tv [untitled] May 25, 2012 1:00pm-1:30pm EDT
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economy with max conjure for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into kinds a report on our. syria's last chance the u.n. chief says the peace plan is the only option to end the fighting despite the organization slamming both sides for gross human rights abuses. in egypt the muslim brotherhood candidate claims the leader of the presidential race setting the stage then for a potential run off show barracks last prime minister. and detention for seven hundred students mass arrests in canada is increasing the furious rallies at the college feed but the demonstrators say that refusing to stop.
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nine pm here in moscow right now this is our team my name is kevin and it's very good to have you company with us this hour our top story then syrian opposition groups claim at least two people have been killed after government forces opened fire on protesters demanding president assad's resignation the violence follows the head of the u.n. saying kofi annan peace plan is syria's only hope now despite its new report accusing both sides of gross human rights abuses the document says the fighting is becoming increasingly militarized despite a shaky six week cease fire and puts most of the blame for the abuses on the syrian army but it also failed cases of armed rebels torturing and executing captured soldiers and supporters to as well as abducting civilians well as artie's example we can find out the opposition was becoming through using the internet to push its agenda you may find some of the images coming up in this report. hash tag change status update. social media have often been credited for empowering the arab
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youth in their struggle to shake off. fans of social media often say that without facebook you tube or witter the arab spring wouldn't health been so sweeping or so contagious there's also a growing number of those who believe that without these websites the arab revolutions wouldn't have been so deadly and so destructive. this may be the most disturbing video from the syrian frontlines as an opposition activist allegedly buried alive by process our troops the back story claims the victim was caught in possession of a video he intended to santa ana. but whatever his initial footage was in terms of the impact it was no match for his alleged execution viral on you tube presented as yet more proof of the inhumanity of the regime i mean while the authenticity of this video is still highly questionable these contrived and staged you tube videos
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are used by the opposition to justify a western backed regime change projects on the contrary the creativity of syrian opposition fighters has already been exposed for when they were caught posing as prosecute supposedly carrying out the regime's brutalities. but what started as the killings for social media consumption is now leading to quite real deaths in syria these somebodies book pages really look like hit lists we got used to those i mean this is happening now for one in. the head of a leopard chamber of industry says many of his fellow businessman found their photos and personal details posted on the opposition's web sites with explicit callings to murder them this is the car his car this is the number of his car this is the number of his low buy this is where he can we lives go kill him go down get him and these are not just amp to threads dozens of public figures and government
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officials were gunned down in syria in recent months just for being perceived as sympathetic to their thirty's this is a national hero for sports became two months ago because i'm in the world mars. mohammed was more likely the president of aleppo student union he was kidnapped a few days after his name and photo surfaced on facebook but the one and i believe that my abduction was directly linked to my political activity i received many threats over the phone and eventually they did what they promised. to do unwavering in his political allegiances mohammed sas his family had to pay a ransom to free him it included a car a laptop and around ten thousand dollars. what's happening now in syria is that we have some people who participate in peaceful demonstrations and whose demands we support at this moment there are also
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a lot of those who are trying to take advantage of the current situation to seize people's properties were kidnapped them for ransom. while facebook's administration has previously blocked pages that openly supported by charlotte side it's so far failed to do anything to stop the calls for the killing of his supporters and many like the social activist believe that's been long overdue you. can see it as a night we can use it to the fruits of the kill and this day card to me is ultimately at the core of the syrian crisis there is nothing wrong in calling for more freedom until some start using it as a cover to rob and kill assad work artsy aleppo syria. international relations expert iraq all told us that in spite of all the talk about establishing peace regime changes the will go he thinks being pursued by the west. all this trouble and serious been stirred up by the u.s. by its allies israel and britain france and so forth to overthrow the syrian regime
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to cause trouble to get rid of the last secular arab regime bring in al-qaeda and us on the son of al qaeda in syria just as it was in all those years ago in afghanistan against the russians and that's causing trouble so the un finally has to admit a little bit that the people it's associated with that is the us and its and its allies are causing the trouble they still claim that government is the real problem i'm no fan of the assad government or any government but this all started these deaths or the vast majority of these deaths are the fault of the us government when they break up syria look at a stronger syria just as they've destroyed iraq just like they're trying to destroy it gonna stand to make the whole middle east a playing field for the u.s. for its military its oil interests and so forth to take over everything destroy everything run everything divide and conquer and so forth so it's
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a very ancient story but it's a very sad and rotten story. a group of lebanese shia muslims kidnapped in syria less than a week ago being released raised fears that lebanon is getting dragged into its neighbors bloody conflict. has the story and the latest from beirut. apparently she doesn't we can't get to that report now but we will come in come to cost a bit later in the program since you managed to get it online for you let's move on from those who else we've got coming up in the program britain's not playing fair with the olympic guest list the countries banning world leaders accused of human rights abuses from attending the games but the king of bahrain accused of violence at home has been to dine with the queen we bring in the back story. counties under way after two days of voting in the first round of egypt's presidential election with results to early next week but the country's largest political force the muslim brotherhood already claims its candidates leading the
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race mohamed morsi is expected to face off in the second round against ousted president mubarak's last prime minister ahmed shafik the runoff will take place in the middle of june the muslim brotherhood controls nearly half the country's parliament and nurses pledged to usher in shari'a law if elected a former israeli ambassador to egypt told us that the islamist candidates unlikely to go easy on tell of eve. we have still a lot of time in two and a half weeks and till the second round we might see offers counteroffers deals statements the collaboration's whatever the basic line is that who of these two contenders is moving to when if is going to. do one who became the prime minister and during that time. i think that he will be dedicated more for the domestic affairs and the domestic problems because there are huge there will be the muslim brotherhood is going to join forces with hamas in gaza and definitely he
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will support publicly overtly. the palestinian issue and this might push israel and egypt on a track of pleasant statements between two capitals. canada's increasingly violent student protests nearly seven hundred arrests so wednesday night alone the quebec rallies of now been going on for over one hundred days many of those detained her cut off and public buses which police converted into temporary holding permits the demonstration swelled up to quebec's government passed emergency laws last week to make the protests more difficult organized let's put them on to all based journalist adam cohen told me there's no sign that either side will budge any time so. i honestly can't tell you what cons these mass arrests everything from our colleagues that are spoken to you and people who are very. touched of this mass arrest was a thrown water bottle if that sum you are going to have not even seen that well i even people who don't agree with the students point of view are it's who we should
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have been very critical of these are going handling themselves there was a video that went viral the police storming on to a bar how do you know and pepper spraying after a chair was thrown most of the people who were on that have you know were just there to be at the bar that they weren't there as part of a protest are usually pressure is mounting from both sides of provincial government is the seeing pressure people are kind of sick of these protests going on there's an election coming out and students really showing no signs of slowing down so if you in terms of an end in sight it's very hard to see how this will resolve itself or when. the game of brinkmanship is playing out in the dilemma over greece staying or quitting the euro economists say europe's money men offering athens nothing but more austerity even though greek voters are increasingly likely to reject that next month peter all of the reports. should they stay or should they
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go germany's angela merkel is adamant to feel mine is that for my part i would like to say that i think we agree we want greece to remain in the euro zone we know that it's the same for a majority of greek people. but it seems plans are being drawn up in case those hopes fail the german bund as punk says the situation in greece is extremely worrying but isn't predicting the demise of the single currency should the greeks quit the euro a view certainly not shared by all if it would happen if it would become reality then we are really in a mess and it means automatically that this will spill a domino effect all over europe because then we have also a question of moral hazard for example if you overdo it you pull out of the euro zone and every problem is nowhere then the others will also begin to start ok it's a very nice solution for us we all sort of adepts for so fast it's easier to pull
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out of the europe or to go ireland i did here and also spain and italy but from the beginning the only question was right now it's there in fact year zero skeptics feel that drastic german government action may be needed if europe's dominant economy is to avoid being swamped in the economic mire which is so called corrects it or greek exit could cause the only logical to you solution for this problem where we are in is that germany parts of germany has to pull out of the euro then the new currency that we have will go through the sky we will have big difficulties big recession and so on but we can live with it we can cope with it but it's not just here in germany that a post greek eurozone is being discussed finance ministers from all member states have been drawing up contingency plans to try and determine how a greek exit would affect their economies european leaders continue to throw their
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support behind greek single currency membership countries rerun elections next month or rapidly looking like a referendum on the euro in everything but name france's socialist president speaking after the informal brussels summit looked like a man trying to woo the greek electorate with rather softer talk. it was mentioned that we would be using the structural fund to support the growth efforts of greece as well so that the greek voters can be confident as to what support will come after june the seventeenth. so as the future of greece in the eurozone enters what could be its final act top e.u. figures say it's all down to its people let's wait for the people of greece to have their say on the seventeenth of june and we will not lead to ourselves video by those who want to promote speculative scenarios let's wait i do the will of the
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greek people but it's a wait and see time but with deep resistance in greece towards austerity there's no clear outcome in sight for this crisis these are all other r.t. belin. supporters of scottish independence have launched a campaign to end this three hundred five year old union with england within britain the yes scotland campaign will seek one million signatures needed to call a referendum in twenty fourteen let's go up today with this laura smith said i'm going to bring it to date either laura or whatever chance is a referendum being called on this and at the end of the day and put it pave the way they've fought for scottish independence a nation standing on its own. well i think it's really got to be a referendum now that this yes cotland campaign has been launched as you say is to collect a million signatures from scottish people by two thousand and fourteen in support of a yes vote and then following on from that a referendum will be held which will be asking people whether they want
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independence from the u.k. whether they want scotland to be an independent sovereign nation in its own right so to have full control of its own fiscal economic and political affairs they've launched his campaign today and if it succeeds scotland with break away from the union by two thousand and sixteen we hear and this is a union that's been in place for the last three hundred years it's been indorsed by a range of scottish celebrities including the actor sean connery who sent a message to the campaign today and the first minister alex salmond this is this is his baby really he's staked his entire political career and as the leader of the scottish national party he says we want to scotland that's greener fairer and more prosperous and for that we need an independent scotland. well that's the million dollar question really and in fact even the most optimistic poll shows that only forty percent of people would vote for scottish independence
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now so that means that sixty percent of them what are the vote no or the undecided of course that's what the yes campaign wants to address but in fact there's an even more extraordinary poll that's being reported today that shows only fifty eight percent of the scottish national party itself would actually support independence today so that's a pretty interesting figure of course there's a compelling emotional argument really for scottish independence they've always had this distinct national identity from england and the yes campaign wants a yes vote so that it will get control of its own revenues from north sea oil and gas of course and so that it could represent itself on the international stage all by itself it's always felt that it does and westminster isn't really representing it particularly when it comes towards a lot of scottish people are very against particularly the war in iraq. and as i say alex salmond the first minister has staked his political career on this he want to surprise majority in parliament in two thousand and eleven and one of his main election promises in fact his main election promise was that he would hold a referendum on scottish independence so he's got to do this and a no vote would really destroy his political career but of course he is facing
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a new campaign there are scots who don't want independence as i've said they don't see a reason to separate really and they've got lots of questions about it for example currency at the moment of course they have the pounds would they be able to keep the pound or would they have to join the euro which of course is not a particularly attractive prospect particularly at the moment they'd also lose thousands of jobs military jobs a lot of them are posted there would they move south of the border would they have to pay the billions of pounds of taxpayers' money that's been used to bail out scottish banks to keep them afloat that's been u.k. taxpayer money would they have to give that back and scott and u.k. a very intertwined it's not particularly separate them and these people who will say they're going to say that scotland benefits from being part of this great superpower and of course south of the border there's a major ads. david cameron who doesn't want to be the man who presides over the break up of this three hundred year old union the theory is it's got to go who would be next would wales go would it result in the entire break up of the united
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kingdom as we know it drove a lot of big issues as you say there laura thanks for bringing us up to date almost story tonight laura smith our correspondent in london. a group of lebanese shia muslims kidnapped in syria less than a week ago have been released to try to bring this story just now we do have it now this sees you raised fears that lebanon is getting dragged into its neighbors bloody conflict artie's move from the story from beirut. the incident happened on tuesday not far from the syrian northern city of aleppo near the turkish border the man we're a tour in from iran through turkey and as soon as shortly after they crossed the turkish syrian border. their boss was stalked by gunmen the women from the boss were released while the men were taken hostage as they kidnapped and now freed pilgrims who are shia muslims and this incident happened in syria where the sunni led uprising had been raging for the last of fourteen months of course shortly
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after the news of this kidnapping emerged many have started talking about religious and political reasons behind this kidnapping pointing finger at syrian opposition especially free syrian army although the f.s.a. commanders immediately denied their involvement in this incident came to movement over deep and rising tension inside lebanon over syria the country and we can see it every day everywhere he level on is literally divided over syria the ruling coalition headed by sheer. hezbollah and share news in communities all over levanon support the regime of president bashar al assad while sunni communities. backed the rebels and backed the uprising against president bashar al assad and we've been witnessing several clashes recently here in beirut and in many other cities all over lebanon with at least fourteen people dad follow in violence but
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hopes are very high that this recent development of this kidnapping story this happy ending will be able to ease those tensions in the country. reflection or a correspondent in beirut know movie world news briefs thousands of protesters of march the streets of joy up to a mob demanding form. the demonstrators blame the government for failing to fight corruption and they're calling for a change through a free and fair election the country's leader king abdullah the second promised to allow an elected parliament to choose a prime minister but he's not said when the protest was organized by the muslim brotherhood jordan's largest opposition group. a suicide bomber the police station in turkey has killed one policeman and injured sixteen other people to attackers try to ram the vehicle into the building leading to a gun battle with guards the bomb itself was detonated shortly after it's unclear who's responsible for that attack but blames being placed on
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a kurdish separatist group. president francois hollande says the mission of french troops in afghanistan as he sees it is complete and it's no time for them to return home he made that statement while on a surprise visit to the country along promised to bring french combat forces back by the end of twenty twelve that's a full year earlier than initially planned three of our thousand french troops currently deployed in afghanistan. above our heads a privately owned space supply vehicles docked with the international space station it's the first ever commercial delivery to humankind's only outpost on the final frontier the unmanned dragon capsule was launched by american company space x. whose believe your own instantly helped create pay pal now says grounded its space shuttle program and stepped back from orbital missions in favor the kind of things you're seeing on the screen now from private companies to. britons of banning world leaders who've committed human rights abuses from attending the london olympics but the king of bahrain has regimes accused of torture and killings an opposition still
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can't die and the queen last week human rights activist peter tatchell told us that britain and the us give bahrain preferential treatment it all comes down to while. quite clearly there is double standards going on the united states itself saying stands accused of many great human rights abuses in abu ghraib in iraq and afghanistan it will surely definitely be on the invitation list but i think that the consensus of british people is that our government as a democracy should not be dealing with dictatorships we should not be going out of our way to embrace them and welcome them because we stand or we attempt to stand for human rights and democracy and therefore collusion with tyrannical regimes is completely against those principles britain and the united states have long historic ties with bahrain of course the united states has its fleet naval fleet base there part of course oil you know this is all i'm afraid all about money and
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profit making and i think time and time again we've seen sadly western governments that trumpet their support for human rights often put them in second place when it comes to lucrative oil in arms deals i think also of course the royal family have a long story high with how the rule families including the full value of bahrain but given the very grave human rights abuses of recent times it really is unconscionable that the british queen our head of state should be feted and welcoming the dictator of bahrain. for his first night at night here in moscow let's cross the r.t. business desk was there hi katie good morning to the global markets of course it doesn't sound quite as bad as earlier this week or is it well that's the thing oh i don't think it is such the i mean looking at the u.s. first yes they all dropped but it's not a disaster at this point in time and also i did mention earlier that the european
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markets managed to pull it out of the bag in the last hour or so they finished imposed have territory so when i said it's a mixed bag i mean that in the u.s. domestically things are ok because. we had consumer confidence figures coming out today and they were best of than expected and they gained but bad news is no way to offsetting what happened in the european markets today because it was all about spend a now we have bankia they've had to go to the government an os for nineteen billion dollars of money to keep them afloat and what happened today was we had. actually stopped trading just to kind of pull in those losses and to really kind of stop it in its tracks before dissolve so as we can see the dow jones and the nasdaq they already do down but if we look at the third of a percent for the dow jones in the not just to basis points right now to see if they can really do with the european markets didn't really. recession progress that
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is we've also got the closing biggest of the european markets today as i say the last hour they really managed to gain some momentum so it was as bad as what we were anticipating now why apparently a drop of makers were due to be well in the session today there really helped to pull up the numbers we also heard as well growth from china that really was a concern in the european markets today so it's a real pressure of information good bad is about the price now good good good all to the common currency to see that that is really creating the pressure there because it's still remaining at a twenty two. so get it one twenty five thirty right that we have of the group as well that lost out today and that's because investors are really staring players are looking to save for havens and steering clear of whisky while we're going to the russian markets will say that they did not wish to finish in the red but it wasn't a dramatic day we've been saying two year lows but before that it was true no could have been was not smart boy. over
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a point down as you can see these were the stocks on the stock i want to talk about right now is because they were one of the only stalls that managed to finish up today six tenths of a so for the. down the major here in russia now there's apparently a new deal going on with the death toll and it's to do with it to supply in the promising. gas project which could be signed as early as next month now earlier gas prom was all queuing with the norwegian working schemes and reportedly wanted to replace it with dutch shell now separately the head of gas from alexei miller said that the stockman strategy could shift its focus towards liquefied natural gas production so that was a story we were following today no russia's former deputy prime minister igor sechin he was also in charge of the energy sector as well and he's got his old job at the c.e.o. of ross navs and earlier today we spoke to chris wi fi he's from trying to dialogue
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he's a chief economist and he was talking about what this would mean. that is led to the speculation that this must mean that the state know intends to be like consolidate the sector make it bigger this is something that was talked about over the last decade to russia for example one point was talking about creating something similar to these around closer to one big company controlled by the states and for the world of major energy that's so there's a lot of speculation right now there's no hard but i think we can certainly say that with the appointment of mr section it is more likely that we will see ruston after acquiring other assets becoming bigger becoming a bigger player. ok that's the markets now let's have a look quick look at the oil if we may and they aren't getting any help of the russian market today but as you can see they are indeed going to support us stockpiles gaining as well so this is a prize that nigeria is well the biggest exporter in africa they're feeling the
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pressure from the eurozone and they are going to be exporting more to the asian region as a response to the european sovereign debt crisis it could be before you go head off your own earlier on you mentioned facebook i think only quite how it was the trading on there was a local well now the best saying is thirteen dollars eighty putting everything into place and turn around is unbelievable as it came out i went to high heaven i went to high that's my thing and if you're a crystal ball or i'll see you two i was told look forward to it now in a couple of minutes for still talking business is well we delve deeper in the world of business capital accounts on the air from us and then we stay across the atlantic to our studios in washington d.c. but tonight so the next ninety minutes here with us from moscow.
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