tv [untitled] May 25, 2012 2:30pm-3:00pm EDT
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headlines marty the never first p.p.m. moscow time syria's last chance the u.n. chief says the peace plan is the only option to end the fighting despite the organization slamming both sides for gross human rights abuses. in egypt the muslim brotherhood kind of in claims the lead in the presidential race setting the stage for a potential run off showdown with no barak's last prime minister is a must mohamed morsy supporters were already thrown down the gauntlet in the shoes of the lead shafique pulling them a remnant of the old regime. and the tension for seven hundred students must arresting kind of there's increasingly furious rallies over college fees who backs government introduced emergency laws to curb the protests which instead sparked further demonstrations as governor of moscow all of the news in full view in half an hour but now back to washington d.c. and tonight's alone
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a show. yesterday we had joseph and sione from the ploughshares fund on the on the show and we spoke about negotiations over iran's nuclear program the talks between iran permanent u.n. security council members and germany going on in baghdad and we spoke about how this is these discussions are expected to be lengthy and how that's not necessarily a bad thing if a lasting agreement can be arranged that is of course now today the summit entered into a second day of unscheduled talks with no accord in sight iran's frustrated the west is unwilling to scale back saying since the others want to stop processing medium and reached your a.b.m. in return but the iranians insist that their nuclear program is peaceful and they've offered to give u.n. inspectors more access to facilities and have offered other concessions as well so having reached an impasse the parties agreed today to continue talks next month in moscow which is positive because at least we have talks going on right
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a deal is going to be reached over night and diplomatic negotiations particularly when they concern security they can take a lot of wrangling haggling trust building but that's a diplomatic negotiations are all about but unfortunately when it comes to rather always some wild eyed politicians warmongering in the wings drumming up storm clouds over the talks now they're trying to undermine it these negotiations by painting iran to be the reincarnation of nazi germany just pointed out an example of this yesterday and in this case there are the usual suspects involved that's right our old pals joseph lieberman lindsey graham and john mccain they took to the op ed pages of the wall street journal an effort to scare the bejesus out of americans to dupe them into marching headlong towards another military conflict and the three wrote the following given the iranian regime's a longstanding pattern of deceptive and illicit conduct we believe that it cannot be trusted to maintain enrichment or reprocessing activities on its territory for the foreseeable future at least until the international community has been fully
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convinced that iran has decided to abandon any nuclear weapon ambitions we are very far from that point. ok but let's be honest when it comes to this trio it would take an actual miracle for them to be convinced of anything especially that war is not always the answer these three said their constant favorite aling seems a little bit like some terrible form of deja vu right like a recurring nightmare that doesn't go away even when you flip the pill up. i believe that saddam hussein presents a clear and present danger to the united states of america with his continued pursuit of to acquire weapons of mass destruction and there is no doubt as to his avid pursuit of weapons of mass destruction saddam was threatening the stability of the entire region he'd shown that actions i believe that the evidence is very clear that he was developing weapons of mass destruction i have no apologies for what we
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do in iraq but i'm proud of the iraqi people and i'm proud of our soldiers who have helped them chart a new way that will make you safer and make me safer. now these senators haven't called the three amigos pretty fitting because they are a walking comedy of errors first scribing bombs for every malady that plagues the world so we shouldn't really be surprised if their only solution is the all or nothing black and white variety and despite the fact that recent history has shown that that approach isn't even effective looks like they do intend to put us on a collision course to war again as they have often done in the past. united states should lead an international effort to protect key population centers in syria especially in the north through airstrikes on assad's forces senator lieberman i mean have we reached the end of the line diplomatically. well i think that this regime is the biggest ally of iran which threatens the world even more so than the
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assad regime so it's in our national security interest erin without a doubt to replace inside i think we have a responsibility and an interest here with our allies to make clear to colonel gadhafi that what he's doing is unacceptable and we won't stand by and let it happen and this would send a signal to could offer you that the president is serious when he says we need for qaddafi to go is it time to arm the rebels in libya and go directly after a copy. well i think it's time to go directly after gadhafi bomb iran. but anyway. well let's look at where we are now libya is now a mess the hawks are pushing for involvement in the civil war in syria and are what eight years of war in iraq will stability there is still a dream but hey why not throw a conflict with the ron into the mix and let's not forget afghanistan where the u.s. is balls deep in war afghans are weary of our raids bombing campaigns are failed
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attempts at winning hearts and minds mind never mind the threat from the taliban afghan troops are also turning their arms on american soldiers with increasing frequency and back here in america approval ratings for the war have plummeted and even at the nato summit in chicago last weekend the most of president obama could say was that it won't be perfect after we left but that did not stop the three amigos for mining another op ed in march calling on the war there to continue unabated now i know that here in america intelligent rational people at least i hope so i hope they see lindsey graham joe lieberman john mccain as warmongering morons who swarm at the first drop of blood but i also hope that the rest of the world knows that the three amigos do not speak for the rest of us and that most americans want real solutions not just another notch in the war belt. our we have one more quick break but coming up next told by a midwest state of getting experimental comes to their executions and on happy hour
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the u.s. is turning to cyber warfare to fight al qaeda. culture is that so much of an idea you feel that there's a person on the mark when just talking the talk on this may be the ultimate outcome of the talks in baghdad around some nuclear program or the western powers truly interested in flying. is. a.
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much brighter if you knew me by phone from phones to pressure. me don't auntie dot com. my parents really truly honestly believe that what had happened was as a result of my father's exposure to agent orange i was born with multiple problems . i was missing my leg and my fingers and my big toe on my right foot i use my hands a lot in my artwork i find myself drawing my hands quite a bit to me for my hands you know just as if anyone would. but they do tell a story they tell a story of. hi
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guys it's time for tonight's tool time award and tonight we're giving it to missouri's a department of corrections state is making waves with an announcement that they're going to use an untested drug for executions befall and is that name sound familiar here is probably where you've heard it before late today unsealed court records confirm the l.a. coroner has concluded the pop singer died of
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a lethal amount of the powerful anesthetic propofol prosecutors are in the process of wrapping up their manslaughter case against dr conrad murray calling several physicians to the stand including a sleep expert who railed on dr murray for giving michael jackson the powerful drug propofol for insomnia. that's right it was the drug in question after michael jackson died and many are questioning the use of this drug now seem probable intended purpose is to reduce anxiety and it can induce sleep so that doctors can use other drugs to supplement patients during anesthesia now it usually is used for short periods of unconsciousness but missouri once you is a large dose of it to execute a person by causing respiratory arrest pretty scary right but wait it gets worse see not only do they want to use and it's these it for a purpose other than what it was meant for but misery execution protocol doesn't even require a doctor or a nurse or a physician to give the drugs they just have to be there to witness an average everyday member of the execution team doing it so yeah that is their actual policy
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on the books is a random prison employee is the one handling the medical supplies and being a life but that's not all the department of corrections in missouri doesn't even need to legislate or they don't need legislative approval before making any changes to their policies so operation profile fall is pretty much a go i have to say that it seems pretty crazy to me that the department of corrections is basically the judge jury and executioner when it comes to picking their poison and i mentioned the state's attorney general requested just last week the missouri supreme court set execution dates for one thousand condemned prisoners how convenient right they get approval for a questionable drug right is their scheduling one thousand people's deaths and f y i there were only forty three executions in all of the u.s. last year so that's a pretty big number but it's not just missouri and it's not just pro befall and we've been covering stories like this for a while now that states across the country getting creative in order to keep their death mills running through the original method of lethal injection involved three
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drugs when one of these three pronged elements of the chemical concoction became scarce states started substituting other drugs now thankfully several drug companies around the world saw what was happening they actually stopped shipping the drugs to the penitentiary it's the well oiled cap. no punishment conveyor belt they'd let a small detail like that stop them some state started ditching the tested and approved reject system replacing it with a one and done style execution and ohio was the first of three states to try this method last year when they started using pentobarbital all by itself but that wasn't a smooth transition either there was a well deserved outcry over the fact that pentobarbital was being used on humans because after all it's typically reserved for euthanize an animal. shooting pain if something goes wrong and because we have no tests we cannot guarantee that nothing will go wrong so people are at risk of not just being killed but being tortured to death a drunk is not a pain killer so that's what you. now in arizona used it on sixty three year old
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thomas camp last month the fact that he shook for several seconds while receiving the lethal dose of the dose of the drug prompted even more concern i mean come on it's bad enough that as a civilized country we're actually carrying out executions at all but don't you think it the least we could do is ensure that those executions are cruel and unusual as well instead it seems like when states don't have the proper materials to carry out an execution they just grab whatever the medicine cabinet and just inject the inmate with that instead of an execution is not the time to experiment like it's freshman chemistry class and this haphazard approach to ending lives is really just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the issue is the discussion that we need to have about capital punishment here in america with the mounting economic and physical evidence against the death penalty i can't help but hope that more states out there might follow in connecticut's footsteps and abolish the death penalty altogether but i'm not going to hold my breath when states like missouri are marching on against all reason so playing mad scientists with people lives on
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the line in missouri to missouri's department of corrections is tonight's tool time winner. our guys it's time for happy hour and joining me this evening party correspondent christine freeze out and independent journalist run a college girl thank you for joining me i think there's day happy thursday all right let's start this is when you were filling in last week i believe you guys did a tool time on this arizona congressman that was calling for the abortion ban here in washington d.c. . and i think we have a little news clip to to remind you about some of the controversy they're. fighting for d.c. home rule will again hit capitol hill today a group of protesters target arizona congressman trent franks last week d.c.
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delegate eleanor holmes norton was barred from testifying at a hearing about the twenty week abortion ban in the district are it's the people are now there continue to try to protest him and they've got this other approach which is kind of funny i must admit d.c. residents are now just bringing their local every day problems that they have directly to this congressman they're calling him air their writing in letters and everything from potholes to road problems to public transportation complaints they're just flooding it all towards him i think it's a genius idea because this is an arizona congressman who's trying to make change rather the law in washington d.c. because we don't have any representation here are lone congresswoman who can't even vote on the full house votes was trying to speak was trying to just give her own comments about something that was going to affect all of her constituents and he doesn't even allow that he's trying to change these laws and so these people i think it's brilliant they come up they say ok if you're going to try to legislate
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in you're going to try to lead what goes on in our district then we're going to bring you our other problems fix our roads you know fix the rat problems in our neighborhood i love the idea knowing that it's good i think it's also in especially since d.c. has no say pretty much over anything that happens so yeah i think it's great i think it should be done to all federal congress people who try and legislate d.c.s. and its neighbor arizona up with so many crazy laws that you may as well but the guys from errors and yet if you're going to try and tell myself and other women like me what we can and can't do when we can and can't do it with our bodies then you know what i make sure those rats in my alleyway like you know all the time very familiar with those rats in your alleyway. to do care that. they're dead they're scary there's a big you know we're here in washington d.c. it's. all right we're going to. the daily caller guess what they're doing they have a fun little thing going on
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a giveaway for their fans they're calling it the great gun giveaway and so basically until election day they're going to be giving away one gun per week and it's a nine millimeter gun each gun is raved with the bill of rights and it comes in one of three colors and so this is the daily caller's patel he says that like most americans outside washington d.c. new york city and most of our nation's newsrooms large numbers of daily caller readers love guns. and there are so i would love to see rachel maddow give out guns as a president even like one of the our t.v. shows and just see the rightwing freak out i mean it well do you think they would freak out i mean i think that most of the right wing loves the guy who over and over because they were trying something so. the liberals are training to attack us you know i mean that can you imagine if a liberal outlet like rachel maddow is like the first that comes to mind start giving out guns they would freak out i think that's a good point was that they were going to be out there they would love
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a second amendment i'm sure fox news would find some way to spin it you know rachel maddow trying to come to our side of what's going on. i want to know what the other colors are the gun because the picture research just sort of block one doing and you know i unfortunately have all the colors you know i'm very curious myself i hope there's like some pink or purple or orange or purple something fun going on for like a massage if i was a reader and i could like when something i'm going to go i don't know a guy that is trying to prove a point but everywhere on the liberal big city that guns are cool and the media is a liberal you know the liberal media is a good color how do you know that right from here in d.c. as well this is that's the part of what i hate is going to try to act like they're out from outside the beltway but they're not from outside of the boat where they live in the beltway they write the beltway. it's just i'm assuming and i'm hoping i guess that they have to go through some kind of background checks right these people have to hope. safety measures like e-mail and you know.
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well i hope that maybe you know some other news outlet comes up with something more fun. and good exercise i can't believe i'm down for it but we have some people in the office today that were stoked on the gun thing they thought it was the coolest thing ever and these are gun fans and they are. we do have some inside the beltway media out yes we actually do believe in york and d.c. and liberal cities like guns too. speaking of guns this part of kind of interesting ok so rand paul doesn't believe in a lot of government agencies he wants to get rid of some of these things so he went on a rant against the f.d.a. but let's listen to his clip first of what he had to say that he there's kind of an interesting point there. i think we have too many armed federal agencies and that we need to put an end to this criminal law seems to be increasing pleasingly is using a tool of our government bureaucracy to punish and control honest business businessmen
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for simply attempting to make a living. so he wants to rein in the f.d.a. one of the things that he spoke about is that you know we have agents that go on these raids and so if someone is selling milk from their farm that's not authorized and they'll come in and they actually read you like a swat team in the they're all armed they have guns and it really kind of does beg the question the f.d.a. agents really need well i mean we did a story of your i think. you know the run was bad but i don't think you need it you know this is going to go into mediation it seems to me to be going way too far we did a story our correspondent liz wall visited michigan and did a story about some of the farms there that are selling pigs that are too much competition for the big pork industry so they've made new rules and regulations basically saying that they're not allowed to sell these pigs are not allowed to sell the meat from these pigs and the deadline just passed so they're saying if they do they're going to come in with these federal agencies armed federal agents and kill them and or you know make the owner of these farms do it and one farm has
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been raided that's what made me think of when i saw this one of them has been raided by armed agents and it does beg the question when is enough enough and i actually agree i don't i think it's bizarre to have any kind of department that's not a law enforcement department arm generating various areas especially with the f.d.a. i mean come on you're not as though they're breeding the offices of monsanto early take some big huge factory farm company and everywhere you go to really your farm animals you need to you need to shoot them to protect. to protect the big lobbying and see and sure that money keeps flowing there reading like get their reading really small farms i think one time they raided a co-op for more than once they had officers raided co-op i mean it's just i think it's stupid i agree with rand paul i would. think we need the f.d.a. you know i like for there to be certain checks on the food and farming practices and this is one of his father's big thing is you know and whenever i go to cover
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these rallies. people are always wearing the t. shirts you know please let me sell my raw milk i mean it's a different topic that seems to be very important to the whole family. i mean if it's unhealthy that's why the f.d.a. should be their right to regulate but they don't need to do it i don't think when you know. something tony. you know just a notch to the over asking for this thing is kind of funny because these days we're always hearing about the cyber security threat and cyber war and it's being so drummed up there's an entire cyber security complex is being created and so much money that's already flowing into this but hillary clinton was giving a speech and she was actually kind of bragging about us doing the opposite take a look. the bravado of conventional combat hillary clinton in the state department is no attacking terrorism in the world of. patrolling the web and using social media and other tools to expose the inherent contradictions and
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propaganda. so this is by the way hillary clinton was at this special operations conference in tampa florida and basically what she was saying is that bragging about how they went in to. online propaganda in gehman they changed ads that were bragging about killing americans into ads that showed the death toll of al qaeda attacks against yemenis to be like. kind of thing. if any country have the china like hack us before. all this worry about china going to our government it's like we need to be on high alert because you know the chinese and al qaeda they're going to come and make all these cyber threats and do all these cyber attacks on us that being said i don't know i think it's kind of cool i know that's weird and i know that you know i am for you know against so much of the fear mongering that comes with cyber security but the fact that they did
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that you know i mean the information war is just as important of a war that we're fighting and trying to get the message across and you know as long as you know what hill dog was saying was true as long as those numbers that they were putting out about how many people were killed by al qaeda in yemen i'm ok with it although you could reverse that and say someone hacked into like i don't know the pentagon spent have a website that's just the i don't know where they had to do. something similar they would freak out but you're right me i don't if they said how many civilians women and children that u.s. drones killed i'd be all for it for anybody you know same time you see the way they've gone after you know suppose as members of anonymous or a little sake which in many cases that has been when they've actually really. certain information was for a d.d. o. s. attack and you know they really have pursued the standard in a very aggressive fashion and so while one hand it's like fun hey let's just go in and mess up you know. al-qaeda is websites then let alone i am going to not.
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only learn i guess it's better to mess with their website than to send a drone and like killing what i don't know looks like a terrorist and just shooting yes yes i would argue that is much much better my personal take on. let's listen to we just have audio of this guy but so this is representative walter jones from north carolina and he's upset that there is a ban on allowing churches to give political contributions and he compared it to communism taking. the law although it's. very difficult to enforce and right into a room you would serve the service would tear you. apart to believe that they are dependent on my third party to report well you know what is it common to them is that socialism. you know they want it both ways because the whole point
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is that this law says that tax exempt organizations can't give political contributions since churches are tax exempt that includes them in their it's not like a non-religious thing but then he wants an exemption just for churches that even other tax exempt they can also have the exemption and be loud to give these political contributions same time i mean this story makes my blood boil because this is the same a congressman who just a few weeks ago trying to use you know the constitution as an excuse for why president obama should be impeached because he did not go to congress to declare war for example in libya he thinks any president that doesn't follow the constitution to a t. well guess what congressman there is an establishment clause in the constitution that talks about a religion know the words church and state separation are not exactly in there but that's what the supreme court have used to define it throughout the years and now he's saying that that preachers and reverends and preach should be able to say who is right to vote for i mean like you said alone i mean they just want to both ways
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. the typical example of picking and choosing what you want to be the constitution and using it to your benefit and then ignoring it when it doesn't benefit you but it's also kind of discrimination if they were to do this which i doubt it would happen it's kind of discriminating against you know other non-profits that are you have the secular and able to say that they just want a special exemption and by the way i know this is all over the place but i got a next time. for joining me tonight that's it for tonight's show thank you for tuning in and make sure you come back tomorrow see that's declan mccullagh going to be on tell us that the f.b.i. has recently formed surveillance unit that's actually going to help law enforcement create more technology to make it even easier for them to wiretap and eavesdrop and resigned over get become a fan of below the show on facebook and follow us on twitter if you missed anything of youtube dot com slash the loaner show and coming up next is the news.
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so for assistance a new job the rates of. the rates of leukemia for example a thirty eight times the expert. breast cancers more than ten times told cancers fourteen times i would forget the exact duces bullish huge numbers there's no nothing that you have ever found in any epidemiological study anywhere ever there is a way that brings victory. to its creator. he's not alone some are more severe than others we have something that is born without skulls without organised and sometimes with their legs totally to mr means death to those who it's pointed touch camp. ernst to those who choose this window. and their celebrates and they don't realize
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