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tv   [untitled]    May 24, 2012 9:30pm-10:00pm EDT

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to fight back against wall street so why are the tea party congresspeople taking huge amounts of money from wall street and does this mean that conservative populism is officially dead also if i can dance i don't want your evolution music is played a critical role of the occupy movement since its onset later in our show a live musical performance inspired by the occupy wall and finally in tonight's daily take someone called joe biden thanks to the v. for president obama now publicly supports marriage equality so joe biden comes out in favor of medical marijuana next and we expect the president a policy. the best of the rest of the news is there such a thing as conservative populism anymore back in two thousand and nine that answer appeared to be obvious all around the nation the tea party was springing up looking like a grassroots populist movement to russell back control of our government from corrupt
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politicians and the corporations to which they owed allegiance namely the corporations on wall street which the bush administration and bailed out after the banks crashed the economy back in two thousand and seven but to a more keen observer it was pretty clear that this wasn't actually populism millionaires and billionaires like dick armey in the koch brothers were orchestrating it. buses to carry people to rallies where expensive sound stages were built to get big names like sarah palin and glenn beck a platform big corporate media outlets like fox so-called news were promoting it and far right corporate lapdog politicians were pandering to it now today we know it was all a scam the center for american progress uncovered this week one hundred percent of the republicans calling themselves tea partiers and riding the so-called conservative populism to victory in two thousand and ten are today snugly in the pocket of wall street despite running on
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a platform against the bailouts and against wall street corruption all that's all a l. l. all of the freshman republicans in the house tea party caucus are now happily accepting campaign cash from either banks that got bailed out or from wall street's biggest interest group the american bankers association or both in total these members of congress have collected more than six hundred thousand dollars from wall street just in the past year and a half and in return they're voting totally in line with the banks toure's so in the end this conservative populism of two thousand and nine and two thousand and ten appears to have been nothing more than just a ruse. so does such a thing even exist conservative populism for those conservatives who call themselves populist really either confused or naive people who are actually doing the bidding of big corporations and billionaires who want the government out of the way so they have even more power here to offer his take on this is paul jacobs board member of the citizens in charge foundation all welcome thank you paul i feel
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like i've fallen through alice in wonderland rabbit hole populism has always been defined as a movement by working people taking on the powerful in the wealthy elite and usually using government to take down the pot the wealthy elite and the billionaires in that context how can conservative movements like the tea party or libertarians who want to push back government and protections for working people and want to open more space for giant corporations and billionaires to run the show how could they possibly be considered populist i think you have to look at who you're talking about i think there are a lot of conservative populists there are a lot of liberal populists but i think if you're looking at elected official republicans or democrats. they're not oculus they're in it for them you've seen them with obama coming into office and certainly not doing
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a lot of things he said he would do like what was down guantanamo that was filibustered by the republicans paul. but you know even when he still talked about closing down guantanamo when he no longer does talk about it he never talked about ending the idea of indefinite detention even if someone was was tried and found not guilty he actually he actually attached the signing statement through a bill that the republicans forced through congress that said that he was going to refuse to do indefinite detention and that he thought it was wrong unconstitutional what more could he do the republicans were blocking the clinton. we're talking about two different things he did say that he would not use indefinite detention on folks like you and i and that was nice of him but he shouldn't just be told the bill so that no president could ever do that but he did know that he has said that if he tried. but paul my question was about president obama my question is about
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how can how can people who call themselves tea partiers call themselves populist if their call for action is to turn our government over to giant transnational corporations and billionaires you know people who came out with the tea party movement. did not want to trust government over to trans national companies and billionaires ability not to have the same boat that you and i have but but if you look at it the occupy movement the tea party did not need that both of those came from from honest good people who are still tired of a government that is in bed with rand street and this is true across the across spectrum. it should lose when you look at how the freshman tea party caucus hasn't. well has not really rocked the government spent and doing and done some of the things promised to do i think what you have to conclude is we need more
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tools that allow the average person to do that you know i have you know be all i actually agree with you on that and i think that and i've always said i thought that many of the people probably the majority of people who showed up for tea party rallies and they just didn't do the math you know word of this five hundred thousand dollars bus come from where this hundred seventy thousand dollars sound stage come from it just didn't occur to them you know who paid for all the all the p.r. they got us in all the newspapers that they actually were were genuine populists but it seems to me that the beef that you have and that i have frankly is with the supreme court the supreme court created this doctrine out of thin air which was never proposed by any legislature anywhere in the united states any state legislature a federal legislature that corporations have rights as people under the constitution and the money is not property it's speech this doctrine was invented by the supreme court shoved down our throats and it has corrupted both political parties and our entire government shouldn't we be taking them on. i think you missed the crew up by
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maybe several decades or even a century green corps started this in one thousand nine hundred six with the santa clara county versus other pacific railroad decision like i somehow i thought you would take it seriously now and that's that's the pinnacle of we're talking. but here's the thing i don't think we have to worry about who is funding the sound stage or the tea party rally or who. those are the trappings the real issue is that we keep electing people go office whether it's the democrats who came into the congress in two thousand and six and then immediately set records for the lowest approval rating or the republicans who took over the congress in two thousand and ten and are now setting new record right because so three of them are beholden to big money because of the supreme court and i think they're moving to their own power and of course that does matter through big money so they love big
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money but i don't think we're going to see that government by itself by by the folks who are running it so the problem i think that people have to solve themselves it's why i favor term limits is why i think we need in every state and even at the federal level some way for citizens to reform but probably the timeline is here just a just to give it enough margin a lobbyist because they become the permanent infrastructure here in washington d.c. you know but the lobbyist have spent millions and millions against term limits they brought in when they first printer do it bottom when they first run the ballot. they never have. to look at look at the facts time to fax or to the lobby there are decisions in this town lobbying for term limits you name a name they're obvious to lobbying for americans for prosperity. americans for prosperity is a group of thousands of people they're not lobby. i'm not i'm obviously paul paul
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or i'll have to leave you with the last word on that we're flat out of time thank you very much for visiting with us tonight appreciate it if you want to see real populism in america than check out what the occupy movement has been doing for the last eight months that's the real deal with no corporate billionaires pulling the strings. crazy alert letting the fingers do the fighting with the olympics just two months away athletes all over the world are getting into the competitive spirit even german finger wrestlers over one hundred sixty athletes clad in traditional later hosen flooded the bavarian region of germany recently to take part in the thirty fifth annual alpine finger wrestling championships in wrestling is basically like a tug of war we're competitors only use one finger can better sit face to face and put a finger into a strap one a player is declared
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a winner when he pulls his opponent over the halfway mark of a table plane surface figure fighting fun is called finger a hot bone in germany and dates back to the seventeenth century the matches can get very intense with players flipping them flying over the table and leveraging their bodies against the table in attempts to stay in the match or has it finger looking good k.f.c. is the official sponsor of the event. just. it's the good the bad of the very very ugly the good the american auto industry usa today is reporting that automakers are now working at maximum capacity hiring third work shifts paying out over time even adding six day work weeks to meet the high
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demand for american made cars now lefroy ford and chrysler are cutting short their annual july plant shutdowns just so they can add thousands of more vehicles to their output industry is on pace to sell fourteen point three million cars this year one and a half million more than they sold last year it's also hired one hundred thirty nine thousand americans to work in the past three years president obama took a lot of risk rescuing the auto industry in two thousand and nine when mitt romney was arguing we should just let detroit go bankrupt now the returns on the president's risk are coming in. the bad kansas republican governor sam brownback kansas already has one of the most regressive tax systems in the country with the poorest twenty percent of kansans pain nine percent of their incomes in taxes while the richest one percent pages six percent of their income in taxes and now go to brownback just made things worse on tuesday he signed into law a new tax overhaul bill that will cut the top tax rate in the state paid by the wealthiest kansans from six point four percent down to four point nine percent in
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order to pay for it brownback will have to fight eight hundred million dollars in cuts to education and social service programs steal from the poor to give to the rich so one clearly missed the point of the story of robin hood and the very very ugly fact so-called news another new study is out showing that fox viewers are substantially less informed about the news and those who watch no news at all harley davidson university published a study which found that when questions were asked about domestic news americans were usually able to answer two out of the five questions right but fox viewers on the other hand only able to get roughly one out of the five questions right very far worse than viewers of all the other cable networks as well as people who watch no t.v. at all this backs up a similar study conducted last year that also found parts viewers are less informed than everyone else so is it about time for fox to remove the word news from its name because whatever it's doing over there it's clearly not news instead it's
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very very .
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during the two older the early one thousand nine hundred says labor movements were sweeping the world and governments were toppled by populist uprisings the writer and thinker emma goldman was rumored to have said if i can dance i don't want to be a part of your revolution today were in the midst of what is another revolutionary moment in american history and in the history of the rest of the world and living up to goldman's plea the occupy movement has made sure that this revolution is back dropped by great music a number of brilliant artists including any franco joan baez willie nelson and patti smith among others joined together to put out an album inspired by the now global occupy movement the album titled occupy this album was released earlier this month and features ninety nine tracks by ninety nine different artists making music that goes hand in hand with activists we've seen on the street since september of
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last year joining me now is the executive producer of the album and founder of music for occupy jason samel and one of the artists featured on the album is song is titled something's got to give singer and songwriter matt plus welcome to you both thanks for joining us tonight and thanks for having us jason what inspired this album how do you bring this thing together. what inspired the album is the occupy movement number one of course. but more to the point matt plus inspired the album. i had been down in zuccotti park on september twentieth two thousand and eleven i met matt there was kind of drawn in by his music he was playing on the steps of zuccotti park and was just drawn in by a harmonica and then these amazing lyrics that i was hearing from him. and went over to him and listened to a little bit and introduced myself to him and just a musician he's a musician i thought we could collaborate with each other asked him for his card
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and he hands me a small piece of paper with his name written in magic marker so i said great nice to me he said are i google me you'll find me and said ok walked away from that conversation thinking why is this guy who's belts in the best lyrics out that i've ever heard. sitting on the steps zuccotti park and most of the viewers out there have not heard of it and then i started you know meandering around zuccotti park liberty liberty square and heard all these other wonderful musicians that nobody's ever heard of and i said well what can i do about that and i thought maybe i should make a compilation album and that kind of began the thought process by the me you know how you going to get. yet well yeah you know and how can you have but the issue was is well who is going to buy an album with map plus and the occupy wall street drummers on it. likely not too many people so we thought that we're going to need
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some big names on there too to kind of redirect the light they already had shined on them to artists like jobs and madam i'm curious later in the show you're going to be playing a song that you wrote that's on the album something's got to give what's the story that song. i was in the park and i was i think it is you from the energy that was going on around me and she had to park and if you had to go down there and output. in the actually occupation when it was going on there was a lot of just really exciting and vibrant energy and positive feedback from all around so it was just like i think i jus from that i try to write about what's going on around me and you know just thinking observing and taking it all in and that's essentially what kind of inspired it was the energy that is that is great and jason we have just about a half a minute left here what's the what's the revenue model and how do people get the album. people can go and get the four disc set or ninety nine tracks digitally you can get the album on i tunes for only nine dollars and maybe nine cents for four
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discs or they can go to amazon dot com or mirch now dot com if you want to avoid the corporations ok and and matt occupy music the synthesis of the two what why is music so important in twenty seconds or i think music's important to any sort of. change or revolution or any kind of a movement in general because music is very influential and i think if you use your music in your are to influence people in a positive way it's going to reflect. the actions they and i think you're absolutely right jason jason matt both you thank you so much for being here with us and we will hear from her music in just a few minutes many thanks. president
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obama's personal opinion marriage equality recently evolved to the point where he came right out and endorsed equal marriage rights for gays and lesbians the spillover effect of this presidential endorsement was huge groups like the end of a c.p. who had never before seriously considered marriage equality for gays and lesbians came out and endorsed the president's position fifty nine percent of african-americans now endorse marriage equality and fifty three percent of all americans do and both those numbers have grown substantially just in the past few weeks and marriage equality is good for our economy in those states that have struck down discriminatory laws forbidding gay marriage revenues from weddings and many other social benefits coming from people making long term legal commitments to each other been huge in massachusetts for example marriage equality added one hundred million dollars to that state's economy in iowa was a thirteen million dollars stimulus in maryland where marriage equality was recently passed studies found that it would boost the economy even ninety million dollars and there will be more to come now that the president of the united states
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has come out in favor of marriage equality there's also a political dimension to this that tremendously benefit of the president the big fashion trend in politics right now is for young people or one of the big ones is for young people to call themselves libertarians i call them republicans who want to smoke dope and get laid and libertarians support marriage equality along with gay rights like the right to serve in the military as libertarian republican barry goldwater famously said you don't have to be straight to shoot straight so by endorsing marriage equality the president grabbed a lot of new voters who probably otherwise would have voted either for the republican or the libertarian candidate it was a brilliant move politically speaking. so here's another opportunity to reach out to barry goldwater's new generation the libertarians that will help our economy will help and even save the lives of millions of americans over the next generation and will solidly nail down president obama's election in two thousand and twelve by
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grabbing virtually all of the young ron paul voters and that's for the president to come out in favor of ending all federal laws that prohibit medical marijuana in the states just like with gay weddings medical marijuana will stimulate local economies all over the country it's a new industry after all and since pot roast you know it's a weed it goes pretty much fine anywhere in america it's an industry that mitt romney can't outsource to cheap labor countries if medical marijuana was taxed it would represent a significant source of federal state and local revenues and there's no shortage of good science showing that it would help millions of americans with conditions ranging from emmaus to high blood pressure to cancer and by any in a good sized chunk of nixon's failed war on drugs and moving marijuana from the category of criminal over to met medical activity we'd save a fortune on cops courts and jail cells and the lost tax revenue vanishes wouldn't otherwise productive person gets thrown in the slammer when the president came out for marriage equality he was preceded by the vice president who put the
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administration's toe in the water the response was overwhelmingly positive nationwide other than a among the you know the normal usual paranoid suspects and so the president stepped into that space and started what will be the end of generations of bad laws and created a renaissance in personal rights and freedom here in the united states now is the time just like joe biden opening the possibility that conversation another national figure seriously began this conversation yesterday newark mayor cory booker who's always been well known but was really catapulted to national prominence by his gaffe on last sunday's right wing t.v. show face the nation has come out in support of barry goldwater's. position on medical marijuana booker tweeted i'm with you on medical marijuana and new jersey should do more to make it real for those who need it and interestingly the same percentage of americans in favor of marriage equality also favor legalizing medical marijuana so president obama we need your leadership again on an issue that is
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hitting millions of americans really hard there are literally lives in the balance and there's a tremendous upside to you taking this bold step to bring millions of young people who think their libertarians over to your side please use the bully pulpit of the white house to call for an end nixon's failed war on drugs and to push for the very real medicine of marijuana to be used as nature intended as a medicine oh and vice president biden if you want to step into this and blurt out some words in defense of our medical marijuana now would be a great time. in this. changing. by now. may our minds.
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