tv [untitled] May 23, 2012 6:00am-6:30am EDT
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egypt decides voters head to the polls in the country's first presidential election since hosni mubarak's three decade rule was ended but many say they don't have much of a choice. one hundred days of unrest tens of thousands of students march across montreal against hikes in tuition fees while authorities imposed protest restrictions in response. and as berlin tells fellow eurozone members to tighten their belts the austerity capital under fire for slipping up on its own targets for budget cuts. ten pm in moscow i might try to drive you with us here on r t our top story egyptians headed to the polls in the first presidential election since the fall of
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longtime leader hosni mubarak last year thirteen names on the ballot including islamists and a number of mubarak era officials but as artie's parsley reports many egyptians feel frustrated with the choices they have. they stayed down the police and the military and they won but now they staring into an uncertain future and it's far from clear egypt's revolution evie's holding the trump card i'm sure of the marches where life they would think that this is all it is just no one shot this point elections they wanted to free them now there's a monthly massacre in that takes place when people who don't even have the right to be listened in the big square how can they really support we stand about what. it took my m. and other b. gyptian youth just eighteen days to topple a dictator he beat in poland for nearly fifty six years but they haven't been able to come up with a single compelling candidate in the country's first post presidential elections and off the ten of them were disqualified. thirteen remain in the race for egypt's
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top job the front runners include i'm a looser insider for me gyptian foreign minister and hit of the arab league abdel moneim of doing for top former brotherhood leader cairo physician and long time anti mubarak dissident and mohamed morsi the muslim brotherhood's choice who has a respected party and well financed campaign behind him the fact that there are two strong islamised candidates means the islamist voters split although on foreign policy issues they're united the constant believe that the two of them will try to improve the relations but on the expense of egypt's relations was the bosses. are going to try to improve the relations was israel. i believe it's going to get more. chances are high that egyptians will vote in an islamist president but this support is no we near what it
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was in recent parliamentary elections was egypt tough on. civil servants and picked up a suit to consider the status challenges to. many of the thirteen candidates is expected to top fifty cities making a run for the highly likely but the delays are making egyptians edgy time and again the ruling generals lift out as to whether the elections would even happen and concern is right that the army plans to stay in power or at least pull the strings from a far but dr has some a far disagrees a military coup or has to be excluded and if it is then they thought it would be very very violent and there would be a little bloodshed. very much however there's been little about this election that's been predictable and no matter who wins the new egypt is likely to look a lot like the last few months of the old at least for some time the problems in the country. deep and economic and political frustrations are not that far from
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spinning of that. this is more about this election with dr saeed said political analyst from the american university in cairo so there have already been reports that a police officer has been shot dead outside a polling station in the capital is this sort of violence something that we can expect as this voting continues. i don't sing song. you know if you look at the parliamentary election that was conducted even at the security situation we did not see many and so that's some and so this may happen but i don't think it would affect the overall picture of the. electoral process and the freedom of the voters who choose the real problem is not official rigging of the election like we used to have during the last six decades in egypt the real problem
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is what happens outside the polling stations like you know some groups especially islamic groups who are trying to use and exploit those ignore those you know i have forty percent of the egyptian population below poverty line i have some people who. are sent to all illiterate and so sometimes you will find especially the islamic. veil delight in egypt trying to. mobilize people to vote in a particular way in return for some foodstuff some money. don't say that if you don't vote. candidate you will go to hell so this is the real fear the real fear is not official. thinking it is the official raiding and many police is now this election has been held by many as
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a free vote that would end decades of authoritarian rule in egypt are you optimistic about the outcome of this election. look after any revolution and the world that the government is weak the president is we. the parliament this week so i don't expect miracles or i lead didn't know was a measured lambton that would solve the problems in four years but some people still have this believe this if you remember the whole middle east the whole other world has always been by one man always one man sure they always look at their leader as the one who would solve all the problems this idea about the institutions ruling and everything is discussed and debated and then you are take a decision still has not taking hold fixed time the egyptian position election today this is the first since photonic times has never choosing rules like any part
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of the world egypt is once of the arab world and if this succeeds it will have victories on the entire world without the democratization. who is going to choose this election again is ma was feel some people are scared of the islamists and so the vote for anybody who would be able to stand against the islamists they would vote for you know an ex general who would be tough was the islamists some out trying to vote for we know names like the former secretary general of the league. former foreign minister of egypt the most and somehow trying to get somebody in one loss of life and if this like. some out i do vote for. you know if you are really ideologically islamic fanatic you would go for the most of them but if you are moderate you will go through there's
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a lot of fed mentation of total food and that's why we expect a one off in this first round i don't think it is the end or that we will get a president. one week later all right thank you very much for your insight dr science attack speaking with us live from cairo. major demonstrations to mark a hundredth day of student rallies have shaken canada tens of thousands filled the montreal streets protesting against a huge planned rise in tuition fees and in an attempt to quell the movement local authorities adopted new emergency laws restricting protests he's included fines of up to one hundred twenty five thousand dollars to which any to any group that tried to stop students from attending classes but the controversial members have only a few more public anger more than three hundred were detained and twenty injured after demonstrations spiral into violent clashes with police sunday night martine desjardin from the quebec unit separation of university students thinks the
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government's actions have only made matters worse. try to understand ways the government's going far despite all that. restraint a lot of larry if you're pretty you know the expression manifestation in the grave so you see ition so it's very difficult this in our opponents now because the you know what's where is this study on this you know that the government passes and i actually didn't step back from all this demonstration that has been going out of the government trying to make social peace in the city of much else and actually see. several demonstrations going on. since friday so i think it's not working for the government and we know the trying to go back. to make sure that this conflict as they. stay with us here on r.t.
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still ahead this hour rising tensions syria's onerous spills into neighboring lebanon with clashes between pro and anti assad supporters raising fears of a growing conflict there. but first bringing about a euro zone growth and solving the escalating problem with greece dominating the minds of e.u. leaders on lawmakers ahead of an informal get together in brussels germany continues advocating belt tightening and is supposed to join borrowing but artie's peter all over has been finding out it looks like the policy berlin has been foisted on others isn't one it's too keen to pursue it would self. the merkel message to hear it is clear vox to grow by structural reform is important and necessary but a debt ridden growth would only revive a crisis we're the one that will not do that. so all sturdy all round however don't expect german belts to be getting much tighter. according to the influential cologne institute for economic research while the in
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bangs the drum for spending cuts in countries like spain greece and italy the federal government has made good on less than half of its planned savings as the boomers were young out of sight of the federal government promised and twenty to hand out there would cost over ten billion euro year in spending from the budget by two years later they've cut less than half of this amount some of this is down to changes in policy making promised costs and possible but most of the promise savings just weren't made. this will make interesting reading for the heads of the twenty five european union member states who signed up to a fiscal pact in march obliging them to show greater fiscal discipline a pact championed by the chief cheerleader of austerity chancellor angela merkel as these are missing or it looks as if the german government has relaxed a bit while at the same time turning orders to work hard our deficit goals were reached because of higher than expected tax revenue out of the courts were not
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followed through. so after the government made good on only four point seven billion euro of the eleven point two billion savings that it promised the association of tax payers came up with a list of areas they suggest should be cut from the budget as part of a spring cleaning plan which could save an extra one hundred and fifty six million euro these include scrapping a quarter of a million euros subsidy for growing organic carrots as well as a similar initiative for apple juice all the way through to reevaluating civil servant pensions and the driver service both former presidents of the german parliament. are thirty examples are meant to inspire ideas about how and where the budget can be cut even with a large. building blocks the government should take the good spring cleaning tradition in applied to the budget and start saving. there are those who argue that the recent growth posted by the german economy means that they are under no
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obligation to cut the rest of the proposed eleven billion euro that it's only those countries posting negative growth that need to trim their spending the reason why the cuts are not as deep as periphery countries that are suffering the most from the financial crisis is simply the fact that we have a higher tax revenue right now and that leaves room for maneuver so the german economy is showing growth but as the country's debt rises by the second even europe's dominant economy isn't out of the woods yet at home under merkel's christie and democrats have suffered some major political setbacks most recently a crushing defeat in regional elections in north rhine-westphalia a state seen as a bellwether of opinion in germany the. christian democratic party has a tradition of celebrating its look to us together it is the same for the defeats this is a common defeat we have discussed this defeat today and looked at length and they
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do you this we have. despite mrs merkel putting on a brave front as a party loses support from the electorate the question has to be asked how can the german chancellor preach austerity to the people of athens madrid rome when her party's policies can't even win over the people. these are all over r.t. germany. teachers and students in spain are returning to work after their nationwide strike action on tuesday against proposed cuts to education plans including increasing class sizes slashing the number of teachers and a rise in university tuition fees the government says cuts are needed to me this year's spending targets belgian m.e.p. durkee an airplane says the eurozone needs to learn to balance cuts with growth prospects. growth is like love everybody's in favor of love everybody's in favor of growth but how to bring it about and one hand you need austerity because our budgets are bloated already for a long time many countries have too much debt on the other hand we have to be store
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competitiveness i make sure that and. set up companies again and the economy starts growing again but we need and we need lower taxation we need competitiveness and all these things these things we have to do only in a few years' time because you know now we're in a process of internal devaluation we're not develop waiting a currency but we are developing countries and that's a very hard process that may take years but the political and social system are not able to cope with that and that is part of the problem there is no time for the things we have to do the problem here is that nobody is coming up with a plan b. everybody says we have to stick with plan a greece has to stay in the euro zone and that is the official line of the european commission of the european council but nobody is really looking beyond what's going to happen and that is part of the crisis and part of the uncertainty that we also see is a disagreement between paris and berlin and that is really in the heart of the eurozone if if germany and france do not agree on the line to take then to you is
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really in trouble. iran and a group of world powers have started today talks in baghdad to discuss suspicions tehran might be seeking to build a nuclear weapon earlier terror on agreed in principle to allow the i.a.e.a. to inspect military sites where nuclear weapons might be developed meanwhile washington says they'll be no let up in the pressure on iran as the senate continues expanding sanctions on the concert country u.s. congressman dennis kucinich says to resolve the iranian issue washington needs to change its approach. sanctions are another form of warfare sanctions are just a step away from shooting we're being told we should have any contact with them we're being told that we shouldn't be negotiating with them we're being told. to get ready for war it's all of that is wrong. what we need to do is to have direct negotiations. we need to be talking with iran and we need to
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stop this vainglorious notion that somehow we can settle our differences with iran through war we have to believe that peace is possible what we have is a type of thinking coming out of washington that says wars inevitable when you say wars inevitable you actually create a war a self-fulfilling prophecy so you get war we wonder why do we have war because people think in terms of war. the. war from congressman kasich in about fifteen minutes of our interview segment on our team remember you can always find more stories on our website our team dot com here's what's a click away right now. made in china u.s. congress exposes counterfeit electronic parts used by major aviation corporations on the military air force on the military aircraft in the u.s. posing a potential threat to security plus. read about the controversy over the russian
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comb the conflict in syria spreading across the border into neighboring lebanon where rallies have turned violent russia's foreign minister says third parties supporting the unrest should stop breaching the un mandate and be honest about their motives. there you go there was a conflict in the syrian conflict is spilling into lebanon where taking into account the religious ethnic makeup it couldn't very badly it's a pity the divisions are being artificially between the shia and sunni populations . world powers behind it will come to the right conclusions and the right time. syria and those financing and arming it from abroad the grossly violating un security council resolutions just those behind it must honestly say what they want whether they are ready to assist in ending the violence and the start of a national dialogue or if there's
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a hidden agenda that forces you aimed at regime change in syria and it also looks the reason a spate of unrest on the syrian rebels reportedly kidnapped thirteen lebanese shia muslims are turning for a major clashes between pro and anti assad supporters in a lot of it on have also left a dozen dead over the last few days political analyst and journalist omar now xabi says western powers may be providing indirect support to terrorists which could destabilize the region. there are some serious internal divisions not necessarily about who supports us against i said it's more internal divisions between a group that is the side how do you to grow what's called the fourteenth march group that wants to overthrow the government because the government has taken a position a neutral position on the situation in syria the ironic thing is that al qaida and the western powers are seem to be in the same group that is defying the lebanese authorities i mean this is this is a very peculiar situation and i think that many european and american allies
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warning that this is a situation that the. western powers cannot sustain because these groups these fundamentalist groups some of them are affiliated to the movement or they are supporters of openly i mean no one can actually deny that and at the same time the united states and the western policy for the for his multiple edition which is very close to. the political party that. have interviewed many of these people and they have openly supported the movement. turning now to some other stories making headlines across the globe demonstrators have torched dozens of vehicles and set several shops ablaze in pakistan's largest city kharaj this after a violence that broke out at a political rally in the city tuesday a gunman opened fire on protesters there killing at least nineteen injuring more than thirty hundreds have died and politically motivated attacks on the city which
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is often targeted by taliban and al-qaeda militants. has been found in argentina's capital a day before a former colombian president's visit to the country and explosives were hidden in a buenos aires theater where alviro a rebate was scheduled to give a speech authorities say the bomb was designed to be remotely triggered a rebate crackdown on drug smuggling guerrillas during his two terms as colombia's leader raising suspicions they may have been involved in the plot. firefighters rescued around six hundred people after a blaze ravaged a high rise office in mexico city twenty people suffered carbon monoxide poisoning one person being treated for serious burns seven people were evacuated from the roof by helicopter initial information from the emergency services suggest an electrical fault in the basement may have been to blame. i'm going to lose from business so marina not a good day for the russian market tell us more. actually an understatement russian markets are taking
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a beating right now and of course some of the reasons for that include concerns about the euro zone we know that there's a meeting there today well i will talk about that a little bit later let's take a look at the latest figures for the russian markets just to see how bad the situation really is as you can see there. almost four percent of the mayas that's a little bit behind that three percent exactly in the red another big factor for russian markets is the line in the oil prices they always have a great impact on the markets also make a look at that a little bit later first let's take a look at the individual share moves on the my sites we see that it's a sea of red there as well as for a banker setting a four and a half percent we have m.r. as as well as risk my drug dropping over forty five percent received evers' hydro is shut in some in the half percent there and both of these firms have now been listed as russian strategic company means that state sales there will not be privatized now if we take a look at europe it's a similar picture nor as a heavy losses there but still the picture isn't that great the footsie is losing
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almost two percent in the dax is not that far beyond investors there are really focusing on the european media in that statement place that some day which will discuss the growth of the eurozone greece of course is in focus and that's after the former greek prime minister did say that there are already preparations underway in case greece does exit the euro zone and it's about if it does it will come out of the high cost which will cause a spiraling costs there for the country if we take a look at oil prices which as i mentioned is they're headed south for the second day in a row after briefly escaping and the other six day losing streak it just seems that oil prices can not as scape that red zone there now this comes on the back over on the agreement with the united nations as well as the u.s. still being on the rise if we move on to currencies the euro is of course. or against the dollar when it comes to the. against both major currencies now you know the news the man who coined the brakes when it comes to emerging economies says the
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fate of shouldn't be considered as vital to the global economic out he was speaking at the lawn then the foreman jim o'neill from goldman sachs said that the growth of these emerging economies including brazil india russia and china is more important to focus on. the concept of the european crisis for example. fond of saying the china creates the economic equivalent of another greece every eleven and a half weeks so you could wipe greece. and within eleven weeks china's created another one last year the combined g.d.p. of the four brics increased by about two point one trillion dollars so the equivalent of creating another italy every fifteen months so it has been and it remains the single most important global economic story of our generation. in other news the u.s. regulators have said that issues related to facebook's initial public offering and
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the way it was promoted should be reviewed and this comes on the back of banks on the riding the i.p.o. saying that they caught their revenue forecast for the social network in the days before that free and without publicly disclosing this information now investors have already filed a lawsuit against facebook and its underwriters for violating securities laws and in addition they're also soon that's that claim it was negligent and handling orders for facebook shares which led to losses shares in the company have lost almost half of their value in just trading sessions. that would go off of us think as usual that's. some days are like that thanks very much mary snow well coming up surely we look at turn issues in the middle east and examine ways to make the world a safer place before about a recap of our headlines stay with us. so
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ever there is a way that brings victory. to its creator. he's not alone some are more severe than others we have sunday bees born without skulls without organs and sometimes with their legs totally twisted blood means death to those who it's pointed touch. them. and to those who choose this one the. and that celebrates it and they don't realize it said stand looking at their own future concept albums this is just not good so sides. i have. leakage and i'll show you so the extent how much i have leakage.
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