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tv   [untitled]    May 29, 2012 8:00pm-8:30pm EDT

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don't call. the maple spring marches on and montreal canada thousands of students protesting tuitions hikes are now getting support from people angry at their government's new and to rally law hundreds of arrested countless others hurt putting our guest political commentator michael fauria. it's the truth about the senate democrats planning they're planning an all out revolt against president obama we'll tell you about the trans-pacific partnership and why some believe the president is going out of his way to keep congress in the
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dark about the details. and mitt romney is well on his way to clinching the republican presidential nomination chances are texas will tip the delegate count in his favor but after an ugly primary season was romney more bruised by his own party that embraced. it's tuesday may twenty ninth eight pm here in washington d.c. i'm liz wahl and you're watching our t.v. . well massive protests in the canadian province of quebec and what started as a student protest thousands of people have taken to the streets demonstrating against what they see as the government's attempt to deny protesters civil rights including the freedom of speech and their right to protest now in its fourth month that looks like the protests are only growing it's being called the maple spring
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and it's turning into an all out citizens revolt now the bulk of the protests are happening here in quebec while many of the protests are peaceful eighty four people were arrested last night an anti demonstration law that has only inflame tensions there so what exactly is going on here let's go now to canada where our correspondent diana a kid you can is in the midst of all the action in quebec to bring you this latest report. it's not just about to wish and heights anymore even many of those who didn't care much about the problems facing students in care back have now joined the ranks of protesters. it is something that we should and have to do in this region. and we have to be there and we have to make noise it does it's the end of democracy if you keep on this way and the father and mother hold colangelo ground. for the future i'm sure. the country.
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tens of thousands marching every day making a noise to express anger at what they see as draconian government measures to suppress people's rights to freedom of assembly and expression earlier this month the government here adopted an emergency anti protests law to make it illegal to assemble without permission and to insist on a precise road map of any planned march or demonstration. this is a map of montréal yes that's not the country always. works with although. i think that the other side for a very much very very sad for cambridge and the first time i have a. narrative or to start in the way i admire i'm sure this sort of thing i got a day after the anti protest law was passed a quarter of a million people spilled onto montréal streets in defiance in a peaceful march more than seven hundred were arrested in just one day there were
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people coming out from the bar actually at that time and they were arrested and they weren't going to demonstrate their had been. a lot of physical or station but the people keep more of them banging their pots and pans each now risking a fine of up to five thousand dollars when there are so many people that get rights everybody can it is me. or in spending much time showing incidents of police brutality all journalists in canada live in which the politicians and live which. are the gang are making the rules showed i don't want to get outside and see what's happening in the streets really and they don't want to know about this because if you did don't want to know about it. you can see how dramatically the protests have evolved over the past three months in february when they started it was the students of the government of the problem the gatherings were generally
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very peaceful but the police reaction was overwhelmingly harsh and as if that wasn't enough the banks leaders thought a quick fix law to quell the protests would spell the end but it did and now they're facing anger over fees and freedom i'm going to check out on from the streets of montreal canada r t. well for an update on the events in montreal i was joined just moments ago by our to correspondent and it sure can. well there's actually something very impressive happened here well of course thousands of people continue marching every night protesting this new bill which makes it illegal to a sample without permission it also insists on a precise road map of any planned march or demonstration and people who came back especially those here in montréal so that you know why it's not going to happen and every night at eight thirty they embark on this absolutely illegal march but this monday over five hundred lawyers and other legal professionals organized their
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march also protesting this emergency a lot you know all in their courtroom grounds and was an interesting statement so you have the legal community here which is also against this law people see it as a draconian encroachments on their freedoms the law was pretty plays by the local government too quickly qual this student uprising which started in february which by the way has generally been very peaceful and so i understand today that there were some negotiations or an attempt at some kind of negotiations are any developments on that if if there was any kind of a success. not that i know of but i can say for sure that this movement is going to so much more than just the student uprising over tuition hikes now it's about fees and freedom but what i discovered talking to people is that it never was about the specific and mound of raising tuition fees which the government of the province imposed we're talking about around three hundred dollars each year for people of care back it seems the protests have to do more with their identity with
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a special welfare system that they are striving to keep it's also interesting is the student movement is nothing new in quebec for decades has the government tried to raise tuition fees and every time people stand up against it in order to keep education affordable because the lower tuition rates in north america and because they generally believe that education is is a right not a privilege and from everyone i've talked to i heard they don't want to be like they don't want it to be like in the us where to issue these are skyrocketing their argument is that an equal opportunity is that the stage of education contribute to social injustice and to the growing rift between the rich and the poor. what would you say that these protests so far are mostly peaceful and how are police responding. well police we action has been mixed i should say last week when the santai progress law was passed hundreds of thousands took to the streets of
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montréal if we're talking about montreal police arrested more than seven hundred people in just one day but people continue to go out and marjah every night and what happened is and i've been observing this the police escort the marching you can see police cars in the front mounted police in the back and they weren't people that were there or what they're doing is illegal and they might be arrested and the march goes on and it's all very peacefully and the people here made a point during this week which is police can't arrest everybody as long as the community stays united and at this point. where it is or where as a going. well let's see what's next there is a legal motion already to strike down this same type protest law on the grounds that it's unconstitutional also students more jeffrey night very loudly by the way it all looks like a huge festival and their motto is my actual in shock so i get
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a big walk which means we're going to march every day until we win so that i would be i guess their answer to your question about what's next and thank you very much for keeping us updated over there that was our t. correspondent diane h. to can. an international trade agreement between nine countries now stirring controversy on capitol hill that's because some lawmakers are wondering why it's all a big secret that's called the trans-pacific partnership and it's a trade agreement between chile australia new zealand and the united states among other countries now one senator is taking the lead and speaking out against this senator ron wyden says he plans to introduce legislation that would require the u.s. trade representative to consult with lawmakers he says the obama administration is refusing to give any details on the treaty talks leaving the american people in the dark as to what exactly is going on for more on this i was joined by melinda st louis international campaigns director for public citizen. well the transpacific
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partnership as you mentioned is a deal between the us and eight other pacific rim countries and the secret is that there are negotiations happening behind closed doors between our trade representatives and their six hundred corporate advisors that are writing the text reading the text have access to it and the us public and the congress and the press have absolutely no no voice at all in the process and what do you think is going on behind behind closed doors and what would motivate the obama administration to keep it a secret well we know why they want to keep it a secret because it's not an agreement that would stand up to public scrutiny the u.s. public is is actually very concerned about these types of so-called free trade agreements by in a bipartisan fashion people in the us oppose the nafta style of trade agreement
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that has off shored millions of us jobs and that has banned by america pure pure meant meaning that our tax dollars can't be used for local per curiam in our in our schools and so forth there are concerns about the fact that it could limit internet freedom like the sopa legislation that was defeated in congress is actually a backdoor way to get that there are other there's concerns about food safety there are ways that we can label our food are we able to do that financial stability there actually are trying to limit the of the ways that we can regulate wall street so there are all kinds of pieces in this agreement where corporations are trying to go behind our democratic process and get what they want through this so-called free trade agreement and out senator wyden as one of the senators that is speaking out against this among other people and he is concerned that this legislation gets corporations more influence than the elected leaders is that essentially what it
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does. yes well we certainly believe so if the senate senator wyden who is the chair of the subcommittee in the senate that oversees our international trade does not have access to the text nor does his staff even though they have security clearance to do so and yet there are six hundred cleared corporate advisors who we know have access to that text that is exactly what we're seeing and so senator wyden in a bold move right now is say. i don't understand why this could possibly be the case that a clue even a senator with his jurisdiction in our in our congress does not have access to the tech that is the obama administration do they not have the obligation to to to give these details while some center why did certainly think so and we do as well as as a public he his bill basically will reinterprets two thousand and two law that over that created
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a congressional oversight group and what he's saying is that the obama administration is saying only members of the congressional oversight group should be able to have access to the text when he said no this was supposed to actually increasing gauge minute congress not decreasing ajman of congress and so all members of congress should have access to this now what does this mean for us for the american people and why should they be concerned about this well we're very concerned as a consumer advocacy group because we want to make sure that our democratic process we fight hard to get the types of legislation to to regulate wall street to make sure that we have a free internet to make sure that our food is safe that our water is safe we don't want so-called trade deal to come through the back door and actually undermine that type of democratic policymaking that we've made in our country and we certainly don't want to be offshoring more millions of us jobs in a time when there is
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a record unemployment we this is this is the type of agreement that we're opening up. a trade with with countries in asia that and and reducing tariffs and so forth to make it possible for countries that have much lower wages and working conditions and environmental standards to be able to trade and we want to we want to increase trade but we want to do it in a fair way that actually benefits the populations of both of our countries and it doesn't force global. so the bottom as we've seen in these other trade agreements in the us so it sounds like this is a very important treaty that can affect everybody at every day average citizens but and what do you think this has to say the fact that it is being done behind closed doors about transparency and the obama administration well it's it's a very important question because president obama is you know is pushing more transparency the u.s. trade representative's office claims that they want to it being gauged in a transparent process but in the past we've seen trade deals where at this stage in
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the process they haven't released the text to the public and they are not doing that and so so we're you know calling on the trade officials and the corporate advisors that are are leading them to to open this up and to if this is really going to be good for our country we all should be able to see what's in it and if there and if we can't see what's in it we want to know why now that senator wyden what one of the lawmakers that's kind of taking the lead and trying to get the details out there now as of this piece of legislation in the works how confident are you that this will pass and heal you know so that the american people can find out what exactly is going on with this treaty well we certainly think that what he's doing is an important first step and we certainly hope that that it is a wake up call to the administration to other members of congress i think part of the reason that they've been able to get away with this for so long is that people haven't been paying attention and that no one's even heard of this treaty but as it as grassroots people from around the country to send petitions and so forth we
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think that it's a first step we think members of congress should have access but we also think the press and the public should have access to and that wouldn't be senator wyden still is if is a first step but we've seen other members of congress also taking steps there were sixty nine members of congress that signed a letter about the by the ban on by american preferences in the trip in the treaty that they're concerned about that representative frank and representative. levin who are some of the most the top democrats in finance and trade in the house sent a letter saying we're concerned about provisions that have to do with kenai key finance provision so i think that it's. starting to get get attention and we're really glad that that's the case because we think that the american people need to know what's being negotiated in their name right melinda thank you very much that was melinda family with international campaign director for public that it's in. full it's like mitt romney's day of victory has finally come it's expected that
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after today's primary in texas romney will claim enough delegates to secure his nomination romney has one thousand and eighty six delegates at the moment that's fifty eight shy of the delegates he needs to clinch the nomination but it's expected he will have a no problem getting them and texas today since there are one hundred fifty five up for grabs but this has been no easy victory for romney and ron paul's very energized base continues to rally behind their candidate and now there's been news that paul's son rand paul is already threatening a president romney should he run for reelection in two thousand and sixteen earlier i spoke with brian dorothy senior editor for reason dot com and author of the book ron paul revolution the man and the movement he inspired. i actually question those numbers by the way n.p.r. has a good article about the a.p. numbers that people are relying on romney winning
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a bunch of delegates in iowa that he almost certainly isn't going to but let's stipulate that in the end mitt romney will be the nominee and go from there the meeting with the rand paul that you talked about i think is a very encouraging sign for the ron paul fan that romney considers ron paul rand paul and their supporters to be a force that he has the reckoned with unlike in two thousand and eight when the republican party very rudely shut out ron paul and the ron paul people from even appearing at their convention leading wrong to run a challenger convention across town they're being very ginger with the ron paul people that's not romney is politically intelligent enough to understand that merely being mitt romney alienates ron paul fans quite a bit but he should not go out of his way to upset them even further and that he's definitely something is going on between him and rand paul of course they have not publicly said what it is some are speculating it even be a vice presidential offer to rand i think that's unlikely but at the very least romney is trying to keep the ron paul people close and he needs to do that if he's
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going to win in november now after loyal ron paul supporters like yourself and with what they expected minutes to come out of texas tonight what do you do now. there all people are going to do what ron paul has asked them to do continue moving forward and try to come into tampa with the largest number of delegates they can even if they can't win the reason for that is right now they are trying to make a show of force they are trying to show the republican party that they are not a range that can be ignored and thus the difference between coming in with say one hundred fifty delegates and coming in with say four hundred is significant even if it's not a victory ron paul is going to come out of this not just one of those many people who lost this year but as the loyal opposition the leader of the other most powerful wing of the party that's going to be the romney wing that's going to win but then there's going to be the paul wing that i think is going to be the future
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of the party movement forward but because of the youth and the energy behind paul spent the amount they way more than gave him bridge or santorum if you combine being rich and santorum and they all giving other republican party cannot alienate these people they are going to be the political wave of the future and also because they are the only ones who actually have a e.o.p. appropriate solution to the problems of debt and spending which mitt romney does not ron paul is the serious conservative in the race and the republican party have to pay attention to that move forward and so what does that tell what extent would you say that ron paul has really set the cowling for the campaign. he has not said it as much as i would have liked to because of course we are going to probably see mitt romney who is is that anti paul in many ways that obama is i mean if you're a whole person that means you're anti-war in your anti government spending it means you're anti government running medicine and it means you're pro civil liberties
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mitt romney and obama are kind of on the opposite side of all of that but what ron paul has proven is not that he has been able to shape what the g.o.p. is going to put forward this year but that he and his people are going to shape what it is moving forward with their delegate accumulation and their taking over of state and local party apparatus which is the other thing that the wrong people have been doing kind of under the radar very successfully now paul the libertarian message on the values that he kind of emphasized throughout the campaign do you expect them to kind of gain momentum and the coming years. i think they i mean i think they have to first of all because the crises of government overreach that ron paul has educated so many people on the you know the problems with inflation room and bust imperial overreach that we're adding a trillion to every year he's the only one with serious allusion to the problems in the country needs those serious solutions and you also need to look as i said at the youth of his the fans and how much they are willing to give to a candidate who no one ever thought there was any chance of winning you know no
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political party can afford to turn their back on the people who have legitimate solutions to our national crises the young on their side and a willingness to be giving strong powerful activists this all have to add to the future of the republican party at least for a while now that i am it is expected that romney is going to pull this off tonight i'm already seeing commercial from the obama administration in and out the administration his campaign rather targeting romney here's one that came out today . well you just the show should have given those who have a crucial to know who may have won something on the first maybe religion says he's a muslim so i think i really did a great job of getting him to i mean first of all i haven't seen it here just look at it that he does and i'll look at it later but i don't need to look at your copy in an interview with the daily beast lloyd grove donald trump would not back down
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he said that he was born in kenya raised in indonesia so why is mitt romney sort of throwing a party with donald trump to raise money i can't speak for donald trump gloria as i said i mean mitt romney has made it clear that this is not an issue for him. so we're already seeing these attacks on mitt romney's character well what do you make of us that was a real obama campaign that my gosh look i mean this is why the country from. your politics is reduced to this sort of completely shot it going on each other while we're facing this enormous. medical systems crashing you know imperial overreach killing thousands of more soldiers and this is what romney obama come up with it's just pathetic and this is why our country needs all of you know very well i think that this is just the beginning and there's a lot more to come brian thank you for coming on the show that was brian authority
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is a senior editor for reason dot com and author of the book ron paul revolution the man and the movement inspired. also had an r.t. it looks like al qaeda operatives aren't the only ones being targeted by the u.s. coming up i'll tell you about julian us on just the latest legal struggle. just put a picture of me when i was like nine years old when she told the truth. i am a total get over that high low gravity and. it was kind of yesterday. i'm very happy with its place.
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there even when i. walk in the alone a fellow you know gets a real headline with none of them are the problem with the mainstream media today is that they're completely disconnected from the viewers and what actually matters to those viewers and so that's why young people just don't watch t.v. anymore if they want news they go online and read it but we're trying to take those stories that people actually care about and transfer them back to t.v. . a verdict expected tomorrow for a week bill the wiki leaks founder julian assange as he fights his extradition to sweden washington's relentless pursuit of a song on the lead a whistleblower bradley manning is no secret and for some experts the u.s. government's high profile crackdown on the two men is designed to send a warning to other critics of washington's actions and other whistleblowers are to
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his marina poor and i reports. because he's an australian citizen in the custody of britain fighting extradition to sweden julian assange just feet plays out like a game of chess and no one wants the king of wiki leaks more than america wiki leaks wiki leaks wiki leaks wiki leaks since january two thousand and eleven washington has had plans for a song by secret uncovered earlier this month after five million confidential emails from the global intelligence company stratfor were published by guess who when a defendant is outside of the us they'll get an indictment which is secret they'll see all of the charging document the indictment they will ask or an arrest warrant and that matter will also be so you know that why the u.s. stands behind a big large boulder if you will and then jumps out from that boulder and arrest
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someone under house arrest for more than a year assigned has not been charged with any crime in any country though sweden wants to question him over sex related allegations the u.s. meanwhile is determined to punish the forty year old who do put a different gun but he back for exposing confidential cables repeatedly shaming america by shining a spotlight on the legalities and overseas military operations and some embarrassing tactics and opinions from the state department washington says publishing the documents has created a national security risk the justice department has reportedly mounted an unprecedented investigation into wiki leaks aimed at was securing a songe under the espionage act they're going to continue to go after mr assad to make a point that we're tough and we're not going to let anybody throat murder whether it's al qaida or whether it's an australian national and some say they'll go to any
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lengths. to make the point u.s. government within the federal criminal arena likes to charge others who were either aided and abetted assisted or were full blown coconspirators or likes to go after those in an effort to flip. to get them to cooperate with the u.s. government against the major players in this case mr a song sources tell r.t. that the u.s. is now working on flipping none other than private bradley manning the u.s. soldier is facing twenty two federal charges for allegedly leaking seven hundred thousand documents and video to wiki leaks he's one of six americans obama's administration has charged with espionage if one of those cases makes it to the supreme court and the supreme court upholds the espionage act as an act which essentially criminalizes any whistleblower anybody who exposes war crimes anybody
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who challenges the official narrative of the lies of the state. then that's it because that would mean that any leaker can automatically be sent to prison for life and at that point any idea of freedom of information is over we will only know what the state wants us to know it's supposed to be about protecting the national security of the united states but that is not the way the journalism industry will do it they will view it as being something that is a message to them be careful who you talk to be careful whom you write because of what you write because you could be next and i think a number of reporters are going to say i'm not risking critics say the obama administration's unprecedented war on whistleblowers could ultimately deliver i death sentence to freedom of the press if people or publishers could be criminally convicted and jailed for exposing the truth.


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