tv [untitled] May 25, 2012 1:30am-2:00am EDT
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all this is r t the headlines now torture and human rights abuses rampant on both sides in syria a u.n. report blames the regime on the rebels well the bodies of latest findings says brighton is becoming increasingly militarized despite a shaky six week ceasefire. canadian police around up nearly seven hundred students who refused to end their protests against plans for a dramatic hike into machine fees forty's budgets indoors restricting protests from controversial measures a very few public discontent. and eurozone countries scramble to stop a lot from crumbling case greece aabs to go to the moon is making plans for closer
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ties to both regional budgets. are it's time to keep up with all the latest innovations in the world of technology as we get a rare glimpse of russia's up and coming high tech hub described as the new silicon valley. hello and welcome to technology update along with the digital revolution what i call the visual uprising understanding is more important than ever especially for the developers and as they turn this into a sprawling innovation center located. in
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addition to the nation's top tech minds. a brand new university numerous industry specific clusters and residential. the government has reportedly. billion dollars a year into the project considering the sheer size of it specialists architects and designers from around the globe have been invited to. this kind of melting pot approach has had to be carefully managed to make sure all the plant buildings and facilities. and that responsibility has. design and planning office here the head. plans and designs with fourteen teams developing nearly one thousand acres certainly no small task. but to help everyone conceptualize just how everything will fit together in the end a russian company has created a brand new solution like never before complex engineering designs have been turned into a fully immersive interactive environment. into the future understanding what
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everything will look like after the construction finishes in two thousand and eighteen this visually beautiful program gives your brain a rest and let your eyes do. you don't need to be a professional to. dan what it will look like in the future drawings and layouts are enough for professionals but this kind of graphic representation can be understood by administrators c.e.o.'s financial officers and all other stakeholders the model gives you a very detailed and accurate picture completely in line with the original drawings so it's absolutely true to life also it's an extremely convenient tool to use you don't have to worry about routine problems like computer crashes or missing a deadline because of a long rendering time dozens of pictures like that are just one click away. just across the road from that innovation center's future home is bizarre of the company behind the revolutionary technology without their producer and viewer it
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wouldn't have been possible to make the interactive graphics needed to show all skulk of the stakeholders how the final site will look and the accolades for visitor and their work have been pouring in in recent years they've been labeled one of the fastest growing tech companies and have received awards from google and forbes although existing rendering programs are able to convert design drafts into photo realistic visuals the graphics are static take hours to complete and require a high degree of expertise and computing power but this is read it out on the file in mere seconds without losing any of the necessary details and enables users to explore the entire building or development site without any specialized training or hassles i was head of the company developing very heavy systems you know based on satellite images creating the three new cities addressing systems etc etc and i had that idea to create and to simplify basically. technology to create of
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three d. photorealistic interactive worlds which would be in a very small smile file size. and it would be created very in a very short period of time despite the fact that the idea behind it is really. really simple nobody had thought to do what is there a did before there just was a demand from architects and engineers who had long been accustomed to working with the non interactive sketches however thinks the developments in other industries like gaming the tech and know how to do so already existed innovations there have been driven by ever increasing frame rate demands from gamers with that in mind it's no wonder that the dream team at busier have their roots in that industry. or my previous experience was in the gaming industry most successful game was still a movie which sold millions of copies and became famous around the world not always
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the away apply the expertise and knowledge in visualize a sion and programming that make human they did over the past twenty as it's a list of all the optimized to read rates because you need to get the picture foster a second we improved the lighting module so that the trend this quickly was whether the same time gives you a pretty close to life picture in terms of physics then we exported into an all of us. all main goal was to create a program that would fill the gap between the architectural visualization drawings and a photo realistic one. that could be imported into a gaming engine to show how it works in real time or to make their technology as useful as possible they've teamed up with american smart as you explore design you can get any and all relevant info including eco score card data as well as details about the producers and cost of everything right down to the furniture with the
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help of its export to web function plans can be shared with anyone with an internet connection and to us the real power is getting users to collaborate or on the model and make better decisions i mean that's the goal of this the software so make better decisions so that owners ultimately get better projects around the world last week yesterday we talked to the folks. building up this beautiful campus here is cocoa and the environmental impacts the selection of materials all that can be greatly empowered by having all fourteen different design teams coordinate around a common vision for this beautiful project but this technology truly knows no borders the city of barcelona chose visit to help with the plan it would seem simpler a transportation hub the site will host an intercity bus station as well as a new high speed train leap that will connect the spanish city to paris in under four hours aided by the unique ability to see the whole design in an interactive way the developers managed to get overwhelming public approval as well as significantly improved the plans. we've been working on this project since you know
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with a lot of iterations because the project is being developed every month the goal was here to show what it will look like underground area all the security lines the facades and the. you know all those terminals and simulate. the flow understanding whether it's going to be secure or not. additionally this is tech allowed the developers to spot problems ahead of time before it's too late for example with the help of their videogame like demonstration planners realize that security checkpoints were too narrow and would cause serious bottlenecks as people tried to get into the station at the same time many other needed changes right jennifer i hope that all to me resulted in saving both money and potential lawsuits before they had. eighty centimeters based on their calculations are going to be
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more than four hundred people coming down from the. from the stairs based on their feet big they have improved the project as i said thirty percent of their drawings and based on calculation it saved them additional ten percent of the fundamental savings they made that they didn't. basically you know. things. isn't just limited to architects and designers nationalgeographic contracted to create. they can be used in classrooms around the world opening students to many modern day marvels similarly visual simulators workers to train and prepare safety plans. but of course when possible it's still always best to check out these beautiful places for yourself and in the historic city of peterhof it's easy to visualize the life that vacationing feller's used to enjoy or here for more than just sightseeing not too far from this beautiful palace
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is one rushing company that's changing the way we see ourselves interacting with everyday household the electronics located here at the peterhof campus of the st petersburg state university computer vision systems striving to clear the clutter of controllers. allows users to control hooked up devices with a simple wave of the hand but they're certainly not the only ones interested in this gesture recognition tech microsoft's connect achieve similar monitoring to a complex radar system. out across the whole field of vision and distinguishes separate objects based on the infrared refractions picked up by the camera well initially used mostly in gaming the potential applications are many according to the russian team and peter connect has a number of disadvantages which they aim to correct. technology relies on just two digital cameras and operates in the same way that human.
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factor that we see objects from two slightly different perspectives helps us estimate the distance to those objects in a very accurate way. we have one advantage over connect connect needs to emits light our technology can work anywhere video cameras. connect to ever work properly in bright light and completely fails to pick up images in the rain or snow. not only just computer vision systems device seem to offer functional advantages but it doesn't in terms of cost as well as the hefty price tag of around one hundred fifty dollars there is nothing more than a pair of small cameras of course the better the optics the better the performance but it's designed to run perfectly well with basically any pair of viewers the only drawback is one that affects the design of even our eyeballs when we can't determine the distance of objects in the same cases where humans can't either for example
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a flat white wall there is nothing for our eyes to fixate on there for if there are no other objects around it not even a human being can tell how far away it really is. there's already a good deal of interest a computer vision systems technology at the train show exhibition in moscow around the middle of may it was on display alongside the intel powered laptop. prototype here in point a simple enough external case that could be clipped onto the top of a screen in the future though a super thin pair of cameras can be built right into the laptops themselves. the software that we're demonstrating today with computer vision systems has been very popular one of the most impressive demos that we have been. great to have to show the prototype of the system incorporating. but the uses for this tech don't just stop at the computer and t.v. the team in peterhof is also working to incorporate their know how into next
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generation smart specs unlike other similar ideas that rely on voice commands this russian team thinks gestures are the most convenient way to navigate such devices pokes up to something like a smartphone they can help take augmented reality to a new level. we're ready to produce prototypes by the end of the year by that time we expect to have finished designing the chip that will make our gesture control system much more energy efficient and will boost performance despite its compact size with that chip in hand will be ready to offer actual devices but of course much will depend on market demand as well seeing as alternately believing so futuristic specs like those still need to become a reality before they can augment ours but for now there's another new exciting interface that can be seen but not felt. at an exhibition in april a young startup called display or showed off their unique way to bring the convenience of a touch screen to basically wherever you want now we're still quite
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a ways away from the sleek displays like those in minority report but we brought the team into our moscow studios to get the skinny on their device and just what it can do. next scene can you tell me how you came up with this idea was it university or during some kind of r. and d. work the idea of visualization in space has been around for quite a while and it's been quite popular in a plant them so i jumped on the bandwagon and started off with optical illusions in the board tory then moved to natural effects like rainbows clouds etc and so this was the foundation for the development of a dedicated device. water is used to make tiny particles a form a continuous jet of cool air there big enough to capture an image small enough to evaporate behind the fog making box is a simple projector that beams the desired image onto the cloud like screen their infrared lights built in which allow
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a camera to pick up where your fingers hit the stream of air that info is relayed to a connected computer which works out just how your interactions relate to the projected image all that with a lag of just zero point two seconds on a little display in the display is most important feature is its multitask control our software enables it to identify fifteen hundred. eighty s. even the device is large size a lot of people will be able to manipulate images literally out of thin air and there are a lot of games that use these touch controls right now if. for example you put his shoes one of the most popular games on the list angry birds or issues a difficulty level we have the bird in there we can feel the tension of the sling shot is a launch the bird it's really cool and very convenient can i try a chair have a go. some of our main distinction primark are soft skin ect my prime sense in many other systems that enable display control is gestures is based on how difficult it
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is to identify yourself with a graphic image you are manipulating but if you aren't able to push buttons or type text that way all you can do is play it on the other hand our system can detect subtle gestures much more precisely. these intricate pieces of machinery have to be put together by hand at present display or device consists of two separate sections the fog maker and the projector sensor system but in the future they intend to incorporate both main components into one compact device as well as harvest the needed water molecules right out of the air they're also working on advanced sensors that would allow you to manipulate objects in actual three d. as well as incorporate face recognition software point. like we've designed the air to flow in such a way that when you break the surface with a finger it doesn't distort the image the flow will simply bifurcate and then come back together whereas if you do the same with the device from hell you display or
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the finished company folks screen the flow is disrupted and the image becomes distorted you simply wouldn't be able to seat and that's exactly why they haven't developed interactive controls for their systems but meanwhile we offer a device that weighs eight kilos it's much easier to carry around than a large screen at the moment it's a bit more expensive than a regular l.c.d. or plasma screen but it's worth it after all magic should cost a little more. to be or not to be if you're lucky enough to find yourself in hospital that's more than just a philosophical question it's one of actual life and death but with the help of new visualization technology russian doctors have a valuable weapon in the fight for life. during serious operations every. i can count the less time a patient is knocked out the better but someone's life is at stake medical professionals are looking for any help they can get and here you can see doctors
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preparing the implant using an old produced off site the doctors know that it will render a perfect fit for the patient while simultaneously greatly reducing the time needed under the knife the tech that created the mold comes from a potentially unlikely source rapid prototyping which initially found acceptance in device making has gone a long way to help doctors prepare and improve many surgeries especially those with significant damage to bone structure. this considerably improves the quality of all these operations. and makes our work far more effective and provides better cosmetic results. it all happens incredibly quickly takes only a few seconds to make a cat scan just like everywhere else then we email and the very next day we get an identical copy. and as the good doctor alluded to the institute of information technology is here in place the biggest role in making sure they're equipped with
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the tools they need to save. complex bone structures like the skull in full detail a computer screen has been around for quite some time but to actually hold and field a precise model is something totally different to get the precise demanded by doctors . griffey. here to make several different designs but the principles all the same an exact copy of just about any object can be produced in a laser equipped chamber in a matter of hours first a detailed three images loaded onto one computer where it's refined and cleaned up from there to another that directs the production process. cadmium laser beam is reflected off of mirrors. draws the image from bottom up layer by. on to a photo curable resin completed object is raised from the vat revealing a one hundred percent accurate reproduction. the institute came out with its first
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such rapid prototyping machine back in the one nine hundred ninety s. but thanks to major advances in three d. computer modeling since then the quality and speed of the whole process has been greatly improved and aside from their own apparatuses they operate here they provide them to institutes and medical facilities around the country. and the thought of graffiti is certainly not unique to this russian institute it's well known and why they applied all over the world was that shut out from the rest is their specialized photo polymer at a cost that's about three times less than similar resins made elsewhere you can say that is exactly what the doctor ordered. over have developed a poem i was certain characteristics that has proven the extremely useful for medical applications in the first of all it's rather heat resistant and means that it can be sterilized. secondly it's fast setting polymer with it.
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can range between six hundred and eight hundred cubic centimeters per day. to polymers quite rigid and therefore some of the bone tissue to a certain extent. when the laser printing process is completed the object is nearly ready to go at this point it simply has to be removed from the working platform and basically just rinsed off for this example there were none but sometimes supporting structures are needed to prevent it from breaking during the stereo lithography process at this stage those would be carefully cut off leaving nothing but a perfect replica of the original object lastly it's popped into an ultraviolet to take care of any bits that may not have been completely cured by the laser innovation isn't always about the future sometimes new technology can help us look into the past and here one of russia's most ancient cities scientists are using. advanced visualization techniques to breathe new life into an old restoration project. believed to have been founded in the middle of the ninth century. was long
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an integral part of the trade route between the baltics and. the kremlin or fortress standing today dates from the late fifteenth century and contains a long list of buildings bearing the title of russia's oldest in recent years the government has reportedly splashed more than fifty million dollars to repair the site to its former glory and certainly some of that is going to refer to shoot many of the museums treasured some of which date back to the eleventh century. our collection requires a great deal of care and attention not every medium a storage facility can boast of right climate and the quality of i consider midges can be degraded as a result of storage conditions say when they're taken from one nice internat there for an exhibition. damaged during world war two in iraq there are stores and. have
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a lotta work to do. so with a mind to undo in the damage seen over the years the dedicated team over stores labors over these timeless wonders for many of the jobs a simple microscope and an extremely skilled hand are enough because of russia's wide fluctuations between winter and summer temperatures many of the oldest icons were laminated with a special coating protected them from the ill effects of the weather very quickly darkening the beautiful image below nearly unrecognizable. when you look at the version of this icon before restoration you can see just how unkind this interested been returning the painting to its original beauty was so complex that required a twist on a tried and true method thanks to a combined. this once completely blackened fifteenth century image has given way to the original masterpiece below the optics specialists state universities paula
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technical institute lent a helping hand to create this purpose built work table bed with a movable microscope allows the restorer to focus in on any part of the icon and because it's filled with a digital camera hooked up to a nearby computer it can blow up the image of a great deal further so this is just a prototype so they're still looking for ways to improve it like infrared imaging which will give them one more tool to slow the effects of time. in fact infrared cameras can come in handy when restoring tempera paintings because infrared footage vividly brings out the initial outline done by an artist and therefore it gives you a baseline to which you can trace back all the alterations made to a painting after its original production. together with our colleagues armed with technical knowledge we continue to work on new tools that make life a lot easier for restoration artists. the poly technical
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institutes work developing the device used for the version of loving kindness icon was far from the first time they've teamed up with a historical museum here in. their interactions stretch back many years but with the help of government funding they took their partnership to a whole new level analyzing the work stations of the restorers adding a scientific aspect to the artistic process. with you would mean for the today restoration artists are being offered a brand new workspace designed to restore honor doesn't merely study an author with an optical microscope and. if she can get a digital image to analyze and then decide on the necessary steps that need to be taken. in addition to that they're able to copy the image and consult other experts in a bid to find the very best possible has to ration the solution.
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but this is only the beginning in november of this year the public technical institute is going to analyze the results of their prototype here and going to make recommended improvements and launch larger production to distribute to restores all over the country with a number of works of art in need of restoration of museums and historical sites around the world for seemingly endless demand for november at the time reversing tech but unfortunately we can't turn back the clock so that'll do it for this edition of technology update with you next time and it's all they enjoy the right.
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my parents really truly honestly believe that what had happened was as a result of my father's exposure to agent orange i was born with multiple problems . i was missing my leg and my fingers and my big toe on my right foot i use my hands a lot in my artwork i find myself drawing my hands quite a bit to me for my hands you know just as if anyone would but
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