tv [untitled] May 25, 2012 4:00am-4:30am EDT
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torture and human rights abuse is rampant on both sides in syria the un report blames the regime and the rebels as violence rages on. testing times canadian police around up nearly seven hundred students refused to end their protests against plans to dramatically hike tuition fees. and eurozone countries scramble to stop the block from crumbling crushing plans for unity in case of greece to go to. their world news and comment on air and online this is r.t.
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the two sides of the syrian conflict the government and the opposition have both been accused by the un of torture and other serious human rights violations the world bodies latest report on the country says fighting is becoming increasingly militarized despite a shaky six week cease fire at the un commission says the majority of abuses have been committed by the syrian army also filed cases of armed rebels executing captured soldiers and pressure are said supporters as well as abducting civilians london based activist says the fact the un has now knowledge the opposition involved violence is a positive step. clearly making a sort of progress aren't we last time around i checked there was no mention at all neither of the armed groups nor of their atrocities and this happened when the un general assembly was voting on syria and they got a vote with a majority of one hundred thirty seven countries so had some of those atrocities been mentioned probably that wouldn't have been the result let alone having sort of
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a majority but we're getting there fourteen months on the line there are calling that there are groups that are committing atrocities there is a bit of suspicion with regards to the real objectives of such organizations you know the human rights commission or the amnesty international who today accused the un of being not fit for purpose for failing to have a decisive action with regards to syria now the un has taken a decisive actions with regard to libya but was that for the benefit of the libyan people now tens of thousands of dead libyans would tell you know was that for the good of libya itself perhaps libya will not exist anymore so the objective was clearly only to topple the regime now is the objective of toppling the regime in syria would be good for the syrian people probably almost probably you would not also these organizations seem to be a little bit manipulated by the opposition so for example the report talks about his student who is friend from the falls flat in university and there is
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a sort of accusation of the syrian forces. of committing such a crime but this person called yours and i brewed was actually a government supporter so it's a welcome step the knowledge that there are armed groups but they need to take it a little bit further and really scrutinize more of the information they're getting . for social media is playing a vital role in serious conflict as both sides try to shape the best and international opinion in their favor chilling videos of acts of brutality have the power to go viral and be broadcast on global t.v. networks but sometimes the pictures aren't everything they appear to be may find some of the images. this report just having. hash tag change status update freedom social media have often been credited for empowering the arab youth in their struggle to shake off decades old chalk receive fans of social media often say that without facebook you tube or twitter the arab spring wouldn't help been so
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swift being so contagious there's also a growing number of those who believe that without these websites the arab revolutions wouldn't have been so deadly and so destructive. this may be the most disturbing video from the syrian frontlines as we had an opposition activist allegedly buried alive by process troops the backstory claims the victim was caught in possession of a video he intended to sand to al-jazeera whatever his initial footage was in terms of the impact it was no match for his alleged execution which ran viral on you tube presented as yet more proof of the inhumanity of the regime i mean while the authenticity of this video is still highly questionable these contrived and staged you tube videos are used by the opposition to justify a western backed regime change projects on the contrary the creativity of syrian
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opposition fighters has a ready been exposed before when they were caught posing as process supposedly carrying out the regime's brutalities. but what started as the killings for social media consumption is now leading to quite real deaths in syria these days some of these book pages really look like hit list we got used to those i mean this is happening now for one in. the head of aleppo chamber of industry says many of his fellow businessman found their photos and personal details posted on the opposition's web sites with explicit callings to murder them this is the car his car this is the number of his car this is the number of his law by this is where he could that we lives go kill him go down get him and these are not just empty threats dozens of public figures and government officials were gunned down in syria in recent months just for being perceived as sympathetic to the authorities this is
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a national hero for sports became two months ago because i'm in the world markets. mohammed was more likely the president of a leper student union he was kidnapped a few days after his name and photo surfaced on facebook. i believe that my abduction was directly linked to my political activity i received many threats over the phone and eventually they did what they promised. to do unwavering in his political allegiances mohammed sas his family had to pay a ransom to free him it included a car a laptop and around tampa thousand dollars. what's happening now in syria is that we have some people who participate in peaceful demonstrations and whose demands we support but there are also a lot of those who are trying to take advantage of the current situation to seize people's properties were kidnapped them for ransom. while facebook's administration has previously blocked pages that openly supported by charlotte's side it's so far
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failed to do anything to stop the calls for the killing of his supporters and many like the social activist believe that's been long overdue you. have a knife we can use it to the fruits or to kill and this they caught me is ultimately at the core of the syrian crisis there is nothing wrong in calling for more freedom until some start using it as a cover to rob and kill a club or car to see aleppo syria. early results from egypt's presidential elections suggest the muslim brotherhood candidate is in the lead and that they'll be a runoff vote next month running against their side could be former prime minister and shafique that's according to the brotherhood's own estimates more than half of the votes have been counted so far doesn't contenders are hoping to replace me back who was forced out by the conference of lucian fifteen months ago meanwhile the
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actual powers of the president happen yet to be defined by the country's interim constitution. based journalist and i phones in the news that's creating a potential conflict of her in egypt. when we call before the. constitution should be furthest. most of egyptians have voted for that we have to get elected parliament first and then we can derive the constitution but currently most of the people say if we have a president who. would have a constitutional responsibility clear the. constitutional responsibilities that can make a conflict between different political factions and between the parliament and then you president since both of them will peter sponsible for then you can assume. there is a conflict of interest for the both of them would like to maximize their power and some people and some analysts as people if islamists lose. deserve
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presidential presidential seat they may favor a parliamentarian system rather than a presidential system so leaving is a matter of the constitution until we get a new president. it's a quite very risky. coming up on r.t. nuclear negotiations now about the latest diplomatic efforts aimed at persuading tehran to end its nuclear search the talks now set to head to moscow next month. the bassman u.s. military operate was twice exposed for anti islamic jihad's meeting in the training of soldiers. nearly seven hundred arrests have been made overnight in canada during the latest protest in quebec against a huge planned rise in student tuition fees the valleys have been ongoing for more
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than a hundred days in an attempt to quell it counted as most sustained student demonstrations ever notice and talk to you but you see laws restricting protests the controversial measures have you fueled public discontent activists and you kevin marshall thinks the situation in quebec isn't part of a global problem. now it's a social movement it's being referred to as the maple spring and on the one hand you have the government becoming more repressive passing bill seventy eight last week which removes severely restricts our constitutionally guaranteed rights to freedom of assembly and freedom of expression so you have a crack down i a totalitarian like crackdown by a mafia connected government on a student movement and on the other hand you have a student movement which is becoming more resilient more energized to react against this freedom attacking legislation what's happening in quebec it's about what's happening to my generation around the world we're fighting against global austerity
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measures imposed by an elite who simply want more for themselves and last for everyone else. but the eurozone nations are rushing to shield themselves from the shock waves should greece rejected so you know stare it's in the balance of the single currency the e.u. is making plans for close the ties to strengthen the block the divisive issue of joint borrowing once again on the table on t.s.p. to all of the reports on the expectations placed on the region's strongest and weakest economists. should they stay or should they go germany's. is adamant to your mind is that some i bought i would like to say that i think we agree we want greece to remain in the euro zone we know that it's the same for a majority of greek people. but it seems plans are being drawn up in case those hopes fail the german bund as punk says the situation in greece is extremely
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worrying but isn't predicting the demise of the single currency should the greeks quit the euro a view certainly not shared by all if it won't happen if it won't become reality then we are really in a mess and it means automatically that this will spill a domino effect all over europe because then we have also the question of moral hazard for example if you overdo it you pull out of the euro zone and every problem is nowhere then the others will also begin to start ok it's a very nice solution for us we all sort of adepts for so fast it's easier to pull out of the europe or to go ireland i did you know and also spain and italy that from the beginning the only question was where right now it's there in fact year zero skeptics feel that drastic german government action may be needed if europe's dominant economy is to avoid being swamped in the economic mire which is so called corrects it or greek exit could cause the only logical to your solution for
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this problem where we are in is that germany parts of germany has to pull out of the euro then the new currency that we have will go through the sky we will have big difficulties because sasha meant so long but we can live with it we can cope with it but it's not just here in germany that a post greek eurozone is being discussed finance ministers from all member states have been drawing up contingency plans to try and determine how a greek exit would affect their economies european leaders continue to throw their support behind greek single currency membership the country's rerun elections next month the rapidly looking like a referendum on the euro and everything but name france's socialist president speaking after the informal brussels summit looked like a man trying to woo the greek electorate with rather softer talk. if.
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it was mentioned that we would be using the structural fund to support the growth efforts of greece as well so that the greek voters can be confident as to what support will come after june the seventeenth. so as the future of greece in the eurozone enters what could be its final act toppy you figures say it's all down to its people let's wait for the people of greece to have their say on the seventeenth of june. and we will not let ourselves be derailed by those who want to promote speculative scenarios let's wait i do the will of the greek people but it's a wait and see time but with deep resistance in greece towards austerity there's no clear outcome in sight for this crisis these are all of a faulty belin. well so much for the political costs of the greek crisis but over its r.t. dot com we have more on the human cost a bit about how a sixty year old greek musician and his ninety one year old mother jumped to their
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deaths from the four problems as a crisis destroyed their lives that's. also in light of the parliamentary punch up heated debate the sense into the dingell tween ukraine and he is over the bill that could make russian that second the fischel language in parts of the country from story go on the fisticuffs is yet to come. it's easy to. download the official anti application to your i phone or i pod touch from the top
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story. watch our life on the go. video on demand parties mind broadcasts and our s.s. feeds now in the palm of your. question on the dot com. iran and the group of six world powers will hold further nuclear talks in moscow next month the decision was made during the goshi ations in baghdad besides exchanged proposals but no agreement was reached the international group wants iran to stop enriching uranium in exchange for incentives which it refuses to do so again turn to client calls to ease sanctions on tehran despite agreeing to allow u.n. inspectors into a military site suspected of carrying out nuclear weapons related research washington says it's now terence job to compromise the u.s. and europe keep up the pressure political consultant wagner says the gaps are too
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wide to close through talks. you know i look at iran and the west as sort of like mars vs venus they want completely different things even if the west was inclined to ease the sanctions that are proposed for july they can't simply turn off the spigot and that's exactly what iran wants iran's not going to get what it wants probably the west isn't going to get what it wants either there are some optimists out there about this process i don't happen to be one of them in the west i think what the west and israel are looking for is something which iran is simply not going to give them they're looking for a complete cessation of enrichment they're looking for a reversal of the process that has gone on for more than a decade now i just don't see how this is going to happen fortunately there's plenty of oil in the world markets and those nations that need to find alternative sources of oil are likely to be able to do so and those nations that have become
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accustomed to working with the iranian central bank will find other ways to do business with iran if that's what they need to do. but there are some other news in brief from around the world now a car bomb has exploded outside a police station in central turkey killing an officer twenty people were also injured in the attack some of them seriously police opened fire on the vehicle killing one of the attackers. washington has published is that a bad for the jailing of a good afternoon helped the cia track down osama bin laden u.s. senate committee has decided to cut pakistan's aid by thirty three million dollars they did each year of the prison sentence given to shock you afridi who is accused of running a fake cia vaccination program as part of the hunt for the former al-qaeda leader u.s. special forces killed bin laden last in a raid on his compound in the city of. french
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president francois alone has made a surprise visit to afghanistan is expected to discuss the upcoming withdrawal of french troops from the country well and made a campaign promise to bring a french combat forces back by the end of this year earlier than planned but you know his recent visit to the us for a nato summit he said france will continue to support afghanistan in non military ways. islamic militants might be using religion to justify their fight it's another us army has been accused of doing the same it's been forced to drop one of its training courses off the trains it was teaching islamophobia there chewing the idea that the u.s. is fighting a war against islam and though a review of all textbooks has been awarded the p.r. damage might already have been done as he's going to teach you can reports. the u.s. marine fighter squadron one twenty two has switched this name from where all this
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took crusaders the symbol invoking christian conquest and colonization of muslims during the middle ages has been freshly painted on the squadrons every eighteen fighter jets. but by doing this by making us look like. exactly what we are which is the term version of the nine prior to say which began earlier ten ninety six we do three things and they all begin with the letter. we and rage are islamic and our allies we embolden our islamic enemies this is the only that we could do nothing more that serves as an example or a lubricant for already angry and pissed off young islamic men and women mr weinstein says this is not the first time his foundation has to fight to remove crusaders symbols used by u.s. military but it's not just symbols the idea that the u.s. is fighting a war against islam has infiltrated american military training the most recent incident involved a course teacher. senior officers at the joint forces staff college that quote the
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u.s. is at war with islam and we ought to just recognize that we're at war with islam end of quote in response to a public backlash over the leaked information the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff general martin dempsey ordered to probe into entire islamic training materials mikey weinstein told us about a separate incident of the same kind we have the absolute eyewitness testimony where it's very very clear that the statement made is we have to kill islam and this is to the cadets at the air force academy where every american citizen to put to go to get us through or the air force academy annapolis or west point cost four hundred thousand dollars and this is what they're being told this fundamentalist christian crusader. or seem was axed and not only the air force academy at all over the you know the united states air force but it was just as bad in the marine corps navy and army in this video game questions are killing muslims
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a few years back it was a wildly popular game among the american troops publicly or choice to recruit others in order to fight the enemy of the leaders to show you the opposition will essentially repeat you mikey weinstein says their organization helped stop the game from being delivered to u.s. troops serving abroad we got it stopped how it was getting into the care packages and being being shipped over all of our troops i guess along with toothbrushes and you know packets of peanuts there's a perception among many muslims that the u.s. is on a crusade in the islamic world but some argue it's more based on the idea of transforming the region rather than imposing the religion on them via riginal sin of this entire enterprise which was the carter doctrine really positive. through the use of american hard power we were going to be able to shape and determine the destiny of a very large part of the world. when are we going to acknowledge that we are not going
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to be able to determine the fate of one point four billion muslims we don't have the wisdom we don't have the will we don't have the wallet what do you hear in the speeches by u.s. officials is usually something along these lines we're waging wars in muslim countries to fight terror bring about democracy peace and so long you never hear the word hussein but what kind of message does it send when their own marines call themselves persuaders and could crusade to logos on their warplanes i'm going to check our reporting pull off a hard. time for the business update this get the latest from. hi carol european markets are heading higher led by germany this time around that's after data show that consumer confidence they belong in the euro zone's biggest economy let's take a look at the latest figures here we can see that the footsies gaining almost point three percent of ours that that is going to almost won the percent there now trading and says in the spanish when they're buying have been suspending the market
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regulators say that's due to circumstances that may affect their normal trade and share their global bring up today with us so as a development on sort of russia markets here are tracking overseas gains we can see that the arts yes and the mindsets i gain a little bit of half a percent there my six a little bit over the r.t.s. a little bit on there and also what's helping investors here is the fact that oil prices are heading higher and we'll get to that in a second but first a second look at the individual seven of the my sex this time around we'll have energy shares and banking shares all moving higher sperm bank is adding almost one percent of that's on news that has become the only better for their standing spike in fact analysts say that this deal could be worth around three and i have been the end of dollars and is going to see a little and all of us left are both heading higher as well it's a currency is the euro is again in against the dollar and a similar picture with the ruble at state in the. both major currencies this our
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oil prices as i said they're heading higher that's after dropping about one percent this week of what was there for the weekly decline and the longest losing streak since august so we can see that light sweet this trading at around ninety one dollars per barrel rise the brant blood is heading towards one hundred seven dollars per barrel now move into asia the trading session is now over there and even though it was a mixed picture for a couple of hours and ended in positive territory you can see the nikkei and the hang seng out at around point superset in there surely chinese investors more concerned about the path all the country's economy and how it will grow but we see that they managed to turn things around and both ended in the black they're moving on to the u.s. markets there are close so we're looking at the picture from a thursday straight in session it was a mix the dow added almost point three percent was the nest egg roll by point three six and what we had there was a mixture investors were confident after sally and prime minister mario monti so
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the eurozone will do anything in there to make sure that news stays there but also we had a disappointing when it comes through stocks for example we had seventy and co which dropped almost seven percent and that's on news that it will lower its twenty twelve forecast after a decline in demand both domestically as well as overseas there now in other news of russia as a gas problem is could change one of its partners in the company's most promising offshore projects come sunday news for proclaims that is considering the band and its partnership with stacks of oil and develop in the gas which stopped in the field in the barents sea and gas from is in conflict with in the region for overworking schemes and reportedly wants to replace it with dutch shell the current partnership which also includes french toast now is expected to be discussed with president vladimir putin later in the day. and that's what i have for you this hour carol back to you ok we're going to see you next hour. but that a few minutes the moscow out's team explores new corners of the russian capital
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