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tv   [untitled]    May 23, 2012 5:00am-5:30am EDT

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egypt decides voters head to the polls in the country's first presidential election since hosni mubarak's three decade rule was ended and many say they don't have much of a choice. hundred days of unrest tens of thousands of students march across montreal against intuition piece thought is impose protests restrictions in response. this tells for the eurozone members to tighten their belts sturdy capital is under fire for slipping up on its own targets budget cuts. but in business we hear from a man who coined the term brics and he says don't worry about europe emerging markets more than cells and business in twenty minutes.
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an hour and they're welcome to our to the world of news and comment twenty four hours a day. egyptians are heading to the polls in the first presidential election since the fall of longtime leader hosni mubarak last year thirteen names are on the ballots including islamists and a number of mubarak era officials but it's one of the reports many egyptians feel frustrated with the choice they. they stayed down the police and the military and they won but now they're staring intern uncertain future and it's far from clear egypt's revolutionaries are holding the trump card i'm sure of the martyrs where life they would think that this is all it is just no one chanted for elections they wanted to free them now there's a monthly massacre that takes place when people are killed that we don't even have the right to be listened in a big square how can they really support the east and. it took my arm and other
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egyptian youth just eighteen days to topple a dictator who'd been in power for nearly thirty six years but they haven't been able to come up with a single compelling candidate in the country's first post mubarak presidential elections. people who are going to meet the political cost of the change quickly so we have the. political. support and some of the. subtleties. and after ten of them were disqualified thirteen remain in the race for egypt's top job the front runners include a moose or mubarak insider former egyptian foreign minister and head of the arab league abdul more name of duty for top former brotherhood leader cairo physician and long time auntie mubarak dissident and mohamed morsi the muslim brotherhood's choice who has a respected party and well financed campaign behind him the fact that there are two
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strong islamized candidates means the islamist vote is split although on foreign policy issues they're united. in constant believe that the two of them. try to improve the relation this book on the expanse of egypt's relations was the last of. them are going to try to improve the relations was. i believe it's going to get more. chances are high that egyptians will vote in an islamist president but this support is no we near what it was in recent parliamentary elections was egypt up for. example surveys a picture of the suit. that said the status challenges to. many of these candidates is expected to top fifty six making it one of. the likely but the delays
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are making egyptians edgy time and again the ruling generals if doubt as to whether the elections would even happen and concern is right that the army plans to stay in power or at least pull the strings from a far but dr has some a far disagrees a military coup has to be executed and if it is done i thought it would be very very violent and there would be a little bloodshed and i think there is very much aware of this there's been little about this election it's been predictable and no matter who wins the new egypt is likely to look a lot like the last few months of the old at least for some time the problems in the country run deep and economic and political frustrations are not that far from spilling over into fresh protests police here are teen kyra. but egypt's ruling military council is reportedly planning to publish a new interim constitution which will set limits to the government's influence over the army professor of middle east history at west chester university lawrence
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davidson says the military's hoping to keep its grip on the country after the election. the fear is i imagine just like you know some twenty years ago that if the islamists get in charge they'll never give up power but then if you ask yourself what the military actually does here and its history once it's in charge it doesn't give up power either i think what they're trying to do is create a sort of turkish model where in fact the military stands independent and autonomous outside of the government and sensually holds for itself a veto power over the government and so at any particular time if the government does things that the army does and why are the officer corps doesn't like they come back in and essentially create. a military coup. major demonstrations to mark a hundred day of a student rallies have shaken canada tens of thousands filled the streets of
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montreal to protest against a huge planned rise in tuition fees an attempt to quell the movement the forty's adopted you can see do as we see protests including the fines of up two hundred twenty five thousand dollars to any group which tried to stop students from attending classes controversial measures have been fueled public anger over three hundred people were detained and more than twenty injured the demonstrations spiraled into clashes with police on sunday night. and the student thinks the government's actions made matters worse. they've been trying to understand why is the guy. going far despite all of that actually. restraint a lot of the ability of expression manifestation to be ready to see ition so it's very difficult and i was in are opposed now because they know what we're
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going to dispel so they are this new bill that the government passes and i actually didn't step back from all this demonstration that has been going on with the government trying to make the social piece back in this is my job and actually we see several demonstration going on this is. since friday so i think it's not working for the government and we know trying to go back to the table leadership to make sure that this conflict as then. you're watching our table so we have through this our heightened tensions syria's unrest spills into neighboring lebanon clashes between pro and anti said supporters raising this growing conflict that. bringing about eurozone growth and solving the escalating problem of greece are dominating the minds of the. leaders and all makers ahead of an informal get together in brussels germany continues to advocate
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a belt tightening as opposed to joint borrowing which artie's oliver has been finding out it looks like the policy burden is forcing upon others one it's too keen to see what self. the merkel message to europe is clear vox by structural reform is important and necessary but a debt ridden growth would only revive a crisis we don't want that and will not do that. so all sturdy all around however don't expect german belts to be getting much tighter. according to the influential cologne institute for economic research while berlin bangs the drum for spending cuts in countries like spain greece and italy the federal government has made good on less than half of its planned savings of the boomers were young the federal government promised in twenty town that they would cotton over ten billion euro dollar a year in spending from the budget two years later they've cut less than half of
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this amount some of this is down to changes in policy making the promised cuts and possible but most of the promise savings just weren't made. this will make interesting reading for the heads of the twenty five year a peon union member states who signed up to a fiscal pact in march obliging them to show greater fiscal discipline pact championed by the chief cheerleader of austerity chancellor angela merkel as these are missing it looks as if the german government has relaxed a bit while at the same time telling orders to work hard our deficit goals were reached because of higher than expected tax revenue but the cots were not followed through. so after the government made good on only four point seven billion euro of the eleven point two billion savings that it promised the association of tax payers came up with a list of areas they suggest should be cut from the budget as part of a spring cleaning plan which could save an extra one hundred and fifty six million
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euro these include scrapping a quarter of a million euros subsidy for growing organic carrots as well as a similar initiative for apple juice all the way through to reevaluating civil servant pensions and the driver service for former presidents of the german parliament. are thirty examples are meant to inspire ideas about how and where the budget can be cut even with a large spending blocks the government should take the goods bring cleaning tradition in the blood to the budget and start saving. there are those who argue that the recent growth posted by the german economy means that they are under no obligation to cut the rest of the proposed eleven billion euro that it's only those countries posting negative growth that need to trim their spending but the reason why the cards are not as periphery countries that are suffering the most from the financial crisis is simply the fact that we have a higher tax revenue right now and bad news room for maneuver so the german economy
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is showing growth but as the country's debt rises by the second even europe's dominant economy isn't out of the woods yet at home under merkel's christie and democrats have suffered some major political setbacks most recently a crushing defeat in regional elections in north rhine-westphalia a state seen as a bellwether of opinion in germany the because the. christian democratic party has a tradition of celebrating its victories together it is the same for the defeats this is a common defeat we have discussed this defeat today and looked at length and the duty as we have. despite mrs merkel putting on a brave front as a party loses support from the electorate the question has to be asked how can the german chancellor preach austerity to the people of athens madrid and rome when her party's policies can't even win over the people who sold off peter all of her r.t.
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germany. teachers and students in spain are returning to work after their nationwide strike action on tuesday against proposed cuts to education plans including increasing class sizes slashing the number of teachers and hikes in university tuition fees the government says the cuts on the needed to meet this year's spending targets were belgian m.e.p. it. says the eurozone needs to learn to balance cuts with growth prospects. i love everybody's in favor of love everybody in favor of growth but how to bring it about and one hand you need austerity because our budgets are bloated already for a long time many countries have too much debt on the other hand we have to be store competitiveness i make sure that and can set up companies again and the economy starts growing again but when it entered we need lower taxation we need competitiveness and all these things these things we have to do only in a few years time because you know now we're in a process of internal devaluation we're not developed waiting
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a currency but we are developing countries and it's a very hard process that may take years but the political and social system are not able to cope with that and that is part of the problem there is no time for the things we have to do the problem here is that nobody is coming up with a plan b. everybody says we have to stick with plan a greece has to stay in the euro zone and that is the official line of the european commission of the european council but nobody is really looking beyond what's going to happen and that is part of the crisis and part of the uncertainty but we also see is a disagreement between paris and berlin and that is really at the heart of the you know if if germany and france do not agree on the line to take then to you is really in trouble. iran's nuclear power plant in bushehr is set to begin operating at full capacity up till now the russian built facility aimed at generating electricity has been working at seventy five percent of its potential work at the
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plant has been carried out of the supervision of the u.n. nuclear watchdog it comes as iran in the group of world powers are gathering in baghdad discussed suspicions iran is seeking a nuclear weapon early on agreed in principle to allow other i say to inspect but a trip to cities with nuclear weapons might be developed meanwhile washington says they'll be then that's up in the pressure on the ground as the senate continues to expand sanctions on the country u.s. congressman dennis seen it says to his soul the iranian issue washington needs to change its approach with. sanctions are another form of warfare sanctions are just a step away from shooting we're being told we should have any contact with them we're being told that we shouldn't be negotiating with them we're being told. to get ready for war thirty six thirty all that is wrong. what we need to do is to
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have direct negotiations thirty six we need to be talking with iran and we need to stop this very glorious notion that somehow we can settle our differences with iran through war we have to believe that peace is possible what we have is a type of thinking coming out of washington that says wars inevitable when you say wars inevitable you actually create of war a self-fulfilling prophecy so you get what we wonder why do we have war because people think in terms of war. they can hear more from us congressman dennis kucinich in just over an hour's time here in l.t. and of course there are more stories on our website that sati dot com has a taste of all. there right now made in china a u.s. congress exposes a counterfeit and parts used by major aviation corporations on the american air force aircraft posing a potential threat to security. and to read about the controversy over russian
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opponents plans to ok a bill to enforce tougher punishments for un sanction protests from that and other stories at all to dot com to get to check out the latest videos the top. is. the official altie application your i phone oh i pod touch from the top story. on the go. video on demand. old girls
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and street now in the palm of your. on the dot com. conflict in syria is continuing to cause trouble across its border in neighboring lebanon where they've been fresh protests becomes a syrian rebels reportedly kidnapped thirteen in the shia muslims returning from a pilgrimage recent clashes between pro and anti assad supporters in lebanon of the a dozen dead over the past few days parties or if a national report. the last two signs of the recent violence here everywhere as you can see card buildings behind me by a blackened walls garbage we were told that there's been some burned cars here but they've been taken away and police and the army have cordoned off the area and on patrol here twenty four hours to prevent further escalation of violence this recent
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round of the clashes here in lebanon was triggered by the death of a prominent lebanese and ardent opponent of president bashar al assad he and his companion were apparently showed. by army troops at the checkpoint in the northern part of the country feel sorties here in lebanon have been very quick to react and investigation is right now and they go in more than twenty soldiers and officers have been detained for interrogation about sunni politicians happen pretty cold for prime minister and on the come on the to resign and they also want the death penalty for those responsible for what they see as an assignation similar fight interrupted earlier this month in the northern city of tripoli claiming twelve lives and they spin disturbance at the border with syria recently it's hard but it's just how divided the lebanese society is while the country is trying to remain neutral some accuse the lebanese army of cooperating with assad regime while all those point fingers at lebanon sunni population saying they are based in the syrian
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opposition by providing it with all kind of support for everything they need including weapons well levanon is actually known as one off if not the most tolerant arab country where different confessions have co-existed for years but this recent incident obviously reveals just how fragile the stability is and fears are growing right now that this situation may boil lebanon's own religious tensions . ortiz with an ocean reporting from lebanon but this call analyst and journalist among the shabby says western powers may be providing in direct support to terrorists which could destabilize the entire region. there are some serious internal divisions not necessarily about who supports as against it's more internal divisions between a group that is the south how do you to group what's called the fourteenth march group that wants to overthrow the government because the government has taken
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a position a neutral position on the situation in syria the ironic thing is that al-qaeda and the western powers are seem to be in the same group that is defying the lebanese authorities i mean this is this is a very peculiar situation and i think that many european and american allies are warning that this is a situation that the. western powers cannot sustain because these groups these islamic fundamentalists group some of them are affiliated to the movement or they are supporters of al qaida openly i mean no one can actually deny that and at the same time the united states and the was impossible before it is much coalition which is really very close to. a political party that we have interviewed many of these people and they have openly supported the movement. some of the international news in brief for you now demonstrators have torched
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dozens of vehicles and set several shops ablaze in focused on the largest city kirchick comes after violence that broke out of the political rally in the city on tuesday gunmen opened fire on protesters there killing at least nine and injuring over thirty drugs have died in politically motivated attacks in the city which is often targeted by taliban and al qaeda militants. obama's b m a found in argentina's capital day before former colombian president's visit to the country exposes were hidden in one of cyrus theatre. wish to give a speech before it is say the bomb was designed to be triggered remotely a crackdown on drug smuggling guerrillas during his two terms as colombian to the racing suspicions that he might have been involved in the plot. and firefighters rescued around six hundred people after a blaze ravaged a high rise office building in mexico city twenty people suffered carbon monoxide
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poisoning with one person being treated for serious burns seven people were evacuated from the group by helicopter initial information from the emergency services suggests an electrical fault in the basement may have been to blame. or south america's strained ties with the u.s. come under scrutiny the latest installment of julian assange on r t the world's top whistleblower talks foreign policy with the president of ecuador korea. government close the u.s. space mountain. can you tell me why you decided to close this boat because they said that here you know that it would you accept having a foreign base set up in your country julian see you. in any case see your give the matter is a simple as i once said you know evening ok it's not a problem to set up a u.s. base in a could do but if we can give the go ahead as long as we are granted permission
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slips set up an ecuadorian military base in miami and there is not an issue they should agree. and you can watch the latest episode of june the nest in ten minutes here and stay with us. for that time to get the latest from a business desk now with marina. hi kerry well we're focusing on the markets of course it's a sea of red across the board investors can't get over the troubles in the euro zone of course we'll have a meeting later in the day with the ministers we'll see what will come out of greece is the whole topic everyone is wondering what will happen there and of course we had comments made by the former greek prime minister and he said that proper actions are already under way in case greece will have to exit the euro zone and he said if this will happen it will come at a high cost and this could spiral more inflation if we take
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a look at the latest figures banks and resources are leading the declines and we can see that both the footsie and the dax are set in one point seven percent over there then we have russia it's a similar picture here as well investors are worried about the troubles in europe but also we have decline in oil prices this always affects the russian economy and we can see that the r.t.s. is setting over three percent this hour for take a look at some individual share moves on the mind sex of course financials are leading the declines we have a sperm bank down over over three percent m.r.i. stay as well as risk are dropping even more and that's because both of those firms have now been listed as russia strategic companies which means that the state assets in those companies will not be privatized they're moving on to the u.s. in fact we don't have the u.s. we have oil there which is of course always linked to the russian economy and prices as i said are declining they're heading south for the second day that's up to briefly escaping as six day losing streak so we see they're back on the track we
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have light sweet trading at close to ninety one dollars per barrel while the grand blend is at around one hundred seven dollars per barrel now all this uncertainty with oil prices comes after iran which. and agreements with the united nations as well as on the back of rising u.s. stockpiles currencies the euro is trading lower against the dollar and when it comes to the ruble it's a mixed picture this hour it's a nuisance against the greenback but gaining it's a year old now and other news the matter when the term of the breaks for the emerging economies says agree be the main focus in the face of it because it was speaking that the longer the conference that jim o'neill said that the growth of emerging economies such as brazil india russia and china is far more important to the health of the global economy. and the concept of the european crisis for example. fond of saying the china is the economic equivalent of another greece every eleven and a half weeks so you could wipe greece off the map and with. china's growth with
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another one last year the combined g.d.p. of the four brics increased by about two point one trillion dollars so the equivalent of you know it's only every fifteen months or so has been and it remains the single most important global economic story of our generation. i want to come see european investors really do much to help their of confidence but there you have that date ok we'll have more for you later in the thanks for that. well the latest edition of his program here in artie's just moments away before that i'll bring the headlines things.
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wealthy british style. that's not on the right side of the. markets why not scandals. find out what's really happening to the global economy in cars a report on r g. so
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for assistance a new job the rates of. rates of leukemia for example are thirty eight times the expert. breast cancers more than ten times told cancers fourteen times i forget the exact details but the shoots numbers there's no nothing that you have ever found in any epidemiological study anywhere ever there is a way that brings victory. to its creator. he's not alone some are more severe than others we have something that is born without skulls without organised and sometimes with their legs totally twisted
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but means death to those who it's pointed touch back now. owns to those who choose this window. and they're celebrating and they don't realize that stand looking at their own future cuts. a lens this is just. it's so sad. i have. leakage and i show you the extent how much i have leakage. in russia would be soon which brian.


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