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tv   [untitled]    May 29, 2012 3:00am-3:30am EDT

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i'm trying hard is a big show. trial by the syrian houla massacre a blame game escalates as the media opens its doors to sensationalism while kicking the truth to the. cyber warfare stats entering new areas of russian security experts reveal that the most dangerous virus ever discovered has been devastating middle east computers for years. new face of the dooars homegrown terror f.b.i. the dirty tactics give occupy critics the tools to tar the entire movement's reputation and present them as domestic terrorists. they're also markets have opens up impulsive territory today all continues to climb china top growth and high terrain
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that the greek people are warming to procure out of the parking lot before all that is out about twenty minutes time. international news live from moscow this is ask the with me union shop of our thanks for joining us the most gruesome episode in syria's uprising is quickly turning into a p.r. battle as each side and their allies portion blame for this slaughter in houla just four days after the murders of over one hundred men women and children the media has been flooded with images furthering one or the other drowned and as a first reports authenticity has taken a back seat. when the b.b.c. ran the speccy from iraq mistakingly claiming it was syria it led to some fierce criticisms somebody is using my images from iraq as propaganda. against the syrian
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government to prove the massacre i'm really surprised that an organization like the b.b.c. cannot be bothered to check sources and is ready to publish any image sent by a citizen activist or journalist or whoever they are the b.b.c. is like a british bombing club it always supports majors wars and even though there's no conspiracy the reporter women wrote this i'm sure they were told you it's part of a general malaise in the b.b.c. that always calls for intervention and the use of major. developing nation from the very beginning the syrian crisis is going to be distorted and blood at every turn and by paid sites throughout the last month the world seen fake video reports and false statements that it hasn't quelled the sensation hungry media from jumping the gun on any shocking piece of news coming from the country ravaged by conflict and its cause that the peace plan is now failing visited damascus in
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a statement he said. the government to take steps to signal that it is serious in its intention to resolve this crisis peacefully and this message of peace is not only for the government but for everyone every individual with a gun but while many media outlets loudly condemn the regime there has been little criticism of the open and blatant funding and arming of the syrian opposition and leave this to massively undermine ceasefire attempts and now the war drums again seem to be beating john rees from the stop the war coalition called this the benghazi moment the moment where things are portrayed as being so bad that there's no other option but intervention some of us who've been around long enough for a member cry in the western press some from western governments over similar occasions in kosovo will remember the way in which saddam has. regime was
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characterized because of its frosties. in iraq the same rhetoric jones says could lead to even more lives lost we saw what happened in libya with this everybody understood the gadhafi regime. horrible dictatorship but when the western we ended up with thirty five. already is estimated to more than ten thousand lies have been lost in the conflict the death toll continuing to rise even was the un observers have been in the country but inside syria and amidst the devastation there is still hope for syria it doesn't move over oppression intervention. completely against arming the uprising. we declared very clear very loud the mistake made by the b.b.c. to show the real problems when covering the syrian conflict the events of recent
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weeks of also showing that the mudslinging finger pointing and accusations that have been such a mark of the syrian crisis have only served to me further away and not closer to the true and that's the truth the people in syria have been paying with their lives . and commenting on the b.b.c.'s blunder with the iraq picture journalist and human rights investigator keys harman snow says there's simply no way it could have been posted by mistake. this particular photograph claiming to be a massacre of children in syria was years later a major element of propaganda accusing saddam hussein's government of killing all these children often first by so it was a nasty piece of propaganda it was very well known where this photograph came from if people believe that this is accidental or if it's citizen journalism they are really deceiving themselves if you are certainly you had on the war the manufacture of consent as we were given by the book if one of the claim that we can't get
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journalists into syria i think is nonsense there are cia agents there room m i six if there are most not agents all over the place in syria at this very moment as they were in libya manufacturing fox images about libya claiming to be you tube videos that were citizen journalism you can see from the label activist and photo from activist i mean that's nonsense to the b.b.c. just doesn't do that they don't pull down photos from an activist and post and without everything they do is fact checked this is propaganda no mistake no action . not jumping to conclusions over there whom the tragedy must be a priority says russia's foreign minister sergei lavrov backing up his warning he pointed to the balkans hole in the ninety's when nato launched its internet intervention citing a civilian china site and excused it later leaks contradicts said seven political analysts said of it says the comparison is obscene. atrocity management has done wonders first for the bosnian muslims during the bosnian war in ninety two to
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ninety five and then for the course of all binion's in the run up to the need to bombing of ninety nine the political utility atrocity management is immediate and we have to ask in this particular case who has to gain from this situation certainly not the syrians slaughtering innocent civilians under the noses of international observers this thing stinks to heaven and i will do it but my last gold medal that we are indeed looking at the coups of premeditated cold blooded murder of civilians by the serial by the syrian rebels in order to provoke international intervention. so we are covering syrian dad son darko responder's marie of carried out her own investigation into an arms trafficking nets while that supplies syrian rebels and she is keeping us up to date on that through her twitter feed and she talks a number of arms dealers and smugglers one of whom was particularly proud of his latest acquisition told from the body of
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a syrian officer he had killed so check out of maria's feed for the changing reality of arms trafficking. this is our c.n.n. coming up on the program this hour i could sound like epidemic lost amid economic distress calls the problem of growing illiteracy plagues the west by social reforms within the e.u. . plus the indian jail taking a polish stick approach to rehabilitating inmates which has decreased the number of rehab that. it's later before that was the worst cyber attack in history that's how russian computer security giant. has described a virus sweeping the middle east dubbed of flame the infection it's spreading through systems stealing unprecedented amounts of sensitive data and he has told barton with more details. they most infected computers have been discovered in iran but israel has also been attacked as has syria and other countries across the
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middle east it's thought the virus has been operating since august two thousand and ten but both perske and other internet security firms say it may have been stealing data from computers for years before that iran has already accused the u.s. and israel of being behind the attacks and say that the virus may have been behind massive data losses that they've had in their computer systems recently because you say it's too early to say who's behind the attack but they do add that this is a new stage in the level of cyber warfare across the globe and that these viruses could become super weapons in that realm the flame virus is likely to go down in history as the third great cyber attack of its kind in two thousand and ten destructs net virus attacked iran's nuclear program while the dooku virus was busy stealing data from computer systems around the world flame though is much bigger
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its code is twenty times the size of stuxnet it and it can make use of a computer's webcam keyboard monitoring and also screen shots to steal data package it up and send it back to the attackers this level of sophistication and also the targets hit or what's making kaspersky lab think that this is a government backed cyber attack. undermined the story as well as reports from previous major side can also be found on our website so let's see what else awaits here at home right now. in the u.s. ambassador to russia says his still hasn't mastered the craft of speaking diplomatically i doubt what led to this uprising confession from the high ranking diplomat and discover how she's involved. and a russian aircraft carrier could host a major ice hockey game as a p.r. stunt for the country's popular support reaches new heights.
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since it started nine months ago the movement has frequently been shelled with criticism most and misunderstood but now as all season are enough right now reports so long to earn scaremongering are also being used to bring the anti corporate drive to hold. what began last september returned with a vengeance on the first of may tens of thousands of americans across the country expressing collective outrage over wealth inequality political corruption and corporate money by the evening federal agents have busted up an anarchist plot in cleveland five people are under arrest the occupy movement made headlines for a very different reason this group here of so-called anarchists are in custody accused of wanting to blow up a bridge in ohio the self-proclaimed anarchists wanted to stop money flow into the
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one percent and said the federal government a message they have even ties to occupy cleveland as well the f.b.i. says the five ohio suspects were intent on using violence to express their ideological views that allowed some occupy critics to incriminate the entire movement is occupy wall street based on the allegations that we have or that bridge should it be considered a domestic terrorist organization the f.b.i. not only for you know the alleged terrorist plot it also used a government paid informant to help orchestrate it that man identified as shaquille as these collaborated with the suspects loaned cash made introductions and then an undercover f.b.i. agent sold these folks according to the prosecution the c. four explosives orchestrated ok it's also involved in this for a long time i was trying to entrap another game very well f.b.i.
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informant turned whistleblower craig spent six years working for the agency he says as long as the u.s. remains a threat to washington and wall street cases like the cleveland five will become more common. but that's the goal now maybe three months later to be another one maybe six months later there be another one where now the occupy movement is really thank you and no i want to be around them so much because there may be some type of terrorist plan or plot. before the cleveland five came the new book for a terrifying plot the f.b.i. claims to have warded f.b.i. operatives provided the fake c four and actually showed them a fake stinger missile the four muslim suspects were arrested and charged with attempting to carry out terrorist attacks no direction by a foreign entity or real terrorist group instead direction came from an f.b.i. informant who monitored induced and facilitated the fabricated plot reportedly paid
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one hundred thousand dollars for his services in america's post nine eleven decade scores of u.s. muslim citizens have been arrested and convicted through sting operations involving f.b.i. informants. today as the ninety nine percent becomes a bigger challenge for washington some say angry activists could replace scary muslims as the so-called new face of homegrown terror i think that occupy wall street is dealing with big enough issues and there are enough people who are committed enough to the movement that it probably will have political prisoners maybe sooner than later occupy cleveland issued a statement saying that while the five men arrested were associated with the movement they were in no way representing or acting on behalf of the group and f.b.i. spokesperson also said the incident was not an occupy movement wants facts which so far have not stopped many from branding occupy with an unfavorable staying in
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important i.r.t. new york. june and asuncion the latest edition of his own exclusive interview show here on alex he has been talking to some leaders of the occupy movement to name at eleven set a chance to hear them discuss whether ambitions lie. i mean they are now the u.k. prime minister david cameron has held a meeting with top financial officials and ministers to start to discuss contingency plans for the eurozone crisis britain not a member of the single currency is increasingly feeling its domino effect as fears of a greek exit trigger a sharp rise in boring costs and hard and green at popular economic start corm says that austerity measures can only work if the government starts spending we shouldn't be thinking of our of an austerity measure where everything gets trite that once when when but when there's a recession people can't create demand get spending money then we government has to spend that well there are various economists who study this problem and what they
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said was if you increase exploded use by that expenditure by the same amount you increase taxes you increase national income and that doesn't increase debt if the greeks are going to have to resort taxes that the spanish and the italians if they would spend only one mile as they raise their taxes there's no increase in debt and it spurs growth. it's not among the first things that spring to mind when talking of europe's problems however while widely overshadowed by the financial crisis electricity remains a prominent issue even in the most advanced are so the. last eleven points it's multiculturalism that suffer in the markets there are two issues prevalent in much of europe today but at the forefront of election campaigns an e.u. debates one how to get more people working and to how to address the growing social divisions resulting from unemployment and ineffective integration policies but
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there's something integrity to these efforts and some say it's still largely a taboo topic illiteracy. what we want to do is you know raise more awareness that this actually is a problem and. it's actually nothing to be ashamed of a european union study has found that more than seventy five million adults lack basic reading and writing skills along with one million or one in five fifteen year olds in the e.u. plus in belgium about one in ten adults have low literacy levels are reality even more striking in highly populated urban areas and for foreigners there's the added challenge of reading and writing in a new language and here literacy is directly linked with social integration but. because there is a shortage of jobs employers tend to seek higher levels of education even for positions where it's not necessary to have a diploma penalizes people with no degrees or who have a low interest illiteracy is
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a social phenomenon it affects people who are socially economically and culturally the weakest moments on the plight of home is not helped by the rise of anti immigration rhetoric in europe without misty international highlighting the discrimination faced by muslims in education and employment. ironically in a country where its leader was widely quoted as saying multiculturalism has failed and new immigration and integration surveys show that only a third of foreigners surveyed had trouble finding a job in berlin in stark contrast with seventy nine percent in lisbon in portugal and milan in italy they cited language classes as having helped while critics say the results may only be a consequence of better economic conditions in germany and nothing more regardless those monitoring illiteracy in europe reiterate the risk of social exclusion it would be wonderful if. we wait for that to
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happen. and turn shows that we have in the group is to make such a fuss about this matter that the politicians and policy makers will have to sit up notice they say before it's too late does or cilia r.t. brussels. then they sing today's program we've got the kinds of report where moxon stays examined household worth tens of billions of dollars goes over the law enforcement rate or has a preview of the show that's coming up and. you see staff ends probe of lehman without finding fraud this is according to bloomberg u.s. securities and exchange commission investigators have concluded their probe of possible financial fraud at lehman brothers holdings without recommending an foresman action against the firm or its former executives according to an excerpt of an internal agency memo this is fantastic i mean this is the great thing about
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having regulators like the f.c.c. who are over charged with keeping track of your accounting fraud i mean as imagine a serial killer i suppose you know who had keeping track of his crimes best goalie you know hollywood producer who every time you murdered somebody in the street they would just say oh that's great for that it's not it's not a murder it's a reality t.v. show so here with the bald you're saying you're not committing fraud it's a great story our news item but it's not fraud. south asia's largest trail is aiming to turn dangerous criminals into better citizens by taking a unique approach he's in crazy for gambling taishan and putting an emphasis on work skills they say they scheme with showing results as a. report. it's a bustling factory in india men making everything from steel pipes to fabrics.
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it's set on a beautiful campus with manicured lawns and fountains a far cry from the hectic bustle of new delhi. but the workers in the seeming utopia actually have no choice about being here in fact they have no freedom at all because their inmates in south asia's largest jail the hard. i mean they rounded i'm a good players who just filled in the outside world nirmal singh is one of twelve thousand inmates in bihar and he's serving a life sentence for murder. now he makes one hundred rupees or two dollars a day for his work i feel that no matter what crime i committed in the past i don't want to commit any more or do anything wrong when i'm sure i want to look for a job as we've. seen heart is a revolutionary facility in india housing everyone from high profile criminals like former prime ministers to common robbers the masterminds behind this chill provide
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training for inmates as well as other activities like meditation music and painting to calm their spirits. by object to was i give them that kind of a holistic reform correctional by was the mind gets dry cleaned and then they leave the prison i do not come back that big gets handed them says many convicts here at the hard jail save their learning skills on the sprawling four hundred acre campus that they hope they can apply in the outside world authorities say the reform programs are working and only seventeen percent of the prison population are repeat offenders they hope that number will continue to go down it's an impressive statistic recent studies show that the real offending rate for prisoners in the united states is as high as sixty percent and around fifty percent in the u.k. one thing can be certain he said that if we do not do these groups the reforms then the. is bound to go up. while the inmates say there is
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nothing that compares to freedom most are trying to make the best of their time in the har. at least we have something to pass the time but the only thing that i miss the most is being with my family. near a mall like his fellow inmates wishes only for a better life ahead when and if they are ever released preassure either r t new delhi india. and let's take a look at some other stories making international headlines this hour in canada professionals have now joined the massive protest against the recent bill which tightens the news on demonstrate to hundreds of the much the streets of long true clouded george's robes and holding a bonnet declaring laws against the new law it was adopted after more than three months of student protests and violent clashes with police over an increase in tuition fees. egypt's capital as hundreds set
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fire to the campaign headquarters of four prime minister ahmed shafik. they have squared demonstration against presidential. results they called for shafiq is closely linked to the former regime to buy and from running for office is said to phase the muslim brotherhood candidates in the second round of egypt's election injury. explosion has ripped through a shopping complex in downtown nairobi wounding at least twenty eight people shops were damaged what store contents scattered on the ground one eyewitness said the blast happened after a man left a bad near her store militants from neighboring somalia have threatened to carry out attacks in kenya after the country decided to send troops to pursue that. you know let's not join katie on the business desk for all the latest market action hi there katie so the european markets are now open with the latest that they are indeed you live i have to say friend and i'm looking at games right now for both
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the c. and the dax now greece is expected to be another topic of conversation today now if you consider that the economy accounts fall no point four percent of the world economy out we've got a columnist's from bank of america merrill and j.p. morgan that's talking about the collateral damage once again but as you can see investors look pretty optimistic at the moment at the foot here on the whole five percent up the dies are one of a quarter of a percent in polls to territory now they have been talking about collateral damage and a walk this would need is a long while they're talking about credit crunch is recessions more europe we've also got a fragile spanish banking such as well that's set to be taking a bit of gossip columns today i'm sure on the trading floors it's going to have to the rush to markets here as if they are and it's still getting a we've got the l.t.s. seven tenths of a percent nine tenths of percent of full the my sex once again so really it's fairly optimism here in russia let's see the exchange rates and see that the ruble
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is still losing out against the u.s. dollar and the you're right this hour we've also got your dollar right there that's actually have a change of fortunes it is indeed gaining now one twenty five fifty six and just let me just clarify for you the griddle is a day ok roofing forwards we've got china and japan they will apparently start direct trading of the you won on the japanese yen as of next month but you can't use will not be using the u.s. dollar as a bit of a in the hope the move will boost bilateral trade now china is your pounds largest trading partner and that's despite sometimes tense relationships between the that brings us on to the asian markets and they are continuing to. all eyes now we have comments from the chinese premier saying that he's open he said he wants growth in actions that's helping boost momentum over in asia and they're coming to the end of their sessions and they're looking to finish high i'll have
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a look at those oil prices up coming out later today when the u.s. markets open after being on holiday yesterday for a public holiday there's actually a lot of reports to come out of well alice is saying that the going to be positive really demonstrate that the economy is continuing to grow so what does that mean for oil prices well as the biggest conceive off oil it means that now investors are anticipating oil prices to increase even more fuel consumption in the biggest consumer of the commodities that we are going to light sweet on the brant this hour moving on all the stories we're going to talk about beauty credit it's italy's bank it's closing down in russia's president his russian brokerage services company uni credit security is now around one hundred people will lose their jobs and get legal compensation from the italian lender it's not the first time that there's been a bit of disillusion for foreign companies last year the global giant ball has closed their offices here in russia but moving forward the european bank for
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reconstruction and development is selling its stake in the after vast general motors joint venture led to offer the sixteen point eight percent stake to the russian and american car make up which are holding the rest of the stock the site could be worth up to ninety dollars as likely to be evenly split between after you've asked. for us is so far so good you've got a lot of posts positive figures. that's fantastic. stay with us for the kaiser report coming up in a few moments after another look at the headlines. there
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hasn't been anything yet on t.v. . it is to get the maximum political impact. before source material is what helps keep journalism honest we. we want to present. something else.


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