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a quite them as terrorist acts shouting blame at saudi arabia and qatar is blame that many analysts saying these countries actions are undermining the peace process if you. stopped supporting of united states of america. supporting. everything will be finished within two months but if they want to continue supporting them they want to be in the region trading amongst the rubble as people show us the ruins of their homes and what is one of damascus is poorest neighborhoods there's a real sense of a revolution spinning out of control there is uprising began as a peaceful pro-democracy movement that has splintered into a confusing mix in various groups political a nonpolitical. and the continued instability here has left the country wide open
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to attacks like this taking place. it's a problem. that. policy a very easy provided the chance for everyone to in the world to interfere and this you know. by providing arms of providing funds providing fighters and saw those terrorists as people are left to bury their dead and with the hospitals full the syrian people are once again left trying to rebuild their homes and their lives and the focus has once again turned to the ongoing peace which is looking more and more by the day a wall is now in place around the blast site stark reminder that terror has served only as yet another barrier to peace here. serbia's opposition party has declared that its candidate has won the presidential
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runoff exit polls suggest that the nationalist thomas la nicolas is winning by a narrow margin over approach either candidate boris tadic who's already served two terms in office the election is key for e.u. membership plans and will determine its policy towards reconciliation with its balkan neighbors including kosovo war torn by political expert marco gets seek for more and he's joining us live in london interesting isn't it nicholas of course recognizes being pro russian even involved with the had links with the pro russian radical party now we're hearing him saying that he's in favor of the as he in effect sold out to those who would put such faith in his nationalistic policies. i think recognize the kind of reality of the serbian voting population i mean the problem for voters is that they're surrounded by nato countries their media is owned by nato countries whether directly or indirectly and all the strings so far
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have been called by if you like the pro nato lobby so any politician who wants to get anywhere in serbia certainly not going to be to nato he's going to take a much more pro. e.u. pro western line otherwise he'll be attacked by the media not defended by the ngos and generally will be political dead meat so i think nicholas was recognize that reality which prevails and has prevailed in serbia for several years now and has adjusted his colors accordingly but it's either you membership really an attractive proposition for serbs at the moment bearing in mind the economic crisis i think the serbs have realised their membership is not a panacea not a cure for all evils in the system and there are many evils in the system i mean ex-president presided over eight years of poverty in which he's oligarchy have drawn all the financial benefits and they created a kind of replaced a kind of communism with
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a kind of corruption is of which has been very good for them and very bad for everybody else in the country and this really has been the problem for the population has been afraid of change but they also have been afraid of further poverty and despite the promises of the e.u. rose garden even the e.u. garden looks very bare at the moment and how this is offering looks even more as a result. nicolette really bring anything different to what brought the bearing in mind the financial impact that the u.s. having on serbia at the moment i mean will you have any success economically and bring a better life for the serbian people. well it depends which way he goes i would like to stay see him stick with his original colors and make more use of the existing and historical ties with for example russia and indeed the bric countries and other countries outside the circle of nato countries because nato or inflation has done nothing for serbia all the people are in poverty still and so that was
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really a mirage an illusion but it may be that nicolas will still try and play both ends against the middle and stay with an e.u. orientation as well and remember that some of the things that the e.u. have asked for are things that nicholas will very willingly give for example investigations into all the corrupt privatisations that have been carried out by each and his cronies and the oligarchy to take for example of banks and the leading companies into their ownership and their hands for their own private benefit so it could be a very tough time for the target faction including the dutch and the socialists if he carries on with. the college there's a serious as the president has a right to call for investigations into many aspects of the past that we just had shabaka what about the e.u. putting pressure on the to recognize kosovo's independence he said he certainly wouldn't want to do that i mean would you actually go against the you that in that respect. well the e.u. doesn't entirely speak with one voice on that as we know there are some e.u. countries which will stick to a principled position and respect international law and the sovereignty of serbia
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over its course of territory but it would certainly be one step too far particularly to do that because he does have a nationalist constituency a patriotic constituency. to take care of as well and he's associated with them and they will he will not want under any circumstances to recognize as the session is because of formally the danger is of course that he does what party did we recognize the kind of secession this. kosovo albanians informally by giving them every attribute of a sovereign state you possibly can without actually formally recognize it as that would be the way that the e.u. would try to handle it in the majority of its members and i hope. it would manage to stay principled enough and strong enough to avoid the fate of falling in that direction what about domestically what sort of stability can we see there with politics in serbia if he does win which looks as if he has of course he'll have to co-exist will he not with a parliamentary coalition headed by ted it is democrats i mean what does that actually mean for serbia's internal policies. it means
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a very interesting time because of course as president the first thing that nicolas can do is declare a new parliamentary election on the basis that the old one the one we've just had was full of voting fraud and indeed it was nicholas his position that were he to win the presidential election he would show all the regularities in the voting that had led to that coalition in effect winning against him the other problem of course for him is that took many of his votes away half of the socialists intending fully to give them to his opponent. that each so that each of the socialist played a very kind of quasi nickel ish voting line in order to take votes from the collection so he owes him a little bit as well in the way of payback but the main thing is if each and. create problems for him in parliament the nickel it will create problems for them in the legal arena investigating all the projects they stand accused of doing over the last eight years interesting times ahead thanks so much for explaining the
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political situation there in serbia great to talk to you once again balkans political expert mark again joining us live there in london thank you. russia has not been crowned ice hockey champions of the world the team beat the lackey six two to take this year's title well arty's time bomb he joins me live now from bar in the russian capital the scots who clearly very happy fans inside it tonight tom it's a big win for russia isn't it. it is still there on the screen here a very very jubilant one russia has won the two thousand and twelve world poppy jumping ships they dominated the game against rivals slovakia but wasn't really a wobbly moment in the much really and as soon as they raise that the streets went wild people here are absolutely ecstatic about the result here is a strong team fielded by russia throughout the competition n.h.l. stars alexei chin and gagne malkin a poor b.
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now even bigger household names and they were before now kim was named man of the match and prime minister amir bet if has exaggerated the team on their success it also means this win that throughout the contest the russian team hasn't lost a single match out of all of the time that they've played and it comes off to two difficult years for russian hockey last year the entire club team local more t.v. was killed in a plane crash and the national team after wins in two thousand and eight and nine were further down the rankings for a couple of years not anymore the international ice hockey federation how they already ranked the russian team number warm in the world and now they. tom thanks very much indeed for that. live there in central moscow to get back into that that club now that sports club be plenty of celebration going on thanks very
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much indeed for that tom. egyptians vote next week in the country's first president . elections since former leader hosni mubarak was ousted but they'll cost their ballots amid accusations by human rights watch that the military has been torturing hundreds of protesters arrested early this month off he's really going to has more security nightmare left after the revolution it's not just protests the disruptive peace on the streets of cairo just ask taxi driver. it was calm before the revolution one hundred percent where in a total mess now i used to drive anywhere wherever they want us came from never refused a customer now i park my car in the garage at six pm and go home i could have special security system on it so it would be harder to steal. robberies car thefts all have become part of a daily life in large cities like cairo and alexandria just after the revolution
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many people say the police at times simply choose to turn away when a crime is being committed in the mayhem that followed the uprising of january two thousand and eleven many believe thousands of convicts escaped from unguarded prisons a crime wave has followed with egyptian media reporting more than twenty five hundred murders and some two thousand abductions since their revolution yet the police are accused of doing little. the police lost a lot of respect a lot of. the tools that they had to work with like the weapons the cars and most of the egyptian people felt that this police has been treating us like. this. is nothing to us we are the police. and the minister charged with enforcing the law has
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a very different view saying the situation is under control. well this said that. i told the members of the people's council look at the results we managed to achieve in record time i'm sure that no one could have done as much if we had a total collapse of everything stability was nonexistent i don't have it all numbers regarding organized crime groups robberies and thefts they were committing and the achievements we've made. in the meantime until camera turns to egypt ibrahim and others will continue to close up shop early and head home before sunset fearful not only for their property and possessions but for their safety and lives in cairo it in a go go r.t. . now to some other news making headlines around the world at least nineteen people are being killed and hundreds of homes destroyed after flash flood struck in northern afghanistan ten thousand people are said to be sheltering in local mosques and schools rescue missions are underway with about sixty people reported missing
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so far the air is often prayed to flash floods as heavy rains and runoff from mountain snow calls rivers to burst their banks. the man convicted for the nine hundred eighty eight lockerbie bombing which killed two hundred seventy people has died at his home in libya. he was found guilty of blowing up a pan am flight over scotland in two thousand and one he was released from prison in scotland in two thousand and nine on health grounds and returned to libya where he received a hero's welcome the former libyan intelligence officer had always denied responsibility. to throw off the show because it northern italy causing more damage and more buildings to collapse comes after a powerful earthquake killed at least six people and core serious damage to buildings in several towns terrified residents were forced onto the streets in the early morning as walls and roofs collapsed in two thousand and nine a devastating quake killed more than three hundred people in the central italian city of lucky. to bring up with a woman i'll be back to recap the week's main stories where in just a few minutes stay with us live here on r.t.
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hear the reindeer isn't everything for the herders. and when it suffers. people do their best to help. but the distances are. and the answers and unpredictable. will the remedy be a try. if
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. the economy. with six pts. six if. safe. was thanks to a. mission and three if i couldn't change three comes for charges free if commissions grief.


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