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tv   [untitled]    May 28, 2012 2:00pm-2:30pm EDT

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from the streets of canada. operations. russia warns against placing the blame for a massacre in the syrian city of houla soley on the government saying opposition government may also be involved. as the syrian conflict drags on it's being fueled by weapons flowing from neighboring lebanon where illegal dealers are driven by profit and faith. and after weeks of violent student protests in canada and hundreds of arrests talks of a jewish and costs are set to resume but it's no longer just about soaring fees.
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on screen this is r.t. live from central moscow twenty four hours a day russia says both the syrian government and opposition government may have been involved in the deaths of more than one hundred civilians including over thirty children in the city of over the weekend speaking after a meeting with his british counterpart in moscow foreign minister sergey lavrov warned against assigning blame for the massacre. of as the details. russia is calling for an international investigation to be held looking into what happened in houla while the west including the united states and great britain are pointing their fingers at us sidewall the foreign minister elavil roth says that it's too early to make any conclusions since it's clearly the situation is not one sided at all. but to deal with the un security council on sunday the head of the international peace mission in syria confirm that in houla there was signs of artillery shelling but they will say mini cooper says we've had. violent close
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distance police on end of a slaughter that was both sides apparently had a hand in the deaths of people including women and children yet this area is under the control of the militants this is also the surrounding my government treats the un security council has asked the un observer mission on the ground to best gauge what exactly happened in houla do you believe moscow is now lifting the responsibility from assad for the violence but is stressing that equal pressure has to be applied both on the authorities and on the opposition and it's not only vital for them to put their weapons down and peaceful you negotiate but also for the international community for all the outside players to reach one unified position and so you are off says only in that case could the peace plan be fulfilled which is currently the only way out of the crisis also outlined that moscow is in contact with both the authorities and the opposition and he says that from these
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contacts with the rebels it's clear that some forces outside of syria but within the region are giving them other signals which are not aimed at fulfilling the peace plan but are actually aimed at violating boosting calls for foreign military intervention the foreign minister has called on these players to make up their minds whether they want regime change or the stop of the deaths of people in syria . and he. warning not to rush to conclusions sergey lavrov referred to the balkans war in the ninety's he described how a group of european officials calls the nato intervention by declaring a genocide in a small village although never made public leaks from a later investigation suggested the victims were actually cause of all militants killed in fighting political analyst from serbia said the covert she believes the comparison with syria is valid atrocity management has done wonders first for the bosnian muslims during the bosnian war in ninety two to ninety five and then for
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the course of all binion's in the run up to the need to bombing of one thousand nine the political utility atrocity management is immediate and we have to ask in this particular case who has to gain from this situation certainly not the syrians slaughtering innocent civilians under the noses of international observers this thing stinks to heaven and i will dirt bet my last gold needle that we are indeed looking at a case of premeditated called blooded murder of civilians by deceiving the syrian rebels in order to provoke international intervention and while the outrage over the massacre in houla spreads and eagerness to illustrate events in the most harrowing way has misleading results go to our web site divine not about the b.b.c. story which used images of rows of children's bodies sent in by an activist and they turned out to have been taken in iraq almost a decade ago even talk of who took the pictures thinks they're being used for
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propaganda get all the details and r.t. dot com. does the strife in syria drags on the rebels are getting strong support from lebanon everything from medical treatment to weapons and as art is mere financial reports not just profit driving the daily and deadly trade in guns. best seller shows off his goods. this is five thousand dollars this is thirteen hundred eighteen hundred and two thousand the seven machine guns between two and a half and three thousand u.s. parks shaadi not his real name also has rocket propelled and hand grenades which he showed me in private. come contact me every day we have a revolution next door. we talking shop his garage in tripoli lebanon syrian rebels are his major clients but very popular they're looking for the really heavy stuff we buy from here and they're ours and resell they have enough and
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they're getting it for free as a run makes their entire story. it'll take no more than ten hours for thesis shot he says to reach lebanon's conflict and gulf neighbor since the beginning of the uprising in syria last march arms prices have rocketed for some items the coast has gone up five and sometimes even ten times and the more the conflict drags on the mall look at if it is for the weapons dealers but money is not the key reason shaadi is a sunni muslim and to him is his holy duty to support his co religious fighters in syria for sure we are. told they do it in sunni dominated been and where we meet the arms dealer those who want assad out are in the absolute majority and they are sending their religious brothers in neighboring syria a lot more than prayers. a mad twenty nine year old field commander from the free
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syrian army was wounded during the baba amr siege earlier this spring together with other injured f.s.a. members his now having treatment in lebanon but his not stopped fighting entirely. missourian ex-pats everywhere in the world or people from. saudi arabia also send us money weapons walkie talkies. he says every day tons of this aid go through his hands but for him it's not enough as soon as he gets better he'll return to syria. is a selfie erotically sunni group whose influence in this part of lebanon is growing dramatically. there are demonstrations in favor of the syrian uprising a role so the support package everything sounds. we also need some a fish a call might bakley one of the founders of the band islamic group. suspected of
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links to international terrorism but he says his input in the syrian revolt in sending the rebels the ideas and encouragement to achieve their ultimate goal what would be to make all the overthrow of the government we will make or the scholars speak for against the steel army's issues and make them all applies again to see a government and other selfish a can triple the runs this car parts shop taken firms that every sunni and especially every salafist here in lebanon is involved either ideologically or financially in what he calls syrian liberation. already helped the tunisian and egyptian revolutions we want syrians now to get rid of this regime. shake muslim doesn't wear muslim white robes and keeps his beard secret to every selfie shot so as not to draw too much attention he says everybody sacrifices something these days just to see their mission and assad free syria completed.
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an r.t. reporting from northern lebanon. still ahead here this hour and affording ratings as a symptom of distrust we look at what's causing a growing number of americans to abandon the mainstream news media in favor of independent all foreign outlets or even fictional programs. religion and education are inseparable. enlightenment is impossible without. inner peace without. joy without prayer.
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there hasn't been anything yet on t.v. . it is to get the maximum political impact of. the full source material is what helps keep journalism honest we. we want to present. something else. going to be civil which will brighten if you move the ballots from funds to impressions. nice clean start on t.v. dot com.
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ten minutes past the hour the news continues here on r.t. joining the sounds of the occupy movement to much in common they both criticize governments in iraq and condemned by the mainstream media so now for the first time the world's most famous whistleblower and the leaders of the global protest movement come together here on r.t. and the latest edition of a sense is very an interview program they discuss the spread of the occupy demonstrations. occupy. sort of simmer for a while for the first the first week or ten days or something until it was forwards . well yes i mean what i mean police violence but nonetheless we did not provoke a slight smile. for the record but we took a nonviolent direct action and we went and we occupied the squares so we could have a general assembly and starts talk about the world that we wanted to live in which we saw is completely antithetical to the world we're currently living in and the
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structures that governed it so yeah i mean i guess by being there by exercising directly democratic process we're posing a threat and so the police had to respond i mean there's nothing that terrifies the american government so much as the threat of democracy breaking out in america that are there for to react. and you can catch the seventh edition of june in the series in full tomorrow thirty g.m.t. right here on r.t. and if you've missed the previous six you can always watch them online. dot dot com . to the protests in canada now and there's hope the standoff between students and authorities in quebec could soon come to an end with talks due to resume on monday thousand strong demonstrations against tuition fee hikes have been taking place on a monthly basis for over a month now but a new emergency law risk or such anger cutting fees may no longer be enough kind of check on reports. it's not just about to say anymore
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even many of those who didn't care much about the problems facing students in keg have now joined the ranks of protesters. it is something that we should and have to do in this region. and we have to be there and we have to make you guys it's the end of democracy if you keep on this way and the farther on the. ground. in the future to ensure. the country and the city needs to tens of thousands marching every day making a noise to express anger at what they see as draconian government measures to suppress people's rights to freedom of assembly and expression earlier this month the government here adopted an emergency anti protest long to make it illegal to assemble without permission and to insist on a precise road map of any planned march or demonstration decided this is a map of montréal yet was not known for always that exact works would think about
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those. parking their cars their sound or for their motors their inside for to better. the first time i have honestly i believe narratives are to start in their ads or observed mr goldfarb regarding the day after the anti protest law was passed a quarter of a million people spilled onto montréal streets in defiance in a peaceful march more than seven hundred were arrested in just one day there were people coming out from the bar actually at that time and they were arrested and they weren't going into the demonstration there there had been tear gas the had been. a lot of physical or spatial but the people keep more change and banging their pots and pans each now risking a fine of up to five thousand dollars when there are so many people that get arrests everybody canada's media aren't spending much time showing incidents of
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police brutality. of journalists in canada live in which the politicians and live which good good good good good again guys making the rules show they don't going to get outside and see what's happening in the streets really and they don't want to know about these because if he did don't want to know about it. you can see how dramatically the protests have evolved over the past three months in five years . when they started it was the students are kept back versus the government of the problem the gatherings were generally very peaceful but the police reaction was overwhelmingly harsh and as if that wasn't enough to make some leaders talk take thanks law to close the poll tax would spell the end but it did and now they're facing anger over fees and freedom i'm going to check out from the streets of montreal canada our team. they get that all the stories we're covering also available on our website www dot com here's what else is there for you right now
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should you log on. deadly moves the authorities in pakistan threaten six people with the death penalty for allegedly violating tribal traditions but don't sing together the details on that said don't call. and splashing the cash rushes on set to markets like a bug founder of the country's biggest social networking it shows off his riches by making paper planes out of banknotes find out how much money the board of millionaire was throwing away at all t. don't call. so more world news from across the globe at this stage of the day in our world update a massive fire the shopping center in qatar has killed at least thirteen children for teacher is going to say the complex did not appear to have any alarms or
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sprinklers is thought the blaze began around midday at the luxury mall and took several hours to put out the cause is still unknown. and islamist and a pre-revolution prime minister will both fight it out in a runoff in egypt's presidential election the first and second places of muhammad mercy. shafique have been confirmed by the electoral commission but two of the other defeated the candidates are demanding a recount saying there were violations during voting the second round will take place next month. and the former british prime minister tony blair's appearance before an inquiry into media ethics has been interrupted by a man shouting war criminal investigation is looking at the issue of phone hacking by journalists blair faced questions about his relationship with rupert murdoch the news of the world the main newspaper involved in its blair's convoy left the inquiry eggs with throw that one of the vehicles. serbia's newly elected president has confirmed joining the e.u.
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remains his top priority and whether he told r.t. there are things he won't give up for the sake of membership you can see his interview in full in a little over ten minutes from now but before that here's a brief preview for you. europe is a very attractive partner for serbia and our country should meet almost all the conditions that the e.u. imposes or this process should stop only if they ask us to renounce part of our territory i'm referring to kosovo and we're talking here will serbia enter the e.u. i don't know first of all they have the crisis of expansion today it's clear that we will be in during the next ten years at the same time they have the existential crisis the euro as a currency the turning weaker by the day on the other hand it's a big question how long is germany going to help members of the union that is to say how long should german taxpayer support the countries in crisis. and that interview in full coming your way in about ten minutes from now the u.s.
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mainstream news media is rapidly losing its audience for the biggest network suffering from sinking ratings rising independent outlets and internet sources provide an alternative to corporate controlled news and as artie's miniport now reports media giants are increasingly obsolete. but he's the most trusted fictional name in news the lead character of h.b.o.'s upcoming series newsroom is on a mission to tell the truth in the face of u.s. corporate and commercial pressures what new era what makes was the greatest country in the world i don't know what i'm. venting their lives and their work in the world of nonfiction taking morgan holding its annual shareholders meeting america's corporate owned news networks that rarely challenge the status quo might want to take some cues from h.b.o.'s fake show and i report awards last month cnn's ratings dropped to their lowest in a decade and here are the nominees in march fox lost nearly twenty percent of their
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viewers and for years and as n.b.c. has consistently remained at least popular among all three if you went into the board rooms and the executive suites of these media companies they're in a panic about this. but the peter hart is the activism director at fair a us media watchdog group he says an increasing number of americans are abandoning mainstream media for alternative independent or foreign news outlets once people shift and say c.n.n. is not for me fox is not for me on this and b c isn't doing what i really want them to do or need them to do then it's hard to get them back how do you convince somebody that your media system works when their experience tells them that it doesn't when last autumn's biggest global story was born in new york city it was largely ignored by most mainstream news outlets but it is. this organized a look quote as one of the protesting nobody seems to know in total it became impossible to suppress. this spring the fight against corporate
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greed is still being waged but at this event in times square demonstrators are surrounded by news tickers but no mainstream t.v. cameras the occupied. movement is it waiting for the almighty powerful networks to show up and reports about their demonstrations instead the grassroots group has need immediate distribution all part of its campaign reading newspapers like this one which report about political financial and social stories that are either blocked out more rarely addressed by most in mainstream news outlets the first amendment just keeps shrinking in importance a handful of profiteering corporations who don't care a lot about journalism don't care a lot about democracy have taken control reporting the truth means risking all the dangers of digging too deep cost america's legendary newsman dan rather his coveted
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chair at c.b.s. the trusted journalist was forced to resign after reporting that george w. bush went missing during his national guard service to avoid being drafted to vietnam mothered c.b.s. you know because i and my team reported a true story it was a tough story a story a lot of people didn't want to believe that it was subjected to repeat propaganda barrage to just put it to a case in which art is imitating life is becoming. a life now seeing more americans turning to the alternative marina porton i.r.t. new york. tunnel to cross over to the business to ask natasha oil major to be head is just quit so he's going to replace him well we actually don't know yet sounds to me friedman who handed in his resignation earlier on monday was supposed to be the c.e.o. till twenty thirteen all the details in just a couple of minutes let's first check out the equity markets starting with europe
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since wall street will remain closed for memorial day and as you can see the footsie managed to hold on to sell its gains but the footsie at the dax actually slipped and to read losing around a quarter percent by the end of the day and of course it was. on the news that were a mixed bag on the one hand greece offered a lot of positivity after the latest. opinion poll showed that the greek people ready to vote for a bailout new democracy party and that means in next month's elections and that means if that party wins that there's a chance greece will stay in the euro zone and will actually implement the austerity measures but on the one hand of course spain is adding a grain of salt shares of the troubled spanish bang bang dropped more than twenty five percent on the news that the troubled banks asking the government to inject twenty four billion dollars into its system making it the biggest bailout in
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spanish history but let's check out the current c. markets and you'll see that euro is managing to retain some of its gains it's actually trading. gaining to the greenback and the russian currency the ruble was mixed most of the day it was again into the dollar but a losing to the euro and that brings us on to the russian markets that ended the day with gains although they're not quite as robust as they were earlier in the day and the latest the data shows that the russian economy attracted thirty six and a half billion dollars in the first quarter that seems like a lot but that's an eighteen percent drop compared to the same period last year and let's move on to the biggest movers on the my sex they include in the financial sector bear bank as you can see they're gaining more than half a percent of course lou cools gating on rising oil and t. and gave b.p.
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managed to rebalance after a loss to value on the news that we three minutes c handed in his resignation a bit more on the c.e.o. and at the same time chairman of the russian british joint. sure friedman has resigned from both positions without providing any reasons behind the move he was one of our show's cool owners who blocked the arc to deal between ross nafta and b.p. claiming it was violating the existing remit of t. and pete freeman is one of russia's richest people he has assets in banking a retail and telecoms and the one person is losses in other person's gain it looks like the russian job market became more attractive for highly skilled foreigners last year the country's top recruitment service headhunter says in the number of applicants ex-pats rose by eleven percent and most of them are native english speakers looking for positions in the oil and gas or the banking sectors analysts
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say russia's growing economy looks like a more promising more just a nation in light of all the financial problems across the globe. and unicredit bank is closing down its russian brokerage unit unit credit securities around one hundred people will lose their jobs and get financial compensation from the italian lender it's not the first disappointment for foreign financial companies in russia last year a global giant barclays closed its offices in the country and a lot but not least of the oil sector or oil was gaining throughout the day today and that's despite the latest data that shows that u.s. stockpiles are at a twenty two month high apparently all those good news coming out of greece and tensions over iran's nuclear program are enough to drive well higher and that's always the sour i'll be back in about fifteen minutes i'll see them thanks
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a lot for that natasha good to see you see you later well next hour interview. with the newly elected president of serbia that's just a couple of minutes ahead from no we'll be able to round up of all top stories with rebuild stay with us live here on alt.
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wealthy british scientists are some expert on the time. markets why not come to find out what's really happening to the global economy with mike's concert for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune in to kaiser report on our. culture is that so much on the train would merely be if you need to get
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a lot of people a variant a book or a thinking the welfare state while attempting to save a struggling middle class are we reaching the point where society has ripped apart by socialist. lines. would be soon which brightened if you newly bought song from finest impression made some. nice friends down totty dot com. good. luck.


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