tv [untitled] May 29, 2012 9:30pm-10:00pm EDT
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walker is i have in the polls a week before the recall election how confident are democrats about their chances of overtaking walker and what are the plans for the next week also scientists for the first time have discovered bluefin tuna contaminated by the fukushima nuclear crisis in japan last year swimming off the coast of california one of their impacts with the fukushima disaster have on america what's the status of the stricken fukushima nuclear plant today and into one's daily take how do your rig an election this gas florida florida governor rick scott what what's he doing to help mitt romney win come november and how can the people of florida stop it. best for the rest of the news to a story that tragically just won't go away the focus human nuclear crisis radioactive fish are now swimming in u.s.
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waters scientists have for the first time discovered bluefin tuna that were contaminated by the fukushima nuclear crisis in japan last year swimming off the coast of california radioactive cesium ten times above the normal level it was found in the fish though health officials say the levels are too low to be considered a health threat and again no amount of radiation is good for you meanwhile back at the crippled nuclear plant a bulge was detected in the walls at reactor four increasing fears that the structure holding tens of thousands of highly radioactive spent fuel rods is not sound should the reactor four building give way it could trigger a nuclear disaster far worse than sure and all for the latest on all this i'm joined by kevin camp's radioactive waste watchdog at beyond nuclear kevin welcome back thanks tom first of all the bluefin tuna you were predicting this year ago on this program what's the status of. the tuna and seafood in general. you know
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i got my geiger counter but i haven't gone out of the fish shop and besides that the fish market says that we're on the east coast not the west coast what's going on well first of all you need special monitors to check internal contamination of bluefin tuna you would need to can you can register cesium with a geiger counter possibly if it's on the surface you could detect it but this is deep imbedded in the muscle of the tuna and that's exactly where it would go in humans and apparently what happened this new study that's out proceedings of the national academy of sciences backed by researchers from stanford university from woods hole oceanographic institute shows that the muscle tissue of the tuna is contaminated with radioactive cesium one thirty seven radioactive cesium one thirty four unmistakeably undeniably from fukushima daiichi the massive releases of radioactivity into the ocean which was unprecedented in scale and in nature that happened in march and april of two thousand and eleven and actually these readings on the tuna were taken in august of two thousand and eleven so incredibly it takes
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this long for the truth to come out even in britain dated august was. eight months ago something like that i mean nine months ago so people have been eating tuna for the last half a year have been eating caesium we've been very concerned since the beginning of the catastrophe that the us federal government has not been checking in anything close to an adequate way the food supply especially the seafood supply which is imbedded with radioactivity in this case the tuna which spawned off the east coast of japan then swam across the ocean some five thousand plus miles and arrived at southern california in august of two thousand and eleven and that's like you said we discussed that whether it's salmon whether it's tuna these predatory fish of larger size have eaten smaller fish which a smaller fish which ate plankton all of which is concentrating the radioactivity up the food chain so it's not just downstream it's not just downwind it's up the
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food chain over vast distances over long periods of time which is so too and end up with such high mercury levels as well because they're at the top of the food chain or close to the top of the food chain in the ocean. but let's talk about cesium for a moment my understand you know i've been the set up i said that the government is saying that this is ten times normal levels. if i'm wrong correct me with my understanding is that radioactive cesium pretty much doesn't exist normally that the cesium leftover from the big bang has long gone away and it's only the byproduct of radioactive decay and so the the natural background level of cesium should be zero so what is the normal level of this is ten times of the leftovers from the above ground nuclear blast and things like that you're absolutely right the hundreds and even thousands of atmospheric bomb tests that took place starting in one thousand nine hundred five with trinity in new mexico and then hiroshima and nagasaki left radioactive cesium in the environment but radioactive cesium one
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thirty four is relatively short lived. two year half life which means it's more hazardous in the near term as it decays quickly so there is radioactive cesium one thirty four in the tuna that is from fukushima daiichi radioactive cesium one thirty seven has a longer half life of thirty years so three hundred to six hundred years of hazardous persistence that is also so in thirty years it's half as potent to the sixty years it's a quarter as potent in the high to be going to serve if you should really multiply the halflife by twenty to get the hazardous persistence hazardous persistence for the cesium one thirty four is going to be more like twenty to forty years so how does cesium affect the human body if you if you eat some of those tuna you know what happens it seeks human muscle tissue and so one of the conditions that has come out of turn noble is called turn noble heart and there's actually an oscar award winning documentary film called turn noble heart that shows that in children heart pathology that you wouldn't expect to see in tell much older ages is present
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in epidemic numbers in belarus ukraine western russia including things like holes in the heart and the bell of russian scientists that determine the mechanism for the radioactive cesium causing this harm was thrown in prison for a number of years by the belorussian dictatorship because it has a pro nuclear agenda now and that would be presumably because the heart is a massive muscle and it's regenerating itself continuously probably more aggressively than other muscles in the body and so it's continually uptaking nutrients that you eat in the body things that cesium is potassium you have that right that's right it's through the same and you're right it doesn't exist in nature so the body doesn't know what to do with it treats it like potassium and that is dry and it never experience it because potassium something we need you want to have the body wants to hang on to. while that's amazing. and just to close that before we get to reactor for safe levels of radiation again my understanding is that one single particle one single photon of radioactive energy
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if it not. rocks d.n.a. the d.n.a. strand in a the gene a but one cell in the wrong way you got cancer typically what it does it kills the cells but just all it takes is one radioactive atom and one cell to meet in the in the correct way and boom you get cancer so how could there be any dose that is safe it's a part of the nuclear establishment so to bamboozle the public just like you know radioactive cesium in nature it's not in nature this is artificial poison and again with the national academy of sciences going back decades they've affirmed that any exposure to radioactivity no matter how low the dose carries a health risk of cancer but those risks accumulate over a lifetime so all of this downplaying of the radioactive cesium contamination in the tuna is yet another example of the nuclear establishment in industry and government trying to put people to sleep to these very real risks tobacco doesn't
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cause cancer neither does make got away with that for decades yeah and now the exact same scientists are the ones who are promoting i mean literally some of the exact same scientists are promoting the idea that there's no such thing as global warming in the nuclear powers is safia. do you we've talked many times to a reactor for the again my recollection is that it's uniquely dangerous because it has both spent fuel rods in it and new fuel rods they had offloaded the fuel from the reactor into the pool just before the earthquake because that is that correct right the less the less used fuel rods would be more apt to start a nuclear chain reaction inadvertently so that's the danger there and these are in a pool in the roof of this of this ten or twelve story tall building that is at its sides and blown out and is listing yes and the most recent news is there's a bolt on the side of the building so that's raised concerns about the stability of the building itself the pool floor has been supported by steel jacks since shortly
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into this catastrophe over a year so any boil down of the pool if. as last cooling even last month for twenty four hours the cooling system malfunction so it began to heat up over that twenty four hour period or if the building collapses or the pool for falls out that would be an instant drain down in either case once the fuel is exposed to air it's just a matter of some hours at most before that's on fire and one hundred percent of the radioactive cesium could be released by the fire in the smoke up to eight times turn obols cesium releases are in that one pool at fukushima daiichi and wow and if that one goes down there's six reactors at that site seven waste sites if i remember current rules or so what kind of risk does that represent and what are the probabilities or possibilities of react of reactor building for catching fire as you suggested and that spreading all the japanese diplomat who's called
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international attention to this issue through his hard work points out that fifty meters away from the unit for building is the common pool at fukushima daiichi seeing for the biggest one with the most waste in it so if that you know for pool goes up in flames the entire site is going to have to be evacuated and if cooling goes down for whatever reason in those other pools then they're going to boil dry and catch on fire too we have those risks here in the united states just by way of example the pilgrim nuclear power plant that just got a twenty year license rubberstamp from the nuclear regulatory commission although the chairman dissented yet again four to one vote has a lot more waste in it than the unit for pool at fukushima dai ichi every fuel assembly ever generated at pilgrim so close to boston massachusetts is still in the pool there close to three thousand assemblies versus unit four has thirteen hundred incredible we're given we have the rep of thank you for being with us thanks tom keep up the great work kevin camps given everything we've seen over the last year from fukushima to contaminated sea life to now radiation here in the united states
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in our tuna is anyone out there is still think nuclear power is a good idea if we continue our addiction to the world's most expensive and most dangerous form of energy and just a matter of time before we to get burned. in other news there was constant recall election now heads into its final week according to polls dot com in the fifteen polls they're tracking scott walker is clinging to a narrow four point lead thanks in large part to massive fundraising from out of state millionaires and billionaires but democrats in the state are still confident that of poll numbers remain close then their massive ground game on election day could put milwaukee mayor tom barrett over the top ousting walker from office but leave it up to walker's corporate overlords to spring into action now as investigative journalist leaf falling at the republican reporter's writing the koch brothers funded tea party group americans for prosperity is calling on illinois residents to board buses in june second and ride to wisconsin to rally and canvass
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for scott walker americans for prosperity promises free food for any volunteers this is exactly what americans for prosperity did back in two thousand and nine to mobilize people all around the country against president obama's health reform law so unlikely that unlike the truly grassroots movement they collected a million signatures to recall walker from office the koch funded effort to keep walker in office is nothing but pure astroturf wisconsin will pit organized money against organized people which is frankly a preview of what the two thousand and twelve presidential election will be all about as well that's why what's so hat what's happening right now in the badger state is so important and why all hands need to be on deck for progressives to have a chance every claim in wisconsin. coming up florida governor rick scott is priming his state for a mitt romney victory in november by throwing thousands of eligible democratic
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voters off the voter rolls floridians do to protect their right to vote and stop governor scott walker's war on voters i'll tell you tonight still a tale. of american power continues. things in our country. might actually be time for a revolution. and it turns out that a procurer drink at starbucks reza surprising him. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you. see some other part of it and realize that everything. is
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a big issue. here when you. look in the loan itself you know get the real headlines with none of them are the problem with the mainstream media today is that they're completely disconnected from the viewers and what actually matters. that's why young people don't watch t.v. anymore if they want news they go online and read it but we're trying to take those stories that people actually care about and transfer them back to t.v. .
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i'm learning this for. our first comments and i come soon as who lives in the small village of tread in southern france. arbonne dot com message boards has some questions for me about u.s. politics tom i am mark from fronts and there are many things i do not understand about us politics among them i heard and read numerous times that the poor did not vote in your country that is true could you please explain why i really do not get this thing i don't get is why is it that you guys vote on tuesdays and not on weekends i don't want to people voting i can go on and on with things i find
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bizarre in your politics like why is fifty one out of one hundred not considered a majority in the sun it etc congratulations for your show thank you very much for watching us in france first of all we vote on tuesdays because the founders wrote that in the constitution i'm frankly not sure why but it is an anachronism and it should be fixed it being in the constitution though it's going to take a constitutional amendment to change it but the ability to stretch out voting time is something that can be done in every state and has been done in most states and we need more of that as to why the poor don't vote in the united states and that's been a conundrum for a lot of years and i think a lot of the problem there is the conflation by the supreme court of speech and money they have taken the position that that cash is not property it is speech and so these big corporations and billionaires use their free speech money to convince people that their interest is the interest of the billionaires. the next comment of the night comes from a viewer in salinas california he had this reaction to
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a segment i did last week on my radio show. how you mentioned google glass popping up for internet searches and one of the things that you mentioned was at work here at your cubicle your internet searching for a chevy or a porn or whatever my comment would be why are you doing these searches at work you're being paid at work to work you're not being paid at work to internet whatever condition you happen to have however tragic that might be enjoying with cancer however but you're not being paid there to search the internet you're being paid to work so it really shouldn't matter as far as work is concerned who views who sees these these google ads popping up by your internet searching at work there to work thank you. but we did a whole hour on this on the radio show and apparently you didn't listen very carefully i was talking about how my wife is going through chemotherapy right now
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and was googling wigs on line because her hair is going to fall out and then discovered that if she goes to any other computer and logs into her or her g. mail account and then just does any kind you know look at the new york times ads for wigs are popping up and the point was that you could go to work and if you logged in to check your e-mail or he logged into anything that identified you you as. google and all these other companies are tracking you across the internet and they throw those ads out so i mean louise isn't embarrassed about the fact that she's looking at wigs and she's doing chemotherapy but what if she had been googling porn or whatever she had been googling hiv and she didn't want people to know or whatever and shouldn't we have a right to privacy and should corporations be able to cyber stalkers i don't think so. i don't think they should be able to cyber stalkers i do think we should have a right to privacy our final comment the night comes from report come on who posted on our tom hartman facebook page he had this question about getting medications and drugs in the united states could someone tell me why we have to rely on getting
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drugs created by huge corporations and have to pay large amounts of money for them when we could grow a plant in our own homes that could help us well you have a simple answer because somebody can make money on it and once again the supreme court has said that that money is speech and so those people who can make money off pharmaceuticals and who would lose money if you were able to grow plants or for example pot your backyard it might be helpful for things like you know chemotherapy nazia then you know they make less money and so they they will use that money to lobby for things like extending nixon's failed drug war for another five years or build more private prisons or make the make the laws harsh it's just frankly wrong . that's it for your take my take tonight if you like your comments heard on this segment or the big picture listen up we want to know your to send us your comments by visiting the tom hartman facebook page via twitter at tom underscore her or in
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the chat room on the message boards or through the blog at thom hartmann dot com you can also leave a message on our rant line at two a two by three six fifty three zero six agree disagree sound off it's all welcome to remember that your comments may be used on the air. it's the good the bad and the very very catechetical caddick hail asli ugly they're good arizona homeowners arizona like many other states plans to use some of its share of the national foreclosure fraud settlement for other purposes however homeowners in arizona caught on to the plan and they're suing the state government and their lawsuit the owners argue that the use of money for anything other than helping foreclosure victims is illegal purpose of the foreclosure fraud settlement was to help homeowners hurt by the actions of big banks kudo's for the people of arizona for standing up for what is rightfully theirs. the bad ohio governor john
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casey case in the state of ohio are set to execute abdulla. all next week for the murder of the strange wife and brother in law however he had both a history of mental breakdowns and suicidal depression prior to the murders had a history of hallucinations and was found to be mentally incompetent on two separate occasions both before and during his incarceration well there's no question that what he did was terrible the justice system failed him he's now going to be put to death even though he was proven to be mentally incompetent and shouldn't placed a mental institution yet another reason the american criminal justice system needs some serious reform and the very very ugly u.s. senate candidate todd akin taken a republican senate candidate from missouri told voters during a primary debate last week that he might support eliminating the direct election of senators a right guaranteed under the seventeenth amendment take a listen. i have
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a very serious concern about a row should have states' rights very serious concern of that and this reversing this decision might pull lead balance back. a strong conservative i don't think the federal government should be doing a whole lot of things that it's doing and it may well be that a repeal the seventeenth amendment might tend to pull it back just so you know that phrase direct election of senators means you and i get to vote for our senators who used to be before that amendment was passed that the senators were appointed by governors or by the states usually because they got paid mr aiken wants to take away any control we the people have left over our government elected officials and that is very very unlikely.
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in florida election fix is already in right now this guy republican governor rick scott is priming his state for a mitt romney victory in november and he's doing it the same way republicans in florida have often done it and that's by kicking democratic voters off the voting rolls last year scott told his secretary of state ken browning to begin compiling a list of voters in the state who aren't legal citizens so they can have their voting rights revoked browning did what he asked and came up with one hundred eighty two thousand floridians who were possible non-citizens brought himself admitted the list was filled with their and shouldn't be taken public or used to keep voters off the rolls governor scott didn't care though and after brownie resigned in february scott went ahead doing exactly that and already thousands of voters have been purged according to documents obtained by the center for american progress of the floridians tagged by scott in miami dade county over three hundred
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fifty were wrongfully identified and are actually u.s. citizens who came forward with proof of their citizenship to get their voting rights restored most of the rest of the people flagged in that county haven't responded yet and many likely never will even if they are citizens and probably all of them are because they have other things to worry about like getting to work driving their kids to school feeding their family rather than trying to jump over another hurdle to vote in fact many of them probably thought the mail from the governor was just campaign spam so by ignoring his letter they guarantee that they'll be removed from the polls and that's exactly what the governor wants fewer people voting but not just fewer people voting fewer democrats vote. a study by the miami herald found that scots governor scott's voter purge is targeting minority and democratic voters as a newspaper reports hispanic democratic and independent minded voters are the most likely to be targeted in
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a state hunter removed thousands of non-citizens from florida's voting rolls whites and republicans are disproportionately the least likely to face the threat of removal florida's guaranteed to be a battleground state this year and kicking a few thousand democrats off the rolls could flip the election in romney's favor eka work in two thousand for george w. bush and his brother jeb denied thousands of mostly african-american floridians their right to vote in error ridden bid to remove tens of thousands of convicted felons from the voting rolls using phone lines from texas of all things but that was just what bush needed to prevent a sizable gore win in florida and then they petition the supreme court to appoint bush as president of united states saying if he wasn't it would cause irreparable harm to the supreme court made in principle as a new york times reporter in a better twelfth two thousand and one after it and a consortium of news organizations conducted their own recount in florida gore
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actually won the state the new york times wrote if all the ballots had been reviewed under any obsessive and different standards and combined with the results of an examination of over votes mr gore would have won you would think the revelation that the wrong man is sitting in the white house would be front page news instead it was buried in the seventeenth paragraph of a story misleadingly titled study of disputed florida ballots finds justices did not cast the deciding vote the reason why it was buried because nine eleven just happened and the times didn't want to diminish bush's claim to the white house in the middle of a national crisis so the stolen election stood. and now here we are again twelve years later with republicans trying to steal florida for a second time governor rick scott knows his job and that's to deliver the sunshine state for mitt romney just like jeb bush did for his brother back in two thousand and as the miami herald reports he's doing it by arrogantly kicking democrats off
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the rolls if eight years of an illegitimate bush presidency should have taught us one thing especially in florida it's hell precious our votes are and how drastically the nation changes in just a few hundred people in one state are denied their voice in our democracy let's see to it that the that doesn't happen again if you're in florida and you need to get out and get active against this war on voters because if you don't they will steal it again. as the big picture for tonight for more information on the star stories we covered visit our website at tom arbonne dot com free speech dot org and. also check out our two youtube channels there are links to thom hartmann dot com also tom hartman dot com check out all the different ways you can send us your feedback and don't forget democracy is not a spectator sport it requires you we should let our democracy be rather than watching paid for by a bunch of cranky billionaires we have to get out there and participate tag your it
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