tv [untitled] May 29, 2012 9:00am-9:30am EDT
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mission to teach creation why you should care about humans. this is why you should care only dot com. un investigators say syrian artillery is responsible for less than twenty of the one hundred. other resting clued in children show signs of brutal execution. we suspect that. there is a nation state behind the development of these cyber attack russian security experts who discovered one of the most malicious computer viruses ever found targeting middle eastern areas. much like sponsored by a foreign government. protesters in the u.s. terrorist. groups activists about their true goal and the latest edition of this
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exclusive program during our. hour just after five pm on tuesday here in moscow this is t. with me roar received he when investigators say less than twenty of the one hundred eight people killed in the massacre in syria died from artillery fire the rest including dozens of children were executed the syrian government says evidence points out opposition islamists while the rebels blame the government the western media has been flooded in recent days with alleged to eyewitness reports suggesting assad's troops were to blame but there are also some very different accounts. that raged rocks. towns and burned ospital in. they even killed our pharmacist at
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his truck store because he treated a wounded soldier our children can't go to schools we can't go out into the phone fields and work no one but the army can protect us he will be of gangs came yesterday and they said either you help us kill soldiers a policeman or we will kill you then they started killing our wives and children along with the soldiers manning the road blocks disaster that the terrorists kill known to marial it is in the fields this is not the burning i hope so we escaped to al gore but they were there to an attack to forget and that on the whole on the start. a former british intelligence officer who now studies islamist militants says the houla slaughter could have been the work of a third party. methodology this type of killing or beheading or slitting of throat slitting of throats of children two and of this relation of bodies has been
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a characteristic not. not of syria not of lebanon but really of what happened in the anbar province of iraq and so it seems to point very much in the direction of groups that have been associated with the war in iraq against the united states who is perhaps returning it will hurt to syria iraq has come up from anbar to take part of it yes we're talking about al qaeda like groups. there's very end of the spectrum of the opposition they may be a minority in terms of the numbers of the overall opposition but they are now defining the war. that artie's maria has carried out her own investigation into how arms are making their way from lebanon to syria she posted the findings on her twitter feed she talked to a number of arms dealers and smugglers i wondered who was particularly proud of his latest acquisition torn from the body of
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a syrian offer say here killed if you check out maria's feed for the chilling reality of arms trafficking. well an investigation into the atrocity is still not yet complete but a number of european nations canada and australia are expelling senior syrian diplomats anyway officials from france and britain say the move is to put more pressure on the government washington is also preparing to provide direct support to the rebels if the un peace plan fails with witness reports coming from syria rather difficult to verify each party in the conflict and their allies are taking sides in their accounts of what's happening and as r.t. sarah furthur reports in pursuing a certain agenda authenticity sometimes takes a back seat. when the b.b.c. ran this they say from iraq mistakingly claiming it was syria it led to some fifth criticisms somebody is using my images from iraq as propaganda against the syrian
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government to prove the massacre i'm really surprised that an organization like the b.b.c. cannot be bothered to check sources and is ready to publish any image sent by a citizen activist or journalist or whoever they are the b.b.c. is like a british woman club it always supports majors wars and even though there's no conspiracy the reporter women wrote this i'm sure they were told you it's part of a general malaise in the b.b.c. that always calls for intervention and the use of major. developing nations the from the very beginning the syrian crisis has seemed to be distorted at every turn and by both sides throughout the last months the world seen fake video reports and false statements that it hasn't quelled the sensation hungry media from jumping the gun on any shocking piece of news coming from the country ravaged by conflict and its cause that the peace plan is now failing visited damascus. the government
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to take bold steps to signal that it is serious in its intention to resolve this crisis peacefully and this message of peace is not only for the government but for everyone every individual with a gun but while many media outlets loudly condemn the regime there has been little criticism of the open and blatant funding and arming of the syrian opposition a move that is to massively undermine ceasefire attempts and now the war drums again seem to be beating turn raise from the stop the war coalition called this the benghazi moment the moment where things are portrayed as being so bad that there's no other option but intervention some of us who've been around long enough. remember cry in the western press some from western governments over similar occasions in kosovo remember the way in which saddam hussein regime was characterized because of its atrocities in iraq the same rhetoric john says could
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lead to even more lives lost we saw what happened in libya with this everybody understood the gadhafi regime. a horrible dictatorship but when the west into and we ended up with thirty five. already is estimated that more than ten thousand lies have been lost in the conflict the death toll continuing to rise even was the un observers have been in the country but inside syria and amidst the devastation there is still hope for syria that doesn't involve oppression intervention we are completely against arming the uprising as well as we are against. we declared very clear very loud the mistake made by the b.b.c. the real problem covering the syrian conflict the events of recent weeks of also showing that the mudslinging finger pointing and accusations that have been such
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a mark of the syrian crisis the only serve to further away and not closer to the train is the truth the people in syria have been paying with their lives. well it's not the first thing that comes to mind in a list of europe's problems. for illiteracy. plus. the worst cyber attack in history the verdict of. russia's internet security specialists on the latest viruses sold throughout the middle east the malicious software known as flame has an ability to snatch data like nothing ever seen before
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but the stories artie's tom bot. experts that russian internet security firm. are sure that this is a very complex internet virus the most complex ever they say the highest number of infected computers in iran but israel syria and other countries across the middle east have also been attacked flame can make use of the computers webcams it's keyboard it's microphones and other things in order to grab data packet it up and send it back to its controllers and it's this complexity and the targets that have been hit that have convinced because this is a state backed cyber attack and a very well organized operation we suspect there that. there is a nation state behind the development of these cyber attack and there are reasons for that these doesn't feed into a near existing groups the developer tools and we try not to. be interested in such
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a dex we tried to be pure facts we extract from the cold like maybe language. in this case we've only traces of. all of that at the kitchen around has already accused us of the attack. it's too soon to tell who's behind it but they have added that this is a new development in the growing area of cyber warfare and that compared to what's gone before flame could be classified as a cyber superweapon. tom barton reporting right more on that story as well as our reports on some major cyber attacks can be found on our website or there's plenty of other stories for you to look at as well including the u.s. ambassador to russia says he still hasn't mastered the craft of speaking diplomatically find out what led to the surprising infection from behind ranking diplomatic discover how our tears and ball. and the russian aircraft carrier could host a major ice hockey game as a p.r.
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stunt for the country's most popular sport reach new heights. in a few minutes it will be artsy world up there but for now from disorganized slackers to terrorists the occupy movement has seen his media image go from bad to worse over its nine months of existence protesters now even face accusations that they pose a threat not just of corporate america but to the entire country as a whole but activists say it's all just scare mongering to stifle the movement and sanity is more important i reports. what began last september returned with a vengeance on the first of may tens of thousands of americans across the country expressing collective outrage over wealth inequality political corruption and
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corporate greed by the evening federal agents have busted up an anarchist plot in cleveland five people are under arrest the occupy movement made headlines for a very different reason this group here of so-called anarchists are in custody accused of wanting to blow up a bridge in ohio of a self-proclaimed anarchists wanted to stop money flowing to the one percent instead of federal government a message they have even ties to occupy cleveland as well the f.b.i. says the five ohio suspects were intent on. using violence to express their ideological views that allowed some occupy critics to incriminate the entire movement is occupy wall street based on the allegations that we have or that bridge should it be considered a domestic terrorist organization the f.b.i. not only for oil the alleged terrorist plot it also used a government paid informant to help orchestrate it that man identified as shaquille
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as e s collaborated with the suspects lone cash made introductions and then an undercover f.b.i. agent sold these folks according to the the prosecution the c. four explosives it's orchestrated ok it's all orchestras i was involved in this for a long time i was trained to entrap another game very well f.b.i. informant turned whistleblower craig spent six years working for the agency he says as long as the u.s. remains a threat to washington and wall street cases like the cleveland five will become more common. but that's the goal now maybe three months later the be another one maybe six months later there be another one where now the occupy movement is really take it and no one to be around them so much because there may be some type of a terrorist plan or plot. before the cleveland five came the new book for
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a terrifying plot the f.b.i. claims to have thwarted f.b.i. operatives provided the fake c four and actually showed them a fake stinger missile the four muslim suspects were arrested and charged with attempting to carry out terrorist attacks no direction by a foreign entity or real terrorist group instead direction came from an f.b.i. informant to monitored induced and facilitated the fabricated plot reportedly paid one hundred thousand dollars for his services in america's post nine eleven decade scores of u.s. muslim citizens have been arrested and convicted through sting operations involving f.b.i. informants. today as the ninety nine percent becomes a bigger challenge for washington some say angry activists could replace scary muslims as the so-called new face of homegrown terror i think that occupy wall street is dealing with big enough issues and there are enough people who are committed enough to the movement that it probably will have political prisoners maybe sooner than later occupy cleveland issued
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a statement saying that while the five men arrested were associated with the movement they were in no way representing or acting on behalf of the group and f.b.i. spokesperson also said the incident was not an occupy movement wants facts which so far have not stopped many from branding occupy with an unfavorable staying in important i.r.t. new york. while the occupy movements are real mission is explored by julian a song as you challenges the movements leaders and the latest edition of his program you can watch the full program in a fifteen minutes time here on artsy here's a taste of what to expect. i think there's been sort of a global movement and i guess it started in tunisia where sort of swept across the mediterranean greece spain it's really the same movement that america they're out of people from greece and spain who are involved in the very early days even before the occupation of parking or putting it together so that i think there's really a global ferment we can see
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a way of writing that wouldn't happen ten years ago we had these protest movements were growing up at seattle and you know or and so on a very simple letter that was in that so we can see why it would have happened ten years ago but why didn't it happen five years ago i think primarily social movements around there always borne out of grievance and a sense of being agree and i think these are simply what's happening is simply impossible without a global financial crisis and it genuinely could have been the end of capitalism as we know it we would have had massive problems with distributing food the problem of complex societies is that when something goes wrong it goes very wrong. in about seven minutes is the business we've done you will for now though europe's financial woes have occupied the hearts and minds of the huge leaders for some time now but the crisis has overshadowed another problem that of illiteracy and as artie's testor are silly reports it remains a prominent issue even the most advanced parts of europe. there are two issues
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prevalent in much of europe today they've been at the forefront of election campaigns and debates one how to get more people working and to how to address the growing social divisions resulting from unemployment and ineffective integration policies but there's something integrity to these efforts that some say is still largely a taboo topic illiteracy. a european union study has found that more than seventy five million adults lack basic reading and writing skills in belgium about one in ten adults have low literacy levels a reality even more striking in highly populated urban areas and for foreigners there's the added challenge of reading and writing in a new language and here literacy is directly linked with social integration. because there is a shortage of jobs employers tend to seek higher levels of education even for positions where it's not necessary to have a diploma it penalizes people with no degrees or who have low literacy the plight
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of whom is not helped by the rise of anti immigration rhetoric in europe with amnesty international highlighting the discrimination faced by muslims in education and employment. ironically in a country where its leader was widely quoted as saying multiculturalism has failed a new immigration and integration survey showed that only a third of foreigners had trouble finding a job in berlin in stark contrast with seventy nine percent in lisbon in portugal and milan in italy critics say the results may only be a consequence of better economic conditions in germany and nothing more regardless those monitoring the literacy in europe reiterate the risk of social exclusion it would be wonderful if the societies were less of an equal. but while we wait for that to happen one of the contentions that we have in the group is to make such a fuss about this matter without put the politicians and policy policy makers will
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have to sit up and take notice they say before it's too late does or cilia r.t. brussels and are starting with italy here comes the r.t. world update now and new treatment in the northern part of the country this hours after a five point eight magnitude quake hit the region killing at least ten people rescuers say there are more victims trapped under the depth it hit at nine am local time in the same region that sora stronger quake earlier this month that time seven people were killed. in egypt hundreds of protesters have set fire to the campaign headquarters of former prime minister but it shut he said to face the muslim brotherhood candidate in the second round of the presidential election next month thousands more flooded cairo's tahrir square to demonstrate against the first round results they called for shafique who is closely linked to the former regime to be banned from running. well south asia's largest jail is turning dangerous
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criminals into better citizens by putting them to work in some rather vise surroundings as obvious appreciator explains society as they want to benefit. it's a bustling factory in india men making everything from steel pipes to fabrics. it's set on a beautiful campus with manicured lawns and fountains a far cry from the hectic bustle of new delhi. but the workers in the seeming utopia actually have no choice about being here in fact they have no freedom at all because their inmates in south asia's largest jails the hard. i mean all round i'm a good players here which is sold in the outside world nirmal singh is one of twelve thousand inmates in bihar and he's serving a life sentence for murder. now he makes one hundred rupees or two dollars
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a day for his work i feel that no matter what crime i committed in the past i don't want to commit any more or do anything wrong when i'm sure i want to look for a job as we've. heart is a revolutionary facility in india housing everyone from high profile criminals like former prime ministers to common robbers the masterminds behind this chill provide training for inmates as well as other activities like meditation music and painting to calm their spirits. by object to was i give them that kind of a holistic reform correctional by was the mind gets dry cleaned and then they leave the prison i do not come back that big gets handed them says many convicts here at the hard jail save their learning skills on the sprawling four hundred acre campus that they hope they can apply in the outside world authorities say the reform programs are working and only seventeen percent of the prison population are repeat offenders they hope that number will continue to go down it's
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an impressive statistic recent studies show that the real offending rate for prisoners in the united states is as high as sixty percent and around fifty percent in the u.k. one thing can be certain he said that people do not do these groups the reforms that the criminality. is bound to go up. while the inmates say there is nothing that compares to freedom most are trying to make the best of their time in the har. it's good at least we have something to pass the time but the only thing that i miss the most is being with my family the nirmal like his fellow inmates wishes only for a better life ahead when and if they're ever released preassure either r t new delhi india. time to talk numbers who were naughty let's cross over to daniel a business desk good to see you again but the best of new record for the price of gold is the worst tree in fact of the slowdown for four months in
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a row to for the reasons with smith. we've had eleven straight years of price rises as the gold bubble burst. and we certainly don't think the running gold is over i mean from economy long term perspective we still think we can get back up so there's recent highs around one thousand nine hundred two thousand i think the last few months have been someone you start to moan for gold is paying. pretty soft and helps explain the weakness so investors have been selling through us speculative positions and if you look at coins i was for example in the u.s. it down about fifty percent from my home where they were a year ago so investors are being cutting back and india as well of course has been pretty lackluster through the first quarter of this year and into april though to pick up in my eyes so you know one of them might you consumers his gold they're not really picking up as much gold as they had done in the past so i wouldn't be too
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down be on gold at this point i have to say where do you see the pros. here i think in the short term we could see a little bit more softness before we break higher again so recently being down to around about fifteen twenty fifteen twenty five so you know we could retest again i think in the weeks ahead if we see that dollar strength continuing. on the upside i think sixteen hundred is a pretty key level for may so if we can get back up there then you know it's looking good for a test of the highs around about eighteen hundred or so you know we're pretty optimistic on gold or think it's a question of biding time and we will move higher eventually i mean how much is the pros big problems in europe at the moment. yeah i think people are a little bit mindful of this point of what happened in two thousand i of course where you know gold despite the crisis of that time did fall from peak to trough by
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around about thirty percent so this time around move down around about twenty percent from the highs so you know i think people are a little bit mindful of that and wary about forced liquidation that we saw in gold back in two thousand and i so there is a possibility if we see another crisis around europe some of this gold might be forced to be sold by those looking to rise kyra so i think that's one reason for us to performance before the big question. it is now a good time to boy gold or should people who still hold the actually sell off. here i think round about these level which i think is good compared to where we should be by the year and so on and we do often see this pick up in gold from amount of september to year end of about ten to fifteen percent. and i would argue as well that a lot of the euro weakness sort of the strength that we say you know perhaps that looks a little bit overdone to main times is the reality of the situation so you know i
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think there are upsides riffs from here for colby if you look at it from a kind of medium term perspective or a standard chartered bank thank you very much indeed for joining us no more turmoil for. he is the billionaire chief executive resigns we call friedman look the deal between rival claim you exclusivity agreements with b.p. there have been reports the move is part of rules and strategy to boil the rosso british joint venture but alexander this offer gazprom doesn't agree i don't think that actual car insurance would like to sell its share for example look at b.p.'s self. responsible for more than twenty percent of its production reserves and revenues a generation a huge amount of cash every quarter but also one of shareholders sell to the share i don't know any comparable asset at the same price so they all get
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a huge cash probably from twenty to thirty five billion dollars for fifty percent stake in the company what would be the use of these cash. in a current market environment when you have such an asset with such characteristics as such a growth profile. i would say that anybody will want to change this as this for anything and they're up to the most stories always on a website called left which. the .
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