tv [untitled] May 28, 2012 1:30pm-2:00pm EDT
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neighboring lebanon stealers mostly driven by soaring profits themselves joining the fight against religious reasons. that many skeptical of the prospects of the new emergency law introduced to curb street rallies is causing even more. back with the news team but more for the meantime we travel to eastern siberia to see one of the biggest buddhist temples in russia and hear the story of a young man who abandoned everything to spend his life that stay with us for that. in eastern siberia two buddhists. discovered a miracle buried under the ground today can be found in the major buddhist temple of russia of against good at something.
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different people see him in different ways some think that he is looking at them to me it seemed that his eyes were half open. only saw nothing supernatural no open eyes or anything of the kind. in ninety five percent of cases it is closed off but today among go in delegation is arriving. so i think they will open it for them to. feel we have a get a glimpse of the miracle but outside is difficult to reach it takes four days to get here from moscow by trailer and even then not everyone is allowed to get close to it and. this is a republic of body at the heart of russian buddhism. people
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come here for service up to a thousand or so their own peers here yes very long queues it's serious stuff inside the temple and one can even see sweat on his forehead. anatoly and so on are in their fourth year at the buddhist university of evidence get out son they are halfway through their course. after years of intense study both will receive a degree in philosophy and the title. it's. the phrase russian buddhism may sound strange but it has been one of the traditional religions of the country since the eighteenth century. kid that sense of being considered a funds of wisdom in days gone by. studied buddhist philosophy medicine and astrology. the university where anton and a totally study. of the same traditions of centuries passed. through
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studying is to achieve enlightenment their bias existence and to reach nirvana. even though the republican is part of russia it is a world of its own local traditions and different from those typical of the western parts of russia when it comes to religion the difference is striking and. are almost aliens here whether or no more than ten people like them. twenty four year old anatoly came here from the caucasus. can be found them only christianity and islam anatoli was not a religious person initially he studied music for years playing the drums and once he graduated from a faculty of an atoll he came here just to look at the miracle of sun.
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i wondered what the meaning of was. that for me the time to find the answer to this question had come so i traced the change which a person is born he grows up at sardi's gets a job sells the family car and a house just grows old and. new stuff and. it's all seemed somewhat pointless to me i thought that's not quite what i want. i wanted something more. students start their day at six thirty in the morning with prayers followed by breakfast once fair they have classes just like an ordinary university then comes lunch free time supper and afterwards they resume studies. this is
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a lesson in the old mongolian language it's the most difficult of the studied languages as it's all but extinct however one needs to learn old mongolian to read ancient but is text students sit on the floor because they're not supposed to be at the same height as the teacher subordination is as important here as in the army during class not a single word is out at the reform apartment at the buddhist university philosophy medicine religion and. its graduates post the reputation for brilliance doctors astrologers and psychics as a result many ordinary secular visitors come to the. columbus have huge waiting list of people hoping for a miracle. pierrette ever gets good at sun one of the wonders of the buddhist world can be found in one nine hundred twenty seven the llama named dusty dodger it to get off passed away or so it was thought before his death he prophesied that he
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would return. in two thousand and two his grave was opened to reveal something quite extraordinary his body had not declared. it to go off was placed in a separate temple active against get at san. lucas residents are not allowed to look at him except from eight special worship days each year tourists are not allowed here even though we only let inside those who come on official business as well as all superiors. a replica of it to go off body can be found near the temple which everyone can worship. as for the motor body three monks keep watch over him. in the lumber is its chief guardian he holds the keys to the temple on his belt. a little boy lived here in the mid nineteenth century he was five years old and an orphan as a rule the body has to not have orphans if something happens to a child's parents his relatives adopt him immediately the boy was
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a shepherd but he told everyone that he would become aloma no one took him seriously until the moment he arrived on a bull holding a staff with a skull after that the people stopped mocking him a few years later he became a student at the dot sun. that little boy became known as does he dodge it or get off lama during the russian japanese war it to get off strengthen the morale of the soldiers and gathered funds for the hospitals during world war one deal with eyes to charity foundation to help the front end to get off received state awards for his efforts. eventually people started spreading legends about him as he used to be said that he could gallop a hoe. across water. the spring close to it to go off home is also believed to have miraculous properties today people flock here with canisters to take water away
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with them according to buddhist tradition only men not permitted to do it. don't deal with. this is the house where it's a gale of meditated media on the way it has now been renovated and before that it was just an ordinary small house in the borough riyadh style viceroy in this house is a good long lived as a hermit for the last ten years of his life he meditated here one day he gathered along as close to him and asked them to say a farewell prayer the longest refused to come when they say that to somebody who was still alive then is again off again saying it himself and literally came to a dead stop when the press ended in that condition he was placed in a wooden box and buried but before leaving this world it's a good offer had said that he would return.
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the dots on where to go off served was destroyed by save your top stories the palace of culture was built their stead but one day it was destroyed by fire the place had rejected the new culture seventy five years after that again of death anatolian and on follow the path of the two lovers and demba back then the two men were looking for there to get a final resting place they did not have an exact location instead they relied on into a ship and against all odds they found it. was . when we open the box we could smell the devouring fragrances a strong smell of juniper it was so wonderful so good his head was clearly outlined the skin on his head was normal the monk was. this unique footage was
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momentous for the entire but just world everybody present expected to see a human skeleton is the only video of it to get off body now filming him is forbidden. i did the right thing refusing to be there when i was a groom and you see when those people saw his body they were shocked. dr alexei as jeff has been watching over it's a ghost body for ten years and there is no vacuum there so the body is supposed to decay but the immune system somehow maintains the balance i check the body less frequently mel there are no changes whatsoever so there's no need to fuss over it just use a super bowl after all the tests were carried out we realized that the science was a dead end the scientists took samples of hair and nails and everything suggested that it was a living person one year due to understand this phenomenon or topsy is required but
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we called for the body is sacred. in january two thousand and five the head of russia's buddhists banned any medical examination of the view to give us body. one explanation is that he is in a very deep meditation. it's very consciously immersed himself into a state where all the processes in the body run at a tremendously slow pace. so for him seconds ago by where for us year is long years past for us seventy five years have passed and for him it may seem like seventy five minutes with for even less. several years ago i not only saw the miracle with his own eyes he became interested in buddhism and stayed here anatoly worked in the datsuns boiler house for six months job was hard but his desire to study buddhism was stronger because that is used to imagine
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having the gift of clairvoyance. that means you can remember all your past lives. acquire supernatural powers it was almost six months later and italy entered the university together with sixty other students but after four years only twenty of them were left student life here is not unlike an extreme survival course especially for those who used to live in the city they have to build their own homes there's no central heating only a wood burning furnace plumbing is nonexistent the interior is closer to that of a field barracks. those immersed in their studies do not notice such trivial things there it's known as overcoming the designs of regular life. sure that. i have not overcome anything yet. i mean for example it's very unhealthy
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to eat before going to bed but i still want to eat something in the evening. i also wrestle with a craving to sleep it is my favorite attachment. for example were given to better sex that we should learn by heart during the day you every time we have to learn several pages but it on a goodish the last resort when you learn them you end up in a trance and fall asleep. and it's very difficult to overcome. but the hardest thing of all is to suppress your ego so will you. before starting his new life and italy studied music for eight years he used to play drums for a band before he came to the dutch. sometimes and italy misses his instrument he says pictures of his bandmates posted on the internet. this is a friend of mine we started at the music school together. this website is old
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it was created before he joined the band jewish religion. and italy fails to find any references to himself on the web his previous life is over yet there is still drums in his life although they play to quite a different tune now. my parents really truly honestly believe that what had happened was as
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a result of my father's exposure to agent orange i was born with multiple problems . i was missing my leg and my fingers in my big toe on my right foot i use my hands a lot in my artwork i find myself drawing my hands quite a bit to me. for my hands you know just as if anyone would. but they do tell a story they tell a story of. the oxen. i
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got the news sigrid laboratory tim curry was able to build one hundred most sophisticated robots which on fortunately doesn't give a darn about anything tim's mission to teach creation why it should care about humans and we're events this is why you should care only on. a buddhist monks education takes place not just at the university but in everyday life too several students share one house and it required that one lives together with them. knows how his friends live in the city he looks at their apartments a new t.v. sets as if they were nothing but pieces of metal yet out of courtesy he joins the conversations about horse power or the resolution of screens and pixels. thank you
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what is the goal in life. well you have to study find a job settle down. and then no one tells you what to do next. for a broad minded person like me such tasks seem to be too small. could it possibly be that man was created just for that could ban have come into this world just for the sake of material possessions you must know my goal why not because i think differently. the. students really have to leave the dots and to go to the city it's only when teachers instruct them to do so today they have to take
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translations of tibetan texts to the printing office and to buy a few things needed for the debts and students usually change their clothes when visiting the city. should only there are a few europeans here at the. students and lamas one can show an interest in buddhism but going to a death sam and learning are two completely different things all the more so by local standards. me to them europeans with our slavic appearance may look like a mockery of their values. anyway we've arrived. so do you know where to go it should be over there you go first i'll follow. the task given by the lamas takes no longer than five minutes it took the students
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longer to get to the printing office to minimize urban temptations that may lead them astray the teachers came up with a trick they shifted their students weekends to monday and tuesday so that they'd have fewer opportunities to meet with their friends from their previous lives. the chief problem for the students is temptation visiting a cinema just once would tarnish their conscience meeting with a friend is the same as for the girls they're referred to as mara an evil spirit who tempts on one occasion a man left the death because he could not stand breaking up with his girlfriend in such cases it's said that mara took him away students themselves try to spend as little time in the city as possible when they reach their fourth year at the dance and they become totally strange from civilisation another trip to the city becomes a burden for them. he spends
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a lot of energy when travelling to the city. at the dull sun you find yourself at a closed campus with no cars rushing back and forth and no people. arrive here in the city you feel as you have come out of the woods. in this is life is trustful. at the dull science very peaceful very environment may seem calm. but here things are quite the opposite the environment causing. the. debate is the most important part of learning it consists of philosophical arguments in the tibetan language students don't just wave their hands through
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questions at each other this form of conversation has not changed in millennia and tone explains that debate is logic training only concrete questions are asked those answers lead to the next question the greater part of their free time between morning and evening classes is spent preparing for debate at the moment and on his busy with another topic for discussion. one question would be debated is can the consciousness of a person with nihilistic views recognise a logical argument. anton is twenty four he used to live not far from moscow in the city of tula and on studied physics at university but in his second year he quit to come here anton has an elder brother under sr in russian folktales the youngest son is always
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a full machine you know what i am the youngest child in my family. what is the attitude to the youngest one once again everybody considers you to be silly. they think you're just a little boy that i'm always told ok that's enough it's time for you to come back home. but life is good here. they ask me what i am going to do after life in the debts. they say they are worried about my social status. and i say that i do not care much about it though sometimes i do think about what i'm going to do next. logic and delta are two fundamental principles of buddhism and tons says that it's just like in physics the only difference is that while physics studies matter buddhism
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examines the spirit. believes that a physicist can easily become a buddhist. is to become a philosopher. geisha is more used to the term of wise old man to whom they can come for advice or no fixed prices for services visitors give as much as they see fit. there's even been cases where loma was presented with a cult for good advice. i am not going to become a good or live the life of local lamas. that's not going to happen that's for sure. but. i cannot imagine such a way of life. i can't imagine becoming the head of a temple. third should i be the
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one calling people to come here to pray should that be the case. i don't think so. it's. the everlasting body is not the only miracle connected with particular phenomenon he entered this mysterious state at a time when buddhism was virtually destroyed in russia his miraculous return spared the revival but its culture that sense appeared in a body at your again now young people like anton and italy have a chance to choose a new coffin life. but i could have made up a fascinating story about
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a life full of suffering and unrequited love. and all that eventually brought me here to try and reach this spiritual state of buddha. i could have told you that i would be helping everyone i would be reading mantras for the sake of all living creatures. but things are not that simple can you honestly i do not know myself what is going to happen to me. and so on does not yet know what the future holds in store for him but he is certain that he will continue his education he may leave the datsun and go to india to study buddhism there. video to show you the thing it is that an ordinary person believes that he is living his only life right now so when mistakes seem really scary but what if this is not the case.
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