tv [untitled] May 25, 2012 11:00am-11:30am EDT
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global economy with max keiser for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into kinds a report on our. syria's last chance the u.n. chief says the peace plan is the only option to end the fighting despite the organization and slamming both sides for gross human rights abuses. in egypt the muslim brotherhood's candidate claims the lead in the presidential race setting the stage for a potential runoff showdown with the bard's last prime minister. detention for seven hundred students and mass arrests in canada's increasingly furious rallies over these but the demonstrators refused to stop. the russian markets finished out the week on a negative night despite my deigning as investors is your main focus on the sovereign debt crisis in europe i mean about things many times the business
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management with the big. seven pm in moscow i met good to have you with us here on r t our top story syrian opposition groups claim at least two people have been killed after government forces opened fire on protesters demanding president assad's resignation the violence follows the head of the u.n. saying kofi annan peace plan is syria's only hope despite its new report accusing both sides of gross human rights abuses the document says fighting is becoming increasingly militarized despite a shaky six week cease fire and puts most of the blame for the abuses on the syrian army but it also filed cases of all rebels torturing and executing captured soldiers and proceeded supporters as well as abducting civilians as artie's acts out of oil found out the opposition is becoming shrewd at using the internet to push its agenda is to warn you you may find some of the images in her report
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disturbing. cashback change status update free to. social media have often been credited for empowering the arab youth in their struggle to shake off decades old chuck received fans of social media often say that without facebook you tube or twitter the arab spring wouldn't held been so sweeping or so contagious but there's also a growing number of those who believe that without these websites the arab revolutions wouldn't have been so deadly and so destructive. this may be the most disturbing video from the syrian frontlines as he had an opposition activist allegedly buried alive by process troops the backstory claims the victim was caught in possession of a video he intended to santa al-jazeera whatever his initial footage was in terms of the impact it was no match for his alleged execution which ran viral on you tube
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presented as yet more proof of the inhumanity of the regime meanwhile the authenticity of this video is still highly questionable these contrived and staged videos or used by the opposition to justify a western backed regime change projects on the contrary the creativity of syrian opposition fighters has already been exposed for when they were caught posing as prosser supposedly carrying out the regime's brutalities. but what started as the killings for social media consumption is now leading to quite real deaths in syria these days some of these book pages really look like hit list but we got used to those and this is happening an awful one in. the head of a leopard chambre of industry says many of his fellow businessman found their photos and personal details posted on the opposition's web sites with explicit
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callings to murder them this is the car his car this is the number of his car this is the number of his law by this is where he could live with lives go kill him go down get him and these are not just empty threats dozens of public figures and government officials were gunned down in syria in recent months just for being perceived as sympathetic to their thirty's this is a national hero. for years. became two months ago because the wind was martyred. mohammed was more likely the president of aleppo student union he was kidnapped a few days after his name and photo surfaced on facebook but i believe that my abduction was directly linked to my political activity and i received many threats over the phone and eventually they did what they promised. to unwavering in his political allegiances mohammed sas his family had to pay a ransom to free him it included a car
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a laptop and around ten thousand dollars the way they do it what's happening now in syria is that we have some people who participate in peaceful demonstrations and whose demands we support but there are also a lot of those who are trying to take advantage of the current situation to seize people's properties were kidnapped them for ransom. while facebook's administration has previously blocked pages that openly supported by charlotte's side it's so far failed to do anything to stop the calls for the killing of his supporters and many like the social activist believe that's been long overdue you. can see it as a night we can use it to the fruits of the kill and these they cut in me is ultimately at the core of the syrian crisis there is nothing wrong in calling for more freedom until some start using it as a cover to rob and kill a club or car to see aleppo syria international relations expert lou rockwell says
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in spite of all the talk of establishing peace or regime change could be the real goal pursued by the west. with all this trouble and serious been stirred up by the u.s. by its allies israel and britain france and so forth to overthrow the syrian regime to cause trouble to get rid of the last secular arab regime bring in the al-qaeda the us is on the side of al qaeda in series just as it was in all those years ago in afghanistan against the russians and that's causing trouble so the un finally has to admit a little bit that the people it's associated with that is the us and its and its allies are causing the trouble they still claim that the assad government is the real problem i'm no fan of the assad government or any government for that matter but this all started these deaths or the vast majority of these deaths are the fault of the us government when they break up syria like a destroyer syria just as they've destroyed iraq it's like they're trying to
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destroy of ghana stand to make the whole middle east a playing field for the us for its military its oil interests and so forth to take over everything destroy everything run everything divide and conquer and so forth so it's a very ancient story but it's a very sad and rotten story. for some countries arming disparate groups of unknown rebels is a dangerous game but for others it's a mission statement as we report on line view s. reportedly a step away from the shipping arms to syria looking at how to select the right members of the opposition point us guns the wrong way plus. filthy lucre in the holy city the vatican bank chief gets the boot over money laundering accusations all the details that are trying to duck out.
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counting underway after two days of voting in the first round of egypt's presidential election with results due early next week but the country's largest political force the muslim brotherhood already claims its candidate is leading the race mohammed morsi is expected to face off in the second round against ousted president mubarak's last prime minister ahmed shafik a runoff will take place in middle of june the muslim brotherhood controls nearly half the country's parliament and mercy is pledged to usher in a shari'a law if elected let's get some reaction on this from former israeli ambassador to egypt let's talk levanon thank you very much for joining us or so the muslim brotherhood says it will respect you gyp's nine hundred seventy nine peace treaty with israel but wants to see it revisited how do you expect relations between the neighboring countries to develop. well first of all this is that what we heard from the muslim brotherhood the same with mohamed morsi before the elections he says that he's lived by and he's committed you know to keep the peace
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treaty and peace. relations with israel and so this is the message that you are getting from the muslim brotherhood but this is not the question you see you have both statements and declare nations before the elections and that would say that those are only for the campaign. but when you are president of the not this is you have to take care and to take into account also the interest of the country and the interest of the countries to keep the peace treaty between israel and egypt. so you think that's going to happen you think it's just campaign words and that actually when a person is in office they're going to see the geo political reality of it all. well first of all any new president would have to take the geo political situation in the middle east the second point is we have to wait and see who is going to win between the two contenders there's a lot of still a lot of time in two and
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a half weeks until the second round we might see offers counteroffers deals statements declare ations whatever the basic line is that who of these two contenders is going to win if it's going to. be the one who was the prime minister during that time. i think that he will be dedicated more for the domestic affairs and the domestic problems because there are huge there will be the muslim brotherhood definitely is going to join forces with hamas in gaza and definitely he would support publicly overtly. the palestinian issue and this might push israel and egypt on a track of that's a pleasant. you know statements between two capitals now egypt has been the heavyweight of the arab world how do you think cairo has influence in the region has changed since the ousting of president mubarak. i think that
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egypt did not lose let's say the leadership in the middle east. after the revolution and afterwards think of the president mubarak on the country and you have seen this in several occasions with these are for instance we have seen it you know the rule concerning the palestinian prisoners we have seen it you know we shall leave issue where in syria we have seen all the involvement of egypt in it within the arab league so if you did not let's say. the law is substantially its position definitely the kind of president who is coming and sitting in the palace in cairo will definitely here were let's say project and you would have a certain impact on the rest of the world because if you want to know not the middle east the arab world every country in this area watching what's going on in egypt and watching carefully because they do understand that egypt is one of the leading countries in this area now there seems all surprise at this time that
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mohamed morsi is doing well in the selection his can party already controls only half of the parliament why do you think there is so much support a groundswell for a former mubarak official in this case. no first of all mohamed morsi was not the surprise because all the pools that we have seen before the elections they spoke about. you know you know that basically the muslim brotherhood wanted somebody else but since the other one was disqualified. mohamed morsi in front of this and actions and he was backed completely by the machinery of the muslim brotherhood which is really a huge and well working machinery and he has to deal with another missionary and this is the what i call it you know the institution in egypt which supported. the others who are generally in revolutionary like the. the secular.
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all that everybody thought that he is going to defeat mercy i think that those people have lost because they came to this elections and to this contention fragmented instead of uniting themselves unite unifying their forces there were fragmented and this is why they did not reach the stage to be elected in the first round or this is why we have to wait for the second round and this is going to see the islamist versus the military and one more question here the us in the past was an ally of been a supporter of the mubarak regime do you think washington will continue sending aid to cairo after the election. my personal assessment is yes because egypt is important is that important to the west is important to do the united states and it is important to europe and. should not forget that egypt has the peace treaty and peaceful relations with israel so if i would say all the
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geopolitical situation in the middle east different to the united states would continue to support the regime in egypt all right thank you mary very much for your perspective live from tel aviv former israeli ambassador to egypt. thank you. can it is increasingly violent student protests are nearly seven hundred arrests wednesday night alone the quebec rallies have been going on for more than one hundred days now many of those detained were carted off and public buses that police were converted into temporary holding pens demonstrations swelled after quebec's government passed emergency laws last week to make the protests more difficult to organize montréal based journalist adam kovacs says there is no sign that either side will budge soon. i honestly can't tell you what caused the mass arrests everything from colleagues that i've spoken to and people who were there they said that what touched off this mass arrest was a thrown water bottle if that some people claim to have not even seen that even
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people who don't agree with the student's point of view aunts who wish to have been very critical of how the police have been handling themselves there was a video that went viral of the police storming on to a bar how do you know and pepper spraying patrons after a chair was thrown most of the people who were on that have you know were just there to be at the bar that they were in there as part of a protest recently pressure is mounting from both sides of provincial governments is the seeing pressure people are kind of sick of these protests going on there's an election coming up and students really showing no signs of slowing down so if you are in terms of an end in sight it's very hard to see how this will resolve itself or when. still to come in the program crusaders in the u.s. military a report on the training that taught troops that islam is the enemy first the. game of brinksmanship being played out in the dilemma over greece staying or
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quitting the euro economy seen europe's money men offering athens nothing more but more austerity even though greek voters increasingly likely to reject that next month parties peter all over has more should they stay or should they go germany's angela merkel is adamant to feel mine is that some might but i would like to say that i think we agree we want greece to remain in the euro zone we know that it's the same for a majority of greek people. but it seems plans are being drawn up in case those hopes fail the german bund as punk says the situation in greece is extremely worrying but isn't predicting the demise of the single currency should the greeks quit the euro a view certainly not shared by all if it won't happen if it won't become reality then we are really in a mess and it means automatically that this will spill a domino effect all over europe because then we have also
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a question of moral hazard for example if you overdo it you pull out of the euro zone and every problem is nowhere then the others will also begin to start ok it's a very nice solution for us we all sort of adepts for so fast it's easier to pull out of the europe or to go ireland i did here and also spain and italy but from the beginning the only question was right now it's there in fact year zero skeptics feel that drastic german government action may be needed if europe's dominant economy is to avoid being swamped in the economic mire which is so called carex it or greek exit could cause the only logical to you solution for this problem where we are in is that germany parts of germany has to pull out of the euro then the new currency that we have will go through the sky we will have big difficulties because sasha meant so long but we can live with it we can cope with it well it's
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not just here in germany that a post greek eurozone is being discussed finance ministers from all member states have been drawing up contingency plans to try and determine how a greek exit would affect their economies european leaders continue to throw their support behind greek single currency membership the country's rerun elections next month are rapidly looking like a referendum on the euro in everything but name france's socialist president speaking after the informal brussels summit looked like a man trying to woo the greek electorate with rather softer talk than austerity. if . it was mentioned that we would be using the structural fund to support the growth efforts of greece as well so that the greek voters can be confident as to what support will come after june the seventeenth so as the future of greece in the euro zone enters what could be its final act top e.u.
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figures say it's all down to its people let's wait for the people of greece to have their say on the seventeenth of june. and we will not. do is want to promote speculative scenarios let's wait to do we'll do greek people but it's wait and see time with deep resistance in greece to will. there's no clear outcome in sight for this crisis these are all of the. turning out of some other stories making headlines across the globe a suicide bomb at a police station in turkey has killed one policeman injured sixteen other people two attackers tried to ram their vehicle into the building leading to a gun battle with guards a bomb was detonated shortly after it's unclear is responsible for the attack but blame is being placed on a kurdish separatist group. french president francois hollande says the mission of french troops in afghanistan is complete and it's time for them to come home he
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made the statement on a surprise visit to the country on promise to bring the french combat forces back by the end of two thousand and twelve a year earlier than first planned there around three and a half thousand french troops currently serving in afghanistan. supporters of scottish independence launching a campaign friday to end the three hundred five year old union with england within great britain the yes scotland campaign will seek a million signatures to win a referendum to vote on the matter in two thousand and fourteen if backed by voters scotland could separate from the rest of the u.k. by two thousand and sixteen opinion polls show around forty percent of scots are sympathetic to independents. and a privately owned space supply vehicle has docked with the international space station it's the first ever commercial delivery to humankind's only outpost on the final frontier the unmanned dragon capsule was launched by the american company space x. whose billionaire owner helped create pay pal nasa has grounded its space shuttle program and stepped back from orbital missions in favor of
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a private company this vantage point yes but finally in this news block the u.s. military's training is being put under the microscope. for blatant anti muslim elements from a course that taught that islam is the enemy to crusade symbols on some fighter jets there's now an urgent review underway of the situation as our he's got education reports from washington the p.r. damage may already have been done. the u.s. marine fighter squadron one twenty two has switched its name from where walls to crusaders the symbol invoking christian conquest and colonization of muslims during the middle ages has been freshly painted on the squadrons f. eighteen fighter jets. by doing this by making us look like. exactly what we are which is the tenth version of the nine prior to say which began of the year ten ninety six we do three things and they all begin with the letter echo we have a rage our islamic and our allies we embolden our islamic enemies this is the only
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that we could do nothing more that serves as an accelerant or a lubricant for already angry and pissed off young islamic men and women mr weinstein says this is not the first time his foundation has to fight to remove crusaders symbols used by u.s. military but it's not just symbols the idea that the u.s. is fighting a war against islam has infiltrated american military training the most recent incident involved of course teaching senior officers at the joint forces staff college that quote the u.s. is at war with islam and we ought to just recognize that we're at war with islam end of quote in response to a public backlash over the leaked information the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff general martin dempsey ordered to probe into anti islamic training materials mikey weinstein told us about a separate incident of the same kind we have the absolute eyewitness testimony where it's very very clear that the statement made is we have to kill it is law and
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this is to the cadets at the air force academy where every american citizen to put to go to get us through or the air force academy annapolis or west point cost four hundred thousand dollars and this is what they're being told this fundamentalist christian crusader. or seem was extend not only the air force academy at all over the you know the united states air force but it was. just as. the marine corps navy and army in this video game christians are killing muslims a few years back it was a wildly popular game among american troops publicly rejoiced to recruit others in order to fight the enemy of nonbelievers to kill the opposition will essentially brighid you mikey weinstein says their organization helped stop the game from being delivered to u.s. troops serving abroad got it stopped how it was getting into the care packages and being being shipped over all of our troops our guess along with toothbrushes and you know packets of peanuts there's a perception among many muslims that the u.s.
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is on a crusade in the islamic world but some argue it's more based on the idea of transforming the region rather than imposing the religion on them via riginal sin of this entire enterprise which was the carter doctrine really positive. through the use of american hard power we were going to be able to shape and determine the destiny of a very large part of the world when are we going to acknowledge that we are not going to be able to determine the fate of one point four billion muslims we don't have the wisdom we don't have the will we don't have the wallet what do you hear in the speeches by u.s. officials is usually something along these lines we're waging wars in muslim countries to fight terror bring about democracy peace and so on you'll never hear the words say but what kind of message does it send when their own rules call
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themselves the satan and could say the logos on their warplanes i'm going to check our reporting from washington marty. kady joins us now with all the latest business news take it away how you write is this all to with the u.s. markets because they are indeed still rocking the direction mats they really failing all that pessimism coming from the european region i also want to mention the facebook i.p.o. as well because it's now week. since it plays itself on the nasdaq you can see it's flickering behind behind may and it's dancing away and it's now on the downside by about two percent so that's going to continue being a theme today wall street as you can see there with the dow jones around point two percent down the nasdaq around eight basis points they haven't managed to get out of the red territory today and it is expected to be a quiet week and that's ahead of the memorial day weekend ok now i mentioned. investors are already focused upon today both in wall street and europe and indeed the rest of the global markets now it's been an extremely volatile session to say
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the least and it's banking stocks once again that's taking a hit and that is because spain's biggest bank deposits. was being suspended from trading and also there's talk of nineteen billion dollars being requested from the government so that is a bit worrying to say the least we've also got spanish ten year government bonds shooting up as a result now the footsie on the docks are coming towards the end of the trading day and they are looking to get set to finish on the dow nice if we move on to the current common currency then and see how the year is trying this out what it was twenty five and it is remaining there those two year lows that's how the ruble finished up the trading sessions that lost out to the u.s. dollar the common currency so if you're off on holiday your forex trader you're going to be watching that because investors already are heading towards the u.s. dollar as they get away from risky assets like a moving forward to the russian markets we see how they finish up the day we all
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see as over a percent down the my sites around point two percent in negative territory today high oil prices didn't help the markets here moscow and told us have a snap shot of those movers and shakers. now the spot bank with a low one point one eighty two percent they talk of it's assessing up a kind of relationship with the turkish banks dentist bank as well as i would like to call that down. not benefiting from the all prices other side of gas from is up six tenths of a percent i'm going to carry on talking about gazprom if i my other to do till going on this is an interesting one and it was stuffed all over its participation in the promising gas project and it could be signed next month early a gas problems with the norwegian overworking are reportedly wanted to replace that with dock shell now separately the head of gas from alexei miller said the the shot move the strategy could shift its focus towards liquefied natural gas production.
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and staying with russia stories the former deputy prime minister igor sechin who is also in charge of the energy sector he's got a new job he's been reappointed as a c.e.o. of roughnecks. chief economist chris we found explains what this means for us nafta . that does lead to the speculation that this must mean that the state now intends to be like consolidate the sector make it bigger this is something that was talked about over the last decade to russia for example one point was talking about creating something similar to saudis around closer to one big company controlled by the state controlling all the major energy that's it's so there's a lot of speculation right now there's no hard news but i think we can certainly say that with the appointment of mr such and it is more likely that we will see ruston if acquiring other assets becoming bigger becoming a bigger player. by them about the business about fifty minutes all right thanks very much katie for that update well stay with us here on our team in
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