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tv   [untitled]    May 25, 2012 8:30pm-9:00pm EDT

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the. i am max keiser this is the kaiser report yeah one hundred million americans now without jobs. let's check in to see how the american peasant does doing stacy herbert well max it's more than that it's population abused by corrupt banks toure's and so we're going to look at what is being done about the financial crime wave that continues to devastate the world obama pledges tough enforcement of wall street reforms obama says a less you run
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a financial institution whose business model is built on cheating consumers or making risky bets that could damage the whole economy you have nothing to fear from wall street reform i think he meant to say unless you run a financial institution that's engaged in fraud and risky bets you have nothing to make nothing to gain the only players in the american economy making any money are the criminal banking set but it's the peasant mentality and obama rules over the presence of america who are happy for a little crumb from their lord master and everything that happened during the revolutionary war has been torn up and turned into confetti and used as toilet paper or some other detritus because the average american now lives hand to mouth and they are in deep deep deep denial about it ok
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well let's go back to the story here because obama is saying that unless you want a financial institution whose business model is built on cheating consumers now i can i have tried all morning to think of one single financial institution operating today in america that is not cheating consumers and i couldn't. think of one and or making risky bets that could damage the whole economy again couldn't think of one single bank j.p. morgan goldman sachs morgan stanley all of them making risky bets max risky bets and leveraging up and threatening the entire global economy over and over on every single day we only hear about the mishaps on a certain day the fat fingers the rogue so-called traders egregious mistakes we only hear about those on occasion we never know for truth how how imperiled our global financial system is every day and he saying that oh we just need
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a little reform as if there are none of these of guys out there that there are that our system is not imperilled every single day by banks toure's committing agree just acts of terror against the population yeah i love a bomb of speeches because it may soon be like they're making sense until the punchline you know like in this case he's saying that well unless you're working for a financial institution as committing financial fraud unless you're stealing from the population oh by the way those are my supporters that's why we're there you know there's always that punch line at the end of all of his speeches where he admits that he's a shy stern a charlatan and and he's in the pocket of the wall street and it's all very disappointing isn't it for the voters oh dear well it's in fact the exact opposite of what the voters believe and thought for example oh about ten years ago when they were like well if you have nothing to hide you have nothing to fear about the t.s.a.
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and the war on terror well of course it's being used against every single innocent person across america on all sorts of made up charges that they're you know brewing beer at home and that's an act of terrorism here it's the opposite he's saying. less you run a financial institution and you're a crime a criminal you don't have to fear our reforms. well in fact he's saying that you know you we're not going to reform you don't need to fear our reform because there is going to be you know reform yeah it's too bad i mean the american people should get together and maybe i'll chip in a block i'm holding up a u.s. dollar and bribe obama tilbury the constitution and maybe for three hundred million dollars that's one dollar for everybody in america bribe barack obama to follow the constitution because you just response to money here here's us dollars back you know moment law and do something productive in mass is going to
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take a lot more than that because the average person gave one billion dollars to him last election cycle and he didn't seem to care about them but the other thing i want to say here is this propaganda it's a continuous thing wall street reform wall street reform it's just an issue of reform as if none of this stuff was against the law as if none of this stuff was out right criminal acts and it was it would all be ok if we now would just bring in reform thereby giving the dawn chorus lines the jamie diamond's the lloyd blankfein of the world a get out of jail free pass dick told that none of this stuff angelo mozilo that it wasn't against the law that we just need wall street reform and we could all be progressive and reformist and move forward yeah well i mean when they say reform they mean change laws to favor the criminals a perfect example is facebook and goldman sachs goldman sachs broke the law by
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offering stock to more investors or clients than they were allowed to legally they got the f.c.c. to change the law and of course now the facebook offering was a huge debacle the insiders cashed in for billions but that's what reform means it means changing. the law to favor the crux we sought after the savings and loan crisis they changed the laws to favor the the crux and maybe you should have blown my dictionary seems i have trouble you know understanding the definition of words i mean he went to harvard so did mark zuckerberg i guess you could have or seems to be the pathway toward you know stealing from the peasants well let's look at some of the ninety nine percent of the non ruling elite and look how this propaganda has succeeded because they are using the very turds that the criminals at the top the wall street gangsters have have given to them to use so if you look at this video
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this is a group of people watching on timothy geithner's home in bethesda maryland we're here had to meet her home even secretary kerry kerry a year ago a group of very young people met with him and he had her day out here quick protect the banks and they asked him if he would. help us right now for this home and help for her cries across the united states we haven't heard anything from this guy here so right now. from here you can hear there are children who are very hurt or comedy so max that's the national people's action and they're they're using the words reform pleading with timothy geitner who enabled who allowed this crime to happen who scilla tainted the massive crime against the
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u.s. population and the u.s. banking system to happen and they're pleading with him to introduce a transaction tax on these criminal transactions yeah i think the american people are confused about what religion they have in america i mean in islamic tradition you go. moola and he gives you a crumb and a handout every month or so that's part of the of the muslim tradition but here you have people lined out geithner's home i think is part of the protestant group he stood up again to give out promised americans what are these people doing outside of the south they're not going to get any crumbs but it's more than that it's just a very simple thing there's nothing mystical or mysterious or mythical or holy or superstitious about this it's a simple simple fact it's i have this possession you take it and somebody has a neighbor that like these american peasants don't want justice they want crumbs they want handouts from geithner geithner in turn wants
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a handout from jamie diamond jamie diamond in turn wants a handout from the federal reserve and the e.c. big so they all go each other's hand in each other's pockets it's just that the american peasant ends up getting the least in that video a lot of the people are dressed as robin hood and you know the propaganda is that robin hood was taking from the rich and giving to the poor not the truth which was that he was taking from the corrupt who had stolen from the people and given back to the people and they you know again they're playing right into their own myths of propaganda that somehow these protesters are protesting about the financial fraud the financial crimes the financial fast that they are the ones seeking redistribution of wealth from these hard earned money from the likes of timothy geitner and jamie diamond lloyd blankfein addicts old and john chorus line
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that these guys deserve their wealth you know the american president wants redistribution of fraud not redistribution of wealth because there is no wealth there's only fraud the dollar is fraudulent the banking system is fraudulent and the wall street titans are fraudulent and the american president wants to their cut of the fraud has trickled down from. they don't want to be just they don't want to be in any way productive they just want some of that money that's being stolen from the top they want some of that fraud that's their ambition in life to get some of the fraudulent dough well max the other thing so here is you know obama talking about reform then there are the bankers talking about reform then there are the congresspeople talking about reform then there are the protesters talking about reform as if it's not a criminal act it's just a little tweaking that has to go on and a little bit of sharing of the ill gotten gains here's a headline j.p.
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morgan hearing market regulators warn they are broke outgunned by wall street two of the most important financial regulators in the country have a message for congress we need more money see everybody's shaking down everybody this is the shakedown economy and that's all we have anymore gary gensler from the c f.t.c. said we're way underfunded at the c f t c and that's why we can investigate these blatant crimes like it takes a while you know whole team of investigators to see the dead bodies and the dead commodity traders and brokerages everywhere and then then they also quote mary shapiro from the f.c.c. who said we've been asked to take on very significant new responsibilities though that f.c.c. has made progress in hiring new staff person improving its technological capabilities she conceded that in some areas the efforts haven't gone far enough we're still way outgunned by the firms we regulate in terms of technology but i would say also the
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amount of bribes and kickbacks you're paying to congress people are obama as you say and also in the amount of you know violence against the markets you're willing to do because the bankers you're regulating are willing to take down the entire thing to in or. to get their way here's my shovel ready projects for america line up all the regulators and slap them with a shovel all right stay here and thanks so much for being on the kaiser report thank you max don't go away much more coming your way so stay right there. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realize that everything you thought
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you knew you don't know i'm tom harpur welcome to the big picture. official. called touch from the top story. on the. video.
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now in the palm of your. could you take three. three. three. three. three. three. videos for your media projects. done to our teeth dot com. imax guys are welcome back to the kaiser report let's talk with liquid koski luke welcome to the kaiser report thanks so much for having me it's really honor oh it's
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all ours look one man and his smartphone streaming to the world from oh most every major protests in occupation across america tell us about your work as a live stream or of news events and when and where how did this get going look well i've been i've been pretty much reporting and doing journalism for about seven years now and back in even two thousand and seven we started bringing out laptops a live streaming presidential debate st actions of vets remember even four years ago being outside the build a bear group having my laptop connected to a fire wire connecting through a camera and letting the world see what's happening right now the technology is advancing so much that you can just take out a cellphone and have h.d. video quality and be able to provide. it all raw live an edited unbiased perspective to the world and people are loving it people really appreciate it because the mainstream media is not doing that they usually come there get a little package get their little questions and pretty much at it and it the way
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they want the world to see it very much but when you're seeing it live there's no denying anything there's no biased there's only the video there's it's only live it's it's the ultimate truth right now and i encourage everybody to take advantage of it the technology is there it's a simple cell phone take it out use it and show the world exactly what's happened yeah remember back when c.n.n. first went on line first became broadcast television network cable news network ted turner's idea there was to go to the frontline news stories and cover them with impartiality and of course that dream as is been squashed really has been co-opted now by the by the political process in america and you don't have any frontline reporting anymore you've got some embedded journalists who work for corporations or for the pentagon but there's that there's no more investigative frontline reporting you and others like ten cast really filled that void and this is something
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that you think the mainstream media will ever decide to come back into journalism are they pretty much gone at this point i think the mainstream media is trying to get back into being the pretty much checks and balances that they were but the corporate ties the that tie them to their corporations to the powers that be conflict without being sick aagot i met with reporters from n.b.c. and they told us you guys are the new media you guys are going to have our job soon we're the old dinosaur media and this is even the people within the mainstream media saying that and they understand that and it's a really incredible time where you see the power being diverted among everybody it's no longer six corporations who control the majority. media are going to be telling you this is what we think is going on based on our corporate affiliates that we're entitle to based on our on our elite owners who want you to think this way and see things this way because it works either in our favor in the long run
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now you have the centralized anybody and everybody could participate in this and they are and it's a beautiful time right now and it's really in our hands to grasp this this technology and grasp this time where you know one story one person one cell phone could get the world's attention right now and it's in our hands it's time to grasp it's time to do it and you know if i could do it anybody can and look tens of thousands of people can tune into your streaming at one time either from occupy wall street you were at the nato protests let's talk about the kind of the nuts and bolts on the cost side of this what are the costs and how do you cover the costs that the costs are not that great are they they're not really that great but they do add up and you do have to do a lot of research before hand it's not very easy to grasp everything but the best thing to do is to have a good cellphone an extended battery and a good internet plan luckily we've been supported by people we have no corporate
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sponsors we have no advertisement we have nobody to be beholden to all we have is people who make donations to us and then we use those donations and we buy the equipment that we need it's not that expensive but the cost could add up if you don't know what you're doing and you're on a different wireless plan that you have to pay a lot of money for there's different plans out there that people should do their own research on find out what works best for them and their cell phone carrier and a way to do this but it's just amazing being able to be able to be supported by. the people and the people and and i'd rather have it that way than and have the advertisement than have the corporations to be beholden to or somebody pulling my strings i think. i think this kind of journalism lism is organic journalism is not genetically modified journalism it's like corporate journalism it's real it's live and it's up for you to decide what you see and what you think about what's going on
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so take us through the process a little bit now you're broadcaster free partisanship. you know which is a refreshing break from the mainstream media but as you point out you do have limited resources you don't have infinite resources so how do you kind of decide where to focus you're at the nato conference in chicago did did you just kind of go where there is a lot of smoke or is there. is there a theme to it it did just that in the process here look how do you decide how to deploy where to deploy resources where we just see what's going on and what people are talking about on twitter a lot of times i go on my facebook or twitter and ask people what would you like to see me cover or what stories would you like me to investigate what questions would you like me to ask the so and so and i pretty much just listen to the social streams the people who watch our programming and decide on that and we know we've heard nato is going to be a big big protest there for a lot of people so we decided to go there oddly enough we actually got press
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credentials to be inside nato but even though we had press credentials to be inside nato we decided the best story was outside with paramilitary stormtroopers. pretty much dark vader police officers all over the place cracking people skulls we want to show that aspect of it to show people what kind of state reliving are right now so you know as you mentioned your last dreaming from the nato protests and you had guns drawn on you by whom and why. this story is very weird there's a lot of aspects around it i make it very weird the c.p.d. did pull us over with the many undercover cars. and truck from homeland security there was a large number of cars that pulled us over draw drew guns at us so we started life saving. event as it was occurring sadly the lifestream was turned off and not saved by the c.p.d.
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making the footage destroyed they pretty much deleted the footage and you were unable to see everything luckily my friend tim cast was streaming and was able to get the video from inside the car running up on us screaming my friend also video recorded the thing the weird aspect of it is that same day we heard the apartment that we were staying at was being raided by police and there was a large number of police officers not letting anybody in into our apartment the person we were staying at with that apartment told us about this told us not to tell anybody afterwards when we broadcast it out to everybody my friend went their doors were open. gone off we didn't know what was happening and right after tim got off the phone with the national lawyers guild about how to approach the situation that's when all the cars rolled up on us other weird things happen like homeland security was interrogating my friend my friend who loosely associated with which we are changing a walkie was stopped at a protest he was taken to a homeland security fusion center and he was questioned about me. how does he know
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me where was i staying who was i with how long i was staying in chicago and right when they were questioning and that's when we got pulled over by the c.p.d. we also heard on police scanners that they were looking for us and our final destination that they were actually watching our live video shame that we were using to keep us safe and they were waiting to pretty much come in and find out exactly were saying what we were doing so there's a lot of weird aspects to this but it's very very scary it's very intimidating but we decided we were going to be intimidated we were going to be harassed and we decided to go out there the next day during the nato summit and still life chairman steele still cover the very body. all right let me ask you a question i guess is more of a conceptual question but the current thought about there being this huge concentration of wealth amongst the one percent versus the ninety nine percent and
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decades of the past as far as visual representation of this split news reporters could show factories being shut down they could show people on unemployment lines or in soup kitchens these days the injustices are being performed electronically so that trillions of dollars are being moved out of the accounts of savers and being put in the pockets of speculators all underneath the radar all with no visual representation instead of soup lines we have the digital food stamp card the benefits card again you don't have the visual representation of the financial injustices so my question is television being a visual medium when the crimes of today are financial and offer no visual contacts it's all electronic how do you approach that as a storyteller as a journalist as a as
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a frontline media gorilla how do you how do you address this and what do you what are your thoughts on what i just. i mean it's a very interesting perspective how everything is pretty much going digital right now and we don't see the major outcomes of everything because everything is online a lot of the social programmes a lot of the food stamp programs they are aligned and that's a great point that you brought up and it's very hard to visualize that it's very hard to show that it's very hard to document everything because. we don't have those long lines we don't have huge property but we all know everybody is struggling to survive it's not easy to see it's not easy to capture it's not easy to document what i do and i really what i really concentrate on is going up to people of a. fluence politicians corporate heads and asking them hard questions on camera for their financial crimes for their political crimes and other horrible things that they did and seeing the reaction of people being confronted on something that the
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mainstream media doesn't talk about and something that the mainstream media will never never ask so these people of power because they want to have that good relationship they want them to keep coming back to them and keep interviewing them that is i think one of the most powerful things we can do is get involved the citizen journalists get a video camera out there and to go out to the criminals that be to ask them the real questions that the mainstream media is that ask and and it doesn't have to be a conversation doesn't have to be accusatory it's just use the evidence right in front of you ask the hard questions look at them and i don't accuse them of anything and you will you know we did this and you could see the amazing reactions we get on our you tube channel of just people running away from us stuttering and lying to us based on simple easy questions so i definitely recommend people humanize it we've been trying to do that also and at the same time do the research and go after the people responsible one on one face to face look them and let them know that you see what's happening in this world ok and one final question what is
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next for you we're going to be live streaming build a bird build a bird conference in chile virginia next week will be live on our ustream. will be covering the r. and c. the d.n.c. there are so many things going on we have a large number of videos that we didn't really see it from all throughout the years we're going to be releasing them all in one day i'm just going to be working hard and trying to provide you as much real information as i can on the ground and it's up to you to decide it's up to you to get involved and if i get anything the one thing i would want out of all the work i do is for other people to get encouraged other people to get inspired other people to take action get involved and live for . and be intimidated and scared of the powers that be and go out there get out of all of them be the change you want to see in this world cast here at a time thanks so much for being the kaiser report thank you all right that's going to do it for this edition of the kaiser report with me max kaiser and stacy herbert
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all right thank my guests luke wrote koski i mean email please do so at kaiser report at r t t v dot ru until next time x. guys are saying bye. hasn't been. on t.v. . it is to get the maximum political. material is for. journalism. we want to present. something.
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